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04-02-2016, 06:49 AM
Out of respect for Crin63 who is late to the party, I am going to make a list of sorts as to why I like Trump this go round.

Yes, I'm aware some of his positions have changed. I'm also aware that the majority of 'politicians' change at one time or another, and he's a businessman going into politics, so I truly believe you'll see more of that from him than from others.

Yes, I'm aware that he isn't exactly politically correct, nor is he the greatest speaker. I actually love the way he speaks, he has a way of keeping me watching where I would have turned it off on others. Maybe it's because I truly believe him, or followed him since the early 80's being from NJ/NY.

I'm not posting this list to debate everyone on every single issue again. I just wanted to post mostly for Crin, so he didn't think I was ignoring him when he asks his questions about things we have covered already. :)


2nd amendment. Not surprising from a rightie, but of course I agree with him on this issue.

He is extremely strong on the VA and wanting to help our Vets more than others, and I LOVE that idea. Perhaps the one issue in the US that I would be willing to be taxed more for.

He wants to take care of ISIS, so do I. I think he and the generals working together would be stronger towards islamic terrorism than the current knucklehead in chief.

Foreign trade. I know some agree. I'm tired of the way things have been and want to try something else. Problem is, no matter how strong Trump is on this issue, he'll likely need congressional approval for the majority of any changes.

In addition to that, I would also love to see a business man in charge of our economy as opposed to the knuckleheads who have brought us to $20 trillion in debt.

Education and killing common core.

He would like to cut out the EPA. I agree with him, but another one where he would need help of course.

I think he's a good family man. Yep, I know others will mention his divorces. I look at his kids and their educations and upbringings.

Then of course, yes, his stance on Islam. I think he's rough around the edges, but more so like me and wants to keep the country safe, and not just let in anyone. I don't think he would ban all muslims, but looking at keeping out folks from say, war torn Syria, unless you can vet 100000% - I have no issue with that.

Then yeps, of course the wall. I would LOVE LOVE to see that, and honestly think he does so. Even his son laughed when interviewed and said OF COURSE he will build it, he builds things for a living. And in addition to that, believe it or not, I also think he works with Mexico to help with the same issue of illegals. Let's face it, TONS of countries have walls and it's never been a big deal. But Trump wants one to protect America and he gets killed for it.

I think he'll do well in creating jobs, I sure as hell think he'll do better than Obama, and better than Hillary could ever do. I know some want to bring up any negativity from his business ventures over his life... but far too many ignore the 50x more of success he has had.

(small list off top of my head. I can go further if you need me to. But I think the stuff off the top of your head is usually the most important stuff).

Now, Crin, I know the abortion issue is the most important issue to you. And I'll tell you what, it's important to me too, to the point that I want to punch people in the face for it (but I never would, just saying...). Donald is pro-life, but is a dumbass at times without a teleprompter. I believe he is pro life now unless the major 3's happen. I do think he has fully changed over his lifetime. Maybe kids getting older helped? Maybe having grandchildren? And while I would much rather he had been pro life for ever and ever, and have a much better fine tuned stance - no way it ever goes illegal, in our lifetimes anyway, and I don't see any way he can do any harm "even if". Without him, things stay the same. With him, or any other (R) getting the nod, no doubt we see a right leaning SC judge. THAT matters much more, IMO.

04-02-2016, 01:25 PM
has Obozo ever balanced a budget ??

04-02-2016, 05:56 PM
Out of respect for Crin63 who is late to the party, I am going to make a list of sorts as to why I like Trump this go round.

Thanks Jim! I appreciate your input. I will respond further when I'm well. I just wanted to publicly thank you for responding.

04-03-2016, 02:45 AM
Out of respect for Crin63 who is late to the party, I am going to make a list of sorts as to why I like Trump this go round.

Yes, I'm aware some of his positions have changed. I'm also aware that the majority of 'politicians' change at one time or another, and he's a businessman going into politics, so I truly believe you'll see more of that from him than from others.

That’s a fair take. My problem with it is I don’t think we have any idea at all where his positions are going to land and I don’t trust him as a result. When he said that his campaign positions are the high end to start off negotiations then we have no idea how low he will go to get a deal.

Yes, I'm aware that he isn't exactly politically correct, nor is he the greatest speaker. I actually love the way he speaks, he has a way of keeping me watching where I would have turned it off on others. Maybe it's because I truly believe him, or followed him since the early 80's being from NJ/NY.

