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04-10-2016, 06:35 PM
Attacked for being outmaneuvered by the rules, ignore the threats made by surrogate to delegates. Hint that Kasich and Trump may be coming together. In any case, one round up:


Trump’s new convention manager: Cruz is using “Gestapo tactics” to win delegates


I don’t know what this means. Probably it’s not supposed to mean anything. I think Team Trump’s just throwing words out there now, the more sinister the better, to delegitimize the fact that Cruz is humiliating them in wrangling delegates. (We’re a week away, I figure, from Manafort comparing Cruz’s delegate operation to slaveholding.) It may even be that the more vicious Trump and his allies get, the more hyperbolic the Trump’s campaign’s accusations against Cruz will become to try to create a false sense that the race has turned equally nasty on both sides. Note that the “Gestapo” answer here is preceded by Chuck Todd playing video of Roger Stone threatening to send pro-Trump mobs to delegates’ hotel rooms for “discussions,” (http://hotair.com/archives/2016/04/05/roger-stone-well-disclose-the-hotel-room-number-for-any-delegate-in-cleveland-who-tries-to-steal-the-nomination-from-trump/)the sort of intimidation tactic that the actual Gestapo would recognize and appreciate. How’s Manafort supposed to spin that? Well, by following his boss’s playbook: Gaslight, gaslight, gaslight. Pounding down a delegate’s door isn’t what the Gestapo would do; circulating a slate of handpicked delegates at a state convention, now that’s Gestapo tactics. Who are you going to believe, Trump or your lying eyes?

The key bit starts at 3:30. The humiliation this weekend extended across three states, incidentally, although Colorado got most of the press. Cruz outmaneuvered Trump in two districts in South Carolina (http://www.politico.com/story/2016/04/donald-trump-colorado-south-carolina-delegates-221762?platform=hootsuite) to claim five delegates on the second ballot (all 50 of SC’s delegates are pledged to Trump on the first) and then beat him in four districts in Iowa (http://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/elections/presidential/2016/04/09/ted-cruz-scores-near-sweep-district-committee-delegates/82831640/) to take another 11. (The one South Carolina delegate elected yesterday who favors Trump said he’s open to supporting Cruz instead if it looks like Trump is doomed after the first ballot.) Colorado was the big news, though, not only because it was the biggest delegate windfall for Cruz — he ended up netting more there (34) than he did in his big win in Wisconsin last week (30) — but because it exposed (http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/cruz-sweeps-colorado-trump-campaign-issues-error-filled-ballots-n553586) the extent of Trump’s disorganization most vividly:

“We could have had some things going, but the campaign decided to not put resources here,” Becky Mizel, a former Pueblo County GOP chair and Trump delegate candidate, told NBC News.

On Saturday, Trump backers passed out flyers at the convention site with official campaign slate of 13 delegates and 13 alternates accompanied by their three-digit number position on the 600-plus person ballot. Seven of the names, however, directed people to the wrong number and one delegate’s name was misspelled. Other candidates did not have errors on their slates.

In one case, an erroneous number corresponded with a Cruz supporter. A second flyer handed out by the Trump campaign contained four mismatched names and numbers.

Among the names listed incorrectly on both flyers: Becky Mizel.

No doubt a dirty trick plotted by the Himmlers and Heydrichs of the Cruz campaign. One note of concern for the Cruz crew, though. Team Trump managed to shut Cruz out in elections in Michigan (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/04/09/cruz-camp-accuses-trump-and-kasich-of-teaming-up-in-michigan/) aimed at deciding which delegates will serve on various committees at the convention, including the crucially important Rules Committee. How’d they do that? By … partnering with Team Kasich, an ominous development if it signals cooperation between those campaigns going forward. Maybe it doesn’t: The Kasich campaign claims they intended initially to partner with Cruz in order to block Trump’s delegates from the committees but that Team Cruz got greedy (http://www.cnn.com/2016/04/09/politics/michigan-republican-delegates-ted-cruz-donald-trump-john-kasich/) by trying to get its own people elected to all available committee slots instead of splitting the slots with Kasich delegates. Is that true, or have we just seen the first stirring of a Trump/Kasich ticket? If the latter, er, why is Kasich still campaigning in New York and Pennsylvania instead of endorsing Trump? Stay tuned.

Abbey Marie
04-10-2016, 07:38 PM
Lol, Russ asked me the same thing a couple of hours ago.

04-10-2016, 09:04 PM
Attacked for being outmaneuvered by the rules, ignore the threats made by surrogate to delegates. Hint that Kasich and Trump may be coming together. In any case, one round up:


Kasich and Trump are colluding, here's an example, Michigan:

The Texas senator's campaign ran eight delegates for eight committee spots and lost every one, alleging it was "double-crossed" by Kasich supporters.

Michigan Cruz leader Saul Anuzis said they were "double-crossed" by Kasich's campaign. The Kasich delegates were supposed to vote with Cruz delegates, he said, but switched sides and voted with Trump behind closed doors Saturday afternoon.


04-11-2016, 03:00 AM
This sort of thing is perfect propaganda for the GOP's opposition, it seems to me. In my part of the world, we see in party politics that the greater the amount of infighting between those of a particular party, so the less likely the electorate are to consider anyone involved as electable.

The Labour Party of the 1980's, in Britain, didn't stand a chance of power because of all the stories appearing in the press about their own wrangling. So it is that stories like this, and their dissemination, only ultimately, in my view, serve the interests of the Democrats.

Unity. Determination to get the Dems out by whatever best means is available. This, SURELY, should be the Right's one and true focus, and the only thing that really matters to a loyal supporter of the Right !!

04-11-2016, 03:34 AM
Lets go back to the problem:

Us. Humans. Americans. And the like.

WE get stirred up when we hear stupid comparisons to terrible things like..

Trump is Literally Hitler. Somebody is using Gestopo tactics! Gone are the days where learned people discuss true values and proper leadership and if the days are not yet gone those discussions happen in such small venues and with such limited participation they might as well be gone.

04-11-2016, 05:06 AM
Lets go back to the problem:

Us. Humans. Americans. And the like.

WE get stirred up when we hear stupid comparisons to terrible things like..

Trump is Literally Hitler. Somebody is using Gestopo tactics! Gone are the days where learned people discuss true values and proper leadership and if the days are not yet gone those discussions happen in such small venues and with such limited participation they might as well be gone.

