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View Full Version : From Paxil to Effexor XR

07-17-2007, 09:52 PM
As some of you know, I've been taking Paxil for about 3 years now. At first I thought it helped. But in the long run I think all it really did for me was make me lazy. Sure, it helped with my anxiety but I became rather complacent about way too many things.

I asked my new doctor to help me get off of it and she had me switch to Effexor. I was at one time up to 50mg of Paxil CR per day, then was on 25mg for the past 8-12 months. From what I understand, this is an extremely hard drug to be weaned off of. She gave me 14 days of 12.5mg of Paxil and then has me immediately switching to 37.5mg of Effexor for a week and then upping it to 75mg after that week.

Today was my first day on the new drug. I feel a little more "aware" but I don't think this stuff hits that fast. It's more than likely the anxiety of the change I'm feeling.

Anyone have any in depth knowledge of either, or know anyone wh has taken either for an extended period of time?

07-17-2007, 10:02 PM
Don't really know myself. Have you checked the net for info on it.

I take 200mg of Zoloft a day. Well I'm supposed but forget a lot of times. Either way gona get off it eventually and don’t think it’ll be any problem to do but different drugs. Both anti-depressant/anxieties tho.

07-17-2007, 10:15 PM
Don't really know myself. Have you checked the net for info on it.

I take 200mg of Zoloft a day. Well I'm supposed but forget a lot of times. Either way gona get off it eventually and don’t think it’ll be any problem to do but different drugs. Both anti-depressant/anxieties tho.

Yeah, I believe my Mom is on Zoloft. Be careful though, almost ALL of these anti-depressant / anti-anxiety drugs are a bitch to get off of. I've had symptoms from withdrawals leaving me sleepless, buzzing in my head, and contemplating illegal narcotics to get by!

I'm wondering the relation between Paxil and Effexor, and whether the Effexor will help reduce the symptoms of coming off of Paxil. I am looking around but haven't found anything definitive as of yet.

I was also supposed to only be on xanax for a few weeks until the Paxil kicked in, and then stop the xanax. That was 3 years ago, and I'm still taking the xanax 3x per day!

07-17-2007, 10:19 PM
As some of you know, I've been taking Paxil for about 3 years now. At first I thought it helped. But in the long run I think all it really did for me was make me lazy. Sure, it helped with my anxiety but I became rather complacent about way too many things.

I asked my new doctor to help me get off of it and she had me switch to Effexor. I was at one time up to 50mg of Paxil CR per day, then was on 25mg for the past 8-12 months. From what I understand, this is an extremely hard drug to be weaned off of. She gave me 14 days of 12.5mg of Paxil and then has me immediately switching to 37.5mg of Effexor for a week and then upping it to 75mg after that week.

Today was my first day on the new drug. I feel a little more "aware" but I don't think this stuff hits that fast. It's more than likely the anxiety of the change I'm feeling.

Anyone have any in depth knowledge of either, or know anyone wh has taken either for an extended period of time?

I've been on Paxil for a while. I was on Effexor and it doesn't normally work by itself they have t normally use an anti depressant with it as it works mostly for anxiety.

07-17-2007, 10:21 PM
Yeah, I believe my Mom is on Zoloft. Be careful though, almost ALL of these anti-depressant / anti-anxiety drugs are a bitch to get off of. I've had symptoms from withdrawals leaving me sleepless, buzzing in my head, and contemplating illegal narcotics to get by!

I'm wondering the relation between Paxil and Effexor, and whether the Effexor will help reduce the symptoms of coming off of Paxil. I am looking around but haven't found anything definitive as of yet.

I was also supposed to only be on xanax for a few weeks until the Paxil kicked in, and then stop the xanax. That was 3 years ago, and I'm still taking the xanax 3x per day!

Xanax usually will kill withdrawl symptoms, and works really well. depending on the dose. Are you on .5, 1, 1.5 or 2mg?

07-17-2007, 10:32 PM
I don't disrespect anyone taking drugs for ADD/ADHD/Anxiety, etc...

In my experience, (NOT a Dr.) my friends have suffered under it. I have been told I have "minor" ADD. They wanted to put me on drugs. I said F*off. Knew my attention span was not good, but "trained" myself.

I say "trained" because I "think" it worked. But maybe I am crazy. Ok. Not really. But, what if?

Very good friend took those drugs to stop him from his ADD spells, screwed him up bad. I never told him about my alleged diag. I am no expert. Just saying, Doctors/companies tend to throw pills at us.

