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View Full Version : QUIZ: How conservative or liberal are you?

03-24-2016, 02:18 PM
I actually came out as centrist. My parents would be appalled. :eek:


03-24-2016, 02:53 PM
I actually came out as centrist. My parents would be appalled. :eek:


Gee I wonder who hasn't figured out these leading questions? Anyone that says no is going WAY down in the respect category. :laugh:

03-24-2016, 03:55 PM
You are 81% conservative and 19% liberal, you are Very Right Wing!

03-24-2016, 03:57 PM
95% Conservative

03-24-2016, 04:06 PM
Here's a shock: You are 81% conservative and 19% liberal, you are Very Right Wing!

03-24-2016, 04:20 PM
Too much Division in this nation already. So...I will stick with 100% American FIRST.

03-24-2016, 05:50 PM
You are 90% conservative and 10% liberal, you are Very Right Wing!

03-24-2016, 06:14 PM
95% conservative and 5% liberal.

Which means the people who wrote the quiz was a little confused about what "conservative" and "liberal" are.

They also didn't differentiate much between the Federal govt and State govts. So I assumed they were referring only to the Fed govt throughout, and they didn't mean the answers to apply to State govt.

Black Diamond
03-24-2016, 06:40 PM
88% conservative., whatever conservative means.

03-24-2016, 06:59 PM
I am neither. Depends on what a constitutionalist really can be defined as for some.

03-24-2016, 08:36 PM
Mine came out as: You are 92% conservative and 8% liberal, you are Very Right Wing!

Black Diamond
03-24-2016, 08:50 PM

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-24-2016, 10:26 PM
I actually came out as centrist. My parents would be appalled. :eek:


You are 82% conservative and 18% liberal, you are Very Right Wing!

Very pissed at myself, I answered truthfully each question and did not hit 100% conservative.
However I'd say 82% conservative and 18% moderate . Not a damn lib bone in my body.-Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-24-2016, 10:28 PM
Here's a shock: You are 81% conservative and 19% liberal, you are Very Right Wing!

We almost tied according to the results we both got. Only a 1% difference. :beer: :beer:
I know that I am far more right-wing than many that scored higher as a conservative. -Tyr

03-24-2016, 11:59 PM
Not a damn lib bone in my body.-Tyr

I bet you are more moderate than you admit to. A man who is a poet and a scholar can not be 100 percent crazy. :p

03-25-2016, 02:20 AM
I actually came out as centrist.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-25-2016, 04:43 AM
I bet you are more moderate than you admit to. A man who is a poet and a scholar can not be 100 percent crazy. :p
You see . This is why its hard not to like you. Your sense of humor and ability to quip so.
Despite your liberal faults , you have attributes that come to the surface and shine.
About 50 more years messing with we conservatives and you'd find yourself agreeing that we know exactly "how the cow ate the cabbage my friend".
Where hope exists, dwells future calm and sanity.
And nobody is 100% anything- not even human.... Think about that one. --Tyr

03-25-2016, 08:29 AM
I am disappointed, answered everything honestly and still the stupid test says

You are 81% conservative and 19% liberal, you are Very Right Wing!

That 19% is BS

03-25-2016, 08:32 AM
I am disappointed, answered everything honestly and still the stupid test says

You are 81% conservative and 19% liberal, you are Very Right Wing!

That 19% is BS

It was the granola bar question that got you, wasn't it? :poke:

Black Diamond
03-25-2016, 08:43 AM
I am disappointed, answered everything honestly and still the stupid test says

You are 81% conservative and 19% liberal, you are Very Right Wing!

That 19% is BS
Tree hugger..

03-25-2016, 02:01 PM
I am disappointed, answered everything honestly and still the stupid test says

You are 81% conservative and 19% liberal, you are Very Right Wing!

That 19% is BS

Slacker. Only 81%?

I honestly quit after the first question. Look at the syntax. It's rigged to get the answer they want. The "Which Avenger Would You Be?" one was more entertaining.

Black Diamond
03-25-2016, 02:02 PM
Slacker. Only 81%?

I honestly quit after the first question. Look at the syntax. It's rigged to get the answer they want. The "Which Avenger Would You Be?" one was more entertaining.

All those tests are that way.

03-25-2016, 02:12 PM
All those tests are that way.

I'm aware. This one I couldn't get past Rigged Question #1. You got a choice of being liberal or liberal. When they start using 3rd graders to design this crap, it's ZERO fun for me.

03-25-2016, 02:22 PM
I'm aware. This one I couldn't get past Rigged Question #1. You got a choice of being liberal or liberal. When they start using 3rd graders to design this crap, it's ZERO fun for me.

It is merely an online quiz. The results don't own your soul.
Gunny, you really do need to lighten up a bit. Remember, it's only the internet. :happy0203:

03-25-2016, 02:24 PM
It is merely an online quiz. The results don't own your soul.
Gunny, you really do need to lighten up a bit. Remember, it's only the internet. :happy0203:

I don't need to lighten up a bit. When the test is rigged and I can read right through it, there's no entertainment. Kind of like most of your posts designed to do nothing but incite. Too obvious for me. I prefer a challenge.

03-25-2016, 02:40 PM
And speaking threadkill ... here it is ...

Everyone thinks I'm an ass because I'm brutally honest. End of THAT one. No one has to guess what I'm thinking. This whole little game the left seems to have mastered undermining peoples' thoughts on the internet is as transparent to me as you are. The constant barrage in the media of leftwingnut BS has just gotten REALLY old. For instance:

Black Lies Matter is NOT hate, but for some reason, Discovery has to run out to Montana and go after some alleged Aryan Nation group. The former has destroyed two inner cities. The latter ran off to Montana to be left alone and aren't doing a thing. But the latter is the "hate group". Seems your MSM turns a blind eye to violent idiots but will run the middle of nowhere to point a finger. OMG! They're white! And not ashamed of it. Heaven forbid.

You cry your asses off in the MSM over some kid in Iraq getting his eyelash bent while you sit here at home and are fine with murdering unborn human children. Shit or get off the pot.

So don't tell me to lighten up because I don't get sucked into your circus of propaganda Goebbels would be proud of.

03-25-2016, 03:46 PM
Everyone thinks I'm an ass because I'm brutally honest. End of THAT one. No one has to guess what I'm thinking.

Actually, being brutally honest is one of the things that I like about you. I always know where you stand on things. Gotta admire that in a person.
You could use a bit of a sense of humor. If someone is continually throwing eggs at you, it helps to have a non-stick shield. :cool:

03-25-2016, 04:04 PM
You are 74% conservative and 26% liberal, you are a Moderate Conservative

Your views fall right-of-center, and while not fully reactionary, you are definitely a conservative. You believe in a balanced budget, a free market, a strong military, and border policies to keep us safe both at home and abroad. On wedge issues like abortion and gay marriage you may differ from your more conservative counterparts, but make no mistake: a red stripe surely runs down your back

I'll take it, but I tend to consider myself more of a Libertarian... a conservative Libertarian...

03-25-2016, 04:13 PM
Actually, being brutally honest is one of the things that I like about you. I always know where you stand on things. Gotta admire that in a person.
You could use a bit of a sense of humor. If someone is continually throwing eggs at you, it helps to have a non-stick shield. :cool:

My sense of humor is fine. Ask any vet on this board. Not my fault you civilians get your feelings hurt at the drop of a dime. I've tried to point this out more than once ... and it isn't about critisizing it's about understanding. You know .. like you lefties claim to be.

I bust my knee on the O Course in drill instructor school and I got half the class accusing me of trying to get out of weekend duty. Well, yeah, I thought I'd screw my knee up for the rest of my life just to get out of an 8 hour watch. My response: How'd you figure out my plan?

Y'all just don't get it. There's nothing soft about us. Especially us old-schoolers. A roll of tape and I was back on the O Course the next day. Be a cold day in hell before I quit any-fucking-thing. We're hard and cruel to each other but y'all pansies expect us to kiss your asses. Stick your head between your own legs and kiss it yourself.

So, my sense of humor is just fine. It just don't seem to fit into your little world. I wasn't raised nor trained to be or think like you. Turn that green light on. I got a GREAT sense of humor. In the meantime, your pampered ass sits at home living off what we have provided for you like you are somehow entitled to it. Y'all haven't earned shit. I doubt you can even lace a pair of boots.

Black Diamond
03-25-2016, 04:21 PM
My sense of humor is fine. Ask any vet on this board. Not my fault you civilians get your feelings hurt at the drop of a dime. I've tried to point this out more than once ... and it isn't about critisizing it's about understanding. You know .. like you lefties claim to be.

I bust my knee on the O Course in drill instructor school and I got half the class accusing me of trying to get out of weekend duty. Well, yeah, I thought I'd screw my knee up for the rest of my life just to get out of an 8 hour watch. My response: How'd you figure out my plan?

Y'all just don't get it. There's nothing soft about us. Especially us old-schoolers. A roll of tape and I was back on the O Course the next day. Be a cold day in hell before I quit any-fucking-thing. We're hard and cruel to each other but y'all pansies expect us to kiss your asses. Stick your head between your own legs and kiss it yourself.

So, my sense of humor is just fine. It just don't seem to fit into your little world. I wasn't raised nor trained to be or think like you. Turn that green light on. I got a GREAT sense of humor. In the meantime, your pampered ass sits at home living off what we have provided for you like you are somehow entitled to it. Y'all haven't earned shit. I doubt you can even lace a pair of boots.

I've thought about the bolded. When recruits come into Parris island, you rattle the Hell out of them, right? Some of them cry, right? How many are crying the first week vs how many are crying week 13?

03-25-2016, 04:48 PM
I've thought about the bolded. When recruits come into Parris island, you rattle the Hell out of them, right? Some of them cry, right? How many are crying the first week vs how many are crying week 13?

Marines don't cry. Soldiers are the same. I ain't got time for that cryin' shit. That would make me about as effective a leader as Gumby. Ain't no cryin' iin baseball.

Nobody's crying in Week 13. Everyone is proud and stepping loud. You earn that Eagle, Globe and Anchor and there ain't one swinging dick without a hardon on graduation day.

Crying is a weakness. And you might get your fellow Marines killed by taking time out for your emotional crap. And we don't let the other Marines down. I'd rather be shot dead than let a fellow Marine get killed because I was whining about some sissy crap.

Black Diamond
03-25-2016, 05:03 PM
Marines don't cry. Soldiers are the same. I ain't got time for that cryin' shit. That would make me about as effective a leader as Gumby. Ain't no cryin' iin baseball.

Nobody's crying in Week 13. Everyone is proud and stepping loud. You earn that Eagle, Globe and Anchor and there ain't one swinging dick without a hardon on graduation day.

Crying is a weakness. And you might get your fellow Marines killed by taking time out for your emotional crap. And we don't let the other Marines down. I'd rather be shot dead than let a fellow Marine get killed because I was whining about some sissy crap.

I didn't think any cried week 13. But I assumed some did on week 1.

03-25-2016, 05:21 PM
I didn't think any cried week 13. But I assumed some did on week 1.

Some will poop their drawers. Weeding out process.

03-25-2016, 05:48 PM
So, my sense of humor is just fine. It just don't seem to fit into your little world. I wasn't raised nor trained to be or think like you. Turn that green light on. I got a GREAT sense of humor. In the meantime, your pampered ass sits at home living off what we have provided for you like you are somehow entitled to it. Y'all haven't earned shit. I doubt you can even lace a pair of boots.

My feelings don't get hurt about anything.
Yeah, I get it, you were in the Marines. It was your life. It was the life of everyone in the family, past and present.
Trouble is, you are no longer on active duty. How long have you been out? How many years? You need to realize that you are no longer living that life. It's not forever.

My life has been provided for me by me. I went through 12 years of public schools and six years of college to attain the job that I hold now. It is something entirely different from any lifestyle you have ever known.
I don't need to lace up a pair of boots. Neither does my husband. My daughter is training to be a musician. She doesn't need to lace up any boots, either.
Military life is for people who wish to live that life. I talk to kids who wish to join the military on a regular basis. I don't recommend it to everyone.
To me, the military is only for those who can handle it. It's not for the potential drop out who sees it as a last chance job. It is not for anyone who is not physically and mentally prepared. It is not for the average female.

Gunny, I appreciate your service. I appreciate everyone's service. But I don't owe you anything.
Everyone who joins the military does so because they want to. Or because they come from a military family and feel obligated to continue the tradition.
The military is not for everyone. Our country is built on a wide diversity of jobs, occupied by a wide diversity of people. All of them are equally important.

03-25-2016, 07:18 PM
My feelings don't get hurt about anything.
Yeah, I get it, you were in the Marines. It was your life. It was the life of everyone in the family, past and present.
Trouble is, you are no longer on active duty. How long have you been out? How many years? You need to realize that you are no longer living that life. It's not forever.

My life has been provided for me by me. I went through 12 years of public schools and six years of college to attain the job that I hold now. It is something entirely different from any lifestyle you have ever known.
I don't need to lace up a pair of boots. Neither does my husband. My daughter is training to be a musician. She doesn't need to lace up any boots, either.
Military life is for people who wish to live that life. I talk to kids who wish to join the military on a regular basis. I don't recommend it to everyone.
To me, the military is only for those who can handle it. It's not for the potential drop out who sees it as a last chance job. It is not for anyone who is not physically and mentally prepared. It is not for the average female.

Gunny, I appreciate your service. I appreciate everyone's service. But I don't owe you anything.
Everyone who joins the military does so because they want to. Or because they come from a military family and feel obligated to continue the tradition.
The military is not for everyone. Our country is built on a wide diversity of jobs, occupied by a wide diversity of people. All of them are equally important.

You owe every veteran on this board and those before us everything you have. That's a crock of shit. Without us, you whiney-ass fucks wouldn't have jack shit.

As far s the military being for everyone, you're right. When you snivelers started invading our ranks with your gay-ass shit, you messed it up. But you're the history buff, right? Which civilization has won after the weak ass wimps gave its military? Oh ... none.

So yes, you DO owe us. For everything you have including your right to run your mouth. What are YOU going to do? Play Dipstick and his sidekick and broker a deal with the enemy while they're sneering at you all the way? Brilliant.

03-26-2016, 07:00 AM
It was the granola bar question that got you, wasn't it? :poke:

I have to believe you are onto something here, but of course if I had really eaten one of those things it would of read at least 50% ,I do believe I got the 11% just because you accused me. :laugh:

Tree hugger..


It is merely an online quiz. The results don't own your soul.
Gunny, you really do need to lighten up a bit. Remember, it's only the internet. :happy0203:

Gabs I believe you found this test just to show everyone you and I have something in common.

My sense of humor is fine. Ask any vet on this board. Not my fault you civilians get your feelings hurt at the drop of a dime. I've tried to point this out more than once ... and it isn't about critisizing it's about understanding. You know .. like you lefties claim to be.

I bust my knee on the O Course in drill instructor school and I got half the class accusing me of trying to get out of weekend duty. Well, yeah, I thought I'd screw my knee up for the rest of my life just to get out of an 8 hour watch. My response: How'd you figure out my plan?

Y'all just don't get it. There's nothing soft about us. Especially us old-schoolers. A roll of tape and I was back on the O Course the next day. Be a cold day in hell before I quit any-fucking-thing. We're hard and cruel to each other but y'all pansies expect us to kiss your asses. Stick your head between your own legs and kiss it yourself.

So, my sense of humor is just fine. It just don't seem to fit into your little world. I wasn't raised nor trained to be or think like you. Turn that green light on. I got a GREAT sense of humor. In the meantime, your pampered ass sits at home living off what we have provided for you like you are somehow entitled to it. Y'all haven't earned shit. I doubt you can even lace a pair of boots.

SLACKER :laugh:

03-26-2016, 07:38 AM
You owe every veteran on this board and those before us everything you have. That's a crock of shit. Without us, you whiney-ass fucks wouldn't have jack shit.

As far s the military being for everyone, you're right. When you snivelers started invading our ranks with your gay-ass shit, you messed it up. But you're the history buff, right? Which civilization has won after the weak ass wimps gave its military? Oh ... none.

So yes, you DO owe us. For everything you have including your right to run your mouth. What are YOU going to do? Play Dipstick and his sidekick and broker a deal with the enemy while they're sneering at you all the way? Brilliant.

Couldn't agree more ! Gabby, what state would the world be in today if military forces hadn't fought, risked so much in the process, done their duty to us ?

In Europe, Hitler would've walked over every country in his empirical sights ... we in Britain would probably be speaking German today, and subject to a repressive Nazi regime to this day. Where America's concerned, your forces have fought tyrannies, kept them at bay, and in the process helped us to do the same (and critically so, in WWII). The world would be a FAR worse place had our respective military forces not done their duty !

If you think otherwise, Gabby, you're living in a fool's paradise. Your ingratitude, in my view, shames you.

03-26-2016, 09:36 AM
You owe every veteran on this board and those before us everything you have. That's a crock of shit. Without us, you whiney-ass fucks wouldn't have jack shit.

As far s the military being for everyone, you're right. When you snivelers started invading our ranks with your gay-ass shit, you messed it up. But you're the history buff, right? Which civilization has won after the weak ass wimps gave its military? Oh ... none.

So yes, you DO owe us. For everything you have including your right to run your mouth. What are YOU going to do? Play Dipstick and his sidekick and broker a deal with the enemy while they're sneering at you all the way? Brilliant.

When someone uses the word owe, by definition it means a sense of entitlement, just like Black Lives Matter. Taking Sean Hannity's lead, I randomly thank military personnel for their service, but demanding recognition from the public is unseemly.

03-26-2016, 12:43 PM
Drummond, I agree with your point. But I am referring to Gunny's comment as singular and present tense.
There hasn't been a global threat in 70 years. The current military is all volunteer. No one is forced to joined the military (except by family heritage) and do battle overseas.
I recognize the sacrifice required to leave your family and serve in some foreign outpost. I also recognize the sacrifices necessary to become a skilled first responder. Or a physician or surgeon.
Since this board is primarily comprised of military veterans, obviously you have trouble seeing life from the outside. But there are many other necessary occupations that everyone owes a lot to.

03-26-2016, 02:13 PM
When someone uses the word owe, by definition it means a sense of entitlement, just like Black Lives Matter. Taking Sean Hannity's lead, I randomly thank military personnel for their service, but demanding recognition from the public is unseemly.

I use the word "owe" in proper context. You on the other hand, take it out of context. I don't demand shit from you. I can't even get a decent retirement check out of you people that take us granted. I bring the topic up as a matter of point. You don't think like us. Gabby's the one that got all into what she's earned.

The simple point is NO nation would exist without the trailblazers and fighters. The limp wrists come along later after someone has built something for them. So give the Devil his due ... without us, you pantywaists wouldn't have a country to live in. I don't know what you do, nor do I try to tell you how to do it. So don't you be telling me my business.

The point I originally made is "we don't think alike". Not a hard concept. Until someone like you wants to play with the words. Bet you want to bring democracy to the ME too. THEY DON'T THINK LIKE US. I'm not sure what part of that is hard. Sure, let's embrace democracy. WTF is THAT? is what they're thinking. They want their sand dunes and villages. Vietnam was the same. That rice farmer didn't care which side was blowing up his rice paddy. He just knew he lost his chow. Poor people don't have the luxury of sitting around whining about what everyone else is thinking. They're too busy trying to provide.

Another example: I make a lousy civilian and have repeatedly said so. The first thing I had to learn was to not threaten to kill everyone 3 times a day. That is normal military jargon. If someone doesn't threaten to do you some kind of bodily harm in the military, you feel neglected. Do it to a civilian and y'all need your Huggies changed.

Try sticking to what you're good at and keep your day job. Syntax is obviously NOT your forte.

03-26-2016, 02:19 PM
Drummond, I agree with your point. But I am referring to Gunny's comment as singular and present tense.
There hasn't been a global threat in 70 years. The current military is all volunteer. No one is forced to joined the military (except by family heritage) and do battle overseas.
I recognize the sacrifice required to leave your family and serve in some foreign outpost. I also recognize the sacrifices necessary to become a skilled first responder. Or a physician or surgeon.
Since this board is primarily comprised of military veterans, obviously you have trouble seeing life from the outside. But there are many other necessary occupations that everyone owes a lot to.

I got news for you ... get out of the Huffington Post and pay attention to the real world ... we're on the brink of a 3rd world war right now. And guess what? Mr Appeasement has done nothing but exacerbate the situation. I don't thik he's Kenyan, myself. I think the white half of him is a direct descendant of Neville Chamberlain.

And your assumption is wrong, as usual. Lots of people serve a greater cause. You serve yourself. There's a difference.

03-26-2016, 04:28 PM
Drummond, I agree with your point. But I am referring to Gunny's comment as singular and present tense.
There hasn't been a global threat in 70 years. The current military is all volunteer. No one is forced to joined the military (except by family heritage) and do battle overseas.
I recognize the sacrifice required to leave your family and serve in some foreign outpost. I also recognize the sacrifices necessary to become a skilled first responder. Or a physician or surgeon.
Since this board is primarily comprised of military veterans, obviously you have trouble seeing life from the outside. But there are many other necessary occupations that everyone owes a lot to.

But...the reality is gabby. Not You, or anyone else across this nation, in any of the other necessary occupations would HAVE the opportunity to be who they want to be, work where they work, get paid what they get paid, live where they live, and SAY WHAT THEY WANT TO SAY (like here on DP), IF it hadn't been for the past, or current military. As for there being NO GLOBAL THREAT. You really must be on some heavy kind of drugs, or alcohol treatments IF YOU BELIEVE THAT.

03-27-2016, 06:56 PM
Drummond, I agree with your point. But I am referring to Gunny's comment as singular and present tense.
There hasn't been a global threat in 70 years. The current military is all volunteer. No one is forced to joined the military (except by family heritage) and do battle overseas.
I recognize the sacrifice required to leave your family and serve in some foreign outpost. I also recognize the sacrifices necessary to become a skilled first responder. Or a physician or surgeon.
Since this board is primarily comprised of military veterans, obviously you have trouble seeing life from the outside. But there are many other necessary occupations that everyone owes a lot to.

-- What ? You don't, for example, recognise Muslim terrorism as a form of global threat ?!? You don't think American forces have had anything significant to fight, in fighting them, ever since 9/11 .. ??

Afghanistan, Iraq ? Nothing to militarily combat in either country, in GabbyWorld ? ISIS hasn't emerged as anything but a purely 'local' force, causing no trouble anywhere else ?

7/7. Bali. Tunisia. More recently, Paris and now Brussels, in Belgium. Many more worldwide attacks besides.

Gabby. Wake up to the real world. Smell the coffee, and stop reading Leftie rags like the Guardian !!

03-27-2016, 07:06 PM
I saw this on FB and took it. I'm 95% Right. That's an A in my book. :laugh:

03-27-2016, 07:27 PM
You are 76% conservative and 24% liberal, you are Very Right Wing!