I agree that the rhetoric is hyperbole. The use of 'gestapo' though began with Trump's new political controller. The threats to the delegates were from Stone, who used to be Manafort's partner. The comparison in tactics and rhetoric flows from that.

04-11-2016, 06:35 AM
I agree that the rhetoric is hyperbole. The use of 'gestapo' though began with Trump's new political controller. The threats to the delegates were from Stone, who used to be Manafort's partner. The comparison in tactics and rhetoric flows from that.

And it's important to publicise this at every turn ?

We have to hope that the electorate, at least, rises above such things, and puts the need to oust the Dems above all else !! Or, is another term of Socialistic Government, all their ongoing agendas worked on for a further term, a preferable scenario .. ?

04-11-2016, 09:02 AM
Lets go back to the problem:

Us. Humans. Americans. And the like.

WE get stirred up when we hear stupid comparisons to terrible things like..

Trump is Literally Hitler. Somebody is using Gestopo tactics! Gone are the days where learned people discuss true values and proper leadership and if the days are not yet gone those discussions happen in such small venues and with such limited participation they might as well be gone.

Bingo... The dumbing down of America is well on it's way to completion.

All one needs to do is look at how the Trump-Bots and Cruz-Bots and Hillary Bots and Bernie-Bots denigrate each other. I have never seen such bickering in the political primaries and it is absolutely ridiculous. The vicious attacks and dirty politics. The attack ads and the insults and the slimy insinuations.

None are innocent... those looking to elect establishment candidates like Hillary, Bernie and Cruz need to realize one thing.... They are the STATUS QUO. They define everything that is wrong with Government.

Trump on the other hand is a brash, over zealous, unpolished, loudmouth that seeks to promote his own brand.

The only thing I like about Trump is that he is an outsider and his presence has shaken up the system and opened it to other outsiders.

on a different level... they are all a bunch of monkeys trying to fuck the same football....

04-11-2016, 09:06 AM
Lets go back to the problem:

Us. Humans. Americans. And the like.

WE get stirred up when we hear stupid comparisons to terrible things like..

Trump is Literally Hitler. Somebody is using Gestopo tactics! Gone are the days where learned people discuss true values and proper leadership and if the days are not yet gone those discussions happen in such small venues and with such limited participation they might as well be gone.

While I don't compare him to Hitler, he has ZERO leadership qualities and his values blow whichever the way the wind is blowing.

04-11-2016, 09:17 AM
Will someone please fix the spelling of this thread? It's "Gestapo", not "Gestopo".

Sorry, misspelled words drive me a bit bonkers and this thread keeps popping up. jimnyc

04-11-2016, 09:21 AM
Will someone please fix the spelling of this thread? It's "Gestapo", not "Gestopo".

Sorry, misspelled words drive me a bit bonkers and this thread keeps popping up. @jimnyc (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1)
Hope you're not bonkers anymore, edited.

04-11-2016, 09:23 AM
Will someone please fix the spelling of this thread? It's "Gestapo", not "Gestopo".

Sorry, misspelled words drive me a bit bonkers and this thread keeps popping up. @jimnyc (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1)

Happens all the time ma'am. Especially now that our computers spell for us. I caught that misspelling. You are aware Kathianne is one of the most literate people you'll ever run across on the net? As a mod, she can fix it herself if she wants to. Otherwise, just deal. When I become perfect I'll be sure and let you know. :laugh::laugh:

04-11-2016, 09:39 AM
Will someone please fix the spelling of this thread? It's "Gestapo", not "Gestopo".

Sorry, misspelled words drive me a bit bonkers and this thread keeps popping up. @jimnyc (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1)

Happens all the time ma'am. Especially now that our computers spell for us. I caught that misspelling. You are aware Kathianne is one of the most literate people you'll ever run across on the net? As a mod, she can fix it herself if she wants to. Otherwise, just deal. When I become perfect I'll be sure and let you know. :laugh::laugh:

You won't read me asking for a correction again. Guaranteed.

04-11-2016, 09:48 AM
Hope you're not bonkers anymore, edited.

I wander why that drivers her bonkurs.

04-11-2016, 09:49 AM
You won't read me asking for a correction again. Guaranteed.

Stop playing victim. I could care less what you say. I'll just feel free to respond same as you feel free to critique someone else. I personally can't stand spelling bee's. It means you have nothing to say about the content even if you understand exactly what it means. I personally look for the meaning of a statement, not the spelling of words. I'm an a-hole when it comes to spelling, but I don't expect everyone else to be perfect, and the computer itself screws crap up the past year or so. THAT drives ME bonkers. I don't need a machine to try and tell me what I'm trying to say. I've had more misspellings in the past year or so than the 30 previous years. I REALLY love it when it duplicates words.

And, if you want a correction, instead of making a display of it, why don't you just PM a mod? Especially when it's a mod's thread? Instead, you have to make some damned deal out of it on the board in public. "Kathianne misspelled a word". :rolleyes:

And people talk about my lack of tact.:rolleyes:

04-11-2016, 10:16 AM
and for all Trump's complaining:


Despite Complaints, Delegate System Has Given Trump a 22 Percent Bonus


Donald Trump blasted the GOP's delegate rules Sunday, saying a "corrupt" system is denying him delegates in states he won. According to a new NBC analysis, however, Trump has benefited far more than Ted Cruz under the party's arcane rules for allocating delegates.

Trump now leads the Republican field with 756 delegates — or 45 percent of all delegates awarded to date. Yet he has won about 37 percent of all votes in the primaries, according to the NBC analysis, meaning Trump's delegate support is greater than his actual support from voters.

For each percentage point of total primary votes that Trump has won, he has been awarded 1.22 percent of the total delegates.

In other words, as a matter of Republican Party math, Trump has been awarded a delegate bonus of 22 percent above his raw support from voters.

By contrast, Cruz has been awarded about 1.14 percent of the delegates for each percentage point of votes he has won — a delegate bonus of 14 percent above his raw support.

