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View Full Version : Department Of Education Encourages Islam In Classrooms To Stop Muslim Bullying

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-28-2016, 01:29 PM

Department Of Education Encourages Islam In Classrooms To Stop Muslim Bullying

By Diane Palmer, Parent Herald | April 27, 5:00 AM
Marine Patrol In Fallujah

The U.S. Department of Education calls educators to include Islam in the curriculum to address the bullying of Muslim students.
(Photo : Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

The Department of Education (DOE) in the U.S. encouraged educators to be more responsible in protecting Muslim students from bullying by teaching Islam in class. Many people rejected the demands of the DOE's instructions by saying that it is inappropriate to bring up religion in class.

The DOE posted instructions on their website urging teachers to include Islam in classroom discussions. Educators are encouraged to incorporate experiences of Muslim people into the curriculum through current events, social studies and children's literature.

The alleged bullying is said to be largely based on the lack of information about the religion and the tendency to associate Islam with terrorism. Although no firm statistics show how often Muslim students are bullied, activists claim that the numbers became higher after the attacks of 9/11, according to Huffington Post.

A 2010 survey of 57 Muslim teenagers aged 11 to 18 reported being called a name because of their faith. About 80 percent of the respondents also said they have been called a 'terrorist'.

DOE cites an increase in incidents targeting the Muslim community due to the 10 incidents that happened nationwide, according to WND. Of the 10 events, two resulted in assaults, three reported the vandalism of mosques, five involved alleged threats and intimidation and only one involved a student inside school.

Parents were also called to educate their kids on how to prevent bullying. Parents were told to teach how to appreciate their peers and make friends across different cultures.

However, many groups rejected the claim of DOE by organizing a Change.org petition drive demanding the department to stop efforts to Islamize children in school. Nowhere in the blog does it talk about incorporating Christian or Judaism into classroom discussions despite far more actual violent attacks on Jews and Christians all over the world, according to Martin Mawyer, president and founder of Christian Action Network.

A blogger named Steve commented on the issue by asking why the bullying of Muslim is given more notice than the bullying of other kids. Another commentator expressed that it is inappropriate for an educator to bring the issue in class since it deals with religion.

The Christian Action Network announced its move to collect petitions to bring to Secretary of Education John B. King Jr. Mawyer said that they will urge Secretary King to back off the program of bullying Christian school children into accepting Islam.

However, many groups rejected the claim of DOE by organizing a Change.org petition drive demanding the department to stop efforts to Islamize children in school. Nowhere in the blog does it talk about incorporating Christian or Judaism into classroom discussions despite far more actual violent attacks on Jews and Christians all over the world, according to Martin Mawyer, president and founder of Christian Action Network.
^^^^^ I told you people this was coming to American shores..
but my critics cried never--as no religion in schools would prevent it.
Such morons, exceptions are made by thousands worldwide for Islam as a daily reality that they choose to be blind about..

Notice how more Christians and Jews suffer violent attacks but those two major religions are ignore in order to favor Islam??

Told you people, our government by way of the lousy dem party (that is allied with Islam) would give Islam special status, special protections and preferred treatment over all other religions/citizens.-Tyr

04-28-2016, 02:04 PM
//Well if we indoctrinate all the children into being muslim, then there won't be any non-muslim on muslim bullying, right?

04-28-2016, 02:43 PM
^^^^^ I told you people this was coming to American shores..
but my critics cried never--as no religion in schools would prevent it.
Such morons, exceptions are made by thousands worldwide for Islam as a daily reality that they choose to be blind about..

Notice how more Christians and Jews suffer violent attacks but those two major religions are ignore in order to favor Islam??

Told you people, our government by way of the lousy dem party (that is allied with Islam) would give Islam special status, special protections and preferred treatment over all other religions/citizens.-Tyr

"Im coming to take care of business Tyr.... ":salute:


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-28-2016, 06:39 PM
"Im coming to take care of business Tyr.... ":salute:


Tis why they fear him so damn much!!!! --Tyr

04-28-2016, 07:00 PM
^^^^^ I told you people this was coming to American shores..
but my critics cried never--as no religion in schools would prevent it.
Such morons, exceptions are made by thousands worldwide for Islam as a daily reality that they choose to be blind about..

Notice how more Christians and Jews suffer violent attacks but those two major religions are ignore in order to favor Islam??

Told you people, our government by way of the lousy dem party (that is allied with Islam) would give Islam special status, special protections and preferred treatment over all other religions/citizens.-Tyr

That is just plain horseshit!

The Dems have been pushing to keep religion out of the classroom.