Is there no other way? Especially, when as Jimmy mentioned, they have withdrawal symptons. A pain med? Sure, it stops receptors. A drug to allegedly help you get through life, I just don't think it should have any withdrawals. If it does, it would make me concerned.

07-17-2007, 10:37 PM
I don't disrespect anyone taking drugs for ADD/ADHD/Anxiety, etc...

In my experience, (NOT a Dr.) my friends have suffered under it. I have been told I have "minor" ADD. They wanted to put me on drugs. I said F*off. Knew my attention span was not good, but "trained" myself.

I say "trained" because I "think" it worked. But maybe I am crazy. Ok. Not really. But, what if?

Very good friend took those drugs to stop him from his ADD spells, screwed him up bad. I never told him about my alleged diag. I am no expert. Just saying, Doctors/companies tend to throw pills at us.

Is there no other way? Especially, when as Jimmy mentioned, they have withdrawal symptons. A pain med? Sure, it stops receptors. A drug to allegedly help you get through life, I just don't think it should have any withdrawals. If it does, it would make me concerned.

Living with anxiety isn't a fun way to go through life. I've had bouts with it after I had my daughter and when I was on steroid medication for an eye infection. I was offered something for PPD but not when I was on steroids. Not a state I could imagine getting used to, nor could I combat it no matter what I tried, naturally. Thankfully, I returned to semi-normal. :laugh:

I know what you mean about withdrawals, but ADD is a different ball park all together.

07-17-2007, 10:41 PM
Oh yea, Benadryl helps some of the symptoms and if you can drink Cranberry juice and a lot of it, it will flush your system.

07-17-2007, 10:54 PM
I don't disrespect anyone taking drugs for ADD/ADHD/Anxiety, etc...

In my experience, (NOT a Dr.) my friends have suffered under it. I have been told I have "minor" ADD. They wanted to put me on drugs. I said F*off. Knew my attention span was not good, but "trained" myself.

I say "trained" because I "think" it worked. But maybe I am crazy. Ok. Not really. But, what if?

Very good friend took those drugs to stop him from his ADD spells, screwed him up bad. I never told him about my alleged diag. I am no expert. Just saying, Doctors/companies tend to throw pills at us.

Is there no other way? Especially, when as Jimmy mentioned, they have withdrawal symptons. A pain med? Sure, it stops receptors. A drug to allegedly help you get through life, I just don't think it should have any withdrawals. If it does, it would make me concerned.

Actually doctors to get things from the drug manufacturers if they prescribe a certain amount of their medication. That's why all's you have to do is ask a your doctor for a RX and 9 times out of 10 they will write for it, it's pathetic really. I don't think the drug companies should be able to give doctors anything but literature and training material, it leave to much room for problems and over prescribing.

The typical doctor barely spends anytime with the patient either they are in and out. thats the problem with the medical system, the doctors are too worried about making a dollar then on patient care. I mean if you think about it one of the doctors I used to see for my injury charged about $250.00 and up per visit. He had about 60 patients a day, multiply that by 5 days and thats a lot of money for a basic exam. It leaves a lot of room for greed to over run you. That is just one of the many problems with our heaslth care system.

I also saw an interview with Michael Moore that kinda made sense, what if the doctors got bonuses from the insurance companies after the person was better or healed, wouldn't that motivate doctors to get the patient better then to try to get him in for multiple visits?

Also my family doctor has a really good system, and I reccommend any doctor who does hthism it just makes sense and they don't get overome with greed. He doesn't charge per visit, he charges a flat rate of $100 a month and you get unlimited visits. Also he will come to your house if it's easier on you at no extra charge. That price includes everything including lab work as he has a lab in his office. Everytime you call he will talk to you personally and he gives you his cell phone and home ohone for nights and weekends. He also guarantees you will be seen imediatly. He also only takes on a certain amount of patients so he can keep it all on a personal level. He has actually came by my house several times with out me asking him to just to see how I am. Would any other doctor offer a service like this? No, mostly because they are just worried about making money. Imagine if every doctor cared as much as this doctor does, we wouldn't have a lot of the problems we have currently.

07-18-2007, 07:51 AM
Actually doctors to get things from the drug manufacturers if they prescribe a certain amount of their medication. That's why all's you have to do is ask a your doctor for a RX and 9 times out of 10 they will write for it, it's pathetic really. I don't think the drug companies should be able to give doctors anything but literature and training material, it leave to much room for problems and over prescribing.

