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View Full Version : Hillary Focuses on the NRA

03-11-2016, 08:03 PM
She is daft...

Going after the NRA and 2nd Amendment! Some of the comments in the piece
are great!


Black Diamond
03-11-2016, 08:05 PM
She is daft...

Going after the NRA and 2nd Amendment! Some of the comments in the piece
are great!


Does she feel this way or is she politicking?

03-11-2016, 08:59 PM
Does she feel this way or is she politicking?

Pandering as usual; however, her reputation as a Hippie in the 70's might also
be coming to the surface.

She's also carrying on the Obama mantra of 'Gun Control' although he never
addressed it in Chicago or Illinois when he was supposedly 'powerful' there.

03-11-2016, 09:10 PM
She knows, of course, that gun laws are only obeyed by people who obey laws... and they're NOT the ones causing the problems.

People who routinely break laws (i.e. criminals) are unaffected by gun laws. They will happily break the laws, steal guns, buy them on the black market etc.

Gun laws only disarm the law-abiding.

Since Hillary is well aware of that, it's clear her goal is not to reduce gun crimes, since her plans won't do that.

So, what IS her real goal, in disarming the law-abiding but leaving criminals armed?

03-11-2016, 10:28 PM
If Hillary is elected and gets to appoint a couple of liberal Supreme Court justices, what happens to the Second Amendment?

My guess is that it is going to be interpreted a LOT differently. :cool:

03-11-2016, 10:36 PM
Answer to the question...ALINSKY...."Opening page - Dedication

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”Opening page - Dedication

03-12-2016, 01:15 AM
If Hillary is elected and gets to appoint a couple of liberal Supreme Court justices, what happens to the Second Amendment?

My guess is that it is going to be interpreted a LOT differently. :cool:

..and NOT interpreted as was meant by our Founding Fathers!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-12-2016, 08:30 AM
If Hillary is elected and gets to appoint a couple of liberal Supreme Court justices, what happens to the Second Amendment?

My guess is that it is going to be interpreted a LOT differently. :cool:

Of course and such judges should be disbarred instead of promoted but traitorous libs that should be imprisoned are allowed to rule over us thanks to the globalists.
Laugh and smirk but if civil war breaks out in this nation , who do you think gonna be the first targets of true patriots!.
Yes, thats right ever ffing lib/dem in this nation..... and their ffing allies...
Best pick sides and stop living in a damn fantasy world.
Dumbasses had best learn history, as nothing known to mankind (done by man's hands) is worse than civil warfare.
It makes other kinds of wars look like child's play. --Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-12-2016, 08:34 AM
Does she feel this way or is she politicking?

The stinking maggot feels that way--her and slick willie hated our military.
They both hate guns and hate we that own them as it makes us very likely not to knuckle under to their treason.

03-12-2016, 09:36 AM
If Hillary is elected and gets to appoint a couple of liberal Supreme Court justices, what happens to the Second Amendment?

My guess is that it is going to be interpreted a LOT differently. :cool:

I agree.

It will then be interpreted that only the criminals can have weapons. Only a idiot would believe that criminals will now abide by the laws and hand their guns in, so yea vote for Hillary and nail the coffin shut for the US of A.

03-12-2016, 09:50 AM
I agree.

It will then be interpreted that only the criminals can have weapons. Only a idiot would believe that criminals will now abide by the laws and hand their guns in, so yea vote for Hillary and nail the coffin shut for the US of A.

There will be an uprising if that happens.

03-12-2016, 09:56 AM
There will be an uprising if that happens.

No Doubt, but I watched her basically say that she will make it illegal to own a weapon, personally I don't think this witch can tie her own shoes in the morning but she is going to try and keep Obama's pet peeve alive and well. Hell she wants to take guns off the street but yet her and her family have ARMED guards protecting them at all times. :rolleyes:

03-12-2016, 09:59 AM
No Doubt, but I watched her basically say that she will make it illegal to own a weapon, personally I don't think this witch can tie her own shoes in the morning but she is going to try and keep Obama's pet peeve alive and well. Hell she wants to take guns off the street but yet her and her family have ARMED guards protecting them at all times. :rolleyes:



03-12-2016, 10:06 AM


Now that is funny.

03-12-2016, 10:33 AM



"Good one there Kat women...that was funny!":coffee:

03-12-2016, 11:38 AM
..and NOT interpreted as was meant by our Founding Fathers!

You forget that conditions have changed greatly since the Founding Fathers crafted the second amendment in the late 1700s. Plus, the Supreme Court has ruled that the right is not unlimited and does not prohibit all regulation of weapons.
Citizens will always be able to own a gun. What kind of gun and what kind of ammo can be regulated. Registration can be required. A waiting period for purchase can be added. Background checks can be added. None of these would violate the right to bear arms.

