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05-01-2016, 05:27 PM
If she should win in November, how many of you are moving out of the country? :coffee:

Of course I'm not going anywhere or nothing like that. But her being in charge is a scary proposition. As much as the last 7 years have been horrible, I think she would be worse. I think Hillary would be braver when it came to crapping on the constitution.

I have ZERO doubt that she will make changes to our gun laws if she gets into the WH as well. And imagine her getting in, and nominating a liberal SC judge. I think that's just as important, if not more important to me. I'd rather it even stay the way it is than let Hillary's appointee deciding things for years to come.

No point even making any kind of list of bad things that this witch would do if she wins, as everything she stands for is pretty much shit. I hate her.

I'd like to do this to her, even if it is just online... http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/fighting/punch-in-the-face.gif

Abbey Marie
05-01-2016, 05:54 PM
All we can do is hope she governs Centrist like her hubby.

05-01-2016, 07:00 PM
I can honestly say that I'll definitely not be in America, should Hillary win ...:whistling2:

05-02-2016, 02:49 AM
If she should win in November, how many of you are moving out of the country? :coffee:

Of course I'm not going anywhere or nothing like that. But her being in charge is a scary proposition. As much as the last 7 years have been horrible, I think she would be worse. I think Hillary would be braver when it came to crapping on the constitution.

I have ZERO doubt that she will make changes to our gun laws if she gets into the WH as well. And imagine her getting in, and nominating a liberal SC judge. I think that's just as important, if not more important to me. I'd rather it even stay the way it is than let Hillary's appointee deciding things for years to come.

No point even making any kind of list of bad things that this witch would do if she wins, as everything she stands for is pretty much shit. I hate her.

I'd like to do this to her, even if it is just online... http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/fighting/punch-in-the-face.gif

If (or when) that screeching harpy wins the presidency.....we will truly know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this nation has been abandoned and will now be punished by God for this nation's abandonment OF God.

05-02-2016, 02:52 AM
I can honestly say that I'll definitely not be in America, should Hillary win ...:whistling2:

Hey Drummond.....if Hitlery wins in November, can I come live with you and Mrs. Drummond? I do windows AND dishes! And I make chicken enchiladas and a chile relleno casserole that'll knock yer socks off. :laugh:

Atticus Finch
05-02-2016, 04:48 AM
If Hillary wins, enjoy the accelerated descent into liberal Hell.If Trump wins ,enjoy the liesurely descent into liberal Hell.I say that because to live conservatively takes disciplined effort.Liberalism is the path of least resistance.In this modern world fewer and fewer have the wherewithal to be a true conservative.

05-02-2016, 05:38 AM
Hmm... Haven't really given that much thought, because she can't win.

But if she were, I imagine that the succession movement to withdraw Alaska from the USA to an independent country would gain more traction.

Haven't heard much about that movement lately since Mary Jane became legal, so that's who the backers were on that... just as I'd suspected! :laugh: Silly hippies.

I'm not going to move anywhere. We're fairly isolated from Lower 48 shenanigans here for the most part, with a Presidential visit every 50 years or so and he renames another mountain for us, but that's not a bad trade.

Atticus Finch
05-02-2016, 05:40 AM
I can honestly say that I'll definitely not be in America, should Hillary win ...:whistling2:Don't go wobbly on us...;)

05-02-2016, 05:50 AM
Don't go wobbly on us...;)

Well, it won't be the America that it once was...

05-02-2016, 02:47 PM
God forbid

I don't even want to think about that woman winning

Atticus Finch
05-02-2016, 04:20 PM
Well, it won't be the America that it once was...That was a Margaret Thatcher quote.I believe it was to Bush 1 about the Gulf War, driving Saddam fron Kuwait.

05-02-2016, 04:38 PM
If Hillary wins, enjoy the accelerated descent into liberal Hell.If Trump wins ,enjoy the liesurely descent into liberal Hell.I say that because to live conservatively takes disciplined effort.Liberalism is the path of least resistance.In this modern world fewer and fewer have the wherewithal to be a true conservative.

If Hillary wins, America deserves what she collectively 'gets' for such sublime stupidity. Having an Idiocracy (more like Idiocrazy) comes at a very high price.

