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View Full Version : Trump to Skip Fox News Debate: 'We've Had Enough'

03-16-2016, 09:30 AM
Fox News may be planning a GOP presidential debate next Monday between the three remaining candidates, but Donald Trump declared Wednesday he won't be there.

"Nobody told me about the debates," Trump told the network's "Fox and Friends" program. "I thought the last debate on CNN was the last debate. I'm doing a major speech in front of 8,000 or 9,000 people that night."

And, Trump said, he thinks that the 11 or 12 debates that have been held already have been enough, and yet another debate isn't going to solve anything.

"I did really well on the last one," Trump told the program. "I think I have done well in all the debates. According to Drudge and everybody else I have won the debates. How many times can the same people ask you the same question? So I was very surprised when I heard that Fox called for a debate. Nobody told me about it. I won't be there, no."

According to The Hill, Trump will address the American Israel Public Affairs Committe on Monday night in Washington D.C., and he has suggested repeadedly he will avoid additional debates as the race for the nomination tightens.

AIPAC announced last Friday that Trump was to be at the conference, while Fox made its debate announcement on Monday. The AIPAC event will also feature speeches from Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and House Speaker Paul Ryan.


03-16-2016, 09:42 AM
Yeah, the Primary debates have run their course.

FOX is eager to nail big audiences and sell those commercials.

03-16-2016, 09:45 AM
Yeah, the Primary debates have run their course.

FOX is eager to nail big audiences and sell those commercials.

​Exactly correct IMO....

03-16-2016, 09:49 AM
...Just a little ad on here..hope you dont mind Jimmy...

"Huckabee: 'Hillary Is In for the Ride of Her Life' When She Takes On Trump"

“After tonight, it’s a two-person race. But the two people are Hillary and Trump.”

“Like everybody else, I underestimated [Trump],” the former Arkansas governor explained.

But the Democrats – and Clintons – won’t know what to do with Trump’s campaign, he added.

“I can tell you, Hillary is in for the ride of her life when she has to take on Donald Trump. It will be unlike anything she or her husband

have ever faced before.”


03-16-2016, 09:52 AM
Yeah, the Primary debates have run their course.

FOX is eager to nail big audiences and sell those commercials.

I recall him saying similar at one of his rally's I watched. He said they had no desire to actually debate, that with the high ratings, they simply want to make money.

Anyone know how many gop debates there were in 2008, 2012? I'd be curious to compare. I could be wrong, but I thought there were just as many, no?

03-16-2016, 10:10 AM
The debates have run their course.

Nothing new can be "gleaned" from them, if you don't know by now you haven't been paying attention.

Time to move on

03-16-2016, 04:12 PM
GOP presidential debate in SLC canceled

SALT LAKE CITY -- Monday's GOP presidential debate scheduled here in Utah has been canceled, FOX 13 News has confirmed.

The decision to cancel the debate followed Donald Trump's announcement on "FOX & Friends" that he would not be appearing. Instead, he said he would be appearing at a pro-Israel group's event on Monday night. Trump dropping out led John Kasich to indicate he would not be appearing at Monday's debate.

"We had hoped to contrast Governor Kasich's positive inclusive approach to problem solving with Trump's campaign of division," said Kasich chief strategist John Weaver in an emailed statement to FOX 13. "If he changes his mind, we will be there."

Following phone conferences between FOX News Channel and the Republican National Committee, the event was canceled, representatives for the Salt Palace confirmed. Utah Republican Party officials told FOX 13 it was Kasich's decision to back out of Monday's debate that killed it. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz would have been the only candidate on stage.

"We're sorry it's not happening," said Bruce Hough, the Republican National Committeeman for Utah.


Black Diamond
03-16-2016, 04:19 PM
GOP presidential debate in SLC canceled

SALT LAKE CITY -- Monday's GOP presidential debate scheduled here in Utah has been canceled, FOX 13 News has confirmed.

The decision to cancel the debate followed Donald Trump's announcement on "FOX & Friends" that he would not be appearing. Instead, he said he would be appearing at a pro-Israel group's event on Monday night. Trump dropping out led John Kasich to indicate he would not be appearing at Monday's debate.

"We had hoped to contrast Governor Kasich's positive inclusive approach to problem solving with Trump's campaign of division," said Kasich chief strategist John Weaver in an emailed statement to FOX 13. "If he changes his mind, we will be there."

Following phone conferences between FOX News Channel and the Republican National Committee, the event was canceled, representatives for the Salt Palace confirmed. Utah Republican Party officials told FOX 13 it was Kasich's decision to back out of Monday's debate that killed it. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz would have been the only candidate on stage.

"We're sorry it's not happening," said Bruce Hough, the Republican National Committeeman for Utah.


Ratings woild be low with Cruz rand Kasich.

03-16-2016, 04:49 PM
Ratings woild be low with Cruz rand Kasich.

Agree...Trump and most everybody else knows and understands this fact...