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04-30-2016, 04:09 AM
From The Associated Press 29 April 2016:
A 94-year-old former SS sergeant has told a German court he is "ashamed" that he served as a guard in the Nazis' Auschwitz death camp and that he knew what was going on there but did nothing to stop it. ..."I want to say that it disturbs me deeply that I was part of such a criminal organization," he said. "I am ashamed that I saw injustice and never did anything about it and I apologize for my actions. I am very, very sorry."

article (http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/E/EU_GERMANY_AUSCHWITZ_TRIAL?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2016-04-29-07-26-41)

Of course, if he would have stood up against it, he would have been shot.

Atticus Finch
04-30-2016, 05:25 AM
It is interesting that holocaust means sacrafice by fire.A practice of the Jews under the Law of Moses.

04-30-2016, 11:55 AM
The problem with this country is all the guilt trips. HItler, not us, created the holocaust. Slavery's been done since the 1860s. Most cops are pretty decent people. Yet you always have these people that make some 1% incident into the majority and then the leftwingers get on it like it was the space shuttle and ride it to death.

This moron, and I don't defend his actions, did what he was told. You Monday morning quarterbacks need a tour of duty. "You should have stood up to them". Right. Try that in OUR military. When your idiot Commander in Chief like Bill Clinton or Barrack Obama order you to do something you do it. Nobody comes around and asks "Hey Gunny, how'd you like to do this?"

This guy's 94 years old. WWII's been over for 70 years. The Jew that are still making a living looking for these people are stupid for voting for Dems, and no better than the people they hate. This whole "Holocaust" thing is just a bunch of crap. And irrelevant. How about the holocaust against our minds and freedoms HERE?

Atticus Finch
04-30-2016, 12:58 PM
For the life of me I can't figure out the Jew vote.

04-30-2016, 01:37 PM
The problem with this country is all the guilt trips. HItler, not us, created the holocaust. Slavery's been done since the 1860s. Most cops are pretty decent people. Yet you always have these people that make some 1% incident into the majority and then the leftwingers get on it like it was the space shuttle and ride it to death.

This moron, and I don't defend his actions, did what he was told. You Monday morning quarterbacks need a tour of duty. "You should have stood up to them". Right. Try that in OUR military. When your idiot Commander in Chief like Bill Clinton or Barrack Obama order you to do something you do it. Nobody comes around and asks "Hey Gunny, how'd you like to do this?"

This guy's 94 years old. WWII's been over for 70 years. The Jew that are still making a living looking for these people are stupid for voting for Dems, and no better than the people they hate. This whole "Holocaust" thing is just a bunch of crap. And irrelevant. How about the holocaust against our minds and freedoms HERE?

True enough. Second-guessers that weren't around during a scary event often love to describe how bravely and how noble they would have acted if they had been there. But it's quite a different thing to be the military person, policeman, or bystander that was there during the actual scary episode. And the second-guessers never understand how you usually have to decide your actions in a split-second - not after hours of soul-searching and trying to muster some courage.

[Disclaimer - Not trying to claim that I would be great in a tough situation (but maybe I would :cool:) - just saying its way to easy to second-guess others who didn't act the way you think they should have]

04-30-2016, 05:03 PM
True enough. Second-guessers that weren't around during a scary event often love to describe how bravely and how noble they would have acted if they had been there. But it's quite a different thing to be the military person, policeman, or bystander that was there during the actual scary episode. And the second-guessers never understand how you usually have to decide your actions in a split-second - not after hours of soul-searching and trying to muster some courage.

[Disclaimer - Not trying to claim that I would be great in a tough situation (but maybe I would :cool:) - just saying its way to easy to second-guess others who didn't act the way you think they should have]

You do what you have to do. Or you don't. Most of the Mighty Mouths freeze. I'm not condoning the Holocaust by any means. I find it horrendous. But, as a military person, I get tired of hearing all this crying about "well, you should have ....". Should have WHAT? Got myself and/or my family executed? I personally would refuse to participate in murder. Screw that noise. But Germany in the 30's and 40's was a different world. It was kind of like the US is now. Everyone's paranoid and everyone's watching to rat you out.

You get sent to a duty post and you carry out your orders. That's how it works. And if you refuse, you damned sure better have your ducks in a row. The term we use is "lawful" order. Now you have to define "lawful".

I have empathy for those soldiers in the Wermacht that were just soldiers. "I didn't sign up for this sh*t" comes to mind. I get tired of this argument. Like you got a choice. Well, I'm not going to do the job you assigned me so I can just leave. NOT.

