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View Full Version : Obama's treason, Site that lists hundreds of examples...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-03-2016, 08:40 AM

Note: You might want to start at the Barack Obama Index Page, especially if you arrived here by using a search engine.

This page is a byproduct of another nearby page about President Obama's Intentions for America. It is sad to see someone in the White House who has such obvious contempt for American traditions, and especially for free-market capitalism and individual liberty.

On this page:

Obama is weakening America's defenses

Obama is weakening our allies' defenses

Women in combat, women included in the draft

Obama is weakening America's defenses

Why People Can't Face the Truth about Obama. America is Barack Obama's prey. He is tearing America apart and feeding the pieces of her life to his foreign and domestic fellow travelers. He is not transforming the nation but terminating it. Even the most transformational administrations haven't enabled the murder of Americans by declared enemies, weakened the national defense, mocked the concerns, and dimmed the hopes of average Americans as this president has. Even the highly transformational Franklin Roosevelt did not return Nazi generals to the enemy during the war as Obama did in the Bergdahl swap. Roosevelt did not entertain and enrich Nazi bigwigs as Obama has the Muslim Brotherhood. Imagine Roosevelt facilitating German atom bomb research and enriching the Axis powers as Obama has in the Iran deal. No president has erased the nation's borders at land and sea as Obama in advertising inducements for an invasion from around the world. No president in American history has aided enemies, undermined the economy and derided the American people as the current commander-in-chief. The immensity of Obama's disloyalty is key to why people cannot face the truth about him.

DHS whistleblower: U.S. handcuffed in terror war. The terms of the settlement of a recent discrimination lawsuit brought by Muslim activists against the New York Police Department has set a dangerous precedent that makes it even harder for law enforcement in the United States to prevent attacks like the coordinated bombings Tuesday in Brussels that killed at least 31 people and injured more than 180, contends a newly retired Department of Homeland Security officer. Philip Haney, a former Customs and Border Protection officer who previously worked in the Middle East, explained to WND that as part of the settlement reached in U.S. District Court in January, the NYPD was forced to purge a study of terror attacks that helped law enforcement detect potential threats.

The Feckless Mismanagement Of John Brennan, CIA's Captain Unreality. [Scroll down] That this CIA director would say something so preposterous is symptomatic of the damage the Obama administration has done to our national security with his assistance. It also is not the only example of Mr. Brennan's denying the obvious. He has repeatedly echoed President Obama's refusal to use the terms "jihadist" or "Islamist" to describe members of Islamic terrorist groups like al-Qaida and ISIS. He explained this in a 2010 CSIS speech by disputing ties between these groups and Islam. Brennan also said in this speech that we should not label "our enemy as jihadists or Islamists because jihad is holy struggle, a legitimate tenet of Islam meaning to purify oneself of one's community." Brennan had a controversial tenure as President Obama's assistant for homeland security and counterterrorism in the National Security Council. He played a role in the administration's decision to read Miranda rights to Umar Abdulmutallab, the so-called "underwear bomber" who tried to destroy a civilian airliner over Detroit on Christmas Day 2009.

Fmr. Defense Secy: Obama Went Against Entire Nat'l Security Team on Egypt Coup. When Barack Obama took office, he inherited a professional, world-class, battle-toughened military. Seven years later, many experts see the U.S. armed forces as a tattered and demoralized organization.

Official behind DOD's transgender push to resign. The Pentagon official who proposed including transgender individuals and women in the military announced Monday [3/14/2016] he will resign from his post next month. Brad Carson, the Defense Department's top civilian over personnel policies, will leave the Pentagon in April. Carson had served in that role since 2015 and had been charged with making controversial changes to military policies. He ran into other problems last month when the Senate Armed Services Committee ruled Carson had violated the federal Vacancies Act by taking on responsibilities of the job prior to his confirmation.

Hellfire Missiles Bound For Portland Oregon Intercepted in Europe. This is the same type of missile recently admitted as being "accidentally" shipped to Cuba. In a little discussed 2014 article, the Obama administration announced they were sending 5,000 of these missiles to Iraq. Is it possible these sketchy transfers are lining up to be a similar problem evidenced in Operation Zero Footprint?

Obama Uses Army to Attack "White Privilege". "Outrageous — that is the only word to describe this type of raw racist indoctrination," said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch. "The Obama administration undermines the morale of our military with morally repugnant 'equal opportunity training' that makes many soldiers feel unwelcome because they are the wrong sex, race, religion or aren't part of a politically correct group." Of course political correctness has always been more important to President Obama than military effectiveness. Our Marxist president despises the U.S. military and everything it represents. Like any good radical leftist, Obama believes the only good American soldier is one who plays the role of social worker, not war-fighter. He has been gutting and gelding the military since taking office, allowing fleets, warplanes, and weapons to rust their way into irrelevance. He has been purging the military of ideologically hostile officers, and fundamentally transforming it into something other than a war-fighting force.

Obama's CIA Director Is Opposed to Spying . Unbelievable, but true: President Obama's CIA Director, John Brennan, doesn't think the agency should engage in spying. He finds espionage unsavory, apparently. [...] Barack Obama has undermined our national security on so many fronts that it is hard to keep track of them all. But appointing the rank incompetent John Brennan as an anti-spying CIA Director must rank high on the list.

Documents Reveal US Army Indoctrinated Soldiers on Dangers of 'White Privilege'. Judicial Watch announced today [3/9/2016] that it obtained documents from the United States Department of the Army revealing that in April 2015, 400 soldiers in the 67th Signal Battalion at Fort Gordon, Georgia, were subjected to a "white privilege" briefing, including a PowerPoint presentation instructing the attendees: "Our society attaches privilege to being white and male and heterosexual..." The slideshow also informed the soldiers: "Race privilege gives whites little reason to pay a lot of attention to African Americans."

Lawmaker asking why Navy SEALs don't have enough rifles. Navy SEAL teams don't have enough combat rifles to go around, even as these highly trained forces are relied on more than ever to carry out counterterrorism operations and other secretive missions, according to SEALs who have confided in Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif.

Congressmen Have No Idea Why Special Operators Have To Pay Out Of Pocket For Basic Gear. For reasons still unclear, elite special operators are often let down by their respective services and have to pay out of pocket for the most basic gear. Private military suppliers have started to notice this phenomenon. During a panel discussion on Capitol Hill Thursday [2/25/2016], heads of supply companies met with Congress to discuss the shortages and raise the issue with Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, Stars and Stripes reports. In one case, former Navy SEAL Sean Matson had to pay $900 for an advanced ballistic helmet after the military measured his head four times but subsequently failed to provide him with the necessary equipment. This same scenario has repeated itself with GPS devices and medical gear.

Before political correctness, our soldiers were free to fight back. A century before American soldiers fought Muslim terrorism in the Middle East, they fought it in the Philippines. Their attackers were Moro Muslims whose savage fanaticism appeared inexplicable. A formerly friendly Muslim might suddenly attack American soldiers, local Muslim rulers promised friendship while secretly aiding the terrorists and the yellow left-wing press at home seized on every report of an atrocity to denounce American soldiers as murderers whose honor was forever soiled. Much of what went on in that conflict, including the sacrifices of our soldiers, has been forgotten. The erasure has been so thorough that the media casually claims that the American forces did not use pig corpses and pig's blood to deter Muslim terrorists. Media fact checks have deemed it a "legend". It's not a legend. It's history.

Obama caught in massive terror lie. For years, Democrats and the mainstream media called for the impeachment of President George W. Bush over accusations that his administration used faulty intelligence to justify the war in Iraq. But it now appears that President Barack Obama's administration is being swept up in an intelligence scandal of a much larger scale. An investigation has revealed that the Obama administration may have repeatedly used faulty intelligence in an effort to mislead the American public about our armed forces' progress against the Islamic State and in winning the War on Terror. The revelation came Thursday [2/25/2016], when it was reported that personnel at U.S. Central Command have deleted countless files and emails amid continuing allegations that intelligence assessments were altered to exaggerate progress against ISIS militants, according to the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

No money for defense? Obama admin. has 680 green military projects underway. The Democrats are hammering to return to pre-sequester level spending. While money at the Department of Defense has been slashed since the across the board budget cuts took hold, there still seems to be enough resources for environmentally friendly military projects.

