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View Full Version : 91-year-old Phyllis Schlafly stumps for Trump

03-12-2016, 08:44 AM
Watched this yesterday. I like her.


Conservative leader and Founder of the Eagle Forum Phyllis Schlafly said GOP frontrunner Donald Trump is a candidate that will give conservatives “a choice not an echo” during Trump’s campaign rally in St. Louis, Missouri at the Peabody Opera House on Friday afternoon.

“I want you to meet Donald Trump,” Schlafly told the crowd full of Trump supporters. “I had the chance to meet with him a couple minutes ago and I asked him to stand by the Republican platform because we have the best conservative platform we’ve ever had. He endorsed it. He will stand by it. He is a real conservative and I ask you to support him.”

Schlafly also told the crowd that she is confident Trump will appoint conservative Supreme Court justices like Justice Scalia.

“I think he has the courage and the energy — you know you have to have energy for that job — in order to bring some changes and to do what the grassroots want him to do, because this is a grass roots uprising. We’ve been following the losers for so long.”

“This is a great, great lady,” Trump said about Schlafly after taking the stage.
