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03-23-2016, 02:00 PM
Uniting to fight poverty: A TED talk (http://www.aei.org/publication/uniting-to-fight-poverty-a-ted-talk/)


A few excerpts:

And here it is. Here are the reasons. There are five reasons that two billion of our brothers and sisters have been pulled out of poverty since I was a kid. Number one: globalization. Number two: free trade.Number three: property rights. Number four: rule of law. Number five: entrepreneurship. It was the free enterprise system spreading around the world after 1970 that did that.

Now, I don't have to tell anybody in this room that we're in a crisis, in America and many countries around the world with political polarization. It's risen to critical, crisis levels. It's unpleasant. It's not right. <genius-referent data-genius-referent-id="8851284" data-genius-style-id="referent" data-genius-wrapped-path="/8851284/www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/03/21/the-poison-of-our-political-partisanship-explained" data-genius-api-path="/referents/8851284" data-genius-annotator-id="2225623" data-genius-featured-referent="true" data-genius-hover="" style="box-sizing: border-box; transition: background-color 0.2s; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent !important; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); cursor: pointer; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 100, 0.6);">There was an article last year</genius-referent><genius-referent data-genius-referent-id="8851284" data-genius-style-id="referent" data-genius-wrapped-path="/8851284/www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/03/21/the-poison-of-our-political-partisanship-explained" data-genius-api-path="/referents/8851284" data-genius-annotator-id="2225623" data-genius-featured-referent="true" data-genius-hover="" style="box-sizing: border-box; transition: background-color 0.2s; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); cursor: pointer; font-family: Georgia; font-size: 18px; line-height: 32.4px; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent !important; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 100, 0.6);"> in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, which is one of the most prestigious scientific journals published in the West. And it was an article in 2014 on political motive asymmetry. What's that? That's what psychologists call the phenomenon of assuming that your ideology is based in love but your opponents' ideology is based in hate</genius-referent><genius-referent data-genius-referent-id="8851284" data-genius-style-id="referent" data-genius-wrapped-path="/8851284/www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/03/21/the-poison-of-our-political-partisanship-explained" data-genius-api-path="/referents/8851284" data-genius-annotator-id="2225623" data-genius-featured-referent="true" data-genius-hover="" style="box-sizing: border-box; transition: background-color 0.2s; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); cursor: pointer; font-family: Georgia; font-size: 18px; line-height: 32.4px; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent !important; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 100, 0.6);">.</genius-referent> It's common in world conflict.You expect to see this between Palestinians and Israelis, for example. What the authors of this article found was that in America today, a majority of Republicans and Democrats suffer from political motive asymmetry. <genius-referent data-genius-referent-id="8851320" data-genius-style-id="referent" data-genius-wrapped-path="/8851320/www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/03/21/the-poison-of-our-political-partisanship-explained" data-genius-api-path="/referents/8851320" data-genius-annotator-id="2225623" data-genius-featured-referent="true" data-genius-hover="" style="box-sizing: border-box; transition: background-color 0.2s; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); cursor: pointer; font-family: Georgia; font-size: 18px; line-height: 32.4px; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent !important; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 100, 0.6);">A majority of people in our country today who are politically active believe that they are motivated by love but the other side is motivated by hate. Think about it. Think about it. Most people are walking around saying, "You know, my ideology is based on basic benevolence, I want to help people,</genius-referent><genius-referent data-genius-referent-id="8851320" data-genius-style-id="referent" data-genius-wrapped-path="/8851320/www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/03/21/the-poison-of-our-political-partisanship-explained" data-genius-api-path="/referents/8851320" data-genius-annotator-id="2225623" data-genius-featured-referent="true" data-genius-hover="" style="box-sizing: border-box; transition: background-color 0.2s; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent !important; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); cursor: pointer; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 100, 0.6);">but the other guys, they're evil and out to get me."</genius-referent><genius-referent data-genius-referent-id="8851320" data-genius-style-id="referent" data-genius-wrapped-path="/8851320/www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/03/21/the-poison-of-our-political-partisanship-explained" data-genius-api-path="/referents/8851320" data-genius-annotator-id="2225623" data-genius-featured-referent="true" data-genius-hover="" style="box-sizing: border-box; transition: background-color 0.2s; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); cursor: pointer; font-family: Georgia; font-size: 18px; line-height: 32.4px; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent !important; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 100, 0.6);"> You can't progress as a society when you have this kind of asymmetry. It's impossible</genius-referent><genius-referent data-genius-referent-id="8851320" data-genius-style-id="referent" data-genius-wrapped-path="/8851320/www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/03/21/the-poison-of-our-political-partisanship-explained" data-genius-api-path="/referents/8851320" data-genius-annotator-id="2225623" data-genius-featured-referent="true" data-genius-hover="" style="box-sizing: border-box; transition: background-color 0.2s; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); cursor: pointer; font-family: Georgia; font-size: 18px; line-height: 32.4px; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent !important; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 100, 0.6);">.</genius-referent>

