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View Full Version : Grieving Mom Responds To Kasich’s Amnesty/Legalization path

03-15-2016, 11:21 AM
Within 100 days he will have a path to legalization.


Grieving Mom Responds To Kasich’s Amnesty-In-100-Days Pledge: Visit Grave Of My Murdered Child

“It’s all so senseless,” Maureen Maloney said of the death of countless Americans at the hands of illegal aliens.

Maloney’s 23 year-old son Matthew was hit by a repeat-offending illegal alien drunk driver. Although Matthew survived the initial crash, he died as he was subsequently dragged a quarter of a mile—caught in the wheel well of the illegal alien’s pick up truck— as the alien sought to flee the crime scene. “Witnesses who saw [Matthew] pinned screaming under the truck ran out and pounded on the vehicle, crying out to the driver who kept going…'[Matthew] was alive for a good portion of it,’” wrote one report from the time.

“He wanted to be a police officer,” Maloney said of her young son, who was voted “most dependable” by his high school senior class. “He had taken the civil service exam… He liked to help people and do good.”

“He was just a law-abiding person,” she said quietly.

“The person who killed him should not have been in this country,” Maloney explained, noting that Matthew’s killer “had assaulted police officers, he had assaulted paramedics, multiple drunk drivings, domestic violence and each time he had a run in with the police, he’d go to court, pay his fine and be let go,” Maloney said.

“Somebody needs to start putting American lives first. Somebody has to take care of the people that are in this country legally,” Maloney declared.

Rest here - http://www.breitbart.com/immigration/2016/03/15/grieving-mom-responds-kasichs-amnesty-100-days-pledge-visit-grave-murdered-child/