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View Full Version : I like Sean Hannity, But He's Starting To Piss Me Off...

Pale Rider
07-18-2007, 12:46 AM
Sean has been SHAMELESSLY pushing Giuliani, and it's starting to piss me off. This guy is NOT the first choice of MANY republicans, but Sean just keeps up the steady drum beat... Giuliani, Giuliani, Giuliani... I'm gettin' sick of it. I heard him mention Giuliani three times today on his radio show, so I turned him off. I turned him back on thirty minutes later just to hear it again... Giuliani. FUCK THAT SEAN. How about Tancredo? How about Huckabee? How about Newt?

I'm not voting for Giuliani, even if he is the republican nominee. I'll vote either indendent or libertarian. Giuliani is NOT a "TRUE" republican, and I wish like HELL Sean would quit PUSHING HIM! And would somebody please get Giuliani to a speech therapist so he can get rid of that LISP!

07-18-2007, 12:54 AM
Sean has been SHAMELESSLY pushing Giuliani, and it's starting to piss me off. This guy is NOT the first choice of MANY republicans, but Sean just keeps up the steady drum beat... Giuliani, Giuliani, Giuliani... I'm gettin' sick of it. I heard him mention Giuliani three times today on his radio show, so I turned him off. I turned him back on thirty minutes later just to hear it again... Giuliani. FUCK THAT SEAN. How about Tancredo? How about Huckabee? How about Newt?

I'm not voting for Giuliani, even if he is the republican nominee. I'll vote either indendent or libertarian. Giuliani is NOT a "TRUE" republican, and I wish like HELL Sean would quit PUSHING HIM! And would somebody please get Giuliani to a speech therapist so he can get rid of that LISP!

You have to admit that Guiliani has done a lot for our country. So he has a different stance on gay marriage or abortion, that will never be a factor when he is a President so I dont see why it matters. He has the toughest stance on fighting terrorism and the war and has a tough stance on immigration both will be a major issue when the next President is in office so those are stances that really matter.

07-18-2007, 01:06 AM
I like Giuliani, for his leadership after 9/11...and his stance on all that..

But...I'm not so sure he won't push all his other liberal beliefs on us, once he is President...

So...for that reason..I wouldn't vote for him..

I'm liken..

Duncan Hunter

Fred Thompson

Tom Trancredo..

I'd have to look a lot more....at..


Still don't know much about..


Romney.......not feeling it with him..

Ron Paul........no way

07-18-2007, 01:10 AM
I like Giuliani, for his leadership after 9/11...and his stance on all that..

But...I'm not so sure he won't push all his other liberal beliefs on us, once he is President...

So...for that reason..I wouldn't vote for him..

I'm liken..

Duncan Hunter

Fred Thompson

Tom Trancredo..

I'd have to look a lot more....at..


Still don't know much about..


Romney.......not feeling it with him..

Ron Paul........no way

We all know your secretly pushing for Edwards, you can admit it :laugh2: You have to be able to admit it before we can get you help for that aweful disorder :laugh2:

07-18-2007, 01:11 AM
I like Giuliani, for his leadership after 9/11...and his stance on all that..

But...I'm not so sure he won't push all his other liberal beliefs on us, once he is President...

So...for that reason..I wouldn't vote for him..

I'm liken..

Duncan Hunter

Fred Thompson

Tom Trancredo..

I'd have to look a lot more....at..


Still don't know much about..


Romney.......not feeling it with him..

Ron Paul........no way

So if you start "Feeling It" from Romney you'll support him? :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Pale Rider
07-18-2007, 01:26 AM
I like Giuliani, for his leadership after 9/11...and his stance on all that..

But...I'm not so sure he won't push all his other liberal beliefs on us, once he is President...

So...for that reason..I wouldn't vote for him..

I'm liken..

Duncan Hunter

Fred Thompson

Tom Trancredo..

I'd have to look a lot more....at..


Still don't know much about..


Romney.......not feeling it with him..

Ron Paul........no way

I agree... I don't dislike Giuliani personally, I'm just not going to vote for him for President. There's better conservatives than him to pick from.

Pale Rider
07-18-2007, 01:27 AM
So if you start "Feeling It" from Romney you'll support him? :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Romney is too "slick." I think we'd get a lot of "status quo" with him as President.

07-18-2007, 01:40 AM
Romney is too "slick." I think we'd get a lot of "status quo" with him as President.

My thoughts on Romney, also..