I abhor political correctness and early on I loved how he took it to the media. I have been watching his career since about 2000. I read a lot about him as well back in 2000 because I admired his success and tenacity. I get that likability for him speaking off the cuff. He lost me on that when he said that he just says and we’re going to build a wall when everyone gets bored with him speaking. It just comes off as so disingenuous to me.

I'm not posting this list to debate everyone on every single issue again. I just wanted to post mostly for Crin, so he didn't think I was ignoring him when he asks his questions about things we have covered already.

I’m responding to Jim’s points and positions so we can discuss not get everyone into another cage match.


2nd amendment. Not surprising from a rightie, but of course I agree with him on this issue.

I’m a life member of the NRA and CRPA. I’ve hosted meetings for Calguns. I hosted the meeting between the NRA, CRPA and Calguns to see if they could work together. I agree with what he has said on the 2nd Amendment. Once again I just don’t trust him because everything he says is negotiable so we don’t really know how much he will give away to say he made a deal.

He is extremely strong on the VA and wanting to help our Vets more than others, and I LOVE that idea. Perhaps the one issue in the US that I would be willing to be taxed more for.

I believe our Vets should get the absolute best we can give them. I have seen the things he has done for individual Vets and it is quite admirable. He deserves thanks for that. He lost me on this issue as well when he had his debate protest Veterans fundraiser and then would reportedly only give money to Veterans groups if they appeared on stage at a rally in their home state. I realize he is running for POTUS but when he held the groups hostage, forcing them to look like they supported his campaign if they wanted money I thought that was pretty low. Had he just given out the money raised or had it donated to an organization he didn’t control I would have found it admirable.Instead it made me despise him all the more.

He wants to take care of ISIS, so do I. I think he and the generals working together would be stronger towards islamic terrorism than the current knucklehead in chief.

I agree he would be better than the disaster we have in the Whitehouse now. I think we should help ISIS move on to meeting their virgins as quickly and expeditiously as possible. I never thought we should have gone into Iraq but once we did I agree with him that we should owned the oil.

Foreign trade. I know some agree. I'm tired of the way things have been and want to try something else. Problem is, no matter how strong Trump is on this issue, he'll likely need congressional approval for the majority of any changes.

Something has to change with foreign trade. I don’t think the problem is the foreign countries we deal with. The problem is our own government. The taxes, regulations and interference is what is killing us. Get the government out of our businesses and unleash them. They will turn the tables.

In addition to that, I would also love to see a business man in charge of our economy as opposed to the knuckleheads who have brought us to $20 trillion in debt.

I want to see someone who has proven themselves successful. A successful businessman or a successful professional are great by me.

Education and killing common core.

Agreed! The federal government should be removed from the education business altogether. It should be left to the states.

He would like to cut out the EPA. I agree with him, but another one where he would need help of course.

Another job killing, heavy-handed bureaucracy used to control the people and punish businesses.

I think he's a good family man. Yep, I know others will mention his divorces. I look at his kids and their educations and upbringings.

I can’t go that far but there is something there that appears to have been on the surface successful. Donald Jr’s time 6 - 8 weeks every summer staying with his grandfather seemed to have a great deal to do with his success.

Then of course, yes, his stance on Islam. I think he's rough around the edges, but more so like me and wants to keep the country safe, and not just let in anyone. I don't think he would ban all muslims, but looking at keeping out folks from say, war torn Syria, unless you can vet 100000% - I have no issue with that.

I probably have a more radical view on Islam than many. Since Islam cannot coexist with our Constitution and must by it’s nature seek to supplant it I would throw every Muslim out of our country and ban Islam. I see Islam as a direct threat and by it’s nature treasonous. The only exception for me is those Muslims who assisted our military. I would grant them asylum here and protect them.

Then yeps, of course the wall. I would LOVE LOVE to see that, and honestly think he does so. Even his son laughed when interviewed and said OF COURSE he will build it, he builds things for a living. And in addition to that, believe it or not, I also think he works with Mexico to help with the same issue of illegals. Let's face it, TONS of countries have walls and it's never been a big deal. But Trump wants one to protect America and he gets killed for it.

I think we should get Israel’s input on how we build a wall. Then build it and kick out every illegal we can round up. We need to enforce our borders whatever the cost. Cruz was calling for a wall before Trump was. I think that tends to go unnoticed.

