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03-10-2016, 01:52 PM

03-10-2016, 04:52 PM

If this were an isolated incident then OK maybe it shouldn't be a big deal. ONE GUY. fine we know there's always someone. But this has gone on since the beginning of his run.
Blacks, Latinos, muslims and whites kicked, beat, spit on, dragged, women pushed, signs ripped out of hands etc.. over and over and over again and the one response from Trump i've heard "maybe they should have been beaten".

Trump may not be directly responsible for what his supporters do and say. but he is responsible for not speaking out against it. And allowing his supporters to believe it's OK.

the fascist mob mentality bred by Trump is the most disturbing thing about his run.

03-10-2016, 07:51 PM
Denied, but there's some proof:


<header style="box-sizing: border-box;">Exclusive: Audio and transcript of Breitbart reporter allegedly being roughed up by Trump campaign manager</header><footer class="meta" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0.5em;">By HADAS GOLD (http://www.politico.com/staff/hadas-gold)
03/10/16 04:55 PM EST

Donald Trump's spokesperson flatly denied (http://www.politico.com/blogs/on-media/2016/03/breitbart-michelle-fields-trump-220579) on Thursday that campaign manager Corey Lewandowski roughed up a reporter for the conservative website Breitbart, and suggested she was fabricating the incident in a desperate bid for attention.

A roughly two and a half minute audio recording of the incident obtained by POLITICO — while not definitive — supports the reporter's version of the events, which were witnessed by Washington Post reporter Ben Terris.

A transcript of the alleged altercation between the reporter, Michelle Fields, and Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, follows below, along with her conversation with Terris:


Din of people talking, clanking of glasses, snippets of conversation, reporters telling one another to 'move up a little', greeting each other, saying 'good to see you' saying 'OK good quote then', then clearly action picks up as cameras start clicking.

Fields: “Mr. Trump, you went after the late Scalia for affirmative action, do you -- are you still against affirmative action?"

Voice (allegedly Corey Lewandowski): “Excuse me, thank you.”

A few moments later (noise of the room can be heard)...

Terris: “You OK?"

Fields: “Holy sh*t."

Terris: “Yea he just threw you down."

Fields: “I can’t believe he just did that that was so hard. Was that Corey?"

Terris: “Yeah, like, what threat were you?"

Fields: "That was insane. You should have felt how hard he grabbed me. That's insane. I’ve never had anyone do that to me from a campaign."

Terris: “Can I put that in my story?"

Fields: “Yeah, go for it — that was really awful. That’s so unprofessional.”

Terris: “He really just almost threw you down on the ground."

Fields: “He literally went like this and was grabbing me down. "I don’t even want to do what he just did to me. Oh my God, that really spooked me that someone would do that."

Terris: “What threat were you?"

Fields: “Nothing. I was asking about affirmative action."

Terris: “And he probably knows you, right?"

Fields: “Yeah, I don’t understand. That looks horrible. You’re going after a Breitbart reporter, the people who are nicest to you?"

Terris: “I know, I’m going to put it in my story."'

The two stop talking. Din/noise of people talking, glasses clinking continue through end of the recording.

03-10-2016, 07:54 PM
Another incident today:


Protester gets struck in the face at Trump rally


Another day, another story of someone being manhandled at a Trump rally.

Today’s victim is 26-year-old Rakeem Jones who was at the rally to protest Trump. Police eventually came to escort him and three or four other protesters outside. The Washington Post notes Jones was flipping the bird (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/03/10/trump-protester-sucker-punched-at-north-carolina-rally-videos-show/) to the crowd on his way out but there is no evidence he touched anyone.

Video posted to You Tube from several angles shows a white man with long hair and a hat walked to the end of his row of seats and waited for Jones to pass up the aisle. Suddenly, the white man throws an elbow to Jones’ face. Jones later told the Post (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/03/10/trump-protester-sucker-punched-at-north-carolina-rally-videos-show/),

“Boom, he caught me. After I get it, before I could even gain my thoughts, I’m on the ground getting escorted out. Now I’m waking up this morning looking at the news and seeing me getting hit again.”

Instead of grabbing the man who threw the punch, three police officers bring Jones to the ground. Here’s a collection of clips which shows the incident from several angles:

This is far from the first time something like this has happened at a Trump rally. Last week I wrote about (http://hotair.com/archives/2016/03/02/black-college-student-repeatedly-shoved-at-trump-rally/) Shiya Nwanguma who was also at a rally to protest and was shoved harshly and repeatedly by several members of the crowd.

There’s also the story of reporter Michelle Fields who was nearly yanked to the ground (http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2016/03/10/3276486/) by Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, while asking a question:


03-10-2016, 08:16 PM
Look at the amount of attention some people get at a political rally, and declare the VIOLENCE a terrible thing. Meanwhile...The streets of America are experiencing overwhelming numbers of VIOLENCE through shootings, robberies, rapes, driveby's, carjacking, stabbings, and Stupidity.

Not to mention the UNSPOKEN WAR on police officers by hypocrites, racists, and generally Dumb people who hate, and claim Obama is their HERO???

Nobody wants to be cornered by exposing REAL VIOLENCE....which most seem to CONDONE because of their HATRED, IGNORANCE, and SELFISH STUPIDITY.

Go figure.?

03-10-2016, 08:20 PM
I don't care if it's Trump or another candidate, their supporters can get 'heated' when opposing sides show up, that is why they employ security. In these cases though, the norms aren't being followed. While one can certainly argue that Trump's rhetoric has led to his supporters feeling that such behavior may be ok, the campaign, (Note I'm not blaming the candidate, normally they may well miss what's going on), better get a grip on this though, it's going to be focused on now:


Donald Trump rallies are turning violent
Observers have been worrying about heightened tensions atDonald Trump (http://money.cnn.com/2016/03/09/news/economy/donald-trump-china-currency-yuan/index.html?iid=EL) rallies for while, and now they're turning violent.
On Wednesday night, a Trump supporter sucker-punched (http://www.cnn.com/2016/03/10/politics/donald-trump-protestor-punch-face/index.html?iid=EL) an African-American protester as he was being escorted out of a rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina.

Last month, a Secret Service agent choke-slammed a Time Magazine photographer after he left the media pen to photograph a group of protesters.

And at Trump press conference on Tuesday night, a Breitbart News reporter was reportedly yanked by the arm by Trump's campaign manager (though the campaign disputes that account).

Such violence, which is unprecedented in the history of modern presidential campaigns, is the inevitable result of the charged anti-protester and anti-media rhetoric coming out of the mouth of the candidate himself, reporters and observers say.


03-10-2016, 08:23 PM
Look at the amount of attention some people get at a political rally, and declare the VIOLENCE a terrible thing. Meanwhile...The streets of America are experiencing overwhelming numbers of VIOLENCE through shootings, robberies, rapes, driveby's, carjacking, stabbings, and Stupidity.

Not to mention the UNSPOKEN WAR on police officers by hypocrites, racists, and generally Dumb people who hate, and claim Obama is their HERO???

Nobody wants to be cornered by exposing REAL VIOLENCE....which most seem to CONDONE because of their HATRED, IGNORANCE, and SELFISH STUPIDITY.

Go figure.?

Actually there could be a point made that the breakdown in civility on the streets, the rhetoric towards the police, have led to the same sorts of 'permission' to act like this.

It's one thing for the crowd to shout down a protester, another to sucker punch or knock someone to the ground.

03-10-2016, 08:23 PM
Fight breaks out at Newark anti-violence rally

article (http://www.nj.com/essex/index.ssf/2015/12/brawl_breaks_out_at_newark_anti-violence_rally_pho.html)

It's everywhere...

03-10-2016, 08:28 PM
Fight breaks out at Newark anti-violence rally

article (http://www.nj.com/essex/index.ssf/2015/12/brawl_breaks_out_at_newark_anti-violence_rally_pho.html)

It's everywhere...

Actually it's not at all the rallies held by all the candidates.

03-10-2016, 08:30 PM
Actually there could be a point made that the breakdown in civility on the streets, the rhetoric towards the police, have led to the same sorts of 'permission' to act like this.

It's one thing for the crowd to shout down a protester, another to sucker punch or knock someone to the ground.

Kathianne. You mean, like this?? http://icansayit.com/images/muslim5.jpg


Memories of Ferguson, Baltimore, and the shooting capital..Chicago??? LIKE THOSE??

03-10-2016, 08:44 PM
Kathianne. You mean, like this?? http://icansayit.com/images/muslim5.jpg


Memories of Ferguson, Baltimore, and the shooting capital..Chicago??? LIKE THOSE??

Ok, since those are the standards of what is acceptable, there is no point in decrying those things. Not rioting, not terrorism, not targeted police shootings, not violence in the stands at athletic events or concerts.

I don't know about anyone else, but I think the bar has now hit a new low.

But ok, no more paying attention-it's the 'new normal.'

03-10-2016, 08:52 PM
Ok, since those are the standards of what is acceptable, there is no point in decrying those things. Not rioting, not terrorism, not targeted police shootings, not violence in the stands at athletic events or concerts.

I don't know about anyone else, but I think the bar has now hit a new low.

But ok, no more paying attention-it's the 'new normal.'

Yeah, even at peace rallies...

03-10-2016, 08:56 PM
Yeah, even at peace rallies...

Good. I hope to see no more reports about black on white crimes; white on black crimes; crimes by police; crimes against police.

Seriously, violence is no longer something to bother with, unless of course it's you.

03-10-2016, 09:02 PM
Damn these folks are righteous! No fear of assault charges!


Trump Supporter Who Punched Protester: 'Next Time, We Might Have To Kill Him'

by Inside Edition 3:42 PM EST, March 10, 2016

The Trump supporter (http://www.insideedition.com/headlines/15056-trump-defends-his-manhood-at-gop-debate-i-guarantee-you-there-is-no-problem)who was filmed sucker punching a protester during Wednesday’s rally in North Carolina said: "Next time, we might have to kill him."

Multiple videos show the protester, 26-year-old Rakeem Jones, raising a middle finger to the crowd as security escorted him from the rally - before the unnamed supporter punched him to the ground.

INSIDE EDITION tracked down the supporter, 78-year-old John McGraw, who was unrepentant.

When asked if he liked the rally, he said: “You bet I liked it. Knocking the hell out of that big mouth.”

And when asked why he punched the protester, he said: "Number one, we don’t know if he’s ISIS. We don’t know who he is, but we know he’s not acting like an American, cussing me... If he wants it laid out, I laid it out."

He added: “Yes, he deserved it. (http://www.insideedition.com/videos/7546-can-donald-trump-supporters-tell-his-quotes-apart-from-hitlers) The next time we see him, we might have to kill him. We don’t know who he is. He might be with a terrorist organization.”

On Thursday, officials arrested and charged McGraw with assault and battery and disorderly conduct, according to the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office.


03-10-2016, 09:24 PM

So.... a black guy goes to a Trump rally because he wants to hear Trump and to see how he is received. He soon gets his answer.

The guy, Rakeem Jones, yells at Trump. He is immediately set on by police. As police are leading up up the aisle, he hears jeers and racial comments. Jones waves to the crowd (no middle finger, sorry) and is sucker punched by an old redneck who wanted to kill him. :rolleyes:

Once again, this is Trump being Hitler. Trump has openly encourage supporters to assault protesters, even offering to pick up legal expenses.
Hitler had storm troopers who beat up supporters of opposing political parties. If you went to a Hitler rally and protested, you could expect to be beaten and perhaps killed.

The common German citizen of the late 20s and early 30's was poor, oppressed and pissed as hell. They wanted major changes and looked for a candidate who would stand up for them. If you listened to translations of Hitler's speeches, he offered a return to prosperity, revenge on those who had wronged them and to generally make them feel good to be German again.
Support Hitler and you will have anything and everything you want. Oppose him and life will not be good.

I guessing it is very safe to attend a Trump rally. As long as you are a white male who is willing to chant the mantra. If you are a minority or you look suspicious, the Dogs of War will be hungry for blood.

03-10-2016, 10:49 PM
Shockingly :rolleyes: this topic came up at the debate. Proud to say, the crowd applauded Tapper when he read off a series of quotes where supporters may have taken Trump as saying it was ok to strike out.

Hopefully the punch today will be the last one thrown at one of his rallies. Even if this is the 'new normal.'

03-11-2016, 02:02 AM
Actually it's not at all the rallies held by all the candidates.
I've never heard of it or seen it at ANY political rallies in my life time. Not from the participants. A incidents of the cops roughing up people at conventions but not the candidates supporters beating on people from rally to rally.
Not with Carter, Reagan, Bush1, Clinton, wBush, or Obama or their opponents.
This is some creepy stuff. and the fact that no one here seems to have a problem with it but you is telling.

I can hardly imagine people being hit and pushed at nearly every Obama rally during his campaign. I can't even imagine the level of hot Blue outrage and multiple threads of words describing the Obama and his "thug" supporters that would be here. And Blame being laid SQUARELY on Obama's shoulders --only the blind and PC would make excuses for Obama--- No matter how many times he called for peace the only thing that'd matter would be the times he didn't and secret codes he gives his criminal supporters... i suspect that's the way it'd go.

But Trump doesn't say jack to reign in his thuggish supporters. He eggs them on by saying things like "maybe they deserved to be beaten". Comments like that give his ignorant supporters ... just the ignorant ones... a license to continue.

Again i have to ask. Who can honestly say that this will stop if by some tragedy he's elected?

Accusing protesters of being ISIS? Beating reporters, Mobs hitting protesters, pushing women and tossing woman to the ground. What kind of "MEN" does Trump hire that beat women?! That JackASS should be fired And Trump Should apologize to her 1st to start!

03-11-2016, 05:45 AM
I recall several assaults on white folks during various Obama rally's. But I guess it was un-pc, or perhaps racist so speak out. :rolleyes:


Black Diamond
03-11-2016, 05:56 AM
I recall several assaults on white folks during various Obama rally's. But I guess it was un-pc, or perhaps racist so speak out. :rolleyes:


Those assaults were simply making up for slavery and Jim Crow.

03-11-2016, 06:00 AM
Those assaults were simply making up for slavery and Jim Crow.

Perhaps reparations via hitting instead of cash? Ain't it amazing though, how things like this are ignored and forgotten as if they never even existed? *poof*

And I assure you, it wasn't the only one...

03-11-2016, 06:04 AM
Obama Supporter Assaults Female McCain Volunteer in New York

While the Democrat-leaning media continues to scare undecided voters with bedtime stories about some mythical angry McCain supporter whom nobody has seen, here is a real district attorney's complaint documenting an unprovoked assault by an enraged Democrat against a McCain volunteer in midtown Manhattan: "Defendant grabbed the sign [informant] was holding, broke the wood stick that was attached to it, and then struck informant in informant's face thereby causing informant to sustain redness, swelling, and bruising to informant's face and further causing informant to sustain substantial pain."

The overly formal document doesn't mention this important detail: the victim was a small, quiet, middle-aged woman wearing glasses, and the attacker was a loud, angry man who went into orbit at the mere sight of McCain campaign signs.


03-11-2016, 06:06 AM
Rubio Supporters Assault Çostumed ‘Robot Rubio’ Jokester From Democratic PAC

Like the old saying goes, if you can’t beat ’em, hit ’em with a sign and kinda coke ’em. The folks at Democratic PAC American Bridge were at it again Tuesday morning, mocking Marco Rubio‘s bad debate moment with robot costumes outside a Rubio event in New Hampshire. Instead of just taking the relatively low-watt pwnage in stride, though, Rubio supporters went all full-contact on the dude.


03-11-2016, 06:07 AM
Three Obama supporters Assault Military Vet Holding Sign


03-11-2016, 06:08 AM
Obama Supporters Continue Violent Attacks & Assaults

October 27, 2012
Obama Supporters Dump Large Volume of Nails In Parking Lot of Tea Party Rally
Obama Supporters Dump Large Volume of Nails In Parking Lot of Tea Party Rally (http://www.alipac.us/f12/obama-supporters-dump-large-volume-nails-parking-lot-tea-party-rally-266087/#post1310074)
Oct 27, 2012
Republican Louisville resident has car vandalized for second time in two weeks
Republican Louisville resident has car vandalized for second time in two weeks (http://www.alipac.us/f9/republican-louisville-resident-has-car-vandalized-second-time-two-weeks-266059/#post1310016)
October 27, 2012
CA - Vandal Keys ‘Obama’ Into 2 Cars In Alta Loma
CA - Vandal Keys ‘Obama’ Into 2 Cars In Alta Loma (http://www.alipac.us/f9/ca-vandal-keys-%91obama%92-into-2-cars-alta-loma-266058/#post1310014)
Oct. 23, 2008
Large Romney campaign signs stolen on camera!
Caught on Camera: Romney Signs Stolen (http://www.alipac.us/f12/caught-camera-romney-signs-stolen-266086/#post1310070)
October 25, 2012
Wisconsin GOP campaign worker hospitalized after Assault
Wisconsin GOP campaign worker hospitalized after apparent gay-bashing assault (http://www.alipac.us/f9/wisconsin-gop-campaign-worker-hospitalized-after-apparent-gay-bashing-assault-265923/#post1309678)
October 25, 2012
Lake County veteran's Mitt Romney signs, flags torched in yard
Lake County veteran's Mitt Romney signs, flags torched in yard (http://www.alipac.us/f9/lake-county-veterans-mitt-romney-signs-flags-torched-yard-265933/#post1309702)
October 24, 2012
Romney sign burning in Leesburg considered arson
Romney sign burning in Leesburg considered arson (http://www.alipac.us/f9/romney-sign-burning-leesburg-considered-arson-265862/#post1309527)
October 24, 2012
Hacker Claiming Association to Anonymous Posts Bomb Threat for November 5th
Hacker Claiming Association to Anonymous Posts Bomb Threat for November 5th (http://www.alipac.us/f9/hacker-claiming-association-anonymous-posts-bomb-threat-november-5th-265843/#post1309486)
October 23, 2012
Obama Supporters Continue Threats To Riot, Assassinate Romney
Obama Supporters Continue Threats To Riot, Assassinate Romney (http://www.alipac.us/f9/obama-supporters-continue-threats-riot-assassinate-romney-265762/#post1309235)
Oct 22, 2012
Obama Supporters Assault and Hospitalize Romney Supporter
Son of State Senator Neal Kedzie Attacked
October 18, 2012
Romney death threats, riot warnings worry Republicans
Romney death threats, riot warnings worry Republicans (http://www.alipac.us/f9/romney-death-threats-riot-warnings-worry-republicans-265562/)
October 16, 2012
Obama Supporters Destroy Halloween Display Critical of Barack Obama and Joe Biden
Obama Supporters Destroy Halloween Display Critical of Barack Obama and Joe Biden (http://www.alipac.us/f9/obama-supporters-destroy-halloween-display-critical-barack-obama-joe-biden-265861/#post1309523)
October 15, 2012
More reports of riots if Obama loses. Do you all have what you need?
More reports of riots if Obama loses. Do you all have what you need? (http://www.alipac.us/f9/more-reports-riots-if-obama-loses-do-you-all-have-what-you-need-265411/)
October 13, 2012
Shot fired at Obama campaign field office in Denver
Heads Up! Shot fired at Obama campaign field office in Denver (http://www.alipac.us/f9/heads-up-shot-fired-obama-campaign-field-office-denver-265321/)
October 10, 2012
Romney signs defaced with excrement in Virginia
Romney signs defaced with excrement in Virginia (http://www.alipac.us/f9/romney-signs-defaced-excrement-virginia-265160/)
October 9, 2012
Obama Supporters Threaten To Riot on Social Media if Romney Wins
Obama supporters threaten to riot if Romney wins (http://www.alipac.us/f9/obama-supporters-threaten-riot-if-romney-wins-265088/)
September 28, 2012
Couple Endures Death Threat, Vandalism Over Romney Sign http://www.alipac.us/f9/couple-endures-death-threat-vandalism-over-romney-sign-264656/

03-11-2016, 06:09 AM
Obama Supporters Assault Protesters

Following President Obama’s directive to “get in their faces” and “punch back twice as hard,” his supporters attacked protesters yesterday at a town hall meeting held by St. Louis Democrat Rep. Russ Carnahan.

Kenneth Gladney, 38, an African-American who had been handing out flags with the words “Don’t Tread On Me”, was taking to St. John’s Mercy Medical Center where he wastreated for injuries to his knee, back, elbow, shoulder and face.


03-11-2016, 06:10 AM
Odd that it only happens at Trump rallies though, never happened before....

03-11-2016, 06:17 AM
If I remember Obama's campaign, we all spoke out about his rhetoric, as most of us have continued to during his presidency? From showing up at the funerals of thugs to supporting BLM.

I remember that he was often accompanied by guys that looked like the big guys from Muslim Brotherhood, we certainly said it was sending the wrong message.

We were right then.

03-11-2016, 06:21 AM
If I remember Obama's campaign, we all spoke out about his rhetoric, as most of us have continued to during his presidency? From showing up at the funerals of thugs to supporting BLM.

I remember that he was often accompanied by guys that looked like the big guys from Muslim Brotherhood, we certainly said it was sending the wrong message.

We were right then.

I don't blame Obama for what a dipshit in the stands does to someone yelling "liar". I don't hold him responsible if black folks are out supporting so many who may support someone else. There are millions of idiots in the world and politics attracts them - and folks get angry over politics. Assaults at rallies of those protesting has been happening forever, it didn't just start with this guy getting hit by a guy with his left foot already in the box.

03-11-2016, 06:24 AM
I don't blame Obama for what a dipshit in the stands does to someone yelling "liar". I don't hold him responsible if black folks are out supporting so many who may support someone else. There are millions of idiots in the world and politics attracts them - and folks get angry over politics. Assaults at rallies of those protesting has been happening forever, it didn't just start with this guy getting hit by a guy with his left foot already in the box.

When people are as passionate as many of Obama's were, it took very little to set them off. Why would you think differently about Trump's? Many understood the underlying rhetoric then, no now?

Or is this 'the new normal?' Since Obama's supporters did it, it's ok now?

03-11-2016, 06:28 AM
When people are as passionate as many of Obama's were, it took very little to set them off. Why would you think differently about Trump's? Many understood the underlying rhetoric then, no now?

Or is this 'the new normal?' Since Obama's supporters did it, it's ok now?

It's not new, been happening for a long time. I've been seeing assaults at rallies, and outside of them, based on politics, for a long time. I listen to this rhetoric from politicians my entire life and never once assaulted anyone as a result. The dipshits themselves are responsible for their own illegal activities.

But to think it's somehow never happened before, never been at political rallies prior to Trump - is just crazy talk, or from some who just want to ignore past history.

03-11-2016, 06:30 AM
It's not new, been happening for a long time. I've been seeing assaults at rallies, and outside of them, based on politics, for a long time. I listen to this rhetoric from politicians my entire life and never once assaulted anyone as a result. The dipshits themselves are responsible for their own illegal activities.

But to think it's somehow never happened before, never been at political rallies prior to Trump - is just crazy talk, or from some who just want to ignore past history.

It's not 'normal' and it is the responsibility of the candidate to call for it to stop. Talk about their support, talk about how it takes away from the message, not excuse it due to 'anger.'

03-11-2016, 06:35 AM
It's not 'normal' and it is the responsibility of the candidate to call for it to stop. Talk about their support, talk about how it takes away from the message, not excuse it due to 'anger.'

And yet SO many prior assaults in the political arena have went completely unanswered and unaddressed. It happens. It's always happened. It's nothing new. Candidates don't speak out on each and every event that happens.

03-11-2016, 06:47 AM
And yet SO many prior assaults in the political arena have went completely unanswered and unaddressed. It happens. It's always happened. It's nothing new. Candidates don't speak out on each and every event that happens.

So, it is the way things should be? It's ok to be supporting those expressing their anger?

It's not ok to protest someone you disagree with? Throw out the 1st amendment? Bring back sedition laws?

03-11-2016, 06:57 AM
So, it is the way things should be? It's ok to be supporting those expressing their anger?

It's not ok to protest someone you disagree with? Throw out the 1st amendment? Bring back sedition laws?

It's obvious this angers you, and you believe it's a huge reflection of Trump. You are more than welcome not to vote for him.

