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04-12-2016, 07:25 PM
Whoever wins, good luck!


The Next President Is Going to Be Hated
https://pajamasmed.hs.llnwd.net/e1/static-content/images/author-photos/victordavishanson-80159290.jpg BY VICTOR DAVIS HANSON (https://pjmedia.com/columnist/victor-davis-hanson) APRIL 11, 2016

Everyone hates the sourpuss who says the party is over. The next president will have to tell the American people that a reckoning is on the horizon—and that it is not going to be pretty.


A great power’s deterrence—acquired with difficulty over years—can be easily lost in months. And it is often only restored through danger commensurate to what was paid during its original acquisition. When Ronald Reagan inherited a wrecked foreign policy in January 1981—invasions of Afghanistan and Vietnam, communist insurrections in Latin America, Iran in chaos, American hostages in Tehran, an ascendant Soviet Union—it took him three years to reestablish U.S. credibility.

Reagan was roundly despised for his supposedly cowboy manner in reinstating deterrence. In November 1983, Hollywood gave us The Day After—a melodramatic account of what life in the heartland would be like after a nuclear strike. The message was for America to brace for a nuclear winter that Reagan would earn in his absurd effort to “win” the Cold War.

Prepare for the same hysteria in 2017. The Pentagon, to remain the world’s most powerful and respected military and to help to keep the world order relatively calm, quietly accepts that it will have to demonstrate soon to America’s enemies that it is quite a dangerous thing for any nation to shoot a missile near a 5,000-person, $5-billion American Nimitz-class carrier; or to hijack an American naval craft, humiliate the crew to the point of tears, and then video the embarrassment; or to attack a U.S. consulate. Yet it will not be so easy for our military to reestablish credibility in 2017. And over the next 10 months we may see some scary things not witnessed since the annus horribilis of 1980.
Trying to persuade Putin that NATO has commitments to the territorial integrity of the Baltic states, and deterring him from further expansionism will be one of the most dangerous gambits of 2017— and one that will be widely caricatured.

The effort will be somewhat akin to what would have happened had Neville Chamberlain said “no” at Munich, instead of waving a worthless scrap of paper to the adoration of huge British crowds. Assembling a British-led coalition in 1938 of the Poles, Czechs, French, Dutch, and Belgians, while ensuring the Soviet Union was neutral, would have checked Hitler’s rather still weak Wehrmacht, but in the short term earned Chamberlain the slur of war-monger rather than for about a year canonization as a League of Nations humanitarian.

There are 4,000 troops now in Iraq. To stop ISIS and prevent a Syrian redux, more may be sent—a task far more costly than it needed to have been, and far more unpopular.

04-12-2016, 11:36 PM
That is rather an odd clip. It rambles on completely.

However, Obama's legacy will show a complete failure as
a world leader, diplomat, uniter, leader, and willingness
to work past his racist Ego.

04-13-2016, 04:05 AM
That is rather an odd clip. It rambles on completely.

However, Obama's legacy will show a complete failure as
a world leader, diplomat, uniter, leader, and willingness
to work past his racist Ego.

If you've read much of Hanson, I don't see it that way. He's using what has happened with Obama to give some insight into what the next president will face. Reagan was the last to enter the presidency with so much uncertainty and hostility world-wide, much of which was created by his predecessor and the world perception of the country.

It's not just 'within' our country that perception counts.

04-13-2016, 04:57 PM
An example of our emboldened enemies and where a new president is going to be in January:


“Simulated attack”: Russian jet buzzes U.S. destroyer in Baltic Sea from 30 feet above


This wasn’t the first close pass over the U.S.S. Donald Cook made by a Russian jet during the past 48 hours. And it wasn’t just Russian jets that made an approach. Here’s what came knocking yesterday.

The nearest Russian territory, per Reuters (http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-russia-simulatedattack-idUSKCN0XA1UW), was 70 nautical miles away. The helicopter reportedly flew around the destroyer no fewer than seven times, taking photos and refusing to answer the radio when the American ship tried to hail them. That came after the Donald Cook endured 20 separate overflights from Russian jets on Monday, some from an altitude as low as 100 feet, forcing the ship to suspend its own flight training with a Polish helicopter crew that was aboard. Eleven more overflights by Russian jets were conducted yesterday, with one of them, captured below, apparently coming within 30 feet of the deck — a “simulated attack” (although the Russian jet wasn’t carrying bombs). “This was more aggressive than anything we’ve seen in some time,” a defense official told the Military Times (http://www.militarytimes.com/story/military/2016/04/13/russian-su-24-attack-aircraft-us-navy-destroyer-donald-cook-baltic-sea/82979184/). He labeled it “unsafe,” the first time that word’s been used over the last few years to describe Russian aircraft buzzing American ships, which has happened repeatedly. If you think U.S.-Russian relations are strained now, wait until some Russian pilot miscalculates on an attempted low overflight and ends up sinking an American destroyer when he slams into the hull.