(Cruz's 545 delegates comprise 32 percent of all delegates awarded to date, while he has won about 28 percent of all votes in the primaries, according to the NBC analysis.)
<button id="js-play-video662835267848_34" class="btn_txt img-overlay img-overlay_lg img-overlay_default img-overlay_middle img-overlay_video" style="box-sizing: inherit; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-style: inherit; font-variant: inherit; font-weight: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; font-size: 2.88651em; line-height: inherit; font-family: inherit; margin: 0px; overflow: visible; cursor: pointer; position: absolute; width: 584px; left: 0px; top: 164.25px; transform: translateY(-50%); border: none;"></button>
Taken together, the data show Trump has been awarded 8 percent more delegates than Cruz for the same rate of voter support.
It is Trump, however, who is leading the charge against how delegates are awarded.
"We've got a corrupt system. It's not right," Trump said at a Sunday rally in Rochester, New York. "We're supposed to be a democracy."
The complaints come as Trump's campaign has struggled to win delegates at local party conventions, where Cruz has proven better organized, and as both campaigns gird for a potential open convention this summer.
On Sunday, Trump's new convention manager, Paul Manafort, told NBC News that the Cruz campaign is abusing the delegate process.
Trump's emphasis on democratic fairness may prove compelling. According to polls, Republican voters believe the nomination should go to the candidate with the most votes.
Votes are different from delegates, however, and a strong finish by Cruz could chip away at the idea that the nomination is automatically Trump's to lose.

While states decide exactly how to allocate their delegates, the thrust of the GOP rule book is that front-runners get a bonus.

04-11-2016, 10:29 AM
I wonder if Trump and his supporters think Al Gore should have been inaugurated in 2001. After all, the US is a democracy, right?

04-11-2016, 11:58 AM
I wonder if Trump and his supporters think Al Gore should have been inaugurated in 2001. After all, the US is a democracy, right?

Where does it say Democracy?


04-11-2016, 12:05 PM
Where does it say Democracy?

It doesn't. He was using it sarcastically.

Trump said at a Sunday rally in Rochester, New York. "We're supposed to be a democracy."

04-11-2016, 12:23 PM
Where does it say Democracy?

The Don commands it! Watch Trump's videos: Colorado is unfair because it is a violation of America's democracy. I was referring to Trump's (and Gore's) supporters, NOT reality.

04-11-2016, 01:02 PM
Attacked for being outmaneuvered by the rules, ignore the threats made by surrogate to delegates. Hint that Kasich and Trump may be coming together. In any case, one round up:


I'm seeing a lot of sore-loser mentality coming from the Drumpf camp. And yeah....odd that the Drumpf camp accuses someone ELSE of using Gestapo tactics. But then....most liberals are, if nothing else, ever-projecting hypocrites. And fact is, from 20-30% of Democrats are supporting Trump in this primary.

Additionally, accusing Cruz of having ANYTHING to do with the rules already in place re: these primaries is about as asinine as Drumpf claiming "We're supposed to be a democracy". Perhaps somebody should tell him that America is a representative (federal) Republic. NOT a democracy where the majority rules.

04-11-2016, 01:05 PM
This sort of thing is perfect propaganda for the GOP's opposition, it seems to me. In my part of the world, we see in party politics that the greater the amount of infighting between those of a particular party, so the less likely the electorate are to consider anyone involved as electable.

The Labour Party of the 1980's, in Britain, didn't stand a chance of power because of all the stories appearing in the press about their own wrangling. So it is that stories like this, and their dissemination, only ultimately, in my view, serve the interests of the Democrats.

Unity. Determination to get the Dems out by whatever best means is available. This, SURELY, should be the Right's one and true focus, and the only thing that really matters to a loyal supporter of the Right !!

Right. So, in the UK, do you also have 'spoiler candidates' that run as one thing but are quite another? Candidates whose main intent is to disrupt and destroy from within the party that they've chosen to run as? That would be Donald Drumpf.

04-11-2016, 01:15 PM
Right. So, in the UK, do you also have 'spoiler candidates' that run as one thing but are quite another? Candidates whose main intent is to disrupt and destroy from within the party that they've chosen to run as? That would be Donald Drumpf.

Herr Donald Drumpf: It is a German surname, after all.

Black Diamond
04-11-2016, 01:24 PM
Herr Donald Drumpf: It is a German surname, after all.

I look forward to working in Trump's concentration camps. Forcing arabs to carry other Arab corpses to crematoria. That's my dream job.

Black Diamond
04-11-2016, 01:26 PM
I wonder if Trump and his supporters think Al Gore should have been inaugurated in 2001. After all, the US is a democracy, right?

It's not a democracy.

04-11-2016, 01:31 PM
I look forward to working in Trump's concentration camps. Forcing arabs to carry other Arab corpses to crematoria. That's my dream job.

OOOOOO, can I volunteer too :beer:

04-11-2016, 01:31 PM
It's not a democracy.

You're in the minority of T-Rump supporters if you believe that. Now for a primer in the Tenth Amendment, Colorado isn't required to have a primary vote to assign delegates.

Black Diamond
04-11-2016, 01:38 PM
You're in the minority of T-Rump supporters if you believe that. Now for a primer in the Tenth Amendment, Colorado isn't required to have a primary vote to assign delegates.

I'm not surprised.

04-11-2016, 01:49 PM
I look forward to working in Trump's concentration camps. Forcing arabs to carry other Arab corpses to crematoria. That's my dream job.

I'm afraid, then, that you're in for a very big disappointment. Drumpf won't win the GE, even if he does manage to secure the nomination. It was intended that way all along. For all of his bluster and BS accusations of "fraud" and corruption and cheating.... things are going along according to the liberal plan for Donald to run as a Republican.

04-11-2016, 01:52 PM
Herr Donald Drumpf: It is a German surname, after all.

Donald figures, as the liberal that he still is, that if he makes enough stink against the GOP re: accusations of fraud, corruption, cheating, disenfranchising, etc.....the undecideds will either sit home and not vote this November, or will vote DemocRat. Either way, Donald's REAL party, the Democratic Party, will come out the winner.

Black Diamond
04-11-2016, 01:53 PM
I'm afraid, then, that you're in for a very big disappointment. Drumpf won't win the GE, even if he does manage to secure the nomination. It was intended that way all along. For all of his bluster and BS accusations of "fraud" and corruption and cheating.... things are going along according to the liberal plan for Donald to run as a Republican.

yes. The General Election belongs to Hillary. Just like the Republican nomination belonged to Jeb.

04-11-2016, 01:58 PM
yes. The General Election belongs to Hillary. Just like the Republican nomination belonged to Jeb.

Eh....no. The GOP nomination never belonged to Jeb. But when you factor in Trump's 67-70% unfavorable rating, he will definitely LOSE to whichever Democrat candidate is running. That's a fact.

