View Full Version : Iwo Jima

05-03-2016, 07:10 AM
From The Associated Press 2 May 2016:
The Marine Corps says it has begun investigating whether it mistakenly identified one of the men shown raising the U.S. flag at Iwo Jima in one of the iconic images of World War II after two amateur history buffs began raising questions about the picture. The Marines announced its inquiry more than a year after Eric Krelle, of Omaha, Nebraska, and Stephen Foley, of Wexford, Ireland, began raising doubts about the identity of one man.

...After some confusion, the Marines identified the men as John Bradley, Rene Gagnon, Ira Hayes, Harlon Block, Michael Strank and Franklin Sousley. All were Marines except Bradley, who was a Navy corpsman. Block, Strank and Sousley were killed in fighting at Iwo Jima before the photo was distributed in the U.S.

...After examining the famous photo along with other pictures taken that day of the men, they concluded that the man identified as Bradley was actually Harold Henry Schultz, a private first class from Detroit. Schultz died in 1995.

article (http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_IWO_JIMA_PHOTO_IDENTITIES?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2016-05-02-17-52-14)

05-03-2016, 08:52 AM
From The Associated Press 2 May 2016:
The Marine Corps says it has begun investigating whether it mistakenly identified one of the men shown raising the U.S. flag at Iwo Jima in one of the iconic images of World War II after two amateur history buffs began raising questions about the picture. The Marines announced its inquiry more than a year after Eric Krelle, of Omaha, Nebraska, and Stephen Foley, of Wexford, Ireland, began raising doubts about the identity of one man.

...After some confusion, the Marines identified the men as John Bradley, Rene Gagnon, Ira Hayes, Harlon Block, Michael Strank and Franklin Sousley. All were Marines except Bradley, who was a Navy corpsman. Block, Strank and Sousley were killed in fighting at Iwo Jima before the photo was distributed in the U.S.

...After examining the famous photo along with other pictures taken that day of the men, they concluded that the man identified as Bradley was actually Harold Henry Schultz, a private first class from Detroit. Schultz died in 1995.

article (http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_IWO_JIMA_PHOTO_IDENTITIES?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2016-05-02-17-52-14)

This is stupid. You goofballs have too much time on your hands. His name is simple. United States Marine. Private, PFC, Lance Corporal. Who the f*ck cares?

And which flag raising are we speaking of? The original was with a storm flag carried by a Marine in his shirt. The Joe Rosenthal version was a parade flag raised later. Either way, it doesn't matter. ANY Marine on Iwo Jima that would skyline himself to plant our colors in a hot combat zone is getting covering fire from me. And not to be left out, there was a squid in there too.

05-04-2016, 06:11 AM
Journalist Michael Schmidt wrote for The New York Times 3 May 2016:
...the man who wrote the best-selling book, which chronicled how his father and five Marines came together to lift the flag in the famous photograph, has raised new doubts about the image, saying that he now believes his father is not actually in it. The author, James Bradley, revealed his conclusion in an interview on Tuesday... He said that his father, John, a Navy corpsman, had participated in raising a flag on Iwo Jima on Feb. 23, 1945, but had not taken part in another flag-raising the same day, which became the famous photograph.

His father, he said, probably thought that the first flag-raising was the one that was captured in the famous picture taken by Joe Rosenthal, a photographer for The Associated Press. Mr. Bradley’s doubts tell a story about the fog of war, the efforts of a son to memorialize his father and the apparent willingness of the Marines to at first brush aside questions about one of their most historic moments.

article (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/04/us/iwo-jima-marines-bradley.html?ref=todayspaper&_r=0)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-04-2016, 07:00 AM
Journalist Michael Schmidt wrote for The New York Times 3 May 2016:
...the man who wrote the best-selling book, which chronicled how his father and five Marines came together to lift the flag in the famous photograph, has raised new doubts about the image, saying that he now believes his father is not actually in it. The author, James Bradley, revealed his conclusion in an interview on Tuesday... He said that his father, John, a Navy corpsman, had participated in raising a flag on Iwo Jima on Feb. 23, 1945, but had not taken part in another flag-raising the same day, which became the famous photograph.