Why do they make an exception for Islam?

04-28-2016, 07:04 PM
//Well if we indoctrinate all the children into being muslim, then there won't be any non-muslim on muslim bullying, right?

That might be the objective, but it is not feasible.

How do you govern or prescribe human nature?

I'll tell you how...look at the Nazi party in the 1930's and 1940's.

Obama's underlying theme all along has been to dictate..and it shows.

04-28-2016, 09:29 PM
Filthy ...Submissive Ignorant leftist dont care... that Muslim koran reading terrorist cacaroaches are a threat to mankind and all of Gods Animals..


Trump 2016! Cure for muslm terrorist breeding parasites...

Black Diamond
04-28-2016, 10:17 PM
Filthy ...Submissive Ignorant leftist dont care... that Muslim koran reading terrorist cacaroaches are a threat to mankind and all of Gods Animals..


Trump 2016! Cure for muslm terrorist breeding parasites...no no no. Blow up the Empire State building and John Hancock building. It's America's chickens...

Let the Left prevail.

04-29-2016, 06:41 AM
//Well if we indoctrinate all the children into being muslim, then there won't be any non-muslim on muslim bullying, right?

.... says a Leftie ........

04-29-2016, 06:45 AM
.... says a Leftie ........

I can't believe you even responded to that stupid comment. You must be slumming this morning. :laugh:

04-29-2016, 06:55 AM
That is just plain horseshit!

The Dems have been pushing to keep religion out of the classroom.

Why do they make an exception for Islam?

That's a damned good question. Why DO they ?

The Left - speaking from the perspective I have from my part of the world - work to (seemingly) make all religions equal. No one religion can be seen to be favoured over the other. Therefore, none have particular authority, and all are reduced to mere talking points, or 'opinions'. Result .. the effective neutralisation of all of them.

With Islam being a 'minority' faith, so our Lefties have worked hard to boost Islam's presence and to favour it. On race grounds .. they also worked hard to defer to them, demonising as racist anyone resisting such moves. HOWEVER ... since Islam is such an aggressive creed, its adherents (of course) ditto .. so they continue to gain, and 'PC' imperatives still insist upon the process of deference continuing.

So it is that, today, the UK is awash with mosques ... and how a hate-preacher like Abu Hamza could get away with his preaching, uninterrupted and unchallenged, for YEARS ....

Getting closer to the subject matter of this thread, talking about classrooms ... well, in Birmingham, W Midlands, we had the scandal of Muslims trying to take over entire schools and preach 'radical' teachings in them. It took the authorities a while to get to grips with the situation -- albeit in a 'PC' sort of way ...


An alleged plot to oust some Birmingham head teachers and make their schools adhere to more Islamic principles is being investigated, it has emerged.

A letter detailing the plan, known as "Operation Trojan Horse", claims responsibility for leadership changes at four schools.

These schools are Adderley Primary, Saltley School, Park View School and Regents Park Community Primary School.

Saltley's head teacher resigned last year after a critical Ofsted report. Inspectors said there was a "dysfunctional" relationship between head teacher Balwant Bains and governors which was hindering the school.

The letter, which purports to outline "Operation Trojan Horse", has subsequently been sent to at least another 12 schools in the city - all believed to be vulnerable to takeover. It states that parents could be encouraged to turn against the leadership team if they are told the school is "corrupting their children with sex education, teaching about homosexuals, making their children pray Christian prayers and [carrying out] mixed swimming and sport".

Among various claims in the letter is one that the group has "caused a great amount of organised disruption in Birmingham and as a result we have our own academies and are on the way to getting rid of more head teachers and taking over their schools".

The head teachers of the schools met Birmingham City Council on Thursday to discuss their concerns.

The letter, seen by the BBC, was apparently written by someone in Birmingham to a contact in Bradford, and goes on to outline ways and means by which schools can be taken over. It says: "We have an obligation to our children to fulfill our roles and ensure these schools are run on Islamic principles."

04-29-2016, 07:05 AM
That's a damned good question. Why DO they ?

The Left - speaking from the perspective I have from my part of the world - work to (seemingly) make all religions equal. No one religion can be seen to be favoured over the other. Therefore, none have particular authority, and all are reduced to mere talking points, or 'opinions'. Result .. the effective neutralisation of all of them.

With Islam being a 'minority' faith, so our Lefties have worked hard to boost Islam's presence and to favour it. On race grounds .. they also worked hard to defer to them, demonising as racist anyone resisting such moves. HOWEVER ... since Islam is such an aggressive creed, its adherents (of course) ditto .. so they continue to gain, and 'PC' imperatives still insist upon the process of deference continuing.

