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04-25-2016, 10:24 PM
Regardless of which candidate or party for that matter, that you are supporting, what connects us with our friends, is more than politics should be able to divide.


Friendship in the Age of Trump

Peter Wehner (http://www.nytimes.com/column/peter-wehner) <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-04-23" style="font-size: 0.6875rem; line-height: 0.6875rem; font-weight: 500; font-family: franklin-normal-500, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); margin-left: 7px;">APRIL 23, 2016</time>

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AT this stage in a presidential campaign, Republicans, generally a rather disciplined lot, have usually united and begun to train their fire on Democrats. Circular firing squads are for them, not us.

Not this year.

The candidacy of Donald J. Trump is not only fracturing the Republican Party, it is breaking up friendships as well.

A prominent Republican, describing a Trump-related disagreement with another influential Republican with whom he has been close for decades, sent me a note that stated things in a matter-of-fact way: “We had a friendship-ending email exchange.”

Others have confided that differences over the Trump candidacy have caused such a loss of respect that they feared their friendships would not survive, and that even if they did, they would never be the same.


In his first inaugural address, with the Civil War looming, Abraham Lincoln told his fellow citizens that we are not enemies but friends. “Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection,” he said. During his second inaugural, at the war’s end, he asked us to “bind up the nation’s wounds,” with “malice toward none, with charity for all.” This was an almost superhuman ideal, but it needed to be stated.

None of us is Lincoln, and our divisions today obviously pale in comparison to those he and the country faced. Yet we can still learn from him. Having lived through the previous decade of tumult and political division, he knew the importance an attitude of conciliation can play in the life of a nation. We should strive for a bit of the grace and largeness of spirit he showed.

04-25-2016, 10:34 PM
Regardless of which candidate or party for that matter, that you are supporting, what connects us with our friends, is more than politics should be able to divide.


​Republican Party is deceitful ...worthless Garbage ....

Trump 2016!....Making friend with folks from all parties and walks of life...Bringing out and getting people talking about things they wouldn't of...from Immigration...to the foolish...worthless...spineless Republicans ....for a start...

04-25-2016, 10:36 PM
​Republican Party is deceitful ...worthless Garbage ....

Trump 2016!....Making friend with folks from all parties and walks of life...Bringing out and getting people talking about things they wouldn't of...from Immigration...to the foolish...worthless...spineless Republicans ....for a start...


04-26-2016, 02:55 AM
Regardless of which candidate or party for that matter, that you are supporting, what connects us with our friends, is more than politics should be able to divide.


"The candidacy of Donald J. Trump is not only fracturing the Republican Party, it is breaking up friendships as well."

Totally agree. While the GOP has been fractured for awhile, he's the final catalyst to total destruction. Hitlery is going to win because of US, not because she's worth even 2 cents. I WILL say however that although he is the catalyst, Cruz and Kasich are acting like morons and helping Trump right along.

How did we get Larry, Curly and Moe as candidates?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-26-2016, 06:05 AM
​Republican Party is deceitful ...worthless Garbage ....

Trump 2016!....Making friend with folks from all parties and walks of life...Bringing out and getting people talking about things they wouldn't of...from Immigration...to the foolish...worthless...spineless Republicans ....for a start...

Trump got millions to look at the corruption and power mad antics of the Republican party and with that take a lok at its spineless play ball with obama agenda for 7 years. Especially gifting obama his hundreds of billions in unnecessary spending every year the worm has been in office.
As an opposition party the Republicans have been craven cowards in regards to this presidential traitor!
We that are not clueless have been steaming mad for over 7 years!
If Trump -that they violently oppose-- sticks them deep and hard we will be satisfied.
Something had to give.....
The hate him with a passion and its because he will upset their little cushy apple-cart. FFKK THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!--Tyr

04-26-2016, 06:29 AM
Trump got millions to look at the corruption and power mad antics of the Republican party and with that take a lok at its spineless play ball with obama agenda for 7 years. Especially gifting obama his hundreds of billions in unnecessary spending every year the worm has been in office.
As an opposition party the Republicans have been craven cowards in regards to this presidential traitor!
We that are not clueless have been steaming mad for over 7 years!
If Trump -that they violently oppose-- sticks them deep and hard we will be satisfied.
Something had to give.....
The hate him with a passion and its because he will upset their little cushy apple-cart. FFKK THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!--Tyr

I only partially agree. I agree that conservatives are mad over O-Useless. I do NOT agree with choosing a RINO to take his place. What needs to happen is we need to shake down the RNC from hte top and put actual conservatives in office. Unfortunately, the career is called "politician". They gave up on ideals long ago.

04-26-2016, 06:36 AM
You all can worry about the crappy pols, that's cool. My point though:

If I read the article correctly and the reason I think it important it's that one shouldn't let the 'politicians or their choices-whether on issues or politics' determine our friendships. It doesn't mean 'you' or 'me' or 'Trump or Cruz or Hillary or Bernie' supporters. It means if we've had friends that predate this election cycle that are backing someone we find unacceptable or that disagrees with our enthusiastic support for someone while not being excited about their own choices, we shouldn't assign them to 'former friend' status.

We may find reasons to avoid a lot of contact for awhile, feelings being what they are; but keep in mind, especially if one is careful in choosing one's friends not to assign them nefarious reasons for their political choices.

If a 'friend' is calling you names, that's a different matter I would think, than saying that the guy you support, an idiot, a charlatan, a liar, etc. Of course in the 'heat of the moment' even friends can screw up and say something like, "If you're supporting X, you're an idiot!" Well yeah, that doesn't sound right. But, I've found by implications even good friends sort of saying something like that to me for choices I've made or considered making at various choices on totally non-political matters. Sometimes they were right, sometimes they were wrong, but in the long run, they were trying to be friends and concerned.

04-26-2016, 07:19 AM
You all can worry about the crappy pols, that's cool. My point though:

If I read the article correctly and the reason I think it important it's that one shouldn't let the 'politicians or their choices-whether on issues or politics' determine our friendships. It doesn't mean 'you' or 'me' or 'Trump or Cruz or Hillary or Bernie' supporters. It means if we've had friends that predate this election cycle that are backing someone we find unacceptable or that disagrees with our enthusiastic support for someone while not being excited about their own choices, we shouldn't assign them to 'former friend' status.

We may find reasons to avoid a lot of contact for awhile, feelings being what they are; but keep in mind, especially if one is careful in choosing one's friends not to assign them nefarious reasons for their political choices.

If a 'friend' is calling you names, that's a different matter I would think, than saying that the guy you support, an idiot, a charlatan, a liar, etc. Of course in the 'heat of the moment' even friends can screw up and say something like, "If you're supporting X, you're an idiot!" Well yeah, that doesn't sound right. But, I've found by implications even good friends sort of saying something like that to me for choices I've made or considered making at various choices on totally non-political matters. Sometimes they were right, sometimes they were wrong, but in the long run, they were trying to be friends and concerned.

You're preaching to the choir, sister. Been saying that for a good 9 months. Actually a LOT longer since most of my family are Dems. It's my opinion -- and that's all it is -- people think too much with their emotions. I do it. My problem is I have two emotions -- stoic and mad. But not over an election and certainly not over a disagreement with the people I'm going to be around after November comes along. I've heard from more than one person more than one time that apparently if you don't like their candidate and call that candidate stupid or whatever, you are calling that person stupid or whatever.

I don't feel that way about it, but it seems to be the way it is. I'm too calculating, and don't have enough emotion to invest in a political candidate. But you cannot dismiss them as not being part of the problem. They make promises, get peoples' hopes up, then let everyone down. Trump has made promises he'll never be able to keep. Even the TV pundits are talking about it. Cruz and Kasich likewise. Those two will never get anything past Congress.

I've just sort of quit talking about it. I happen to completely disagree with your third party stance. It's cost us 8 years of Obama. That or the staying home stance. Might as well just vote for Hitlery and get it over with. I'm voting against the Dems and THAT is how I see it. I don't like the GOP and I don't like Trump. Crap, the Air Force could run a better campaign and they don't even know how to run.:laugh: We just can't take much more Dems as President and remain the nation we are supposed to be.

