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Atticus Finch
05-01-2016, 06:56 AM
The PC crowd is getting their way and rewriting history.Whether you agree with the Confederate cause or not ,it is still a part of our heritage.Slavery aside,which I abhor, there was more to the political climate of that day and causes for the war. States Rights is not a dirty word, it is one of our founding principles.Slavery was on the way out and there were many other issues overshadowed by the abolitionist


05-01-2016, 07:59 AM
The PC crowd is getting their way and rewriting history.Whether you agree with the Confederate cause or not ,it is still a part of our heritage.Slavery aside,which I abhor, there was more to the political climate of that day and causes for the war. States Rights is not a dirty word, it is one of our founding principles.Slavery was on the way out and there were many other issues overshadowed by the abolitionist


The thing is, it's ridiculous. I 110% agree about erasing history. It's completely and utterly stupid. And we keep repeating it because no one learns from it. I've personally never owned a slave, nor has anyone I know of in my family. I've personally never met anyone that was a slave, in THIS country. But anyone that thinks slavery doesn't exist just because of us needs a trip to the backroads of Africa and/or the Middle East. They might call it something else, but it is what it is. Sheep are worth more than women over there. Try SE Asia where once a girl is 12 she's sold to a pimp by her parents. The list goes on.

Anyone that thinks the US Civil War was fought to "free the slaves" needs a course in some REAL history. It was about the same thing going on in our government now. Control, power and money by 2 different factions. Freeing the slaves was a tactical move by Lincoln. That didn't work btw. But look at the damned mess he created. And we are STILL a house divided.

Atticus Finch
05-01-2016, 08:11 AM
The thing is, it's ridiculous. I 110% agree about erasing history. It's completely and utterly stupid. And we keep repeating it because no one learns from it. I've personally never owned a slave, nor has anyone I know of in my family. I've personally never met anyone that was a slave, in THIS country. But anyone that thinks slavery doesn't exist just because of us needs a trip to the backroads of Africa and/or the Middle East. They might call it something else, but it is what it is. Sheep are worth more than women over there. Try SE Asia where once a girl is 12 she's sold to a pimp by her parents. The list goes on.

Anyone that thinks the US Civil War was fought to "free the slaves" needs a course in some REAL history. It was about the same thing going on in our government now. Control, power and money by 2 different factions. Freeing the slaves was a tactical move by Lincoln. That didn't work btw. But look at the damned mess he created. And we are STILL a house divided.that's a big rep Gunny

05-01-2016, 08:35 AM
that's a big rep Gunny

I have no idea what my rep is, honestly. I quit looking at that crap LONG ago. I imagine you being new here it was lots of points. :laugh:

I can give to two pieces of advice: First, you got to change that "member" tagline. I'm from the Wayne's World era. :laugh:

Second, if you want to address hsitory, it's one of my favorite topics. And watch out for Kathianne. She knows her stuff. Pretty much everyone else drones out the usual crap.

I don't get it. The Vietnam war divided this nation and we turn around and do the same thing over again. And I know the old saying. "Those that don't learn from history ..." It's like WTF? And I DO blame Obama. I was against the Iraq War but when you take the whole country why abandon the place before it's secure? He's half-assing in Afghanistan. He's my age. I know they had RIF when he was a kid.

Atticus Finch
05-01-2016, 08:41 AM
I have no idea what my rep is, honestly. I quit looking at that crap LONG ago. I imagine you being new here it was lots of points. :laugh:

I can give to two pieces of advice: First, you got to change that "member" tagline. I'm from the Wayne's World era. :laugh:

Second, if you want to address hsitory, it's one of my favorite topics. And watch out for Kathianne. She knows her stuff. Pretty much everyone else drones out the usual crap.

I don't get it. The Vietnam war divided this nation and we turn around and do the same thing over again. And I know the old saying. "Those that don't learn from history ..." It's like WTF? And I DO blame Obama. I was against the Iraq War but when you take the whole country why abandon the place before it's secure? He's half-assing in Afghanistan. He's my age. I know they had RIF when he was a kid.I got repped on my old site, nothing new.I think all these sites have the same platform..I repped you because I agreed with your post... explain the member tagline statement.I don't think I understand what you mean.

05-01-2016, 08:58 AM
I got repped on my old site, nothing new.I think all these sites have the same platform..I repped you because I agreed with your post... explain the member tagline statement.I don't think I understand what you mean.

Underneath you username. Unless something has changed, you can go into your profile and change it. And I was just :poke: about that. I know from running a board and being on them, some people watch all those rep numbers and crap. That was also just a tease. I do appreciate the rep on my comment.

