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05-01-2016, 02:38 PM
Cruz stated a month ago or more, to Kasich, that any candidate that couldn't get the numbers should suspend their campaign. Well, he can't get those numbers now either. But then him and his camp started talking about how important Indiana was upcoming. He then brought on Fiorina to hopefully help even more within that state. And now - he is down by 15 points.

Of course we all know that this is going to the convention. As the folks in these states are posting record numbers for Trump this year, Cruz and Kasich are doing well on the ground, doing extremely well with the delegate system.

But will any of it be enough? And what happens if Trump gets more votes than any republican in history, and then these votes are disregarded? Of course we hit this topic a bunch, but we're getting closer and closer.

IMO? The only candidate that can actually win the presidential vote from the right is Donald Trump. If anyone else wins the nomination, the election goes to Hillary or Sanders. Take every name out of it and look at things anonymously, and I stand by that. I don't care who the candidate is, or from which side, nor that it's within the rules. Ignore the people - and those people will rebel and November will suck more than we could have imagined.


NBC/WSJ Poll: Trump Leads Cruz by 15 Points in Indiana

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump is leading Ted Cruz by 15 points in Indiana just days ahead of that state's crucial primary.

Trump has 49 percent of likely Republican primary voters, compared to Cruz’s 34 percent in an NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll released Sunday morning. Ohio Gov. John Kasich has just 13 percent.

Indiana, a state that is not widely polled in presidential contests, has seen wild swings over several polls. Trump leads Cruz by just 2 points in the Hoosier State, according to the latest RealClearPolitics average of polls.

Democrat Hillary Clinton leads Bernie Sanders by 4 points, 50 to 46 percent.

05-01-2016, 02:39 PM
Donald Trump Says Republican Race All but over If he Wins Indiana

Front-runner Donald Trump said on Sunday that he will have essentially sealed the Republican U.S. presidential nomination if he wins Tuesday's contest in Indiana, where he now holds a big lead over chief rival Ted Cruz.

A new NBC/Wall Street Journal/Marist opinion poll showed Trump with a wide lead in Indiana, 49 percent to 34 percent for Cruz and 13 percent for a third candidate, Ohio Governor John Kasich.

Trump sounded confident in an interview on "Fox News Sunday" when asked whether Indiana would basically end the long-running Republican race in his favor.

"Yes, it's over," Trump said. "It's already over."


05-01-2016, 04:24 PM
I think he's going to lock up the number before the convention, then it's over.

05-01-2016, 04:37 PM
I think he's going to lock up the number before the convention, then it's over.

I'm not convinced of that just yet. Look at what Cruz just did with Arizona, again coming in from behind and nabbing many delegates. Simply ain't over till the fat lady sings. I've seen stranger things! With his goal being to GET that contested convention, it's possible. But like everyone is writing about, never mind Indiana - it will be California deciding if he gets the magic number or not.

I wouldn't mind being at the convention this year, just in a balcony or similar, just to watch the fireworks. :) Think any bribing will be going on that night? :laugh: