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04-07-2016, 07:05 AM
And less than 100 showed up to hear him. Sounds like the "New York Values" aren't much interested in Ted, at least in the Bronx.

04-07-2016, 07:07 AM
Cruz will get clobbered in NY, I think Kasich is even ahead of Cruz?

04-07-2016, 07:12 AM
Cruz will get clobbered in NY, I think Kasich is even ahead of Cruz?

I was shocked to read that. I knew Trump had a sizeable lead here, but didn't think Kasich was ahead of Cruz as well. But I don't think it really matters, as this state was going to go to Trump anyway. While I thought he would get the magic number originally, the more I look at things the more I see he won't get that number - and that was with me including NY on his side already.

04-07-2016, 07:17 AM
I was shocked to read that. I knew Trump had a sizeable lead here, but didn't think Kasich was ahead of Cruz as well. But I don't think it really matters, as this state was going to go to Trump anyway. While I thought he would get the magic number originally, the more I look at things the more I see he won't get that number - and that was with me including NY on his side already.

Unless the GOP throws out following any rules, you're likely right. Bottom line is that Cruz understands the rules, has the team to work those rules-that's not stealing.

I don't think it matters though, other than the handful of folks like myself that won't go 3rd party or stay home if Cruz is the nominee. Dem. still wins.

But since I never underestimate the GOP, they may go all nutter and name some other person altogether-in which case they not only lose the Trump folks, but also folks like me.

04-07-2016, 07:25 AM
Unless the GOP throws out following any rules, you're likely right. Bottom line is that Cruz understands the rules, has the team to work those rules-that's not stealing.

I don't think it matters though, other than the handful of folks like myself that won't go 3rd party or stay home if Cruz is the nominee. Dem. still wins.

But since I never underestimate the GOP, they may go all nutter and name some other person altogether-in which case they not only lose the Trump folks, but also folks like me.

I believe Ted is/has worked with some of the superPacs, I also believe the RNC themselves is working to get rid of Trump, as are other republican elites. For those reasons, I will likely sit back and just watch how things go down come convention time & general election time. Those folks I named have no one else to blame but themselves, and the nation will suffer as a result, IMO.

Abbey Marie
04-07-2016, 07:48 AM
Well, this born and raised Bronxy would vote for him if I still lived there. But not with any real enthusiasm, and I always was a little different than your average Bronx girl. :cool:

04-07-2016, 07:54 AM
And less than 100 showed up to hear him. Sounds like the "New York Values" aren't much interested in Ted, at least in the Bronx.

Why would they be? He's a Texan and Trump's a homie. None of us expects him to do well there. You people live in your own world and think it ends at the Jersey turnpike.

04-07-2016, 08:02 AM
Why would they be? He's a Texan and Trump's a homie. None of us expects him to do well there. You people live in your own world and think it ends at the Jersey turnpike.

Actually, he's not! Trump isn't as well liked throughout NY as you may think, maybe more so in NYC. I don't live in my own world whether in NJ or NY. :)

Cruz lost a lot of ground in NY and that was the point. He was in front of Kasich and polling better - until he kinda pissed of some New Yorkers with his "values" comment, and then he started dropping, and is now down by "around" 35 points, and even up to 8 points behind Kasich.

Trump wasn't expected to do so great against Cruz in his home state either, but was able to walk away with 48 delegates at least.

04-07-2016, 08:21 AM
Actually, he's not! Trump isn't as well liked throughout NY as you may think, maybe more so in NYC. I don't live in my own world whether in NJ or NY. :)

Cruz lost a lot of ground in NY and that was the point. He was in front of Kasich and polling better - until he kinda pissed of some New Yorkers with his "values" comment, and then he started dropping, and is now down by "around" 35 points, and even up to 8 points behind Kasich.

Trump wasn't expected to do so great against Cruz in his home state either, but was able to walk away with 48 delegates at least.

My point remains the same. Back in the day, the Kennedy's hated LBJ. They used him as a running mate because all they could get was the yankee vote. LBJ had a lock on the Southern vote. The divide is still the same. Y'all don't think like us and vice-versa. That's mot an insult. Just an observation. No one recognizes or wants to recognize the same divides that led to the Civil War are still there. Anymore than do-gooder lefties wanting to bring "democracy" to the ME are willing to recognize the centuries old divide is there.

No one down here expected Cruz to win anything in NE. Your own little world. We have to live in the rest of it.

04-07-2016, 08:33 AM
The point remains this

Lying Ted and Stumbling Kasich are being used by the "establishment" to stop Trump from gaining the magic number of delegates.