But you know what we really need? We need a new day in flexible ideology. We need to be less predictable. Don't we? Do you ever feel like your own ideology is starting to get predictable? Kinda conventional? Do you ever feel like you're always listening to people who agree with you? Why is that dangerous? Because <genius-referent data-genius-referent-id="8851350" data-genius-style-id="referent" data-genius-wrapped-path="/8851350/www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/03/21/the-poison-of-our-political-partisanship-explained" data-genius-api-path="/referents/8851350" data-genius-annotator-id="2225623" data-genius-featured-referent="true" data-genius-hover="" style="box-sizing: border-box; transition: background-color 0.2s; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); cursor: pointer; font-family: Georgia; font-size: 18px; line-height: 32.4px; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent !important; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 100, 0.6);">when we talk in this country about economics, on the right, conservatives, you're always talking about taxes and regulations and big government. And on the left, liberals, you're talking about economics, it's always about income inequality. Right? Now those are important things, really important to me, really important to you. But when it comes to lifting people up who are starving and need us today, those are distractions. We need to come together around the best ways to mitigate poverty using the best tools at our disposal, and that comes only when conservatives recognize that they need liberals and their obsession with poverty, and liberals need conservatives and their obsession with free markets. That's the diversity in which lies the future strength of this country, if we choose to take it.</genius-referent>

Transcript here:

03-23-2016, 02:14 PM
ha no joke I just got done watching this over lunch 20min ago! nice talk!

03-23-2016, 02:29 PM
There will NEVER be a solution to end, or stop poverty as long as human beings are lazy, unwilling to educate themselves, and depend on governments to take care of them from birth to death.

Too many human beings are perpetually irresponsible, and unwilling to work for their own well being.

Simple, Short, and Unquestionably the Truth.

03-23-2016, 04:27 PM
There will NEVER be a solution to end, or stop poverty as long as human beings are lazy, unwilling to educate themselves, and depend on governments to take care of them from birth to death.

Too many human beings are perpetually irresponsible, and unwilling to work for their own well being.

Simple, Short, and Unquestionably the Truth.

Broken record alert! You didn't watch the video did you...? Keep banging that rhetoric and something might change...

03-23-2016, 06:01 PM
There will NEVER be a solution to end, or stop poverty as long as human beings are lazy, unwilling to educate themselves, and depend on governments to take care of them from birth to death.

Too many human beings are perpetually irresponsible, and unwilling to work for their own well being.

Simple, Short, and Unquestionably the Truth.

That simply sums it up in a nutshell, AT.

03-23-2016, 06:02 PM
That simply sums it up in a nutshell, AT.

Here's summing it up: get a job. It works.

03-23-2016, 06:13 PM
Broken record alert! You didn't watch the video did you...? Keep banging that rhetoric and something might change...

Ohhh....I watched the video, but what effect will it have on those such as AT mentioned have??

Not a damn thing....lazy and wallet-grabbing will continue until they wake up and learn to function for themselves.

The recent shift with the Dems to be Liberal has wrecked this country. I recall conservative Dems years back, and can name two
who represented West Virginia...Congressman Harley O. Staggers and Senator Robert C. Byrd. They represented Appalachia...the
coal miners and woodsmen/timber cutters....the the single family farmers. They led moves to alleviate much of that despair, but
it did not mean dipping into other folk''s wallets as is the thought process now.