I think he'll do well in creating jobs, I sure as hell think he'll do better than Obama, and better than Hillary could ever do. I know some want to bring up any negativity from his business ventures over his life... but far too many ignore the 50x more of success he has had.

Personally his bankruptcies don’t matter to me. He had exponentially more success than failures. I even get that it is necessary to grease the palms of power people to get things built. I have had more experience with that more than once. Where I have a problem is when he lies about things like Trump University, hiring foreigners over Americans and hiring illegals to build his properties.

(small list off top of my head. I can go further if you need me to. But I think the stuff off the top of your head is usually the most important stuff).

Now, Crin, I know the abortion issue is the most important issue to you. And I'll tell you what, it's important to me too, to the point that I want to punch people in the face for it (but I never would, just saying...). Donald is pro-life, but is a dumbass at times without a teleprompter. I believe he is pro life now unless the major 3's happen. I do think he has fully changed over his lifetime. Maybe kids getting older helped? Maybe having grandchildren? And while I would much rather he had been pro life for ever and ever, and have a much better fine tuned stance - no way it ever goes illegal, in our lifetimes anyway, and I don't see any way he can do any harm "even if". Without him, things stay the same. With him, or any other (R) getting the nod, no doubt we see a right leaning SC judge. THAT matters much more, IMO.

I really want to believe that he is Pro-Life but I just can’t do it. He is such a liar and spinmeister that I just cannot trust him on this. I realize that abortion will not become illegal but if I can't count on you to protect the most innocent and vulnerable of Americans then I can't trust you. Had he completely denounced Planned Parenthood I would have believed him. I heard his explanation for changing his opinion but it’s a hard pill to swallow for me that he could make the jump from being a proponent of partial birth abortion to being Pro-Life because of a friends child. This is where his spinning, negotiations and lies really catch up with him for me.

I truly appreciate you taking the time to pass along your thoughts. I hope my responses did not come off as antagonistic. I only meant them as a basis for further discussion and/or expressing my views on the subjects. It was the most substantive views I have heretofore seen. Thank you for that.

I have been a Cruz supporter since he announced. Trump and Paul were my 2nd choices. Eventually, Trump became my 2nd choice but as time went on I found myself becoming unable to even vote for him against Hillary. I have many, many problems with him but I really want to be able to support him if he gets the nod, though I hope and pray he doesn't.

04-03-2016, 03:42 AM
Trump may be good at what he does, but he needs to keep his day job. His lack of political experience is showing. He can't or won't shut up when he needs to. Shooting from the hip doesn't mean you always win. Wild Bill Hikock shot his own deputy.

04-03-2016, 07:10 AM
That was short. The boo-butt woke up. And she don't care about y'all. :laugh:

04-03-2016, 07:15 AM
I truly appreciate you taking the time to pass along your thoughts. I hope my responses did not come off as antagonistic. I only meant them as a basis for further discussion and/or expressing my views on the subjects. It was the most substantive views I have heretofore seen. Thank you for that.

I have been a Cruz supporter since he announced. Trump and Paul were my 2nd choices. Eventually, Trump became my 2nd choice but as time went on I found myself becoming unable to even vote for him against Hillary. I have many, many problems with him but I really want to be able to support him if he gets the nod, though I hope and pray he doesn't.

Antagonistic? Not in the slightest. It's nice and a breath of fresh air to discuss things, Trump, Cruz, or this election, without folks getting pissed at one another. I have NO issue with your reservations with Trump. All of that stuff does in fact make me think, even if it doesn't always change my mind. I suppose this is about the point where all Trump supporters and Cruz supporters are supposed to hate/fight one another, but I like Cruz as well, and would be quite happy with him getting the nod and hopefully beating the wicked witch! I'll grab a few things from your reply that maybe we/others can jump in at?

I abhor political correctness and early on I loved how he took it to the media. I have been watching his career since about 2000. I read a lot about him as well back in 2000 because I admired his success and tenacity. I get that likability for him speaking off the cuff. He lost me on that when he said that he just says and we’re going to build a wall when everyone gets bored with him speaking. It just comes off as so disingenuous to me.

"The great wall of Trump" or how he talks about how it will have a HUGE DOOR on it for those wanting to come in LEGALLY. I know, it's talking points that he hits over and over and over. But he comes up to the podiums without teleprompters and a short list of talking points. I guess at times he rants on about what he knows gets his supporters going. I've watched many of his events, and of course a lot is repetitive. But I've seen similar from Cruz watching his events, just not as bad or as vocal. I think the majority of these speaking events are pre-planned to an extent, even if a lot of the speaking is off the cuff.

