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View Full Version : If Hillary wins...

Black Diamond
04-11-2016, 02:51 PM
Will you be glad Obama is gone or is Hillary just as bad/worse than Obama?

04-11-2016, 02:53 PM
Will you be glad Obama is gone or is Hillary just as bad/worse than Obama?

Hillary would be less socialist, but more crooked.

04-11-2016, 02:54 PM
Will you be glad Obama is gone or is Hillary just as bad/worse than Obama?

As bad if not worse

Black Diamond
04-11-2016, 03:06 PM
As bad if not worse

How would she be worse?

04-11-2016, 03:38 PM
How would she be worse?

Because it would be a race to set the new benchmark for Ultra Commie. It's all about that legacy, you know.

Black Diamond
04-11-2016, 03:42 PM
Because it would be a race to set the new benchmark for Ultra Commie. It's all about that legacy, you know.

You'd think it would be enough to be the first blackish President of the first female President.

04-11-2016, 03:48 PM
How would she be worse?

1) ALL records regarding herself, Bill, Obama (et al) would either be sealed or expunged.

2) If there is a problem with transparency now, it'll be dark ops for 4 or more years.

3) Illegal immigration will be stepped up, after all someones gotta vote for the dumbocrats.

4) One word, TAXES

04-11-2016, 03:56 PM
Will you be glad Obama is gone or is Hillary just as bad/worse than Obama?

Yes and yes. Next "hard" question. :laugh:

04-11-2016, 03:59 PM
As bad if not worse

She'll be worse in a different way. She is blatantly dishonest and purposefully so. Obama's just a misguided idiot who actually believes his crap. The outcome remains the same. The Clintons are conservative compare to where Obama and the Dems have gone. Bill would have to run as Republican nowadays.

Abbey Marie
04-11-2016, 05:21 PM
Because it would be a race to set the new benchmark for Ultra Commie. It's all about that legacy, you know.

Hillary is all about Hillary. You could be right, but I don't see her acting on some great philosophical beliefs.

Black Diamond
04-11-2016, 05:24 PM
Hillary is all about Hillary. I don't see her acting on some great philosophical beliefs.

Me neither. She'll run to the center after being nominated. Assuming she is nominated.

04-11-2016, 05:51 PM
I won't vote for Hillary, that I can't do. However, I do wonder which would be worse, her or Trump. For that reason, I decided long ago to vote 3rd party if those are my choices.

Unlike many, I won't stay home. The lower ticket is more important than the president, at least how the system now works.

04-11-2016, 05:53 PM
Me neither. She'll run to the center after being nominated. Assuming she is nominated.

Note: Bill was more centrist than leftwing. Hillary is as well. She's running to the crowd, not her beliefs. For some reason the left thinks that communism that has failed world-wide is a great idea. Go figure. What do you expect from people that will just ignore pathetic liars (Obama) and blatant criminals (Clinton) simply to win an election?

04-11-2016, 05:58 PM
Hillary is all about Hillary, her only concern is about how history will view her. She's not satisfied with what she has, she needs more, she craves more.

Trump is all about Trump, and his brand. I really don't think he gives a rats ass bout any of us. I don't think he expected to get this far and started his campaign as a lark, a way to get his name out there some more.

At this point, my gut tells me that no matter who wins, it will be only a matter of months before we all start reminiscing about the good old days of Obama...

Black Diamond
04-11-2016, 06:03 PM
Hillary is all about Hillary, her only concern is about how history will view her. She's not satisfied with what she has, she needs more, she craves more.

Trump is all about Trump, and his brand. I really don't think he gives a rats ass bout any of us. I don't think he expected to get this far and started his campaign as a lark, a way to get his name out there some more.

At this point, my gut tells me that no matter who wins, it will be only a matter of months before we all start reminiscing about the good old days of Obama...

i can't fathom that

04-11-2016, 06:18 PM

i can't fathom that
Yeah, even I am skeptical on that, but we'll see. It just keeps getting worse, so who knows?

04-11-2016, 07:07 PM

i can't fathom that

There was a time I couldn't fathom longing for the days of B.J. Clinton, but guess what? Over the last ten years I've found myself fondly remembering the prosperity I experienced during the Clinton years and the first five and a half years of Bush...

04-11-2016, 07:14 PM
If the Witch manages to get elected. She's just gonna pick-up where Obama left off, and the country will just slide farther down the CESS-POOL of the Former United States of America...eventually renamed the DIVIDED SOCIALIST STATES OF STUPIDITY.

04-11-2016, 08:41 PM
At this point, my gut tells me that no matter who wins, it will be only a matter of months before we all start reminiscing about the good old days of Obama...

Huh? No way in hell.

04-11-2016, 08:43 PM
Hillary spouts lies and exaggerations.

Obama's ego drives him, thinking he is some kind of God.
He's an unqualified snake-oil salesman, Period!

04-11-2016, 08:50 PM
Huh? No way in hell.

There will only be ONE GOOD OLD DAY about Obama, and that will be the day he finally LEAVES Washington for Chicago, and the ACORN society based on Black Killing Blacks for FUN and PROFIT.

04-12-2016, 07:12 AM
If the Witch manages to get elected. She's just gonna pick-up where Obama left off, and the country will just slide farther down the CESS-POOL of the Former United States of America...eventually renamed the DIVIDED SOCIALIST STATES OF STUPIDITY.