This new breed of Dems, the Liberals, are all about playing Robin Hood....robbing Peter to pay lazy Paul / Pauline, and allow Paul / Pauline
to stay on their fat greedy ass and do nothing to pull up their pants and be productive.

03-23-2016, 06:13 PM
Here's summing it up: get a job. It works.

Geesh! Do you think?:laugh:

03-23-2016, 06:28 PM
Geesh! Do you think?:laugh:

When I was a teen I had 2 jobs AND finished high school. These lazy-ass f*cks are too good to work at McDonalds. I pumped gas at a full service station and made pizzas. I mean, if you want or need something, go out and get it. It ain't coming to your door.

I get sick of hearing this crap. If I could still work, you wouldn't find my ass around here. I HATE sitting at home. People act like I'm getting over or it's some privilege. Screw THAT noise. More like being in prison. But perfectly healthy people with no excuses sit home and whine about what no one's giving them. How about doing the jobs these illegals are doing?

03-23-2016, 06:45 PM
When I was a teen I had 2 jobs AND finished high school. These lazy-ass f*cks are too good to work at McDonalds. I pumped gas at a full service station and made pizzas. I mean, if you want or need something, go out and get it. It ain't coming to your door.

I get sick of hearing this crap. If I could still work, you wouldn't find my ass around here. I HATE sitting at home. People act like I'm getting over or it's some privilege. Screw THAT noise. More like being in prison. But perfectly healthy people with no excuses sit home and whine about what no one's giving them. How about doing the jobs these illegals are doing?

Mow lawns...trim trees and hedges...harvest crops....but they are too frikkin lazy.
Aye, there are some who are limited physically, but even they could answer phones and poke
numbers into a cash register.

I cut lawns, trimmed hedges and trees, chopped wood, stacked rocks, weeded, raked leaves (Elms dump a lot), worked as a lifeguard at the
local pool, and showed outdoor movies at the 3 town parks 3 days a week. (It was interesting learning how to run that WW II
military surplus projector!)

In the winter shoveled snow, cracked ice, cut kindling and stoked a coal furnace.

Lazy welfare grabbing Liberals would not do any of the above...

03-23-2016, 07:07 PM
Mow lawns...trim trees and hedges...harvest crops....but they are too frikkin lazy.
Aye, there are some who are limited physically, but even they could answer phones and poke
numbers into a cash register.

I cut lawns, trimmed hedges and trees, chopped wood, stacked rocks, weeded, raked leaves (Elms dump a lot), worked as a lifeguard at the
local pool, and showed outdoor movies at the 3 town parks 3 days a week. (It was interesting learning how to run that WW II
military surplus projector!)

In the winter shoveled snow, cracked ice, cut kindling and stoked a coal furnace.

Lazy welfare grabbing Liberals would not do any of the above...

Hell, I thought my vocation was mowing lawns in base housing. I'd drag that lawn mower up and down the street with a gas can on top and clippers (no weed-eaters back in the day) in my pocket. Had one of those old-school edgers too. And I'm talking summer in Miami. That goes usually from about Feb-Dec. Sweltering heat and humidity. I love hearing people say "it's not the heat, it's the humidity". Give your ass a shot at a tropical climate and you'll learn a new meaning for the word "humidity".

Shoveled a lot of horse shit and hay in San Antonio. Dug a lot of ditches.

So when I hear these whiners over-qualified for the job? You can just bet MY sympathy card is out and running. I start thinking in drill instructor mode: Get your pansy ass up and start digging you worthless POS. You waitin' on God to come dig this hole for you, or what? :drillsarge:

03-23-2016, 07:13 PM
Great line! I love it: You waitin' on God to come dig this hole for you, or what?

03-23-2016, 07:13 PM
Broken record alert! You didn't watch the video did you...? Keep banging that rhetoric and something might change...