His father, he said, probably thought that the first flag-raising was the one that was captured in the famous picture taken by Joe Rosenthal, a photographer for The Associated Press. Mr. Bradley’s doubts tell a story about the fog of war, the efforts of a son to memorialize his father and the apparent willingness of the Marines to at first brush aside questions about one of their most historic moments.

article (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/04/us/iwo-jima-marines-bradley.html?ref=todayspaper&_r=0)

Every man that fought on that hellhole was a hero!!
The japs fought as bitterly there as anywhere they ever fought.
Marines showed their true colors there--honor, bravery and supreme sacrifice for country..
Famous photo error or not, nothing can diminish what all those men did in such a bitterly contested battle..
Want to read -to see bravery watch , read about and study IWO JIMA, MANY OTHER EXAMPLES OF AMERICAN BRAVERY UNDER FIRE EXIST but none are better IMHO. :salute:-TYR

05-04-2016, 09:39 AM
Every man that fought on that hellhole was a hero!!
The japs fought as bitterly there as anywhere they ever fought.
Marines showed their true colors there--honor, bravery and supreme sacrifice for country..
Famous photo error or not, nothing can diminish what all those men did in such a bitterly contested battle..
Want to read -to see bravery watch , read about and study IWO JIMA, MANY OTHER EXAMPLES OF AMERICAN BRAVERY UNDER FIRE EXIST but none are better IMHO. :salute:-TYR

I don't even know why this is an issue. Why are these attention seekers always trying to rewrite the past to shine the light on themselves? Geez. I'd have been scared sh*tless to get off a gator onto that island. There's just nowhere to go there. The Japs had a habit of letting us land, THEN nailing us where there was no cover. There is NO cover on Iwo Jima. And that island, as well as Okinawa, is honeycombed with caves. It's like playing Whacka-a-Mole with bullets. They'd pop up and shoot your ass.

As previously stated, it doesn't matter who raised the flag. And we Marines LIKE our Docs (Navy Corpsmen). They go where we go.

05-04-2016, 09:47 AM
As previously stated, it doesn't matter who raised the flag.

It matters to the historians...

05-04-2016, 09:54 AM
It matters to the historians...

It shouldn't. My name is Marine. Gunnery Sergeant. Doing my duty is relevant. My name matters only to my family. And don't give me that "historian" crap. They've falsified more history than Carter has little liver pills. This is an attention whore making something out of nothing. Kinda like this thread.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-04-2016, 11:55 AM
I don't even know why this is an issue. Why are these attention seekers always trying to rewrite the past to shine the light on themselves? Geez. I'd have been scared sh*tless to get off a gator onto that island. There's just nowhere to go there. The Japs had a habit of letting us land, THEN nailing us where there was no cover. There is NO cover on Iwo Jima. And that island, as well as Okinawa, is honeycombed with caves. It's like playing Whacka-a-Mole with bullets. They'd pop up and shoot your ass.

As previously stated, it doesn't matter who raised the flag. And we Marines LIKE our Docs (Navy Corpsmen). They go where we go.

As previously stated, it doesn't matter who raised the flag. And we Marines LIKE our Docs (Navy Corpsmen).

Thats "corpse man", you spelled it wrong--just ask the genius obama on that.
And the leftist/dem media lies about at worms intelligence level with abandon.
I'd bet anybody a 20 spot that the ffing bastard barely has average IQ...
Hell, I was smarter than him when I was 12 years old.. 57 states my ass-what a genius!! -Tyr

05-04-2016, 12:53 PM
It shouldn't. My name is Marine. Gunnery Sergeant. Doing my duty is relevant. My name matters only to my family. And don't give me that "historian" crap. They've falsified more history than Carter has little liver pills. This is an attention whore making something out of nothing. Kinda like this thread.

We know you're not interested in facts, just BullShit: YOUR BullShit...

05-04-2016, 01:27 PM
We know you're not interested in facts, just BullShit: YOUR BullShit...

That what you think, loser? How much sea time do you have on your IDR? Bet you haven't deployed out of mommy's basement. I don't care about this bullshit. The only reason I know Ira Hayes name is because they made a movie about him. The rest are named Marines. That's what we call ourselves you dipshit.

Marines come and go but the Corps lives on. You're stupid as a fucking stick. Why don't you run your lame ass down to the recruiter and sign your punk ass up? You can find out what it's all about.

05-04-2016, 06:06 PM
Ol' Huff'nPuff has cacaphoniously cackled: "That what you think... (and other and sundry aberrations, ramifications, fixations, lamentations, hallucinations, and incantations)"

You are, no doubt, basing your incoherent rambling rant on the preposterous premise that I actually give a shit what you think.