I was very impressed with Duncan Hunter..

I like Tancredos stance on our Borders...

From what I heard from Fred Thompson so far, I like...yet to be seen..if he runs..

I have to admit......I haven't heard..or know a lot abut Huckabee...I'll have to check him out more..

Abbey Marie
07-18-2007, 01:52 AM
My thoughts on Romney, also..

I was very impressed with Duncan Hunter..

I like Tancredos stance on our Borders...

From what I heard from Fred Thompson so far, I like...yet to be seen..if he runs..

I have to admit......I haven't heard..or know a lot abut Huckabee...I'll have to check him out more..

Dang, Stephanie. I could have written that exact post. You are definitely my sistah in the tundra!

07-18-2007, 02:25 AM
Dang, Stephanie. I could have written that exact post. You are definitely my sistah in the tundra!


07-18-2007, 07:35 AM
I like Thompson, myself. I saw a couple of video clips from him and he handles himself very well in front of a camera. He has a good, but not perfect, voting record on things I believe in. National Review has written a lot of good things about him, so that helps.

Plus, he pisses liberals off... they really have a thing for his wife, who is a lot younger than he is. Considering that is the best they can come up with, he looks pretty good.

07-18-2007, 08:02 AM
I don't care for hannity at all. He's proven himself to be a wimp on just about everything. He'll kiss anybodies ass, just so they will come talk to him on his radio or TV show. How anyone that can be friends with combes and not beat the shit out of him when he opens his mouth is beyond me.

Gulliani was a fucking mayor. He doesn't have shit in experience with running a country. hannity is pushing him because he's from new york. That's all I heard on FOX for a long time was gulliani and mccain. A pair of rino's. I wouldn't vote for either one of them.

But I stopped watching and listening to vanity a long time ago.

07-18-2007, 08:18 AM
Sean has been SHAMELESSLY pushing Giuliani, and it's starting to piss me off. This guy is NOT the first choice of MANY republicans, but Sean just keeps up the steady drum beat... Giuliani, Giuliani, Giuliani... I'm gettin' sick of it. I heard him mention Giuliani three times today on his radio show, so I turned him off. I turned him back on thirty minutes later just to hear it again... Giuliani. FUCK THAT SEAN. How about Tancredo? How about Huckabee? How about Newt?

I'm not voting for Giuliani, even if he is the republican nominee. I'll vote either indendent or libertarian. Giuliani is NOT a "TRUE" republican, and I wish like HELL Sean would quit PUSHING HIM! And would somebody please get Giuliani to a speech therapist so he can get rid of that LISP!

I think Hannity pushes him because he thinks he is electable. While I do like him for a WOT president, I dislike him equally as much on social issues. I like Tancredo or Romney and actually really like Huckabee in the VP spot.

07-18-2007, 08:22 AM
I agree... I don't dislike Giuliani personally, I'm just not going to vote for him for President. There's better conservatives than him to pick from.
There certaintly are. But can they beat Hillary? That's the only question that needs asking in this race.

07-18-2007, 09:18 AM
I like Thompson, myself. I saw a couple of video clips from him and he handles himself very well in front of a camera. He has a good, but not perfect, voting record on things I believe in. National Review has written a lot of good things about him, so that helps.

Plus, he pisses liberals off... they really have a thing for his wife, who is a lot younger than he is. Considering that is the best they can come up with, he looks pretty good.

That and Thompson won't let that ridiculous "10 dollar a cigar" tax get through!:salute:
The Dems have already shown what a bunch of worthless shitheads they are in less than a year of getting back their power. Those that voted them in should be embarrassed and ashamed. The big problem is that the Republicans in Congress are almost as bad.......maybe Thompson will give them a stern talking to like he gave Tom Cruise and the other driver in "Days of Thunder".

07-18-2007, 10:20 AM
That and Thompson won't let that ridiculous "10 dollar a cigar" tax get through!:salute:
The Dems have already shown what a bunch of worthless shitheads they are in less than a year of getting back their power. Those that voted them in should be embarrassed and ashamed. The big problem is that the Republicans in Congress are almost as bad.......maybe Thompson will give them a stern talking to like he gave Tom Cruise and the other driver in "Days of Thunder".
Well... IF you want to discourage smoking, then taking the crap out of tobacco products is a means of using the free market to do it.

Personally, I favor this over the other means that the anti-smoking Nazis have adopted. For instance, suing the crap out of the tobacco companies or banning smoking in parks.

However, I don't understand why they're picking only on cigar smokers, it isn't as if teens think cigar smoking is cool...

P.S. you do realize that this means doing White House interns with cigars will suddenly become more expensive...

07-18-2007, 10:55 AM
Well... IF you want to discourage smoking, then taking the crap out of tobacco products is a means of using the free market to do it.

Personally, I favor this over the other means that the anti-smoking Nazis have adopted. For instance, suing the crap out of the tobacco companies or banning smoking in parks.

However, I don't understand why they're picking only on cigar smokers, it isn't as if teens think cigar smoking is cool...

P.S. you do realize that this means doing White House interns with cigars will suddenly become more expensive...

It will certainly discourage me to go from paying a 5 cent tax to a 10 dollar tax, I'll never smoke another cigar that I can't get through the black market. So that os the crux of the problem with how the Dems act. They actually believe that everyone will continue smoking like they always have and they will make all of this new money for "the children". How about a 10 dollar a pound a person is overweight tax? That might get people to be more healthy. And a 10 dollar a gallon gasoline tax, that will certainly get people to conserve fuel. And at least a 10 dollar per air mile for wasteful trips on airliners.....if the public had any idea just how much fuel is burned daily by aircraft it would blow their minds.

Once these assinine taxes start, there is no end.

As for Sean Hannity, his need to be a bigger star as quick as possible has made him into an aggravating talk show host. He takes every opportunity he can manufacture to self promote his TV show or his freedom concerts, it has become impossible to listen to. Many of them are getting very hard to listen to, Savage has become one of the worst. His moodiness and self grandizing has become a huge part of his show.....his views change from day to day......usually whether he is suffering from a hangover or not. How many times does he have to tell us his college resume or how many books he's written? I used to enjoy he and Hannity but both have started to really bore me. At least Rush makes me laugh while he informs.

07-18-2007, 11:12 AM
....Savage has become one of the worst. His moodiness and self grandizing has become a huge part of his show.....his views change from day to day......usually whether he is suffering from a hangover or not. How many times does he have to tell us his college resume or how many books he's written? I used to enjoy he and Hannity but both have started to really bore me. At least Rush makes me laugh while he informs.

I agree with you a bit, but Savage is still the only one, in my market area anyway, that tells it like it is on the Islamic issue.

Abbey Marie
07-18-2007, 11:25 AM
I agree with you a bit, but Savage is still the only one, in my market area anyway, that tells it like it is on the Islamic issue.

I don't know if you can hear him, but Glen Beck also does.

07-18-2007, 11:34 AM
I don't know if you can hear hism, but Glen Beck also does.
I can only get him on the radio during the week in the mountains, which is not very often. When He's on CNN with his show he comes across as a lot more moderate, and I have not heard him speak directly about that issue.

Abbey Marie
07-18-2007, 11:49 AM
I can only get him on the radio during the week in the mountains, which is not very often. When He's on CNN with his show he comes across as a lot more moderate, and I have not heard him speak directly about that issue.

He frequently talks about the serious threat of Islam, and in fact, did a very courageous hour-long special on it. He's not afraid to tell it like it is.

07-18-2007, 11:50 AM
He frequently talks about the serious threat of Islam, and in fact, did a very courageous hour-long special on it. He's not afraid to tell it like it is.

I like Michael Medved on the War also, not so much illegal immigration.

Abbey Marie
07-18-2007, 11:51 AM
I like Michael Medved on the War also, not so much illegal immigration.

Is Michael pro-amnesty?!

07-18-2007, 12:31 PM
Is Michael pro-amnesty?!

Seems to be the 'panacea' of those on the right, "We are not going to deport 12 million people, bring them out of the shadows..."

I agree we are not going to deport, IMO the most important first step, after shutting the border to illegals, would be shutting down the employment opportunities. The honest and decent would return home, it should be a US policy to let them know they are welcomed, legally.

Pale Rider
07-18-2007, 01:16 PM
There certaintly are. But can they beat Hillary? That's the only question that needs asking in this race.

Aside from McCain or Paul, I believe any republican candidate in the race right now can beat hitlery.

Pale Rider
07-18-2007, 01:22 PM
Seems to be the 'panacea' of those on the right, "We are not going to deport 12 million people, bring them out of the shadows..."

If I've heard this once, I've heard it a thousand times. Problem is, I've never heard a good reason "why not."

Abbey Marie
07-18-2007, 01:48 PM
If I've heard this once, I've heard it a thousand times. Problem is, I've never heard a good reason "why not."