40% of CENTCOM Intel Pros Warn: ISIS Info Flawed. Forty percent of analysts working at the U.S. military's Central Command, which is running the war against ISIS, think there are problems with "analytic integrity" in their work, a top congressman said on Thursday [2/25/2016]. Rep. Devin Nunes, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, asked senior intelligence officials about the figure, which was discovered in a recent survey of analysts by the country's top intelligence office. The survey was first reported by The Daily Beast this month. "To me, it seems like if 40 percent of analysts are concerned at CENTCOM, that's just something that can't be ignored," Nunes (R-CA) told top intelligence officials testifying before the committee, including Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and CIA Director John Brennan.

White House slashed NYC terror funding to punish Schumer, former top cop says. New York City's former top cop said Sunday [2/21/2016] that the Obama administration cut funding to fight terrorism in the city to retaliate against Sen. Chuck Schumer for opposing a nuclear deal with Iran. "There's a certain amount vindictiveness on the part of Washington aimed at Sen. Chuck Schumer," Ray Kelly, New York City's police commissioner under former Mayor Michael Bloomberg, said in an interview with John Catsimatidis on AM 970 in New York.

Reports Showing War Against ISIS Wasn't Working. This is dipping well into cover-up mode. This is beyond simple tampering with intelligence. Once records are being deleted, that's a coverup.

U.S. Removed Cuba from Terrorist List After Hezbollah Opened Base on Island. A few years before the Obama administration removed Cuba from the U.S. list of nations that sponsor terrorism Hezbollah established an operational base on the communist island, according to intelligence received by Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State. The information comes straight from electronic mail released by the State Department over the weekend as part of ongoing litigation from several groups, including Judicial Watch, and media outlets surrounding Clinton's use of a private server to send and receive classified information as Secretary of State. This alarming information has been ignored by the mainstream media, which served as the president's most vocal cheerleader when he established diplomatic ties with Cuba last summer. After appearing for decades on the U.S. government's list of nations that sponsor terrorism, the Obama administration officially removed it to lay the groundwork for a full renewal of diplomatic ties.

Exclusive: Whistleblowers Warned Top Spy About Skewed ISIS Intel. U.S. military analysts told the nation's top intelligence official that their reports on ISIS were skewed and manipulated by their bosses, The Daily Beast has learned. The result: an overly optimistic account of the campaign against the terror group. The complaints, lodged by analysts at U.S. Central Command in 2015, are separate from allegations that analysts made to the Defense Department inspector general, who is now investigating "whether there was any falsification, distortion, delay, suppression, or improper modification of intelligence information" by the senior officials that run CENTCOM's intelligence group.

Obama Invites Enemy Spies to U.S. Military Brainstorming Sessions. This very week General James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, testified that Castro's spies remain a serious security threat to the U.S.: "The threat from foreign intelligence entities... is persistent, complex, and evolving. Targeting and collection of US political, military, economic, and technical information by foreign intelligence services continues unabated. Russia and China pose the greatest threat, followed by Iran and Cuba..." (General James Clapper, Washington D.C. Feb 9, 2016.) But two weeks ago (Jan. 26-29th) when the U.S. military's Southern Command held its annual "Caribbean regional security conference" senior members of Castro's KGB-trained spy agency were kindly invited to participate.

Muslim Migrant Surge: GOP Worried about Thousands Obama is "Interviewing" in Jordan to Bring Here. The Obama administration is sending officials to Jordan to interview thousands of Muslim refugees for the U.S. refugee resettlement program. Does the Obama administration believe that jihadists hellbent on attacking America will be forthright and truthful during these interviews? The Lebanese education minister said there are 20,000 active jihadists among the refugees in his country. The Islamic state said in February 2015 that they would be sending half a million refugees to the West. And the Islamic state has vowed to attack the US and Europe. Why is Obama bringing a jihad army to America?

