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05-03-2016, 07:37 PM
So it goes.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-03-2016, 07:40 PM
So it goes.
Made the right choice. And saved me from adding him to my shit list too. Not that he would care.:laugh:
Now on to defeating the wicked witch of the North. :beer: :beer: -Tyr

05-03-2016, 07:47 PM
Time to put this cake together and bake it then.

Hillary cannot be allowed in the White House...perhaps
even as a guest!

Abbey Marie
05-03-2016, 07:49 PM
Wowzers. Sorry, Crin.

05-03-2016, 07:55 PM
Unite behind Johnson!

I can't believe this jackhole is going to represent the GOP in the next election. It's just embarrassing...

If ever we needed a third party to rise up and shake this country to its foundation, it's now. Clinton and Trump. Really? Two Democrats.

Holy hell we're screwed...

05-03-2016, 07:56 PM
Unite behind Johnson!

I can't believe this jackhole is going to represent the GOP in the next election. It's just embarrassing...

If ever we needed a third party to rise up and shake this country to its foundation, it's now. Clinton and Trump. Really? Two Democrats.

Holy hell we're screwed...

Johnson has my vote! That's 2 of us, ;). Actually last I heard he was polling 11%.

05-03-2016, 07:59 PM
I say Cruz to replace Scalia on SCOTUS!

That'll make the left sweat!

05-03-2016, 08:00 PM
Johnson has my vote! That's 2 of us, ;). Actually last I heard he was polling 11%.

I tell you what, if everybody who doesn't want to vote for Trump and everybody who doesn't what to vote for Clinton all voted for Johnson, I think he would win.

But people are too myopic. They don't see the alternative because all they see is the one guy (or woman) they don't like, their entire life they've been told a third party will never work, never win, so they vote for the other turd in the bowl in hopes of beating the turd they don't like.

It's pathetic.

Abbey Marie
05-03-2016, 08:44 PM
I tell you what, if everybody who doesn't want to vote for Trump and everybody who doesn't what to vote for Clinton all voted for Johnson, I think he would win.

But people are too myopic. They don't see the alternative because all they see is the one guy (or woman) they don't like, their entire life they've been told a third party will never work, never win, so they vote for the other turd in the bowl in hopes of beating the turd they don't like.

It's pathetic.

Ah, looks like we're back to the "if you don't vote for my guy, you're stupid" talk.

05-03-2016, 08:49 PM
Johnson has my vote! That's 2 of us, ;). Actually last I heard he was polling 11%.

I voted for him last time.

There is a saying that goes something like "We get the candidates we deserve". Who's to blame? We are.

05-03-2016, 09:07 PM
Ah, looks like we're back to the "if you don't vote for my guy, you're stupid" talk.
...​Spot on ABBEY...it is what it is ...just a few butt-hurt flies in the ointment...no big deal...let them vent....it wont effect anything...

BTW...If Cruz would of won...as an american I would stand with him against Hillary

Abbey...The will of the American people has been shown tonight...

05-03-2016, 09:10 PM
Ah, looks like we're back to the "if you don't vote for my guy, you're stupid" talk.

You should know me better than that. I would say it's more along the lines of, at least look beyond the pablum you're being fed and consider, however briefly, an alternative. A candidate better qualified than the two being presented to us by the parties that have brought this country to where it is right now.

Vote for whom ever you wish. If you think that candidate who gets your vote is the best person for the job, so be it. If, however your choice of candidate boils down to the lesser of two evils, or, even worse, you choose a candidate not because you believe in him or her but because they are the one you think can beat the candidate you like least, then I would suggest you are myopic.

By "you" I don't mean you specifically, I speak in generalities...

05-03-2016, 09:58 PM
I tell you what, if everybody who doesn't want to vote for Trump and everybody who doesn't what to vote for Clinton all voted for Johnson, I think he would win.
But people are too myopic. They don't see the alternative because all they see is the one guy (or woman) they don't like, their entire life they've been told a third party will never work, never win, so they vote for the other turd in the bowl in hopes of beating the turd they don't like.

It's pathetic.

Why isn't he better known?

That is his fault.

05-03-2016, 09:58 PM
Ah, looks like we're back to the "if you don't vote for my guy, you're stupid" talk.


05-03-2016, 10:02 PM
The official Republican candidate for the office of President is now all but formally decided ... and immediately, it seems, thoughts veer off towards finding a way of splitting useful anti-Dem votes towards a wholly useless direction ??

WHY do Conservative people so want the DEMS to win ????

You can vote Republican, and make your vote count towards meaningful opposition to the Democratic Party, meaningful enough to get them ousted from power. Or, you can vote for someone else entirely, and make sure that the Dems do get through.

This 'Johnson' character being referred to. Correct me if I'm wrong. But .. is he Gary Johnson, a LIBERTARIAN candidate ????

Libertarianism is anarchistic. It has its Left wing, and certainly on my side of the Pond, has definite things in common with our own LEFT wing. But, heyy, never mind all that. Such is the desire to veer away from the obvious path towards a Conservative win over the Democrats ... that you'd rather an anarchistic political force gain support instead ???

Just how determined IS America to see itself become a fully Socialist State, anyway ???

This, on what Johnson stands for ...


Johnson's views have been described as fiscally conservative and socially liberal with a philosophy of limited government and military non-interventionism. He has identified as a classical liberal. Johnson has said he favors simplifying and reducing taxes. During his governorship, Johnson cut taxes fourteen times and never increased them. Due to his stance on taxes, political pundit David Weigel described him as "the original Tea Party candidate." Johnson has advocated for the FairTax, a proposal which would abolish all federal income, corporate and capital gains taxes, and replace them with a 23% tax on consumption of all non-essential goods, while providing a regressive rebate to households according to income level. He has argued that this would assure transparency in the tax system and incentivize the private sector to create "tens of millions of jobs."

Some reasonable stuff there ... but, he's a 'classical liberal' ... 'socially liberal' ... and wants military NON-interventionism, in these days of ever-present terrorist threats ?? Would he choose to let ISIS just do what it wants in the Middle East, then, growing in power all the time ... when they're orchestrating terrorist attacks in other parts of the world ?

I fully believe that Trump would be tough on terrorists, that he'd stand for nothing from them. By contrast ... what does Johnson offer ???

05-03-2016, 10:04 PM
You should know me better than that. I would say it's more along the lines of, at least look beyond the pablum you're being fed and consider, however briefly, an alternative. A candidate better qualified than the two being presented to us by the parties that have brought this country to where it is right now.
Vote for whom ever you wish. If you think that candidate who gets your vote is the best person for the job, so be it. If, however your choice of candidate boils down to the lesser of two evils, or, even worse, you choose a candidate not because you believe in him or her but because they are the one you think can beat the candidate you like least, then I would suggest you are myopic.
By "you" I don't mean you specifically, I speak in generalities...

I cast a careful eye over all.

If a Dem is the best choice..so be it. Not in this cycle though.

Trump has awakened something in people..a disdain for "politics as usual".
Maybe people are attracted to that.

Johnson has not presented himself on the national stage at all. Myopic my tailbone!

05-03-2016, 10:19 PM
Why isn't he better known?

That is his fault.

Because there are aspects to what he stands for that are positively shameful ?

Libertarians are an anarchistic political force. Would you like to see an America which sees drug taking decriminalised, for example ?

Would traditional Christian values find a champion in any Libertarian leader ?

And Johnson favours military 'non-interventionism'. Which means that terrorists have an enhanced chance of enjoying safe havens, where they can plot and scheme, growing in power ?


Non-interventionism or non-intervention is a foreign policy that holds that political rulers should avoid alliances with other nations but still retain diplomacy and avoid all wars unless related to direct self-defense. An original more formal definition is that non-interventionism is a policy characterized by the absence of interference by a state or states in the external affairs of another state without its consent, or in its internal affairs with or without its consent.

Under Johnson, there'd have been no toppling of Saddam, then ? Saddam would've defied the world, and taught any other crazies out there that they could stockpile WMD's without fear of consequences.

Under Johnson, presumably you'd wait around for absolute proof of an attack against the US, before any consideration would be entered into about doing anything about the belligerents responsible ?

Cue Afghanistan #2, then, circa early 2001 ?

You might as well just vote the Dems into power again, then. Under Obama, the War on Terror stalled to a halt. Under Johnson, would it be banned outright ? It would, after all, be the 'classically liberal' thing to do .... !!!!!

05-03-2016, 10:22 PM
Because there are aspects to what he stands for that are positively shameful ?

Libertarians are an anarchistic political force. Would you like to see an America which sees drug taking decriminalised, for example ?

Would traditional Christian values find a champion in any Libertarian leader ?

And Johnson favours military 'non-interventionism'. Which means that terrorists have an enhanced chance of enjoying safe havens, where they can plot and scheme, growing in power ?


Under Johnson, there'd have been no toppling of Saddam, then ? Saddam would've defied the world, and taught any other crazies out there that they could stockpile WMD's without fear of consequences.

Under Johnson, presumably you'd wait around for absolute proof of an attack against the US, before any consideration would be entered into about doing anything about the belligerents responsible ?

Cue Afghanistan #2, then, circa early 2001 ?

You might as well just vote the Dems into power again, then. Under Obama, the War on Terror stalled to a halt. Under Johnson, would it be banned outright ? It would, after all, be the 'classically liberal' thing to do .... !!!!!

Well said....Drummond

05-03-2016, 10:29 PM
Well said....Drummond

Appreciated !

I'm astonished to see that 'Conservatives' would even give the time of day to the likes of Johnson. He comes across to me as being a particularly poor choice of candidate. A catastrophic one, in fact, one you'd surely pick if you wanted a much diminished nation, one riven by minimal willingness to stand up for itself, one that's had the heart cut out of it by taking harmful directions ... such as the ultra-soft stance on drugs typical of Libertarian thinking, such as ditching positive adherence to decent Christian values ...

05-03-2016, 10:51 PM
Deep in my heart I wish for a four-way general: Trump, Clinton, Cruz and Sanders (or more, really, doesn't matter) Hopefully no one gets to 270 and it goes to the House. The electoral college thing is such a waste it's about time it breaks. Its been invigorating seeing so many people getting involved, speaking out, protesting - on all sides really. Good stuff people giving a damn The complacency of our representative government has got to change and I don't see it happening with the same ol' my candidate good, your candidate evil diatribe.

05-04-2016, 12:06 AM
Appreciated !

I'm astonished to see that 'Conservatives' would even give the time of day to the likes of Johnson. He comes across to me as being a particularly poor choice of candidate. A catastrophic one, in fact, one you'd surely pick if you wanted a much diminished nation, one riven by minimal willingness to stand up for itself, one that's had the heart cut out of it by taking harmful directions ... such as the ultra-soft stance on drugs typical of Libertarian thinking, such as ditching positive adherence to decent Christian values ...

Give `them` a little while...let the emotional pain and buttt work its way through...They will be fine...if not... we will continue the fight for them on our backs... against the commies...Illegal parasites...black lies matter racists and muslim terrorist roaches...That hated Trump "also"

05-04-2016, 02:43 AM
I'm glad that Cruz dropped out... he should have a while ago, IMO, but he did what he thought was right.

Time to heal the GOP and defeat the commies on the left. We're all on the same side and don't need any more friendly fire.

05-04-2016, 02:50 AM
Appreciated !

I'm astonished to see that 'Conservatives' would even give the time of day to the likes of Johnson. He comes across to me as being a particularly poor choice of candidate. A catastrophic one, in fact, one you'd surely pick if you wanted a much diminished nation, one riven by minimal willingness to stand up for itself, one that's had the heart cut out of it by taking harmful directions ... such as the ultra-soft stance on drugs typical of Libertarian thinking, such as ditching positive adherence to decent Christian values ...

And we conservatives can say exactly the same thing about Trump. He's about as conservative as Sean Penn.

05-04-2016, 03:30 AM
And we conservatives can say exactly the same thing about Trump. He's about as conservative as Sean Penn.


On another note, has anyone looked around the 'net? Maybe I've been too busy to notice lately, but there is a LOT of unmitigated vitriol & hate being spewed by Cruz supporters that I haven't seen outside of the Moonbat circles. It is absolutely vicious tonight after Cruz threw in the towel. It's been a regular love-fest around here comparatively speaking.

We've got a lot of healing to do.

05-04-2016, 04:08 AM

On another note, has anyone looked around the 'net? Maybe I've been too busy to notice lately, but there is a LOT of unmitigated vitriol & hate being spewed by Cruz supporters that I haven't seen outside of the Moonbat circles. It is absolutely vicious tonight after Cruz threw in the towel. It's been a regular love-fest around here comparatively speaking.

We've got a lot of healing to do.

You're defending the a-hole that calls someone "Lying Ted"? I'm NOT a Cruz supporter. How much more of a bitch can you be? Name calling? That's all Trump has done. Made promises he can't keep and call everyone else names.

05-04-2016, 05:19 AM
You're defending the a-hole that calls someone "Lying Ted"? I'm NOT a Cruz supporter. How much more of a bitch can you be? Name calling? That's all Trump has done. Made promises he can't keep and call everyone else names.

Saying that Trump is anything close to Sean Penn is ridiculous.

And I didn't say you were a Cruz supporter - that's why I spaced down a few times and said, "On another note,..." Different topic.

05-04-2016, 06:03 AM
So, will those who'd not want the Dems to win out, allow them to do EXACTLY that, by not rallying behind the best chance you have to kick them out of power ???

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-04-2016, 06:52 AM
So, will those who'd not want the Dems to win out, allow them to do EXACTLY that, by not rallying behind the best chance you have to kick them out of power ???

Thats the trillion dollar question. And I do mean trillion because more obama policies continued(by hillary) will be spending more trillions by borrowing and sinking this nation farther in debt to the globalist entity--they wage war against this nation with dollars.
Not bullets but dollars are the munitions being used to defeat us. Fact..
Put into such financial debt that we will yield to their demands. -Tyr

05-04-2016, 07:07 AM
https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13103475_1113848271969306_4853115937006077912_n.jp g?oh=6c2110bbf2df40a920194a0a7cc129d6&oe=57E318C5

05-04-2016, 08:37 AM

On another note, has anyone looked around the 'net? Maybe I've been too busy to notice lately, but there is a LOT of unmitigated vitriol & hate being spewed by Cruz supporters that I haven't seen outside of the Moonbat circles. It is absolutely vicious tonight after Cruz threw in the towel. It's been a regular love-fest around here comparatively speaking.

We've got a lot of healing to do.

Yup we sure do...but there will always be the... Trump Haters...no biggie...just look at them as mindless clueless angry Nats buzzing around....Trump has brought in many..many new folks already and continues to do so...Just ignore the Trump-hate noise and move on...any attempt to change their minds is useless and a waste of time IMO...

05-04-2016, 08:58 AM
On another note, has anyone looked around the 'net? Maybe I've been too busy to notice lately, but there is a LOT of unmitigated vitriol & hate being spewed by Cruz supporters that I haven't seen outside of the Moonbat circles. It is absolutely vicious tonight after Cruz threw in the towel. It's been a regular love-fest around here comparatively speaking.

We've got a lot of healing to do.

I commented civilly on a few news stories around the web, even acknowledging a great campaign from Cruz - was instantly attacked myself as if I ate all of their babies. Rather than indulge, I just left. I guess I can understand some frustration with their candidate having just dropped out. No need to take it out on me though.

05-04-2016, 09:00 AM
You're defending the a-hole that calls someone "Lying Ted"? I'm NOT a Cruz supporter. How much more of a bitch can you be? Name calling? That's all Trump has done. Made promises he can't keep and call everyone else names.

And Ted referred to Trump many times as a pathological liar. And before you come back with "Well Trump DID lie", please save it, they both lied about things at times. I can post quite a few lists of Cruz's lies, but there's little point to this now. But if one is a bitch for lying, then I saw 17 bitches running for president from the GOP and just as many from the cuckoo clan on the left.

05-04-2016, 09:06 AM
I commented civilly on a few news stories around the web, even acknowledging a great campaign from Cruz - was instantly attacked myself as if I ate all of their babies. Rather than indulge, I just left. I guess I can understand some frustration with their candidate having just dropped out. No need to take it out on me though.

Yeah, I did the same in the comments section of The Right Scoop - and I was instantly mobbed and then banned! :eek:

If you weren't ranting against how unfair it all was, you were the enemy. I don't get it, but whatever I guess.

This is one supercharged emotional election.

05-04-2016, 09:13 AM
Yeah, I did the same in the comments section of The Right Scoop - and I was instantly mobbed and then banned! :eek:

If you weren't ranting against how unfair it all was, you were the enemy. I don't get it, but whatever I guess.

This is one supercharged emotional election.

I wrote a very small blurb, something like "Now we know who the GOP nominee is. A great showing by all of the candidates. Now hopefully everyone can stand together behind Trump, and keep Hillary out of office at the same time"

And also something in there specifically about a great campaign about Cruz, I'll have to go back and look. But the comments back really weren't much about any of the candidates, but things I can go do with Trump, sexual things! LOL I guess I'm an enemy to many folks, simply because of my choice.

I don't see anyone who supported Cruz, or any of the other 15, as the enemy, and never did. I never jumped on them or dumped on them simply because of who they supported either. :dunno:

05-04-2016, 10:07 AM
Saying that Trump is anything close to Sean Penn is ridiculous.

And I didn't say you were a Cruz supporter - that's why I spaced down a few times and said, "On another note,..." Different topic.

Okay, so Trump didn't get into a tidal surge in a pleasure craft to rescue people and had to be rescued himself. :laugh: The temperment is the same. I could piss either one off in a NY minute. We don't need a loose cannon as President. It's so easy to get under Trump's skin it's pathetic and you want to put him on the world stage with a few thousand ICBMs at the disposal of his temper?

I've actually just totally divested myself of this election. I'll go hold my nose and vote. Best I can do for ya.

And "y'all" have known me long enough to know I address things in the plural. If I mean something in the first person singular I make sure to make it obvious. It ain't like no one sees me coming. :laugh:

Abbey Marie
05-04-2016, 10:31 AM
So, will those who'd not want the Dems to win out, allow them to do EXACTLY that, by not rallying behind the best chance you have to kick them out of power ???

The thing is, I cannot recall Dems doing this. They cannily rally behind their nominee.

05-04-2016, 10:57 AM
The thing is, I cannot recall Dems doing this. They cannily rally behind their nominee.

Usually that's the case... this time, though, the Bernie supporters seem to hate Hellary with a special fervor which is gaining momentum as this drags on. So much so, that I've seen them say they'd rather vote for Trump than the person who deep-sixed their guy.

And I saw a bit of that last night around the interwebs from the Cruz supporters, and I hope that anger cools quickly.

As I said earlier, we have a lot of healing to do.

Abbey Marie
05-04-2016, 11:06 AM
Usually that's the case... this time, though, the Bernie supporters seem to hate Hellary with a special fervor which is gaining momentum as this drags on. So much so, that I've seen them say they'd rather vote for Trump than the person who deep-sixed their guy.

And I saw a bit of that last night around the interwebs from the Cruz supporters, and I hope that anger cools quickly.

As I said earlier, we have a lot of healing to do.

I guess we will see. They may calm down after a while. And it's very hard for me to see a supporter of Socialism voting for a brash, unapologetic Capitalist like Trump.

05-04-2016, 11:10 AM
Like I said before, I won't be voting for Trump come November. In my opinion, aside from Benghazi, there is not a dimes bit of difference between Hillary and Trump. I personally know 3 - 4 dozen Republicans who will never vote for Trump either, but Trump supporters knew that going in so there shouldn't be any surprise there.

Google searches for "Libertarian Party" went through the roof last night. I guess it's time to join and fight for change in the Libertarian Party.

This wasn't a primary, it was a fight for the soul of the Republican Party. It was a cold civil war. The healing process will be about like the war of Northern Aggression our country went through. This has and will continue to separate friends and brothers.

05-04-2016, 11:17 AM
Like I said before, I won't be voting for Trump come November. In my opinion, aside from Benghazi, there is not a dimes bit of difference between Hillary and Trump. I personally know 3 - 4 dozen Republicans who will never vote for Trump either, but Trump supporters knew that going in so there shouldn't be any surprise there.

Google searches for "Libertarian Party" went through the roof last night. I guess it's time to join and fight for change in the Libertarian Party.

This wasn't a primary, it was a fight for the soul of the Republican Party. It was a cold civil war. The healing process will be about like the war of Northern Aggression our country went through. This has and will continue to separate friends and brothers.

I wasn't surprised at Cruz dropping out, unlike Trump. I won't be surprised at those that said 'never Trump' and then vote for him. I think they feel it's payback time. It's emotional, just like 'hope and change.' Can't blame them, don't hate them.

I disagree with Johnson on many of his positions, just like nearly anyone I've voted for. Here's the deal, he really has stood by his positions. He was a well liked governor in New Mexico. He'd do what he feels is right. I don't think the others have any core beliefs, indeed those supporting them don't necessarily believe them either, though they hope for 'a wall' or 'women's pay equality.' It's emotional, I do get that. I know that Hillary or Trump will win, I don't think it matters which for different reasons. In the end, I just don't trust either.

Abbey Marie
05-04-2016, 11:19 AM
Like I said before, I won't be voting for Trump come November. In my opinion, aside from Benghazi, there is not a dimes bit of difference between Hillary and Trump. I personally know 3 - 4 dozen Republicans who will never vote for Trump either, but Trump supporters knew that going in so there shouldn't be any surprise there.

Google searches for "Libertarian Party" went through the roof last night. I guess it's time to join and fight for change in the Libertarian Party.

This wasn't a primary, it was a fight for the soul of the Republican Party. It was a cold civil war. The healing process will be about like the war of Northern Aggression our country went through. This has and will continue to separate friends and brothers.

Crin, I'm rather shocked. Libertarians are not going to fight against abortion, your number one reason for not voting for Trump, as I recall.

05-04-2016, 11:21 AM
Crin, I'm rather shocked. Libertarians are not going to fight against abortion, your number one reason for not voting for Trump, as I recall.

I can't speak for Crin, but at least of the 3 that are pro-choice, only Johnson is as clear on that as he is on other positions, such as smaller government, states' rights, and the constitutional checks and balances. So I'll be voting for the candidate I agree with for the most part.

05-04-2016, 11:23 AM
and now Kasich is history

fox link (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/05/04/kasich-to-suspend-presidential-campaign.html)

05-04-2016, 11:25 AM
Crin, I'm rather shocked. Libertarians are not going to fight against abortion, your number one reason for not voting for Trump, as I recall.

Thats the fight that is currently going on. I did misspeak in my haste to keave the house. I will join the fight against abortion in the Libertarian Party and some other issues.

05-04-2016, 11:27 AM
I wasn't surprised at Cruz dropping out, unlike Trump. I won't be surprised at those that said 'never Trump' and then vote for him. I think they feel it's payback time. It's emotional, just like 'hope and change.' Can't blame them, don't hate them.

I disagree with Johnson on many of his positions, just like nearly anyone I've voted for. Here's the deal, he really has stood by his positions. He was a well liked governor in New Mexico. He'd do what he feels is right. I don't think the others have any core beliefs, indeed those supporting them don't necessarily believe them either, though they hope for 'a wall' or 'women's pay equality.' It's emotional, I do get that. I know that Hillary or Trump will win, I don't think it matters which for different reasons. In the end, I just don't trust either.

I can't vote for Gary Johnson either. I will join the fight to fix what's wrong in the Libertarian Party so maybe I can join it.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-04-2016, 11:37 AM
Like I said before, I won't be voting for Trump come November. In my opinion, aside from Benghazi, there is not a dimes bit of difference between Hillary and Trump. I personally know 3 - 4 dozen Republicans who will never vote for Trump either, but Trump supporters knew that going in so there shouldn't be any surprise there.

Google searches for "Libertarian Party" went through the roof last night. I guess it's time to join and fight for change in the Libertarian Party.

This wasn't a primary, it was a fight for the soul of the Republican Party. It was a cold civil war. The healing process will be about like the war of Northern Aggression our country went through. This has and will continue to separate friends and brothers.

Like I said before, I won't be voting for Trump come November. In my opinion, aside from Benghazi, there is not a dimes bit of difference between Hillary and Trump.

" In my opinion, aside from Benghazi, there is not a dimes bit of difference "
^^ Really? And you say that like Benghazi was a mere stroll in the park !
I find that strange myself. Since brave men were killed- Hellory joined with obama , lied about it to cover up and then lied to the victims families, even went along with prosecuting some filmmaker as an escape-goat..


05-04-2016, 11:52 AM
" In my opinion, aside from Benghazi, there is not a dimes bit of difference "
^^ Really? And you say that like Benghazi was a mere stroll in the park !
I find that strange myself. Since brave men were killed- Hellory joined with obama , lied about it to cover up and then lied to the victims families, even went along with prosecuting some filmmaker as an escape-goat..


I meant absolutely no disrespect to those who served and or gave their all and it's not trivial at all but if I didn't qualify it with that I would have been attacked on that front. So untwist your panties and move on.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-04-2016, 11:58 AM
I meant absolutely no disrespect to those who served and or gave their all and it's not trivial at all but if I didn't qualify it with that I would have been attacked on that front. So untwist your panties and move on.
You obviously must have me confused with somebody else.
I dont wear panties and I move about as I please.
You got called on it so splain or ignore but post like that telling me what to do dont cut it with me..
A generous and kind reminder, ok??--Tyr

05-04-2016, 01:03 PM
Unite behind Johnson!

Tru dat!

Johnson has my vote! That's 2 of us, ;). Actually last I heard he was polling 11%.

3. :) He needs to start polling high enough to make the debates. Not sure what that threshold is but 11% is nothing to sneeze at at this point.

05-04-2016, 01:09 PM
Libertarians are an anarchistic political force.

Thatcherism is often described as a libertarian (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libertarianism) ideology. Thatcher saw herself as creating a libertarian (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libertarianism) movement,[16] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thatcherism#cite_note-16)[17] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thatcherism#cite_note-17) rejecting traditional Toryism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toryism).[18] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thatcherism#cite_note-18) Thatcherism is associated with libertarianism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libertarianism) within the Conservative Party,[19] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thatcherism#cite_note-19) albeit one of libertarian ends achieved by using strong and sometimes authoritarian leadership.[20] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thatcherism#cite_note-20) British political commentator Andrew Marr (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Marr) has called libertarianism the "dominant, if unofficial, characteristic of Thatcherism".[21] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thatcherism#cite_note-21) However, whereas some of her heirs, notably Michael Portillo (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Portillo)and Alan Duncan (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Duncan), embraced this libertarianism, others in the Thatcherite movement, such as John Redwood (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Redwood), sought to become more populist (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Populism).[22] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thatcherism#cite_note-22)[23] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thatcherism#cite_note-23)


Deep in my heart I wish for a four-way general: Trump, Clinton, Cruz and Sanders (or more, really, doesn't matter) Hopefully no one gets to 270 and it goes to the House. The electoral college thing is such a waste it's about time it breaks. Its been invigorating seeing so many people getting involved, speaking out, protesting - on all sides really. Good stuff people giving a damn The complacency of our representative government has got to change and I don't see it happening with the same ol' my candidate good, your candidate evil diatribe.

Hush your mouth. :slap: States elect the POTUS, not the people.

05-04-2016, 01:14 PM
Crin, I'm rather shocked. Libertarians are not going to fight against abortion, your number one reason for not voting for Trump, as I recall.

The fight isn't "against abortion" at least at the POTUS level IMO, the fight is for pro-Constitution justices. I'm pretty sure Johnson would be for that.

I can't vote for Gary Johnson either. I will join the fight to fix what's wrong in the Libertarian Party so maybe I can join it.

What's wrong with Johnson at this point?

05-04-2016, 01:19 PM
The fight isn't "against abortion" at least at the POTUS level IMO, the fight is for pro-Constitution justices. I'm pretty sure Johnson would be for that.

What's wrong with Johnson at this point?

For Crin, it's abortion. I can respect that, but at this point in time it's up to SCOTUS, when it should have remained with the states, imo.

Anyways, here's something:



05-04-2016, 01:24 PM
For Crin, it's abortion. I can respect that, but at this point in time it's up to SCOTUS, when it should have remained with the states, imo.

Anyways, here's something:




Abortion and the Right to Life (https://garyjohnson2016.com/issues/)

Gary Johnson has the utmost respect for the deeply-held convictions of those on both sides of the abortion issue. It is an intensely personal question, and one that government is ill-equipped to answer.
As Governor, Johnson never advocated abortion or taxpayer funding of it. However, Gov. Johnson recognizes that the right of a woman to choose is the law of the land today, and has been for several decades. That right must be respected, and ultimately he believes this is a very personal and individual decision. He feels that each woman must be allowed to make decisions about her own health and well-being.

Further, Gov. Johnson feels strongly that women seeking to exercise their legal right must not be subjected to persecution or denied access to health services by politicians in Washington or elsewhere who are insistent on politicizing such an intensely personal and serious issue. As Governor Johnson did support a ban on late term abortions.

05-04-2016, 03:29 PM
Well, no matter how it all falls out, no matter who wins, I know two things...

1. I will think no less of any of you (I won't let politics affect me in that way)and...

2. The next President will be one and done (Okay, this one is just a guess, but I think it's a good one)

05-04-2016, 04:26 PM
1. I will think no less of any of you (I won't let politics affect me in that way)and...


Abbey Marie
05-04-2016, 05:19 PM
The fight isn't "against abortion" at least at the POTUS level IMO, the fight is for pro-Constitution justices. I'm pretty sure Johnson would be for that.

What's wrong with Johnson at this point?

You can phrase it as you want, but even your own quote above proves my point. A true libertarian will not try to curtail a woman's "choice", and I'm fairly sure that is unacceptable to Crin.

And don't forget current law tells us the Constitution contains that right for women. You cannot have it both ways. Support Johnson if you please, but don't try to fool people.

