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View Full Version : Cruz's response to protesters versus Trump's

03-12-2016, 11:12 AM

Ted Cruz on Hugh Hewitt's program

And part of that is reflected on how you approach protestors, because if you are the monarch from on high, then the protestor is disloyal and needs to be cast out and punished. You know, my approach, often, Hugh, with protestors, is if they’re being civil, I’ll often engage with them. You know, we had an event up in Maine, a huge rally in Maine. There were several college kids that stood up and began protesting. And I said all right, stand up, tell me what your concern is, let’s talk about it, let’s talk about illegal immigration. Let’s talk about climate change. And I ended up having an impromptu ten minute debate with a protestor on substance, and said listen, if you don’t have a right to shout down this event. If you’re disruptive the police officers will escort you out. But if you want to engage in civil discourse, we can talk about it.

Donald demands of the voters that they stand up and pledge their allegiance to him, pledge that they would vote for him. As I mentioned last night, I think that gets it exactly backwards. This is a job interview. You know, kings and queens demand of their subjects that they pledge allegiance to them, but in America, we don’t pledge allegiance to men. We pledge allegiance to the flag. We pledge allegiance to the Constitution. But we don’t pledge allegiance to men. And this is very much, each of us should be asking to work for 330 million Americans. And what I am doing is pledging my allegiance to you.

“But in any campaign, responsibility starts at the top,” Mr. Cruz continued. “And when you have a campaign that disrespects the voters, when you have a campaign that affirmatively encourages violence, when you have a campaign that is facing allegations of physical violence against members of the press, you create an environment that only encourages this sort of nasty discourse.”

03-12-2016, 11:32 AM

Ted Cruz on Hugh Hewitt's program

So instead of disrespecting voters we should kiss their asses? While they violently protest? Brilliant plan. Good thing some PFC thought that job up.:rolleyes: