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View Full Version : Donald Vs The DC Machine – Everybody Hates Trump But The Voters (IFL Sept 20, 2015)

03-10-2016, 05:30 PM
"With a fraction of the staff of other campaigns—Trump, the straight-talking non-politician continues to steamroll the competition and dominate the polls. And this is despite the establishment’s best efforts to destroy the man.....But even with full-blown attacks from both political parties and from ALL of the mainstream media sources…the Donald seems to keep moving forward. Trump is working.

Donald Trump issued aSecond Amendment position paper (http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/09/18/donald-trump-concealed-carry-right-not-privilege/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social) ..calling for expanding gun rights, stating further that ‘CONCEALED CARRY A RIGHT, NOT A PRIVILEGE’—-lol… you read that right. Of course >>>liberal and rinos heads are exploding.
He release his position paper on Immigration (https://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions/immigration-reform) .
This from the man that his critics say ‘offers no details’…
And now in light of the recent “Obama was accused of being Muslim fiasco’Donald is now coming out in defense of Christianity (http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2015/09/19/im-one-donald-trump-vows-protect-christians-religious-liberty/).

***Although none on the level of The Donald—I have had the pleasure of knowing a couple of successful world-class businessmen… These guys are not political— they can walk into a room of liberals or conservatives…and walk away with a victory. Yet for some reason, the political folks cannot grasp this concept of the ‘apolitical’***
Well… as things continue to heat up—it’s going to be anything but boring.




03-10-2016, 09:29 PM
Trump has tremendous appeal to white males who are extremely pissed that the U.S. is no longer controlled by white males. The average Trump supporter wants to get rid of immigrants and non-Christians and return to the good ole' days when women were silent and blacks were servants.

Trump: You are either for him or against him.

03-10-2016, 09:45 PM
Trump has tremendous appeal to white males who are extremely pissed that the U.S. is no longer controlled by white males. The average Trump supporter wants to get rid of immigrants and non-Christians and return to the good ole' days when women were silent and blacks were servants.

Trump: You are either for him or against him.

GABBY: Nobody is for you, and many are against you. Your racism, and bigotry precedes you in all that you try to say (under your breath).

03-11-2016, 05:06 AM
Trump has tremendous appeal to white males who are extremely pissed that the U.S. is no longer controlled by white males. The average Trump supporter wants to get rid of immigrants and non-Christians and return to the good ole' days when women were silent and blacks were servants.

Trump: You are either for him or against him.

GABBY: Nobody is for you, and many are against you. Your racism, and bigotry precedes you in all that you try to say (under your breath).

Now it's about white males? Are you kidding me? AT is correct in that no one is "for you" Gabs. You DO realize we're we're 75 percent of the population? What you DON'T realize is you and your ilk are creating a revolution with your big mouths and no balls and you WILL get your ass kicked. The guy with the biggest stick will ALWAYS kick your big ass mouth. YOU, not us, created this Frankenstein. All your stupid little rules.

FTR, I don't like Trump. I'm sick of hearing anyone that doesn't support the big-mouth bully hates him. If I hate you, I got thousands of square miles of desert to make you go away. What he appeals to is people sick of your bullshit leftwing crap. We, the people, are rebelling against your pansy-ass rules. YOU did this, not us. We want our damned lives back. Want to blame white males? We have NO rights anymore and if we open our mouths we're sexist, racist or whatever.

You don't see the appeal of someone saying "fuck you" to all this bullshit YOU created? We ain't all white males either. Anyone that will stand against the tyranny of the minority wants you OUT. If you don't get that simple fact how about you have a criminal on your ticket and your dumb asses are voting for her? I ain't a Trump fan in case no one's noticed, but YOU and your ilk will vote for someone that has blatantly violated the rule of law?

You made this mess. You created "the Donald". Fix it or STFU.

03-11-2016, 10:06 AM
Now it's about white males? Are you kidding me? AT is correct in that no one is "for you" Gabs. You DO realize we're we're 75 percent of the population? What you DON'T realize is you and your ilk are creating a revolution with your big mouths and no balls and you WILL get your ass kicked. The guy with the biggest stick will ALWAYS kick your big ass mouth. YOU, not us, created this Frankenstein. All your stupid little rules.

FTR, I don't like Trump. I'm sick of hearing anyone that doesn't support the big-mouth bully hates him. If I hate you, I got thousands of square miles of desert to make you go away. What he appeals to is people sick of your bullshit leftwing crap. We, the people, are rebelling against your pansy-ass rules. YOU did this, not us. We want our damned lives back. Want to blame white males? We have NO rights anymore and if we open our mouths we're sexist, racist or whatever.

You don't see the appeal of someone saying "fuck you" to all this bullshit YOU created? We ain't all white males either. Anyone that will stand against the tyranny of the minority wants you OUT. If you don't get that simple fact how about you have a criminal on your ticket and your dumb asses are voting for her? I ain't a Trump fan in case no one's noticed, but YOU and your ilk will vote for someone that has blatantly violated the rule of law?

You made this mess. You created "the Donald". Fix it or STFU.

Excellent !!!!!

Yea White males are for Trump (but not all) but for the reason Gunny so nicely points out not because we all hate anyone but white Christians, and if ya really look into Trumps followers (although many are white males) he has blacks and Latinos as well, as well as women. People are pissed off with all this PC BS . Truth be told Obama is Trumps biggest help, Obama reached out to destroy the White Christian male and with them being the majority of the population, well do the math, folks are pissed. And no it wasn't all Obama, he was just the icing on the cake.

03-11-2016, 11:14 AM
Excellent !!!!!

Yea White males are for Trump (but not all) but for the reason Gunny so nicely points out not because we all hate anyone but white Christians, and if ya really look into Trumps followers (although many are white males) he has blacks and Latinos as well, as well as women. People are pissed off with all this PC BS . Truth be told Obama is Trumps biggest help, Obama reached out to destroy the White Christian male and with them being the majority of the population, well do the math, folks are pissed. And no it wasn't all Obama, he was just the icing on the cake.

Well said Jeff!