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03-11-2016, 09:09 AM
or something I do drink? :laugh2:



…is not, apparently, violating federal laws and regulations and State Department procedures in a manner that exposes thousands of classified documents to our enemies. No, that isn’t the sort of conduct that is likely to draw an indictment from Loretta Lynch’s Department of Justice. Obama’s DOJ is more interested in trying to jail scientists who point out the rather obvious flaws in the government’s desperate effort to convince Americans that global warming is our greatest threat.

Today, Attorney General Loretta Lynch made a chilling appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee. In response to questions from Senator Sheldon Whitehouse–it is scandalous that some call Donald Trump a “fascist” while Whitehouse holds office–Lynch said that DOJ has referred complaints–that would be Whitehouse’s complaints–against oil companies, who have little to do with the climate debate, to the FBI for potential criminal prosecution:


Until now, has any American administration ever tried to make it a crime to take one side of an ongoing scientific debate? No. The Soviets did that, in order to shore up the hopeless but government-favored theories of Lysenko. Until now, such conduct would have been unthinkable in an American administration. But Barack Obama, to his everlasting shame, is willing to emulate Josef Stalin by threatening criminal prosecution of those who disagree with the equally hopeless theories of Michael Mann et al. American history has come to a very sad pass.

03-11-2016, 09:28 AM
Nyet! That beer is mine.

Such stupidity in this administration. It's hard to believe that Lynch would even fantasize about this privately, let alone talk about it. Unreal that she'd actually try to run this up the flagpole.

Not a chance in hell of it getting anywhere, but it shows the intelligence behind the wheel of our country.

03-11-2016, 09:36 AM
Nyet! That beer is mine.

Such stupidity in this administration. It's hard to believe that Lynch would even fantasize about this privately, let alone talk about it. Unreal that she'd actually try to run this up the flagpole.

Not a chance in hell of it getting anywhere, but it shows the intelligence behind the wheel of our country.

Which is why I may be getting the beer. ;)

03-11-2016, 09:38 AM
Which is why I may be getting the beer. ;)


I have faith.