That seems to be what is part of the problem you call a Broken Record today. No need to watch any video when most of us know what the REALITY actually is. And that's not texting, pushing keys, pretending to be smart, and never learning how to actually communicate with your mouth, mind, and an education that allows you to speak, instead of watching videos meant to entertain 24/7.

What you call rhetoric is EXACTLY what you are doing by calling it Rhetoric. Actually, that's just another convenient EXCUSE to use when YOU have no idea how to actually describe a problem with actual words.
That's what is wrong with today's X generation. Ask them a question, you get a blank stare. Take away their electronic toys designed to replace HUMAN actions, and it all ends when the Power goes out, or the batteries run-down.

Most of America today can't spell, count, or point to a map and tell WHERE THEY ARE.
So Take Your RHETORIC excuse and stick it where the SUN doesn't shine. IF YOU ARE SMART ENOUGH TO KNOW WHERE THAT IS.

03-23-2016, 07:21 PM

Most of America today can't spell, count, or point to a map and tell WHERE THEY ARE.
So Take Your RHETORIC excuse and stick it where the SUN doesn't shine. IF YOU ARE SMART ENOUGH TO KNOW WHERE THAT IS.

Just needs to search for his head! I hope he has a headlamp!:laugh:

03-23-2016, 07:23 PM
That seems to be what is part of the problem you call a Broken Record today. No need to watch any video when most of us know what the REALITY actually is. And that's not texting, pushing keys, pretending to be smart, and never learning how to actually communicate with your mouth, mind, and an education that allows you to speak, instead of watching videos meant to entertain 24/7.

What you call rhetoric is EXACTLY what you are doing by calling it Rhetoric. Actually, that's just another convenient EXCUSE to use when YOU have no idea how to actually describe a problem with actual words.
That's what is wrong with today's X generation. Ask them a question, you get a blank stare. Take away their electronic toys designed to replace HUMAN actions, and it all ends when the Power goes out, or the batteries run-down.

Most of America today can't spell, count, or point to a map and tell WHERE THEY ARE.
So Take Your RHETORIC excuse and stick it where the SUN doesn't shine. IF YOU ARE SMART ENOUGH TO KNOW WHERE THAT IS.

Does this mean I have to scroll up and read what Pete's bitching about now? I'm on diaper duty. Scrolling through threads isn't an option right now. But let me guess ... it's all OUR fault. Those of us that go out and earn what we get. And we should give even more of what we earn to the worthless idiots that think playing X-Box all day constitutes a reason to get our tax dollars.

'Bout sum it up?

03-23-2016, 07:26 PM
I love hearing people say "it's not the heat, it's the humidity". Give your ass a shot at a tropical climate and you'll learn a new meaning for the word "humidity".

It was really hot and humid in the Potomac River Valley in WV.

I used to sweat my ass off in Football until the winter storms came down
from Lake Erie.

03-23-2016, 07:46 PM
It was really hot and humid in the Potomac River Valley in WV.

I used to sweat my ass off in Football until the winter storms came down
from Lake Erie.

Should play football in San Antonio. Starts in August. I thought I was going to die. And they'd hand you a salt tablet back then. Thanks. How about some water, please? We didn't have Gatorade and bottled water. We drank off the end of the hose. And was glad to have it. Now it's got to be in plastic bottle? The things people take for granted just blows my mind.

They look at me like I've lost my mind when I eat Ravioli out of a can, cold. Sh*t, I was happy to have that crap at times. And why do I have to dirty up 2 dishes heating the crap up? Shovel it out of the can and toss the can in the trash. No dishwashing involved. I'd hate to see them skin a fish. We're talking calculus for that operation. Put its ass over a fire, cook it, and eat it.

Everyone is so damned spoiled. It's ridiculous. "You need to provide me my dinner". Go get it yourself. Those of us that know how to do for ourselves don't owe those that can't jack shit.

03-24-2016, 04:30 AM
Poverty in this country is a choice. Pure and simple. Well maybe not simple, but at least purely.

Want to get your way out of Poverty? Get a job or two or three. Have your kids get jobs. Pool your money. Earn your way out of your situation through hard work.