04-26-2016, 07:23 AM
You're preaching to the choir, sister. Been saying that for a good 9 months. Actually a LOT longer since most of my family are Dems. It's my opinion -- and that's all it is -- people think too much with their emotions. I do it. My problem is I have two emotions -- stoic and mad. But not over an election and certainly not over a disagreement with the people I'm going to be around after November comes along. I've heard from more than one person more than one time that apparently if you don't like their candidate and call that candidate stupid or whatever, you are calling that person stupid or whatever.

I don't feel that way about it, but it seems to be the way it is. I'm too calculating, and don't have enough emotion to invest in a political candidate. But you cannot dismiss them as not being part of the problem. They make promises, get peoples' hopes up, then let everyone down. Trump has made promises he'll never be able to keep. Even the TV pundits are talking about it. Cruz and Kasich likewise. Those two will never get anything past Congress.

I've just sort of quit talking about it. I happen to completely disagree with your third party stance. It's cost us 8 years of Obama. That or the staying home stance. Might as well just vote for Hitlery and get it over with. I'm voting against the Dems and THAT is how I see it. I don't like the GOP and I don't like Trump. Crap, the Air Force could run a better campaign and they don't even know how to run.:laugh: We just can't take much more Dems as President and remain the nation we are supposed to be.

I'm well aware of most people's take on 3rd party, that isn't a bother to me. I will do what I feel is the best way to vote available to me.

While I choose not to follow, that doesn't mean I think less of the rest of the board, we just disagree. No bother.

04-26-2016, 08:03 AM
I'm well aware of most people's take on 3rd party, that isn't a bother to me. I will do what I feel is the best way to vote available to me.

While I choose not to follow, that doesn't mean I think less of the rest of the board, we just disagree. No bother.

Okay. And if you're going to get testy I'll bail. However, what is the point to wasting a vote? I just wouldn't bother.

Doesn't have anything to do with following. I follow like a wolverine does. It has a LOT to do with not letting the WH fall into the hands of the Dems. It's about winning. I'd rather have an idiot than a Dem. But you can't say you aren't part of the problem.

Dem gets in office, the Supreme Court balances the other way. And I'm betting we lose Congress as well. There's a lot at stake here.

Oh. and you must not be reading my posts. Where do you see me rooting for Trump? I went through this same argument with Gaffer. I never lost my respect for him, nor him me (that I know of :laugh: ). I get the gist of your argument but there's no winning. Geez, I was begging people to go vote in 08 and 12 and I can hardly stand McLame. But look what we got instead?

I don't think less of someone because I don't agree with their behavior on an issue. You're the first person I ever talked to back when I joined USMB. I have never treated you badly even when I haven't agreed with you. I've been in knock down drag outs with just about everyone else and you know it. To include my "friends". I've posted more than once on this. When the smoke clears, WE are still going to be around. Jim and I have been round and round about Trump. We just quit discussing him.

At the same time, I AM a Marine. I'm not giving up the line. And the first lifesaving step is stop the bleeding. And it takes a team to hold the line. Not one person.

04-26-2016, 08:08 AM
Okay. And if you're going to get testy I'll bail. However, what is the point to wasting a vote? I just wouldn't bother.

Doesn't have anything to do with following. I follow like a wolverine does. It has a LOT to do with not letting the WH fall into the hands of the Dems. It's about winning. I'd rather have an idiot than a Dem. But you can't say you aren't part of the problem.

Dem gets in office, the Supreme Court balances the other way. And I'm betting we lose Congress as well. There's a lot at stake here.

Oh. and you must not be reading my posts. Where do you see me rooting for Trump? I went through this same argument with Gaffer. I never lost my respect for him, nor him me (that I know of :laugh: ). I get the gist of your argument but there's no winning. Geez, I was begging people to go vote in 08 and 12 and I can hardly stand McLame. But look what we got instead?

I don't think less of someone because I don't agree with their behavior on an issue. You're the first person I ever talked to back when I joined USMB. I have never treated you badly even when I haven't agreed with you. I've been in knock down drag outs with just about everyone else and you know it. To include my "friends". I've posted more than once on this. When the smoke clears, WE are still going to be around. Jim and I have been round and round about Trump. We just quit discussing him.

At the same time, I AM a Marine. I'm not giving up the line. And the first lifesaving step is stop the bleeding. And it takes a team to hold the line. Not one person.

I'm not being testy, quite the opposite. I never implied you were for Trump, I do read and comprehend pretty good.

Marine or not, I'm not agreeing with the premise about 'unity' and all that. That Trump would by having an R associated with his name, assures he'd be better than the other two? I think not likely, he's pretty close to Hillary in his positions. Yes, I have read his website. I also tend to listen to what he says.

I do thank you for all those years of service, still doesn't let you boss me! LOL!

04-26-2016, 08:29 AM
I'm not being testy, quite the opposite. I never implied you were for Trump, I do read and comprehend pretty good.

Marine or not, I'm not agreeing with the premise about 'unity' and all that. That Trump would by having an R associated with his name, assures he'd be better than the other two? I think not likely, he's pretty close to Hillary in his positions. Yes, I have read his website. I also tend to listen to what he says.

I do thank you for all those years of service, still doesn't let you boss me! LOL!

Did you hear me say he would be better? I said better choice. Oh, and it takes a team to win a game. Ask Heisman Trophy winner Archie Manning (Peyton's dad). He spent a career being beat to death in New Orleans. Ask Lebron. Golden State cleaned his clock because they had a 12 man team while he had 2 other stars.

"Gung Ho" is a Chinese term that means all striving as one for the same goal. Your goal is to make some statement no one's ever going to hear. Like it or not, this IS a team sport. Right now we couldn't even make the playoffs. The "unity" thing is relevant but we let the party get out of our control. Only the 1978 Tampa Bay Buccaneers could lose as badly as we are.

This mindset you are going to change things by not voting or voting 3rd party is going to change something is what is unrealistic. It's changed things all right. We're going on 8 years of Obama and looking at Hitlery as a replacement. I don't even recognize the country I grew up in and served anymore.

04-26-2016, 08:35 AM
Did you hear me say he would be better? I said better choice. Oh, and it takes a team to win a game. Ask Heisman Trophy winner Archie Manning (Peyton's dad). He spent a career being beat to death in New Orleans. Ask Lebron. Golden State cleaned his clock because they had a 12 man team while he had 2 other stars.

"Gung Ho" is a Chinese term that means all striving as one for the same goal. Your goal is to make some statement no one's ever going to hear. Like it or not, this IS a team sport. Right now we couldn't even make the playoffs. The "unity" thing is relevant but we let the party get out of our control. Only the 1978 Tampa Bay Buccaneers could lose as badly as we are.

This mindset you are going to change things by not voting or voting 3rd party is going to change something is what is unrealistic. It's changed things all right. We're going on 8 years of Obama and looking at Hitlery as a replacement. I don't even recognize the country I grew up in and served anymore.

You're entitled to you opinion, I disagree. I'm willing to listen to why you think Trump would be different than Hillary though.

04-26-2016, 08:46 AM
You're entitled to you opinion, I disagree. I'm willing to listen to why you think Trump would be different than Hillary though.

You want ME to defend Trump? OMG. Uhhh ... because he won't do anything? Clinton sways in the breeze. She's whatever she thinks people want her to be. And Dems have no problem with totalitarianism. Republicans are afraid of their own shadows. They don't play by nor give a damn about the rules.

Republicans try to just not be noticed. I prefer nothing to destruction.

As far as Trump himself goes, I can't stand him. I turn the tube off is he's talking. He's a loud-mouthed, schoolyard bully I'd have no qualms about punching in that 1st grade mouth.

I'm more worried about Congress and the Supreme Court.

04-26-2016, 08:54 AM
You want ME to defend Trump? OMG. Uhhh ... because he won't do anything? Clinton sways in the breeze. She's whatever she thinks people want her to be. And Dems have no problem with totalitarianism. Republicans are afraid of their own shadows. They don't play by nor give a damn about the rules.

Republicans try to just not be noticed. I prefer nothing to destruction.

As far as Trump himself goes, I can't stand him. I turn the tube off is he's talking. He's a loud-mouthed, schoolyard bully I'd have no qualms about punching in that 1st grade mouth.