Black Diamond
04-11-2016, 02:01 PM
Eh....no. The GOP nomination never belonged to Jeb. But when you factor in Trump's 67-70% unfavorable rating, he will definitely LOSE to whichever Democrat candidate is running. That's a fact.

When you factor in Dukakis' 18 point August lead, it is no wonder he defeated Papa Bush in 1988.

Oh wait.

04-11-2016, 02:12 PM
When you factor in Dukakis' 18 point August lead, it is no wonder he defeated Papa Bush in 1988.

Oh wait.

Your point is well taken. There's more to political analysis than polls. Even if you look at polls as a blunt instrument, Trump is radioactive among women and latinos. There just not enough of a constituency to elect him in November.

I'm afraid, then, that you're in for a very big disappointment. Drumpf won't win the GE, even if he does manage to secure the nomination. It was intended that way all along. For all of his bluster and BS accusations of "fraud" and corruption and cheating.... things are going along according to the liberal plan for Donald to run as a Republican.

Don't give up. Cruz has a plausible path to the nomination and the presidency. I look for Cruz to use the general election to educate the public about conservative solutions. It will be a final referendum. If Cruz loses to Hillary, then the US will have voted to become a socialist nation.

Black Diamond
04-11-2016, 02:14 PM
Your point is well taken. There's more to political analysis than polls. Even if you look at polls as a blunt instrument, Trump is radioactive among women and latinos. There just not enough of a constituency to elect him in November.

It may come down to who is more unpopular: Trump or Hillary. Assuming it goes that way. I don't have a crystal ball, either.

04-11-2016, 02:18 PM
It may come down to who is more unpopular: Trump or Hillary. Assuming it goes that way. I don't have a crystal ball, either.

Trump probably won't be the nominee.

04-11-2016, 02:23 PM
and for all Trump's complaining:


Getting really fed the f up with Drumpf's whining and BS accusations against Cruz. And hell, I just noticed today...even Hannity is spewing the same BS. What...the....hell???

The whole damned world's gone mad (looks like). Solid conservatives (previously and presumably) have jumped the shark and are now in full meltdown mode over every lie and exaggeration that Trump bleats. [shaking head in disbelief]

04-11-2016, 02:25 PM
It's not a democracy.

Then somebody should really clue Donald the Drumpf in to that fact and reality. Of course....the list is long (and growing) re: facts and realities that the Donald needs to be clued in about....lol.

04-11-2016, 02:37 PM
And it's important to publicise this at every turn ?

We have to hope that the electorate, at least, rises above such things, and puts the need to oust the Dems above all else !! Or, is another term of Socialistic Government, all their ongoing agendas worked on for a further term, a preferable scenario .. ?

The problem is....the leftist media is USING the hyperbole (lies/BS) of Trump's accusations to destroy the GOP from without. Trump himself, being a bonafide liberal, is using his BS accusations to destroy the GOP "from within"...even though he is not now nor has he ever been a "Republican". He's just playing one on TV (Kabuki theatre US politics).

Black Diamond
04-11-2016, 02:44 PM
Then somebody should really clue Donald the Drumpf in to that fact and reality. Of course....the list is long (and growing) re: facts and realities that the Donald needs to be clued in about....lol.

Trump knows it's not a democracy. This what trump does and the majority of his followers listen. I will be interested to see what Cruz supporters say when neither Cruz nor trump wins the nomination. How loudly will they be chanting America isn't a democracy when Jeb or even worse Romney/Ryan (whom no one voted for) is the nominee.

04-11-2016, 02:51 PM
Trump knows it's not a democracy. This what trump does and the majority of his followers listen. I will be interested to see what Cruz supporters say when neither Cruz nor trump wins the nomination. How loudly will they be chanting America isn't a democracy when Jeb or even worse Romney/Ryan (whom no one voted for) is the nominee.

I don't see that happening. The numbers are not there. Any way you slice it, there's no nominee without 1237 delegates. Cruz is working the delegate selection process. Hopefully Trump's incompetent delegate selection process will amount to at least half his pledged delegates voting against nominees that didn't run in the primary. That's a low bar even Trump can clear.

Black Diamond
04-11-2016, 02:53 PM
I don't see that happening. The numbers are not there. Any way you slice it, there's no nominee without 1237 delegates. Cruz is working the delegate selection process. Hopefully Trump's incompetent delegate selection process will amount to at least half his pledged delegates voting against nominees that didn't run in the primary. That's a low bar even Trump can clear.

On which ballot do you see Cruz winning?

04-11-2016, 02:57 PM
On which ballot do you see Cruz winning?

Third or fourth: Florida's delegates are bound for the first three.

04-11-2016, 02:58 PM
On which ballot do you see Cruz winning?


And if it goes to a "brokered" convention, it'll be all skittles and beer the first go round towards Cruz, then the "establishment" will drop him and immaculate their own choice.

Black Diamond
04-11-2016, 03:05 PM

And if it goes to a "brokered" convention, it'll be all skittles and beer the first go round towards Cruz, then the "establishment" will drop him and immaculate their own choice.

Yeah that's what I see happening if trump doesn't reach 1237 in California the establishment hates Cruz as much or more than they hate trump. But hey. Let's see how well Cruz and/or trump campaigns can sell delegates on supporting them.

04-11-2016, 03:36 PM
It may come down to who is more unpopular: Trump or Hillary. Assuming it goes that way. I don't have a crystal ball, either.

What do you mean by "might"? It already has. Difference is, the left will goose step right and vote for her. The right will not do the same. They just stay home. And YOU are part and parcel to the problem. "Wah. I don't like the candidate so I won't vote". I'm on the same sheet of music with Jim on that one. My favorites are all gone and the front runner is/was last on my list. I'm STILL going to vote against Hitlery.

It doesn't take a crystal ball to predict the outcome of three-peating the same mistake hoping for a different result.

Black Diamond
04-11-2016, 03:40 PM
What do you mean by "might"? It already has. Difference is, the left will goose step right and vote for her. The right will not do the same. They just stay home. And YOU are part and parcel to the problem. "Wah. I don't like the candidate so I won't vote". I'm on the same sheet of music with Jim on that one. My favorites are all gone and the front runner is/was last on my list. I'm STILL going to vote against Hitlery.

It doesn't take a crystal ball to predict the outcome of three-peating the same mistake hoping for a different result.
I am not staying home. I've never done that. Crystal ball comment was in reference to Hillary and Trump winning their nominations.

04-11-2016, 03:55 PM
I am not staying home. I've never done that. Crystal ball comment was in reference to Hillary and Trump winning their nominations.

Did I respond to you? Y'all expect a lot out of people. :laugh: I honestly thought I was responding to someone else, and while critical of people who do it, I still respect their right to stay home if they want to. My deal is to point out the cost of doing so. We'll have just one more Liar in Chief as President. I personally would rather have a dumbass meagalomaniac than a criminal.

I also feel if you stay home and/or vote for some nutcracker 3rd party goof you don't have the right to bitch for 4 years. That's just my opinion. Anyone that wants to disagree is free to do so. In case you missed it, I don't necessarily agree with everyone on this board on all topics. It's not personal. You have your opinion and I have mine. You and I are pretty much on the same page most of the time. Must be Texas common sense thang. :laugh:

04-11-2016, 04:15 PM
I wonder if Trump and his supporters think Al Gore should have been inaugurated in 2001. After all, the US is a democracy, right?



Are you really that stupid that you dont know this?

04-11-2016, 04:20 PM
Your point is well taken. There's more to political analysis than polls. Even if you look at polls as a blunt instrument, Trump is radioactive among women and latinos. There just not enough of a constituency to elect him in November.

Don't give up. Cruz has a plausible path to the nomination and the presidency. I look for Cruz to use the general election to educate the public about conservative solutions. It will be a final referendum. If Cruz loses to Hillary, then the US will have voted to become a socialist nation.

On the Third Ballot, Cruz Will Find Out What It's Like to Be Trump

But one of the things in place right now is that the GOP... Because, remember, the GOP has always thought that it was going to be in control of who wins these primaries. "What do you mean, Rush? How do they know who's gonna vote for whom?" It's money, folks. They arrange for the donors. They go out and even if somebody doesn't want to run, they might implore them on to run (like Jeb), and get 'em in and get this whole network going.

http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2016/04/11/on_the_third_ballot_cruz_will_find_out_what_it_s_l ike_to_be_trump

04-11-2016, 04:21 PM
So who is going to win...

Hillary or Bernie?

We Republicans have effectively thrown away winning in 2016...

All for the sake of bickering over who is better...

So...take your pick... Bernie or Hillary... You already killed Trump and Cruz...

All you have left are the Democrats...

So pick one.... or find a way to unite the party in 7 months. or youll 8 more years of Bernie or Hillary in the White House

Clock it ticking...

04-11-2016, 04:29 PM
So who is going to win...

Hillary or Bernie?

We Republicans have effectively thrown away winning in 2016...

All for the sake of bickering over who is better...

So...take your pick... Bernie or Hillary... You already killed Trump and Cruz...

All you have left are the Democrats...

So pick one.... or find a way to unite the party in 7 months. or youll 8 more years of Bernie or Hillary in the White House

Clock it ticking...

I got to spread some around to rep you but you hit that nail on the head.

04-11-2016, 04:30 PM
So who is going to win...

Hillary or Bernie?

We Republicans have effectively thrown away winning in 2016...

All for the sake of bickering over who is better...

So...take your pick... Bernie or Hillary... You already killed Trump and Cruz...

All you have left are the Democrats...

So pick one.... or find a way to unite the party in 7 months. or youll 8 more years of Bernie or Hillary in the White House

Clock it ticking...

The DNC is OWNED by the Hildabeast.

In Wyoming, Bernie wins, but the margin is slim so Sanders and Clinton emerge with seven of these “pledged” delegates each.

BUT, Clinton had earlier received endorsements from all four of the state’s so-called “super-delegates”.

So she walks away with MORE delegates than Bernie

I wonder if he "feels the burn".

Black Diamond
04-11-2016, 04:32 PM
The DNC is OWNED by the Hildabeast.

In Wyoming, Bernie wins, but the margin is slim so Sanders and Clinton emerge with seven of these “pledged” delegates each.

BUT, Clinton had earlier received endorsements from all four of the state’s so-called “super-delegates”.

So she walks away with MORE delegates than Bernie

I wonder if he "feels the burn".. I think Sanders would be worse than Hillary.

04-11-2016, 04:51 PM


Are you really that stupid that you dont know this?

Are you really that stupid not to understand the "advanced" reading skill called context? I'm saying TRUMP SUPPORTERS and T-Rump himself thinks the US is a democracy. If you read the rest of this thread, you'll see that I'm not the only one to have made this reminder multiple times.

Since it might be too much for you, here's one example:

It doesn't. He was using it sarcastically.

Trump said at a Sunday rally in Rochester, New York. "We're supposed to be a democracy."

The problem here is that I'm playing Chess while you're playing Checkers. Not making a double-jump with my castle doesn't make me stupid.

04-11-2016, 04:53 PM
. I think Sanders would be worse than Hillary.

It's over for us if Sanders gets elected. Might as well wad the Constitution up and toss it. Don't know about you, but being French ain't in my plans.

04-11-2016, 04:57 PM
It's over for us if Sanders gets elected. Might as well wad the Constitution up and toss it. Don't know about you, but being French ain't in my plans.

I will learn whatever language I need to, but your point is well taken. Learning to make "the healthy choice" and using a bicycle for my principal transportation isn't in my plans.

04-11-2016, 05:14 PM
Are you really that stupid not to understand the "advanced" reading skill called context? I'm saying TRUMP SUPPORTERS and T-Rump himself thinks the US is a democracy. If you read the rest of this thread, you'll see that I'm not the only one to have made this reminder multiple times.

Since it might be too much for you, here's one example:

The problem here is that I'm playing Chess while you're playing Checkers. Not making a double-jump with my castle doesn't make me stupid.

You want to play chess with FJ? Oh Lord Puh-lease make this be online for all of us to watch. I pray unto you verily and with abandon. :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Your castle can be taken with a pawn, superstar. All you have to do is trap it.

Abbey Marie
04-11-2016, 05:14 PM
. I think Sanders would be worse than Hillary.

By far...

Black Diamond
04-11-2016, 05:23 PM
You want to play chess with FJ? Oh Lord Puh-lease make this be online for all of us to watch. I pray unto you verily and with abandon. :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Your castle can be taken with a pawn, superstar. All you have to do is trap it.
I always get done in by knights. I'll trade my bishops for them every day of the week. :cool:

04-11-2016, 05:35 PM
You want to play chess with FJ? Oh Lord Puh-lease make this be online for all of us to watch. I pray unto you verily and with abandon. :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Your castle can be taken with a pawn, superstar. All you have to do is trap it.

