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View Full Version : Calif school district makes sensible decision on guns

04-14-2016, 04:10 PM
Of course, the author sardonically calls it a "shocking" decision, possibly referring to the liberals overrunning the state who never make sensible decisions like this.

Only thing wrong here is that only five adults are allowed to carry on campus. So the bad guys just have to find out which five they are, and target them first. Of course, it might be difficult to take out all five before one of them gets you, so the deterrent effect is still there. But best would be to simply allow ALL law-abiding adults to carry. Most of them still won't bother, but a few will. And unlike this five-adult situation, the bad guys won't be able to find out who they are. So they'll know that if they want to make gruesome headlines across the country ("30 children massacred!"), they will likely get a bullet from one or more unknown directions before they can rack up a big enough body count, stopping them.

It's enough to make a potential murderer look for a new job - in most circumstances - without a shot being fired.

But bravo to this school district, for finally realizing that our kids are safer in a "law-abiding-adults-are-allowed-to-carry" zone, than in a "gun-free" zone where criminals can carry and only the people protecting the kids are disarmed.

When law-abiding adults are free to carry, criminals are less likely to commit their crimes. And we are safer, even without a shot being fired.



California School District Makes Shocking Decision on Guns!

Written by Onan Coca

The citizens of Kingsburg have just voted to allow up to five responsible adults in their school district to carry a firearm in an effort to defend their children from a possible attacker. The policy was chosen as a measure to ensure the safety of the people on a campus that has no police presence or fences to stop a possible assailant from wandering on campus.

The school superintendent, Randy Morris, told Fox News that for him “the expectation of the superintendent is, given the situation, you will protect staff and students with your firearm that you’ve been granted permission to carry.” Superintendent Morris will hand pick the five staff members who will be armed and their names will be kept secret in an effort to protect them from any pushback to the policy.

As reporter William La Jeunesse alludes in his report, this particular policy seems to be gaining support around the country as more and more people realize that our children are less safe in gun free zones, not more safe. As a point of fact, these mass shooting situations are usually resolved when the gunmen finally encounters armed resistance.

It’s refreshing to see school districts using facts, data, and common sense to develop the policies that run their schools instead of relying on the usual liberal palaver that is so often devoid of any real evidence. Hopefully we’ll begin to see more schools acting in defense of our children instead of in defense of the fallacy filled liberal arguments that usually take priority.

As the Democrats are so fond of saying, “it should be about protecting our children.” Now let’s back the sentiment up with action and give more of our schools the ability to defend themselves.

04-14-2016, 06:22 PM
I rather hate to see it have to happen, but the free roaming of
criminals or crazed people has got to be guarded against.

04-15-2016, 01:25 PM
I rather hate to see it have to happen, but the free roaming of
criminals or crazed people has got to be guarded against.


Which is why the Framers put an amendment in the Constitution meaning "Since an armed and capable populace is necessary for security and freedom, the right of ordinary people to own and carry guns and other such weapons cannot be taken away or restricted."

They knew there was never a cop around when you needed one. So ordinary people were the only real defense against criminals.

04-16-2016, 01:22 AM
This another reason I like living in Arizona.

Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW) permits issued?

In Arizona, a person over age 21 may legally carry a concealed firearm or deadly weapon without a permit within the state, except for certain prohibited locations, and must disclose the fact to a law enforcement officer if questioned. Although no longer required, a CCW permit may still be obtained and has certain advantages, including reciprocity with many other states having CCW laws.

Open carry allowed?

May carry openly without permit/license.



04-16-2016, 01:27 AM
In Arizona, a person over age 21 may legally carry a concealed firearm or deadly weapon without a permit within the state, except for certain prohibited locations.....

Well, Arizona is 90% there. And that's a lot better than most places.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-16-2016, 06:41 AM
This another reason I like living in Arizona.

Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW) permits issued?

In Arizona, a person over age 21 may legally carry a concealed firearm or deadly weapon without a permit within the state, except for certain prohibited locations, and must disclose the fact to a law enforcement officer if questioned. Although no longer required, a CCW permit may still be obtained and has certain advantages, including reciprocity with many other states having CCW laws.

Open carry allowed?

May carry openly without permit/license.


If the hildabeast gets elected then , doubles down on the obama tyranny Texas or Arizona will be my two choices to take up residence..
Texas because it has the resources ,size and wealth to leave the union and AZ because of the open carry law.