Maybe you can vote for this guy, you know, the one who you haven't mentioned a peep about involving the same type of activity:

Rubio Mocks Protesters Being Assaulted and ‘Eggs’ His Supporters OnAt a rally in Virginia, Republican presidential candidate and sitting U.S. Senator Marco Rubio mocked two protesters as they were being assaulted (https://youtu.be/XHwLcAGoH6c) by his supporters and “egged them on.” All this occurred while his supporters were roughing up two men, tearing up their signs, seizing and throwing away a prop, and causing one man to double over. Besides making jokes about the assault as it was happening, Rubio turned, mid speech, to watch his supporters attacking one protester and told the 3,500 at the gathering “Looks like a lot of fun back there!”


Protester at Marco Rubio’s rally got roughed up for holding an ’empty suit’ sign
The protester was allegedly pushed around and a scuffle broke out. Rubio actually commented on it from the podium saying, “This world is growing more dangerous—and apparently, so is this rally.”


03-11-2016, 07:01 AM
It's obvious this angers you, and you believe it's a huge reflection of Trump. You are more than welcome not to vote for him.

Maybe you can vote for this guy, you know, the one who you haven't mentioned a peep about involving the same type of activity:

Rubio Mocks Protesters Being Assaulted and ‘Eggs’ His Supporters On

At a rally in Virginia, Republican presidential candidate and sitting U.S. Senator Marco Rubio mocked two protesters as they were being assaulted (https://youtu.be/XHwLcAGoH6c) by his supporters and “egged them on.” All this occurred while his supporters were roughing up two men, tearing up their signs, seizing and throwing away a prop, and causing one man to double over. Besides making jokes about the assault as it was happening, Rubio turned, mid speech, to watch his supporters attacking one protester and told the 3,500 at the gathering “Looks like a lot of fun back there!”


Protester at Marco Rubio’s rally got roughed up for holding an ’empty suit’ sign

The protester was allegedly pushed around and a scuffle broke out. Rubio actually commented on it from the podium saying, “This world is growing more dangerous—and apparently, so is this rally.”


I'll not defend either. It's not 'all about Trump' I was just as incensed regarding Obama's hate fueling rhetoric.

The quote from Rubio in the second link, acknowledges the wrong, isn't justifying it.

I don't blame Trump for the actions of his supporters or even his staff. I believe I made that clear in the OP? What isn't good is his not trying to being these folks back from the brink.

03-11-2016, 07:06 AM
I'll not defend either. It's not 'all about Trump' I was just as incensed regarding Obama's hate fueling rhetoric.

The quote from Rubio in the second link, acknowledges the wrong, isn't justifying it.

I don't blame Trump for the actions of his supporters or even his staff. I believe I made that clear in the OP? What isn't good is his not trying to being these folks back from the brink.

I'm just making it fair is all, pointing out that this happens at many of the rally's and it's hardly Trump's fault. Also making it fair, since folks don't like this happening at rally's, I would have thought they would have already been aware of it happening elsewhere.

If we're going to say it's the new normal, then that normal started back in the early 80's when I started paying attention.

03-11-2016, 07:21 AM
I'm just making it fair is all, pointing out that this happens at many of the rally's and it's hardly Trump's fault. Also making it fair, since folks don't like this happening at rally's, I would have thought they would have already been aware of it happening elsewhere.

If we're going to say it's the new normal, then that normal started back in the early 80's when I started paying attention.

That may well be, that you've been aware of it for all these years. I don't remember anyone being so nonchalant back when Obama was doing it or when he continues to fuel it today. But ok, if you say so.

03-11-2016, 07:34 AM
That may well be, that you've been aware of it for all these years. I don't remember anyone being so nonchalant back when Obama was doing it or when he continues to fuel it today. But ok, if you say so.

I don't recall specifically centering in on anyone. I think your hatred is still blinding you. I'm speaking of political events, political rally's, politics in general - it makes people angry and you will see fights. We're not talking about 8 years of racial divide and things like that. We're talking about supporters who somehow get violent during elections and election season.

Ok, if you say so - reminds me of - I know you are, but what am I - and - I'm gonna take my ball and go home!

03-11-2016, 07:45 AM
I don't recall specifically centering in on anyone. I think your hatred is still blinding you. I'm speaking of political events, political rally's, politics in general - it makes people angry and you will see fights. We're not talking about 8 years of racial divide and things like that. We're talking about supporters who somehow get violent during elections and election season.

Ok, if you say so - reminds me of - I know you are, but what am I - and - I'm gonna take my ball and go home!

I didn't say I was going home, I am home! :laugh: My point had 0 to do with hate of anything but the temperature of this election; Obama's election and rhetoric since he's been in office; and violence throughout our society. My hatred concern is towards any justifications given towards it turning to violence.

You've known me and my positions for years, never have been for 'tearing it down' but for following the examples of those who passed the country down to us.

I've always advocated for education in citizenship, making your positions known to your elected officials, and getting behind your chosen candidates.

We don't have to agree with each others choices, we can get passionate-even heated for a bit. We need to know when to step back. When that doesn't work, we need to have some voices of reason outside of our own little groups. We need to find the commonalities and then work through the disagreements.

03-11-2016, 08:59 AM
There's always been a risk of beatdowns when a protester shows up at a political event. Always.

It doesn't matter if it's a GOP, Dem, Whig, Green, or Independent event, there's always a risk and no one can blame the candidate for fisticuffs in the audience. That's silly.

I once saw an ass kicking at a Metallica concert in Anchorage, and no one blamed James Hetfield for it, even though there's (gasp!) violence in some of their songs.

Unless the Candidate dives off the stage into the audience and starts throwing punches like Axl Rose did, you can't blame the candidate.

That being said... that elbow from the 78 year old looked like it hurt! That'll leave a mark.

03-11-2016, 09:03 AM
There's always been a risk of beatdowns when a protester shows up at a political event. Always.

It doesn't matter if it's a GOP, Dem, Whig, Green, or Independent event, there's always a risk and no one can blame the candidate for fisticuffs in the audience. That's silly.

I once saw an ass kicking at a Metallica concert in Anchorage, and no one blamed James Hetfield for it, even though there's (gasp!) violence in some of their songs.

Unless the Candidate dives off the stage into the audience and starts throwing punches like Axl Rose did, you can't blame the candidate.

That being said... that elbow from the 78 year old looked like it hurt! That'll leave a mark.

I totally agree. Wherever a group is pulled together, there may be dynamics that produce a bad outcome. '68 Dem Convention would be an example.

Once that happens, steps need to be taken to prevent repeats, not egg on the bad actors.

03-11-2016, 09:37 AM
Beware the Brown Shirts.

03-11-2016, 09:44 AM
Related. A bit broader discussion, focusing on incident with reporter:


Trump: I don’t think Corey Lewandowski grabbed Michelle FieldsPOSTED AT 8:41 AM ON MARCH 11, 2016 BY TAYLOR MILLARD
...So there you have it, despite pictures of the bruising, audio, and witness accounts, Trump says the entire thing is fake. Made up. A complete lie. Give me a break. His loyalty to his employees is slightly admirable, but this is the same guy who kept his spokesperson even though she’s made (http://www.nationalreview.com/article/430397/katrina-pierson-donald-trumps-controversial-spokeswoman)some weird tweets in the past. But if Ted Cruz is willing to cut ties with his former spokesperson for putting out a fake Marco Rubio story, Trump should probably consider the same thing. Lewandowski needs to either resign or be fired. It’s the prudent and reasonable thing to do. The fact the Trump campaign won’t do the right thing might as well mean they really believe they can do almost anything, and Trump’s followers won’t walk away. In fact, they’re standing by their man almost better than Hillary Clinton did Bill Clinton in the 1990’s.


Here’s why this entire Trump vs. Michelle Fields thing makes me angry: freedom of the press. It’s an important part of American history, and a basic foundation of its creation. Freedom of the press was put in the Constitution because of John Peter Zenger’s (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Peter_Zenger) trial for libel in 1734 after he criticized New York Royal Governor William Cosby. This is why Trump’s comments about opening up libel laws are scary (and anti-American) because of what happened to Zenger. This is why former University of Missouri professor Melissa Click’s actions (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1S3yMzEee18&feature=iv&src_vid=xRlRAyulN4o&annotation_id=annotation_664885285) last fall are just as infuriating because they violate freedom. The same goes for the Obama Administration’s attempt to go after Fox reporter James Rosen and the Associate Press’ phone records and the Bush administration going after Judith Miller. It makes me cringe to see more and more people try to keep the press from doing its job. I can understand the right to privacy (especially when the government wants to get all up in our business), but when stuff like this happens it shows just how tenuous America’s relationship with freedom actually is.

There are plenty of people out there who see the media as corrupt and “in the tank” for certain politicians. They’re not wrong at all. But the reaction by Andrew Breitbart and Michelle Malkin wasn’t to try to get into power so they could crack down on publications and TV stations they didn’t agree with. The advent of “citizen journalism” is like the pamphleteers who circulated their own news during the colonies. It was using this freedom of the press to push back against those who weren’t interested in covering “real stories” which spawned the entire phrase “new media” and showed it wasn’t going to be stopped by the mainstream media, which wasn’t interested in being “the fourth column” anymore. Press freedom isn’t always going to be pretty (or true), just look at your garden variety tabloid, but it’s still something which should be cherished. If you don’t like what a media organization is publishing, either ignore it, find one you do like, or create your own outlet. If it’s good for Breitbart and Malkin, why can’t it be good for others? Are they that worried the court of public opinion won’t be swayed in their favor, so they’re willing to reduce to rubble one of the basic foundations of this country? Are they that rigid that they’re unwilling to listen to people who don’t agree with them?

Look at it this way: if the freedom of the press is taken away, what’s next? Freedom of speech itself? Freedom of religion? Freedom to own guns? If you’re going to be mad at one politician for shredding the Constitution, you must get mad about another politician doing the same thing. Even if he claims to be on “your side” because there’s no guarantee he’ll stay on “your side” if you happen to write something he doesn’t like.

03-11-2016, 09:46 AM
I totally agree. Wherever a group is pulled together, there may be dynamics that produce a bad outcome. '68 Dem Convention would be an example.

Once that happens, steps need to be taken to prevent repeats, not egg on the bad actors.

But look at what we have become as a society, Kath. We LOVE the bad actors. The media's not going to stop them. That's the latest scoop. The cops are afraid to do their jobs. You can't prevent something no one wants.

03-11-2016, 09:48 AM
But look at what we have become as a society, Kath. We LOVE the bad actors. The media's not going to stop them. That's the latest scoop. The cops are afraid to do their jobs. You can't prevent something no one wants.

My point, there are those advocating a return to a state of nature. Reactionary for sure, but that is the logic.

03-11-2016, 10:09 AM
My point, there are those advocating a return to a state of nature. Reactionary for sure, but that is the logic.

Expound please. I'm trying to not assume what you mean. But violence has always been the answer. So here's a why's that? in a subjective manner ..

We as a people, refuse to learn from our mistakes. People like you and I that sit in the middle end up getting caught up in someone else's junior jackass crap. I can be the most violent thing on the planet, and it's why I abhor it so much. I KNOW what I am capable of. I have to hit the shut off valve quite a lot.

People who DON'T know what they are capable of are the worst. They don't know their limitations. I couldn't stand REMF's with a passion. And they are who is running things now. The Johnny Come Lately's. Never earned a thing and think they are owed something for breathing.

People need to read more. If you look at the history of mankind, it's just a re-do of the same mistakes.

03-11-2016, 10:17 AM
Expound please. I'm trying to not assume what you mean. But violence has always been the answer. So here's a why's that? in a subjective manner ..

We as a people, refuse to learn from our mistakes. People like you and I that sit in the middle end up getting caught up in someone else's junior jackass crap. I can be the most violent thing on the planet, and it's why I abhor it so much. I KNOW what I am capable of. I have to hit the shut off valve quite a lot.

People who DON'T know what they are capable of are the worst. They don't know their limitations. I couldn't stand REMF's with a passion. And they are who is running things now. The Johnny Come Lately's. Never earned a thing and think they are owed something for breathing.

People need to read more. If you look at the history of mankind, it's just a re-do of the same mistakes.

Police under attack throughout the current administration. Calls for targeting them. The point they aren't social workers, but police is not recognized. In the worst areas, they are now following the rules to the letter, even though the public will be less safe.

Lawful gun owners are under attack, while those gangbangers shoot for real and not just on weekends.

In reaction to very real breakdown, there are calls for fighting back, again without police-after all, even the reactionaries don't really trust them. They are mostly bad.

On both sides of the cultural breakdown, most aren't involved, but they are picking sides for the most part.

It feels like 'doing something.'

03-11-2016, 10:49 AM
Police under attack throughout the current administration. Calls for targeting them. The point they aren't social workers, but police is not recognized. In the worst areas, they are now following the rules to the letter, even though the public will be less safe.

Lawful gun owners are under attack, while those gangbangers shoot for real and not just on weekends.

In reaction to very real breakdown, there are calls for fighting back, again without police-after all, even the reactionaries don't really trust them. They are mostly bad.

On both sides of the cultural breakdown, most aren't involved, but they are picking sides for the most part.

It feels like 'doing something.'

I agree. So for the sake of argument, you and I are the most outspoken conservatives about Trump. Do you realize he appeals to all what you just said? He claims he's going to stop it. He's talking about "doing something".

I'd as soon punch his ass in the head as look at him. I hate bullies. But what's our options? Then you have to question those of us that left us with those options. They could have picked a real person from the start. If I wanted Rocky Balboa for president I'd have voted for that actor in the 80s.

03-11-2016, 10:51 AM
I agree. So for the sake of argument, you and I are the most outspoken conservatives about Trump. Do you realize he appeals to all what you just said? He claims he's going to stop it. He's talking about "doing something".

I'd as soon punch his ass in the head as look at him. I hate bullies. But what's our options? Then you have to question those of us that left us with those options. They could have picked a real person from the start. If I wanted Rocky Balboa for president I'd have voted for that actor in the 80s.

Actually, he appeals to the reactionaries actions-until he doesn't.

03-11-2016, 11:41 AM
Once again, rhetoric from Obama and similar results:


MARCH 11, 2016
WILL ANYONE ASK OBAMA ABOUT THE CAMPUS BULLYING HE HAS ENCOURAGED AMONG HIS FOLLOWERS? Protesters Bully Pro-Life Students, Grab Their Flyers, Retreat to Safe Space: UC-Davis Women’s Center creates safe space for hecklers. (http://reason.com/blog/2016/03/10/protesters-bully-pro-life-students-trash) “But if anyone needed a safe space, it was probably the pro-life students. After all, pro-choice demonstrators grabbed their materials and threw them on the ground. This interaction was caught on video, and generated widespread applause. A campus security officer talked to the aggressor, but did not discipline her.”

This Obama culture of encouraging his fans to “get in their face” and “punch back twice as hard” doesn’t get much media commentary. Then they wonder why Trump supporters think it’s okay to shove people around.

No tolerance for other's freedoms, including assembly and speech. Nope, shut it all down.

Abbey Marie
03-11-2016, 12:52 PM
You'd have to be completely non-perceptive to fail to see how the climate in our country has gotten very tense. So many factors, racial and otherwise have contributed it's hard to list them all. But two very big contributors, IMO, are Obama's race-baiting, and the mainstream media's complicity in fostering an entitlement culture.

The tension is ratcheting up, and in waltzes Trump with words to tickle the ears of those of us who are fed up. It is no surprise to me that people who like Obama's America would show up to derail the Trump rally, or any pro-life rally. There will be many more.

03-11-2016, 01:01 PM


When confronted with a run-down of recent quotes where Trump literally encourages violence against protesters at his rallies, going so far as to "promise" to pay for the legal fees of any of his supporters who "knock the crap" out of dissenters, Trump replied (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/03/10/the-cnn-miami-republican-debate-transcript-annotated/):

We have some protesters who are bad dudes, they have done bad things. They are swinging, they are really dangerous and they get in there and they start hitting people. And we had a couple big, strong, powerful guys doing damage to people, not only the loudness, the loudness I don't mind. But doing serious damage. And if they've got to be taken out, to be honest, I mean, we have to run something.

At this point, Tapper or one of Trump's opponents on the stage could have jumped in and pointed out that there is not a single documented case of violence (http://time.com/4255142/donald-trump-protesters-violence-rallies/) attributed to a protester at a Trump event. Instead, Tapper allowed Trump to trail off into a spiel about how police are "taking tremendous abuse in this country and they do a phenomenal job."

The other 3 candidates either ignored questions about or deflected. As I said earlier, they have basically prostrated themselves to Trump.BTW, that won't work for them either. ;)

03-11-2016, 02:24 PM
Actually, he appeals to the reactionaries actions-until he doesn't.

The problem is this is a runaway freight train and I ain't Superman or I'd punch it in the nose. The people you call reactionaries are and have been our friends for years. Now we're enemies over a damned candidate? I think this happened in the 1820s between Jackson and J Q Adams. Right? One of the most spiteful and hateful campaigns ever. They were calling each others' wives names.

So this is what I have to say .... I think you are on record as not going to vote? And I will ask you to go vote. I won't hate you if you don't. I'll still be here next year (I hope). We need a break. Will we us it for good? No. But we have to get this bunch of chumps out of office. If it means voting against them, won't be the first time for me. But we cannot sit back and just let them run us into the ground by our own inaction; which, is exactly what we've done the last 2 elections.

Don't by any means think this means I like Trump. What he is going to do is disappoint all these people that are supporting him because all he wants are the new keys to the kingdom, and we get dumped once he's in. He can't and/or is unable to fulfill ANY of his promises. Congress isn't going to support him. Think he's going to have GOP support? Kind of like an independent Gov of GA had Dem support (not)? Long term, he'll guarantee 8 years of a Dem in 2020.

Abbey Marie
03-11-2016, 02:57 PM
The problem is this is a runaway freight train and I ain't Superman or I'd punch it in the nose. The people you call reactionaries are and have been our friends for years. Now we're enemies over a damned candidate? I think this happened in the 1820s between Jackson and J Q Adams. Right? One of the most spiteful and hateful campaigns ever. They were calling each others' wives names.

So this is what I have to say .... I think you are on record as not going to vote? And I will ask you to go vote. I won't hate you if you don't. I'll still be here next year (I hope). We need a break. Will we us it for good? No. But we have to get this bunch of chumps out of office. If it means voting against them, won't be the first time for me. But we cannot sit back and just let them run us into the ground by our own inaction; which, is exactly what we've done the last 2 elections.

Don't by any means think this means I like Trump. What he is going to do is disappoint all these people that are supporting him because all he wants are the new keys to the kingdom, and we get dumped once he's in. He can't and/or is unable to fulfill ANY of his promises. Congress isn't going to support him. Think he's going to have GOP support? Kind of like an independent Gov of GA had Dem support (not)? Long term, he'll guarantee 8 years of a Dem in 2020.

There is a lot of wisdom in this post. My personal problem with Trump was with his 9-11 comments. I just cannot forget them. Maybe it's because I know someone who died; maybe it's because I grew up there. But I have always been able to vote for the Republican candidate, even when the opposition wasn't as bad as Hillary

03-11-2016, 03:57 PM
I'll stick with many of my previous posts on this, and other topics by saying. "No matter Who gets elected.....WE'RE SCREWED!"

The Clinton's and Obama set the standard of Ignoring Laws they don't like. And the uneducated population is merely following their lead. LYING, CHEATING, BREAKING THE LAW, and SAYING WHAT THE IGNORANT WANT TO HEAR...despite being Lies.

03-11-2016, 04:09 PM
quick reply longer coming ... maybe.
But as this point i'd just like to make a note.
that as far as i can tell. NO one here besides Kathianne and myself has condemned the violence by Trump supporters.
Or Trumps response to it.

so all i see so far is "i know you are but what am i" and "boys will be boys" type responses.
and then attacks on Obama for all the trouble he's caused. Such horrible things like Obama's deputy chief (not Obama) saying "If you GET Punched then hit back harder." which was said in response to the Obamacare events protest not campaign events. and O yeah those same 3 scary black panthers dudes... that have never hit anyone, spit on anyone, or pushed anyone away from an event or polling station to this day either.

continued complaints and whining about everyone but Trump and the repeated violence at his events.
As i mentioned in my 1st here. If it was ONE guy at One or 2 events It could be blown off as fringe. but it's not. It's over and over and over again. With the crowd CHEERING. and Trump assuming justifications or making denials as he's now done with the assault on a female reporter by his staff.

That alone should make all the folks here who say they hate bullies at least toss in a comment.
But I guess Trump has completely brought loyally with promises of a wall and banning muslim.
I wonder if some would comment if it was their wife some Trump Lakey tossed to the floor. Maybe protecting your family from bullies and politics don't mix. Maybe you can't hold to those kind of principals and "win". Maybe a man has to put up with his wife or sister being tossed to the ground and we do and say nothing for the greater good?

03-11-2016, 04:14 PM
quick reply longer coming ... maybe.
But as this point i'd just like to make a note.
that as far as i can tell. NO one here besides Kathianne and myself has condemned the violence by Trump supporters.
Or Trumps response to it.

so i all i see is "are know you are but what am it" and "boys will be boys" type responses.
and then attacks on Obama for all the trouble he's caused. Such horrible things like Obama's deputy chief (not Obama) saying "If you GET Punched then hit back harder." which was said in response to the Obamacare events protest not campaign events. and O yeah and those same 3 scary black panthers dudes... that have never hit anyone, spit on anyone, or pushed anyone away from an event or polling station to this day either.

continued complaints and whining about everyone but Trump and the repeated violence at his events.
As i mentioned in my 1st here. If it was ONE guy at One or 2 events It could be blown off as fringe. but it's not it's over and over again. with the crowd CHEERING. and Trump assuming Justifications or making denials as he's now done with the assault on a female reporter by his staff.

That alone should make all the folks here who say they hate bullies should at least toss in a comment.
But I guess Trump has bought completely brought your loyally with a wall and banning muslim.
I wonder if some would comment if it was there wife some Trump Lakey tossed to the floor. Maybe protecting your family from bullies and politics don't mix, you can't hold to those kind of principals and "win". Maybe a man has to put up with his wife or sister being tossed to the ground and we do and say nothing for the greater good?

rev. If only you had been so quick to say the very same things about the Obama supporters who were granted unconditional freedom to DISOBEY, and literally KILL in the name of Hatred, bred by Racism. Double standards enforced, and condoned by the very same people who always yell racism whenever they practice what they pretend to hate.

Would you like to be reminded of Rev. Wright, or Louis Faracahn, and the Black Muslims who intentionally walk up to White People and Shoot them??

Those people you refuse to admit you hate rev. Are following Trump because he has been repeating the TRUTH about how so many Americans (of all races and colors) feel. Much to your displeasure and hatred.

03-11-2016, 04:32 PM
The problem is this is a runaway freight train and I ain't Superman or I'd punch it in the nose. The people you call reactionaries are and have been our friends for years. Now we're enemies over a damned candidate? I think this happened in the 1820s between Jackson and J Q Adams. Right? One of the most spiteful and hateful campaigns ever. They were calling each others' wives names.

So this is what I have to say .... I think you are on record as not going to vote? And I will ask you to go vote. I won't hate you if you don't. I'll still be here next year (I hope). We need a break. Will we us it for good? No. But we have to get this bunch of chumps out of office. If it means voting against them, won't be the first time for me. But we cannot sit back and just let them run us into the ground by our own inaction; which, is exactly what we've done the last 2 elections.

Don't by any means think this means I like Trump. What he is going to do is disappoint all these people that are supporting him because all he wants are the new keys to the kingdom, and we get dumped once he's in. He can't and/or is unable to fulfill ANY of his promises. Congress isn't going to support him. Think he's going to have GOP support? Kind of like an independent Gov of GA had Dem support (not)? Long term, he'll guarantee 8 years of a Dem in 2020.

I'll vote, always said I would. Not voting Trump.

Abbey Marie
03-11-2016, 04:48 PM
quick reply longer coming ... maybe.
But as this point i'd just like to make a note.
that as far as i can tell. NO one here besides Kathianne and myself has condemned the violence by Trump supporters.
Or Trumps response to it.

so all i see so far is "i know you are but what am i" and "boys will be boys" type responses.
and then attacks on Obama for all the trouble he's caused. Such horrible things like Obama's deputy chief (not Obama) saying "If you GET Punched then hit back harder." which was said in response to the Obamacare events protest not campaign events. and O yeah those same 3 scary black panthers dudes... that have never hit anyone, spit on anyone, or pushed anyone away from an event or polling station to this day either.

continued complaints and whining about everyone but Trump and the repeated violence at his events.
As i mentioned in my 1st here. If it was ONE guy at One or 2 events It could be blown off as fringe. but it's not. It's over and over and over again. With the crowd CHEERING. and Trump assuming justifications or making denials as he's now done with the assault on a female reporter by his staff.