05-02-2016, 04:41 PM
Don't go wobbly on us...;)

I think inviting myself to go live with him and his wife must have scared him. Hope he recovers and comes back. :lol:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-02-2016, 05:05 PM
I think inviting myself to go live with him and his wife must have scared him. Hope he recovers and comes back. :lol:

Trust me, he gets it, all in good fun...
Of course that would not mean he does not have a live in lady friend.
As we men are often quite needy in certain things.... ;)--Tyr

05-02-2016, 06:35 PM
That was a Margaret Thatcher quote.I believe it was to Bush 1 about the Gulf War, driving Saddam fron Kuwait.

Yep. That was a great line.

05-02-2016, 07:47 PM
I for one am going nowhere

"If" she does win, I want to be around to see her fall because
of all of her misdeeds, lies, and exaggerations.

And I thought Obama was to give the Middle Class tax breaks, too.
I got raped by federal taxes for the first time in 37 years. Letting
Hillary into office will be more of the same.

05-02-2016, 08:24 PM

We can all Only Hope She Chokes On Her Lies....To save the nation from destruction.

05-02-2016, 08:52 PM
If she should win in November, how many of you are moving out of the country? Of course I'm not going anywhere or nothing like that. But her being in charge is a scary proposition. As much as the last 7 years have been horrible, I think she would be worse. I think Hillary would be braver when it came to crapping on the constitution. I have ZERO doubt that she will make changes to our gun laws if she gets into the WH as well. And imagine her getting in, and nominating a liberal SC judge. I think that's just as important, if not more important to me. I'd rather it even stay the way it is than let Hillary's appointee deciding things for years to come. You are quite correct. Contrary to Obama's current moderate choice, Hillary will nominate an extreme liberal to the Supreme Court. And possibly more over the next four year. This will create a liberal majority. Which means you will get decisions legalizing abortion and same sex marriage. A liberal SCOTUS will also favor stricter gun laws. Test cases of which are already being written. If the Dems gain majorities in the House and Senate (very possible if Trump runs), extreme right-wing conservatives will not be happy. If Trump wins, my family is moving to Australia. I am quite serious about this. My husband and I have already looked into it. Part of my family did not survive the last Hitler regime. I refuse to risk the threat of another one.

05-02-2016, 09:26 PM
You are quite correct. Contrary to Obama's current moderate choice, Hillary will nominate an extreme liberal to the Supreme Court. And possibly more over the next four year. This will create a liberal majority. Which means you will get decisions legalizing abortion and same sex marriage. A liberal SCOTUS will also favor stricter gun laws. Test cases of which are already being written. If the Dems gain majorities in the House and Senate (very possible if Trump runs), extreme right-wing conservatives will not be happy. If Trump wins, my family is moving to Australia. I am quite serious about this. My husband and I have already looked into it. Part of my family did not survive the last Hitler regime. I refuse to risk the threat of another one.

What makes you think, or believe Australia would want you gabby? On the other hand. To coin a phrase..."Don't let the door hit you on the way out!"

Better get your tickets now. Australia may close it's borders if all The Liberal Liars who threatened to leave when Bush was elected...start showing up DOWN UNDER...looking for another shoulder to cry on, and getting LAUGHED AT.:laugh:

05-02-2016, 10:36 PM
What makes you think, or believe Australia would want you gabby? On the other hand. To coin a phrase..."Don't let the door hit you on the way out!"

Better get your tickets now. Australia may close it's borders if all The Liberal Liars who threatened to leave when Bush was elected...start showing up DOWN UNDER...looking for another shoulder to cry on, and getting LAUGHED AT.:laugh:

I remember that.

They (Hollywood elites) threatened that, pounding their spoons on their high chair
trays as if they were so important to everyone's lives.

How many followed up on that? Count them on one hand and I can still give you change.

Gabby..that is a chicken-shit way to act...quite immature and spoiled. You think
the USA is so bad you should have left a long time ago.

By the way, the Aussies do NOT broach any whining selfish bullshit.

05-02-2016, 10:53 PM
I don't think the U.S. is a bad place at all. I am very proud to be an American citizen.
But if Trump wins, this country is going down the toilet. There will be a gradual return to the 1950's, with legalized racism and ethnic hatred.
Trump will antagonize a lot of world leaders, which could decrease trade and hurt the economy a lot worse than Obama ever did.
Trump is a loose cannon. That might work in finance, but it won't fly in the political realm. You want to unite all the world's diverse terrorist groups? Have a world leader antagonize them. We will see 9-11 style terrorist attacks all over the country.