You will not get time to spend with your kids. Nope. You'll work 18hrs a day. Yeah, for awhile.

You will need to give up Air conditioning and Cable and Internet. Probably.

Seek out charities and accept their help.

Never. EVER. wait for God or the Government - while both do things in their own time, the government steals from your neighbors to help you.

[edit] - Just had a great analogy pop into my head.

You know how we went into Iraq and force-fed them 'freedom' and then their country went to worse shit - for a couple reasons - not the least is their unwillingness to maintain their freedom? That's what Welfare and Socialism and all that shit does to the poor. It's throwing money and resources at a group and expecting them to fight to keep it. Nope. They will just want more. And more. And more. And nothing will change except immediate diet and shopping habits before those we 'freed from poverty' are back in the same situation or worse. Those 'with' cannot wage war against a lifestyle people Choose.

03-28-2016, 01:41 PM
Message was lost. :(

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-28-2016, 01:56 PM
Conservative solution-- Work!!!
Stop lying , crying and begging for handouts.
Stop demanding that I work more to be taxed more so your lazy asses can drink cold 40's, shoot hoops late afternoons until dark-thirty , make babies wid ho's at night, then sleep half the next day, rising at 2pm to repeat like the lazy -ass bastards you are!
And pull your damn pants up you ignorant ass punks that call yourself men!
Hell, I was more of a man at 12 years old than you dogs are at 40!
I worked the fields doing a man's job at age 10!!
Get off your lame-ass , video game playing ass and earn your own damn money- you ffing swine!

06-10-2016, 11:04 AM
A Guaranteed Income for Every American (http://www.wsj.com/articles/a-guaranteed-income-for-every-american-1464969586)Replacing the welfare state with an annual grant is the best way to cope with a radically changing U.S. jobs market—and to revitalize America’s civic culture

When people learn that I want to replace the welfare state with a universal basic income, or UBI, the response I almost always get goes something like this: “But people will just use it to live off the rest of us!” “People will waste their lives!” Or, as they would have put it in a bygone age, a guaranteed income will foster idleness and vice. I see it differently. I think that a UBI is our only hope to deal with a coming labor market unlike any in human history and that it represents our best hope to revitalize American civil society.The great free-market economist Milton Friedman originated the idea of a guaranteed income just after World War II. An experiment using a bastardized version of his “negative income tax” was tried in the 1970s, with disappointing results. But as transfer payments continued to soar while the poverty rate remained stuck at more than 10% of the population, the appeal of a guaranteed income persisted: If you want to end poverty, just give people money. As of 2016, the UBI has become a live policy option. Finland is planning a pilot project for a UBI next year, and Switzerland is voting this weekend on a referendum to install a UBI.
The UBI has brought together odd bedfellows. Its advocates on the left see it as a move toward social justice; its libertarian supporters (like Friedman) see it as the least damaging way for the government to transfer wealth from some citizens to others. Either way, the UBI is an idea whose time has finally come, but it has to be done right.
First, my big caveat: A UBI will do the good things I claim only if it replaces all other transfer payments and the bureaucracies that oversee them. If the guaranteed income is an add-on to the existing system, it will be as destructive as its critics fear.


06-10-2016, 04:39 PM
A Guaranteed Income for Every American (http://www.wsj.com/articles/a-guaranteed-income-for-every-american-1464969586)

Replacing the welfare state with an annual grant is the best way to cope with a radically changing U.S. jobs market—and to revitalize America’s civic culture

Meanwhile, back at the ranch .. go out and earn a living. What are these lame f*cks going to do when those of us that are paying their way kick the bucket?

06-11-2016, 07:50 PM
A Guaranteed Income for Every American (http://www.wsj.com/articles/a-guaranteed-income-for-every-american-1464969586)Replacing the welfare state with an annual grant is the best way to cope with a radically changing U.S. jobs market—and to revitalize America’s civic culture

Sounds typically Socialist. Nobody can guarantee such a thing without FIRST...explaining WHO, and WHERE will the funds come from?

Such a thing would be the result of a pure Socialist form of government. LIBERALS and the UNINFORMED, UNEDUCATED, UNWILLING TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR OWN LIFE...love it.