I'm more worried about Congress and the Supreme Court.

Again, I KNOW you don't support Trump. You ARE however the one who is telling me to vote for him, IF he should get the nomination. That is what I was asking about.

He'd be able and seems more than a tad inclined towards doing as much as possible by executive order. I've seen massive information that just his lead in the polls is causing a likely Senate return to the Democrats and the House is actually in play, totally unexpected. Those folks in blue states that have elected Republican reps for their own reasons, are unlikely to be pro-Trump, indeed may well fear him and not in the 'good way' his supporters find inspiring.

As for the Supreme Court, I find nothing to inspire confidence he'd appoint conservatives, nor even take informed advice. I keep hearing how 'he'll have great people in his administration. I look at who he's had on his campaign staff and am not hopeful.

As far as 'unity' goes, not necessarily the best option: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/gop-insiders-trump-could-hobble-party-for-years/article/2589537

04-26-2016, 10:04 AM
Again, I KNOW you don't support Trump. You ARE however the one who is telling me to vote for him, IF he should get the nomination. That is what I was asking about.

He'd be able and seems more than a tad inclined towards doing as much as possible by executive order. I've seen massive information that just his lead in the polls is causing a likely Senate return to the Democrats and the House is actually in play, totally unexpected. Those folks in blue states that have elected Republican reps for their own reasons, are unlikely to be pro-Trump, indeed may well fear him and not in the 'good way' his supporters find inspiring.

As for the Supreme Court, I find nothing to inspire confidence he'd appoint conservatives, nor even take informed advice. I keep hearing how 'he'll have great people in his administration. I look at who he's had on his campaign staff and am not hopeful.

As far as 'unity' goes, not necessarily the best option: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/gop-insiders-trump-could-hobble-party-for-years/article/2589537

I'm not telling you to vote for anyone. I'm making a point. I'm not trying to play jarhead. I get sick of hearing that (not from you). But I think like Mission: win. Do what it takes to win. Losing is not an option. That's my mentality.

If you vote 3rd party or don't vote, you might as well just go vote for Hillary. You're not proving anything. I completely agree with you about Trump. I'm just looking for the lesser of two evils here. If I have to listen to any one of the current 5 candidates for 4 years my TV is doomed. :laugh:

04-26-2016, 02:05 PM

You know I mean well...sorry didnt mean to come off so brash....just giving my view as you gave yours...were both american...so its Ok...:laugh:

04-26-2016, 03:39 PM
With friends that take offense whom you have chosen to support....who needs em?

Frankly the republican party was in trouble way before this election cycle, I have watched them act as if the world matters while ignoring the American peoples concerns. Allowing Obama to run roughshod over our Constitution. They seem to think big government knows better than the people for quite a few years. I for one am willing to sacrifice a weak friendship for the cause of national security, and the survival of this great nation.

Que Sera, Sera

04-26-2016, 04:20 PM
With friends that take offense whom you have chosen to support....who needs em?

Frankly the republican party was in trouble way before this election cycle, I have watched them act as if the world matters while ignoring the American peoples concerns. Allowing Obama to run roughshod over our Constitution. They seem to think big government knows better than the people for quite a few years. I for one am willing to sacrifice a weak friendship for the cause of national security, and the survival of this great nation.

Que Sera, Sera

well said...

04-26-2016, 06:14 PM
With friends that take offense whom you have chosen to support....who needs em?

Frankly the republican party was in trouble way before this election cycle, I have watched them act as if the world matters while ignoring the American peoples concerns. Allowing Obama to run roughshod over our Constitution. They seem to think big government knows better than the people for quite a few years. I for one am willing to sacrifice a weak friendship for the cause of national security, and the survival of this great nation.

Que Sera, Sera

Because those "friends" are STILL friends. I explain my POV. I DON'T tell them what to think nor how to. I've been through two presidencies with most of the regulars on this board. You don't toss them overboard because they can't drive the boat in a gale. They probably don't get how detached some of us are. Can't say as I'd want to be tossed overboard in reverse. You know me well enough. Not saying what I think is not one of my finer qualities.

This election has caused more problems than any I've seen since 1968. It's divided the right, and on a smaller scale, it's divided this board. It's not just ME. It's all over the news. As long as we stay divided, we aren't going to win. The left is not beating the right. We're killing ourselves and Larry, Curly and Moe are the biggest reasons. The left is just waiting to pick up the pieces as they have the last 2 elections. They're all going to show up and vote "D" even if Donald Freakin Duck is the candidate.

I say the same things I've said the last two elections and have been saying this election cycle. But everyone has their own decisions to make. I didn't throw my daughter out the door when she was a teen making horrendous decisions. I'm not tossing anyone else overboard because I disagree with them either. You get tossed overboard with me, you earn it. It's not going to be over who you vote for.

04-26-2016, 06:17 PM
You know I mean well...sorry didnt mean to come off so brash....just giving my view as you gave yours...were both american...so its Ok...:laugh:

Hey you! Don't be dissin without kissin! lol

04-26-2016, 07:50 PM
Because those "friends" are STILL friends. I explain my POV. I DON'T tell them what to think nor how to. I've been through two presidencies with most of the regulars on this board. You don't toss them overboard because they can't drive the boat in a gale. They probably don't get how detached some of us are. Can't say as I'd want to be tossed overboard in reverse. You know me well enough. Not saying what I think is not one of my finer qualities.

This election has caused more problems than any I've seen since 1968. It's divided the right, and on a smaller scale, it's divided this board. It's not just ME. It's all over the news. As long as we stay divided, we aren't going to win. The left is not beating the right. We're killing ourselves and Larry, Curly and Moe are the biggest reasons. The left is just waiting to pick up the pieces as they have the last 2 elections. They're all going to show up and vote "D" even if Donald Freakin Duck is the candidate.

I say the same things I've said the last two elections and have been saying this election cycle. But everyone has their own decisions to make. I didn't throw my daughter out the door when she was a teen making horrendous decisions. I'm not tossing anyone else overboard because I disagree with them either. You get tossed overboard with me, you earn it. It's not going to be over who you vote for.

I didn't make any of my friends go away. I had one so called friend, who I have been friends with for 14 years. Go on facebook and talk disrespectful to me and called and left a long ranting message because I do not like Cruz. I never do that to my friends. I told him that he owed me an apology and if I didn't get one...oh well. That is his call not mine.

The difference between me and some other people is that I stand up for what I believe in... and peer pressure has zero effect on my decisions. ZERO. I stay true to myself

By the way my guy that I stood up for took all 5 states tonight :2up:

04-26-2016, 08:19 PM
I didn't make any of my friends go away. I had one so called friend, who I have been friends with for 14 years. Go on facebook and talk disrespectful to me and called and left a long ranting message because I do not like Cruz. I never do that to my friends. I told him that he owed me an apology and if I didn't get one...oh well. That is his call not mine.

The difference between me and some other people is that I stand up for what I believe in... and peer pressure has zero effect on my decisions. ZERO. I stay true to myself

By the way my guy that I stood up for took all 5 states tonight :2up:

I'll tell you two things:

1. I don't know about your friend.

2. Trump is a sure loser. McCain had a better chance. Trump is not going t beat Billary.

04-26-2016, 08:40 PM
Hey you! Don't be dissin without kissin! lol

Hey You! I love you too!:laugh:

Even though you dont like my as-kicken man....Thats fine!:thumb:

​"I haven't even started on Hillary the witch yet......"


`at a Trump rally in Las Vegas, and the crowd of 8,000 went nuts. According to reports, Arpaio spoke on Hillary’s legal troubles, saying he’s got a pink pair of underwear with her name on them waiting.`

Black Diamond
04-26-2016, 08:44 PM
It's great to have long term guy back.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-26-2016, 08:49 PM
It's great to have long term guy back.

Wholeheartedly seconded my friend! :beer: :beer: -Tyr

04-26-2016, 08:54 PM
Wholeheartedly seconded my friend! :beer: :beer: -TyrA

And it's unanimous! :coffee:

04-27-2016, 03:44 AM
Hey You! I love you too!:laugh:

Even though you dont like my as-kicken man....Thats fine!:thumb:

​"I haven't even started on Hillary the witch yet......"