That alone should make all the folks here who say they hate bullies at least toss in a comment.
But I guess Trump has completely brought loyally with promises of a wall and banning muslim.
I wonder if some would comment if it was their wife some Trump Lakey tossed to the floor. Maybe protecting your family from bullies and politics don't mix. Maybe you can't hold to those kind of principals and "win". Maybe a man has to put up with his wife or sister being tossed to the ground and we do and say nothing for the greater good?

Look, Rev, a few punches aren't even going to register when our President does little to stop terrorism, yet praises Islam every chance he gets, and disses Israel. And that little Wall is very important to many, many people.

I would also ask you to compare those punches thrown to what many believe happened to Vince Foster, and to Bill's sexual assaults. Once the government turns a blind eye to things at those levels, you cannot expect us to care about what essentially amounts to a little dust up.

03-11-2016, 04:49 PM
quick reply longer coming ... maybe.
But as this point i'd just like to make a note.
that as far as i can tell. NO one here besides Kathianne and myself has condemned the violence by Trump supporters.
Or Trumps response to it.

so i all i see is "are know you are but what am it" and "boys will be boys" type responses.
and then attacks on Obama for all the trouble he's caused. Such horrible things like Obama's deputy chief (not Obama) saying "If you GET Punched then hit back harder." which was said in response to the Obamacare events protest not campaign events. and O yeah and those same 3 scary black panthers dudes... that have never hit anyone, spit on anyone, or pushed anyone away from an event or polling station to this day either.

continued complaints and whining about everyone but Trump and the repeated violence at his events.
As i mentioned in my 1st here. If it was ONE guy at One or 2 events It could be blown off as fringe. but it's not it's over and over again. with the crowd CHEERING. and Trump assuming Justifications or making denials as he's now done with the assault on a female reporter by his staff.

That alone should make all the folks here who say they hate bullies should at least toss in a comment.
But I guess Trump has bought completely brought your loyally with a wall and banning muslim.
I wonder if some would comment if it was there wife some Trump Lakey tossed to the floor. Maybe protecting your family from bullies and politics don't mix, you can't hold to those kind of principals and "win". Maybe a man has to put up with his wife or sister being tossed to the ground and we do and say nothing for the greater good?

I think I addressed it directly, Mr You don't See Me. And don't try dragging Kath into this. I've addressed you and you haven't answered. Got your Dem card yet? You have danced around every answer. Try getting on one.

So where is YOUR question? You got a secret solution for mankind you ain't sharing? Otherwise, I'm kicking your ass. You come in my yard plan on bleeding all over it. You try to hurt mine and you can kiss that ass goodbye. I didn't make these rules, but who do you think you're talking to? I want one of these tournament jobs. I'm trying to think who you can walk into their yard, that is a member here, and get anything but a mouth full of dirt. You just go right the fuck ahead.

I want a cooler, lawn chair, and some Corona because I can't run out of shit while they take all day kicking the piss out of you. Probably get in fights amongst themselves on who gets to stomp you next. SO on to the the "ignoring shit" theme ...

You storm all over this board like you're God's gift; yet, can't answer a thread about God? If I'm a heathen, what's that make YOU? I know that Book from every direction.

I hate violence. I'm just good at it when people like you disarm the rest of us and let savages freely take our shit. Somebody will have to hold my damned beer.

03-11-2016, 05:10 PM
Look, Rev, a few punches aren't even going to register when our President does little to stop terrorism, yet praises Islam every chance he gets, and disses Israel. And that little Wall is very important to many, many people.

I would also ask you to compare those punches thrown to what many believe happened to Vince Foster, and to Bill's sexual assaults. Once the government turns a blind eye to things at those levels, you cannot expect us to care about what essentially amounts to a little dust up.

So if a Trump lackey throws you to the ground then we should ignore it Abbey? Then next your neighbor. the week following your cousin is punched. But it's not to condemned or mentioned at all? Not to be considered a serious PROBLEM.
Before Clinton became president FILMS were made about Clinton's sexual issues. and people ignored it. the rest came out/happened AFTER the Clinton's were in office. what do we expect we'll see AFTERWARDS if Trump is elected? That's my point.

03-11-2016, 05:23 PM
Not surprising in the slightest that these folks seem to be mostly black, and black lives matter activists as well.

Abbey Marie
03-11-2016, 05:28 PM
So if a Trump lackey throws you to the ground then we should ignore it Abbey? Then next your neighbor. the week following your cousin is punched. But it's not to condemned or mentioned at all? Not to be considered a serious PROBLEM.
Before Clinton became president FILMS were made about Clinton's sexual issues. and people ignored it. the rest came out/happened AFTER the Clinton's were in office. what do we expect we'll see AFTERWARDS if Trump is elected? That's my point.

I believe the puncher was arrested. That's what was called-for. What else do you want me to say? I just can't get that worked up over it, as I explained above. People have care- fatigue after a while, and this is really low on my personal list.

03-11-2016, 05:31 PM
Not surprising in the slightest that these folks seem to be mostly black, and black lives matter activists as well.

Not surprising that some have no problem if whites punch, spit on and push blacks, latinos and muslims people, who some whites think are to loud and scary.

But at least I'd except even republicans to have a problem with Trump choking and slaming a white girls to the floor that are trying to report the news .
https://s17-us2.ixquick.com/cgi-bin/serveimage?url=http:%2F%2Fstatic01.mediaite.com%2F med%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2016%2F03%2Fmichelle-fields-300x197.jpg&sp=35203768782742e7d5e2f473c64948df

03-11-2016, 05:34 PM
But at least I'd except even republicans to have a problem with Trump choking and slaming a white girls to the floor that are trying to report the news

So now it's Trump choking people! :laugh2:

You can't make this shit up - but Rev can!

03-11-2016, 05:35 PM
I believe the puncher was arrested. That's what was called-for. What else do you want me to say? I just can't get that worked up over it, as I explained above. People have care- fatigue after a while, and this is really low on my personal list.

They should have given him a medal if it was another one of the retarded black activists. I said that back when the nitwits interrupted Bernie Sanders and hijacked his mic - someone should have tazed those beotches. Now these dirtbags want to make a spectacle, put themselves in the spotlight - then I have very little care for them when they get bopped in the nose. Tough shit.

03-11-2016, 05:37 PM
I believe the puncher was arrested. That's what was called-for. What else do you want me to say? I just can't get that worked up over it, as I explained above. People have care- fatigue after a while, and this is really low on my personal list.
PUNCHERS...spitters, pushers, assaulters... this is not the 1st time.
People have to show some concern somewhere the 1st time before fatigue sets in right?

Black Diamond
03-11-2016, 05:39 PM
rev. If only you had been so quick to say the very same things about the Obama supporters who were granted unconditional freedom to DISOBEY, and literally KILL in the name of Hatred, bred by Racism. Double standards enforced, and condoned by the very same people who always yell racism whenever they practice what they pretend to hate.

Would you like to be reminded of Rev. Wright, or Louis Faracahn, and the Black Muslims who intentionally walk up to White People and Shoot them??

Those people you refuse to admit you hate rev. Are following Trump because he has been repeating the TRUTH about how so many Americans (of all races and colors) feel. Much to your displeasure and hatred.

Black on white crimes are justified. And you forgot about O.J. Simpson.

03-11-2016, 05:40 PM
Black on white crimes are justified. And you forgot about O.J. Simpson.

I don't know about justified, but sure as hell are ignored!

03-11-2016, 05:43 PM
People have care- fatigue after a while, and this is really low on my personal list.

This is a REALLY good way of putting it. I have "care fatigue" about a lot of things concerning the election.

I think a lot of people are fascinated with the way Trump handles things. He is not PC and has no filter. Trump is the non-politician of the lot. He speaks his mind and openly flaunts his wealth and power. So much of what Trump says and does has been strictly off limits to political candidates in the past.
What I wonder is if Trump's approach will still sit well with people come November. Which is a long way away.

I have some questions about Trump in regard to how he plays in Peoria. There are a lot of silent independents and undecideds out there.
Does mainstream America want a President with a trophy wife? How will they view a main who has ran through so many relationships (extramarital and otherwise) that it probably brings Slick Willie to tears?
Does American want a chief executive who has filed for bankruptcy four times? Who has admittedly not been frugal with his money and gets a lot of his income from casinos.

03-11-2016, 05:48 PM
They should have given him a medal if it was another one of the retarded black activists. I said that back when the nitwits interrupted Bernie Sanders and hijacked his mic - someone should have tazed those beotches. Now these dirtbags want to make a spectacle, put themselves in the spotlight - then I have very little care for them when they get bopped in the nose. Tough shit.

And there we have it.
If violence is justified for that then there NO DOUBT that if an unarmed black kid is shot, then violent retaliation is also justified, F the law. the cops deserve it.. right?

At the very least the next loud mouth white guy deserves a punch in the mouth as well.. Trump fits the description.

look that double standard only pushes the continuation of the cycle.

EVERYONE has to call for a STOP to violence. if not don't b@tch.
you've got no moral or legal place to stand if you can't call for peace and non violence on all sides.

But especially if you think violence is OK against certain races even when they have done NOTHING VIOLENT.
Just talked at the wrong time to loud for you.
that's just plain FACIST racist BS to call for violence there. period.

03-11-2016, 05:52 PM
... And you forgot about O.J. Simpson.

I've been told if you have a trail. then you have to STHU if the verdict doesn't go the way you like it.
the law is the law.
If they had found him guilty he'd be in jail. right?

Abbey Marie
03-11-2016, 05:55 PM
Not surprising that some have no problem if whites punch, spit on and push blacks, latinos and muslims people, who some whites think are to loud and scary.

But at least I'd except even republicans to have a problem with Trump choking and slaming a white girls to the floor that are trying to report the news .
https://s17-us2.ixquick.com/cgi-bin/serveimage?url=http:%2F%2Fstatic01.mediaite.com%2F med%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2016%2F03%2Fmichelle-fields-300x197.jpg&sp=35203768782742e7d5e2f473c64948df

if you are calling me racist, I'm done.

03-11-2016, 06:03 PM
if you are calling me racist, I'm done.
that reply was for Jim.

03-11-2016, 06:08 PM
if you are calling me racist, I'm done.

You didn't know that Trump choked a woman? Where have you been? :laugh:

Reminds me of that game we played when I was a kid, when you would whisper in one kids ear, and then they the next, and next - and the story would change so much by the time it got to the last kid. That's what we have here, and Rev being the last kid - and just makes up shit - like Trump choking someone! This is some comical stuff right here!!

But not a peep when Obama steps on the throat of a little white girl and steals her cookie money!! :laugh2:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-11-2016, 06:51 PM
quick reply longer coming ... maybe.
But as this point i'd just like to make a note.
that as far as i can tell. NO one here besides Kathianne and myself has condemned the violence by Trump supporters.
Or Trumps response to it.

so all i see so far is "i know you are but what am i" and "boys will be boys" type responses.
and then attacks on Obama for all the trouble he's caused. Such horrible things like Obama's deputy chief (not Obama) saying "If you GET Punched then hit back harder." which was said in response to the Obamacare events protest not campaign events. and O yeah those same 3 scary black panthers dudes... that have never hit anyone, spit on anyone, or pushed anyone away from an event or polling station to this day either.

continued complaints and whining about everyone but Trump and the repeated violence at his events.
As i mentioned in my 1st here. If it was ONE guy at One or 2 events It could be blown off as fringe. but it's not. It's over and over and over again. With the crowd CHEERING. and Trump assuming justifications or making denials as he's now done with the assault on a female reporter by his staff.

That alone should make all the folks here who say they hate bullies at least toss in a comment.
But I guess Trump has completely brought loyally with promises of a wall and banning muslim.
I wonder if some would comment if it was their wife some Trump Lakey tossed to the floor. Maybe protecting your family from bullies and politics don't mix. Maybe you can't hold to those kind of principals and "win". Maybe a man has to put up with his wife or sister being tossed to the ground and we do and say nothing for the greater good?

Yet the overall view on reading many of your posts does that reveal that you were Rev.
So what am I make of that ????
Your Trump hatred pulls ya around by the nose methinks. Its ok its doing that to millions of others in this nation right now. Not that they have just cause in my opinion but hey, its a free country if we can keep it and reverse obama's open treason.
Which is another huge thing that you have adamantly ignore in my opinion.
Myself, I call a white bastard, a white bastard- I do not hold back on anybody due to their skin color.
Give it a try my friend, its liberating as hell, blasting all ffing scum equally!!!! --Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-11-2016, 06:53 PM
You didn't know that Trump choked a woman? Where have you been? :laugh:

Reminds me of that game we played when I was a kid, when you would whisper in one kids ear, and then they the next, and next - and the story would change so much by the time it got to the last kid. That's what we have here, and Rev being the last kid - and just makes up shit - like Trump choking someone! This is some comical stuff right here!!

But not a peep when Obama steps on the throat of a little white girl and steals her cookie money!! :laugh2:
I heard that Trump burned a black woman alive after eating her liver and shooting her 14 little kids, all under the age of 6...!!!!! --Tyr

03-11-2016, 07:12 PM
Yet the overall view on reading many of your posts does that reveal that you were Rev.
So what am I make of that ????
Your Trump hatred pulls ya around by the nose methinks. Its ok its doing that to millions of others in this nation right now. Not that they have just cause in my opinion but hey, its a free country if we can keep it and reverse obama's open treason.
Which is another huge thing that you have adamantly ignore in my opinion.
Myself, I call a white bastard, a white bastard- I do not hold back on anybody due to their skin color.
Give it a try my friend, its liberating as hell, blasting all ffing scum equally!!!! --Tyr

When Obama was Running i was Anti Obama and Pro Ron Paul BOTH TIMES.
I got made fun of for that. no points from anyone here for that. make of it what you will sir.

But still Obama preached hope and change and unity. It was a con and i said so but who can be against that line of Talk Tyr.
the worst things i could say about him before the elections is that he was an unconstitutional liar. and that's enough.
But show me the female reporters Obama has had beaten up for him during his campaign.

Trump Preaches Walls and Bans and Tarriffs and "Get them outta here" and makes excuses for the women his people choke and beat on.
sorry the guy's a scumbag in my book.

But you still ...as an anti bully... have said nothing about Trump's "man" choking and beating on a girl.
So what am I make of that ????

03-11-2016, 07:27 PM
`Frustration Bubbles Up at Trump Rallies`

"...The first thing to say about this is.......... **the left thinks they own the public protest."
.....Whenever there are right-wingers that protest anywhere or anything at Democrat or left-wing events...

... they are not held up as role models. They are not admired. They are not called paragons of our democracy. We don't hear

virtuous things about them, like they're "speaking truth to power" or they're "practicing a time-honored art of dissent."

...Now, when there are Republicans that go to Democrat events when it happens....protests, they are routinely savaged, they are


*And if the Democrats... Remember this? At a Tea Party rally, a bunch of union guys actually beat up an "African-American"

Tea Party protester, and nobody in media was upset about that.

...You could hardly get them to talk about it. So that's the first thing. The protest, the public protest, the left thinks it's theirs.

They own it, and only when they do it is it legitimate......

....Well, in this case, it's legitimate, because "Trump is running as a Republican".. and here are all these protesters out there protesting Trump.

...They expect everybody to stop what they're doing and let the protesters take over the

event.... If that doesn't happen, there isn't any Democrat at a Trump rally. If the Trump people

don't stop, if Trump doesn't stop and make way for these protesters to disrupt things, then the

Trump people are gonna get blamed for it....

>>>>Trump himself is gonna get blamed for it because the protesters are heroes and heroines

and so forth because... that's the "way the left looks at it".
...Well, at a Trump rally they're not tolerated. You want to try to figure out why? They're not


**Trump supporters and Trump himself are not going to lay down and let these people take

over "their events". They're not going to bend over and grab the ankles or whatever you used

to do.They're not going to part the way and let the protesters march around and express their


**The media is going to demand that happen because these are "honorable protesters".

They're protesting a Republican, Donald Trump! They're protesting a heathen. They're protesting somebody that looks like Mussolini! They're protesting somebody that the Drive-Bys are comparing to Hitler." You know the drill.

** But the people at the Trump rallies, they're not gonna tolerate a minute of it. And you know why? 'Cause they're sick of it for years. They are sick of what they see protesters getting away with in public in various cities in this country. "


"Black Lies Matter"

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-11-2016, 08:06 PM
When Obama was Running i was Anti Obama and Pro Ron Paul BOTH TIMES.
I got made fun of for that. no points form anyone here for that. make of it what you will sir.

But still Obama preached hope and change and unity. It was a con and i said so but who can be against that line of Talk Tyr.
the worst things i could say about him before the elections is that he was an unconstitutional liar. and that's enough.
But show me the female reporters Obama has had beaten up for him during his campaign.

Trump Preaches Walls and Bans and Tarriffs and "Get them outta here" and makes excuses for the women his people choke and beat on.
sorry the guy's a scumbag in my book.

But you still ...as an anti bully... have said nothing about Trump's "man" choking and beating on a girl.
So what am I make of that ????

After the violence obama and his ally the mainstream press have both stirred , along with how that same press has shilled for him and help destroy his opposition--spare the futile cry that I should be appalled or feel sorry for some reporter!!
When both of their actions have actually killed innocent people! -Tyr

03-11-2016, 08:11 PM
They should have given him a medal if it was another one of the retarded black activists.....I have very little care for them when they get bopped in the nose. Tough shit.

... I should be appalled or feel sorry for some reporter!!
.... -Tyr

Folks I leave you to enjoy your violence.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-11-2016, 08:15 PM
Folks I leave you to enjoy your violence.

We are not violent(although admittedly I can be easily myself, as its in my nature) , we did make the comparison which you've ignored with this reply.--Tyr

03-11-2016, 08:18 PM
....The oligarchs who conspired to steal the election away from the voters met on Sea Island; 54 private jets

converged. These new demonstrations are not a coincidence.

Karl Rove, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Napster, Google, Facebook, Apple, Tesla, American Enterprise

Institute, the anti-Trump big donor class of special interests who OWN OUR GOVERNMENT....

***Does anyone imagine that these were spontaneous, or can we agree that they were planned, organized, scheduled, and started by "someone?"

*Who coordinated these protests to stop free speech?

Were they at the Sea Island meeting with Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, and Bush?

Who else was at Sea Island, from the donor class?


....Or maybe it's a spontaneous demonstration of some guys who were out for a walk, and they saw a video of the GOP debate and went jihad like in Benghazi. At this point, what difference does it possible make?

This is good in a way..shows who the communist FEAR THE MOST...

*This should definitively inspire more Americans to vote for Donald and fight the communists
...Mark my words...

Trump 2016!

03-11-2016, 08:21 PM
**Time for Glenn Beck to apologize for calling Trump voters "brownshirts" as access to the rally is being

obstructed by mobs.....

03-11-2016, 08:25 PM
....I figure Trump will get about 75,000 people for his next rally.

So the protesters say they were protesting for "equality." I guess equality doesn't extend to letting another person talk... just means jumping on top of a car and yelling "burn this mother****er down" when things don't go your way.

***Hey Rahm, where are your riot police? Where are your cops? Are you still mayor or not?

Black Diamond
03-11-2016, 08:26 PM
**Time for Glenn Beck to apologize for calling Trump voters "brownshirts" as access to the rally is being

obstructed by mobs.....

We should embrace this kind of accusation. Throw all the minorities in the oven. WHITE POWER.

03-11-2016, 08:37 PM
We should embrace this kind of accusation. Throw all the minorities in the oven. WHITE POWER.

Not nice diamond...^^ But I know your being cute...:laugh:
*** em, take their EBT cards away and make em be self supporting thru their own contributions!

Latest Illinois polls, I wonder how Tuesday will go? Open primary, winner take all, 69 delegates

RCP Average 2/15 - 3/7 -- -- Trump 31.0 Cruz 19.0 Rubio 16.3 Kasich 15.3Trump +12.0

WeAskAmericaWeAskAmerica (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4Bi-iePG1O6SEFOZXp0ZFFsYWs/view) 3/7 - 3/7 Trump 33 Cruz 20 Rubio18 Kasich 11Trump +13

Chicago TribuneChicago Tribune (http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/politics/ct-illinois-2016-republican-president-primary-trump-cruz-rubio-kasich-met-0308-20160307-story.html) 3/2 - 3/6 Trump 32 Cruz 22 Rubio 18 Kasich 21 Trump +10

03-11-2016, 08:41 PM
Listening to Trump on Greta....*Once again, Trump dominates the news. Picked up some more votes... and police votes...no doubt.!!

03-11-2016, 08:42 PM
You'd have to be completely non-perceptive to fail to see how the climate in our country has gotten very tense. So many factors, racial and otherwise have contributed it's hard to list them all. But two very big contributors, IMO, are Obama's race-baiting, and the mainstream media's complicity in fostering an entitlement culture.

The tension is ratcheting up, and in waltzes Trump with words to tickle the ears of those of us who are fed up. It is no surprise to me that people who like Obama's America would show up to derail the Trump rally, or any pro-life rally. There will be many more.

I ran out of time this morning, was going to talk about my misgivings about Trump in Chicago. No doubt it's a city that knows how to protest, often taking a bad turn.

It's happened. I'm embarrassed for the city. Protests are fine, near rioting is not. While I commend Trump for cancelling to avoid more problems, I do fear it's going to lead to other cities having the same problems.

It's wrong, every bit as much as egging on those with little control.

03-11-2016, 08:45 PM
...Maybe at least a few the bleeding hearts around here now see what Trump security has been dealing with at

the rallies. It's all about stopping free speech with Leftists here in the USA.:salute:

Trump 2016!

03-11-2016, 08:45 PM
We should embrace this kind of accusation. Throw all the minorities in the oven. WHITE POWER.

I'll put this to you this way (and I DO get what you're saying) ...where the f- is this white world? And why is it hidden from white-ass people like ME? I didn't even know anyone was different until I was discriminated against by blacks. I didn't know Mexicans weren't white. Whites didn't create this crap.

Everyone looking for an excuse for a special exemption did. It's just creative devisivness. Everyone wanting to be special and get a dime on someone else's check. This isn't about color. It's about excuses.

03-11-2016, 08:52 PM
BLM ...and the Communists may be able to swing this election to Trump or Cruz, if they play their cards right and alienate everybody ...

....that works and supports families. It's called "Unintended Consequences". :laugh:

03-11-2016, 10:30 PM
RULES FOR RADICALS....http://www.crossroad.to/Quotes/communism/alinsky.htm

For those who do not know Alinsky. Bernie Sanders, and Hillary Clinton ADMIRED him.

Opening page - Dedication

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”

03-11-2016, 10:45 PM
What did I say a few days ago about revisiting the 1968 Chicago riots? :cool:

My question is, if Trump can't control one night in Chicago, who is he going to lead an entire country?

As I see it, Supreme Mullah Trump has declared jihad against all Americans who doesn't support him. He has encouraged his followers to take up arms and eliminate non-believing infidels.
The result has been continual displays of secular violence. If there are peaceful Trump followers, why haven't they been able to keep the violent Trump followers in check? My guess is that ALL Trump followers endorse violence. Every rat-hair-head out there has dedicated his heart and soul to the fulfillment of Trump jihad.
I hear some of them have taken to kneeling in the direction of Trump Towers several times per day to pray for a Trump nomination. :rolleyes:


03-11-2016, 11:15 PM
What did I say a few days ago about revisiting the 1968 Chicago riots? :cool:

My question is, if Trump can't control one night in Chicago, who is he going to lead an entire country?