Top Senate Democrat slams proposed Obama cuts to counterterror programs. Sen. Charles Schumer is slamming a White House proposal that would reduce funding for counterterrorism programs across the country by nearly $300 million.Feds Hold Meeting on Border 'Concerns' About the Environment. The federal government is holding a meeting to discuss concerns it has over the U.S.-Mexico border, focusing solely on climate change. The Environmental Protection Agency announced the two-day meeting with the "Good Neighbor Environmental Board," an independent federal advisory committee, to talk about "climate change resilience" along the southwestern border.

The Editor says...
Is Barack H. Obama worried about anchor babies arriving by the thousands? Is he concerned about the tens of thousands of freeloaders looking for food stamps and AFDC? Does he care about violent criminals entering the country? Does he see illegal immigration as a threat to national security? Might he be worried about an influx of lice, scabies, tuberculosis and chicken pox? No -- Mr. Obama's primary concern is global warming, or whatever they call it these days.

Pentagon orders commanders to prioritize climate change in all military actions. The Pentagon is ordering the top brass to incorporate climate change into virtually everything they do, from testing weapons to training troops to war planning to joint exercises with allies. A new directive's theme: The U.S. Armed Forces must show "resilience" and beat back the threat based on "actionable science." It says the military will not be able to maintain effectiveness unless the directive is followed. It orders the establishment of a new layer of bureaucracy — a wide array of "climate change boards, councils and working groups" to infuse climate change into "programs, plans and policies."

DHS ordered me to scrub records of Muslims with terror ties. Amid the chaos of the 2009 holiday travel season, jihadists planned to slaughter 290 innocent travelers on a Christmas Day flight from the Netherlands to Detroit, Michigan. [...] Following the attempted attack, President Obama threw the intelligence community under the bus for its failure to "connect the dots." He said, "this was not a failure to collect intelligence, it was a failure to integrate and understand the intelligence that we already had." Most Americans were unaware of the enormous damage to morale at the Department of Homeland Security, where I worked, his condemnation caused. His words infuriated many of us because we knew his administration had been engaged in a bureaucratic effort to destroy the raw material — the actual intelligence we had collected for years, and erase those dots.

Obama weakens visa safeguards against terrorists. The [visa waiver] program allows people from certain countries to come here for up to 90 days without a visa. This is to make it easier for tourists and business people from friendly countries like Canada and Britain to come here. And on the whole, the program works very well. But ISIS has been recruiting people from these very same countries. So as a precaution, we added a new rule: If you have traveled to a country with significant terrorist activity — like Iraq, Iran, or Sudan — any time after 2011, you are not eligible for the program and must apply for a visa. We negotiated this requirement with the administration, and the president signed it into law. Unfortunately, the administration is now carving loopholes into the law.

Obama reinstates 'catch-and-release' policy for illegal immigrants. The Obama administration has revived the maligned illegal immigrant "catch-and-release" policy of the Bush years, ordering Border Patrol agents not to bother arresting and deporting many new illegal immigrants, the head of the agents' labor union revealed Thursday [2/4/2016]. Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, told Congress that Homeland Security was embarrassed by the number of illegal immigrants not showing up for their deportation hearings, but instead of cracking down on the immigrants, the department ordered agents not to arrest them in the first place — meaning they no longer need to show up for court. Mr. Judd said the releases are part of President Obama's "priorities" program, which orders agents to worry chiefly about criminals, national security risks and illegal immigrants who came into the U.S. after Jan. 1, 2014. Mr. Judd said illegal immigrants without serious criminal convictions have learned that by claiming they came before 2014 — without even needing to show proof — they can be released immediately rather than being arrested.

Obama Plays Catch-Up On Military Readiness. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter has ramped up defense spending to counter what he now admits is a Russian menace to Europe. Better late than never, but the question remains how it came to this. Carter said that the Pentagon would quadruple 2017 military spending in defense of Europe — to $3.4 billion from the current $789 million — to reassure our allies that the U.S. remains committed to the region, in what's called the European Reassurance Initiative.