05-01-2016, 07:10 PM
a former officer I served with in Nam lost his entire family. to this day he still visits the camps they died in and leaves flowers.

05-02-2016, 09:38 AM
True enough. Second-guessers that weren't around during a scary event often love to describe how bravely and how noble they would have acted if they had been there. But it's quite a different thing to be the military person, policeman, or bystander that was there during the actual scary episode. And the second-guessers never understand how you usually have to decide your actions in a split-second - not after hours of soul-searching and trying to muster some courage.

[Disclaimer - Not trying to claim that I would be great in a tough situation (but maybe I would :cool:) - just saying its way to easy to second-guess others who didn't act the way you think they should have]

I missed one of your sentences. I'm a jarhead, remember? Block letters and simple stuff? :laugh:

I was scared shitless in combat. I'm not a FDR fan by any means but even a clock is right 2 times a day. The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself. I was afraid because I wanted to see my kids. But I had 13 Marines that wanted to see theirs too. If I fell apart, they fall apart. There's nothing brave and noble. We take care of each other because we all want to make it home and we won't let each other down.

I didn't have time for CNN or some leftwingnut on a message board to second guess me. There's no politics and I was quick to tell my LT to FO. It's about going home.

And if I was to judge a character, you'd do what you had to @Russ (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=3576). Trust your instincts. Second guessing gets you and everyone else killed.

You (the ubiquitous you) can do all the math in the world from Mommy's basement, but your assessment is absolutely correct. Listening to people tell me what we should have done makes me want to go off on them.

Abbey Marie
05-02-2016, 02:46 PM
True enough. Second-guessers that weren't around during a scary event often love to describe how bravely and how noble they would have acted if they had been there. But it's quite a different thing to be the military person, policeman, or bystander that was there during the actual scary episode. And the second-guessers never understand how you usually have to decide your actions in a split-second - not after hours of soul-searching and trying to muster some courage.

[Disclaimer - Not trying to claim that I would be great in a tough situation (but maybe I would :cool:) - just saying its way to easy to second-guess others who didn't act the way you think they should have]

Youd be great. Most level-headed guy I know. :salute:

05-02-2016, 03:14 PM
Youd be great. Most level-headed guy I know. :salute:

Because you're so unbiased? :laugh:

Russ seems to be level-headed. That kook that owns the board? @jimnyc (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1) I'd just fill him full of Folgers starting at 0430 and give him an M-60. :laugh: Me and the other guys could just watch. :laugh:

Abbey Marie
05-02-2016, 04:04 PM
Because you're so unbiased? :laugh:

Russ seems to be level-headed. That kook that owns the board? @jimnyc (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1) I'd just fill him full of Folgers starting at 0430 and give him an M-60. :laugh: Me and the other guys could just watch. :laugh:

Lol, guilty!

05-05-2016, 09:40 AM
Journalist Julie Satow wrote for The New York Times 4 May 2016:
When Michael Pomeranc was growing up in the mid-1960s in Rego Park, Queens, his parents and their friends spent countless evenings discussing their harrowing experiences in World War II. All were survivors of the Holocaust, and Mr. Pomeranc often saw them chain-smoking and crying late into the night. The absence of anything tangible from their histories plagued him most. “Not having the ability to understand where everybody went was very, very traumatizing,” Mr. Pomeranc, 58, a prominent New York City hotelier, said recently as he sat in the lobby of his hotel, Sixty SoHo. “What happened to the cemeteries of my great-grandparents? Where are my grandparents and my aunts?"...

...“The reality is that today, in some little town, someone decides to build a supermarket and when they go to dig, they find human remains,” Mr. Shapiro said. “Unless something is done, you have the prospect of the remains of the victims of the Holocaust simply strewn across the European continent, and ultimately, built on top of.”

article (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/05/nyregion/search-for-familys-lost-history-leads-to-mass-grave-in-poland.html?ref=todayspaper)

05-05-2016, 10:05 AM
Journalist Julie Satow wrote for The New York Times 4 May 2016:
When Michael Pomeranc was growing up in the mid-1960s in Rego Park, Queens, his parents and their friends spent countless evenings discussing their harrowing experiences in World War II. All were survivors of the Holocaust, and Mr. Pomeranc often saw them chain-smoking and crying late into the night. The absence of anything tangible from their histories plagued him most. “Not having the ability to understand where everybody went was very, very traumatizing,” Mr. Pomeranc, 58, a prominent New York City hotelier, said recently as he sat in the lobby of his hotel, Sixty SoHo. “What happened to the cemeteries of my great-grandparents? Where are my grandparents and my aunts?"...