As I see it, Supreme Mullah Trump has declared jihad against all Americans who doesn't support him. He has encouraged his followers to take up arms and eliminate non-believing infidels.
The result has been continual displays of secular violence. If there are peaceful Trump followers, why haven't they been able to keep the violent Trump followers in check? My guess is that ALL Trump followers endorse violence. Every rat-hair-head out there has dedicated his heart and soul to the fulfillment of Trump jihad.
I hear some of them have taken to kneeling in the direction of Trump Towers several times per day to pray for a Trump nomination. :rolleyes:


Yes the whole World is watching...watching radicals with an agenda attack free speech...
You have some weirdos coming into Trump rally's (Black Lies Matter and hard core indoctrinated Leftist) ...Americans are Fed up with the horse-****...
...We all seen the videos of the trouble makers...doing their thing...They are there for a reason..to cause Trouble...and cameras are out recording... getting old...

>>Then you have Illegals...muslims (and their supporters) `Misconstruing` what Trump ACTUALLY said... even though they know what Trump actually said...but it doesn't fit the "agenda"

*Donald made the correct move tonight...shutting down the event...

The cowardly Leftist (communists...Illegals ...koran reading muslims...and the entitled Black Lies matter crowd ( still living in the Democrat Plantation) were out in force tonight ..and were"SENT" there on a mission...They are in a panic...this is their last stand...

When Trump is President...The Police WILL BE ALLOWED to do their Jobs without "PC" repercussions......Yes it will get ugly for awhile...but it must me done...The Parasites and roaches need to be dealt with and set straight....

03-11-2016, 11:41 PM
Protesters in or out of a political venue are fine and protected. When they start being disruptive, it's equally fine to remove them. What's not alright is sucker punching someone being escorted out of a venue, when their arms are held by two security officers. What's not alright is a reporter being thrown to the ground.

What happened in Chicago was not ok, the protesters inside were beyond disruptive and the crowds outside involved some pushing and shoving that may easily have escalated. Yes, BLM was involved, but there were also a lot of people-black, white, young, old that were just making their choices known from the areas set aside for protests.

This from MO though is not ok either:



<time class="timeago" datetime="2016-03-12T00:31:19Z" title="Friday, March 11, 2016 06:31PM" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-style: inherit; font-variant: inherit; font-weight: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit; font-family: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; box-sizing: border-box;">Friday, March 11, 2016 06:31PM</time>

St. Louis, Missouri --

Donald Trump (http://abcnews.go.com/topics/news/donald-trump.htm)'s rally in St. Louis today was the latest in a series of events featuring clashes with protesters -- complete with nine interruptions and one arrest outside.

Trump began by invoking the "lovefests" that his events are, but also said that the clashes "adds to the flavor" of his campaign events.

"This doesn't get talked about in the process the love that's in these rooms, it's love," he said.

But it did not last for long. As the interruptions began, one group arose, saying "Stop the Hate," continuously chanting for almost 15 minutes before police could escort them out.

Telling them to "go get a job," Trump derided the protesters. "These are not good people and I heard this was going to happen," he said. "These are people that are destroying our country."

"You know part of the problem and part of the reason it takes so long is no one wants to hurt each other anymore and they're being politically correct the way they take them out so it takes a little longer," Trump added.

He invoked his rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina earlier this week, in which John Franklin McGraw, an attendee, allegedly assaulted a protester, Rakeem Jones. Trump appeared to lament McGraw's treatment.

"They are allowed to get up and interrupt us horribly and we have to be very very gentle, I'm very gentle...They can get up and when they're being whisked out they can raise their bad finger up in the air...some people get very angry at that because you know what that represents and then when they get a little bit overly angry, they're in trouble," he said.

Trump said during last night's Republican debate (http://abcnews.go.com/topics/news/elections/republican-debates.htm) in Florida that he "certainly [does] not condone" violence at his events.

Trump also praised the police officers there. "And by the way for the press, the officers are being very gentle. Very gentle," he said.

Outside of the event, protesters and attendees clashed, with both sides yelling vulgarities, as the protesters railed against Trump. Video shows one man, nose bloodied, being taken to the ambulance.

Trump, as annoyed as he seemed during the protests, may not have minded all that much.

"Honestly can I be honest with you? It adds to the flavor, it really does, makes it more exciting," he said.

03-12-2016, 12:27 AM
`The people (animals) disrupting Trumps shew in Chicago did so on account of provocative statements by

Obama, Hillary and Bernie. Its all good though because I have no doubt in my mind whos going to clean up on

Tuesdays primaries. The anti Trump crowd and their minions Rubio and Cruz have done Trump an incalculable........

.......favor with tonight's rally hijacking. Rubio and Cruz will soon wish a protest would gather outside one of their

own chump change rally's!`

03-12-2016, 12:30 AM
`The people (animals) disrupting Trumps shew in Chicago did so on account of provocative statements by

Obama, Hillary and Bernie. Its all good though because I have no doubt in my mind whos going to clean up on

Tuesdays primaries. The anti Trump crowd and their minions Rubio and Cruz have done Trump an incalculable........

.......favor with tonight's rally hijacking. Rubio and Cruz will soon wish a protest would gather outside one of their

own chump change rally's!`

Yu's funny. :laugh2:

03-12-2016, 05:16 AM
What did I say a few days ago about revisiting the 1968 Chicago riots? :cool:

My question is, if Trump can't control one night in Chicago, who is he going to lead an entire country?

As I see it, Supreme Mullah Trump has declared jihad against all Americans who doesn't support him. He has encouraged his followers to take up arms and eliminate non-believing infidels.
The result has been continual displays of secular violence. If there are peaceful Trump followers, why haven't they been able to keep the violent Trump followers in check? My guess is that ALL Trump followers endorse violence. Every rat-hair-head out there has dedicated his heart and soul to the fulfillment of Trump jihad.
I hear some of them have taken to kneeling in the direction of Trump Towers several times per day to pray for a Trump nomination. :rolleyes:


What you said is stupid. YOU created this crap. Not us. You see conservatives throwing hissy fits in the streets? No. But EVERY violent demonstration I can think of since Watts you leftwingnuts who are so against violence have created with YOUR violence. You like to talk a good game but your actions are contrary to your talking out your butts.

Then you want to blame the people who have had enough of your lame whining and stand up to YOUR actions? How ridiculous and hypocritical do you think you can be minus a neon sign?

Black Diamond
03-12-2016, 05:26 AM
I'll put this to you this way (and I DO get what you're saying) ...where the f- is this white world? And why is it hidden from white-ass people like ME? I didn't even know anyone was different until I was discriminated against by blacks. I didn't know Mexicans weren't white. Whites didn't create this crap.

Everyone looking for an excuse for a special exemption did. It's just creative devisivness. Everyone wanting to be special and get a dime on someone else's check. This isn't about color. It's about excuses.

Good question. I love these blacks and liberal whites with white guilt who claim all my successes in life are all because of white privilege.

03-12-2016, 05:37 AM
Reminds me of the Die Hard movie where they sent Willis into Harlem wearing a sign with something about I hate niggers on it. Granted it was just a movie, but in reality, that's looking for trouble, and he would have found it. And if someone did that in real life, I have no sympathy for them if they get their ass kicked.

Same here. Every one of these dolts is coming looking for trouble. I don't expect a sucker punch for no reason - but if they want to stop others from speaking and/or yell vulgar things and stuff at those in attendance - well then don't whine to me when you get your ass kicked.

Go into just about ANY black neighborhood in the USA after dark and you may get your ass kicked or robbed FOR NO REASON. But we can't discuss that without being labeled a racist. But THAT stuff is never discussed by the black folks.

03-12-2016, 05:43 AM
Good question. I love these blacks and liberal whites with white guilt who claim all my successes in life are all because of white privilege.

I must have just missed all that. Sitting in a sandy wash eating cold spaghetti out of a can. And being told I was lucky I had it. Or climbing an 8 footer 8 million times a day. I had to work my ass off all my life to get what these lefties think are just privileges of life.

Anytime you want to stop the planet and throw these a-holes who can't work off, I got a few miles left in me.

03-12-2016, 05:51 AM
Reminds me of the Die Hard movie where they sent Willis into Harlem wearing a sign with something about I hate niggers on it. Granted it was just a movie, but in reality, that's looking for trouble, and he would have found it. And if someone did that in real life, I have no sympathy for them if they get their ass kicked.

Same here. Every one of these dolts is coming looking for trouble. I don't expect a sucker punch for no reason - but if they want to stop others from speaking and/or yell vulgar things and stuff at those in attendance - well then don't whine to me when you get your ass kicked.

Go into just about ANY black neighborhood in the USA after dark and you may get your ass kicked or robbed FOR NO REASON. But we can't discuss that without being labeled a racist. But THAT stuff is never discussed by the black folks.

As for crime, it seems that in the past 7 years it's become ok to 'understand' that folks with less, don't have the restraint from taking what they want-from those with 'more' or even those with 'less.' The 'system' is bad, others have 'privilege,' 'their schools are terrible because those with privilege have better, the police are going to kill them anyways... That is in large measure what has been handed out to minorities. It has helped to have some swiftly rising crime stats in many cities across the country. Those who don't see that this administration has done much to create this atmosphere is just looking away.

Now advocating that others can't involve themselves in protests against a message they don't like? That's an attempt at another type of culture control. It's advocating that those that disagree are targets-they must be 'put where they deserve.' One suggestion was they used to be put in an ambulance. Our regular misogynist has suggested that the person he doesn't agree with is perhaps setting himself up for being shot. The idiots in Chicago, diverse that they were, are trying to keep others from voicing their opinions and vice versa.

Personally, it looks Hobbesian to me.

03-12-2016, 06:00 AM
I don't expect a sucker punch for no reason - but if they want to stop others from speaking and/or yell vulgar things and stuff at those in attendance - well then don't whine to me when you get your ass kicked.

As for crime, it seems that in the past 7 years it's become ok to 'understand' that folks with less, don't have the restraint from taking what they want-from those with 'more' or even those with 'less.' The 'system' is bad, others have 'privilege,' 'their schools are terrible because those with privilege have better, the police are going to kill them anyways... That is in large measure what has been handed out to minorities. It has helped to have some swiftly rising crime stats in many cities across the country. Those who don't see that this administration has done much to create this atmosphere is just looking away.

Now advocating that others can't involve themselves in protests against a message they don't like? That's an attempt at another type of culture control. It's advocating that those that disagree are targets-they must be 'put where they deserve.' One suggestion was they used to be put in an ambulance. Our regular misogynist has suggested that the person he doesn't agree with is perhaps setting himself up for being shot. The idiots in Chicago, diverse that they were, are trying to keep others from voicing their opinions and vice versa.

Personally, it looks Hobbesian to me.

Nope. I was clear and said nothing about plain protesting. although I believe the majority are looking for trouble that go inside. But if you want to yell vulgarities which is NOT protesting, IMO, as well as rip things up - or to try and prevent others from speaking - then I have ZERO issue if those looking for that kind of trouble - actually find it, but not with the results they were hoping for. And I'll have no sympathy whatsoever.

03-12-2016, 06:04 AM
And she's correct:


Megyn Kelly Defends Trump Against Chicago Protesters

Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly, who has famously feuded with Donald Trump, came to his defense Friday night, saying the cancellation of the GOP presidential front-runner's Chicago rally amid raucous protests robbed him of his First Amendment rights.

In remarks on "The Kelly File," the host also argued those who came to hear the brash billionaire had their rights trampled too.
"For all these people know, [other attendees] weren’t Trump supporters," she said. "We’ll never know now because they shut down their right to listen to the frontrunner on the Republican side."

She then urged people to curb their anger and "lower the temperature."


03-12-2016, 06:23 AM
Nope. I was clear and said nothing about plain protesting. although I believe the majority are looking for trouble that go inside. But if you want to yell vulgarities which is NOT protesting, IMO, as well as rip things up - or to try and prevent others from speaking - then I have ZERO issue if those looking for that kind of trouble - actually find it, but not with the results they were hoping for. And I'll have no sympathy whatsoever.

I also said that the Chicago incident was designed to prevent Trump's right to speak and his supporters right to gather and support whom they wanted.

Chicago is an 'organizing town' whether from Jesse Jackson to Moveon to OWS to BLM. While it's a beautiful city, tolerance isn't one of it's hallmarks. Not in '68 and not today. When I saw Trump was going there this morning, it was right before I was leaving for work. Had a bad feeling and that was before reading about MO.

Protests can and do involve shouting vulgarities, carrying folks in effigies, etc. Striking police or throwing bottles? No. Inside storming the stage? No. Throwing punches? No. Grabbing signs? No. The other side too has the same restrictions, regardless they they were there to support the candidate. In other words, both sides have the right to 'out shout' or 'attempt to bait' but not resort to violence or take other's property, (that would be signs and such.)

Those protesting inside that try to disrupt the speaker are subject to ejection, such as with that guy sucker punched. What isn't ok is that he was sucker punched while being removed. That Trump used the MO rally to basically 'emphasize' with the puncher, is wrong.

I must say when I wrote that title regarding press coverage and 'long summer' I really wasn't speaking of violence. Events seem to indicate it will be.

Black Diamond
03-12-2016, 06:27 AM
And she's correct:


Megyn Kelly Defends Trump Against Chicago Protesters

Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly, who has famously feuded with Donald Trump, came to his defense Friday night, saying the cancellation of the GOP presidential front-runner's Chicago rally amid raucous protests robbed him of his First Amendment rights.

In remarks on "The Kelly File," the host also argued those who came to hear the brash billionaire had their rights trampled too.
"For all these people know, [other attendees] weren’t Trump supporters," she said. "We’ll never know now because they shut down their right to listen to the frontrunner on the Republican side."

She then urged people to curb their anger and "lower the temperature."



03-12-2016, 07:58 AM


First there is video of a Black Lives Matter supporter shooting off his gun in celebration of stopping the rally from happening.

<blockquote class="twitter-video" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">We celebratin shutting down <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/TrumpRally?src=hash">#TrumpRally</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BlackLivesMatter?src=hash">#BlackLivesMatter</a> <a href="https://t.co/etaL3sz0iO">pic.twitter.com/etaL3sz0iO</a></p>&mdash; Jamaal Williams (@RUthIess187) <a href="https://twitter.com/RUthIess187/status/708482144943734784">March 12, 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Then we have a cop being assaulted by the Black Lives Matter folks

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbPjPVGU5I4<iframe style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: medium none;" allowfullscreen="true" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" id="rufous-sandbox" frameborder="0"></iframe>
<iframe style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: medium none;" allowfullscreen="true" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" id="rufous-sandbox" frameborder="0"></iframe><iframe style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: medium none;" allowfullscreen="true" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" id="rufous-sandbox" frameborder="0"></iframe>

03-12-2016, 08:00 AM


First there is video of a Black Lives Matter supporter shooting off his gun in celebration of stopping the rally from happening.

<iframe style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%; padding: 0px; border: medium none; top: 0px; bottom: 0px;" allowfullscreen="true" id="undefined" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>

We celebratin shutting down #TrumpRally (https://twitter.com/hashtag/TrumpRally?src=hash) #BlackLivesMatter (https://twitter.com/hashtag/BlackLivesMatter?src=hash) pic.twitter.com/etaL3sz0iO (https://t.co/etaL3sz0iO)
— Jamaal Williams (@RUthIess187) March 12, 2016 (https://twitter.com/RUthIess187/status/708482144943734784)<iframe style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: medium none;" allowfullscreen="true" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" id="rufous-sandbox" frameborder="0"></iframe>
<iframe style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: medium none;" allowfullscreen="true" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" id="rufous-sandbox" frameborder="0"></iframe><iframe style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: medium none;" allowfullscreen="true" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" id="rufous-sandbox" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Since video doesn't like to be posted here from Twitter - click on this if you like - https://twitter.com/RUthIess187/status/708482144943734784

<iframe style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: medium none;" allowfullscreen="true" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" id="rufous-sandbox" frameborder="0"></iframe>

03-12-2016, 08:05 AM
I love it!!


03-12-2016, 08:06 AM
As I see it, Supreme Mullah Trump has declared jihad against all Americans who doesn't support him. He has encouraged his followers to take up arms and eliminate non-believing infidels.

Hmmm! Sounds just like what God did...

Black Diamond
03-12-2016, 08:17 AM


First there is video of a Black Lives Matter supporter shooting off his gun in celebration of stopping the rally from happening.

<blockquote class="twitter-video" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">We celebratin shutting down <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/TrumpRally?src=hash">#TrumpRally</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BlackLivesMatter?src=hash">#BlackLivesMatter</a> <a href="https://t.co/etaL3sz0iO">pic.twitter.com/etaL3sz0iO</a></p>&mdash; Jamaal Williams (@RUthIess187) <a href="https://twitter.com/RUthIess187/status/708482144943734784">March 12, 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Then we have a cop being assaulted by the Black Lives Matter folks

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbPjPVGU5I4<iframe style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: medium none;" allowfullscreen="true" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" id="rufous-sandbox" frameborder="0"></iframe>
<iframe style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: medium none;" allowfullscreen="true" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" id="rufous-sandbox" frameborder="0"></iframe><iframe style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: medium none;" allowfullscreen="true" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" id="rufous-sandbox" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Rev's collateral damage?

03-12-2016, 08:24 AM


First there is video of a Black Lives Matter supporter shooting off his gun in celebration of stopping the rally from happening.

Then we have a cop being assaulted by the Black Lives Matter folks

I don't know who or what N. Crane is, but not seeing how he/she/they arrive at who attacked the officer.

Local coverage seems to have said both sides had people acting badly.


Chicago Officer Wounded at UIC Trump Protest

A Chicago police officer was wounded during Donald Trump protests at UIC downtown

A video on social media shows an officer bleeding from an apparent wound to the head at Van Buren and Racine.

Rogers Park resident Jeff Orr, who took the video, said the crowd gathered because there was a police line.

"There was a mix of Trump supporters and protesters so don't know what happened," Orr said. "It was a very tense situation that indicative of the tension in America right now."


"It is unfortunate that parties on both sides allowed their political views to become confrontational, and that's unfortunately resulted in that scuffling and the arrests that were made," Interim Chicago Police Superintendent John Escalante said at a Friday evening press conference. "We were confident that we had the right security for the event and the protesters as well."

The department previously said it had not advised Trump’s campaign to cancel the rally, and did not issue any public safety threats or safety risks.

The police seem to have been pretty aggravated with no 'heads up' regarding the cancellation. Many reports said that until that announcement, there was only verbal barbs being thrown. The announcement caught everyone by surprise, pissing off those who wanted to hear their choice and those who could claim, 'Victory.'

It's almost like there was a plan or something throughout the day. <iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: none;"></iframe>

03-12-2016, 08:34 AM
Not sure how I missed it earlier...

Funny that anyone would state that Trump himself assaulted someone. Saying he choked and slammed a girl to the ground. Then it was changed to it being someone from his team.

How about reality. The woman had her arm grabbed.

The person choked and forced to the ground - that was the secret service.

03-12-2016, 08:36 AM
The entire protest was planned in advance - 100% of it. Trump was spot on for bailing from the event, as those planning, also planned on charging the stage, as one protester actually succeeded in doing.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-12-2016, 08:45 AM
What did I say a few days ago about revisiting the 1968 Chicago riots? :cool:

My question is, if Trump can't control one night in Chicago, who is he going to lead an entire country?

As I see it, Supreme Mullah Trump has declared jihad against all Americans who doesn't support him. He has encouraged his followers to take up arms and eliminate non-believing infidels.
The result has been continual displays of secular violence. If there are peaceful Trump followers, why haven't they been able to keep the violent Trump followers in check? My guess is that ALL Trump followers endorse violence. Every rat-hair-head out there has dedicated his heart and soul to the fulfillment of Trump jihad.
I hear some of them have taken to kneeling in the direction of Trump Towers several times per day to pray for a Trump nomination. :rolleyes:


As I see it, Supreme Mullah Trump has declared jihad against all Americans who doesn't support him. He has encouraged his followers to take up arms and eliminate non-believing infidels.

That is a damn lie!

Only mullah is the obama, your hidden muslim in charge now, the ffing traitor..

After his ass is gone, every decent human in this nation should raise hell and demand that he be tried for his treason and if found guilty*(A certainty) he be legally executed!
No human on earth has done more in way of treason than that ffing maggot....-Tyr

03-12-2016, 08:48 AM
I can't link to it, but follow the hashtags on Twitter and see the reactions from the black lives matter activists.

Black Lives Matter Activists Take Online Victory Lap Over Trump Rally Shutdown

As a planned Donald Trump rally in Chicago was canceled Friday night, leftist protesters online wasted no time in taking a victory lap for the free-speech shutdown.

The alliance of left-wing protesters included illegal immigration activists working with their comrades in Black Lives Matter. The social justice warriors seem to take special delight in the idea that Americans who had showed up to hear Trump speak now had to face protesters.


03-12-2016, 09:29 AM
The entire protest was planned in advance - 100% of it. Trump was spot on for bailing from the event, as those planning, also planned on charging the stage, as one protester actually succeeded in doing.

Dam this is something no one should even be talking about, if these people (I guess ya can call them that) weren't protesting Trump they would of been out marching for much more important things like kill all cops, kill whitey, you know the important things in life. These animals (much better description) came and admitted they where there to do nothing else but start trouble, they planned on screaming (you know like when ya go to the zoo and walk by the monkey cage, very loud and annoying) so Trump could not speak. Well if a white supremacy group had done the same say to Hillary most would be saying how wrong the peckerwoods are, what racist they are. Open your eyes people, I read where at least Obama campaigned on hope and change, come on be frigging serious, he caused this issue. He did just as he planned to do (yup it's their turn now :rolleyes:) yea he pushed race relations so far back it is unreal and the dopes can't see this.

Then we have the idiots saying Trump caused this, he is a racist because he said things like those are bad people (a, a good person doesn't come for no other reason than to create a nuisance) How many of the white lives matter folks have protested at a rally this year and had the speaker have to leave, a yea zippo because there isn't no white lives matter, if ya had that they would be a bunch of racist peckerwoods ( yea Gabby I know rednecks :laugh:) That bastard Trump also said these folks are the ones ruining our country, said they ought to go get a job instead of waiting for handouts, hell I couldn't agree more (I ran myself to death trying to provide for my family, nope no handouts) but one thing he has going for him is he always said these people, not these niggers or blacks, he is talking about any and all that fit the category and hell yea there are whites in there as well as all other races, but once again the blacks took something somebody said and turned it into poor poor us, we where slaves, and the white trash followed with their own set of whining s. Lets be honest I wouldn't of bought a one of them they couldn't do a days work if there lives counted on it, yea there goes that great hope and change. See ya use to go to work to make a living for your family, Obama stepped in and now ya sit home and make that living (and NO it wasn't all Obama, all your liberal POS have made this country the way it is) So how about lets just tell the truth and stop sugar coating things, hell I heard one idiot say they where protesting (acting like animals) cause Chicago is such a wonderful city :rolleyes: yea hell I agree, were else can ya go and see so many people murdered in one night.

Then ya have the idiots that are completely clueless, I have a friend (this guy is sharp, a black dude from Chicago that now lives in the south and is usually level headed) as we spoke last night he explained to me how he is torn who to vote for, he said Trump is going to get us into a war, :laugh: New Flash buddy we are in one and it is only getting worse by the day, I explained how this country has 22 Muslims camps in it, many of which are training camps for terrorist (yea look it up, they even have pictures, I assume that was for the liberals ) Yea Trump is going to get us into a war, meanwhile we have folks calling for the death of cops, death of whitey, people are getting theirs heads cut off all over the world but Trump is going to start it, man some people are dumber than a box of rocks.

I guess y'all got the idea, for those that say BS thanks for helping to destroy this once great nation, now you can reap the benefits of your hard work.

Rant over.

03-12-2016, 10:10 AM
The entire protest was planned in advance - 100% of it. Trump was spot on for bailing from the event, as those planning, also planned on charging the stage, as one protester actually succeeded in doing.


`Go Chi-town!,,,, Show the world what an unmitigated armpit you've turned into.!!!

Creeps they've tried to interview couldn't string two sentences together and worse don't even know why they're protesting other than Trump is an old white guy. .....

...The truth is the gravy train is coming to a halt soon and they want Col. Sanders to cook up some more and want Hillary to serve it up. That's all they know for sure.!!!