I have to disagree with this one, or at least in my case I can't get my doctor to write me a prescription for pain medicine. So instead I have to sit here in pain while I wait on this freaking pain management clinic to call and set up my appointment. I think it's time to find me a new doctor! Funny thing is is she has all these signs posted in her office that say are you in pain? what level of pain are you having? 1-10.. talk to your doctor you shouldn't have to suffer from pain. I called 2 days ago asking for some more pain meds and instead I get a referral to a clinic which I probably won't be able to get into till the middle of august. The last prescription she wrote me was for 90 percacets back at the end of May. This is the middle of July.

07-18-2007, 08:12 AM
I also saw an interview with Michael Moore that kinda made sense, what if the doctors got bonuses from the insurance companies after the person was better or healed, wouldn't that motivate doctors to get the patient better then to try to get him in for multiple visits?

:finger3:Michael Moore. He wouldnt know the truth if it hit him in his hundred pound head. Shame on you for buying into his crap.

Abbey Marie
07-18-2007, 11:12 AM
I have to disagree with this one, or at least in my case I can't get my doctor to write me a prescription for pain medicine. So instead I have to sit here in pain while I wait on this freaking pain management clinic to call and set up my appointment. I think it's time to find me a new doctor! Funny thing is is she has all these signs posted in her office that say are you in pain? what level of pain are you having? 1-10.. talk to your doctor you shouldn't have to suffer from pain. I called 2 days ago asking for some more pain meds and instead I get a referral to a clinic which I probably won't be able to get into till the middle of august. The last prescription she wrote me was for 90 percacets back at the end of May. This is the middle of July.

That seems kind of cold for a doctor. No one should be in pain if there are drugs that can relieve it. We can deal with side effects later, but there is simply no quality of life if you are in a lot of pain.

Hagbard Celine
07-18-2007, 11:19 AM
Does anyone here take adderall? I don't have a prescription for it, but it is soooooo sweet. Turns your brain into a laser beam for completing tasks. Side effects I experienced were a slight cottonmouth, an increased heartbeat and the ability to apply full concentration to 100 things at once. I've been meaning to go hit-up the company shrink for a prescription.

07-18-2007, 12:13 PM
That seems kind of cold for a doctor. No one should be in pain if there are drugs that can relieve it. We can deal with side effects later, but there is simply no quality of life if you are in a lot of pain.

Yeah I thought it was to....... her reasoning was she does not do long term pain management. Ok that's fine however it would have been nice if she could have given me something till I get into this other place.

Abbey Marie
07-18-2007, 01:51 PM
Yeah I thought it was to....... her reasoning was she does not do long term pain management. Ok that's fine however it would have been nice if she could have given me something till I get into this other place.

One would think so, T. I hope it's not too bad until then.

07-18-2007, 02:23 PM
I've had symptoms from withdrawals leaving me sleepless, buzzing in my head, and contemplating illegal narcotics to get high!
lol well that me half the time anyway so shouldn't change much.

07-18-2007, 02:26 PM
One would think so, T. I hope it's not too bad until then.

well if it does get worse I can always go to the ER, at least I know they will give me something!

07-18-2007, 02:30 PM
well if it does get worse I can always go to the ER, at least I know they will give me something!

There are times to change doctors, seems you have hit one of them? Like Abbey said, the whole idea is cold. I hope you get some relief!

07-18-2007, 02:38 PM
I have to disagree with this one, or at least in my case I can't get my doctor to write me a prescription for pain medicine. So instead I have to sit here in pain while I wait on this freaking pain management clinic to call and set up my appointment. I think it's time to find me a new doctor! Funny thing is is she has all these signs posted in her office that say are you in pain? what level of pain are you having? 1-10.. talk to your doctor you shouldn't have to suffer from pain. I called 2 days ago asking for some more pain meds and instead I get a referral to a clinic which I probably won't be able to get into till the middle of august. The last prescription she wrote me was for 90 percacets back at the end of May. This is the middle of July.

Damn, I get 240 Percocet 10/325 a month..........Maybe the doctor your seeing isn't comfortable prescribing Narcotic's because of the addection level. You can goto the Emergency room and they will write you a prescription to hold you until you can get in to the Pain Managment doctor, they will also probably give you a shot to get out of pain. Also if you goto the ER the pain managment doctor will usually get you in faster. Pain Managment doctors are usually really good about getting you out of pain. YOu should also talk to an orthopedic, you might need Disc Replacement surgery and that works really well, thats what im fighting with the insurance company to have.