If Trump gets (or exceeds) that number, they lose control. Control is EVERYTHING for them.

If it goes to a brokered convention, it's game over for any real opposition to the left, but the "establishment" would rather that occur then to lose "control".

04-07-2016, 08:43 AM
The point remains this

Lying Ted and Stumbling Kasich are being used by the "establishment" to stop Trump from gaining the magic number of delegates.

If Trump gets (or exceeds) that number, they lose control. Control is EVERYTHING for them.

If it goes to a brokered convention, it's game over for any real opposition to the left, but the "establishment" would rather that occur then to lose "control".

Odd you mention control. Was just thinking about it. In regards to personal life. Everyone's always trying to be in control. Of fucking what?

As far as this race is concerned, it's been game over since the RNC didn't come up with a real front runner, and let Trump run for 9 months before saying anything. The RNC has nothing to offer. A brokered convention will just be one more straw on the camel's back. When you keep doing the same wrong thing hoping for a different result, you lose again.

The only hope the right has is if Hillary gets indicted. THEN, the left gets a brokered convention and Crazy Uncle Joe gets to run. As it stands, Trump ain't winning shit.

04-07-2016, 09:03 AM
Ted seems to be gaining consideration by some of the big contributors, the main stumbling blocks seem to be that he has a record of standing firm on principles, some of which would not be a benefit to those same donors. Perhaps Trump will make the difference:

http://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/08/us/politics/ted-cruz-donors.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2F us&_r=0

G.O.P. Donors, Eager to Defeat Donald Trump, Learn to Love Ted Cruz

By NICHOLAS CONFESSORE (http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/c/nicholas_confessore/index.html) and MATT FLEGENHEIMER (http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/f/matt_flegenheimer/index.html)<time class="dateline" datetime="2016-04-07" itemprop="datePublished" content="2016-04-07" style="font-size: 0.6875rem; line-height: 0.75rem; font-family: nyt-cheltenham-sh, georgia, 'times new roman', times, serif; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); margin-left: 12px;">APRIL 7, 2016</time>

Nestled in the neo-Georgian sanctuary of the Knickerbocker Club, one of New York’s oldest and fustiest social establishments, a select group of Republican donors gathered late last month to take up an unexpected task: reconsidering Ted Cruz (http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/us/elections/ted-cruz-on-the-issues.html?inline=nyt-per).

Eager to defeat Donald J. Trump (http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/us/elections/donald-trump-on-the-issues.html?inline=nyt-per), they seemed willing to overlook a few things: Mr. Cruz’s fiery attacks on Wall Street and “special-interest billionaires (http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/sarah-palin-ted-cruz),” and his swipes at eminent party leaders and lawmakers. But one wealthy financial executive had a question: What did you mean when you attacked Mr. Trump for having “New York values (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/16/nyregion/new-yorkers-quickly-unite-against-cruz-after-new-york-values-comment.html)”?

“I didn’t mean to attack people in New York,” Mr. Cruz, a senator from Texas, said, explaining that he had been criticizing the state’s policies, not its populace. “I love New York.”

Of all the teeth-gritting alliances being forged over opposition to Mr. Trump’s rampaging bid for the Republican presidential nomination, few are as unlikely as the emerging bond between Mr. Cruz and his party’s elite donor establishment.

Since Mr. Cruz’s election to the Senate in 2012, many traditional Republican donors have spurned him, viewing him as a hopeless ideologue whose antics — particularly his leading role in the 2013 government shutdown (http://www.nytimes.com/2013/10/01/us/politics/congress-shutdown-debate.html) — damaged the party in service of his ambitions.

But in recent weeks, at small events from the Upper East Side to the Republican precincts of Newport Beach, Calif., they are learning to love Mr. Cruz.


But the courtship is a delicate one. Some donors said that if Mr. Cruz was perhaps not their ideal choice for president — or even their third or fourth choice — he now seemed to be the only candidate with enough delegates to force a contested convention and deny Mr. Trump the nomination.

“It’s never really been a part of his brand, to be the unifying figure who could bring together the party, and it certainly was never part of his pitch,” said Chris DeRose, an Arizona lawyer who raised money for Mr. Rubio. “But the specter of Trump has done wonders to show us the downsides of losing this primary.”


A wider embrace by donors has also been hampered in some quarters by genuine political disagreement between more middle-of-the-road potential donors and Mr. Cruz, a professed conservative purist on economic and social issues.


Mr. Cruz has reported raising only a few thousand dollars from registered lobbyists — a mainstay of fund-raising for Mr. Rubio and Mr. Bush — suggesting that Mr. Cruz is still a tough sell among those he still derides as the “Washington cartel.”