06-11-2016, 08:04 PM
Sounds typically Socialist. Nobody can guarantee such a thing without FIRST...explaining WHO, and WHERE will the funds come from?

Such a thing would be the result of a pure Socialist form of government. LIBERALS and the UNINFORMED, UNEDUCATED, UNWILLING TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR OWN LIFE...love it.

And they expect people who aren't responsible enough to hold a job to manage an annual grant? Now THERE's some brilliance. In 3 months they'll be back asking for f-ing handouts.

06-13-2016, 12:58 AM
Just have to point out - Liberals are the most INTOLERANT among us. Thus, I dislike his dishonest opening.

06-14-2016, 02:11 PM
Meanwhile, back at the ranch .. go out and earn a living. What are these lame f*cks going to do when those of us that are paying their way kick the bucket?

So on the one side you've got those who have created a welfare system riddled with disincentives and on the other side you're saying, "work" and then there might be an alternate solution that's better for everyone.

Just have to point out - Liberals are the most INTOLERANT among us. Thus, I dislike his dishonest opening.

Murray? He's not a liberal. Neither was Friedman.

Black Diamond
06-14-2016, 02:33 PM
So on the one side you've got those who have created a welfare system riddled with disincentives and on the other side you're saying, "work" and then there might be an alternate solution that's better for everyone.

Murray? He's not a liberal. Neither was Friedman.
We're all Keynesians now.

06-14-2016, 02:39 PM
We're all Keynesians now.

Speak for yourself. :poke: Though I don't think today's Keynesians are even Keynesians.

Black Diamond
06-14-2016, 02:41 PM
Speak for yourself. :poke: Though I don't think today's Keynesians are even Keynesians.

No they are Keynesians on horse steroids or maybe acid.

06-14-2016, 03:04 PM
A Guaranteed Income for Every American (http://www.wsj.com/articles/a-guaranteed-income-for-every-american-1464969586)

Replacing the welfare state with an annual grant is the best way to cope with a radically changing U.S. jobs market—and to revitalize America’s civic culture

There are alot of inherently lazy people in the world who would take this guaranteed income and make the CHOICE to live off of it and NOT work another job.

it wouldn't change the poverty rate in this country, or any other, one bit. IT would simply move the number around.

Finland shot this down and so did Switzerland.

06-14-2016, 03:08 PM
There are alot of inherently lazy people in the world who would take this guaranteed income and make the CHOICE to live off of it and NOT work another job.

it wouldn't change the poverty rate in this country, or any other, one bit. IT would simply move the number around.

Finland shot this down and so did Switzerland.

If it changes the incentive structure it changes the numbers of those who choose to remain there. But that's not why it won't work.

06-14-2016, 05:31 PM
So on the one side you've got those who have created a welfare system riddled with disincentives and on the other side you're saying, "work" and then there might be an alternate solution that's better for everyone.

Murray? He's not a liberal. Neither was Friedman.

A trend I have noticed is that all these people whining all over the media about skin color, religion or whatever are the very ones who aren't working at anything but running their sucks and sucking off taxpayer dollars. If they had to work, like most conservatives do, they wouldn't have time for their BS. I never had time to sit around and whine about what I wasn't getting handed to me. I was too busy going out and getting it for myself.

There's a clue in there.

06-14-2016, 07:29 PM
I have a very good friend that is absolutely struggling right now, but I
do not hear peep of liberal-type whining wanting hand-outs from this person.

It sucks that I cannot help, but would likely be refused because of pride in
self-sufficiency in this friend.

06-14-2016, 08:37 PM
I have a very good friend that is absolutely struggling right now, but I
do not hear peep of liberal-type whining wanting hand-outs from this person.

It sucks that I cannot help, but would likely be refused because of pride in
self-sufficiency in this friend.

I have ZERO problem helping those in actual need. That's not even a question. But the entitled losers take away from them.