`at a Trump rally in Las Vegas, and the crowd of 8,000 went nuts. According to reports, Arpaio spoke on Hillary’s legal troubles, saying he’s got a pink pair of underwear with her name on them waiting.`

You're entitled to your opinion and choice. Mine is he couldn't lick anyone's ass if he tried. Alligator mouth - bumblebee ass.

Out of curiosity LongTermGuy why do you post in such small print? You DO realize most of us are older than dirt, right? Looks like ants on my screen. :laugh:

04-27-2016, 05:06 AM
Because those "friends" are STILL friends. I explain my POV. I DON'T tell them what to think nor how to. I've been through two presidencies with most of the regulars on this board. You don't toss them overboard because they can't drive the boat in a gale. They probably don't get how detached some of us are. Can't say as I'd want to be tossed overboard in reverse. You know me well enough. Not saying what I think is not one of my finer qualities.

This election has caused more problems than any I've seen since 1968. It's divided the right, and on a smaller scale, it's divided this board. It's not just ME. It's all over the news. As long as we stay divided, we aren't going to win. The left is not beating the right. We're killing ourselves and Larry, Curly and Moe are the biggest reasons. The left is just waiting to pick up the pieces as they have the last 2 elections. They're all going to show up and vote "D" even if Donald Freakin Duck is the candidate.

I say the same things I've said the last two elections and have been saying this election cycle. But everyone has their own decisions to make. I didn't throw my daughter out the door when she was a teen making horrendous decisions. I'm not tossing anyone else overboard because I disagree with them either. You get tossed overboard with me, you earn it. It's not going to be over who you vote for.

Funny thing is those so far responding, with the exception of yourself and Tyr for the thanks, are not those that I personally was thinking of when originally reading the article. Just like in RL they never were more than acquaintances so no loss. One assumes though that there maybe people they have considered friends-again in RL or virtual-that they should think through their reactions to those in disagreement with over a politician. The election will end, one person will 'win.' Then the fall out will come. Doesn't matter which one 'wins,' there will be a time after.

You and I happen to agree that the candidate is flawed, our choices in how to go into the general election differ. I'm pretty sure though if one of us decided that we'd been wrong and decided to wholeheartedly support the candidate, our friendship would survive. We know how to let things roll off in the long run. We've also been involved in political issues way before this one.

The whole phenomena of 'with the man or enemy' is problematic in my opinion. It hints at problems in the future.

04-27-2016, 08:16 AM
Funny thing is those so far responding, with the exception of yourself and Tyr for the thanks, are not those that I personally was thinking of when originally reading the article. Just like in RL they never were more than acquaintances so no loss. One assumes though that there maybe people they have considered friends-again in RL or virtual-that they should think through their reactions to those in disagreement with over a politician. The election will end, one person will 'win.' Then the fall out will come. Doesn't matter which one 'wins,' there will be a time after.

You and I happen to agree that the candidate is flawed, our choices in how to go into the general election differ. I'm pretty sure though if one of us decided that we'd been wrong and decided to wholeheartedly support the candidate, our friendship would survive. We know how to let things roll off in the long run. We've also been involved in political issues way before this one.

The whole phenomena of 'with the man or enemy' is problematic in my opinion. It hints at problems in the future.

Haven't you noticed we're "out of the club"? :laugh: The Trumpies won't talk to us. I made my opinion quite clear. People think when I say they're thinking with their emotions and not their heads I am insulting them when I am merely making an observation. Anger is a freakin' emotion. I understand the anger. I despise what Obama has done with just about every fiber of my being. However, back to the Marine thing, I am trained to think beyond my emotions to accomplish a mission without getting someone killed by getting all pissed off and thinking it's about just me. And I could give you a REAL good example of me getting pissed, but I prefer to not do that. Let's just say I'm NOT a nice guy when you piss me off.

From MY POV, our Constitution is at stake this go around. I took an oath to defend the Constitution against ALL enemies, both foreign AND domestic. The Dems are an enemy to the Constitution. I do what it takes to win.

The other thing i see is you have taken this personally. Your posts gives you away. You seem rather bitter at some people who either jumped on you or whatever for your stance. They are as passionate about thinking they are right as you are. When it comes down to the moment you have to ask yourself is this fight worth fighting? I don't think it's worth getting upset over. And you KNOW I'll argue with a broomstick so that's not the issue. The issue is the point.

I don't understand why anyone likes a 1st grade school yard bully with a megaphone mouth full of nothing. I just accept that they do.

04-27-2016, 08:17 AM
You're entitled to your opinion and choice. Mine is he couldn't lick anyone's ass if he tried. Alligator mouth - bumblebee ass.

Out of curiosity @LongTermGuy (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=3378) why do you post in such small print? You DO realize most of us are older than dirt, right? Looks like ants on my screen. :laugh:

Dear Gunny...I fluctuate ....never know what ya gonna get with me...

​Here is something else for you to be "curious" about...:laugh:

`Cruz shoots an airball at 'basketball ring ...`

...They must not play much basketball in Canada....But then again Cruz lettered in debate...or was that a participation letter?


04-27-2016, 08:28 AM
Haven't you noticed we're "out of the club"? :laugh: The Trumpies won't talk to us. I made my opinion quite clear. People think when I say they're thinking with their emotions and not their heads I am insulting them when I am merely making an observation. Anger is a freakin' emotion. I understand the anger. I despise what Obama has done with just about every fiber of my being. However, back to the Marine thing, I am trained to think beyond my emotions to accomplish a mission without getting someone killed by getting all pissed off and thinking it's about just me. And I could give you a REAL good example of me getting pissed, but I prefer to not do that. Let's just say I'm NOT a nice guy when you piss me off.

From MY POV, our Constitution is at stake this go around. I took an oath to defend the Constitution against ALL enemies, both foreign AND domestic. The Dems are an enemy to the Constitution. I do what it takes to win.

The other thing i see is you have taken this personally. Your posts gives you away. You seem rather bitter at some people who either jumped on you or whatever for your stance. They are as passionate about thinking they are right as you are. When it comes down to the moment you have to ask yourself is this fight worth fighting? I don't think it's worth getting upset over. And you KNOW I'll argue with a broomstick so that's not the issue. The issue is the point.

I don't understand why anyone likes a 1st grade school yard bully with a megaphone mouth full of nothing. I just accept that they do.

I take personally only friends, not acquaintances. I understand 'passion' as far as belief in the candidate, that's cool actually. I'm not bitter, sad perhaps would be better word. OTOH, as others have noted, it would have been my mistake to consider 'friends' when they never were, my mistake and I'm sure I'll make more. :laugh2:

Luckily in RL my friends that are liberals will continue to do what they do, we'll remain friends. Those that are conservatives have not gone to being Trump supporters, but will they end up voting for him? Likely-they too claim that they need to unify against the Hillary, yet like yourself they say 'he can't win.' Ok then, like I said to you, 'if he's going to lose anyways, what is your point? IF he should win, what makes you think he'll be better?' They just repeat he won't win. That's ok, we'll remain friends. They are still illogical on the issue.

04-27-2016, 08:41 AM
I take personally only friends, not acquaintances. I understand 'passion' as far as belief in the candidate, that's cool actually. I'm not bitter, sad perhaps would be better word. OTOH, as others have noted, it would have been my mistake to consider 'friends' when they never were, my mistake and I'm sure I'll make more. :laugh2:

Luckily in RL my friends that are liberals will continue to do what they do, we'll remain friends. Those that are conservatives have not gone to being Trump supporters, but will they end up voting for him? Likely-they too claim that they need to unify against the Hillary, yet like yourself they say 'he can't win.' Ok then, like I said to you, 'if he's going to lose anyways, what is your point? IF he should win, what makes you think he'll be better?' They just repeat he won't win. That's ok, we'll remain friends. They are still illogical on the issue.

I hate to point this out, but he's "going to lose anyway" because of people like you. And don't go getting personal on me about it. We've lost the last two elections because of people who either wouldn't vote, or voted 3rd party. I'd vote for Santorum or Perry. Matter of fact I'd vote for just about anyone other than the 3 currently running. I said months ago Trump was LAST on my list. I kind of liked Cruz a bit until he started this jerk-off crap.