So it is that, today, the UK is awash with mosques ... and how a hate-preacher like Abu Hamza could get away with his preaching, uninterrupted and unchallenged, for YEARS ....

Getting closer to the subject matter of this thread, talking about classrooms ... well, in Birmingham, W Midlands, we had the scandal of Muslims trying to take over entire schools and preach 'radical' teachings in them. It took the authorities a while to get to grips with the situation -- albeit in a 'PC' sort of way ...


You know what> I don't like Arabs period. I don't like Islam. I don't like fags and I don't like the way dems think. But if you can be kicked off campus for wearing the US flag or a Christian symbol, I damned sure ain't supporting your Muhammed t-shirt.

There's a story in the news about a Marine Cpl that was court martialed because she had Christian sayings on her desk. MY F-ING DESK. I don't think I'd made it past PFC in today's stupidity. When I had a desk, I always had all kinds of crap on it. How come it is you can be more offended by religion than I am yours? Because you got a big whine and I just ignore yours?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-29-2016, 08:10 AM
That's a damned good question. Why DO they ?

The Left - speaking from the perspective I have from my part of the world - work to (seemingly) make all religions equal. No one religion can be seen to be favoured over the other. Therefore, none have particular authority, and all are reduced to mere talking points, or 'opinions'. Result .. the effective neutralisation of all of them.

With Islam being a 'minority' faith, so our Lefties have worked hard to boost Islam's presence and to favour it. On race grounds .. they also worked hard to defer to them, demonising as racist anyone resisting such moves. HOWEVER ... since Islam is such an aggressive creed, its adherents (of course) ditto .. so they continue to gain, and 'PC' imperatives still insist upon the process of deference continuing.

So it is that, today, the UK is awash with mosques ... and how a hate-preacher like Abu Hamza could get away with his preaching, uninterrupted and unchallenged, for YEARS ....

Getting closer to the subject matter of this thread, talking about classrooms ... well, in Birmingham, W Midlands, we had the scandal of Muslims trying to take over entire schools and preach 'radical' teachings in them. It took the authorities a while to get to grips with the situation -- albeit in a 'PC' sort of way ...


That's a damned good question. Why DO they ?

ANSWER IS-- Fear, cowardice and an alliance they made with the devil..
Common goal of destroying the current power of this nation, each one thinking to exploit that destruction to take over..
Muslims are winning in that strategy --see the clear example-- the obama!!!!!

Muslims, dems, globalists -- the Triumvirate!
That is the enemy that is actively destroying our nation--Fact..... -Tyr

04-29-2016, 10:04 AM
A few years back, a young High School girl wrote on a message board that her teacher was going to begin study in the class of some of the Bible teachings. She was quite dismayed at this and wanted some insight from the board participants. I wrote this:

I have attended many seminars, and discussion groups, in which participants would discuss various and sundry things; the latest rulings of the Supreme Court of the United States; our history; historical writings; the Bible; and etc. When I first attended such events, I was struck by the many propoundments of the individuals speaking; their forcefulness of presentation, whether in a close encounter, being one-on-one, or in a small group of four, five, or six, or on a stage with an audience. I would take notes, and review as my interest would develop. I became acquainted with a few who would go to the local law library and research various topics of interest. I enjoyed researching the various Law Review articles prepared by the lawyers; they would give the cites for their positions on a subject that they were elaborating upon. In discussion, we would, then, examine these positions, and make comments of our own concerning them; do we believe what the author had arrived at in his conclusion; is a reference that he had cited a reliable one, and is it reliable in that it supports his conclusion; is he biased in his conclusion; is the argument being propounded a specious one, forwarded to enhance a particular agenda; and etc. Now and then an individual would bring forth a passage from the Bible, or a discussion would revolve around a Biblical point. I would have to accept what was being discussed at the time because I had not read the Bible; I had only heard from other sources, in church, for instance, what was written. Some of the propoundments seemed outlandish, but I could not argue the points without some trepidation, realizing that I would certainly be defeated.