03-12-2016, 10:36 AM
Dam this is something no one should even be talking about, if these people (I guess ya can call them that) weren't protesting Trump they would of been out marching for much more important things like kill all cops, kill whitey, you know the important things in life. These animals (much better description) came and admitted they where there to do nothing else but start trouble, they planned on screaming (you know like when ya go to the zoo and walk by the monkey cage, very loud and annoying) so Trump could not speak. Well if a white supremacy group had done the same say to Hillary most would be saying how wrong the peckerwoods are, what racist they are. Open your eyes people, I read where at least Obama campaigned on hope and change, come on be frigging serious, he caused this issue. He did just as he planned to do (yup it's their turn now :rolleyes:) yea he pushed race relations so far back it is unreal and the dopes can't see this.

Then we have the idiots saying Trump caused this, he is a racist because he said things like those are bad people (a, a good person doesn't come for no other reason than to create a nuisance) How many of the white lives matter folks have protested at a rally this year and had the speaker have to leave, a yea zippo because there isn't no white lives matter, if ya had that they would be a bunch of racist peckerwoods ( yea Gabby I know rednecks :laugh:) That bastard Trump also said these folks are the ones ruining our country, said they ought to go get a job instead of waiting for handouts, hell I couldn't agree more (I ran myself to death trying to provide for my family, nope no handouts) but one thing he has going for him is he always said these people, not these niggers or blacks, he is talking about any and all that fit the category and hell yea there are whites in there as well as all other races, but once again the blacks took something somebody said and turned it into poor poor us, we where slaves, and the white trash followed with their own set of whining s. Lets be honest I wouldn't of bought a one of them they couldn't do a days work if there lives counted on it, yea there goes that great hope and change. See ya use to go to work to make a living for your family, Obama stepped in and now ya sit home and make that living (and NO it wasn't all Obama, all your liberal POS have made this country the way it is) So how about lets just tell the truth and stop sugar coating things, hell I heard one idiot say they where protesting (acting like animals) cause Chicago is such a wonderful city :rolleyes: yea hell I agree, were else can ya go and see so many people murdered in one night.

Then ya have the idiots that are completely clueless, I have a friend (this guy is sharp, a black dude from Chicago that now lives in the south and is usually level headed) as we spoke last night he explained to me how he is torn who to vote for, he said Trump is going to get us into a war, :laugh: New Flash buddy we are in one and it is only getting worse by the day, I explained how this country has 22 Muslims camps in it, many of which are training camps for terrorist (yea look it up, they even have pictures, I assume that was for the liberals ) Yea Trump is going to get us into a war, meanwhile we have folks calling for the death of cops, death of whitey, people are getting theirs heads cut off all over the world but Trump is going to start it, man some people are dumber than a box of rocks.

I guess y'all got the idea, for those that say BS thanks for helping to destroy this once great nation, now you can reap the benefits of your hard work.

Rant over.

Well let me pile on. :laugh2:

I can't stand Lincoln. He's only second on the list because some idiots put Obama in office. He said one thing that was right, even though he proceed to violate every tenet: "A house divided cannot stand."

We're imploding. No one can beat us. But we're doing a smack-dang crackerjack job of beating ourselves. This madness has to stop.

So, while I personally, don't like your boy, ain't going to and apparently Jim's going to hate me forever over it, I DO understand his message. This shit's got to stop. I hope he delivers. My fear is he's as hollow as the rest and his track record doesn't look good for him. If he stands up and delivers, I'll be his biggest fan boy.

And any porch monkey than wonders why you get called a violent porch monkey might want to look in the mirror. We ain't the ones tearing down our own neighborhoods acting like idiots committing mindless acts of violence. We're watching YOU on TV. If push comes to shove, I know a whole bunch of good ol' boys that'll teach your pampered asses a whole new meaning to the word.

03-12-2016, 11:33 AM
Dam this is something no one should even be talking about, if these people (I guess ya can call them that) weren't protesting Trump they would of been out marching for much more important things like kill all cops, kill whitey, you know the important things in life. These animals (much better description) came and admitted they where there to do nothing else but start trouble, they planned on screaming (you know like when ya go to the zoo and walk by the monkey cage, very loud and annoying) so Trump could not speak. Well if a white supremacy group had done the same say to Hillary most would be saying how wrong the peckerwoods are, what racist they are. Open your eyes people, I read where at least Obama campaigned on hope and change, come on be frigging serious, he caused this issue. He did just as he planned to do (yup it's their turn now :rolleyes:) yea he pushed race relations so far back it is unreal and the dopes can't see this.

Then we have the idiots saying Trump caused this, he is a racist because he said things like those are bad people (a, a good person doesn't come for no other reason than to create a nuisance) How many of the white lives matter folks have protested at a rally this year and had the speaker have to leave, a yea zippo because there isn't no white lives matter, if ya had that they would be a bunch of racist peckerwoods ( yea Gabby I know rednecks :laugh:) That bastard Trump also said these folks are the ones ruining our country, said they ought to go get a job instead of waiting for handouts, hell I couldn't agree more (I ran myself to death trying to provide for my family, nope no handouts) but one thing he has going for him is he always said these people, not these niggers or blacks, he is talking about any and all that fit the category and hell yea there are whites in there as well as all other races, but once again the blacks took something somebody said and turned it into poor poor us, we where slaves, and the white trash followed with their own set of whining s. Lets be honest I wouldn't of bought a one of them they couldn't do a days work if there lives counted on it, yea there goes that great hope and change. See ya use to go to work to make a living for your family, Obama stepped in and now ya sit home and make that living (and NO it wasn't all Obama, all your liberal POS have made this country the way it is) So how about lets just tell the truth and stop sugar coating things, hell I heard one idiot say they where protesting (acting like animals) cause Chicago is such a wonderful city :rolleyes: yea hell I agree, were else can ya go and see so many people murdered in one night.

Then ya have the idiots that are completely clueless, I have a friend (this guy is sharp, a black dude from Chicago that now lives in the south and is usually level headed) as we spoke last night he explained to me how he is torn who to vote for, he said Trump is going to get us into a war, :laugh: New Flash buddy we are in one and it is only getting worse by the day, I explained how this country has 22 Muslims camps in it, many of which are training camps for terrorist (yea look it up, they even have pictures, I assume that was for the liberals ) Yea Trump is going to get us into a war, meanwhile we have folks calling for the death of cops, death of whitey, people are getting theirs heads cut off all over the world but Trump is going to start it, man some people are dumber than a box of rocks.

I guess y'all got the idea, for those that say BS thanks for helping to destroy this once great nation, now you can reap the benefits of your hard work.

Rant over.

You're the last one who should be criticizing violence. Remember wanting to "break me into a million pieces"? On that note, if any hostile person enters my property, they would need the coroner. My dad once told me if someone starts violence against you, kill them, don't hurt them. A good exercise is to visit a morgue, look death in the face until you get comfortable with it. A dead man can neither testify against you nor sue you.

03-12-2016, 11:56 AM
You're the last one who should be criticizing violence. Remember wanting to "break me into a million pieces"? On that note, if any hostile person enters my property, they would need the coroner. My dad once told me if someone starts violence against you, kill them, don't hurt them. A good exercise is to visit a morgue, look death in the face until you get comfortable with it. A dead man can neither testify against you nor sue you.

In these violent times, these are words to live by.

I believe in non-violent protests. When I went to NYC for the Republican Convention in 2004, most of the protests were non-violent. It was just a few publicity-hungry agitators that ruined everything. I remember sitting in the street having lunch with police once. They had been assigned to make sure we didn't get out of hand. :laugh:

Times have changed since I was in the protest movement. People no longer want to effect change by peaceful means. They want to get on TV. They want to be arrested.
I don't like Trump. But I wouldn't go to one of his rallies and yell at him. Or throw things.

I went to a couple of Bush rallies in 2004 wearing an anti-Bush T-shirt. Didn't say or do anything. Just sat there. No one cared.
If I did the same thing at a Trump rally, I would probably be assaulted. Times have changed.

03-12-2016, 12:01 PM
In these violent times, these are words to live by.

I believe in non-violent protests. When I went to NYC for the Republican Convention in 2004, most of the protests were non-violent. It was just a few publicity-hungry agitators that ruined everything. I remember sitting in the street having lunch with police once. They had been assigned to make sure we didn't get out of hand. :laugh:

Times have changed since I was in the protest movement. People no longer want to effect change by peaceful means. They want to get on TV. They want to be arrested.
I don't like Trump. But I wouldn't go to one of his rallies and yell at him. Or throw things.

I went to a couple of Bush rallies in 2004 wearing an anti-Bush T-shirt. Didn't say or do anything. Just sat there. No one cared.
If I did the same thing at a Trump rally, I would probably be assaulted. Times have changed.

Which is exactly why Redstate is suggesting pro-Cruz protesters come armed to protest Trump. Those Trump thugs have a yuuuuge attitude adjustment when staring down a loaded .38.

03-12-2016, 12:07 PM
Which is exactly why Redstate is suggesting pro-Cruz protesters come armed to protest Trump. Those Trump thugs have a yuuuuge attitude adjustment when staring down a loaded .38.


So you're a steely-eyed gunslinger now too, huh? What happened to your policy of running to a lawyer if someone even typed mean to you on the interwebs?

I suppose the natural progression from DDOS wielding Hacker is to a pistol-packing tough guy. Makes sense.

I'm enjoying your budding romance with Gabby. You'll make a cute couple. Am I invited to the wedding?

03-12-2016, 12:13 PM

So you're a steely-eyed gunslinger now too, huh? What happened to your policy of running to a lawyer if someone even typed mean to you on the interwebs?

I suppose the natural progression from DDOS wielding Hacker is to a pistol-packing tough guy. Makes sense.

I'm enjoying your budding romance with Gabby. You'll make a cute couple. Am I invited to the wedding?

In case you haven't figured it out yet, these forums serve the purpose of "kicking ideas around" for real life. You fail to make that distinction.

To give you an answer more serious than you deserve: In life you use whatever tools to defend yourself. Sometimes it means suing somebody, sometimes it means killing somebody in a legal manner. Sometimes it means assembling necessary facts and getting someone fired. You do what you have to do or get run over.

03-12-2016, 12:44 PM
In case you haven't figured it out yet, these forums serve the purpose of "kicking ideas around" for real life. You fail to make that distinction.

No it isn't. This is not a real life simulator, you knucklehead. Play a video game if that's what you're looking for.

To give you an answer more serious than you deserve: In life you use whatever tools to defend yourself. Sometimes it means suing somebody, sometimes it means killing somebody in a legal manner. Sometimes it means assembling necessary facts and getting someone fired. You do what you have to do or get run over.

Stick with hiding behind the nearest skirt you can find - it's much more authentic than your tough-guy routine.

Join the Marines if you want to learn how to be a man.

03-12-2016, 12:58 PM
No it isn't. This is not a real life simulator, you knucklehead. Play a video game if that's what you're looking for.

Stick with hiding behind the nearest skirt you can find - it's much more authentic than your tough-guy routine.

Join the Marines if you want to learn how to be a man.

I don't know what you're trying to say. It has nothing to so with tough/not tough. It has to do with surgically matching the right solution to the right problem. I remember a co-worker I had a lot in common with. He reminded me against overkill. You don't want to respond to someone with "your best shot" because you make the other person a more skilled adversary. Just use what you need for your purpose.

03-12-2016, 04:24 PM
It's all a mentality problem. A lack of education problem. A selfishness problem, and when all of those are added together. You expose the society of today as just PLAIN OLD STUPID.

Most of the people who must resort to making violence their only way of expressing anything, do so due to near total ignorance, and a resounding LACK OF EDUCATION, practiced by the easily-led, and generally DUMB among us all.

03-13-2016, 07:33 AM
Here's another one that tries to charge the stage, to do what no one knows. But absolutely awesome how quickly the secret service gets him, and the others rush to protect Trump.


03-13-2016, 07:41 AM
Here's another one that tries to charge the stage, to do what no one knows. But absolutely awesome how quickly the secret service gets him, and the others rush to protect Trump.

Yeah, when I heard that the Chicago problem included reports of 'credible threat of someone wanting to rush the stage,) I thought that shouldn't have been reported, since it didn't happen.

I bet there will be many such attempts, idiots.

03-13-2016, 07:45 AM
Yeah, when I heard that the Chicago problem included reports of 'credible threat of someone wanting to rush the stage,) I thought that shouldn't have been reported, since it didn't happen.

I bet there will be many such attempts, idiots.

Now someone will want to be the first one to be successful at doing so. I just hope that no one on the right will be dumb enough to try similar with Bernie or Hillary. Leave the desire to squash freedom of speech to their side.

03-13-2016, 07:56 AM
Now someone will want to be the first one to be successful at doing so. I just hope that no one on the right will be dumb enough to try similar with Bernie or Hillary. Leave the desire to squash freedom of speech to their side.

I could be wrong, but don't think most on the 'right' would bother to organize. It's sort of that whole idea of 'letting others have their opinions.'

I have little doubt though that the disruptive left has learned more than a few things by watching Chicago. The question though will be whether Trump and his rally goers will avoid being reactionary and provoked into violence? It will not go well for them.

I think it's obvious I'm not excusing the language Trump has been using, I've been clear. However, this is playing out in a way that is unfair, no doubt about that. One uses language, the other side is grasping the anger and provoking the violence. It will not play well for the right-the media is not on their side, neither are most people regarding violence.

03-13-2016, 09:34 AM
You're the last one who should be criticizing violence. Remember wanting to "break me into a million pieces"? On that note, if any hostile person enters my property, they would need the coroner. My dad once told me if someone starts violence against you, kill them, don't hurt them. A good exercise is to visit a morgue, look death in the face until you get comfortable with it. A dead man can neither testify against you nor sue you.

First off Bitch having a weapon and using it are 2 entirely different things, and I am not sure but I think you just threatened to kill me, heck I believe that is called terroristical threats (have to let my lawyer check it out, maybe I can sue ya and make money :laugh:) As for looking death in the face ass wipe I have done so and no, well hell you wouldn't understand.

And so you know dummy if a hostile person walks on your property unarmed and you shoot and kill him its called murder, if ya want to try and talk the talk at least know what the fuck you are talking about ass wipe, unless a person is inside your home and not retreating (in many states a criminal even inside your home has the right to retreat) and you are fearful for your life is the only time you may get away with it, depends on the laws of your state, but if a pissed off unarmed person walks on your property and you shoot him its called murder. Yea its always easy to tell a punk, can't even talk bad behind a monitor.

03-13-2016, 09:45 AM
Which is exactly why Redstate is suggesting pro-Cruz protesters come armed to protest Trump. Those Trump thugs have a yuuuuge attitude adjustment when staring down a loaded .38.

First although I look at a 38 as a pee shooter I bet it would knock you on your punk ass, those guns went out ages ago, they don't have the fire power ya need now a days, and to be honest, hell I would hand you my gun ( a real gun ) and then play with you, and still wind up stomping the piss out of you, and let's make this clear, THIS IS NOT A TEST, ITS FACT !!!!

The so called Trump thugs are the people that are tired of the PC BS, tired of only black lives matter, tired of people calling for the death of police officers and whitey, tired of young ladies screaming how they where assaulted and called racial names only to later watch a video showing they where the aggressors not the big bad peckerwoods, the racist peckerwoods where simply trying to break up the 3 on one fight these great young ladies were in.

And as far as you giving anyone a" yuuuuge attitude adjustment when staring down a loaded your .38," well your right, cause I would of went from being serious to laughing my ass off at a punk trying to do his best James Dean. :laugh:

03-13-2016, 11:37 AM
You're the last one who should be criticizing violence. Remember wanting to "break me into a million pieces"? On that note, if any hostile person enters my property, they would need the coroner. My dad once told me if someone starts violence against you, kill them, don't hurt them. A good exercise is to visit a morgue, look death in the face until you get comfortable with it. A dead man can neither testify against you nor sue you.

Did you read what you said before you posted it? You're bitching about violence on one hand, and threatening to kill people with the other. The difference between people like you, and people like me, jeff, tyr, jimbobs, CSM, AT (and whoever the Hell else I can't remember their names -- y'all can yell at me later) is we don't come with the sermon. We're busting your ass with whatever we can get our hands on at the time. There's no pretension here. You get what you came for.

This world is violent. How it is. Deal with it or find a different one to live in. Bernie has. A half hour of him last night had me looking for Draino to drink. I like to get up, have some coffee or actually I prefer tea, take a shower, and water the little lady's garden. My idea of a road trip anymore is 4 blocks to the Circle K. If I got a $20 in my pocket, a pack of smokes and the sun is shining, I'm Mr Happy Camper. But don't come around here if you got anything besides sharing some coffee and smokes.

My whole point is this topic is just another big lie. The person/people bitching about violence are the ones who start the shit. It's okay to stop an entire city's traffic pattern while your dead ass walks around with sign in the street right? Never mind I have to pick up my kids and feed them? My rights don't matter, right? My kids don't matter so idiots can act like what they are in the middle of the street?

You see anyone on the right acting like that? So when a leftwingnut accuses US of violence? No sale. We don't have time to stand around acting like morons swinging off tree limbs mugging for the ever-present MSM. But I guess it wouldn't be near as exciting following one of us home and watching us mow the lawn and wash dishes.

03-13-2016, 04:16 PM
This is another view of the supposed "violence"


Even a video from Perez Hilton seems to show there was no violence. None that I see anyway.


This looks like a smear campaine to me

03-13-2016, 05:10 PM
There are two threads on this topic and my question is STILL the same ... WHAT violence? Are we talking disagreeing with one another? Now I can't say "you're wrong" because there's e-violence involved?

My idea of violence is you come in my yard looking to take or hurt what's mine. I have YET to see anyone pop through my computer screen. So we have devolved to the point that someone's words on a screen are physical threats to our lives? That's kind of wussy-ish.

If I disagree with you get the f- over it. I do. Crap. I STILL ain't going to agree with you and I'll say this: ANY of you hard-heads that don't agree with me are entitled to your wrong opinion. I have more respect for you not backing down than would have if you did. What's tyr's thread? I Take My Stand. Well, take it. I expect NOTHING less. From any one of you. I expect you to stand up and fight. Wimps need not apply. Think I'm wrong? Bring it.

What some of y'all don't get is I expect when you suit up, come to play. Some want to call it violence? Well, in that case, Chess is violent. So is Monopoly. I'm out to kick your ass. Period.

Quit misusing words.

03-13-2016, 05:34 PM
This is another view of the supposed "violence"


Even a video from Perez Hilton seems to show there was no violence. None that I see anyway.


This looks like a smear campaine to me

I have to agree that this seems to have been blown up and is so very confusing. Breitbart has been very pro-Trump so it struck me weird to begin with.

Then the Brietbart guy denied he talked to Trump guy who said something about 'not knowing she was from Breitbart.

Then she filed charges. Then the Breitbart guy resigned after the other guy said he didn't talk to Trump guy.

Seriously, this incident seems surreal.

I just wish the rhetoric would ratchet down from Trump. Today he seemed to be backing the guy who sucker punched the black guy in MO, saying he'd pay his legal bills. He also said, 'Bernie better call his people off, he doesn't want MY people showing up...'

What the protesters are doing with disruption should be controlled and they should be arrested. Protesting orderly though, that is their right. If the venue is open and they are able to procure tickets or enter 'first come' that is also their right. Attempting to disrupt? Nope, they need to be removed and charges can be pressed.

The two candidates with the most passionate supporters are Trump and Sanders-I do hope they send the right messages to protect the first amendment and protect themselves. I don't like how this is playing out.

03-13-2016, 05:46 PM
I found this interesting, I believe someone brought up that the 1st amendment refers to Congress, not a general right? Anyways, read it all the way through, I think there's something here for anyone to consider.


Black Diamond
03-13-2016, 06:11 PM
There are two threads on this topic and my question is STILL the same ... WHAT violence? Are we talking disagreeing with one another? Now I can't say "you're wrong" because there's e-violence involved?

My idea of violence is you come in my yard looking to take or hurt what's mine. I have YET to see anyone pop through my computer screen. So we have devolved to the point that someone's words on a screen are physical threats to our lives? That's kind of wussy-ish.

If I disagree with you get the f- over it. I do. Crap. I STILL ain't going to agree with you and I'll say this: ANY of you hard-heads that don't agree with me are entitled to your wrong opinion. I have more respect for you not backing down than would have if you did. What's tyr's thread? I Take My Stand. Well, take it. I expect NOTHING less. From any one of you. I expect you to stand up and fight. Wimps need not apply. Think I'm wrong? Bring it.

What some of y'all don't get is I expect when you suit up, come to play. Some want to call it violence? Well, in that case, Chess is violent. So is Monopoly. I'm out to kick your ass. Period.

Quit misusing words.
I don't know. It really cuts deep when I get forked by someone's Knight.

Puts me in check and I have no choice but to surrender my rook or queen. It ain't fair.

03-13-2016, 10:19 PM
Some have tried to pretend that Trumps and his supporters are politics as usually everybody spit, pushes, hits, attacks, beat downs others opponents ... happens all the time. pure BS.

Trump Concerned His Rallies Are Not Violent Enough
https://theintercept.com/2016/03/11/...e-white-house/ (https://theintercept.com/2016/03/11/trumps-good-old-days-when-battering-protesters-was-celebrated-in-the-white-house/)
Don't believe Donald Trump has incited violence at rallies? Watch this video. - Vox (http://www.vox.com/2016/3/12/11211846/donald-trump-violence-rallies)

Remember when protester went to a Sanders meeting shouted and took over? (don't feel so persecuted Trump fans)
Trump pre-emptively said before any protesters of any kind disrupted his rallies "either me or my fans " will fight to remove people IF that happens to me.
Then as if on cue protesters showed up and the fans did ...and have continued to... use violence against others citizens. As Trumps commands from the podium for them to "get them out of here"

when asked if he has a problem with it he said to FOX news
“Maybe he should have been roughed up, because it was absolutely disgusting what he was doing,”
He's continued in this vain since then.

Donald Trump:
February 1 in Iowa:
"If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously. Okay? Just knock the hell. I promise you I will pay for the legal fees. I promise."

February 22 in Nevada:
"I love the old days. You know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They'd be carried out on a stretcher, folks. It's true. … I'd like to punch him in the face, I'll tell you."

St. Louis
"protesters realize there are no consequences to protesting anymore"

St. Louis
Trump informs crowd he is currently fantasizing about doing something to protesters, but "won't say what's on my mind."

February 29 in Virginia:
"Get him out of here please. Get him out. Get him out. … Are you from Mexico? Are you from Mexico? Huh? Are you from Mexico?"

Fayetteville, North Carolina,
“See, in the good old days this doesn’t happen, ...because they used to treat them very, very rough. And when they protested once, you know, they would not do it again so easily. But today they walk in and they put their hand up and they put the wrong finger in the air at everybody and they get away with murder because we’ve become weak, we’ve become weak.”

“You see, in the good old days, law enforcement acted a lot quicker than this, a lot quicker,” he said. “In the good old days, they’d rip him out of that seat so fast. But today, everybody’s politically correct. Our country’s going to hell with being politically correct.”

Las Vegas,
“I’d like to punch him in the face, I tell ya,” "good old days"

March 4 in Michigan:
"Get out of here. Get out. Out! … This is amazing. So much fun. I love it. I love it. We having a good time? USA, USA, USA! … All right, get him out. Try not to hurt him. If you do, I'll defend you in court. Don't worry about it. … We had four guys, they jumped on him, they were swinging and swinging. The next day, we got killed in the press — that we were too rough. Give me a break. You know? Right? We don't want to be too politically correct anymore. Right, folks?"

March 9 in North Carolina:
"We had some people, some rough guys like we have right in here. And they started punching back. It was a beautiful thing. I mean, they started punching back. … In the good old days, this doesn't happen because they used to treat them very, very rough. And when they protested once, you know, they would not do it again so easily. But today, they walk in and they put their hand up and put the wrong finger in the air at everybody, and they get away with murder, because we've become weak."

March 11 in Missouri, hours before the Chicago rally:
"Part of the problem and part of the reason it takes so long is nobody wants to hurt each other anymore. Right? And they're being politically correct the way they take them out. So it takes a little bit longer. And honestly, protesters, they realize it — they realize that there are no consequences to protesting anymore. There used to be consequences. There are none anymore."

"These are not good people..." "these people contribute nothing..." "these people are destroying America.." "we're to soft on these people..

So how can anyone pretend that Trump has ZERO responsibility for influencing his supporters actions? or shift blame to the left and Obama!:laugh2: Or pretend that ANY OTHER candidates are even close or ever have been in the last 40years close to this kind of violent rhetoric?