I know you're trying to be funny, but some here might not have sense to realize it. A Rook taken by a Pawn is a different animal that a Rook taking two pieces in one move, which of course is silly.

04-11-2016, 06:01 PM
I'll trade my bishops for them every day of the week. :cool:


04-11-2016, 06:11 PM
I know you're trying to be funny, but some here might not have sense to realize it. A Rook taken by a Pawn is a different animal that a Rook taking two pieces in one move, which of course is silly.

I'm not trying to be anything. My sense of humor is what it is. I doubt there's a vet on this board that doesn't get what I say. This ain't all about YOU. Everyone here is different. I get most people's senses of humor, or when they're mad or whatever because I've only known most of them for about 13-14 years. You kind of get a feel for others in that amount of time. You, to me, are a noob. I went away for a couple of years, came back, and there you are.

You don't know us, nor the crap that we've been through together (or not); yet, you presume to assert yourself right in like you've "been there". No, you haven't. And I don't mean that as an insult; rather, an observation.

NOW we'll get personal: You remind me of my little brother. No personality and couldn't laugh to save your ass because you're so busy thinking about how important you are. If you ever said something funny I want to know where it is. I'll rep you. You're so full of yourself it's pathetic. Yet you question me? I guarantee you I make people laugh on this board. Some I know just can't or won't say anything, but I know they're cracking up. CSM's the worst. He's busy being a CSM so I get it. Keeping a straight face while someone's being a goof around you isn't easy.

Why don't you lighten up? Remember? Syntax on a screen? What's anyone going to do? Not like you? You honestly only bother me with your personal dishonesty. You refuse to look at the man in the mirror. It ain't EVER pretty but you got to grow some stones to do it.

04-11-2016, 08:55 PM
Attacked for being outmaneuvered by the rules, ignore the threats made by surrogate to delegates. Hint that Kasich and Trump may be coming together. In any case, one round up:



04-12-2016, 06:13 AM




04-12-2016, 09:04 AM
Seriously... you all need to stop being Cruz-Bots...Trump-Bots..... and concentrate on beating Hillary. Knock off the Anti-Cruz and anti-Trump memes and start going after the opposition.


Black Diamond
04-12-2016, 09:14 AM
Seriously... you all need to stop being Cruz-Bots...Trump-Bots..... and concentrate on beating Hillary. Knock off the Anti-Cruz and anti-Trump memes and start going after the opposition.

What difference does it make?

04-12-2016, 09:21 AM
What difference does it make?

Difference is... we are only hurting the REPUBLICAN PARTY... Not the Democrats.

04-12-2016, 09:29 AM
It's over for us if Sanders gets elected. Might as well wad the Constitution up and toss it. Don't know about you, but being French ain't in my plans.

Disagree. A bernie POTUS would/could lead to a conservative groundswell at the Federal level... if a conservative can take advantage of it.

You want to play chess with FJ?

psst. He wasn't talking to me.

Abbey Marie
04-12-2016, 10:05 AM
Disagree. A bernie POTUS would/could lead to a conservative groundswell at the Federal level... if a conservative can take advantage.

You're playing with fire there.

04-12-2016, 10:07 AM
You're playing with fire there.

I didn't say I wanted it to happen. It's easier to stop a true believer than a compromiser.

Black Diamond
04-12-2016, 10:07 AM
You're playing with fire there.

He likes to do that. Apparently, he's been a pyro since January 2009.

Black Diamond
04-12-2016, 10:08 AM
I didn't say I wanted it to happen. It's easier to stop a true believer than a compromiser.
Obamabots I mean Republicans have done wonders stopping Obama.

04-12-2016, 10:11 AM
He likes to do that. Apparently, he's been a pyro since January 2009.


Obamabots I mean Republicans have done wonders stopping Obama.

It's hard to stop a POTUS when you only control 1/2 of 1/3 of government for the majority of the time.

Abbey Marie
04-12-2016, 10:24 AM
I didn't say I wanted it to happen. It's easier to stop a true believer than a compromiser.

I didn't think nor say you did. The hope that a Bernie presidency would cause a conservative groundswell is a possibility; it could happen that way, but it's very risky, IMO.

04-12-2016, 10:29 AM
I didn't think nor say you did. The hope that a Bernie presidency would cause a conservative groundswell is a possibility, and it could happen that way, but it's very risky, IMO.

Risky but I can point to Carter losing after 4 years and Clinton and BO losing their Congressional majorities after a mere two years when they were in "believer" mode. In the end it's not going to matter unless governmental matters are driven back to the states.

Abbey Marie
04-12-2016, 10:41 AM
Risky but I can point to Carter losing after 4 years and Clinton and BO losing their Congressional majorities after a mere two years when they were in "believer" mode. In the end it's not going to matter unless governmental matters are driven back to the states.

I can't cite specifics off the cuff (and I'm at an auction), but I suspect the average Socialist (Dem Socialist?) govt took a bit longer to topple. With our rapidly changing demographics, I'm not so sure America would resist very much any more.

Black Diamond
04-12-2016, 10:41 AM
I can't cite se icicle off the cuff, but I suspect the average Socialist (Dem Socialst?) govt took a bit longer to topple. With our rapidly changing demographics, I'm not so sure America would resist very much.

And rapidly changing morals and ideals.

04-12-2016, 10:46 AM
I can't cite specifics off the cuff (and I'm at an auction), but I suspect the average Socialist (Dem Socialist?) govt took a bit longer to topple. With our rapidly changing demographics, I'm not so sure America would resist very much any more.

Resist what? Single-Payer, drastically higher taxes, etc.??? I think they would but if they don't we're screwed anyway and whoever winning makes no difference whatsoever.

04-12-2016, 10:47 AM
And rapidly changing morals and ideals.

Those have been changing for decades.

Black Diamond
04-12-2016, 10:49 AM
Resist what? Single-Payer, drastically higher taxes, etc.??? I think they would but if they don't we're screwed anyway and whoever winning makes no difference whatsoever.

Millennials. The asswipes who are going to be taking care of us. I fear you're correct in the rest of your statement. It's just a matter of time.