A few years back I obtained a Bible. I decided on The New English Bible with the Apocrypha. I chose this particular book because of the various churches that had sent representatives to oversee its construction. In the preface it is explained that the manuscripts of the original tongues were examined and translated into contemporary idiom. The reason for this was noted that the King James version of the Bible was "archaic". The representatives from the various churches would examine each word, sentence, and paragraph in an effort to import the meaning of that particular phrase. If there was a disagreement, the phrase was written as the majority had perceived it, but a note would be included on the bottom of the page indicating that some witnesses say it means this: and their particular perception would be noted. I found this book to be easy to read. I took many notes. I highly recommend this book to those who would like to read the Bible as a book. I would not recommend a new version; it is an alteration from the originally published version, the original being the Oxford edition; The New Testament First Edition published in 1961, Second Edition published in 1970; The Old Testament and Apocrypha First published in 1970. I have read later editions and found that some of the passages have been altered, the presumption made on my part was that some of the passages in the earlier edition were rather raw and unpalatable to some readers, and, so, unacceptable to some churches. The earlier edition can be found in some of the used book stores at reasonable prices. Really, I would spend some time looking for one. The New English Bible is not a paraphrase style.

In my personal opinion, I would not purchase a King James version of the Bible. This I would resist wholeheartedly. I would follow the recommendations of some of the earlier posters and enter into this study with an open mind. You don't have to become a "Christian", or any other particular religious orientation; and, you can resist the "panderings" of such individuals. I am quite certain that you will find the New English Bible very illuminating if you would open your mind to it and not approach it as a religious teaching. Be wary of those who declare that it is the "Written Word of God", and such other proselytizings.

She wrote back to the message board, after reading some of the comments that OK, she would do it, but with some trepidation thanking all for their discussion on the matter.

04-29-2016, 02:51 PM
A few years back, a young High School girl wrote on a message board that her teacher was going to begin study in the class of some of the Bible teachings. She was quite dismayed at this and wanted some insight from the board participants. I wrote this:

I have attended many seminars, and discussion groups, in which participants would discuss various and sundry things; the latest rulings of the Supreme Court of the United States; our history; historical writings; the Bible; and etc. When I first attended such events, I was struck by the many propoundments of the individuals speaking; their forcefulness of presentation, whether in a close encounter, being one-on-one, or in a small group of four, five, or six, or on a stage with an audience. I would take notes, and review as my interest would develop. I became acquainted with a few who would go to the local law library and research various topics of interest. I enjoyed researching the various Law Review articles prepared by the lawyers; they would give the cites for their positions on a subject that they were elaborating upon. In discussion, we would, then, examine these positions, and make comments of our own concerning them; do we believe what the author had arrived at in his conclusion; is a reference that he had cited a reliable one, and is it reliable in that it supports his conclusion; is he biased in his conclusion; is the argument being propounded a specious one, forwarded to enhance a particular agenda; and etc. Now and then an individual would bring forth a passage from the Bible, or a discussion would revolve around a Biblical point. I would have to accept what was being discussed at the time because I had not read the Bible; I had only heard from other sources, in church, for instance, what was written. Some of the propoundments seemed outlandish, but I could not argue the points without some trepidation, realizing that I would certainly be defeated.

A few years back I obtained a Bible. I decided on The New English Bible with the Apocrypha. I chose this particular book because of the various churches that had sent representatives to oversee its construction. In the preface it is explained that the manuscripts of the original tongues were examined and translated into contemporary idiom. The reason for this was noted that the King James version of the Bible was "archaic". The representatives from the various churches would examine each word, sentence, and paragraph in an effort to import the meaning of that particular phrase. If there was a disagreement, the phrase was written as the majority had perceived it, but a note would be included on the bottom of the page indicating that some witnesses say it means this: and their particular perception would be noted. I found this book to be easy to read. I took many notes. I highly recommend this book to those who would like to read the Bible as a book. I would not recommend a new version; it is an alteration from the originally published version, the original being the Oxford edition; The New Testament First Edition published in 1961, Second Edition published in 1970; The Old Testament and Apocrypha First published in 1970. I have read later editions and found that some of the passages have been altered, the presumption made on my part was that some of the passages in the earlier edition were rather raw and unpalatable to some readers, and, so, unacceptable to some churches. The earlier edition can be found in some of the used book stores at reasonable prices. Really, I would spend some time looking for one. The New English Bible is not a paraphrase style.

In my personal opinion, I would not purchase a King James version of the Bible. This I would resist wholeheartedly. I would follow the recommendations of some of the earlier posters and enter into this study with an open mind. You don't have to become a "Christian", or any other particular religious orientation; and, you can resist the "panderings" of such individuals. I am quite certain that you will find the New English Bible very illuminating if you would open your mind to it and not approach it as a religious teaching. Be wary of those who declare that it is the "Written Word of God", and such other proselytizings.

She wrote back to the message board, after reading some of the comments that OK, she would do it, but with some trepidation thanking all for their discussion on the matter.

All roads lead to the same place.