“Then they said to me, ‘What do you think of waterboarding?'” Trump said. “I said I think it’s great, but we don’t go far enough.”
To that, the crowd broke out into cheers and chants of “USA,USA.”
“It’s true. We don’t go far enough,” Trump said. “We don’t go far enough.”

03-14-2016, 12:45 AM

"But I certainly do not condone that at all, Jake.”

Nah....certainly not. Cause....telling them to knock the hell out of em and offering to pay legal fees for assault isn't really condoning violence, is it Donald? Not much.

Trump is a lying instigator. A divider, not a uniter. And ...don't we already have one of those? Have had for almost eight years. We don't need another ahole in the WH.

03-14-2016, 04:10 AM
Amazing how some can completely ignore the same behavior at other rallies from other candidates.

Amazing how some ignore the blacks that start so much of the trouble. Put fingers in ears and go :lalala:

Amazing how some, with all the proof in the world, ignore the black lives matter group, moveon and Soros.

And to worry about some fracases at a rally - but COMPLETELY IGNORE endless deaths committed by blacks on a daily basis?

But I suppose it's normal to go a little out of ones mind when the candidate you don't like is winning, no matter what you can try to throw at him.

03-14-2016, 07:40 AM
I'm wondering how anyone who saw the protests, incidents involving fighting can honestly turn this into a race thing? Yes indeed BLM was involved, so were many, many others of all races. A small number of people were involved in the actual disturbance causing behaviors and physical altercations-not all black.

Is the reaction of some trying to turn this all into racism based on reaction to Obama's never seeing the fact that his anti-police stands, mostly in the name of 'discrimination in arrests and prosecutions unfairly done,' is in fact prejudice against police of all colors, not just white? He's as prejudiced as they come. Is going like him, in another direction acceptable? That seems to be the argument.

I heard Sanders speaking several times last night, it sounded to me as if he too is exhorting his supporters to 'stand up' against what they are hearing. In other words, I do agree his ratcheting up the idea of taking physical actions. The rhetoric is rising and anyone who thinks any of this is going to be good for the country is not thinking clearly. While it doesn't take a genius to realize Sanders is trying to get BLM out of his rallies and gain some of the black vote, his supporters don't.

03-14-2016, 07:48 AM
The majority of folks holding signs and getting booted are holding BLM signs (also a small amount of Hillary/Bernie). Same with those I saw getting booted for simply screaming crap. They were definitely heavily involved in Chicago, it's all over twitter and facebook if you follow the hashtags. It was there prior as well, as the BLM activists planned their portion. Is it solely them? Of course not. But then in addition to the BLM folks, it seemed to me that in Chicago, the majority I saw were black, but of course not all of them. So I think the reason it's being blamed a lot on race, is because the majority of the folks seen when things go awry happen to be black.

03-14-2016, 07:54 AM
The majority of folks holding signs and getting booted are holding BLM signs (also a small amount of Hillary/Bernie). Same with those I saw getting booted for simply screaming crap. They were definitely heavily involved in Chicago, it's all over twitter and facebook if you follow the hashtags. It was there prior as well, as the BLM activists planned their portion. Is it solely them? Of course not. But then in addition to the BLM folks, it seemed to me that in Chicago, the majority I saw were black, but of course not all of them. So I think the reason it's being blamed a lot on race, is because the majority of the folks seen when things go awry happen to be black.

I'm wondering if you are hearing what I am from Sanders? I'll give you that nearly all the blame for inflammatory rhetoric has been aimed at Trump. I'll go a step further and even agree that most of the protesters were black-though not really certain that's a true statement. From the get go I've said that Trump cannot be blamed for the actions of his supporters, my problem is his rhetoric. I'm saying the same now of Bernie, who is not being as direct and is likely even more dangerous for that.

03-14-2016, 07:57 AM
I'm wondering if you are hearing what I am from Sanders? I'll give you that nearly all the blame for inflammatory rhetoric has been aimed at Trump. I'll go a step further and even agree that most of the protesters were black-though not really certain that's a true statement. From the get go I've said that Trump cannot be blamed for the actions of his supporters, my problem is his rhetoric. I'm saying the same now of Bernie, who is not being as direct and is likely even more dangerous for that.

I haven't watched any Sanders events or listen to him at all. I'm only commenting on what I've personally seen for sure with my own 2 eyes.

03-14-2016, 08:06 AM
I haven't watched any Sanders events or listen to him at all. I'm only commenting on what I've personally seen for sure with my own 2 eyes.

I woudn't/couldn't listen to his speeches either. What I heard was on the news. His supporters are many in the demographics of illegal behaviors of all sorts. Doesn't mean all of his supporters would act illegally, just in those age categories. They are also fairly easy to manipulate ideologically, just check out the college campuses and using 'free speech' to shut down others.

03-14-2016, 08:11 AM
I woudn't/couldn't listen to his speeches either. What I heard was on the news. His supporters are many in the demographics of illegal behaviors of all sorts. Doesn't mean all of his supporters would act illegally, just in those age categories. They are also fairly easy to manipulate ideologically, just check out the college campuses and using 'free speech' to shut down others.

That's what I was mentioning yesterday, no one on the right should even bother on the campuses, as the majority are already indoctrinated liberals that haven't learned the real world yet breed there.

03-14-2016, 08:14 AM
That's what I was mentioning yesterday, no one on the right should even bother on the campuses, as the majority are already indoctrinated liberals that haven't learned the real world yet breed there.

That in general is true. While only slightly less convenient to get to, I think the same would have happened if the rally had been held at United Stadium, the other large indoor arena.

03-14-2016, 08:14 AM
Sheriff Clarke – Don’t Blame Trump, Obama Stoked Racism For 8 Years

Sheriff Clarke identifies the disrupters that are targeting Donald Trump as riot starters who show up for the express purpose of creating chaos. He says, “This is a threat to ordered liberty in the United States of America. Look, these presidential candidates and their supporters have every right to participate in this process in our democratic state here in the United States of America.”

“And for that to be thwarted by these bullies, these goons, is downright wrong.” Clarke says, “Look, the Chicago police, the officers were under-resourced last night. Shame on the Chicago Police administrators for not putting their line officers in a position to be able to accomplish their mission, which was to have this rally go on.”

He says, “This rally was cancelled in the name of public safety? Why don’t we cancel these rebellions in the name of public safety? These people had their civil rights violated, who showed up at this rally and wanted to participate, as the Constitution allows, in our presidential election politics. Donald Trump’s First Amendment rights were squashed last night because of the cancellation of this rally.”

“I expect the people who show up at these rallies to stand up for themselves and don’t back down to these bullies and these goons and to have your voice heard as well,” says Clarke. “The numbers are on your side. Look, the people who show up at the Trump rallies or at anybody else’s rally, they’re not asking for trouble. They didn’t start this stuff but I don’t expect them to back down. I expect the police to do what they have to do to make sure that these events can be pulled off. I expect law abiding citizens, if the police need a hand, to step in. Keep in mind, for the people that attend these rallies, the numbers are on your side.”

Clarke says, “They’re not advocating for violence and I’m not either, but I’m not going to back down and I don’t expect them to back down either.

Cavuto asks Sheriff Clarke about the claims by Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz that Trump brings this upon himself. Clarke responds, well, I think they’re wrong; I’m not going to blame Trump for this. He declines to tell Donald Trump what he should say, noting that he knows how to run his campaign, but has a question that needs to be answered. Clarke asks the audience to “Look at some of the language used by Mrs. Bill Clinton and Bernie Sanders at their rallies and at their debates. How they criticize the police, they attack the police, they stoke up racial animosity, the ‘president’ of the United States is the one that created this division, stoking up racial discord, class warfare, gender warfare for the last eight years. For people to blame this on Donald Trump is way out of bounds.


03-14-2016, 08:49 AM
I'm wondering how anyone who saw the protests, incidents involving fighting can honestly turn this into a race thing? Yes indeed BLM was involved, so were many, many others of all races. A small number of people were involved in the actual disturbance causing behaviors and physical altercations-not all black.

Is the reaction of some trying to turn this all into racism based on reaction to Obama's never seeing the fact that his anti-police stands, mostly in the name of 'discrimination in arrests and prosecutions unfairly done,' is in fact prejudice against police of all colors, not just white? He's as prejudiced as they come. Is going like him, in another direction acceptable? That seems to be the argument.

I heard Sanders speaking several times last night, it sounded to me as if he too is exhorting his supporters to 'stand up' against what they are hearing. In other words, I do agree his ratcheting up the idea of taking physical actions. The rhetoric is rising and anyone who thinks any of this is going to be good for the country is not thinking clearly. While it doesn't take a genius to realize Sanders is trying to get BLM out of his rallies and gain some of the black vote, his supporters don't.

When blacks want to address and complain about any political issue some people just don't want to hear it AT ALL. they don't care what it is. Rather than try and find out what a specific issue is they simply start in with a "i'm NOT RACIST" list of how bad "blacks" are in their minds OVERALL. So that they can ignore any blacks concerns completely since they think they already know everything about blacks problems. And If blacks complain politically to loudly ...with words... we'll A certain sector of whites start talking about "race wars" and "civil wars" to shut blacks down. For some reason some find it hard to allow in their minds the idea that there are any legitimate problems that could be address politically to help make the country more fair... as well as... Blacks continuing to address other issues as well. And if any blacks are involved in protest they are the bad guys since blacks are all bad anyway.

But to one of your points about Trump and the Protesters.
Yes the protesters are of all races and left wing political views.
here's the guy that STUPIDLY tried to get on Trump's stage, Thomas Dimassimo
It was criminal and Stupid IMO.

But to say of the violence that It's Bernie Sanders Fault, It's Obama fault, it's Black peoples Fault, is to ridiculous.
the protesters are the ones getting hit, spat on, beaten etc..

Some people are just protesting --read TALKING LOUD- HOLDING SIGNS - WEAR SHIRTS--- IN REACTION to Trump's words. that's part of how people do normal politics in the U.S. . And yes SOME people acting stupidly and rudely also IN REACTION to Trump's words. But Trump is egging on his fans to VIOLENT replies to all of it.
Sanders replies have been stupid as well, letting protesters take the stage and mics to speak.
All a sane candidate has to do is ask the cops to remove them as peacefully and quickly as possible and ignore them if they want them gone. DONE. Or if the candidates are smart, they'd meet with BLM or other folks and hear them out at various cities and get them NOT to protest. You know.... like.. negotiate with citizen's groups as politicians are suppose to be able to do. Rather than foment enemies for fun ("get them out of here.. we're having fun... USA USA!")

But Trump and his fans someone feel they are justified in their violence but want everyone else to calm their people down. So can someone please tell me why can't TRUMP lead by an example if he's so great. Rather than stir the pot in every city he visits? And be YEARNING for "the good old days" of shooting and beating americans unconscious. Who in there right mind thinks that is a PEACEFUL or wise way to address protest? What canditet ever went city to city saying crazy crap like what i posted in my previous? Sanders, Obama Cruz Carson Bush McCain ... NO ONE on the left OR right in the last 40 yrs but Trump.

Again Thomas Dimassimo is an idiot for trying to get on Trumps Stage. It was dangerous and stupid and wrong. as well as completely counter productive to stopping Trump.
But Trump's comments in reaction are also horrible. It seems that more than once Trump and/or his fans have said that those that oppose him or protest ARE/"might be" ISIS.
That's just great. All political dissenters and enemies are assumed to be ISIS now.
with all the laws in place now indefinite detention and torture is legal if you're "associated" with any terrorist groups. If you're a terror "suspect" you have no rights either.

So i have to ask again, will Trump actions and accusations mellow or become more measured and careful if he's elected?
Or is it possible that maybe other protesters, or orgs, or media, or members of congress could also have ISIS ties since they don't agree with Trump?

Trump is NOT presidential material. not in a free country anyway.

03-14-2016, 08:59 AM
When blacks want to address and complain about any political issue some people just don't want to hear it AT ALL. they don't care what it is. Rather than try and find out what a specific issue is they simply start on "i'm NOT RACIST" list of how bad "blacks" are in their minds OVERALL. So they decide that they can ignore blacks concerns completely because they think they already know everything about blacks. And If blacks complain politically to loudly ...with words... we'll A certain sector of whites start talking about "race wars" and "civil wars" to shut blacks down. For some reason some find it hard to allow in their minds the idea that there are any legitimate problems that could be address politically to help make the country more fair... as well as... Blacks continuing to address other issues as well. And if any blacks are involved in protest they are the bad guys since blacks are all bad anyway.

But to one of your point about Trump and the Protesters.
Yes the protesters are of all races and left wing political views.
here's the guy that STUPIDLY tried to get on Trump's stage, Thomas Dimassimo
It was criminal and Stupid IMO.

But to say the violence It's Bernie Sanders Fault, It's Obama fault, it's Black peoples Fault, is to ridiculous.
the protesters are the ones getting hit, spat on, beaten etc..

Some people are just protesting --read TALKING LOUD- HOLDING SIGNS - WEAR SHIRTS--- IN REACTION to Trump's words. that's part of how people do normal politics in the U.S. . And yes SOME people acting stupidly and rudely also IN REACTION to Trump's words. But Trump is egging on his fans to VIOLENT replies to all of it.
Sanders replies have been stupid as well, letting protesters take the stage and mics to speak.
All a sane candidate has to do is ask the cops to remove them as peacefully and quickly as possible and ignore them if they want them gone. DONE. Or if the candidates are smart, they'd meet with BLM or other folks and hear them out at various cities and get them NOT to protest. You know.... like.. negotiate with citizen's groups as politicians are suppose to be able to do. Rather than foment enemies for fun ("get them out of here.. we're having fun... USA USA!")

But Trump and his fans someone feel they are justified in their violence but want everyone else to calm their people down. So can someone please tell me why can't TRUMP lead by an example if he's so great. Rather than stir the pot in every city he visits? And be YEARNING for "the good old days" of shooting and beating americans unconscious. Who in there right mind thinks that is a PEACEFUL or wise way to address protest? What canditet ever went city to city saying crazy crap like what i posted in my previous? Sanders, Obama Cruz Carson Bush McCain ... NO ONE on the left OR right in the last 40 yrs but Trump.

Again Thomas Dimassimo is an idiot for trying to get on Trumps Stage. It was dangerous and stupid and wrong. as well as completely counter productive to stopping Trump.

But Trump's comments in reaction are also horrible. It seems that more than once Trump and/or his fans have said that those that oppose him or protest ARE/"might be" ISIS.

That's just great. All political dissenters and enemies are assumed to be ISIS now.
with all the laws in place now indefinite detention and torture is legal if you're "associated" with any terrorist groups. If you're a terror "suspect" you have no rights either.

So i have to ask again, will Trump actions and accusations mellow or become more measured and careful if he's elected?
Or is it possible that maybe other protesters, or orgs, or media, or members of congress could also have ISIS ties since they don't agree with Trump?

Trump is NOT presidential material. not in a free country anyway.

I don't think that your argument here holds much water. Can't blame one for rhetoric and not the others. Perhaps you should try to stand in a white person's shoes and hear what Obama has said, over and over again.

Many policemen are not men and not white, all Obama sees is blue.

I do not deny that there are plenty of prejudiced people in US, though until the rise of Obama things were going in the right direction. To deny that his race baiting, direct or not, hasn't made things much, much worse, is denying reality.

Over the years I've addressed the simplistic ideas that 'all is equal now,' 'Blacks, Hispanics, etc., are just more violent, blah blah. Equally simplistic to say that there hasn't been organized efforts made to divide rather than heal-Obama has just been the most visible and successful so far. Trump is a backlash.

03-14-2016, 12:51 PM
I don't think that your argument here holds much water. Can't blame one for rhetoric and not the others. Perhaps you should try to stand in a white person's shoes and hear what Obama has said, over and over again.
Many policemen are not men and not white, all Obama sees is blue.
I do not deny that there are plenty of prejudiced people in US, though until the rise of Obama things were going in the right direction. To deny that his race baiting, direct or not, hasn't made things much, much worse, is denying reality.
Over the years I've addressed the simplistic ideas that 'all is equal now,' 'Blacks, Hispanics, etc., are just more violent, blah blah. Equally simplistic to say that there hasn't been organized efforts made to divide rather than heal-Obama has just been the most visible and successful so far. Trump is a backlash.

Please list ...as I have.. the rhetoric that whites feels is so disturbing that it makes them want to hit random blacks at protest.
I'm no Obama fan but what did Obama say in at campaigns 3 and 7 years ago in city after city that compares to what Trump has said?
Cruz McCain Reagan Clinton Bush?
My argument may fall on deaf ears but it's not because it's a bad argument.

For all his faults Obama in the campaigns welcomed whites and preached unity and all americans coming together etc.

As far as the police go, I just refer you to the the baltimore police officers story (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?53566-Must-See-Police-Officer-Interview) and to the protect and serve thread. No one in politics wants police officer harmed, Folks just want the same fair, treatment and better training, deescalation. But the worse of BLM (black lives mater AS MUCH as Police and whites) the worse of the rhetoric from BLM people in the street has been because the issue has been ignored for decades and a has been even denied but many today. with police officers walking back to the job after killing people or long years of abuse.

So while many whites have had there feelings hurt by Obama, many blacks and whites have died and been assaulted at the hands of people that are paid to protect us all. Is it really so terrible if people don't pretend that police are perfect. is that fantasy sacred in america?

Jim and others like to point out all the white dead by black hands... black criminals who everyone wants and have sent to PRISON. They are not back on the streets pulling over other people and harassing again and again. they go to prison, while cops of all races shoot fully unarmed even naked people dead and still collect a pay check. is it a crime to TALK about that?

As far as race relations going in the right direction before Obama, well people had been complaining about Police Before Obama but ..as is still the case with some ... the very idea was denied outright. and when it was acknowledged it was rarely raised to a national level of awareness . As i've mentioned before Blacks have been talking and dealing with this since I was a child. And it wasn't "getting better" on that issue it had plateaued.

However just the fact the Obama was elected is a reminder that things had improved in other areas.

But Having said all that Kathianne I'd really like to understand this white "backlash" to Obama for his the years of offenses to whites. What words and actions specifically have whites felt were directed at them that have upset some so much? I do want to understand and I'm not going to reply with some new list of police offenses to counter whatever has really caused this NEW anger to rise in the last 7 years that's now directed at all black people. What has he done to disrupt what you see as the upward trend in better relation or the conditions of whites all around.

I really do want to "walk in the shoes" to understand what Obamas has done that makes some folks so upset in racial matters. (setting aside that he's a democrat... if the 2 can be separated)

03-14-2016, 01:03 PM
I really do want to "walk in the shoes" to understand what Obamas has done that makes some folks so upset in racial matters. (setting aside that he's a democrat... if the 2 can be separated)

I think much of it centers on the lack of advancement economically by a lot of people, not to mention an outright decline by a not small minority. People get mad when times are tough and they look for reasons and scapegoats.

03-14-2016, 01:07 PM
I think much of it centers on the lack of advancement economically by a lot of people, not to mention an outright decline by a not small minority. People get mad when times are tough and they look for reasons and scapegoats.

Much of it may indeed be the economy thing, but not for me. I have done well over the last seven years.

I hate him because of his extreme arrogance.

03-14-2016, 01:09 PM
Much of it may indeed be the economy thing, but not for me. I have done well over the last seven years.

I hate him because of his extreme arrogance.

He is arrogant and he does suck but you are an anecdote, not the statistical average. Clinton was arrogant and sucked but times were good.

03-14-2016, 01:12 PM
Excuses. That's all I've heard from blacks, and others, about black crime and such for like 40 years now. And about a kabillion dollars have been invested in that time, and very little difference. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. I'm sure some folks have been railroaded - but the extreme overwhelming majority of charges are legit, and those in prison deserve to be there. And the numbers are extremely disturbing when you look at the small amount of the country committing SO much of the various types of crimes. And the most I see in that time is excuses, excuses and more excuses. Then of course various accusations and such. Pretty much anything other than those folks accepting responsibility. There is no reason that folks suddenly deserve to be able to commit crimes and not be held accountable. But far too many bring up the race card, police, slavery and SO many other issues instead. Always someone to blame, other than the folks doing the bad shit themselves.

I don't give a crap what color you are, blue or orange - a crime is a crime.

And yes, Obama is a piece of shit just like his wife. He's a stinking racist. He's made the country worse in quite a few ways, and race relations is one of them. I would personally prefer someone in a KKK uniform, or a black person who outright states he/she hates white people, as then I know what I'm dealing with. I can't stand someone like him who hides who he REALLY is, and acts like we're too stupid to see the real him.


03-14-2016, 01:20 PM
Excuses. That's all I've heard from blacks, and others, about black crime and such for like 40 years now.

Race isn't the determining factor.

03-14-2016, 01:22 PM

You will not be able to stay home, brother
You will not be able to plug in, turn on and cop out
You will not be able to lose yourself on skag
And skip out for beer during commercials
Because the revolution will not be televised
The revolution will not be televised
The revolution will not be brought to you by Xerox
In 4 parts without commercial interruptions
The revolution will not show you pictures of Nixon
Blowing a bugle and leading a charge by John Mitchell
General Abrams and Spiro Agnew to eat hog maws
Confiscated from a Harlem sanctuary
The revolution will not be televised
The revolution will not be brought to you by the
Schaefer Award Theater and will not star Natalie Woods
And Steve McQueen or Bullwinkle and Julia
The revolution will not give your mouth sex appeal
The revolution will not get rid of the nubs
The revolution will not make you look five pounds thinner
Because the revolution will not be televised, Brother
There will be no pictures of you and Willie May
Pushing that shopping cart down the block on the dead run
Or trying to slide that color TV into a stolen ambulance
NBC will not be able predict the winner at 8:32
Or report from 29 districts
The revolution will not be televised
There will be no pictures of pigs shooting down
Brothers on the instant replay
There will be no pictures of pigs shooting down
Brothers on the instant replay
There will be no pictures of Whitney Young
Being run out of Harlem on a rail with a brand new process
There will be no slow motion or still life of Roy Wilkens
Strolling through Watts in a red, black and green
Liberation jumpsuit that he had been saving
For just the proper occasion
Green Acres, The Beverly Hillbillies and Hooter ville Junction
Will no longer be so damned relevant
And women will not care if Dick finally gets down with Jane
On search for tomorrow because black people
Will be in the street looking for a brighter day
The revolution will not be televised
There will be no highlights on the eleven o'clock news
And no pictures of hairy armed women liberationists
And Jackie Onassis blowing her nose
The theme song will not be written by Jim Webb
Francis Scott Key, nor sung by Glen Campbell, Tom Jones
Johnny Cash, Englebert Humperdink or the Rare Earth
The revolution will not be televised
The revolution will not be right back after a message
About a white tornado, white lightning, or white people
You will not have to worry about a dove in your bedroom
The tiger in your tank or the giant in your toilet bowl
The revolution will not go better with Coke
The revolution will not fight the germs that may cause bad breath
The revolution will put you in the driver's seat

The revolution will not be televised, will not be televised
Will not be televised, will not be televised
The revolution will be no re-run brothers
The revolution will be live

03-14-2016, 01:25 PM
Race isn't the determining factor.

I agree. The determining factor is character.

03-14-2016, 01:25 PM
Race isn't the determining factor.

Not solely and never said otherwise. My post was in reference to crime, and personal responsibility.

For example, I was arrested when younger. I was spot on dead wrong 100%, even though I was pissed at the police for busting me. The fines and temporary loss of license is something I DESERVED. It took me less than an hour of being out of there that I accepted the fact that they did their jobs and that I was nothing but wrong. I didn't fill the world up with excuses and blame others for my wrongdoing.

But the crimes ARE being committed and there are endless excuses being made. You can add in other factors, and it doesn't make a bit of difference at all. You can make them transparent/invisible, but the crimes still happened, as do the excuses.

03-14-2016, 01:28 PM
I agree. The determining factor is character.

Absolutely in there, that's for sure. If someone has decent character, and is a good person - they don't consistently blame others and make excuses, they take responsibility for their actions. Blame, blame, blame. And that's why we STILL here the blaming and other crap about slavery, and some out there wanting reparations. Sorry, I wasn't alive back then, so save the BS for those who WERE there. But it makes for a good excuse on SO many things.

03-14-2016, 01:31 PM
Race isn't the determining factor.