If she gets elected yes it will be 4 more years of Obama, hell Hillary isn't smart enough to go in a different direction. I see her taking office and not having any idea what to do next, so yea it will be business as usual until Bill can tell her what to do. And it will be funny as hell watching her trying to do her own thing even with Bills help, he can't hold her hand 24-7

04-12-2016, 01:28 PM
1) ALL records regarding herself, Bill, Obama (et al) would either be sealed or expunged.

2) If there is a problem with transparency now, it'll be dark ops for 4 or more years.

3) Illegal immigration will be stepped up, after all someones gotta vote for the dumbocrats.

4) One word, TAXES

Three words: "Supreme Court Nominations".

04-12-2016, 02:15 PM
If she gets elected yes it will be 4 more years of Obama, hell Hillary isn't smart enough to go in a different direction. I see her taking office and not having any idea what to do next, so yea it will be business as usual until Bill can tell her what to do. And it will be funny as hell watching her trying to do her own thing even with Bills help, he can't hold her hand 24-7

Sure. She'll head to Office Depot and buy a new server or two. :laugh:

04-12-2016, 02:17 PM
Three words: "Supreme Court Nominations".

No freakin' sh*t. The people on the right seem to keep overlooking the obvious. And don't forget odds are good we'll lose Congress as well. Might as well move to damned China.

04-12-2016, 02:46 PM
No freakin' sh*t. The people on the right seem to keep overlooking the obvious. And don't forget odds are good we'll lose Congress as well. Might as well move to damned China.

Why would we lose Congress?

04-12-2016, 03:13 PM
Three words: "Supreme Court Nominations".

Truer words...

Why would we lose Congress?

Turnout. Republicans already have more Senate seats to defend.

04-12-2016, 03:25 PM
Why would we lose Congress?

Two words: Donald Trump

04-12-2016, 03:28 PM
Why would we lose Congress?

Same reason we're going to not win the White House. Conservatives are disgusted and won't turn out to vote. Most of us are just like "fuck it". I'm too hard-headed to not vote. But the results of the last two elections prove I am in the minority.

04-12-2016, 04:01 PM
Even if I was going to abstain from voting for Prez, it's not the only race, so I'd vote for my legislative candidates regardless. I expect most Republicans would do the same.

I don't expect much excitement for Shillery by blacks or youngin's, so a low turnout on that side should have more of an impact, IMO.

04-12-2016, 04:24 PM
Even if I was going to abstain from voting for Prez, it's not the only race, so I'd vote for my legislative candidates regardless. I expect most Republicans would do the same.

I don't expect much excitement for Shillery by blacks or youngin's, so a low turnout on that side should have more of an impact, IMO.

Thing is, these goofball leftwingers go out and get votes. We don't. The GOP runs on "We aren't the other guy" and thinks that will do it. Then add to that Trump has turned off women and minorities especially Hispandex. He's alienated more people than he's gained. Now he's whining like a little bitch all over my TV so bad I had to turn it off because he lost a state. BFD.

He needs to shut up. He's his own worst enemy and in turn, the worst enemy of the GOP.

04-12-2016, 05:05 PM
It isn't a matter of IF HILLARY WINS...

It's WHEN...

Do you not understand that 3 pages of inter party Bickering is giving her the win??

If any of you cant get together now with 7 months to go... how will it work after the convention with only 2 months??

Do any of you see what is happening?

Time is running out... Get your collective shit together and get the party focused.

04-12-2016, 05:11 PM
It isn't a matter of IF HILLARY WINS...

It's WHEN...

Do you not understand that 3 pages of inter party Bickering is giving her the win??

If any of you cant get together now with 7 months to go... how will it work after the convention with only 2 months??

Do any of you see what is happening?

Time is running out... Get your collective shit together and get the party focused.

I get it. Been saying the same thing for going on 12 years. You need to try talking to the people who won't vote. Not me. Or even Jim. We'll show up. But I'll tell you now that you are just repeating me in 08 and 12 and to no purposes. People put themselves above the nation and no amoount of talk will change their minds.

04-12-2016, 05:14 PM
I get it. Been saying the same thing for going on 12 years. You need to try talking to the people who won't vote. Not me. Or even Jim. We'll show up. But I'll tell you now that you are just repeating me in 08 and 12 and to no purposes. People put themselves above the nation and no amoount of talk will change their minds.

E Pluribus Unum


It is there for a reason Folks

04-12-2016, 05:19 PM
E Pluribus Unum


It is there for a reason Folks

I don't understand what's not to get. Lose the Presidency, the Supreme Court and probably Congress over stubbornness or misguided BS? Doesn't seem worth the loss to me. I can clean house AFTER I establish it. Nothing to clean if you don't have one.

04-12-2016, 05:21 PM
Perfect example: China's making a land grab in the South China Sea and what is our illustrious non-leader doing? Nothing. Four more years of THAT. Hell yeah. :rolleyes:

Black Diamond
04-12-2016, 06:56 PM
It isn't a matter of IF HILLARY WINS...

It's WHEN...

Do you not understand that 3 pages of inter party Bickering is giving her the win??

If any of you cant get together now with 7 months to go... how will it work after the convention with only 2 months??

Do any of you see what is happening?

Time is running out... Get your collective shit together and get the party focused.

Ok you feel that way. Tell Cruz to drop out and endorse trump.

Black Diamond
04-12-2016, 06:56 PM
Perfect example: China's making a land grab in the South China Sea and what is our illustrious non-leader doing? Nothing. Four more years of THAT. Hell yeah. :rolleyes:

Hillary would be a hawk compared to what we currently have.