Black Diamond
04-12-2016, 10:50 AM
Those have been changing for decades.

Agreed. But they are changing more and more quickly.

04-12-2016, 10:51 AM
Millennials. The asswipes who are going to be taking care of us. I fear you're correct in the rest of your statement. It's just a matter of time.

It's a matter of time if we don't have a conservative voice who can educate the populace on the advantages of conservatism and why it's superior.

Black Diamond
04-12-2016, 10:52 AM
It's a matter of time if we don't have a conservative voice who can educate the populace on the advantages of conservatism and why it's superior.
You're assuming they would listen anyway.

04-12-2016, 10:52 AM
It's a matter of time if we don't have a conservative voice who can educate the populace on the advantages of conservatism and why it's superior.

I really think those who thought they were conservative, aren't so keen on it anymore. They want big government, they just want it to reflect their wants.

Abbey Marie
04-12-2016, 10:53 AM
Agreed. But they are changing more and more quickly.

Indeed, it feels like it's gone from to Beginner to Olympic downhill in slope.

04-12-2016, 10:53 AM
Agreed. But they are changing more and more quickly.

Perception vs. reality. I think conservatives valued liberty more in the past than Republicans value it today... but I'm thinking my notions of past dedications to liberty was nostalgia and not reality.

Black Diamond
04-12-2016, 10:54 AM
I really think those who thought they were conservative, aren't so keen on it anymore. They want big government, they just want it to reflect their wants.

It will be interesting to see what historians say about the economic meltdown 30 years from now. The effect it had on a generation or more.

Abbey Marie
04-12-2016, 10:54 AM
I really think those who thought they were conservative, aren't so keen on it anymore. They want big government, they just want it to reflect their wants.

That sounds about right, but it's understandable. Easier to change specifics to your preferences, than the whole mindset of our current govt.

04-12-2016, 10:55 AM
You're assuming they would listen anyway.

A true liberty-based vision of conservatism? I can only believe that they will.

04-12-2016, 10:56 AM
That sounds about right, but it's understandable. Easier to change specifics to your preferences, than the whole mindset of our current govt.

Perhaps so. That is likely why I'm in a teeny minority now. I still believe that smaller federal is necessary to preserve not only our rights, but the survival of our country.

Abbey Marie
04-12-2016, 10:58 AM
Perception vs. reality. I think conservatives valued liberty more in the past than Republicans value it today... but I'm thinking my notions of past dedications to liberty was nostalgia and not reality.

Many have put their life on the line for it. That's pretty real.

Black Diamond
04-12-2016, 10:58 AM
A true liberty-based vision of conservatism? I can only believe that they will.

Millennials? I'm not seeing it.

Black Diamond
04-12-2016, 10:59 AM
Many have put their life on the line for it. That's pretty real.

I wonder if they would do it again for the country in its current state/direction.

04-12-2016, 10:59 AM
I really think those who thought they were conservative, aren't so keen on it anymore. They want big government, they just want it to reflect their wants.

True. Which is why I had to add my addendum.

Perception vs. reality. I think conservatives valued liberty more in the past than Republicans value it today... but I'm thinking my notions of past dedications to liberty was nostalgia and not reality.

It will be interesting to see what historians say about the economic meltdown 30 years from now. The effect it had on a generation or more.

I don't think it's the meltdown that had the effect. I think it's the general increase in government regulations and taxes that killed real job growth and advancement for so many.

Abbey Marie
04-12-2016, 10:59 AM
Perhaps so. That is likely why I'm in a teeny minority now. I still believe that smaller federal is necessary to preserve not only our rights, but the survival of our country.

We are all too distracted by shiny things (TV, Internet, cellphones) to give anything serious much thought.

Black Diamond
04-12-2016, 11:00 AM
True. Which is why I had to add my addendum.

I don't think it's the meltdown that had the effect. I think it's the general increase in government regulations and taxes that killed real job growth and advancement for so many.

Children who saw their parents lose everything may not have confidence in the American dream that we do/did.

Black Diamond
04-12-2016, 11:01 AM
We are all too distracted by shiny things (TV, Internet, cellphones) to give anything serious much thought.

Well that's another side to it.

04-12-2016, 11:02 AM
Many have put their life on the line for it. That's pretty real.

For liberty or for country?

Millennials? I'm not seeing it.

Liberty-based conservative ideals or I-hate-gays "conservative" ideals. The former yes, the latter no.

Abbey Marie
04-12-2016, 11:02 AM
I wonder if they would do it again for the country in its current state/direction.

I think so, if we had a serious external threat. People have trouble seeing internal ones, apparently.

Abbey Marie
04-12-2016, 11:03 AM
For liberty or for country?

Liberty-based conservative ideals or I-hate-gays "conservative" ideals. The former yes, the latter no.

I was thinking long ago, for Liberty.

Black Diamond
04-12-2016, 11:03 AM
For liberty or for country?

Liberty-based conservative ideals or I-hate-gays "conservative" ideals. The former yes, the latter no.

Bernie Sanders isn't full of liberty-based conservative ideals.

04-12-2016, 11:03 AM
Children who saw their parents lose everything may not have confidence in the American dream that we do/did.

Hence the explanation that conservatism didn't destroy, government did.

04-12-2016, 11:05 AM
I was thinking long ago, for Liberty.

Ah, yes. I was thinking 50-70 years ago.

Bernie Sanders isn't full of liberty-based conservative ideals.

No he is not.

Black Diamond
04-12-2016, 11:05 AM
Hence the explanation that conservatism didn't destroy, government did.

You don't think the recklessness of the banks did this? Or zero interest loans?

Abbey Marie
04-12-2016, 11:06 AM
Nice conversation, btw. :thumb:

Black Diamond
04-12-2016, 11:06 AM
Ah, yes. I was thinking 50-70 years ago.

No he is not.

That is who the millennials want and who they will eventually elect. Not this year. But eventually.

04-12-2016, 11:07 AM
You don't think the recklessness of the banks did this? Or zero interest loans?

No. But I was referencing the "recovery" and not the meltdown itself.

04-12-2016, 11:10 AM
That is who the millennials want and who they will eventually elect. Not this year. But eventually.

I don't think so. They're not particularly smart but it depends on what they see and I don't think they've seen what small-government conservatism is and can do. What they should be seeing, and should be told, is that the last 7 years has been about increased government and decreased opportunity.