I agree that people are illogical on the issue. The best candidates got the least amount of screen time while the big mouths got to take the stage. If I want a rock star for President I'll vote for George Strait and Randy Travis. Rick Perry made Texas wealthier than the US. But he sucks on TV. Not to mention he walks all over his own tongue. Ben Carson can perform brain surgery. What do we get? A real estate developer with a big mouth making promises he can't keep.

I get the deal. But I'll take someone who can't accomplish crap over someone destroying the Constitution for 4-8 more years that's a criminal and everyone knows it.

04-27-2016, 09:08 AM
I hate to point this out, but he's "going to lose anyway" because of people like you. And don't go getting personal on me about it. We've lost the last two elections because of people who either wouldn't vote, or voted 3rd party. I'd vote for Santorum or Perry. Matter of fact I'd vote for just about anyone other than the 3 currently running. I said months ago Trump was LAST on my list. I kind of liked Cruz a bit until he started this jerk-off crap.

I agree that people are illogical on the issue. The best candidates got the least amount of screen time while the big mouths got to take the stage. If I want a rock star for President I'll vote for George Strait and Randy Travis. Rick Perry made Texas wealthier than the US. But he sucks on TV. Not to mention he walks all over his own tongue. Ben Carson can perform brain surgery. What do we get? A real estate developer with a big mouth making promises he can't keep.

I get the deal. But I'll take someone who can't accomplish crap over someone destroying the Constitution for 4-8 more years that's a criminal and everyone knows it.

You're not concerned about Trump with this? Sorry, lots of reasons to be, imo.

At this point though, my concerns are focused on what the next 4-8 years will bring, now that we are officially going 'democratic' over 'federated republic.' Not sure what is going to happen with those that don't fall in line, though the threats from Trump and Hillary, not to mention what Obama has already done, do not bode well.

04-27-2016, 09:20 AM
You're not concerned about Trump with this? Sorry, lots of reasons to be, imo.

At this point though, my concerns are focused on what the next 4-8 years will bring, now that we are officially going 'democratic' over 'federated republic.' Not sure what is going to happen with those that don't fall in line, though the threats from Trump and Hillary, not to mention what Obama has already done, do not bode well.

I'm less concerned with Trump, not "not concerned". He'll try and play by the rules. Hillary will just be a continuance of executive orders from the start. Once Congress snubs him, who knows? It isn't about not being concerned with me. I think he's the opposite side of the Obama coin.

The Clinton's have sold this country out for their own interests. Trump is at least to damned self-centered and greedy to do that.

04-27-2016, 09:36 AM
pundit reaction to yesterday

“Never Trump” Dana Loesch


sedation, counseling or a gun ??? :rofl1:


04-27-2016, 10:05 AM
I'm less concerned with Trump, not "not concerned". He'll try and play by the rules. Hillary will just be a continuance of executive orders from the start. Once Congress snubs him, who knows? It isn't about not being concerned with me. I think he's the opposite side of the Obama coin.

The Clinton's have sold this country out for their own interests. Trump is at least to damned self-centered and greedy to do that.

We just see him differently is all. I find 'selling out for own interests,' very close to 'self-centered and greedy.' Different strokes I guess.

I find Obama and Trump very similar regarding both their need to brag, their certainty of always being right, their narcissism, their inability to see that they need to follow rules and their apparent insecurities in putting others down. That's just in personalities.

Lots of similarities in policies too, first in lack of such. I could go on, but seriously this isn't where I thought the thread would go.

04-27-2016, 01:24 PM
Hey You! I love you too!:laugh:

Even though you dont like my as-kicken man....Thats fine!:thumb:

​"I haven't even started on Hillary the witch yet......"


`at a Trump rally in Las Vegas, and the crowd of 8,000 went nuts. According to reports, Arpaio spoke on Hillary’s legal troubles, saying he’s got a pink pair of underwear with her name on them waiting.`

I will probably learn to live with it. Hell, after dealing with the Obamanation 'reality' for the past 7+ years, I'm thinkin I can deal with pretty much ANY thing now. :laugh:

04-27-2016, 03:54 PM
I will probably learn to live with it. Hell, after dealing with the Obamanation 'reality' for the past 7+ years, I'm thinkin I can deal with pretty much ANY thing now. :laugh:

Meanwhile....enjoy the show....:laugh:

Cruz / Fiorina ticket....working hard to sway the voters...little late..but...:thumb:


04-27-2016, 04:25 PM
Well isn`t that special....lets see her walk that one back..(I know...people make up...but with politics its tough):coffee:


04-27-2016, 04:33 PM
chit happens, walk backs =lies:




Lest it's forgotten:





Black Diamond
04-27-2016, 04:36 PM
Well isn`t that special....lets see her walk that one back..(I know...people make up...but with politics its tough):coffee:


the funny thing for me was the headline saying Cruz would wrap up nomination by march.

Black Diamond
04-27-2016, 04:38 PM
I remember when Terrell Owens signed with the Dallas Cowboys after dancing on the star at midfield.

04-27-2016, 05:38 PM
We just see him differently is all. I find 'selling out for own interests,' very close to 'self-centered and greedy.' Different strokes I guess.

I find Obama and Trump very similar regarding both their need to brag, their certainty of always being right, their narcissism, their inability to see that they need to follow rules and their apparent insecurities in putting others down. That's just in personalities.

Lots of similarities in policies too, first in lack of such. I could go on, but seriously this isn't where I thought the thread would go.

Where'd you think it was going to go? I don't disagree with your assessment of Trump and Obama. Left out is the fact Hillary would be in prison already if she was in the military and pulled that server crap. She should be in prison over Whitewater. She's a shyster lawyer that slimes her way out of things just like Bill did. Not to mention her "pro-woman" stance while being in bed with Middle Eastern countries where women have ZERO rights.

04-27-2016, 05:39 PM
I remember when Terrell Owens signed with the Dallas Cowboys after dancing on the star at midfield.

Got his clock cleaned for it too. :laugh:

04-27-2016, 08:02 PM
I hate to point this out, but he's "going to lose anyway" because of people like you. And don't go getting personal on me about it. We've lost the last two elections because of people who either wouldn't vote, or voted 3rd party. I'd vote for Santorum or Perry. Matter of fact I'd vote for just about anyone other than the 3 currently running. I said months ago Trump was LAST on my list. I kind of liked Cruz a bit until he started this jerk-off crap.

I agree that people are illogical on the issue. The best candidates got the least amount of screen time while the big mouths got to take the stage. If I want a rock star for President I'll vote for George Strait and Randy Travis. Rick Perry made Texas wealthier than the US. But he sucks on TV. Not to mention he walks all over his own tongue. Ben Carson can perform brain surgery. What do we get? A real estate developer with a big mouth making promises he can't keep.

I get the deal. But I'll take someone who can't accomplish crap over someone destroying the Constitution for 4-8 more years that's a criminal and everyone knows it.

This has been flying around in my head all day, I've seen versions of it over and over again from Trump supporters. 'People like me' will vote, not stay home. If Trump loses, it will be due to the fact that he ran and his supporters gave him the GOP nomination. They find his behavior a feature, not a bug. It's on Trump and those folks who will be the reason he wins or loses, not 'people like me.'

Just like when I voted for McCain, Romney, George Bush 1 in second term, their losses had to do with the numbers who voted and whom they voted for. I voted for the loser.

Really it's like someone who's been warned to stop overeating, does so anyways. Blames the doc for his heart attack. Illogical.

04-27-2016, 08:09 PM
This has been flying around in my head all day, I've seen versions of it over and over again from Trump supporters. 'People like me' will vote, not stay home. If Trump loses, it will be due to the fact that he ran and his supporters gave him the GOP nomination. They find his behavior a feature, not a bug. It's on Trump and those folks who will be the reason he wins or loses, not 'people like me.'

Just like when I voted for McCain, Romney, George Bush 1 in second term, their losses had to do with the numbers who voted and whom they voted for. I voted for the loser.

Really it's like someone who's been warned to stop overeating, does so anyways. Blames the doc for his heart attack. Illogical.

