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View Full Version : Clinton Email Scandal: DOJ Veteran Says Hillary Should Be Indicted

04-05-2016, 08:13 AM
Should Hillary Clinton be charged with a crime because of her use of an unsecured, private email server to conduct all of her State Department business?

The question is usually asked in the context of the multitude of emails Clinton had on her server that have been classified or even top-secret. Clinton has maintained all along that, even if there were classified emails on her server, she didn’t know it because none of them was marked as such at the time.

But Ronald Sievert, who was with the Justice Department for 25 years and now teaches national security and international law, says the focus on classified material is a smokescreen.

“The applicable statute,” Sievert notes in a USA Today op-ed, “does not even once mention that word ‘classified.’ ” Instead, he says, “the focus is on ‘information respecting the national defense’ ” that potentially could harm the U.S.

What’s more, he says, courts have repeatedly ruled that, for prosecution, “national defense information” doesn’t require evidence that the information was classified.

In other words, Clinton could be, and Sievert believes should be, indicted whether or not the emails found on her unsecured server were officially deemed as classified, since they clearly involved information that could hurt the U.S. if it fell into enemy hands.

Nevertheless, he says he’s not confident that the Justice Department will indict Clinton, not just because a Democrat currently serves as attorney general. Sievert says that at DOJ there is often “an institutional fear of losing, however minimal the chance.”

So while Sievert thinks a jury should make the final decision on Clinton’s guilt or innocence, “they may never get the chance.”


04-05-2016, 08:30 AM

Nothing will happen to that woman; nothing negative from a 'common man' perspective.


04-05-2016, 08:33 AM

Nothing will happen to that woman; nothing negative from a 'common man' perspective.


Can't you let a man dream?

Cuffs, orange jumpsuit, criminal record or even just being charged appropriately works for me. :)

04-05-2016, 08:39 AM
Bill Clinton CLEARLY Committed perjury. Was impeached but beat the wrap.

There's more ambiguity with Hilary's latest offense

04-05-2016, 08:41 AM
not gonna happen. Bozo and his AG are blocking any attempts at prosecution

04-05-2016, 08:41 AM
Bill Clinton CLEARLY Committed perjury. Was impeached but beat the wrap.

There's more ambiguity with Hilary's latest offense

But imagine Bill in the middle of running for office and then being charged... even if cleared down the road, I think it seriously dents his chances. I think that's what most on the right are hoping for, to see her ambitions derailed.

04-05-2016, 08:56 AM
But imagine Bill in the middle of running for office and then being charged... even if cleared down the road, I think it seriously dents his chances. I think that's what most on the right are hoping for, to see her ambitions derailed.

Will not cost her ANY votes because I doubt anyone can truly be on the fence about her. Most people who are on the fence are trying to present an image of intellectual superiority when generally it's just scared to choose.

04-05-2016, 08:57 AM
Will not cost her ANY votes because I doubt anyone can truly be on the fence about her. Most people who are on the fence are trying to present an image of intellectual superiority when generally it's just scared to choose.

Similar as some say about Trump, I think there are folks on her side that would vote for her no matter what. But I also believe that there are still independents and moderates and such who haven't made up their minds. Might not be a ton shitload, but "might" be enough to cost her, somewhere. I hope.

04-05-2016, 09:05 AM
No way.

She's going down. 40+ years of corruption and lawbreaking has finally caught up with the old hag.

04-05-2016, 09:10 AM
No way.

She's going down. 40+ years of corruption and lawbreaking has finally caught up with the old hag.

I love you man! Please be right. :)

04-05-2016, 09:14 AM
No way.

She's going down. 40+ years of corruption and lawbreaking has finally caught up with the old hag.

NT will brook no convos that may result in loss of beer!

04-05-2016, 09:16 AM
NT will brook no convos that may result in loss of beer!

That will be the tastiest brewski in the history of mankind.

I think I'll record the consumption in HD slow-mo so that thousands of years from now, people will see what utter contentment looks like.

04-05-2016, 10:46 AM
What many non-military laymen (or ladies) do not understand is that when a person
is in that kind of position of authority, there are laws and regulations that need to be
observed. They are supported by the Code of Federal Regulations - CFR.

Even as a Senator, she would have been subject to knowing Non-Disclosure requirements.
As a Cabinet member, she definitely was.

Whether the info was FOUO (For Official Use Only) , Confidential, Secret, or Top Secret...
not one word of that material is permitted off official channels! If I had to share stuff with
other agencies, I had to make sure that I had permission - mostly FOUO stuff - before I
even spoke about the stuff. The other kinds would have gone through different channels.

Using a private server and E-mail circumvents the restrictions and regulations. How anyone
could possibly support this HAG and liar in our Top Position is beyond me.

04-06-2016, 02:01 PM
Should Hillary Clinton be charged with a crime because of her use of an unsecured, private email server to conduct all of her State Department business?