This is what bugs me about the excuses for the violence at the Trump rallies.

The black guy at the rally may be in college with zero criminal record, or work as a truck driver or whatever no one knows. He is just a random black guy but the white guy at the Trump rally ...and some on this board... want lay all their frustrations against Obama and "40 years of black crime" and "black people" on him by punching and beating on him. And feel justify in doing so. And Trump eggs it on yearning for the "good old days".

how does that make any sense.

03-14-2016, 01:36 PM
If SO wrong that someone gets hit at a rally, it's STILL odd that others ignore when it happens elsewhere. (not including Kath). That's because some have an agenda, and simply don't care if it happens elsewhere. If they were truly worried about violence - then they would be condemning ALL of the violence.

3...2...1... excuses

03-14-2016, 01:42 PM
Not solely and never said otherwise. My post was in reference to crime, and personal responsibility.

I'm not sure how to read this differently then.

Excuses. That's all I've heard from blacks, and others, about black crime and such for like 40 years now. And about a kabillion dollars have been invested in that time, and very little difference. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

For example, I was arrested when younger. I was spot on dead wrong 100%, even though I was pissed at the police for busting me. The fines and temporary loss of license is something I DESERVED. It took me less than an hour of being out of there that I accepted the fact that they did their jobs and that I was nothing but wrong. I didn't fill the world up with excuses and blame others for my wrongdoing.

But the crimes ARE being committed and there are endless excuses being made. You can add in other factors, and it doesn't make a bit of difference at all. You can make them transparent/invisible, but the crimes still happened, as do the excuses.

Nobody said that the crimes aren't being committed. The issue is race is not the determining factor.

I agree. The determining factor is character.

Sure, but there are things that can actually be quantified.

03-14-2016, 01:47 PM
I'm not sure how to read this differently then.

Nobody said that the crimes aren't being committed. The issue is race is not the determining factor.

What's there to be confused about?

Blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crime - that's a fact
I hear a shitload of excuses and little else - and that's a fact as well

And yes, MANY MANY MANY claim over and over and over that crimes aren't being committed, that its a setup, that so many innocent are in prison and all that other crap. Those are excuses. I'm not sure what is so hard to understand about what I'm saying?

03-14-2016, 01:48 PM
I see zero condemnation of Trump or his fans that have attacked others, just irrational defenses of their assaults. and Trump saying he'll pay the attackers legal fees.

And i've never supported any random violence against anyone, or made excuses for it. period.
If some have seen me do it please quote me.

03-14-2016, 01:50 PM
I see zero condemnation of Trump or his fans that have attacked others, just irrational defenses of their assaults. and Trump saying he'll pay the attackers legal fees.

And i've never supported any random violence against anyone, or made excuses for it. period.
If some have seen me do it please quote me.

I don't care what the race of the person is. Don't go into someone else's party and start crap. You will be lucky if all you get is a punch in the face.

This is not a difficult concept.

03-14-2016, 01:52 PM
I don't care what the race of the person is. Don't go into someone else's party and start crap. You will be lucky if all you get is a punch in the face.

This is not a difficult concept.

On Target!

03-14-2016, 01:53 PM
What's there to be confused about?

Blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crime - that's a fact
I hear a shitload of excuses and little else - and that's a fact as well

And yes, MANY MANY MANY claim over and over and over that crimes aren't being committed, that its a setup, that so many innocent are in prison and all that other crap. Those are excuses. I'm not sure what is so hard to understand about what I'm saying?

My confusion is you singling out blacks and then apparently not blaming race. Have you not noticed the links I've posted in another thread that show that race isn't the determining factor? An individual who commits a crime is not only a race, they are also a gender, an age, an education level, a family structure, etc. etc. To keep singling out race ignores all of that.

03-14-2016, 01:56 PM
I see zero condemnation of Trump or his fans that have attacked others, just irrational defenses of their assaults. and Trump saying he'll pay the attackers legal fees.

And i've never supported any random violence against anyone, or made excuses for it. period.
If some have seen me do it please quote me.

....I see zero condemnation of Leftist...Move on .org....black panthers....black Lies matter....ETC...That have been infiltrating and ATTACKING rallies for years held by Americans....Many find it Interesting also.. that Americans very seldom if at all attack the leftist....after any attack at a rally...its always a leftist (communist) / racists "with a record"that takes part in this behavior...

And lets not Ignore this (Jimmy posted earlier) Pay attention and listen..watch AGAIN..


03-14-2016, 02:01 PM
My confusion is you singling out blacks and then apparently not blaming race. Have you not noticed the links I've posted in another thread that show that race isn't the determining factor? An individual who commits a crime is not only a race, they are also a gender, an age, an education level, a family structure, etc. etc. To keep singling out race ignores all of that.


OF COURSE I single them out. Which other race has so much dispropritante crime based on race? Which other race has so many folks in prison, and with so many claiming innocence, and claiming to have been setup? What other races have seemingly been at war with the police, for like forever? What other races are rioting over race/crime issues?

The determining factor MEANS NOTHING. If someone rapes another person, and then makes excuses - I simply don't care what other factors some may think somehow and magically changes things. Sorry, it's nothing more than rape, and a a serious crime that such a person deserves prison time for. But I would need to somehow look into other factors to see why someone may have committed such a crime? Sorry, fuck that.

And I'm supposed to leave race out of it? LOL Sorry, I look at reality.

Blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crime. Fact.
The excuses never end. Fact.

If you're confused, my apologies. But those facts remain, no matter what. No factors will somehow magically change the out of control numbers. Nor will any of those factors apparently stop the excuses.

03-14-2016, 02:01 PM
I don't care what the race of the person is. Don't go into someone else's party and start crap. You will be lucky if all you get is a punch in the face.
This is not a difficult concept.

I don't care what color the person is either. At a political event... where there are gown ups... they let "the law" take care of trouble makers. Not beat them, and certainly Not cold cock them as the police are doing their jobs.

That's not a difficult concept either.

03-14-2016, 02:06 PM
....I see zero condemnation of Leftist...Move on .org....black panthers....black Lies matter....ETC...That have been infiltrating and ATTACKING rallies for years held by Americans....Many find it Interesting also.. that Americans very seldom if at all attack the leftist....after any attack at a rally...its always a leftist (communist) / racists "with a record"that takes part in this behavior...

Well now that's different! The black organized groups, like the new black panther party, are only angry folks that are simply talking to get their message across, to make others aware of issues within the black community that could lead to issues within the home and issues that could potentially lead to crime. They're just good folks that are misunderstood, with their AK47's of course. :)

Or get lead by the worst racist of them all - Al Sharpton, who lives and is successful throughout the black community, as his messages have bee supported, as well as Al himself, since as far back as I can remember. Same with Farakhan or whatever that scumbags last name is, and a few other black "leaders" that do nothing more than contribute to racial divide, but are supported big time nonetheless. Can you imagine of white communities stood by a KKK leader and allowed him to go from community to community around the nation to speak for them. Yikes.

03-14-2016, 02:22 PM
....I see zero condemnation of Leftist...Move on .org....black panthers....black Lies matter....ETC......

You haven't seen me condemn leftist?
You haven't been paying attention LTG.

But "attacks" ..you mean annoying counter protest... no, I don't condemn annoying protest that much. I disagree often with the tactic and sometimes the ideas expressed but protest are a constitutional right. i don't condemn people exercising their rights even if it annoys me. That goes for the KKK, the new Black Panthers, and the Muslim League, , Homosexual group Z, the Tea Party, Pro-Choice groups and Occupy Wall Street or Trump rallies.

I've participated in ProLife marches where there were thousands of Pro lifers and then some random group of Pro-choice people show up. NO ONE in leadership snarled and asked the crowd to turn on the pro-choicers and "get them out of here" Most people hope they LEARNED SOMETHING. But once some random jerk snatched a pro-choicers signs but others in the crowd corrected him and others went and apologized to the Pro-choicers.
I've counter protested at Anti-Christian events and films and tried to talk to people. I was never hit. But that may be because I'm a 6'2" black guy and i wasn't yelling at people. I was trying to talk one on one.

There's NO GOOD EXCUSE to physically attack anyone protesting with words. It's just a violent assault.

the police can and do remove people who are to disruptive.
And sometimes those that are not disruptive at all, they are just standing there.

03-14-2016, 02:33 PM
A great and very true read


Democrats’ Excuses for Black Crime Leads to Rise in Violence

Violent crime is increasing in America thanks to Democrat politicians placing political correctness (thou shall not offend the black man) above maintaining law and order in our country’s cities. Yes, the Ferguson effect has come home to roost. Thanks to the unarmed black-teen myth, police officers aren’t doing their job, for fear of being indicted.

From riots and looting in Ferguson, Missouri to Baltimore, Maryland, the message on high from President Barack Obama and former Attorney General Eric Holder is clear. It’s never the black man’s fault, and police officers across the country better stand down. According to our nation’s first black president and his political handmaidens, like members of the Congressional Black Caucus and Al Sharpton, blacks are never to blame for any crime they attempt or commit, and all police officers are racist. (In 2014, murders of police officers increased 89% from 27 to 51; but blue lives don’t make the news.)

Well, criminals in predominately black cities across the country have received the message that they’ve been “given room to destroy.” The following is a tally of the uptick in violence over the past year in a sampling of cities across the country, as reported by the Wall Street Journal.

Atlanta: Murders increased 32%.

Baltimore: Gun violence jumped 60% in 2015 compared to 2014. May turned out to be the deadliest month of crime in Baltimore in over 40 years with 43 people killed. In a city whose population is over 60% black, the people who are harmed most are blacks.

Chicago: Shootings increased 24% while homicides jumped by 17%.

Los Angeles: Shootings and other violent crime increased 25%.

Milwaukee: Homicides increased by 180%.

New York: Shootings soared 500% in East Harlem. Murders increased in the city by 13% and gun violence 7%.

St. Louis: Shootings increased 39%; robberies jumped 43% and homicides 29%.

A Democrat Mayor governs every single one of these cities.

Black Americans and liberals know the names of Michael Brown, Freddie Gray, Eric Garner, and Vonderrit Myers, but refuse to acknowledge a few do not the many make. The reality is black men are overwhelmingly the perpetrators of violent crime in America.

According to Justice Department data, blacks aren’t being killed by racist white police officers; they’ll being killed by each other. Making up a mere 13% of the nation’s population, blacks are six times as likely as whites to be victims of homicides and seven times as likely to commit homicides. Over 50% of our prison population is black.

New York Times columnist Charles Blow issued several tweets May 21st with images of racist white police and the KKK harming and killing blacks in the segregated south during the civil rights movement.



The difference between then and now is blacks are the ones killing each other, not racist whites.

In a 2013 Wall Street Journal article, Juan Williams observed that a Children's Defense Fund report found 44,038 black children were killed by guns since 1979, which was "nearly 13 times more" the number of black people lynched over 86-years between 1882 to 1968.

Murders, shootings, homicides, robberies—these are just a few of the black man’s favorite things. As a black woman, I’m not happy about these statistics. My grandfather was a killed by a gunshot wound to his chest in 1970 by an armed black teen who robbed his drycleaner’s and laundromat business. His tragic death saddens me profoundly, as does the wrongful death of black men like Eric Garner in Staten Island.

There are bad cops like there are bad people. There should be zero tolerance for both in cities across the country. But the greater problem isn’t a few cases of police use of deadly force against blacks. Until America begins admitting the shameful scourge of criminality affecting the black race, protesting and blaming police officers won’t change a thing.


03-14-2016, 02:38 PM
Well now that's different! The black organized groups, like the new black panther party, are only angry folks that are simply talking to get their message across, to make others aware of issues within the black community that could lead to issues within the home and issues that could potentially lead to crime. They're just good folks that are misunderstood, with their AK47's of course. :)

Or get lead by the worst racist of them all - Al Sharpton, who lives and is successful throughout the black community, as his messages have bee supported, as well as Al himself, since as far back as I can remember. Same with Farakhan or whatever that scumbags last name is, and a few other black "leaders" that do nothing more than contribute to racial divide, but are supported big time nonetheless. Can you imagine of white communities stood by a KKK leader and allowed him to go from community to community around the nation to speak for them. Yikes.


~ "Can you imagine of white communities stood by a KKK leader and allowed him to go from community to community around the nation to speak for them." ~

@Jimmy...No....only communists (Leftist and their *SUPPORTERS) do this and get away with it...after all... they are in power and have brown shirts everywhere..forcing "many" Americans to whisper in the shadows about all the hate and wrong doing committed against them.....

>>>Quick little story...I was buying some nice roast beef at a very upscale food-mart this afternoon and my favorite lady "Pam" ...a nice older lady ...kind of bent over the counter...and in a very low voice says..."what do you think of the elections so far"?....

.....The way she `wordit` ..it I knew she was scared...and not sure of my response...I looked at her and smiled ...I said "Pam...You wouldn't have to be whispering to me like this if President Trump was in office"....She smiled at me...and it was almost a sigh of relief ...and said.."Thank you you are right"...:laugh:

03-14-2016, 02:47 PM
And shooting off a MAC-10 assault rifle into the air in Chicago, no need to worry about black folks doing as much in Chicago, as we know that black folks simply don't shoot people in that state!

But ignore such things...

Sorry, but it's NOT ignored, and those with a touch on reality see such things.

03-14-2016, 04:08 PM
Please list ...as I have.. the rhetoric that whites feels is so disturbing that it makes them want to hit random blacks at protest.
I'm no Obama fan but what did Obama say in at campaigns 3 and 7 years ago in city after city that compares to what Trump has said?
Cruz McCain Reagan Clinton Bush?
My argument may fall on deaf ears but it's not because it's a bad argument.

For all his faults Obama in the campaigns welcomed whites and preached unity and all americans coming together etc.


I don't have the time to go listing all the things Obama has said and done that shows prejudice towards blacks, muslims, against Christians, Jews, police, and that's not even starting on the economic divisions he has worked on.

Personally I don't know which is worse, all his divisiveness or his policies. I'm pretty sure we'll survive his policies, the other the jury is out.

As for his rhetoric about post-partisanship, unity, coming together, he made that clear on day 1 that wasn't happening. I wasn't surprised, he was and is part of Chicago system, the same one that gives us the organizing I pointed to regarding Trump's rally.

Growing up in that environment, though in the suburbs, still learned to speak my mind directly. I'm not someone who walks on eggshells with a person spewing hatred, acting like they are all bothered by swearing while posting innuendos all over, and basically putting Machiavelli to shame with their machinations of passive aggressiveness, I call that poop. Some take offense at this, others get it. Never bothers most when a guy does it, but not a female-go figure. We all have our burdens.

I don't like the way conversations are going, things turning personal rather than on the issues. We all have said things or said them in a way that pisses some people off. I've done it, have apologized when it's deserved, but not when it's not. Months ago I said this place is a sort of microcosm of the GOP, so it's shown itself to be in many ways. Jim wrote earlier that eventually this season will pass and that we'll slowly come together. I do hope so, I just hope it doesn't take Hillary in office to bind us.

I like people that want to get along, whatever race, creed, sex. We don't have to agree on everything, even most things, but know that when the debate if over, we'd still like to enjoy a beer or cuppa coffee. Argue the points, stand up for what you believe-just recognize that everyone, like yourself, comes with different issues and priorities. The thing is though, I'm betting that many of the people here are more like each other, regardless of choice of candidate, regardless of race or sex, than any of us are close to being like Trump or Obama.


03-14-2016, 05:26 PM
I don't have the time to go listing all the things Obama has said and done that shows prejudice towards blacks, muslims, against Christians, Jews, police, and that's not even starting on the economic divisions he has worked on. Personally I don't know which is worse, all his divisiveness or his policies. I'm pretty sure we'll survive his policies, the other the jury is out.

O yeah, I can think of some Muslims favoritism from Obama. and some Christian slights.
Some anti-Israeli yes, not so much Anti-Jew words and deeds.
Police slights? I'm not so clear on the horrors he's said about or done too police.

But i have to say i'm not sure how that translates into some whites having pent-up and renewed frustrations with blacks in general.
Or worse race relations.
or how some whites think they've been wronged or insulted racially for the past 8 years.

You and others mention "innuendos" of Obama. That you know what he really means by this or that. well OK Lets say you're right. But I can't agree or disagree or even know what your talking about unless i'm told a specific incident. You asked me to place myself in their shoes. but I can't place myself in anyone shoes if i don't have a clue what bothers them. I can only guess.

I don't like the way conversations are going, things turning personal rather than on the issues. We all have said things or said them in a way that pisses some people off. I've done it, have apologized when it's deserved, but not when it's not. Months ago I said this place is a sort of microcosm of the GOP, so it's shown itself to be in many ways. Jim wrote earlier that eventually this season will pass and that we'll slowly come together. I do hope so, I just hope it doesn't take Hillary in office to bind us.

I like people that want to get along, whatever race, creed, sex. We don't have to agree on everything, even most things, but know that when the debate if over, we'd still like to enjoy a beer or cuppa coffee. Argue the points, stand up for what you believe-just recognize that everyone, like yourself, comes with different issues and priorities. The thing is though, I'm betting that many of the people here are more like each other, regardless of choice of candidate, regardless of race or sex, than any of us are close to being like Trump or Obama.


I don't like it either. In this thread you started, you asked a question. "is violence a problem" with a link to an article with the headline "Trump supporter charged after sucker-punching protester at North Carolina rally".
Now Correct me if i'm wrong, but I've mainly stayed with the point that i think the repeated violence at Trump rallies is wrong. That Trump is stirring it up. And his fans don't seem to have problem with it. And none here seem to have problem with it or condemned it.

So If that's too personal then I'm not sure where these conversations are suppose to go.

Should i not mention that no one has condemned it? Is mentioning that too personal? I can't control anyone else replies. But i also can't modified my conversation to what some people think is appropriate and NON-personal if i'm not sure where that line is.

I suppose i could confine all my comments ONLY to the candidates, and ONLY to the issues. Maybe i'll try that. But you know Kath somehow I think some people will still be upset with that.


03-14-2016, 05:54 PM
Obama, in 2008.

That’s [what] Barack Obama said he would do to counter Republican attacks “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said at a Philadelphia fundraiser Friday night. “Because from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”


03-14-2016, 06:07 PM
Obama, in 2008.


There were an awful lot of assaults back then as well, which happens every election season. Was it Obama's fault that some in attendance here and there got unruly? Of course not, IMO.

03-14-2016, 06:22 PM
From the link it does appear there was a call to 'tone down the rhetoric':

[Editor’s note: This blog post was published in 2008. In the wake of Saturday’s shooting rampage in Tucson, Ariz., a number of lawmakers and others have called for toning down the political rhetoric and President Barack Obama led a moment of silence this morning for the victims. Click here (http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2011/01/09/lawmakers-focus-on-security-civility/) and here (http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2011/01/09/house-to-honor-giffords-other-victims-on-wednesday/) for more. Also, check back with Washington Wire (http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/) for updates.]

Amy Chozick reports on the presidential race from Philadelphia.
Mobster wisdom tells us never to bring a knife to a gun fight. But what does political wisdom say about bringing a gun to a knife fight?

That’s exactly what Barack Obama said he would do to counter Republican attacks “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said at a Philadelphia fundraiser Friday night. “Because from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”


03-14-2016, 07:15 PM
Once again, all of this liberal, and conservative BLAME GAME tactic appears. Almost sounding as if OBAMA himself was making the ACCUSATIONS...As we all know...."Everything is Bush's Fault!"

Liberals and Democrats aren't smart enough to look into a mirror to see the REAL IDIOTS who blame everyone else for THEIR stupidity.

03-14-2016, 07:23 PM
OK so Perianne or Jim is saying that it's NOT Obama's or Trump's fault if some fan at their events at any time got out of hand and assaulted someone after they use plane fighting words in an address.

But it's IS Obamas and Berinies fault that Trump's people are hitting protesters because of other innuendo he's said over the years.
And its ALL Obama's fault that protesters are "violent"/annoying ( and killing more people too.:eek:)

sorry i don't buy that.

03-14-2016, 07:28 PM
OK so Perianne or Jim is saying that it's NOT Obama's or Trump's fault if some fan at their events at any time got out of hand and assaulted someone after they use fighting words in an address.

But it's IS Obamas and Berinies fault that Trump's people are hitting protesters because of other stuff he's said over the years.
And its ALL Obama's fault that protesters are "violent"/annoying ( and killing more people too.:eek:)

sorry i don't buy that.

Of course you don't buy that rev. Most of us already knew that already. You are sounding more like Obama than Obama. That Blame Game only works in Horseshoes and Handgranades.
Just ask the present DIVIDER-IN-CHIEF.

03-14-2016, 07:51 PM
This is another view of the supposed "violence"


Even a video from Perez Hilton seems to show there was no violence. None that I see anyway.


This looks like a smear campaine to me

As I said, this thing with the reporter is just too much to follow:


Lots of resignations over at Breitbart. Where is the truth? Be danged if I can figure it out.

Abbey Marie
03-14-2016, 07:53 PM
I don't know if anyone posted this, but I understand the Breitbart reporter who claimed Trump's campaign manager hurt her, and three others who worked there, have resigned. I find that fascinating.

03-14-2016, 07:54 PM
I don't know if anyone posted this, but I understand the Breitbart reporter who claimed Trump's campaign manager hurt her, and three others who worked there, have resigned. I find that fascinating.

I just posted a link to that to Trigg on another thread. http://reason.com/blog/2016/03/14/serial-resignations-at-breitbart-news-af

That's it!

03-14-2016, 09:17 PM

Obama Flashback: 'If They Bring a Knife to the Fight, We Bring a Gun'...

That's exactly what Barack Obama said he would do to counter Republican attacks "If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun," Obama said at a Philadelphia fundraiser Friday night. "Because from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl. I've seen Eagles fans."



03-15-2016, 06:52 AM

Obama Flashback: 'If They Bring a Knife to the Fight, We Bring a Gun'...

That's exactly what Barack Obama said he would do to counter Republican attacks "If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun," Obama said at a Philadelphia fundraiser Friday night. "Because from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl. I've seen Eagles fans."





03-15-2016, 07:00 AM
From the link it does appear there was a call to 'tone down the rhetoric':

Free speech needs to have its limits ? Is that it ? And how small a leap is it from that, to outright censorial political correctness, and the shaping of thoughts and attitudes out of it ?

People are responsible for their actions, and SHOULD know right from wrong. It's surely that simple.

03-15-2016, 08:04 AM
Free speech needs to have its limits ? Is that it ? And how small a leap is it from that, to outright censorial political correctness, and the shaping of thoughts and attitudes out of it ?

People are responsible for their actions, and SHOULD know right from wrong. It's surely that simple.

The problem I see is that everyone wants freedom without the responsibility of it. You can call it "speech", or "violence", but the fact is, people using it without restraint have ruined it for the rest of us. The very people that bitch about their rights are the ones that abuse them and ruin it for everyone else. The left does not believe in personal accountability. So long as they're on a mission, they think anything they do is justifiable. That is not true, nor is it what the law states.

Having the Right to redress grievances IN A PROPER FORUM does NOT mean I can blow up your neighborhood. You have two opposing sides here. One is out to outrage. The other hasn't reacted to it since Nixon. Say what you want, but the right has lived in fear of reaction from the left since the 60s. Seems to me, the left likes to accuse, but who exactly has been using violence? Any of you righties out in the street destroying crap? Didn't think so. I'm usually trying to keep leftwingnut do nothings from destroying what I've earned.

03-15-2016, 08:09 AM
The problem I see is that everyone wants freedom without the responsibility of it. You can call it "speech", or "violence", but the fact is, people using it without restraint have ruined it for the rest of us. The very people that bitch about their rights are the ones that abuse them and ruin it for everyone else. The left does not believe in personal accountability. So long as they're on a mission, they think anything they do is justifiable. That is not true, nor is it what the law states.

Having the Right to redress grievances IN A PROPER FORUM does NOT mean I can blow up your neighborhood. You have two opposing sides here. One is out to outrage. The other hasn't reacted to it since Nixon. Say what you want, but the right has lived in fear of reaction from the left since the 60s. Seems to me, the left likes to accuse, but who exactly has been using violence? Any of you righties out in the street destroying crap? Didn't think so. I'm usually trying to keep leftwingnut do nothings from destroying what I've earned.

