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View Full Version : How to save the earth: Global holocaust

07-17-2007, 06:30 AM

Yes. its true. Newsweek has done an article on an environmentalist wacko whose solution for the environment is human extinction. I've pointed this out many times, the only logical conclusion for the environmentalist wackos is the extinction of the human race, and here they are actually proposing it. And mainstream media is actually giving this lunatic credibility!

If they are going to start killing off the human race, I sure as heck hope they start with themselves. Id rather no one died, but if these people even seriously consider this its better they start with themselves than start killing innocent people. At least that would cull some lunatics out of the gene pool.

07-17-2007, 07:09 AM
:lame2: Let us all go commit mass suicide with kool-aid. :lame2:

This people are a bunch of morons. I've been saying its high time to clean the gene pool of morons like this. If you let them clean themselves up they would stop reproducing hopefully and then we can slowly weed out the idiots.
Yes last year i almost thought that all of those hurricanes and tornadoes and stuff was maybe caused by global warming it had seemed like a record amount of them. But this year has been relatively quiet so far. Meh who knows.

07-17-2007, 07:45 AM
Well no, the article doesn't give the idea any credibility at all:

Too bad there's no one there to see it.

And that brings up all kinds of questions about humans and our planet I think. And in so doing it neatly points out the internal contradictions in Weisman's argument.