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03-15-2016, 09:30 AM
First NRO, then Krauthammer, now Sowell?


03-15-2016, 10:10 AM
First NRO, then Krauthammer, now Sowell?


NRO and Krauthammer have always been establishment. Sowell has his own opinion and I respect it.

03-15-2016, 04:13 PM
Though I am, and have been Ignored here on DP. I wonder how many of you out there can finally, and simply, just agree with what I have been saying since I arrived here?

There are two words I have consistently used to describe what is happening to the FORMER United States of America. The place where most of us were born, and for me. The nation I proudly served for 30 years. But now, in defense of our six grandchildren. I will now repeat those two words that pretty much encompass what the USA now faces. And those two words are......


03-15-2016, 04:21 PM
Though I am, and have been Ignored here on DP. I wonder how many of you out there can finally, and simply, just agree with what I have been saying since I arrived here?

There are two words I have consistently used to describe what is happening to the FORMER United States of America. The place where most of us were born, and for me. The nation I proudly served for 30 years. But now, in defense of our six grandchildren. I will now repeat those two words that pretty much encompass what the USA now faces. And those two words are......


..Dont give up on your grandchildren...fight for them at least..:salute:


03-15-2016, 07:15 PM
..Dont give up on your grandchildren...fight for them at least..:salute:


Never gonna happen Brother. Those kiddies are the reason I still draw a breath, and keep my heart beating. I gave too much of my life to ever GIVE UP, or GIVE IN. That's not in my genes in any way.
Contrary to what too many Americans who claim...ONLY CLAIM to love this nation. I am still willing to GIVE MY LIFE to protect it, my family, and Americans who are honest about not being SELFISH IDIOTS.

03-15-2016, 07:32 PM
Though I am, and have been Ignored here on DP. I wonder how many of you out there can finally, and simply, just agree with what I have been saying since I arrived here?

There are two words I have consistently used to describe what is happening to the FORMER United States of America. The place where most of us were born, and for me. The nation I proudly served for 30 years. But now, in defense of our six grandchildren. I will now repeat those two words that pretty much encompass what the USA now faces. And those two words are......


What is it with some folks thinking the world is coming to an end with every election? We got through the Depression, two world wars, 9/11. We'll survive.

03-15-2016, 07:38 PM
What is it with some folks thinking the world is coming to an end with every election? We got through the Depression, two world wars, 9/11. We'll survive.

Agreed. But if you were to listen around the social media world, some would have you believe that the world is in fact going to end if Trump gets elected!

03-15-2016, 07:41 PM
What is it with some folks thinking the world is coming to an end with every election? We got through the Depression, two world wars, 9/11. We'll survive.

glockmail. That's exactly what the uninformed people who will vote for Bernie, or Hillary would say, and hope everyone else DOESN'T REALLY PAY ATTENTION.

Yes, we made it through all of those things you mentioned. But today's Illiterates, called voters, have no idea what HISTORY was, so they don't care if WE ALL REPEAT IT.

03-15-2016, 07:41 PM
Agreed. But if you were to listen around the social media world, some would have you believe that the world is in fact going to end if Trump gets elected!

"Indoctrination...they want more of that promised "hope and Change'...either through Hillary or bernie..

03-15-2016, 08:45 PM
glockmail. That's exactly what the uninformed people who will vote for Bernie, or Hillary would say, and hope everyone else DOESN'T REALLY PAY ATTENTION.

Yes, we made it through all of those things you mentioned. But today's Illiterates, called voters, have no idea what HISTORY was, so they don't care if WE ALL REPEAT IT.

Let's assume that either one of those assholes wins. GOP majorities will still exist in the House and Senate. In 2018 the majorities will increase with Tea Party Patriots as they did in '10 and '14. Any D prez will be stifled.

The SCOTUS will be screwed though.

03-15-2016, 09:46 PM
Let's assume that either one of those assholes wins.
That is pretty good assumption.

GOP majorities will still exist in the House and Senate.
Not a given, especially if enough Dems vote straight ticket.

In 2018 the majorities will increase with Tea Party Patriots as they did in '10 and '14.
What if the Tea Party now longer exists?

Any D prez will be stifled.
Might not work that way.

The SCOTUS will be screwed though.
I would use the term "improved."


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-15-2016, 09:57 PM
First NRO, then Krauthammer, now Sowell?


Sowell can go straight to hell as far as I am concerned. His comments on hillary and obama ring very true but his blather about Trump is completely biased--why I have not a damn clue but he just went down by huge, thats by huge numbers in my book.
I read his commentary twice, its as if he thinks any other president in history was truly qualified before taking the job- when history has shown well over half were not--yet we survived!
What we may not yet survive is the obama destruction wrecked and that traitor is not done yet!
Sowell would have been best served had he concentrated on Clinton and obama and not tried to tell us to ditch the Republican front runner IMHO.


03-16-2016, 08:05 AM
Wishful thinking Gabs, but as usual, no basis in reality. :laugh:

03-16-2016, 10:43 AM

Sowell nails it on the head in every article i've read this election season.
and in this article he doesn't even mention the negatives of Trumps policies by name (such as they are).
Just Trumps "character" alone should be enough to put this guy outside of consideration.

...It is not a question of his having flaws, which we all have. But what kind of warped character does someone have at his core who can mock a prisoner of war who was tortured for years by our enemies, mock someone else with a physical defect, reply to questions with gutter-level insults, and offer childish boasts about what he is going to do, instead of specifics about how?

These are not subtle nuances. They are blatant revelations about something fundamentally wrong...

Sowell mentions briefly why many on the right are attracted to Trump. I'd humbly add to those reasons why i think many republicans/conservatives/rightwingers are willing put up with this ...or even embrace it. IMO it's not only that many have felt "ignored" and certain negative views articulated, but that many have been primed into a different mindset ...or to the darker side of their views... by several things. A few are the shock Jock style angry right wing "news" and radio of the past 30 years. Which doesn't hold back very much by way of vitriol and shows very little heart or kindness. And tends to paint problems or groups as black and white issues. Or even paints groups AS problems. And I have to say it plainly ..yes... the W Bush administration that took 911 from a terrorist threat by a small group and turned it into a world wide war where ZERO rules apply .. american law, the constitution, treaties, christian values OUT the WINDOW. And then they twisted the facts further to ride the heated emotions so to invade Iraq. All working together to basically morph many former constitutional-small gov't-Christian-values minded republicans into anything-goes-fear-driven-blood-lusting-your-either with-us-or-against-us-anglos-unite-neo-conites. So Trump is addressing a group with a different vision of the world than republicans under Bush senior or Reagan. .. or even candidate W Bush... who all were considered more "compassionate conservatives" on all the issues where "republicans" now only see enemies.. or groups to go to war with or america as we want it will crumble .. muslims, immigrant, minorities any foreign country that looks crosswise in our direction.

At least that how it seems to me.

03-16-2016, 12:23 PM
Sowell can go straight to hell as far as I am concerned.

Oh geez.