What’s Putin up to here? Just some light humiliation of Obama to impress his peanut gallery back home, or is this a reprisal of sorts? It’s hard to notice real news lately amid the media din of Trumpmania but this development (http://www.wsj.com/articles/pentagon-readies-more-robust-u-s-military-presence-in-eastern-europe-1459324801) from two weeks ago is worth a little belated attention:

The Pentagon has drawn up plans to position American troops, tanks and other armored vehicles full time along NATO’s eastern borders to deter Russian aggression, in what would be the first such deployment since the end of the Cold War.
The Pentagon intends the plans as an escalation of a proposal it announced last year, when it said it was looking at ways to increase U.S. military deterrence in Eastern Europe, such as prepositioning older materiel in the region…

The new gear includes 250 tanks, Bradley Fighting Vehicles and Paladin self-propelled howitzers as well as more than 1,700 additional wheeled vehicles and trucks.

Combined with equipment already in Europe, “there will be a division’s worth of stuff to fight if something happens,” Mr. Work told The Wall Street Journal.

That means an armored brigade of around 4,200 Americans troops spread across six countries plus state-of-the-art equipment, addressing a chronic complaint from eastern European NATO members that NATO equipment currently positioned there is out of date. NATO itself announced in February that it was beefing up its presence in eastern Europe (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/checkpoint/wp/2016/02/10/nato-says-its-adding-a-significant-number-of-troops-in-eastern-europe/), tripling its Response Force to more than 40,000 troops and developing a “Spearhead Force” tasked with rapid response. In doing so, it anticipated a report from the Atlantic Council several weeks later warning that NATO was vulnerable in eastern Europe to Russian attack (http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/87ca9324-dbd8-11e5-a72f-1e7744c66818.html#axzz45jj4FzBp) thanks to “chronic underfunding” by NATO’s European partners and “critical deficiencies” in their militaries. Quote:

A RAND corporation paper modelling dozens of war game scenarios in consultation with the Pentagon and published in late January, found that Russia’s forces would overrun Nato in the Baltic, and capture Tallinn and Riga, in a maximum of 60 hours, with a “catastrophic” defeat for defending alliance forces.

NATO’s taking baby steps to address that now, at least until President Trump is sworn in, decides that NATO is stupid (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/03/21/donald-trump-reveals-foreign-policy-team-in-meeting-with-the-washington-post/), and leaves eastern Europe to its new (i.e. old) reality as Russian vassal states. In the meantime, here’s Putin expressing his annoyance about a minor NATO build-up on his western border.

04-13-2016, 05:00 PM
If you've read much of Hanson, I don't see it that way. He's using what has happened with Obama to give some insight into what the next president will face. Reagan was the last to enter the presidency with so much uncertainty and hostility world-wide, much of which was created by his predecessor and the world perception of the country.

It's not just 'within' our country that perception counts.

I don't envy the next guy. Lots of stuff to un-f*ck assuming it's a Republican't. If it's Trump or Clinton, kiss it goodbye.

The other thing is, the left rewrites history. Look at all of their worse disaster Presidents they've put over. Wilson, FDR, Clinton .... They'll be swearing Obama was God this time next year.

04-13-2016, 06:23 PM
If you've read much of Hanson, I don't see it that way. He's using what has happened with Obama to give some insight into what the next president will face. Reagan was the last to enter the presidency with so much uncertainty and hostility world-wide, much of which was created by his predecessor and the world perception of the country.

It's not just 'within' our country that perception counts.

Sorry to disagree with you, M'Lady.

But Obama has torn us down from a respected power globally to one
that backs down to its friendships and commitments. It is the same supposed
'leadership' he has shown in Illinois and the Senate -NONE!

He's kissed so much ass across the globe that it is a wonder his lips are not chapped.

GWB had balls to face up to what other 'powers' only chattered about,
finding that other members of the UN were involved in under the table deals
and arrangements. Initially, only the Brits and Spain stood fast. Then came the
Aussies Germans, and France.

Obama could not muster such a loyal following the way he has 'ruled'.

04-13-2016, 06:29 PM
Sorry to disagree with you, M'Lady.

But Obama has torn us down from a respected power globally to one
that backs down to its friendships and commitments. It is the same supposed
'leadership' he has shown in Illinois and the Senate -NONE!

He's kissed so much ass across the globe that it is a wonder his lips are not chapped.

GWB had balls to face up to what other 'powers' only chattered about,
finding that other members of the UN were involved in under the table deals
and arrangements. Initially, only the Brits and Spain stood fast. Then came the
Aussies Germans, and France.

Obama could not muster such a loyal following the way he has 'ruled'.

What you said, that was exactly the point Hanson is making. Really.