The Editor says...
After weakening America's defenses for seven years, now Obama wants the next president to spend billions on defense projects.

Border Patrol Agent: We Will Be Terminated If We Try To Enforce The Law. A top Border Patrol agent revealed Thursday [2/4/2016] that if border agents follow the law and ask illegal aliens why they are coming to the U.S. they will be terminated. The Border Patrol previously had a policy of "catch and release" that drew the ire of Border Patrol agents: "These orders are called Notices to Appear (NTA). The only problem, however, is that these official orders are usually ignored; so much so that Border Patrol Agents have dubbed them Notices to Disappear," Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council testified.

Border agent: 'We might as well abolish our immigration laws altogether'. In a shocking reversal of policy, U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents are being told to release illegal immigrants and no longer order them to appear at deportation hearings, essentially a license to stay in the United States, a key agent testified Thursday [2/4/2016]. What's more, the stand down order includes a requirement that the whereabouts of illegals released are not to be tracked. "We might as well abolish our immigration laws altogether," suggested agent Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council.

Top U.S. General: 'I Do Not Have Authority' to Offensively Attack Taliban. The U.S. military, since President Obama declared that American troops had ceased their combat mission at the end of 2014, has only been able to attack the Taliban from a defensive position, the top commander of American and NATO forces in Afghanistan told lawmakers.

Feds to cut aerial surveillance on the border by 50 percent. Texas Republican Gov. Gregg Abbot and Democratic Rep. Henry Cuellar on Monday [2/1/2016] sent a letter to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson demanding to know why the agency is planning to cut back aerial monitoring along the southern border by 50 percent. "Given the recent surge of migrants from Central America and Cuba along the southern border, we believe DHS should request more surveillance and security resources, not fewer," the lawmakers wrote in the letter, first reported by the Texas Tribune.

Feds to cut aerial surveillance on the border by 50%. Texas governor Greg Abbott and Democratic congressman Henry Cuellar have sent a letter to the Department of Homeland Security demanding an explanation why the agency is planning to cut back aerial monitoring of the southern border by 50%.

Special Ops cmdr. demands White House stop disclosing mission details. Gen. Joseph Votel, the chief of U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) and future commander of U.S. Central Command, sent a letter in early December to Secretary of Defense Ash Carter requesting that the executive branch stop disclosing details of special operator missions for political gain.

Obama bucks history, directs Pentagon to make guns safer, not more lethal. Wartime U.S. presidents have taken keen personal interest in picking the most lethal gun for the military. But in President Obama's first foray into small-arms procurement for the armed forces, his Jan. 4 executive order on gun control directs the Pentagon to find ways to make not so much more lethal firearms, but safer ones.

The Editor says...
Safer for whom? When has America ever had a Commander-in-Chief who did not want the deadliest weapons to be in American hands?

What Obama Doesn't Know about Firearms in the U.S. Military. What Obama doesn't seem to understand is that the U.S. military has been trying to make firearms less lethal for some time now. The idea is that enemy troops who are merely wounded, not killed, slow down their comrades and greatly limit their maneuverability. [...] The bottom line is that the military has already taken a wide range of factors into account in deciding what firearms work best for them. Obama's orders, in an area that he doesn't understand, represents the worst type of political judgment substituting for the judgment of military experts.

Special Ops Commander Demands Pentagon Stop Exposing Operations. President Obama's nominee to head U.S. Central Command recently penned a memo to Defense Secretary Ash Carter demanding that the Pentagon stop discussing the operations of elite American troops. Foreign Policy, which obtained an excerpt of the memo, reported that Gen. Joseph Votel, currently the chief of U.S. Special Operations Command, wrote the December 8 memo to express concern about the Obama administration's exposure of special operations forces' activities. "I am concerned with increased public exposure of SOF activities and operations, and I assess that it is time to get our forces back into the shadows," Votel wrote to Carter.

Found this morning. A great site that lists many hundreds of the traitor obama's nation destroying actions.
Sure wished I had this wealth of info so easily available years ago when battling the obama/muslim appeasers here.

Massive amount of documented data at the linked sit. I only posted a very small fraction of it. -Tyr