03-12-2016, 04:41 PM
If Hillary is elected and gets to appoint a couple of liberal Supreme Court justices, what happens to the Second Amendment?

My guess is that it is going to be interpreted a LOT differently. :cool:

No, it will be ignored and routinely violated.

Sort of like today, only more so.

03-12-2016, 04:49 PM
You forget that conditions have changed greatly since the Founding Fathers crafted the second amendment in the late 1700s. Plus, the Supreme Court has ruled that the right is not unlimited and does not prohibit all regulation of weapons.
Citizens will always be able to own a gun. What kind of gun and what kind of ammo can be regulated. Registration can be required. A waiting period for purchase can be added. Background checks can be added. None of these would violate the right to bear arms.

Wrong again gabby. YOU intentionally, and liberally forget that the U.S. Constitution is not a CHANGING document that hasn't met your, or other unhappy American idea's of reality.

The founding fathers gave the Constitution the ability to be Amended, Not changed to suit the needs, and demands by a small number, to rule over the larger number. We already know. Obama, the Justice Department, and Democrats in Both houses of Congress..IGNORE, and even PRETEND the Constitution can be violated merely because THEY SAY SO.

But. Reversing, or changing the 2nd amendment will only AID those who VIOLATE the laws, and those, like yourself, who demand to Change the laws you do not like..because you refuse to obey.

03-12-2016, 06:09 PM
Isn't it cute when liberal fanatics who regularly violate the Constitution, say they're not violating it? No, they're merely "interpreting it differently".

Sort of like a bank robber who says he's not robbing the bank, he's merely "re-interpreting" the rules on who owns the money.

03-12-2016, 08:34 PM
Wrong again gabby. YOU intentionally, and liberally forget that the U.S. Constitution is not a CHANGING document that hasn't met your, or other unhappy American idea's of reality.

The founding fathers gave the Constitution the ability to be Amended, Not changed to suit the needs, and demands by a small number, to rule over the larger number. We already know. Obama, the Justice Department, and Democrats in Both houses of Congress..IGNORE, and even PRETEND the Constitution can be violated merely because THEY SAY SO.

But. Reversing, or changing the 2nd amendment will only AID those who VIOLATE the laws, and those, like yourself, who demand to Change the laws you do not like..because you refuse to obey.

You've got that right AT!:salute:

03-12-2016, 10:19 PM
Isn't it cute when liberal fanatics who regularly violate the Constitution, say they're not violating it? No, they're merely "interpreting it differently".

Sort of like a bank robber who says he's not robbing the bank, he's merely "re-interpreting" the rules on who owns the money.

It's pretty obvious that a leftist Supreme Court would say that the Second only means the MILITARY has the right to bear arms.

03-13-2016, 01:00 AM
Some of you are going to be very ill-equipped to deal with the Brave New World that will commence in January, 2017. When a liberal government and Supreme Court will lead the country out of the Dark Ages.
I will be available if your daughters need phone counseling about girl power, birth control and decoding the BS of lustful teenage boys. :p

03-13-2016, 06:33 PM
Some of you are going to be very ill-equipped to deal with the Brave New World that will commence in January, 2017. When a liberal government and Supreme Court will lead the country out of the Dark Ages.
I will be available if your daughters need phone counseling about girl power, birth control and decoding the BS of lustful teenage boys. :p

Gabby. Since you obviously claim to have me on IGNORE, and never get to read what I say to you. That Brave New World you laughingly talk about with a Liberal Government and Supreme Court may be just what you, and the rest of the IGNORANT AMERICAN HYPOCRITES NEED.

You need another OBAMA, and I would be so happy to learn how your SOCIALIST loving idea's finally caught up with all of you SNOBS who think you are untouchable because you FLAUNT your snobbery with nothing more than your own STUPIDITY.

When you are no longer able to afford living where you live, and find yourself angry with the support you gave to Hillary, and Bernie...who promised you everything. Give us a call.
What goes around....eventually COMES AROUND. And You deserve everything you want.

03-14-2016, 12:14 AM
Isn't it cute when liberal fanatics who regularly violate the Constitution, say they're not violating it? No, they're merely "interpreting it differently".

Sort of like a bank robber who says he's not robbing the bank, he's merely "re-interpreting" the rules on who owns the money.

Wasn't there a colonel in WWII who said, "Retreat, hell! We're advancing in a new direction!"

Difference between him and the liberal fanatics, is that the colonel was joking. The liberals are serious, and actually expect you to believe them.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-14-2016, 12:46 PM
There will be an uprising if that happens.

Thats right an uprising that they will only stir into A-action when they have the upper hand and are ready to kill a few million of us.
Trust me, that number will not bother them in the least..
As long as it is us they wouldn't care if they had to shoot 50 million....
Any look at the well over 120 million already murdered by Marxist/communist nations bears that out.-Tyr