Black Diamond
04-12-2016, 11:10 AM
No. But I was referencing the "recovery" and not the meltdown itself.

Oh well. The über Keynesian / half Krugman approach.

04-12-2016, 12:09 PM
Seriously... you all need to stop being Cruz-Bots...Trump-Bots..... and concentrate on beating Hillary. Knock off the Anti-Cruz and anti-Trump memes and start going after the opposition.


I'll stop right after the Trump-Bots stop bashing Cruz! lololol

04-12-2016, 12:12 PM
Your point is well taken. There's more to political analysis than polls. Even if you look at polls as a blunt instrument, Trump is radioactive among women and latinos. There just not enough of a constituency to elect him in November.

Not to mention all of the conservatives that der Drumpf has pissed off via his attacks against Ted Cruz (like myself).

Don't give up. Cruz has a plausible path to the nomination and the presidency. I look for Cruz to use the general election to educate the public about conservative solutions. It will be a final referendum. If Cruz loses to Hillary, then the US will have voted to become a socialist nation.

Oh don't worry. I won't give up. (never) I'm just FTFU with der Drumpf's asinine whining.

04-13-2016, 05:39 AM
Stop playing victim. I could care less what you say. I'll just feel free to respond same as you feel free to critique someone else. I personally can't stand spelling bee's. It means you have nothing to say about the content even if you understand exactly what it means. I personally look for the meaning of a statement, not the spelling of words. I'm an a-hole when it comes to spelling, but I don't expect everyone else to be perfect, and the computer itself screws crap up the past year or so. THAT drives ME bonkers. I don't need a machine to try and tell me what I'm trying to say. I've had more misspellings in the past year or so than the 30 previous years. I REALLY love it when it duplicates words.

And, if you want a correction, instead of making a display of it, why don't you just PM a mod? Especially when it's a mod's thread? Instead, you have to make some damned deal out of it on the board in public. "Kathianne misspelled a word". :rolleyes:

And people talk about my lack of tact.:rolleyes:

Just caught up with this. The 'stop playing victim' comment in particular was surely uncalled for ?

I, myself, noted the 'Gestopo' typo ... and I also found it irritating. I was tempted to comment myself .. but decided against it, simply because I believed that doing so would lead to its being taken out of all proportion. Indeed, haven't I been proved right ?

An error is an error. Errors should be corrected. Those responsible for those errors should TAKE responsibility for them, do what's necessary, and this - JUST this - should be the beginning and the end of it.

Instead -- stupid individual personality traits intervene, impinging on the simple logic of the 'situation'. Pointlessly, in my view ... totally counter-productively.

Why ?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-13-2016, 06:09 AM
Hope you're not bonkers anymore, edited.
Pray for me too then.. ok?
I make mistakes in spelling often myself, yet was a spelling champion at my school back in the 70's.
However, I noticed the spelling was in error but was just too busy to notify you.
Tis no big deal unless one makes it so..
I would hope that had I made the simple request that I'd not be treated with any disrespect myself. -Tyr

04-13-2016, 06:43 AM
Pray for me too then.. ok?
I make mistakes in spelling often myself, yet was a spelling champion at my school back in the 70's.
However, I noticed the spelling was in error but was just too busy to notify you.
Tis no big deal unless one makes it so..
I would hope that had I made the simple request that I'd not be treated with any disrespect myself. -Tyr

Glad we cleared that up in pm. Perianne made the request, I responded as I was the first to see it. IOW, I edited as soon as possible. The bonkers comment was in response to her own-she thanked me, (since removed).

04-13-2016, 06:54 AM
Hope you're not bonkers anymore, edited.

I'm requoting this just to make a point. As of the time I'm typing this, the jibe persists ... doesn't it ?

Kathianne, this could've been just a simple case of a typo being corrected. Zero contention, neither seen as appropriate, nor, therefore, indulged in. Instead, what have we seen ?

Can't a lesson be learned from that, to avoid any repetition of anything comparable in future ... and move on .. ??

04-13-2016, 07:28 AM
I'll stop right after the Trump-Bots stop bashing Cruz! lololol

Then you are just as much part of the Problem

BOTH sides need to stop

Abbey Marie
04-13-2016, 08:20 AM
In case anyone is still unclear, any staff member can edit a title at any time. And I'm no Emily Post, and to Gunny's point, if a staff member posted the typo, and can fix it, it would seem the simple and courteous thing to do to ask him or her first to correct it, no?

Hopefully that puts an end to this tangent, and we can return to the thread topic. :cool:

04-13-2016, 08:22 AM
In case anyone is still unclear, any staff member can edit a title at any time. And I'm no Emily Post, and to Gunny's point, if a staff member posted the typo, and can fix it, it would seem the simple and courteous thing to do to ask him or her first to correct it, no?

Hopefully that puts an end to this tangent, and we can return to the thread topic. :cool:

I totally second all that. I also remember fixing a few things when Perianne made a mistake and requested so. It happens.

04-13-2016, 08:26 AM
Then you are just as much part of the Problem

BOTH sides need to stop

I agree. The civil war needs to end. We're destroying ourselves.

04-13-2016, 08:46 AM
Just caught up with this. The 'stop playing victim' comment in particular was surely uncalled for ?

I, myself, noted the 'Gestopo' typo ... and I also found it irritating. I was tempted to comment myself .. but decided against it, simply because I believed that doing so would lead to its being taken out of all proportion. Indeed, haven't I been proved right ?

An error is an error. Errors should be corrected. Those responsible for those errors should TAKE responsibility for them, do what's necessary, and this - JUST this - should be the beginning and the end of it.

Instead -- stupid individual personality traits intervene, impinging on the simple logic of the 'situation'. Pointlessly, in my view ... totally counter-productively.

Why ?

I can think of ALL kinds of things to say here. :laugh2:

Like I know you're a screw up. :laugh: But you're still my friend so I'll allow it. :)

04-13-2016, 09:01 AM
Oh geez. The "typo gestopo." :rolleyes:

People who correct your typos are probably jerks, according this study (http://www.techinsider.io/people-who-correct-typos-may-be-jerks-study-finds-2016-3)

04-13-2016, 09:08 AM
Oh geez. The "typo gestopo." :rolleyes:

People who correct your typos are probably jerks, according this study (http://www.techinsider.io/people-who-correct-typos-may-be-jerks-study-finds-2016-3)

Well sometimes, some typos just do get folks a bit crazy. LOL!