They didn't have "thanks" when I was running a board and rep was a freakin' nightmare. And you can say I'm profiling, but it was the leftwingnut females that abused it the most. When I finally came back here I just quit looking at the numbers. I was surprised as Hell I ended up in the top 10 posters column and someone else pointed it out to me. I just don't look. At the numbers. I read your comments. I appreciate the acknowledgement. But I had to quit taking this stuff personally before I could come back. I was out of control in more ways than one. Needless to say, I was endearing to my e-friends. :laugh:

Anyway, I agreed with your OP. I hate revisionist history. In EITHER direction. We've made heroes out of pure -aholes and bumbling fools (Custer comes to mind on the latter).

Atticus Finch
05-01-2016, 11:11 AM
LOL!..I missed the comedy in the Waynes World comment....shwing!. Gunny

05-02-2016, 09:27 AM
The PC crowd is getting their way and rewriting history.Whether you agree with the Confederate cause or not ,it is still a part of our heritage.Slavery aside,which I abhor, there was more to the political climate of that day and causes for the war. States Rights is not a dirty word, it is one of our founding principles.Slavery was on the way out and there were many other issues overshadowed by the abolitionist


If only the flag wasn't so easily tied to racist idiots.

05-02-2016, 09:41 AM
If only the flag wasn't so easily tied to racist idiots.

Maybe it shouldn't be?

05-02-2016, 09:45 AM
Maybe it shouldn't be?

I assume you wouldn't want the racist idiots on your team.

05-02-2016, 09:51 AM
I assume you wouldn't want the racist idiots on your team.

I don't like racism. I don't like like people that make a living from racism just as much. You're on MY team, you play the game the way it's supposed to be played according to plan.

My best friend in HS was black. I still have plenty of Tejano friends. That flag is a symbol of racism only because of those that have made it so.

05-02-2016, 09:55 AM
I don't like racism. I don't like like people that make a living from racism just as much. You're on MY team, you play the game the way it's supposed to be played according to plan.

My best friend in HS was black. I still have plenty of Tejano friends. That flag is a symbol of racism only because of those that have made it so.

Yup, some self-policing to keep the racist idiots away from what you hold with regard is always in order. Just like I try to keep racist idiots away from conservatism. :)

05-02-2016, 03:19 PM
Yup, some self-policing to keep the racist idiots away from what you hold with regard is always in order. Just like I try to keep racist idiots away from conservatism. :)

But which side of the racism, FJ? It's a 2-way street. Hate is hate. Doesn't matter who is doing it, nor how you justify it. Winning doesn't make you right. It just means you played the game better and won. So did Attilla the Hun and Julius Caesar.

Self-policing requires introspection. Something that seems to be missing in people nowadays.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-02-2016, 03:58 PM
I don't like racism. I don't like like people that make a living from racism just as much. You're on MY team, you play the game the way it's supposed to be played according to plan.

My best friend in HS was black. I still have plenty of Tejano friends. That flag is a symbol of racism only because of those that have made it so.
THE YANKS WON , does not mean we are inferior, lazy ,backward or any of the other negative terms used to falsely paint us black..
Had we ""the resources"" available to us at the start, we'd have won quite handily, actually Robert E. Lee could have sacked Washington at one point but turned back. Which is the same mistake that Hannibal made when 12 miles from Rome and instead of sacking Rome he turned back to winter in the Po valley. Many noted historians have stated Hannibal had it won but strangely made that mistake-- well so did Robert E. Lee.
I am named Robert , after Robert E. Lee, and my mother's middle name is Lee.
I've only read well over 200+ books on the Civil War in my long life.
Currently no groups are more racist in this nation than are the obama blacks and arrogant elitist liberals. A sad fact...

Only way to erase my southern heritage is to kill me, they'd find out the high price paid wouldnt be worth the little gain they garnered.
I don''t play..... not when it comes to serious matters..
And my honor, integrity and Southern heritage are all serious matters to me -Tyr

Atticus Finch
05-02-2016, 04:12 PM
I hate the politics of race.

05-03-2016, 09:44 AM
But which side of the racism, FJ? It's a 2-way street. Hate is hate. Doesn't matter who is doing it, nor how you justify it. Winning doesn't make you right. It just means you played the game better and won. So did Attilla the Hun and Julius Caesar.

Self-policing requires introspection. Something that seems to be missing in people nowadays.

Tru dat! But racism is racism and hate is hate, they may or may not coexist within a person. Winning has certain benefits.

Currently no groups are more racist in this nation than are the obama blacks and arrogant elitist liberals. A sad fact...

You don't really know the definitions of racism or fact.