06-15-2016, 04:17 PM
A trend I have noticed is that all these people whining all over the media about skin color, religion or whatever are the very ones who aren't working at anything but running their sucks and sucking off taxpayer dollars. If they had to work, like most conservatives do, they wouldn't have time for their BS. I never had time to sit around and whine about what I wasn't getting handed to me. I was too busy going out and getting it for myself.

There's a clue in there.

And sometimes (most of the time?) government rules and regulations have pretty much destroyed any opportunity that may be had. But just calling them lazy etc. has worked so well. :rolleyes:

06-15-2016, 04:43 PM
And sometimes (most of the time?) government rules and regulations have pretty much destroyed any opportunity that may be had. But just calling them lazy etc. has worked so well. :rolleyes:

I agree completely. We spend far too much time playing the blame game and/or deflecting from the cause of a problem. No one ever addresses the actual problems. The laziness is on the part of the people, not the government. We put them there. They don't appoint themselves. We vote like drones without a clue.

What the government DOES do is play off my last sentence.

06-16-2016, 01:07 PM
I agree completely. We spend far too much time playing the blame game and/or deflecting from the cause of a problem. No one ever addresses the actual problems. The laziness is on the part of the people, not the government. We put them there. They don't appoint themselves. We vote like drones without a clue.

What the government DOES do is play off my last sentence.

Government is ALWAYS the problem. Any good conservative knows that. :slap: We could create quite a long list of ways that government rules/regulations/taxes have destroyed jobs/job creation that the logical outcome is that government owns at least part of the problem.

06-16-2016, 01:16 PM
Why solving homelessness is stupidly easy



In the fight against homelessness, Central Florida has quietly achieved a remarkable victory over the last few years.
As recently as January 2014, leaders in business and local government were wringing their hands (http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2014-01-23/news/os-homeless-families-disney-20140122_1_homeless-shelters-families-walt-disney-world) over rising rates of homelessness in Florida's Osceola County. Now a new census of the Osceola, Orange, and Seminole County region shows (http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/breaking-news/os-orlando-homeless-count-big-drop-20160509-story.html) homelessness there fell 23 percent since mid-2015 alone — and dropped over 60 percent since 2013.

This didn't happen through some breakthrough discovery, or even major changes in program funding. It happened because of a simple conceptualshift (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/inspired-life/wp/2015/04/17/the-surprisingly-simple-way-utah-solved-chronic-homelessness-and-saved-millions/): For a long time, it was assumed that you had to deal with the issues faced by homeless people — trauma, drug addiction, mental illness — before giving them heavily subsidized housing, often on the condition that they stayed clean and sane. Central Florida reversed the logic: Give people permanent housing with no strings attached.

The philosophy is called, appropriately enough, "housing first." And it's not just working in Florida. A recent study (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/local/wp/2015/03/04/housing-first-approach-works-for-homeless-study-says/) in Canada showed that homeless people who received both guaranteed housing and social support held on to their homes 63-77 percent of the time, versus just 24-39 percent of people who received the standard approach. Cities (http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2015/02/housing-first-solution-to-homelessness-utah) like Seattle, Denver, andWashington, D.C (https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/women-in-dc-housing-first-units-concentrate-on-their-futures/2015/11/15/4d960d86-84d1-11e5-8ba6-cec48b74b2a7_story.html). — plus states like Rhode Island, Illinois, and, most famously, Utah — are seeing success with it.

06-16-2016, 08:26 PM
As a 30 year retired, disabled veteran living in this nation today. My wife and I are considered part of the poor underclass, due to the limited funds we receive from my Pension, and S.S.

As a veteran. If I asked for the same kind of help being offered to the homeless/unemployed/limited income families in America. WE WOULD, AND HAVE BEEN TURNED DOWN, because we are overly qualified...living just above the POVERTY LEVEL which most on this forum would never believe.....IF I TOLD YOU OUR MONTHLY INCOME.

And when I see others who intentionally demand help from the GOVERNMENT because they refused to work, or pretend to be disabled by their political correctness that breeds contempt for other Americans. That pisses me off. Especially when so many other Americans BRAG about how much they Love our Military, and our VETERANS.

Only Trump...thank goodness, knows people like us exist. We know, we live in a world of Hypocrites.