It's completely logical if you look at it from MY point of view. There's nothing illogical about me. If anything, most people say I'm TOO logical. Voting 3rd party or not voting ensures the Dems a win and I want the Dems out of control of anything.

People like you have a vote and you either waste it on a nobody or don't use it. That IS on YOU. Trump is going to lose because he isn't going to have the numbers. So we get Hillary. She gets the Supreme Court and probably Congress next time around. That is absolutely logical, strategic and tactical thinking with a gameplan, mission and end game.

04-27-2016, 08:23 PM
It's completely logical if you look at it from MY point of view. There's nothing illogical about me. If anything, most people say I'm TOO logical. Voting 3rd party or not voting ensures the Dems a win and I want the Dems out of control of anything.

People like you have a vote and you either waste it on a nobody or don't use it. That IS on YOU. Trump is going to lose because he isn't going to have the numbers. So we get Hillary. She gets the Supreme Court and probably Congress next time around. That is absolutely logical, strategic and tactical thinking with a gameplan, mission and end game.
:laugh2: We're never going to come to a meeting of the minds on this. Trump and his supporters are the ones who pushed all the Perry's, Walker's, etc., out of the contest-leaving me to choose between Trump and Cruz. Ok, I voted for Cruz, it's not MY fault that again I voted for the person that lost. Trump had an awesome night last evening, good for him and his supporters. He may well find the same in November and it won't be MY fault if he wins, either.

I will vote, I will point out how wrong I've been, if that is what comes about-I've said so from the beginning of this whole mess. However, if he wins and is what I fear, no one is going to be complaining. I won't vote for Hillary, but if she won I doubt very much we wouldn't be able to complain and there would be much to complain about.

04-27-2016, 09:34 PM
:laugh2: We're never going to come to a meeting of the minds on this. Trump and his supporters are the ones who pushed all the Perry's, Walker's, etc., out of the contest-leaving me to choose between Trump and Cruz. Ok, I voted for Cruz, it's not MY fault that again I voted for the person that lost. Trump had an awesome night last evening, good for him and his supporters. He may well find the same in November and it won't be MY fault if he wins, either.

I will vote, I will point out how wrong I've been, if that is what comes about-I've said so from the beginning of this whole mess. However, if he wins and is what I fear, no one is going to be complaining. I won't vote for Hillary, but if she won I doubt very much we wouldn't be able to complain and there would be much to complain about.

I know how to win a war. It takes a team. If anyone on that team fails, somebody dies. You civilians are NOT team players.

The Broncos didn't win the SB because of Peyton Manning. They won because their team did what it was supposed to. The same can be said of Terry Bradshaw. He was not a spectacular QB. Matter of fact, his first year in the league he sucked. The Steelers built a team around him. Same with the Cowboys. You know what all those teams had in common in their heydays? Defense.

The Cavaliers have LeBron, allegedly the best basketball player in this time period and Kevin Love to back him up. They got beat by some no-names for the title. It takes a team. Seth Curry is out? They still win. Same with the Spurs. Tim Duncan's out? Team step's up. When Michael Jordan was the only thing the Bulls had he had some spectacular games. And lost. It takes more than one person and everybody has to know their role and play it.

I think my feelings on Trump are clear. But I want the Dems out. Not to mention this is the third election I've preached the same thing and I'm stubborn as Hell. I won't stop. I just wonder when everyone on the right started thinking about themselves so much they lost sight of the prize.

Honestly, I'd rather take Dems into combat if I had to go right now because at least they'll gaggle up and follow the leader. The right is like a herd of cats. I don't want to spend more of my time trying to kick y'all's asses into line than kicking the enemy's asses.

I know you were trying to make this thread impersonal, but you can't. We agree completely on Trump. He's everything you and I have repeatedly said he is. Where we don't agree and aren't going to is allowing the Dems to control our government. There's a bigger picture than dislike for a candidate. We stand to lose this country as we know it. More than we already have. And ask anyone that actually knows me? I WILL leave. I've been moving all my life and there's lots of places I know of better than what we're turning into under Dem rule.

04-28-2016, 04:49 AM
People like you have a vote and you either waste it on a nobody or don't use it. That IS on YOU. Trump is going to lose because he isn't going to have the numbers. So we get Hillary. She gets the Supreme Court and probably Congress next time around. That is absolutely logical, strategic and tactical thinking with a gameplan, mission and end game.

It's your kind of thinking that got us where we are today. DumFux say: "I'm not going to vote for him because he can't win." Now, how dumb is that! Of course, if nobody votes for him, he will not win. But if everybody did vote for him, he would win. An analogy: Some BlowHards are in the lead, and one who makes some sense is way behind. So the DumFux fight over the ones in the lead and vote for the lesser of two evils.

04-28-2016, 05:29 AM
It's your kind of thinking that got us where we are today. DumFux say: "I'm not going to vote for him because he can't win." Now, how dumb is that! Of course, if nobody votes for him, he will not win. But if everybody did vote for him, he would win. An analogy: Some BlowHards are in the lead, and one who makes some sense is way behind. So the DumFux fight over the ones in the lead and vote for the lesser of two evils.

My kind of thinking is looking at a situation, deciding the best way to get out of it, and doing it. Maybe you ought to read a little? If it was up to me, NONE of the current candidates would be in.

But YOUR kind of thinking is throwing the towel like a wuss. I'm a Texan from San Antonio. Home of the Alamo. Maybe you heard of it? I ain't going down without a fight. THAT is MY choice.

Y'all got to make your own. I've known Kathianne for about 15 years. I'm not going to throw her nor anyone else under the bus over a decision I don't agree with. YOU? I'd throw you overboard in half a heartbeat. The only thing you've been since I came back here is a pest. Like a gnat or mosquito. You never say anything that isn't negative. You never man up on your rhetorical posts. Is there some point to you?

Don't try to fuck with me. I understand the conundrum better than your cut n paste ass does. I didn't create it. At this point I'd vote for me. At least I have vision beyond my emotions. But it it is what it is. You don't get to deal your fantasies. You have to deal with reality and the reality is, it's the lesser of two evils. Your kind of reality has a moron sitting in the WH with a phone and a pen.

04-28-2016, 05:48 AM
My kind of thinking is looking at a situation, deciding the best way to get out of it, and doing it. Maybe you ought to read a little? If it was up to me, NONE of the current candidates would be in.

But YOUR kind of thinking is throwing the towel like a wuss. I'm a Texan from San Antonio. Home of the Alamo. Maybe you heard of it? I ain't going down without a fight. THAT is MY choice.

Y'all got to make your own. I've known Kathianne for about 15 years. I'm not going to throw her nor anyone else under the bus over a decision I don't agree with. YOU? I'd throw you overboard in half a heartbeat. The only thing you've been since I came back here is a pest. Like a gnat or mosquito. You never say anything that isn't negative. You never man up on your rhetorical posts. Is there some point to you?

Don't try to fuck with me. I understand the conundrum better than your cut n paste ass does. I didn't create it. At this point I'd vote for me. At least I have vision beyond my emotions. But it it is what it is. You don't get to deal your fantasies. You have to deal with reality and the reality is, it's the lesser of two evils. Your kind of reality has a moron sitting in the WH with a phone and a pen.
Actually my brother said he may vote for me. ;)

04-28-2016, 06:20 AM
Actually my brother said he may vote for me. ;)

Honestly? I wouldn't want the job. I NEVER "wanted" the job. I've been told that's the reason I was good leader. I just did it but I never wanted it. The next President is going to have to un-screw everything Obama has done. Hillary's going to go with whichever way the current wind is blowing.

I see this election as a complete disaster. I'm looking for an escape route.

But if it makes you feel better, I'd vote for you before any of those 5 clowns currently running. :)

04-28-2016, 06:23 AM
Honestly? I wouldn't want the job. I NEVER "wanted" the job. I've been told that's the reason I was good leader. I just did it but I never wanted it. The next President is going to have to un-screw everything Obama has done. Hillary's going to go with whichever way the current wind is blowing.

I see this election as a complete disaster. I'm looking for an escape route.