I’m a life member of the NRA and CRPA. I’ve hosted meetings for Calguns. I hosted the meeting between the NRA, CRPA and Calguns to see if they could work together. I agree with what he has said on the 2nd Amendment. Once again I just don’t trust him because everything he says is negotiable so we don’t really know how much he will give away to say he made a deal.

I'm lifetime, or platinum or something like that. Nothing as far into it as you though! While I like Trump, I didn't feel like ANY of the original 17 were any type of threat to the 2nd.

I believe our Vets should get the absolute best we can give them. I have seen the things he has done for individual Vets and it is quite admirable. He deserves thanks for that. He lost me on this issue as well when he had his debate protest Veterans fundraiser and then would reportedly only give money to Veterans groups if they appeared on stage at a rally in their home state. I realize he is running for POTUS but when he held the groups hostage, forcing them to look like they supported his campaign if they wanted money I thought that was pretty low. Had he just given out the money raised or had it donated to an organization he didn’t control I would have found it admirable.Instead it made me despise him all the more.

I remember that, when he had dropped from the debate and held his own event instead. And I also recall the issue you speak of. I know he raised like $6 million that went to various groups, but some declined ahead of time, and I read the same as you about some being asked to be involved. I'm NO FAN of any of that either. My favorite, the wounder warrior project, turned him down prior to the event as they didn't want to be a part of appearing to support him. I think it was them anyway. I'd rather he just had the event and silently and surprisingly gifted a few organizations with the fundraising.

Agreed! The federal government should be removed from the education business altogether. It should be left to the states.

I mentioned him wanting to kill the EPA - but I forgot in addition to common core, he would like to kill the Dept. of Education entirely too.

I probably have a more radical view on Islam than many. Since Islam cannot coexist with our Constitution and must by it’s nature seek to supplant it I would throw every Muslim out of our country and ban Islam. I see Islam as a direct threat and by it’s nature treasonous. The only exception for me is those Muslims who assisted our military. I would grant them asylum here and protect them.

Trust me, there are a bunch of us here that have that same radical view - which should be a common sense view, IMO. I have nothing to add really to what you say, you nailed it.

I think we should get Israel’s input on how we build a wall. Then build it and kick out every illegal we can round up. We need to enforce our borders whatever the cost. Cruz was calling for a wall before Trump was. I think that tends to go unnoticed.

One of the others, maybe Rubio? also wanted a wall? And yep, I've wrote on here before about Cruz and wanting a wall. All normal talk if you mention that is a stance of theirs. Trump says he wants to build a wall and folks absolutely lose their minds. I believe, that it shouldn't even be a candidate thing at this point, but something America should just want and do for the betterment and protection of our country.

I really want to believe that he is Pro-Life but I just can’t do it. He is such a liar and spinmeister that I just cannot trust him on this. I realize that abortion will not become illegal but if I can't count on you to protect the most innocent and vulnerable of Americans then I can't trust you. Had he completely denounced Planned Parenthood I would have believed him. I heard his explanation for changing his opinion but it’s a hard pill to swallow for me that he could make the jump from being a proponent of partial birth abortion to being Pro-Life because of a friends child. This is where his spinning, negotiations and lies really catch up with him for me.

That's understood and I can't do or say much to change your mind. I know this is a huge issue, and it is to me too. 54 million + since Roe and continuing on. It disgusts me to no end. On this issue, and into the foreseeable future, I think ensuring the pieces are there on the SCOTUS is more important, since it's their say that can only ever change things and less so of the POTUS.

04-03-2016, 07:16 AM
That was short. The boo-butt woke up. And she don't care about y'all. :laugh:

??? Let me try and decode that. Did Gunny recently come to the board and now the little one done woke up and wants changing and feeding? :)

04-03-2016, 07:38 AM
??? Let me try and decode that. Did Gunny recently come to the board and now the little one done woke up and wants changing and feeding? :)

Something along those lines, f*cker. :fu:

04-03-2016, 09:57 AM
Something along those lines, f*cker. :fu:

Maybe someday I'll change my mind, but for now I am ever so glad to never see a dirty diaper or bottle, ever again. Nor the crying, in the middle of the night, or in the AM, or whenever I'm in the middle of anything. I can just live through you. Please let me know when you have a lack of sleep or your fill of diaper duty, so I can laugh at you! :)

But truth be told, we both know you love it, and I hope to enjoy that someday too, just not today!!