05-04-2016, 06:42 PM
Ol' Huff'nPuff has cacaphoniously cackled: "That what you think... (and other and sundry aberrations, ramifications, fixations, lamentations, hallucinations, and incantations)"

You are, no doubt, basing your incoherent rambling rant on the preposterous premise that I actually give a shit what you think.

My so-called "rambling rant" is based on I was there. Where were you? I KNOW what being a jarhead is. You just read crap on the internet and think you're an expert. I'd have broke you down so fast you'd have thought you were a breech loading shotgun. I earned my fucking title the hard way. I don't sit around here pretending to be anything else like you who thinks you know everything about everything.

You have NO idea what's like to be a Marine. Don't profane the name with your dirty lips unless you get your ass out there and earn it. I can call ANY military person on this board anything I like, and they do likewise back. We EARNED that right. You haven't earned the right to do shit but mouth off on the internet from mommy's basement. That screen in front of your face doesn't make you our equal on our playing field.

The landing on Iwo Jima was 80 years ago. And every one of those swinging d*cks is a hero in my book. We don't know each other by name except Marine and Sailor. Uniform and rank. Four jarheads and a squid raised the flag. THAT is their name. That is by no means being stupid. It's the real world.

05-04-2016, 07:06 PM
It matters to the historians...

Sure it does. The same so-called, false historians who are writing their own versions of History by using Wikipedia....where the Liberal Mindless, Gutless, and Dumbest congregate to welcome the indago wannabe human clones of ignorance.

05-04-2016, 07:50 PM
Sure it does. The same so-called, false historians who are writing their own versions of History by using Wikipedia....where the Liberal Mindless, Gutless, and Dumbest congregate to welcome the indago wannabe human clones of ignorance.

He doesn't know sh*t. Being at sea for months. Looking over the fantail every night at the phosphorous the screws churn up. But he knows more than we do. :rolleyes: He couldn't hang.

05-04-2016, 09:52 PM

Gunny & aboutime: The TweedleDum & TweedleDee of the message boards (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?49744-The-aboutime-and-Gunny-Snivel-Thread&p=735589#post735589)

05-04-2016, 09:54 PM

Gunny & aboutime: The TweedleDum & TweedleDee of the message boards (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?49744-The-aboutime-and-Gunny-Snivel-Thread&p=735589#post735589)

Wrong again indago. WE are NOT your brothers, and NOT your children. Thanks for your family photo. Now everybody will recognize you.

05-05-2016, 08:16 AM
WE are NOT your brothers, and NOT your children.

Never said you were! You must be hallucinating... AGAIN!

05-05-2016, 09:03 AM
Wrong again indago. WE are NOT your brothers, and NOT your children. Thanks for your family photo. Now everybody will recognize you.

You got keep your sense of humor, AT. I'd almost be willing to go to sea with Mr Cut-n-Paste just for the show. When he finally turned un-green and got out the rack, we could watch him bounce off all the open mechanical in the passageways. And if he started all his whiny crap somebod'd dogbar his silly ass. :laugh: You know as well as I do what an attention whore on a ship gets.

Now hear this, Indago .... you pull your pansy-ass crap on a ship where you're stuck with everybody for 6 or more months at a time and can't go anywhere? And everyone hates everyone for the slightest reason? I guarantee you that you won't make the full trip. People like you "fall overboard" or end up injured down below decks in engineering.

This is just some political big mouth bullshit. That don't go on a boat. Somebody WILL f*ck you up. But then, this is YOUR idea of combat, right? Words on a screen with no threat of retaliation?

And I will reiterate: OUR names are "jarhead" and "squid". We earned the right to use them. You haven't. We don't care who was on Iwo Jima. Their names were jarheads and squids. That's all that matters to us. But then I guess you'd have had to been there and done that, huh?

05-05-2016, 09:14 AM
Ol' Huff'nPuff has whimsically WIMPered: "I'd almost be willing to go to sea... (and other and sundry aberrations, ramifications, fixations, lamentations, hallucinations, and incantations)"

Your "war" is over; get over it! Take a pill and go back to bed!

05-05-2016, 09:17 AM
I'm off to work, this goes to cage.

05-05-2016, 10:49 AM
I didn't want to say much earlier, as sometimes I feel out of place, knowing full well that I was never a military person myself.