But if it makes you feel better, I'd vote for you before any of those 5 clowns currently running. :)

I don't think he's worried about me winning. ;)

04-28-2016, 06:30 AM
I don't think he's worried about me winning. ;)

I honestly think one of the worst things that could happen is ME winning. There'd be a LOT of unhappy campers. Once a Gunny ... always a Gunny. I think like one and operate like one. But you could be my running mate. Crap, we could piss everyone off. :laugh:

Which would hurt my feelings really bad. :rolleyes:

04-28-2016, 05:14 PM
Well isn`t that special....lets see her walk that one back..(I know...people make up...but with politics its tough):coffee:


ill bet the dems are laffin' they're ass's off

04-29-2016, 04:38 PM
I've avoided this thread mostly as I wasn't sure how to respond. This election year is unique, IMO. The presidential election has never been more important. The balance of the supreme court, and possibly 2-3 decades of decisions, also lies in the balance. And lets not forget about house and senate seats. The reflection of our country can change after this year, and likely will. I think the importance we are seeing is higher than any election that I can recall ever seeing. People are also much more than just angry, and more than just responding on emotion alone. But this division? The anger? I barely blame any of it on Trump Just like any other "personal responsibility", folks are responsible for their own actions. I don't want to go into what I believe too much, as this is an explanation for me, not a debate.

I take the top 50 things that are most important to me and make a list. Then I list each candidate in a column. Then I rank each candidate, for each issue, and rank them from say 1-10. These issues, and the rankings, WILL and SHOULD be different for all of us, while as expected they will be somewhat similar for many of us. This is the type of stuff I do to come down to my favorite. Some will get lucky out of the 17 involved, that the person ranking highest for them will also end up being the one getting the most votes. Others won't be so lucky.

For ME, things get reset back to "0" after the convention. At that point, it's a matter of supporting the nominee for the next 6 months, in any way possible, to keep the democrats from taking the white house, and even more importantly, from Hillary Clinton taking the white house.

Going into this cycle, believe it or not, if you read back, my very first choice was Marco Rubio. I was nervous about Ben Carson but found myself loving him by the end. I never cared much for Christ Christie, but thought he was outstanding in the debates. I would have supported any one of the 17 into November, and still think any of them is much more qualified than Hillary. I have zero doubt, none whatsoever, that our country would be better off with any of those 17 in office instead of Hillary.

The only candidate I ever really tossed multiple jabs at was Ted Cruz, and that was to prove points. But I would gladly vote for him should he win this contested convention we appear destined for. Should they be dumb enough to do something like give it to someone like Paul Ryan, I would vote for him too. I might even be out as a republican depending on how they handle things going forward but right now it's more important to keep Hillary out of Washington. I'm all in for the republicans and will be working together to hopefully win the office in November, or keeping Hillary out, whichever is a preferred view.


Now, with that said, you may have noticed I haven't been posting much about the election in the past month. Folks say I took things too personally, and that's perhaps a fair point. Some said I/we jumped on others. I didn't see it that way, but it's not worth fighting over, at least not with friends. I felt friends acting or reacting differently towards things I posted, whether I feel I was in the wrong or not. Losing friends over political differences is retarded IMO, unless that's someone you are debating about living with, as then it may matter. The overwhelming majority of my posting has been, or was, positive about someone I was thinking about voting for. Sometimes it was posts in response to negative things written about someone I was thinking about voting for. But I tried to remain positive, about the person I liked, and get the word out about them, as opposed to negativity about some, and forgetting about the others. And then here we stand.

And then I just up and decided that the friends here are more important to me than the willingness to lose them over a political candidate. I would rather be bashed and lose arguments, or refrain from them if I must, instead of losing those folks as friends.

04-29-2016, 06:49 PM
I've avoided this thread mostly as I wasn't sure how to respond. This election year is unique, IMO. The presidential election has never been more important. The balance of the supreme court, and possibly 2-3 decades of decisions, also lies in the balance. And lets not forget about house and senate seats. The reflection of our country can change after this year, and likely will. I think the importance we are seeing is higher than any election that I can recall ever seeing. People are also much more than just angry, and more than just responding on emotion alone. But this division? The anger? I barely blame any of it on Trump Just like any other "personal responsibility", folks are responsible for their own actions. I don't want to go into what I believe too much, as this is an explanation for me, not a debate.

I take the top 50 things that are most important to me and make a list. Then I list each candidate in a column. Then I rank each candidate, for each issue, and rank them from say 1-10. These issues, and the rankings, WILL and SHOULD be different for all of us, while as expected they will be somewhat similar for many of us. This is the type of stuff I do to come down to my favorite. Some will get lucky out of the 17 involved, that the person ranking highest for them will also end up being the one getting the most votes. Others won't be so lucky.

For ME, things get reset back to "0" after the convention. At that point, it's a matter of supporting the nominee for the next 6 months, in any way possible, to keep the democrats from taking the white house, and even more importantly, from Hillary Clinton taking the white house.

Going into this cycle, believe it or not, if you read back, my very first choice was Marco Rubio. I was nervous about Ben Carson but found myself loving him by the end. I never cared much for Christ Christie, but thought he was outstanding in the debates. I would have supported any one of the 17 into November, and still think any of them is much more qualified than Hillary. I have zero doubt, none whatsoever, that our country would be better off with any of those 17 in office instead of Hillary.

The only candidate I ever really tossed multiple jabs at was Ted Cruz, and that was to prove points. But I would gladly vote for him should he win this contested convention we appear destined for. Should they be dumb enough to do something like give it to someone like Paul Ryan, I would vote for him too. I might even be out as a republican depending on how they handle things going forward but right now it's more important to keep Hillary out of Washington. I'm all in for the republicans and will be working together to hopefully win the office in November, or keeping Hillary out, whichever is a preferred view.


Now, with that said, you may have noticed I haven't been posting much about the election in the past month. Folks say I took things too personally, and that's perhaps a fair point. Some said I/we jumped on others. I didn't see it that way, but it's not worth fighting over, at least not with friends. I felt friends acting or reacting differently towards things I posted, whether I feel I was in the wrong or not. Losing friends over political differences is retarded IMO, unless that's someone you are debating about living with, as then it may matter. The overwhelming majority of my posting has been, or was, positive about someone I was thinking about voting for. Sometimes it was posts in response to negative things written about someone I was thinking about voting for. But I tried to remain positive, about the person I liked, and get the word out about them, as opposed to negativity about some, and forgetting about the others. And then here we stand.

And then I just up and decided that the friends here are more important to me than the willingness to lose them over a political candidate. I would rather be bashed and lose arguments, or refrain from them if I must, instead of losing those folks as friends.

I don't know who you think is bashing you, but as you know, I pay only partial attention. I' think given our age we should all be mature enough to just discuss this stuff. I have learned differently (Not aimed at you). You DO have to remember, I was on a different board last two elections. I came back here to just hang out n talk. I can't take this crap as seriously as I used to. I'll have a freakin' stroke.

I will stick to my stance. Vote against the Dems. It's too late to fix the problem now. But get the Dems out first, THEN fix the problem.

However, WE are more important than one election cycle. We come and go, do our things, argue and we're still the same group. I don't know if that makes us dumb or what. :laugh: Either way, we've been around longer than any president in the last 15 years. :)

04-29-2016, 07:19 PM
I don't know who you think is bashing you, but as you know, I pay only partial attention. I' think given our age we should all be mature enough to just discuss this stuff. I have learned differently (Not aimed at you). You DO have to remember, I was on a different board last two elections. I came back here to just hang out n talk. I can't take this crap as seriously as I used to. I'll have a freakin' stroke.

I will stick to my stance. Vote against the Dems. It's too late to fix the problem now. But get the Dems out first, THEN fix the problem.

However, WE are more important than one election cycle. We come and go, do our things, argue and we're still the same group. I don't know if that makes us dumb or what. :laugh: Either way, we've been around longer than any president in the last 15 years. :)

What I mean was, I would rather get bashed and lose an argument, than get into all out feuds and see friendships harmed as a result.

But as to that problem, I think it's going to be harder to fix than you may think. The entire republican party has changed over the past few decades. It barely even resembles anything that the people actually voted for and wanted. We've been screwed, blued and tattooed - and we all end up voting them bastards back in anyway. The party needs to be fixed from the ground up, IMO. There are far too many lifers in politics that simply don't care about the people as much as they do their jobs, relationships, kickbacks and whatever the hell else they have lined up for their endless terms.