My husband can work for his company's office in Melbourne or Sydney. I can get a job and obtain sponsorship.
I never even thought of leaving when Bush was president. Trump would be worse.

05-03-2016, 06:49 AM
You are quite correct. Contrary to Obama's current moderate choice, Hillary will nominate an extreme liberal to the Supreme Court. And possibly more over the next four year. This will create a liberal majority. Which means you will get decisions legalizing abortion and same sex marriage. A liberal SCOTUS will also favor stricter gun laws. Test cases of which are already being written. If the Dems gain majorities in the House and Senate (very possible if Trump runs), extreme right-wing conservatives will not be happy. If Trump wins, my family is moving to Australia. I am quite serious about this. My husband and I have already looked into it. Part of my family did not survive the last Hitler regime. I refuse to risk the threat of another one.

In other words ... moral decay will set in, as a disease would ... slowly poisoning its parent host, the United States of America.

Legalisation of abortion ... the mass culling of little lives that cannot defend themselves. Same sex marriage ... throwing out the last vestiges of decency, turning America irrevocably into a non-Christian country ?

I, too, doubt that Australia would have you. Britain MIGHT ... in which case, you can come and live in the Socialist Paradise of Tottenham, north London, an area you avoided visiting when you had the chance (I wonder why ..), an area continually governed by a Leftie council for over half a century. You want social decay ? You want Socialism in action ? Come and live in Tottenham !!!

05-03-2016, 07:19 AM
Trust me, he gets it, all in good fun...
Of course that would not mean he does not have a live in lady friend.
As we men are often quite needy in certain things.... ;)--Tyr

Correct, Tyr ... I'm not married. I don't have a live-in lady friend either ... though my lady friend DOES spend a lot of time with me ... ;) ....

05-03-2016, 07:23 AM
I think inviting myself to go live with him and his wife must have scared him. Hope he recovers and comes back. :lol::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

See my reply to Tyr.

I think if you ever did come here to 'live here', you'd find yourself summarily chased out of the place by a highly jealous lady friend of mine. As we're basically not allowed firearms in this country (I'm assuming you wouldn't be, either ?), you'd need to be prepared for broom handles, saucepans and the like ... :laugh:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-03-2016, 07:54 AM

See my reply to Tyr.

I think if you ever did come here to 'live here', you'd find yourself summarily chased out of the place by a highly jealous lady friend of mine. As we're basically not allowed firearms in this country (I'm assuming you wouldn't be, either ?), you'd need to be prepared for broom handles, saucepans and the like ... :laugh:

Of course DLT was joking, but in reality ==
Jealous wimmin are a danger to the guy as well. I've had them in the past try to hit me, cut me, etc..
When young I was a bit careless in providing safety for myself, much like the male black widow spider-
going for the prize even facing a chance at death to get it. ;)
Young men are sex crazy and that also made life exciting, dangerous and thrilling .
I was very lucky to have escape without major physical harm.
The mental damage , sometimes is worse.. -Tyr

05-03-2016, 07:50 PM
In other words ... moral decay will set in, as a disease would ... slowly poisoning its parent host, the United States of America.

Legalisation of abortion ... the mass culling of little lives that cannot defend themselves. Same sex marriage ... throwing out the last vestiges of decency, turning America irrevocably into a non-Christian country ?

I, too, doubt that Australia would have you. Britain MIGHT ... in which case, you can come and live in the Socialist Paradise of Tottenham, north London, an area you avoided visiting when you had the chance (I wonder why ..), an area continually governed by a Leftie council for over half a century. You want social decay ? You want Socialism in action ? Come and live in Tottenham !!!

Sir Drummond. Seems (in other words) from GABBY. That Moral Decay is already here, and she proves it with her constant hatred, and obvious bias toward the differences between Right & Wrong, Legal & Illegal, and of course; educated VS. pretending to be educated.
People like gabby WANT AMERICA TO FAIL, and for SOMEONE ELSE TO PAY FOR IT. She would FIT IN over there as if she had been born, raised, and brainwashed there.