Excellent point.

IMO, the only reason they all say it, is to avoid the absurd accusation that anyone who wants to enforce the immigration laws of this country is somehow racist.

Btw, I believe that Duncan Hunter has actually already built a fence to enforce our immigration laws. I'll look for a link.

07-18-2007, 03:15 PM
That and Thompson won't let that ridiculous "10 dollar a cigar" tax get through!:salute:
The Dems have already shown what a bunch of worthless shitheads they are in less than a year of getting back their power. Those that voted them in should be embarrassed and ashamed. The big problem is that the Republicans in Congress are almost as bad.......maybe Thompson will give them a stern talking to like he gave Tom Cruise and the other driver in "Days of Thunder".

What did Thompson say to Tom Cruise?

07-18-2007, 04:30 PM
He frequently talks about the serious threat of Islam, and in fact, did a very courageous hour-long special on it. He's not afraid to tell it like it is.
You are right, I remember that now.

07-18-2007, 04:35 PM
Seems to be the 'panacea' of those on the right, "We are not going to deport 12 million people, bring them out of the shadows..."

I agree we are not going to deport, IMO the most important first step, after shutting the border to illegals, would be shutting down the employment opportunities. The honest and decent would return home, it should be a US policy to let them know they are welcomed, legally.

The problem is they are not honest or decent, they are the cancer of our society.

07-18-2007, 04:38 PM
The problem is they are not honest or decent, they are the cancer of our society.

I disagree, most are, with the exception of breaking our immigration laws. Are you saying that if you had been living there, with no job or one that was less than could sustain your family, you would not take advantage of an opportunity such as has been left open at our border? I would.

Pale Rider
07-19-2007, 10:10 AM
Excellent point.

IMO, the only reason they all say it, is to avoid the absurd accusation that anyone who wants to enforce the immigration laws of this country is somehow racist.

Btw, I believe that Duncan Hunter has actually already built a fence to enforce our immigration laws. I'll look for a link.

I think it must have something to do with that, but I can't help but think that presidents of old, like Teddy Roosevelt, who said, "when the going gets tough, the tough get going," to hear this modern day government just throwing their hands up in the air and going, "nope, we can't do it, we just can't do it." I think that defeatist attitude would shock the hell out him. It shocks the hell out of me! When did America become the country that "can't do something?" When and how did we get so good at "giving up?" It just boils my ass to hear crap like that.

Pale Rider
07-19-2007, 10:16 AM
I disagree, most are, with the exception of breaking our immigration laws. Are you saying that if you had been living there, with no job or one that was less than could sustain your family, you would not take advantage of an opportunity such as has been left open at our border? I would.

Well gee Kath, I'm a little broke right now, and I might see an opportunity to rob my local bank. Should I take advantage of that too, just because I need to "sustain myself?"

"Sustenance" is not a viable or acceptable reason for breaking the law. Illegal aliens are criminals. Each and every last one of them.

Hugh Lincoln
07-21-2007, 08:56 PM
I like Giuliani, for his leadership after 9/11...and his stance on all that..

But...I'm not so sure he won't push all his other liberal beliefs on us, once he is President...

So...for that reason..I wouldn't vote for him..

I'm liken..

Duncan Hunter

Fred Thompson

Tom Trancredo..

I'd have to look a lot more....at..


Still don't know much about..


Romney.......not feeling it with him..

Ron Paul........no way

Argh! I was with you until you dismissed RP! He has more money than McCain!

Pale, Sean Hannity in my opinion is a neocon sucker. He kisses Bush butt too much. Even Rush these days won't back Bush as much. And, I always got kicked off his messageboard. I know --- big surprise. They said I was racist! Now where'd they get that idea?

Pale Rider
07-22-2007, 06:01 PM
Argh! I was with you until you dismissed RP! He has more money than McCain!

Pale, Sean Hannity in my opinion is a neocon sucker. He kisses Bush butt too much. Even Rush these days won't back Bush as much. And, I always got kicked off his messageboard. I know --- big surprise. They said I was racist! Now where'd they get that idea?

Are you serious? You got kicked off Sean Hannity's message board? :eek:

You hear that Jimmy? Sounds like Hannity and his crew are "bias."

07-22-2007, 06:37 PM
I do like Sean, even if he is a hge Guliani fan. I like Sean more than I like Rush. And, I do remember hearing both Newt and Mike Huckabee on Sean's show.