...“The reality is that today, in some little town, someone decides to build a supermarket and when they go to dig, they find human remains,” Mr. Shapiro said. “Unless something is done, you have the prospect of the remains of the victims of the Holocaust simply strewn across the European continent, and ultimately, built on top of.”

article (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/05/nyregion/search-for-familys-lost-history-leads-to-mass-grave-in-poland.html?ref=todayspaper)

Try talking to a Vietnam vet. If they'll talk. You can probably go downtown and find several pushing shopping carts with everything they own in them. What Hitler did was wrong. Period. But it was the SS that carried it out, not the wermacht. They were soldiers just like I was.

Talk to a firefighter or policeman that was there on 9/11. Talk to any first responder. If you find one that ain't jacked up, I want to know his secret. The so-called Holocaust was 80 years ago. Get over it. It's an excuse as much as blacks use slavery as an excuse. Grow the f*ck up.

05-12-2016, 09:33 AM
Journalist Kit Gillet wrote for The New York Times 10 May 2016:
The Romanian government on Tuesday approved legislation that would give priority to restitution claims by Holocaust survivors for property lost during World War II and under Communist rule. The move was seen as a small acknowledgment of the treatment of Romanian Jews during the war. Most of those affected by the legislation are in their 80s and 90s, and have been trying to recover their property for many years.

...Many Jews had their land and property seized and were sent to ghettos or labor camps. Those who survived then found their property nationalized by Romania’s Communist leadership...

article (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/11/world/europe/romania-holocaust-survivors-jews-restitution-claims.html?ref=todayspaper)

05-12-2016, 09:53 AM
Journalist Kit Gillet wrote for The New York Times 10 May 2016:
The Romanian government on Tuesday approved legislation that would give priority to restitution claims by Holocaust survivors for property lost during World War II and under Communist rule. The move was seen as a small acknowledgment of the treatment of Romanian Jews during the war. Most of those affected by the legislation are in their 80s and 90s, and have been trying to recover their property for many years.

...Many Jews had their land and property seized and were sent to ghettos or labor camps. Those who survived then found their property nationalized by Romania’s Communist leadership...

article (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/11/world/europe/romania-holocaust-survivors-jews-restitution-claims.html?ref=todayspaper)

good luck with that one. the Nazi's stole everything the Jews had and gave it to Switzerland in exchange for cash to keep their war machines running

05-12-2016, 10:13 AM
good luck with that one. the Nazi's stole everything the Jews had and gave it to Switzerland in exchange for cash to keep their war machines running

I seriously doubt that the Nazi's gave the land in Romania to Switzerland...

05-12-2016, 10:23 AM
I seriously doubt that the Nazi's gave the land in Romania to Switzerland...

So .... 75 years later .... meanwhile back at the ranch ....:rolleyes: This sounds akin to blacks wanting reparations for slavery of which no one alive every was one. This trying to amend crap just to justify amending crap is absurd. It's over. You going to find some 100 year old geezer and give him his land back that he can't even work?

05-12-2016, 11:22 AM
I seriously doubt that the Nazi's gave the land in Romania to Switzerland...


I was talking about the gold filling from their teeth, glass's etc

05-12-2016, 11:33 AM

I was talking about the gold filling from their teeth, glass's etc

I agree it was nowhere near right. I just think there's a time to move on. Look at some of these groups. Blacks are still whining about slavery. The Jews make sure the Holocaust is under everybody's noses. To use just those two groups as examples, they have made more than a fortune off the misery of their ancestors they never suffered.

05-12-2016, 11:39 AM
I agree it was nowhere near right. I just think there's a time to move on. Look at some of these groups. Blacks are still whining about slavery. The Jews make sure the Holocaust is under everybody's noses. To use just those two groups as examples, they have made more than a fortune off the misery of their ancestors they never suffered.

one reason the ragheads hate them is the Holocaust got more world attention than them. many hope when these Jews are dead its all forgotten. not so. they make sure future generations are aware of it including documention

05-12-2016, 01:05 PM
I agree it was nowhere near right. I just think there's a time to move on. Look at some of these groups. Blacks are still whining about slavery. The Jews make sure the Holocaust is under everybody's noses. To use just those two groups as examples, they have made more than a fortune off the misery of their ancestors they never suffered.

This is rough. I both agree and disagree with moving on.

With the Jews, it is a focus to continue their right and ability to exist and function
as a people. What that religion went through in the early / mid 1900's was terrible;
thus, the need for them to recall their history and continue to focus.

