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View Full Version : Lies about Ferguson are exposed........

03-13-2016, 11:20 AM
`The Justice Department has finally confirmed what many of us were certain was the case: Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson told the truth about what happened when he said he shot Michael Brown in self-defense.

In other words, all of the rioting, demonstrations and racist pronouncements that followed were based on lies.

After a six-month investigation, the DOJ concluded that Brown, allegedly a thug and a thief, was nottrying to peacefully surrender when the incident occurred. He did not hold his hands up and say, “Don’t shoot.” And he was not shot in the back, as some alleged.

The operative word in the Justice Department’s conclusions was “credible.” It comes up again and again in the DOJ report:

“There is no credible evidence to refute Wilson’s… belief that he was acting in self-defense.”
“In analyzing all of the evidence, federal prosecutors found Wilson’s account to be credible.”
“There are no witnesses who could testify credibly that Wilson shot Brown while Brown was clearly attempting to surrender.”
“Multiple credible witnesses corroborate virtually every material aspect of Wilson’s account and are consistent with physical evidence.”

In other words, a bunch of witnesses lied under oath about what happened, in an effort to get Wilson indicted for murder...`

Much more in the article...


***Liberals are appalling and pathetic people, and they know no shame

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-13-2016, 12:03 PM
`The Justice Department has finally confirmed what many of us were certain was the case: Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson told the truth about what happened when he said he shot Michael Brown in self-defense.

In other words, all of the rioting, demonstrations and racist pronouncements that followed were based on lies.

After a six-month investigation, the DOJ concluded that Brown, allegedly a thug and a thief, was nottrying to peacefully surrender when the incident occurred. He did not hold his hands up and say, “Don’t shoot.” And he was not shot in the back, as some alleged.

The operative word in the Justice Department’s conclusions was “credible.” It comes up again and again in the DOJ report:

“There is no credible evidence to refute Wilson’s… belief that he was acting in self-defense.”
“In analyzing all of the evidence, federal prosecutors found Wilson’s account to be credible.”
“There are no witnesses who could testify credibly that Wilson shot Brown while Brown was clearly attempting to surrender.”
“Multiple credible witnesses corroborate virtually every material aspect of Wilson’s account and are consistent with physical evidence.”

In other words, a bunch of witnesses lied under oath about what happened, in an effort to get Wilson indicted for murder...`

Much more in the article...


***Liberals are appalling and pathetic people, and they know no shame


NOW, dat sho' nuff be racist ..

But nobody will call it that..-Tyr

03-14-2016, 03:02 PM
and now heeeeeeeers Soros

03-14-2016, 03:14 PM
And, Wilson's life is ruined.

03-14-2016, 03:22 PM
Hmmmm..... I wonder if there will be any condemnation? Surely trying to ruin someone's life, by lying, under oath, is pretty bad, no? The community was beside itself, both literally there, and the black community as a whole throughout the nation.

Now that the DOJ is done investigating, which is what they demanded - will it now be ignored? Will they apologize for the lies? Will others see the lies and admit the lies are the wrong thing to do, and that the facts that came out changes things?

I'll bet a cool $1.25 that it barely happens, if at all.

03-14-2016, 03:29 PM
Facts Don't Matter.