The question is usually asked in the context of the multitude of emails Clinton had on her server that have been classified or even top-secret. Clinton has maintained all along that, even if there were classified emails on her server, she didn’t know it because none of them was marked as such at the time.

But Ronald Sievert, who was with the Justice Department for 25 years and now teaches national security and international law, says the focus on classified material is a smokescreen.

“The applicable statute,” Sievert notes in a USA Today op-ed, “does not even once mention that word ‘classified.’ ” Instead, he says, “the focus is on ‘information respecting the national defense’ ” that potentially could harm the U.S.

What’s more, he says, courts have repeatedly ruled that, for prosecution, “national defense information” doesn’t require evidence that the information was classified.

In other words, Clinton could be, and Sievert believes should be, indicted whether or not the emails found on her unsecured server were officially deemed as classified, since they clearly involved information that could hurt the U.S. if it fell into enemy hands.

Nevertheless, he says he’s not confident that the Justice Department will indict Clinton, not just because a Democrat currently serves as attorney general. Sievert says that at DOJ there is often “an institutional fear of losing, however minimal the chance.”

So while Sievert thinks a jury should make the final decision on Clinton’s guilt or innocence, “they may never get the chance.”


Damned f*ckin'-A skippy she should be indicted. ANY information that could compromise the security of the US that is deemed classified that is in any way disseminated through unsecure channels is a crime. Period.

And her excuses would get an E-3 10 years in Leavenworth, forfeiture of all pay allowances, demotion to private and a bad conduct discharge. They don't "later" classify information. It starts out classified. Period.

The reason I'm as up on this as I am is I sat on a court martial for this very thing. A Marine LCpl with a briefcase of classified material in the trunk of his car he was supposed to have taken to the Comm Center in San Diego. They destroyed that dude's life because he was immature and full of himself.

Hitlery has NO such excuse. She's meddled in politics since her husband was running the show. She knows the deal. This is her version of Bill's "I didn't have sex with that woman".

04-06-2016, 03:00 PM
Damned f*ckin'-A skippy she should be indicted. ANY information that could compromise the security of the US that is deemed classified that is in any way disseminated through unsecure channels is a crime. Period.

And her excuses would get an E-3 10 years in Leavenworth, forfeiture of all pay allowances, demotion to private and a bad conduct discharge. They don't "later" classify information. It starts out classified. Period.

The reason I'm as up on this as I am is I sat on a court martial for this very thing. A Marine LCpl with a briefcase of classified material in the trunk of his car he was supposed to have taken to the Comm Center in San Diego. They destroyed that dude's life because he was immature and full of himself.

Hitlery has NO such excuse. She's meddled in politics since her husband was running the show. She knows the deal. This is her version of Bill's "I didn't have sex with that woman".

10 years is that all?? they told me life

04-06-2016, 03:09 PM
10 years is that all?? they told me life

Was only confidential material. You know how these contract Lance Corporals are .... privates with wings. He was given more responsibility than he should have been. When the state got done with him for a minor in possession of a firearm, the Marine Corps took over. However, he was young, dumb and negligent. Hitlery has no such excuse. John Walker is serving life for his crap in the 80s. Hitlery blatantly broke the rules because she thinks she is above them and thinks her weak-ass lawyer speak is going to get her over.

If I was AG her ass would be fried. No excuses.

The one thing this is proof of is the power of the elite in the judicial system. She claims to be for the poor, working folk while using her status as an elitist to skirt the same laws that would fry those poor, working folk.

04-06-2016, 03:19 PM
Was only confidential material. You know how these contract Lance Corporals are .... privates with wings. He was given more responsibility than he should have been. When the state got done with him for a minor in possession of a firearm, the Marine Corps took over. However, he was young, dumb and negligent. Hitlery has no such excuse. John Walker is serving life for his crap in the 80s. Hitlery blatantly broke the rules because she thinks she is above them and thinks her weak-ass lawyer speak is going to get her over.

If I was AG her ass would be fried. No excuses.

The one thing this is proof of is the power of the elite in the judicial system. She claims to be for the poor, working folk while using her status as an elitist to skirt the same laws that would fry those poor, working folk.

I was cleared up to and including secret. but it took time to get because they (FBI) went back in my personal history, friends etc and so. a simple driving ticket back then was enough to stop the clearance. they came into com and pulled some guy out for his police record. which they found out about later. I wonder today if they have clearance machines at wal-mart

04-06-2016, 03:55 PM
I was cleared up to and including secret. but it took time to get because they (FBI) went back in my personal history, friends etc and so. a simple driving ticket back then was enough to stop the clearance. they came into com and pulled some guy out for his police record. which they found out about later. I wonder today if they have clearance machines at wal-mart

Try getting a TS. They were talking to my damned 1st grade school teacher.

04-07-2016, 02:47 PM

This is his son....Just like his traitor father.....