With the black reparations? Good luck with that! Pull your race up out of the
cesspool you created and learn to function as part of this nation! There are plenty
of commercial seagoing ships that can take you back to Africa. My family tree
had no slaves - they were dirt farmers in the South Branch Potomac River Valley
in what is now West Virginia. Why the hell should I be expected to agree with
"Reparations"? People a 170 years later feeling butt-hurt over something these
existing generations had nothing to do with? Time to get real and improve your
own culture, I say!

05-12-2016, 01:46 PM

I was talking about the gold filling from their teeth, glass's etc

The article talked about their "land and property"!

05-12-2016, 01:58 PM
This is rough. I both agree and disagree with moving on.

With the Jews, it is a focus to continue their right and ability to exist and function
as a people. What that religion went through in the early / mid 1900's was terrible;
thus, the need for them to recall their history and continue to focus.

With the black reparations? Good luck with that! Pull your race up out of the
cesspool you created and learn to function as part of this nation! There are plenty
of commercial seagoing ships that can take you back to Africa. My family tree
had no slaves - they were dirt farmers in the South Branch Potomac River Valley
in what is now West Virginia. Why the hell should I be expected to agree with
"Reparations"? People a 170 years later feeling butt-hurt over something these
existing generations had nothing to do with? Time to get real and improve your
own culture, I say!

I have no problem with Jews. My comment is purely objective. If I say the same about Muslims, I'm the bad guy. I understand my enemy. It isn't about who agrees with who with me. It's about knowing your enemy's strengths and weaknesses and you can bet your ass I'm exploiting the latter. I can't afford to let my personal feelings get involved. I hate Arabs. They eat shit and stink. Their countries suck. I don't give a damned what their religion is. The "why" in my question book is to determine what they're going to do next.

The Jews have been blamed since they crucified Christ and the Holocaust was a culmination of that blame. But it's time to move on. Or should we go after descendants of Romans who threw Christians into the arenas?

And the single theme here is intolerance to another's religion.

05-12-2016, 02:14 PM
This is rough. I both agree and disagree with moving on.

With the Jews, it is a focus to continue their right and ability to exist and function
as a people. What that religion went through in the early / mid 1900's was terrible;
thus, the need for them to recall their history and continue to focus.

NEVER AGAIN (http://jpfo.org)

From another message board a few years back...
I was born in Canarsie Brooklyn, and raised in Hells Kitchen NYC..There was an old woman on our block (59th St.) who most kids thought.was crazy. She always wore black and continually mumbled to herself..She lived alone. This was the early 50's.

I was about 8, and one day I was playing outside her tenement, with my brand new Hopalong Cassidy cap pistol. She came out and called me over by name. She told me that when I grew up I should get a real gun and keep it always. Then what happened to her and to all that she had known, might not happen to me. She talked some more and I listened. That was the first time I ever heard the word Buchenwald. We went inside to her apartment. She showed me her tattoo, and almost a hundred faded photographs of people she knew who were now nothing but ashes. She cried a lot.. To be honest, for a tough little kid of the streets, so did I.

The words she always mumbled, in Yiddish, which I now understood were; We never had a chance, we never had a chance.

Her name was Sophia. I never knew her last name. She never told me, and to this day I am sorry I never asked.

05-12-2016, 02:49 PM
NEVER AGAIN (http://jpfo.org)

From another message board a few years back...
I was born in Canarsie Brooklyn, and raised in Hells Kitchen NYC..There was an old woman on our block (59th St.) who most kids thought.was crazy. She always wore black and continually mumbled to herself..She lived alone. This was the early 50's.

I was about 8, and one day I was playing outside her tenement, with my brand new Hopalong Cassidy cap pistol. She came out and called me over by name. She told me that when I grew up I should get a real gun and keep it always. Then what happened to her and to all that she had known, might not happen to me. She talked some more and I listened. That was the first time I ever heard the word Buchenwald. We went inside to her apartment. She showed me her tattoo, and almost a hundred faded photographs of people she knew who were now nothing but ashes. She cried a lot.. To be honest, for a tough little kid of the streets, so did I.

The words she always mumbled, in Yiddish, which I now understood were; We never had a chance, we never had a chance.

Her name was Sophia. I never knew her last name. She never told me, and to this day I am sorry I never asked.

Okay. I understand your story and can relate to that. Try explaining it to our government. Now we selectively remember the past and rewrite what we don't want to hear? How many vets did we lose in Nam and Iraq for someone to give them away? Worthless waste of life is worthless waste of life.