Indeed. I can verbally lash your opinion on potatoes. I cannot throw potatoes at you or steal your potatoes. I also cannot beat a pan to get everyone's attention on your opinion on potatoes.

OTOH you have a responsibility to not throw potatoes or encourage your children to do so or overturn the wagon I'm carrying potatoes in.

I cannot disrupt your life or those of your children. I can though speak reasonably from the sidewalk in front of your home or follow you around letting 'everyone' know your stupid opinion on potatoes.

03-15-2016, 08:09 AM

Obama Flashback: 'If They Bring a Knife to the Fight, We Bring a Gun'...

That's exactly what Barack Obama said he would do to counter Republican attacks "If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun," Obama said at a Philadelphia fundraiser Friday night. "Because from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl. I've seen Eagles fans."



Bottom line - the breakouts of fights and arguments, inside and outside of events, has been happening for a long, long time. It's happened some with other candidates this year. Hell (not Kath), some want to condemn some punches that were thrown at a couple of Trump rally's, but ignore endless gun deaths elsewhere. It just doesn't compute much for me that some don't care about such deaths, but then care when a punch is thrown?

Worried about the future of our country should Trump get elected - but where is the worry for places like Chicago, Detroit, Harlem & other places that black crime and gun deaths are out of control?

Some would point out the inability of others to condemn Trump's words, which were not a direct link to someone else a distance away being a dickhead. But at the same time, find the hugest road blocks when it comes to condemning much of death, destruction and riots around the country.

It would be like me ignoring all kinds of computer crimes for years and years, thinking they aren't so bad, and rolling my eyes, and coming close to even supporting reasons for those crimes - but then condemning Hillary while I ignore the others.

03-15-2016, 08:22 AM
This is what bugs me about the excuses for the violence at the Trump rallies.

The black guy at the rally may be in college with zero criminal record, or work as a truck driver or whatever no one knows. He is just a random black guy but the white guy at the Trump rally ...and some on this board... want lay all their frustrations against Obama and "40 years of black crime" and "black people" on him by punching and beating on him. And feel justify in doing so. And Trump eggs it on yearning for the "good old days".

how does that make any sense.

Hell the White guy was 100% wrong and should and will be prosecuted, OK so now onto the BLM movement calling for the death of cops, whitey and so on. What happen to free speech ??? Seems as though the BLM people have it, hell they can even make death threats. In Chicago the protestors where planning on making it so Trump could not speak, funny how we forget these things. Yes one white idiot ( and I am sure there are many others ) took a swing at a guy that was going to try and make it so Trump couldn't speak, #1 why not just hold a sign up letting folks know your stance and not disrupting a rally, hell even in grade school your taught not to disrupt the class. But you know funny thing is these poor poor black folks, you know the ones that peacefully burn the bitches down when ever they don't get their way, yea you know my Braa commits strong armed robbery and then attacks a cop and gets shot, yea that is a good excuse to cause millions in damages and no telling how many (black and white got hurt) Time to quit with the po po black folk BS and let them be held accountable for their actions.

What makes no sense to me Rev is although I believe you are correct with some of your statements (yes there are white people cops included that are bad) when do ya say OK maybe there wouldn't be violence if these folks that are calling for people to be murdered don't come into a rally looking for violence. I read where Gabby said she had been to republican rallies to protest and did so by holding a sign, not disrupting the entire thing. And no this doesn't give the guy the right to throw a punch at a man who was being led out, black white yellow or green that was wrong, but in the same token all people ought to be held accountable.

03-15-2016, 08:29 AM
I have considered gang violence, reality tv, poor clothing choices by the young-whether gang wannabe wear or over sexed children's clothes evidence of a breakdown or causes of some breakdowns within our society.

Very different these items-gang violence has killed thousands, bad and innocents.
Reality tv is anything but, yet for some reason folks still seem to 'want it.' I think I watched about 3 minutes of Survivor's first episode, couldn't take it. Haven't seen any others since, though have heard others get all into shows from dancing, bachelors, etc. I don't get it. Then again, haven't seen anyone ask 'how excited are you about XXX?' here, perhaps we're odd?

Suburban boys choosing to copy gang culture clothes indicates a breakdown in what should have been an obvious cultural choice. It speaks to the alienation they have developed in schools and often at home. Teachers that marginalize and parents that don't recognize it. How many parents or teachers stand up against?

Dressing young girls as sex objects really speaks more to the parents than the child-but it is the child that will develop as a result of the reactions to being responded to for 'looks' rather than any other qualities. First impressions count.

Funny thing but I expect better than the above in leaders-whether in business, schools, politics, or media.

03-15-2016, 08:50 AM
Hell the White guy was 100% wrong and should and will be prosecuted, OK so now onto the BLM movement calling for the death of cops, whitey and so on. What happen to free speech ??? Seems as though the BLM people have it, hell they can even make death threats. In Chicago the protestors where planning on making it so Trump could not speak, funny how we forget these things. Yes one white idiot ( and I am sure there are many others ) took a swing at a guy that was going to try and make it so Trump couldn't speak, #1 why not just hold a sign up letting folks know your stance and not disrupting a rally, hell even in grade school your taught not to disrupt the class. But you know funny thing is these poor poor black folks, you know the ones that peacefully burn the bitches down when ever they don't get their way, yea you know my Braa commits strong armed robbery and then attacks a cop and gets shot, yea that is a good excuse to cause millions in damages and no telling how many (black and white got hurt) Time to quit with the po po black folk BS and let them be held accountable for their actions.

What makes no sense to me Rev is although I believe you are correct with some of your statements (yes there are white people cops included that are bad) when do ya say OK maybe there wouldn't be violence if these folks that are calling for people to be murdered don't come into a rally looking for violence. I read where Gabby said she had been to republican rallies to protest and did so by holding a sign, not disrupting the entire thing. And no this doesn't give the guy the right to throw a punch at a man who was being led out, black white yellow or green that was wrong, but in the same token all people ought to be held accountable.

"Burn this motherf*&er down" - as well as - "Burn this bit%h down"

And then a lot of violent shit went down right after that of course. Not a whole lot of condemnation, but sure were a lot that simply joined in! Or made excuses for the behavior in Ferguson and Baltimore, as we simply don't understand the problems these little kids had, and that they were limited in life and were just acting out in a friendly manner to get their points across. :rolleyes:

Can you imagine if white folks did the same and destroyed an entire neighborhood like that, and then attempted to blame it on the police and blacks? :lol:

03-15-2016, 12:54 PM

OF COURSE I single them out. Which other race has so much dispropritante crime based on race? Which other race has so many folks in prison, and with so many claiming innocence, and claiming to have been setup? What other races have seemingly been at war with the police, for like forever? What other races are rioting over race/crime issues?

The determining factor MEANS NOTHING. If someone rapes another person, and then makes excuses - I simply don't care what other factors some may think somehow and magically changes things. Sorry, it's nothing more than rape, and a a serious crime that such a person deserves prison time for. But I would need to somehow look into other factors to see why someone may have committed such a crime? Sorry, fuck that.

And I'm supposed to leave race out of it? LOL Sorry, I look at reality.

Blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crime. Fact.
The excuses never end. Fact.

If you're confused, my apologies. But those facts remain, no matter what. No factors will somehow magically change the out of control numbers. Nor will any of those factors apparently stop the excuses.

Those are selective "facts." Fact is race is not the determining factor. The real determining factor MEANS EVERYTHING. If you want truth anyway.

BTW, I'm not confused.

03-15-2016, 01:02 PM
Those are selective "facts." Fact is race is not the determining factor. The real determining factor MEANS EVERYTHING. If you want truth anyway.

BTW, I'm not confused.

Sure, selective, fake and of course lies. And whether you feel you are confused or not means very little to me.

03-15-2016, 01:07 PM
Folks have complained that there have been assaults or similar at the Trump events. And its also been labeled racist, and even Trump himself labeled a racist, and surely the guy who popped the black guy in the noggin.

But the violence, any perceived threats or perceived racism - there's got to be more to it than that. Surely you guys don't want to simply see a video/photo and make accusations with little merit? They should first find out what happened in the past, what are the determining factors. Because while maybe someone got 'hit', and still only technically 'violence', it's possible there is good reasoning behind it. The underlying thing would of course still be a crime if someone hit someone else, but before people get angry and level any accusations similar to racism and such, they should first learn ALL of the facts before making any such determinations.

And to even bring race into it, by claiming that a black man was punched in the face and all, almost sounds racist by itself. To go right to race and blame it on race as a factor is silly.

Black Diamond
03-15-2016, 01:08 PM
Folks have complained that there have been assaults or similar at the Trump events. And its also been labeled racist, and even Trump himself labeled a racist, and surely the guy who popped the black guy in the noggin.

But the violence, any perceived threats or perceived racism - there's got to be more to it than that. Surely you guys don't want to simply see a video/photo and make accusations with little merit? They should first find out what happened in the past, what are the determining factors. Because while maybe someone got 'hit', and still only technically 'violence', it's possible there is good reasoning behind it. The underlying thing would of course still be a crime if someone hit someone else, but before people get angry and level any accusations similar to racism and such, they should first learn ALL of the facts before making any such determinations.

And to even bring race into it, by claiming that a black man was punched in the face and all, almost sounds racist by itself. To go right to race and blame it on race as a factor is silly.

It's Obama's America.

03-15-2016, 01:10 PM
Folks have complained that there have been assaults or similar at the Trump events. And its also been labeled racist, and even Trump himself labeled a racist, and surely the guy who popped the black guy in the noggin.

But the violence, any perceived threats or perceived racism - there's got to be more to it than that. Surely you guys don't want to simply see a video/photo and make accusations with little merit? They should first find out what happened in the past, what are the determining factors. Because while maybe someone got 'hit', and still only technically 'violence', it's possible there is good reasoning behind it. The underlying thing would of course still be a crime if someone hit someone else, but before people get angry and level any accusations similar to racism and such, they should first learn ALL of the facts before making any such determinations.

And to even bring race into it, by claiming that a black man was punched in the face and all, almost sounds racist by itself. To go right to race and blame it on race as a factor is silly.

If I flip you off or Trump, is that justification for hitting? I mean how can a guy being escorted out, both arms held, be justifiably punched?

For the record, I very much doubt that Trump is a racist.

03-15-2016, 01:23 PM
If I flip you off or Trump, is that justification for hitting? I mean how can a guy being escorted out, both arms held, be justifiably punched?

For the record, I very much doubt that Trump is a racist.

I think you lost track of the conversation and missed the sarcasm based on prior posts with others.

03-15-2016, 01:31 PM

03-15-2016, 01:50 PM
I think you lost track of the conversation and missed the sarcasm based on prior posts with others.

I was responding directly to the post I quoted. How is punching someone not violent? How can it be justified in this case.

03-15-2016, 02:19 PM
I was responding directly to the post I quoted. How is punching someone not violent? How can it be justified in this case.

We can discuss this, ma'am, back on topic. Issuing a verbal threat is considered violence in some states. I personally think it's a bunch of crap, but whatever. So, what I was looking for was a definition of "violence". We don't all have the same definition. My idea of violence is breaking your neck. SO can we come to a general consensus on what is violent?

From what I see here, it's in terms of physical violence. In THAT regard, I think no one has a right to put a hand on another person for ANY reason except to protect themselves or family. Calling each other names doesn't mean crap to me. They ARE reasons to argue; however, NOT reasons to smack someone in the head.

As stated before, people don't consider themselves accountable for their actions anymore and it's a mindset from the LEFT. The rest of us ain't out beating on people. Those of us that have lived with violence are the last people to use it. This mob mentality can be called violence but it's just follow the leader mob mentality.

Tough topic. I've been trained in violence all my life. What y'all need to discuss are the societies that train us to be what we are. I know a lot of y'all think I'm just bragging or whatever, but the reality is, I'm what you made me. We are inherently violent.

So let's discuss why the weak get away with it while we sit and watch.

03-15-2016, 02:23 PM
We can discuss this, ma'am, back on topic. Issuing a verbal threat is considered violence in some states. I personally think it's a bunch of crap, but whatever. So, what I was looking for was a definition of "violence". We don't all have the same definition. My idea of violence is breaking your neck. SO can we come to a general consensus on what is violent?

From what I see here, it's in terms of physical violence. In THAT regard, I think no one has a right to put a hand on another person for ANY reason except to protect themselves or family. Calling each other names doesn't mean crap to me. They ARE reasons to argue; however, NOT reasons to smack someone in the head.

As stated before, people don't consider themselves accountable for their actions anymore and it's a mindset from the LEFT. The rest of us ain't out beating on people. Those of us that have lived with violence are the last people to use it. This mob mentality can be called violence but it's just follow the leader mob mentality.

Tough topic. I've been trained in violence all my life. What y'all need to discuss are the societies that train us to be what we are. I know a lot of y'all think I'm just bragging or whatever, but the reality is, I'm what you made me. We are inherently violent.

So let's discuss why the weak get away with it while we sit and watch.

If we all punched someone that flipped us off, most of us would be like that man that did so, arrested. I don't think throwing up the 'nasty finger,' justifies violence. I'd just flip you off back or laugh. ;)

03-15-2016, 02:56 PM
I think you lost track of the conversation and missed the sarcasm based on prior posts with others.

I was responding directly to the post I quoted. How is punching someone not violent? How can it be justified in this case.

Again, my post was sarcasm and had nothing to do with you. I thought I was clear about the sarcasm in my last post.

03-15-2016, 04:33 PM
I was responding directly to the post I quoted. How is punching someone not violent? How can it be justified in this case.

Get over it!

​Leftist...and racists have been doing it for years..."suka-punch" games..going to Republican rallies with the purpose of causing trouble...always has been passed off ...ignored..and not much done about it...but wait... **have a 76 year old man punch.. a punk-ass thug ( there intentionally to cause trouble) running his mouth and giving the finger to everybody...all of a sudden its...

"ooooouuu...ahhhh...OMG...oooo...ahhhhh...OMG!!!... look at that!! oh wow!"

**You should quit agreeing / defending the leftist and racists...*WE all know their Game...and so should you...

03-15-2016, 04:33 PM
If we all punched someone that flipped us off, most of us would be like that man that did so, arrested. I don't think throwing up the 'nasty finger,' justifies violence. I'd just flip you off back or laugh. ;)

Right or wrong, I can say with certainty that if someone had flipped me off in the presence of my husband (RIP), there would have been a fight. A short one at that.

03-17-2016, 11:23 AM
Sure, selective, fake and of course lies. And whether you feel you are confused or not means very little to me.


03-29-2016, 10:33 AM
Related. A bit broader discussion, focusing on incident with reporter:




Trump campaign manager arrested, charged with battery of reporter

<time class="datestamp" itemprop="datePublished" datetime="2016-03-29T11:12:18-0400" style="-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(32, 119, 182, 0.2); padding: 5px 0px 0px; color: rgb(66, 72, 88); font-family: 'Gotham Narrow SSm 4r', Arial; font-size: 11px;">18 Mins Ago</time>

This story is developing. Please check back for further updates.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's (http://www.cnbc.com/donald-trump/) campaign manager was arrested in Florida on Tuesday and charged with simple battery, police records show.

The report from the Jupiter Police Department said Corey Lewandowski was charged for intentionally grabbing and bruising the arm of Michelle Fields, a former reporter for the conservative news outlet Breitbart, against her will at a Trump campaign event on March 8.

"Mr. Lewandowski is absolutely innocent of this charge," Trump said in a statement. "He will enter a plea of not guilty and looks forward to his day in court. He is completely confident that he will be exonerated."

Looks like we'll find out more:



03-29-2016, 03:53 PM
If we all punched someone that flipped us off, most of us would be like that man that did so, arrested. I don't think throwing up the 'nasty finger,' justifies violence. I'd just flip you off back or laugh. ;)

I think it depends on the situation. In context, the only reason someone who does not support Trump is at a Trump meeting is to disrupt and cause trouble. If you look solely at this board and the personalities, we don't all have the same temperment; especially, where politics are concerned. If I walked into a Billary meeting and started flipping off lefties I'd fully expect to get hit. Consequences of one's actions; whether or not you agree with those actions. If I go to SE DC after dark and don't expect to get attacked I'm living in my own little world. You won't find me on the west side of San Antonio after dark either. First lesson I learned in martial arts was the best way to stay out of a bar fight is don't go to the bar.

There are consequences for one's actions and when guys get neandertal, they start swinging. It's a fact. Everyone knows it. The guy brought it on himself as far as I'm concerned.

03-29-2016, 04:54 PM
Talking about punching someone in the face, yesterday I rode with a few friends and one had to be home at a certain time, so as we rode through a small town (the police call it Mayberry :laugh:) a pick up truck pulled right out in front of me, I am guessing he seen we where just coming through quiet and slow and figured he could beat us. Well I locked them up and through him the bird as he went by but the 2 nd bike said the guy through him the bird (that was a mistake) like I said this guy had to be home so I just kept going, in fact we where leaving town so I started to gas it up as I looked in the mirror and seen only one headlight behind me, way behind me, so I pulled over and waited for him, he said the other guy had went after the guy in the truck (i figured that is what happened, my buddy is a bit of a loose cannon) well I told the ol lady off and turned the bike around, gassed on it as I let the clutch out (never leave a Brother behind) the back tire spun and slid sideways as I hit second gear and the front tire came up about a foot (scared the hell out of me truth be told, didn't know I could still ride that way) well by the time I got to the scene I jumped off the bike and my buddy was walking away smiling. Seems the guy wouldn't stop so he kicked a dent in the door (that was the 2nd that day) he then laid back and the guy stopped at the stop sign and got out to check his truck, my buddy had pulled up well he was outside his truck he jumped off the bike and knocked the guy out. So as I walked up I seen the guy in his truck, my buddy put him back in the front seat (said this way the drunk would just believe he feel a sleep :laugh:) and I seen the door, the moral of the story is watch who ya are flipping off, yes we have read stories about super woman going after men and all that trash on these very pages, but like in this guys case, I flipped him off so he felt the best thing to do was flip off my buddy, wrong move. :laugh:

As for the case with Trumps campaign manager, I seen a article a article about this issue and they had proof (a video) that showed nothing, looks like another case of the folks hating trump trying to make something out of nothing, unless of course there is a much better surveillance video I say its all BS.

I will post it y'all be the judge.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/IGz5DPqU-p0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe><iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/IGz5DPqU-p0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

03-29-2016, 05:18 PM
Talking about punching someone in the face, yesterday I rode with a few friends and one had to be home at a certain time, so as we rode through a small town (the police call it Mayberry :laugh:) a pick up truck pulled right out in front of me, I am guessing he seen we where just coming through quiet and slow and figured he could beat us. Well I locked them up and through him the bird as he went by but the 2 nd bike said the guy through him the bird (that was a mistake) like I said this guy had to be home so I just kept going, in fact we where leaving town so I started to gas it up as I looked in the mirror and seen only one headlight behind me, way behind me, so I pulled over and waited for him, he said the other guy had went after the guy in the truck (i figured that is what happened, my buddy is a bit of a loose cannon) well I told the ol lady off and turned the bike around, gassed on it as I let the clutch out (never leave a Brother behind) the back tire spun and slid sideways as I hit second gear and the front tire came up about a foot (scared the hell out of me truth be told, didn't know I could still ride that way) well by the time I got to the scene I jumped off the bike and my buddy was walking away smiling. Seems the guy wouldn't stop so he kicked a dent in the door (that was the 2nd that day) he then laid back and the guy stopped at the stop sign and got out to check his truck, my buddy had pulled up well he was outside his truck he jumped off the bike and knocked the guy out. So as I walked up I seen the guy in his truck, my buddy put him back in the front seat (said this way the drunk would just believe he feel a sleep :laugh:) and I seen the door, the moral of the story is watch who ya are flipping off, yes we have read stories about super woman going after men and all that trash on these very pages, but like in this guys case, I flipped him off so he felt the best thing to do was flip off my buddy, wrong move. :laugh:

As for the case with Trumps campaign manager, I seen a article a article about this issue and they had proof (a video) that showed nothing, looks like another case of the folks hating trump trying to make something out of nothing, unless of course there is a much better surveillance video I say its all BS.

I will post it y'all be the judge.

<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/IGz5DPqU-p0" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe><iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/IGz5DPqU-p0" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe>

Get ready. bubba. These are just the preliminary cheap shots. If Trump is the candidate, it's going to be open warfare. And since our illustrious Coward in Chief sees fit to do nothing about these idiots, worse is coming.

03-29-2016, 06:01 PM
the more violence the faster he gets there


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-29-2016, 08:56 PM
Talking about punching someone in the face, yesterday I rode with a few friends and one had to be home at a certain time, so as we rode through a small town (the police call it Mayberry :laugh:) a pick up truck pulled right out in front of me, I am guessing he seen we where just coming through quiet and slow and figured he could beat us. Well I locked them up and through him the bird as he went by but the 2 nd bike said the guy through him the bird (that was a mistake) like I said this guy had to be home so I just kept going, in fact we where leaving town so I started to gas it up as I looked in the mirror and seen only one headlight behind me, way behind me, so I pulled over and waited for him, he said the other guy had went after the guy in the truck (i figured that is what happened, my buddy is a bit of a loose cannon) well I told the ol lady off and turned the bike around, gassed on it as I let the clutch out (never leave a Brother behind) the back tire spun and slid sideways as I hit second gear and the front tire came up about a foot (scared the hell out of me truth be told, didn't know I could still ride that way) well by the time I got to the scene I jumped off the bike and my buddy was walking away smiling. Seems the guy wouldn't stop so he kicked a dent in the door (that was the 2nd that day) he then laid back and the guy stopped at the stop sign and got out to check his truck, my buddy had pulled up well he was outside his truck he jumped off the bike and knocked the guy out. So as I walked up I seen the guy in his truck, my buddy put him back in the front seat (said this way the drunk would just believe he feel a sleep :laugh:) and I seen the door, the moral of the story is watch who ya are flipping off, yes we have read stories about super woman going after men and all that trash on these very pages, but like in this guys case, I flipped him off so he felt the best thing to do was flip off my buddy, wrong move. :laugh:

As for the case with Trumps campaign manager, I seen a article a article about this issue and they had proof (a video) that showed nothing, looks like another case of the folks hating trump trying to make something out of nothing, unless of course there is a much better surveillance video I say its all BS.

I will post it y'all be the judge.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/IGz5DPqU-p0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe><iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/IGz5DPqU-p0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
A little well deserved violence-if administered the right way , goes a long way as a damn fine attitude adjustment.
I should know, after having administered well over a hundred back in my wild youth. :laugh:
Of course about half were on the job and the money was very good-exspecially for just having fun!-Tyr

03-29-2016, 10:17 PM

Looks like we'll find out more:



What we have here is a failure to recognized same shit different political situation. Michell Fields turns out to be a drama queen attention getter from hell. ...who has a book coming out in June. hmmmm

BREAKING, EXCLUSIVE: Allen West Has Sexually Harassed At Least Two Women

<time class="entry-time" itemprop="datePublished" datetime="2015-03-27T00:52:25+00:00">March 27, 2015

This is when she accused Allen West of groping her


Here she was beaten by NYPD with batons no less :2up:Daily Caller reporter, videographer assaulted by NYPD during ‘Occupy’ protests

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2011/11/17/daily-caller-reporter-videographer-assaulted-by-nypd-during-occupy-protests/#ixzz44LvBwgxg


03-30-2016, 01:51 AM
Blaming the victim seldom works, even if there is a 'real past.' The police wouldn't have gone along with Fields if the video wasn't there, they cite it in the arrest report.

There should have been a terse apology, perhaps with a bit about 'protecting the candidate,' and moved on.

03-30-2016, 02:25 AM
Blaming the victim seldom works, even if there is a 'real past.' The police wouldn't have gone along with Fields if the video wasn't there, they cite it in the arrest report.

There should have been a terse apology, perhaps with a bit about 'protecting the candidate,' and moved on.

After reading your links to the West story and the Occupy story, I'm confused why you would use sources that tend to make the reporter out to be a truth teller? While I like much of what West writes, he seems to have a problem with women-brought up in what you cited and other reports. Fields repeatedly asked not to mention her in any stories.

The other of the occupy story also tends to reinforce what was reported about the incident-the police were outnumbered and got 'rough.' She did not try to press charges, indeed from the account you cite, the police helped her up after knocking her down.