The worst part is that they get up in congress and simply do so much shit that is the opposite of what their constituents want from them. As if they are proud of it, what is expected of them?The Dems get all of their little pet projects paid for, and yes, that ensures that the republicans get theirs too. Meanwhile, neither side does shit for veterans other than pay lip service. Look at the BILLIONS being spent on what I think is a lot of useless shit. They could have built like 100 new VA hospitals with that money, with new doctors and all other kinds of funding, if they paid that much attention year after year to the things that matter. And they're both guilty of not making it happen.

I stand for the majority of the values that the party SHOULD be standing for, but have forgotten about. Short of dropping every last one of these bastards, setting term limits and other ground rules, I'm afraid the fix will take some time.

04-29-2016, 07:24 PM
However, WE are more important than one election cycle. We come and go, do our things, argue and we're still the same group. I don't know if that makes us dumb or what. :laugh: Either way, we've been around longer than any president in the last 15 years. :)

No doubt that we are all a little retarded here. I certainly have a LOT of issues, and I'd like to think I'm sharing, and maybe even lucky enough to be spreading some to all of you. :)

04-29-2016, 07:33 PM
No doubt that we are all a little retarded here. I certainly have a LOT of issues, and I'd like to think I'm sharing, and maybe even lucky enough to be spreading some to all of you. :)

Of course we are. No matter how we try, we're all still human. You couldn't spread more brain damage to me if you tried (well maybe). They didn't check us for concussions when I was a kid. :laugh:

On the serious side, we're all serious and we all believe what we believe. I don't hold that against anyone.

04-29-2016, 07:41 PM
Of course we are. No matter how we try, we're all still human. You couldn't spread more brain damage to me if you tried (well maybe). They didn't check us for concussions when I was a kid. :laugh:

On the serious side, we're all serious and we all believe what we believe. I don't hold that against anyone.

I started wondering a few years ago with all of this talk in the NFL about concussions, and the long term effects it can have.

Hell, I wasn't an NFL player, nor a marine, but I had to have between 3-5 I would guess, at minimum. There had to be at least one from playing tackle football with friends. I recall quite a few times going home not knowing what the hell happened. Another time I remember ice skating, skates went out from under me and I fell backwards and slammed my head on the ice, and HARD. I had to do this a few times. At least one of them had to be a concussion.

I ran into one of the spikes of the bucket of a front end loader.

I jumped over a fence, hit my toes on the top, tumbled over and landed on cement on the back of my head splitting it wide open and needing a ton of stitches. That's an awesome scar when I shave my head!

I hurt my head so many times when I was younger I can even begin to remember all of the times. I gotta wonder if any/all of it had any long term effects. I know what YOU would say if I asked you! :laugh:

04-29-2016, 08:00 PM
I started wondering a few years ago with all of this talk in the NFL about concussions, and the long term effects it can have.

Hell, I wasn't an NFL player, nor a marine, but I had to have between 3-5 I would guess, at minimum. There had to be at least one from playing tackle football with friends. I recall quite a few times going home not knowing what the hell happened. Another time I remember ice skating, skates went out from under me and I fell backwards and slammed my head on the ice, and HARD. I had to do this a few times. At least one of them had to be a concussion.

I ran into one of the spikes of the bucket of a front end loader.

I jumped over a fence, hit my toes on the top, tumbled over and landed on cement on the back of my head splitting it wide open and needing a ton of stitches. That's an awesome scar when I shave my head!

I hurt my head so many times when I was younger I can even begin to remember all of the times. I gotta wonder if any/all of it had any long term effects. I know what YOU would say if I asked you! :laugh:

I can't say. I think it's individual. I've had the butt end of a poolstick broken on my face. Really sucked for the guy that thought it was the end because he just pissed me off. But I've been involved enough in sports and fighting that I know some people just go down.

04-29-2016, 08:04 PM
I can't say. I think it's individual. I've had the butt end of a poolstick broken on my face. Really sucked for the guy that thought it was the end because he just pissed me off. But I've been involved enough in sports and fighting that I know some people just go down.

I got a bottle to the nose, but never a pool stick!

But ever fall on your head like I mean, and hit the back of your head? You kinda feel your own head bounce (and trust me, ice is just as bad as pavement). Then a weird burning sensation for a few seconds, and then WHAM does it hurt. Funny thing is, that feeling is like having an immediate migraine headache. Ugggh, awful.

So yeah, I think I made myself a little retarded.

And you, if you're getting hit in the face with pool sticks and still marching on, well you're likely a little retarded too. :)

04-29-2016, 08:08 PM
I got a bottle to the nose, but never a pool stick!

But ever fall on your head like I mean, and hit the back of your head? You kinda feel your own head bounce (and trust me, ice is just as bad as pavement). Then a weird burning sensation for a few seconds, and then WHAM does it hurt. Funny thing is, that feeling is like having an immediate migraine headache. Ugggh, awful.

So yeah, I think I made myself a little retarded.

And you, if you're getting hit in the face with pool sticks and still marching on, well you're likely a little retarded too. :)

I hate to say this, but no. I've been hit on the head forever and never knocked out. Maybe that's what's wrong with me. :laugh2:

04-29-2016, 08:13 PM
I hate to say this, but no. I've been hit on the head forever and never knocked out. Maybe that's what's wrong with me. :laugh2:

Don't matter. All that matters is whether or not the brain gets jarred around or not inside that bald melon of yours. :laugh:

04-29-2016, 08:26 PM
I hate to say this, but no. I've been hit on the head forever and never knocked out. Maybe that's what's wrong with me. :laugh2:

Your lucky....You havnt met the Wrong Guy yet....:coffee:

04-30-2016, 03:50 AM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by indago http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=813559#post813559)
It's your kind of thinking that got us where we are today. DumFux say: "I'm not going to vote for him because he can't win." Now, how dumb is that! Of course, if nobody votes for him, he will not win. But if everybody did vote for him, he would win. An analogy: Some BlowHards are in the lead, and one who makes some sense is way behind. So the DumFux fight over the ones in the lead and vote for the lesser of two evils.

My kind of thinking is looking at a situation, deciding the best way to get out of it, and doing it. Maybe you ought to read a little? If it was up to me, NONE of the current candidates would be in.

But YOUR kind of thinking is throwing the towel like a wuss. I'm a Texan from San Antonio. Home of the Alamo. Maybe you heard of it? I ain't going down without a fight. THAT is MY choice.

Y'all got to make your own. I've known Kathianne for about 15 years. I'm not going to throw her nor anyone else under the bus over a decision I don't agree with. YOU? I'd throw you overboard in half a heartbeat. The only thing you've been since I came back here is a pest. Like a gnat or mosquito. You never say anything that isn't negative. You never man up on your rhetorical posts. Is there some point to you?

Don't try to fuck with me. I understand the conundrum better than your cut n paste ass does. I didn't create it. At this point I'd vote for me. At least I have vision beyond my emotions. But it it is what it is. You don't get to deal your fantasies. You have to deal with reality and the reality is, it's the lesser of two evils. Your kind of reality has a moron sitting in the WH with a phone and a pen.

TO BE CONTINUED... (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?54962-Gunny-is-in-love-with-Indago&p=813589#post813589)

04-30-2016, 09:51 AM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by indago http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=813559#post813559)
It's your kind of thinking that got us where we are today. DumFux say: "I'm not going to vote for him because he can't win." Now, how dumb is that! Of course, if nobody votes for him, he will not win. But if everybody did vote for him, he would win. An analogy: Some BlowHards are in the lead, and one who makes some sense is way behind. So the DumFux fight over the ones in the lead and vote for the lesser of two evils.

TO BE CONTINUED... (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?54962-Gunny-is-in-love-with-Indago&p=813589#post813589)

More backwards logic. Try to keep your personal attacks in the thread dedicated especially to us, huh?

I'm going to do my part. A shot well fired is better than a shot off to the flank that does nothing. I get your last couple of sentences all too well. I'm just not going to be the one to throw fuel on the fire.