04-03-2016, 12:01 PM
Maybe someday I'll change my mind, but for now I am ever so glad to never see a dirty diaper or bottle, ever again. Nor the crying, in the middle of the night, or in the AM, or whenever I'm in the middle of anything. I can just live through you. Please let me know when you have a lack of sleep or your fill of diaper duty, so I can laugh at you! :)

But truth be told, we both know you love it, and I hope to enjoy that someday too, just not today!!

I never did any of those things. That's what a wife, or if your wife earns a good income, hired help is for.

04-03-2016, 12:10 PM
As Abbey pointed out in a thread, Trump has been addressing abortion quite a bit this week, not finished yet. His appearance on Face the Nation muddies things for those hoping he is more 'pro-life' than in the past:



04-03-2016, 12:20 PM
As Abbey pointed out in a thread, Trump has been addressing abortion quite a bit this week, not finished yet. His appearance on Face the Nation muddies things for those hoping he is more 'pro-life' than in the past:



Watch him eventually do the same thing on immigration. It's all about making yuuuge deals and a cult of personality.

04-03-2016, 02:12 PM
Watch him eventually do the same thing on immigration. It's all about making yuuuge deals and a cult of personality.

Yeah? Watch your boy do the same thing for the same reason.

04-03-2016, 02:50 PM
[QUOTE=jimnyc;808272]Antagonistic? Not in the slightest. It's nice and a breath of fresh air to discuss things, Trump, Cruz, or this election, without folks getting pissed at one another. I have NO issue with your reservations with Trump. All of that stuff does in fact make me think, even if it doesn't always change my mind. I suppose this is about the point where all Trump supporters and Cruz supporters are supposed to hate/fight one another, but I like Cruz as well, and would be quite happy with him getting the nod and hopefully beating the wicked witch! I'll grab a few things from your reply that maybe we/others can jump in at?

I came back on here to look for real answers to people’s positions. I may be biased, looking in the wrong places, or it may be that I brought out the worst in some people but everywhere else I have been the Trump supporters have been nothing but nasty with no substance and Micheal Moore type logic. For the most part I have not seen that with Cruz supporters. There are of course always exceptions. I appreciate when the discourse can be civil while trying to discover other's views even when there is disagreement. My mind always goes to aggressive and hard hitting 1st. I want to decimate any opposition but it doesn't do any good when trying to search and understand why people hold the views they do.

"The great wall of Trump" or how he talks about how it will have a HUGE DOOR on it for those wanting to come in LEGALLY. I know, it's talking points that he hits over and over and over. But he comes up to the podiums without teleprompters and a short list of talking points. I guess at times he rants on about what he knows gets his supporters going. I've watched many of his events, and of course a lot is repetitive. But I've seen similar from Cruz watching his events, just not as bad or as vocal. I think the majority of these speaking events are pre-planned to an extent, even if a lot of the speaking is off the cuff.

I know they both have canned speeches that they repeat over and over. That’s par for the course. I haven’t seen Cruz with teleprompter’s either now that you mention it. I know things can go off the rails when speaking off the cuff but Trumps off the cuff mistakes seem to be due to lack of actual commitment to understanding the positions as though it’s beneath him, so he will have someone else tell him what position to hold or he is testing the crowd to see what any given crowd likes so that’s what he will say. To take 5 or 6 different positions on a single topic in 1 week is really cause for concern. I’ve have just come to find him so disingenuous that I don’t believe anything he says. Educate yourself, take a position, and stand on it unless or until new information has been presented that you must add to your consideration of facts. Then reevaluate your position. It may or may not change your position but changing multiple times in a week or even a month comes off very badly and very un-presidential.

I'm lifetime, or platinum or something like that. Nothing as far into it as you though! While I like Trump, I didn't feel like ANY of the original 17 were any type of threat to the 2nd.

There were a couple I did not trust but any would be better than any Democrat I know of. My 2A pedigree was just to establish my commitment to that issue.

