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View Full Version : Fox Poll: Trump Has 18-Point Lead Nationally, Cruz Plunges

04-14-2016, 10:06 PM
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump has leaped ahead of his nearest challenger by 18 points, while Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's numbers have plummeted, according to the latest Fox News poll.

Trump led Texas Sen. Ted Cruz by only three points one month ago in the same poll.
Here are the current standings:

Donald Trump: 45 percent
Ted Cruz: 27 percent
John Kasich: 25 percent

In March, Trump was at 41 percent, but Cruz was nipping at his heels at 38 percent with Ohio Gov. John Kasich dragging the bottom at 17 percent.

The poll was a survey of 419 GOP primary voters April 11 to 13 and has a margin of error of plus-or-minus 4.5 percent.

Cruz was riding a winning wave after securing the Wisconsin primary on April 5, but is not faring as well in upcoming New York, Trump's home state. Trump has been reminding his fellow New Yorkers of Cruz's insult against "New York values" in January when he was angling to win the early voting states of Iowa and New Hampshire.

Forty-five percent represents a new high for Trump, according to Fox News. Last month's 41 percent was his previous high. His GOP rivals, including Cruz, had previously claimed his mid-30s numbers were a "ceiling" that he would not be able to rise above when the formerly crowded field began to winnow.


04-15-2016, 09:07 AM
Look what those same polls are saying about Trump in November:


04-15-2016, 09:15 AM
Look what those same polls are saying about Trump in November:

Yep, but easier to gauge when folks are running against one another. I think the polls will change, regardless of who runs against who, once the nominees are set. Clinton beats Cruz in every single poll but one, and that means nothing to me as well. Hell, Kasich BEATS her in every poll, and that means nothing to me right now either. I'm not dismissing ALL of it, I just don't think it's quite accurate when neither has really campaigned "against" one another yet. Additionally, albeit small numbers, Trump has cut into her lead, where Clinton has added to her lead against Cruz. <---- but again, that means very little to me.

04-16-2016, 07:01 AM
Yep, but easier to gauge when folks are running against one another. I think the polls will change, regardless of who runs against who, once the nominees are set. Clinton beats Cruz in every single poll but one, and that means nothing to me as well. Hell, Kasich BEATS her in every poll, and that means nothing to me right now either. I'm not dismissing ALL of it, I just don't think it's quite accurate when neither has really campaigned "against" one another yet. Additionally, albeit small numbers, Trump has cut into her lead, where Clinton has added to her lead against Cruz. <---- but again, that means very little to me.

Trump wipes the floor with Hillary when push comes to shove. I see people speaking bullies, we all for one am looking forward to watching Hillary try go deal with Trump. I predict a major melt down on Hillary's side, hell she will need Bill to come show her how to walk to the middle of the isle to get out of it, something Hillary will never accomplish.