But now that this is officially in the cage, I just wanted to say - fuck off bastards!! :fu:

05-05-2016, 11:47 AM
Hey Gunny what the hell you doing? I'm waiting for you down here here my shiny headed friend! :)

05-05-2016, 12:09 PM
I didn't want to say much earlier, as sometimes I feel out of place, knowing full well that I was never a military person myself.

But now that this is officially in the cage, I just wanted to say - fuck off bastards!! :fu:

Hey @Gunny (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=30) what the hell you doing? I'm waiting for you down here here my shiny headed friend! :)

I DO have to eat, ass. And notice I used the term first responders. If there ain't one of us that ain't traumatized, like I said, give me the handbook. I'd like to sleep at night. It's one of my favorite memories.

And you know as well as I do all I do is calculate. I know who on this board I would and would not take into a hot LZ. Kathianne and jeff are on my 6. Period. Your ass jimnyc is in charge of the jelly donuts, MF-er. Elessar, Namvet, bilgerat and AT can drive the boat. Sergeant Major's in charge. I'm manning a gun.

Tyr and BD would be allowed. I just ain't sure if tyr would stab them to death or poetry them to death. :laugh:

Albacore would be in the pot shack and on ship's platoon for the duration. I got no space for pussies.

05-05-2016, 12:13 PM
I DO have to eat, ass. And notice I used the term first responders. If there ain't one of us that ain't traumatized, like I said, give me the handbook. I'd like to sleep at night. It's one of my favorite memories.

And you know as well as I do all I do is calculate. I know who on this board I would and would not take into a hot LZ. Kathianne and jeff are on my 6. Period. Your ass @jimnyc (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1) is in charge of the jelly donuts, MF-er. Elessar, Namvet, bilgerat and AT can drive the boat. Sergeant Major's in charge. I'm manning a gun.

Tyr and BD would be allowed. I just ain't sure if tyr would stab them to death or poetry them to death. :laugh:

Albacore would be in the pot shack and on ship's platoon for the duration. I got no space for pussies.

Jelly donuts? WTF?? Dude, you know I would drop like 200 grenades, spray my m-16 like the world is ending, lay down some mines as we go, even call in for a nuke or 2!! I got ya bro, ain't no one killing us!! :laugh2:

05-05-2016, 12:25 PM
Jelly donuts? WTF?? Dude, you know I would drop like 200 grenades, spray my m-16 like the world is ending, lay down some mines as we go, even call in for a nuke or 2!! I got ya bro, ain't no one killing us!! :laugh2:

that is scary.....

05-05-2016, 12:32 PM
that is scary.....

If it helps at all, I'd take a bullet for one of you guys. I would cover my noggin with double kevlar and like 3 helmets, I'm only willing to take a shot to my fat midsection, not my much needed head!!

Almost forgot, gimme one of those Gatling guns too! :beer:

05-05-2016, 12:35 PM
that is scary.....

Right? :laugh:

Guess what jimnyc ... you have to walk back over those mines. Better know where you put them, goofball. And you don't spray your weapon. Lot of noise, waste of ammo. You have intersecting fields of fire which covers a fire zone. Each man has a field of fire that covers the sector. You spray when you have a broken arrow otherwise known as nips in the wire.

THEN I'd let you off the jelly donuts. Long as I got fire control you ain't getting shit. You just want to nuke everything. You f-ing douche. It don't work like that. :slap:

05-05-2016, 12:52 PM
Right? :laugh:

Guess what @jimnyc (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1) ... you have to walk back over those mines. Better know where you put them, goofball. And you don't spray your weapon. Lot of noise, waste of ammo. You have intersecting fields of fire which covers a fire zone. Each man has a field of fire that covers the sector. You spray when you have a broken arrow otherwise known as nips in the wire.

THEN I'd let you off the jelly donuts. Long as I got fire control you ain't getting shit. You just want to nuke everything. You f-ing douche. It don't work like that. :slap:

When you said a hot LZ, I was thinking "We were soldiers" and pictured us all getting into a heli for a ride on out! Maybe drop some cool bombs from there too. Can I hang out the side with one of those sweet machine guns and nail anything that moves? :)

And then gimme one jelly donut for every filthy terrorist I kill!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-05-2016, 02:03 PM
I DO have to eat, ass. And notice I used the term first responders. If there ain't one of us that ain't traumatized, like I said, give me the handbook. I'd like to sleep at night. It's one of my favorite memories.

And you know as well as I do all I do is calculate. I know who on this board I would and would not take into a hot LZ. Kathianne and jeff are on my 6. Period. Your ass jimnyc is in charge of the jelly donuts, MF-er. Elessar, Namvet, bilgerat and AT can drive the boat. Sergeant Major's in charge. I'm manning a gun.

Tyr and BD would be allowed. I just ain't sure if tyr would stab them to death or poetry them to death. :laugh:

Albacore would be in the pot shack and on ship's platoon for the duration. I got no space for pussies.

I never write or recite poetry when I have a gun or a knife in my hands.--;)
I reserve those times for letting out blood--the other guy's blood.-- :gunner4:
Just let me have my Brit 303 or Winchester 308 and tons of ammo- no donuts needed but strong coffee would be because I 'd hate to go to sleep and miss shooting any damn enemy within range. And both of those calibers have great range....

Thanks for the invite, as blood-lust runs deep in my veins when properly motivated.
Anybody pointing a gun at me has already got me far more than just a little motivated.. - :beer: :beer: --Tyr

05-05-2016, 02:05 PM
When you said a hot LZ, I was thinking "We were soldiers" and pictured us all getting into a heli for a ride on out! Maybe drop some cool bombs from there too. Can I hang out the side with one of those sweet machine guns and nail anything that moves? :)

And then gimme one jelly donut for every filthy terrorist I kill!

You are such a dork. The Army flies the Ch-4-7 Chinook. You don't drop bombs from a helo. A 47 carries bodies, not weapons. They loaded weapons in the doors later, and then a gatling gun under the nose. But not on troop carriers. They later learned to fly combat cover for them. Usually Huey's with door gunners and a chain gun. And every damned one of them is a target for an RPG.

The Navy has CH-46 Sea knights. Our version of the 47. Smaller tail and pontoons for landing gear because we ALWAYS go down at some point into the drink.

Col Hal Moore did EXACTLY what he needed to in the A Shau Valley. He said fuck it and attacked. He would have lost his entire command had he not done so. You go forward.

05-05-2016, 02:11 PM
And every damned one of them is a target for an RPG.

Forgot about them, gimme one of those suckers too!! Reminds me of one of my all time favorite movies ever!!!

Why you don't shoot RPG's on street level at American soldiers:


05-05-2016, 02:33 PM
Forgot about them, gimme one of those suckers too!! Reminds me of one of my all time favorite movies ever!!!

Why you don't shoot RPG's on street level at American soldiers:


No. You get jelly donuts. I hate to say it because I was always accused of being Gunny Highway, but I wouldn't let you near a freakin' loaded weapon. Talk about your international incident. Christ almighty. At least I can direct fire. You just want to kill everything.

05-05-2016, 02:54 PM
No. You get jelly donuts. I hate to say it because I was always accused of being Gunny Highway, but I wouldn't let you near a freakin' loaded weapon. Talk about your international incident. Christ almighty. At least I can direct fire. You just want to kill everything.

You ungrateful bastard! At this point I'm ready to toss you out the copter and let ya walk home!! :beer:

p.s. I'm hoping I didn't need to write this p.s., but in case anyone truly wonders, I'm not a bad weapon owner. I consider myself to be extremely responsible, even with my knives. I just like to exaggerate for fun sometimes. Truth be told, and I'm one of the rare few that would actually admit this - but if really in a hot LZ like I've seen on TV? I'd likely shit my pants and not know what to do and freeze up. It's one thing to go to the range, but shooting at folks while you can possibly take one to your head, that's an entirely different ballgame. I don't want any of the military folks here to think I would truly be irresponsible. Nor would I make jokes out of the military and the harsh situations that you guys have been through. I would NEVER EVER minimize real life situations, as if somehow I know better, or would even know what to do, compared to those who actually gave up their time and put that theory to reality. I hope none of you guys have taken this any other way!

But I still would like that jelly donut. And once far enough way and I know my ass is safe, I'd still drop some bombs on them filthy bastards! :)

05-05-2016, 04:49 PM
that is scary.....
It's why he gets the donuts! :laugh2:

05-05-2016, 05:04 PM
It's why he gets the donuts! :laugh2:

The CSM can be bribed with donuts.... just sayin

05-05-2016, 05:10 PM
The CSM can be bribed with donuts.... just sayin

Soooooo, when we going fishing, my good friend? :)


05-05-2016, 05:11 PM
Soooooo, when we going fishing, my good friend? :)


It aint in the water yet.....

05-05-2016, 05:55 PM
It aint in the water yet.....

Someday, my friend, someday. I want to get some bluefish, or some striper. Hell, I'll be cool if we just drift for some flounder in the polluted waters. :beer:

05-05-2016, 06:08 PM
The CSM can be bribed with donuts.... just sayin

If THAT ain't no shit. Show up with a dozen donuts and you're in the gang. If you can make coffee too, you'll definitely not be going anywhere. Sergeant Major's got your ass. You screw with his coffee and donuts though ... it's game on. Them MF-ers can down a dozen donuts and a 20 cup pot of coffee by 10 AM and they're STILL pissed off about some shit.

"Gunny, wh are Pvt Schmuckatelli's boots laced backward?" He's left handed? F*ck, I don't know Sergeant Major. I'm surprised he can even tie the damned things. :laugh:

05-06-2016, 06:52 AM
If THAT ain't no shit. Show up with a dozen donuts and you're in the gang. If you can make coffee too, you'll definitely not be going anywhere. Sergeant Major's got your ass. You screw with his coffee and donuts though ... it's game on. Them MF-ers can down a dozen donuts and a 20 cup pot of coffee by 10 AM and they're STILL pissed off about some shit.

"Gunny, wh are Pvt Schmuckatelli's boots laced backward?" He's left handed? F*ck, I don't know Sergeant Major. I'm surprised he can even tie the damned things. :laugh:

Now that did make me laugh. Just so everyone know, just because the Sergeant Major laughs don't mean he's happy!

05-06-2016, 07:52 AM
Now that did make me laugh. Just so everyone know, just because the Sergeant Major laughs don't mean he's happy!

F*ck No. When the Sergeant Major laughs, somebody's in trouble. And it's usually the guy in charge of the f*ckup. "Gunny, WTF is wrong with this private? Un-f*uck his ass. " Sure. I can fix stupid. :rolleyes: Mess duty.

05-06-2016, 09:38 AM
F*ck No. When the Sergeant Major laughs, somebody's in trouble. And it's usually the guy in charge of the f*ckup. "Gunny, WTF is wrong with this private? Un-f*uck his ass. " Sure. I can fix stupid. :rolleyes: Mess duty.

Well, no shit. What have we got here, a fucking comedian? Private Joker, I admire your honesty. Hell, I like you. You can come over to my house and fuck my sister. You little scumbag! I got your name! I got your ass! You will not laugh! You will not cry! You will learn by the numbers! I will teach you! Now get up! Get on your feet! You had best unfuck yourself, or I will unscrew your head and shit down your neck!

05-06-2016, 01:12 PM
Well, no shit. What have we got here, a fucking comedian? Private Joker, I admire your honesty. Hell, I like you. You can come over to my house and fuck my sister. You little scumbag! I got your name! I got your ass! You will not laugh! You will not cry! You will learn by the numbers! I will teach you! Now get up! Get on your feet! You had best unfuck yourself, or I will unscrew your head and shit down your neck!

You laugh but IS how we talk to each other. Crap, the hardest thing I had to learn when I retired was I couldn't threaten to kill people. Y'all civilians take that sh*t personally. I would feel insulted if I wasn't threatened with the end of my world at least 3 times a day by my NCOs. I'd have felt neglected n sh*t.

Retire and give me a bag full of weapons (otherwise known as an electrician's pouch) and I tell some tard I'm going to drive the 8" screwdriver through his skull and OMG.. Wah, wah, wah. He's on the phone with the company owner crying his pansy-ass little heart out. I had to learn real quick to not threaten y'all overly-sensitive peeps.

If the SgtMaj calls me on the carpet, I stand there and take it. THEN I'm coming for your ass for getting mine chewed because you're a fuckup. You're either going to unfuck yourself or I'll g*damned do it for you. Crap, I don't remember how many times I got hit nor by who. My hats were all Vietnam vets and it was always a "wake the f*ck up private" punch.

We had this one Sgt that walked around hitting everyone. He never hit me. But he was dumb enough to hit a private in another platoon and whiny ass shit wrote his Congressman. Got the guy relieved for cause. And the one time I can think of I ratted on someone we were on guard duty at Camp Pendleton and I made sure EVERYONE knew who the whiny-ass crybaby was. F-ing pussy. You're supposed to be a Marine and can't take a punch? And unfortunately for his ass, he got sent to 29 Palms and I made sure the reception center knew all about his ass. I think he got out as an E-3.