I remember that, when he had dropped from the debate and held his own event instead. And I also recall the issue you speak of. I know he raised like $6 million that went to various groups, but some declined ahead of time, and I read the same as you about some being asked to be involved. I'm NO FAN of any of that either. My favorite, the wounder warrior project, turned him down prior to the event as they didn't want to be a part of appearing to support him. I think it was them anyway. I'd rather he just had the event and silently and surprisingly gifted a few organizations with the fundraising.

Last I read and to be fair it’s been a month so things may have changed but he had not distributed most of the money at that time. It just came off as a political stunt the way he handled it more than an actual love or concern for our Veterans. I wish that had not been the case. I keep looking for something that I can grab onto and say this guy is alright but it’s always just out of reach.

As for my problems with Trump that are not in direct response to your thoughts.

I have a real problem with the $160 million he got from Soros. I know it’s dismissed as a business deal, but it’s never okay to dance with the devil. I’ve dismissed the report of Soros and Trump being at a Christmas party together. Not all things are in your control but $160 million dollar investment / loan is. I have not looked to see the views on this but I dare say that no other candidate would be looked on favorably had it been them instead. It would be a tool to bludgeon them with just like Cruz’s loans from Citi Bank and Goldman-Sachs. While Trump still owes those same banks hundreds of millions. Since it is also mostly considered a business topic his donations to the politicians who are out to take away our liberty and destroy our country are also very bothersome. I understand having to grease the palms of people to get things done but his seems to go well beyond that. I worked at places where we were asked directly for gifts or cash if we wanted to keep getting their construction work. I am willing to concede that NY / NJ may be much worse than L.A. but his donations went much further than that.

I don’t believe he is really a Conservative. He is currently talking the talk but I wanna see a track record and he can’t produce that. This one really surprises me. People on the right are really ticked off about being betrayed but yet they are backing a guy who is a coin toss as to how he will govern. Maybe it’s to avoid disappointment again. I believe that Trump will do whatever is in the best interest of his empire and the Trump brand but will those things be good for America? I think that is the question. That said, I think that it is likely to be good for America. By all accounts he is a dictator in business. Is that how he would try to govern? It certainly sounds like it from how he talks. That is also concerning for me.

We had a faux conservative celebrity as governor here in California. It’s likely we lost any chance to have another Republican governor for a generation or 2 as a result. It really does scare me to think we could have the same results with Trump but on a national level. GWB was not a conservative. He was at best a moderate but he was branded as conservative to do damage to Conservatives and it worked. We ended up with the clown we have in the Whitehouse now.

My apologies if this is a little disjointed and my style of response not the best with quotes. I will work on that when I'm well. I’m still sick and medicated. LOL

04-03-2016, 04:13 PM
I came back on here to look for real answers to people’s positions. I may be biased, looking in the wrong places, or it may be that I brought out the worst in some people but everywhere else I have been the Trump supporters have been nothing but nasty with no substance and Micheal Moore type logic. For the most part I have not seen that with Cruz supporters. There are of course always exceptions. I appreciate when the discourse can be civil while trying to discover other's views even when there is disagreement. My mind always goes to aggressive and hard hitting 1st. I want to decimate any opposition but it doesn't do any good when trying to search and understand why people hold the views they do.

I sure hope you don't see me as the other types of folks you have run into! :) I treat everyone individually, so I can only add based on my own experiences, and sometimes supporting Trump is not kind to me. And sadly, simply supporting a candidate, shouldn't get me attacked or belittled. Nor should it for supporters of other candidates.

04-03-2016, 04:21 PM
I never did any of those things. That's what a wife, or if your wife earns a good income, hired help is for.

really?? well mines has a good job, im retired so im the bitch

04-03-2016, 04:35 PM
I sure hope you don't see me as the other types of folks you have run into! :) I treat everyone individually, so I can only add based on my own experiences, and sometimes supporting Trump is not kind to me. And sadly, simply supporting a candidate, shouldn't get me attacked or belittled. Nor should it for supporters of other candidates.

LOL, no you are not one of those people. I appreciate your perspective.

04-03-2016, 04:47 PM
Out of respect for Crin63 who is late to the party, I am going to make a list of sorts as to why I like Trump this go round.

Yes, I'm aware some of his positions have changed. I'm also aware that the majority of 'politicians' change at one time or another, and he's a businessman going into politics, so I truly believe you'll see more of that from him than from others.

Yes, I'm aware that he isn't exactly politically correct, nor is he the greatest speaker. I actually love the way he speaks, he has a way of keeping me watching where I would have turned it off on others. Maybe it's because I truly believe him, or followed him since the early 80's being from NJ/NY.