07-18-2007, 02:40 PM
Does anyone here take adderall? I don't have a prescription for it, but it is soooooo sweet. Turns your brain into a laser beam for completing tasks. Side effects I experienced were a slight cottonmouth, an increased heartbeat and the ability to apply full concentration to 100 things at once. I've been meaning to go hit-up the company shrink for a prescription.

I was on it, it's for ADD and anxiety, it is basically prescription speed. When I found that out I took myself off it immediatly.

07-18-2007, 02:41 PM
Does anyone here take adderall? I don't have a prescription for it, but it is soooooo sweet.
Never have but people sell a lot of it at school. Just never felt too comfortable buying pills I have no proof is the right stuff or safe

07-18-2007, 02:45 PM
One would think so, T. I hope it's not too bad until then.

Actually that could be out of her scope of practice, but you would this that she would prescribe it to hold her over. It's part of their oath to take care of someone who needs help.

Trinity as your doctor that you have to prescribe Lidoderm Patches. They are non narcotic so she should do it no problem and they numb your back and you can wear them upto 24 hours, its better then nothing. They actually work really well. Either that or like I said earlier goto the ER they can take care of you until you see the PM doctor. I would also ask the ER docs for Lidoderm patches as well as Percocet. Like I said they will give them to you in a heart beat and they work well.

Abbey Marie
07-18-2007, 02:56 PM
I've been to the ER a couple of times with severe abdominal pain- from kidney stones to what they thought was appendicitis. No pain meds for me. Just a lot of waiting around, only to be sent home for my doctor to follow up. :mad: :(

My husband, on the other hand, went to the same ER with a kidney stone, and was imediately given morphine!

07-18-2007, 03:10 PM
I've been to the ER a couple of times with severe abdominal pain- from kidney stones to what they thought was appendicitis. No pain meds for me. Just a lot of waiting around, only to be sent home for my doctor to follow up. :mad: :(

My husband, on the other hand, went to the same ER with a kidney stone, and was imediately given morphine!

Sometime's you can get a real asshole doctor. I hate those. Normally when they see you in horrible pain they get it taken care of.

Abbey Marie
07-18-2007, 03:23 PM
Sometime's you can get a real asshole doctor. I hate those. Normally when they see you in horrible pain they get it taken care of.

Story of my life.

07-18-2007, 03:37 PM
Story of my life.

:( Wish I could make it better fo ya...............

07-18-2007, 05:01 PM
Xanax usually will kill withdrawl symptoms, and works really well. depending on the dose. Are you on .5, 1, 1.5 or 2mg?

I'm only on .25, and usually chop the little fuckers in half. Been taking the whole thing lately though as my anxiety has stormed back for some reason.

lol well that me half the time anyway so shouldn't change much.

So, tell us LN, what is it that you are feeding into your body to make you delusional most of the time? :)

07-18-2007, 05:02 PM
:( Wish I could make it better fo ya...............

I can do that for her! :laugh2:

Damn, forgot I removed my little wanking smilie!

Hagbard Celine
07-18-2007, 05:10 PM
Never have but people sell a lot of it at school. Just never felt too comfortable buying pills I have no proof is the right stuff or safe

If you have a friend with ADD, it's definately worth hitting him/her up for this stuff. One time I took one at work and finished an entire day's work in a little less than two hours. The stuff's amazing.

07-18-2007, 05:14 PM
Wrong again Jim, I am not taking Zoloft. I was on it for a while, and it was horrible! I had really bad reactions to it. I have taken just about every other anti-depressant known to man. Right now I am taking Paxil (10 mg a day) I also have Xanax (.5 mg - 4 time a day) but I usually snap them at half during the day and take a whole one at night. Then two hours later I take a sleeping pill (think it's ambien). They put me on that when I was in the hospital. Drugs affect everyone different though. I am bad with painkillers. When I had my first biopsy, the doctor gave me percocet. I took it before I went to bed, then woke up about 4am, couldn't find my cigarettes, so picked up my purse and keys and waltzed out the front door wear nothing more than my nightgown. That must have been a vision of loveliness! Anything containing Codeine will keep me awake all night! I feel terrible Jim, as somehow I feel you inherited a lot of these problems from my side of the family! Your sister is totally nuts, just refuses to admit it, and then there's John, but there's no need to get into that nut case. But I do know depression is a very big problem in this country that affects all ages!

07-18-2007, 05:14 PM
If you have a friend with ADD, it's definately worth hitting him/her up for this stuff. One time I took one at work and finished an entire day's work in a little less than two hours. The stuff's amazing.

Just be careful, Hag. I've heard the same stories myself, but also heard it can become rather addictive.

07-18-2007, 05:21 PM
So, tell us LN, what is it that you are feeding into your body to make you delusional most of the time? :)http://www.freesmileys.org/emo/confused009.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org)

07-18-2007, 05:25 PM
http://www.freesmileys.org/emo/confused009.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org)

Purple smilies?

07-18-2007, 05:28 PM
Yummm, tasty purple smilies.

07-18-2007, 05:30 PM
Yummm, tasty purple smilies.

I think you're a little pill popper. C'mon, be honest with us, what drugs has your young body endured?

07-18-2007, 05:31 PM
I wish I could get a long-term prescription for Percoset! :)

07-18-2007, 05:37 PM
I think you're a little pill popper. C'mon, be honest with us, what drugs has your young body endured?
Less see, loratabs a few times, the zoloft, and that's about it for pills. Then you have alcohol and the occasional cigarette but besides that I shy away from pills or anything that’s gona mess me up. Got morphine after a surgery but all it did was make me sleep. Tried rittalin once in middle school, didn't think it did much but maybe I didn't take enough or something. That's the entire list tho, sorry to disappoint.

07-18-2007, 05:40 PM
I'm only on .25, and usually chop the little fuckers in half. Been taking the whole thing lately though as my anxiety has stormed back for some reason.

So, tell us LN, what is it that you are feeding into your body to make you delusional most of the time? :)

Wait until you try 2mg, you'll feel awesome, not a care in the world :)

07-18-2007, 05:41 PM
Good GOD...

Medicating Kids = (quite often) a 'solution' for failing parents. I'm nearly convinced ADHD, etc, does NOT exist except to the shareholders of pharmaceutical companies

07-18-2007, 05:42 PM
I wish I could get a long-term prescription for Percoset! :)

No you don't to be in the kind of pain that requires I don't wish on my worst enemy.

07-18-2007, 05:50 PM
No you don't to be in the kind of pain that requires I don't wish on my worst enemy.

you mean coming OFF them? If they didn't make my nose itch, I'd take 'em more often 'because' of the pain :)

07-18-2007, 05:56 PM
you mean coming OFF them? If they didn't make my nose itch, I'd take 'em more often 'because' of the pain :)

Coming off them sucks as well. they had to admit me into the hospital the first time. After I came off them I was in so much pain that I laid in bed and cried 24/7 so they had to put me back on them until we can get the insurance company to pay for the surgery I need wich isn't cheap.

07-18-2007, 06:43 PM
Your sister is totally nuts, just refuses to admit it,

Ahhhhhhh I miss Janeen :(

But your wrong Joan she isnt nuts...she is certifiable!! :laugh2:

07-18-2007, 11:38 PM
Ahhhhhhh I miss Janeen :(

But your wrong Joan she isnt nuts...she is certifiable!! :laugh2:

Does she come on here?

07-18-2007, 11:46 PM
I have been taking Effexor XR for several years. Never had any problems with it. Effexor XR is primarily used as a maintenance drug. Make sure you follow doctor's order to the letter and take as prescribed.

07-18-2007, 11:49 PM
I have been taking Effexor XR for several years. Never had any problems with it. Effexor XR is primarily used as a maintenance drug. Make sure you follow doctor's order to the letter and take as prescribed.

Doesn't seem to be working, maybe you should talk to him about upping the dose..............

07-19-2007, 02:24 AM
I have to take Zoloft too. Funny thing is we only have 50 mg (my dose) and 100 mg in this country. It pretty much works for me without too many side effects. Sometimes I think it's not working though, I can get on a pretty good downer but then I am lucky enough to snap out of it after a couple of days.

07-19-2007, 09:52 AM
Only 50 and 100mg here as well. I just take two of the hundred. Actually just been taking one for awile now. Haven't talked to the doc but figured it couldn't hurt. Depression isn't my problem, just a little anxiety in certain situations.

07-19-2007, 02:57 PM
Does she come on here?

She used to be on the old board.