I'm not posting this list to debate everyone on every single issue again. I just wanted to post mostly for Crin, so he didn't think I was ignoring him when he asks his questions about things we have covered already. :)


2nd amendment. Not surprising from a rightie, but of course I agree with him on this issue.

He is extremely strong on the VA and wanting to help our Vets more than others, and I LOVE that idea. Perhaps the one issue in the US that I would be willing to be taxed more for.

He wants to take care of ISIS, so do I. I think he and the generals working together would be stronger towards islamic terrorism than the current knucklehead in chief.

Foreign trade. I know some agree. I'm tired of the way things have been and want to try something else. Problem is, no matter how strong Trump is on this issue, he'll likely need congressional approval for the majority of any changes.

In addition to that, I would also love to see a business man in charge of our economy as opposed to the knuckleheads who have brought us to $20 trillion in debt.

Education and killing common core.

He would like to cut out the EPA. I agree with him, but another one where he would need help of course.

I think he's a good family man. Yep, I know others will mention his divorces. I look at his kids and their educations and upbringings.

Then of course, yes, his stance on Islam. I think he's rough around the edges, but more so like me and wants to keep the country safe, and not just let in anyone. I don't think he would ban all muslims, but looking at keeping out folks from say, war torn Syria, unless you can vet 100000% - I have no issue with that.

Then yeps, of course the wall. I would LOVE LOVE to see that, and honestly think he does so. Even his son laughed when interviewed and said OF COURSE he will build it, he builds things for a living. And in addition to that, believe it or not, I also think he works with Mexico to help with the same issue of illegals. Let's face it, TONS of countries have walls and it's never been a big deal. But Trump wants one to protect America and he gets killed for it.

I think he'll do well in creating jobs, I sure as hell think he'll do better than Obama, and better than Hillary could ever do. I know some want to bring up any negativity from his business ventures over his life... but far too many ignore the 50x more of success he has had.

(small list off top of my head. I can go further if you need me to. But I think the stuff off the top of your head is usually the most important stuff).

Now, Crin, I know the abortion issue is the most important issue to you. And I'll tell you what, it's important to me too, to the point that I want to punch people in the face for it (but I never would, just saying...). Donald is pro-life, but is a dumbass at times without a teleprompter. I believe he is pro life now unless the major 3's happen. I do think he has fully changed over his lifetime. Maybe kids getting older helped? Maybe having grandchildren? And while I would much rather he had been pro life for ever and ever, and have a much better fine tuned stance - no way it ever goes illegal, in our lifetimes anyway, and I don't see any way he can do any harm "even if". Without him, things stay the same. With him, or any other (R) getting the nod, no doubt we see a right leaning SC judge. THAT matters much more, IMO.

If (big/huge "if").....I thought, knew or was convinced .....that Trump was honest about his intentions and was being 100% truthful about what he would do if elected, I would still have to balk at supporting him.....since none of his "good intentions" (make America great/awesome "again") will change the fact of his unfavorable rating in the polls. And no, I don't think he is like Reagan in ANY sense or fashion. Oh hell yeah, it would be 'great' if Trump really meant what he says and could do what he promises. But then....

I don't believe in unicorns, the tooth fairy or Santa Claus either. I've matured "lately"...lol.

04-03-2016, 06:05 PM
If (big/huge "if").....I thought, knew or was convinced .....that Trump was honest about his intentions and was being 100% truthful about what he would do if elected, I would still have to balk at supporting him.....since none of his "good intentions" (make America great/awesome "again") will change the fact of his unfavorable rating in the polls. And no, I don't think he is like Reagan in ANY sense or fashion. Oh hell yeah, it would be 'great' if Trump really meant what he says and could do what he promises. But then....

I don't believe in unicorns, the tooth fairy or Santa Claus either. I've matured "lately"...lol.

I wouldn't compare him to Reagan. Trump's not anywhere near his league.

04-06-2016, 06:13 PM
I sure hope you don't see me as the other types of folks you have run into! :) I treat everyone individually, so I can only add based on my own experiences, and sometimes supporting Trump is not kind to me. And sadly, simply supporting a candidate, shouldn't get me attacked or belittled. Nor should it for supporters of other candidates.

Thanks again Jim for taking the time to give me your views. I appreciate it and it gave me a better understanding of where Trump supporters are coming from.