Black Diamond
05-04-2016, 05:22 PM
You can phrase it as you want, but even your own quote above proves my point. A true libertarian will not try to curtail a woman's "choice", and I'm fairly sure that is unacceptable to Crin.

And don't forget current law tells us the Constitution contains that right for women. You cannot have it both ways. Support Johnson if you please, but don't try to fool people.

Depends on the libertarian.

Black Diamond
05-04-2016, 05:24 PM
The fight isn't "against abortion" at least at the POTUS level IMO, the fight is for pro-Constitution justices. I'm pretty sure Johnson would be for that.

What's wrong with Johnson at this point?

What's your definition of pro Constitutional justice? It's my body and I'll suck the parasite's brains out if choose??

Abbey Marie
05-04-2016, 05:26 PM
Depends on the libertarian.

Why I said, "true". Anyway, check out Gary's various political positions which were posted in another thread. Boggles my mind.

Black Diamond
05-04-2016, 05:28 PM
Why I said, "true". Anyway, check out Gary's various political positions which were posted in another thread. Boggles my mind.

Most libertarians' positions would. And rightfully so.

Abbey Marie
05-04-2016, 05:31 PM
Btw, crin63 , it's just one guy, but I find it interesting that Jerry Falwell Jr (current prez of Liberty University), is asking us to unite behind Trump.

05-04-2016, 07:46 PM
Like I said before, I won't be voting for Trump come November. In my opinion, aside from Benghazi, there is not a dimes bit of difference between Hillary and Trump. I personally know 3 - 4 dozen Republicans who will never vote for Trump either, but Trump supporters knew that going in so there shouldn't be any surprise there.

Google searches for "Libertarian Party" went through the roof last night. I guess it's time to join and fight for change in the Libertarian Party.

This wasn't a primary, it was a fight for the soul of the Republican Party. It was a cold civil war. The healing process will be about like the war of Northern Aggression our country went through. This has and will continue to separate friends and brothers.

You've ceased to have any interest (did you ever, truly, have one ..) in fighting for the health and wellbeing of Conservative values in the US ?

Perhaps you didn't read my earlier post about the Libertarians ? Check this out ...


How will an America, where even hard-core drugs are decriminalised, fare ? Will it know a 'healthy' society ? How about the mass cull of the innocent, aka 'ABORTION', which the Libertarians are happy to support ? How about their whole anarchistic approach to firm law and order ?

What's truly CONSERVATIVE about ANY of that ? How much nearer to 'classically liberal' is all of this ?

Truthfully, your one hope to see Conservatism triumph in the foreseeable future is to see that Trump is your next President. Your dislike of Trump is, I respectfully suggest, not reason enough to turn America over to the evils of Leftieism, in this case illustrated by the core principles which Libertarianism has long since held to.

05-04-2016, 07:51 PM
https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13103475_1113848271969306_4853115937006077912_n.jp g?oh=6c2110bbf2df40a920194a0a7cc129d6&oe=57E318C5:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

05-04-2016, 10:14 PM
And we conservatives can say exactly the same thing about Trump. He's about as conservative as Sean Penn.

There are not really a lot of conservatives in the republican party these days. The republican party is not exclusive to conservatives, just as the dem party s not exclusive to communists and socialists

Black Diamond
05-04-2016, 11:46 PM
There are not really a lot of conservatives in the republican party these days. The republican party is not exclusive to conservatives, just as the dem party s not exclusive to communists and socialists
Well that is what we are hoping for.

05-05-2016, 05:59 AM
This has and will continue to separate friends and brothers.

I'm hoping to disagree with you here.

I'm still confused as to why this has to be the case. I hold zero animosity towards those who supported any candidate in this elections thus far. I hold out no separation towards anyone who may not agree with, or hates Trump, and will continue to do such. I fully understand that folks may not like every candidate, which is their business, never had an issue with that and still don't. And even if they vote differently come November, I still wouldn't let it come between good bonds.

I know you speak generally, and not of me, and me not of you - but I hate to see folks being like this. Someone liking Trump shouldn't have others thinking differently of them. Someone liking Cruz shouldn't have others thinking differently of them. And I don't think the outcome of various races should separate these things. But I agree, I've seen lots of it myself, even if I disagree with it, and coming from both sides.

For me? For example. I can go up to my brother John, or Jeff, or my sister, and ask them "Who are you voting for this year?" - and if any of them told me even "Hillary" - I would tell them "What an asshole!!!!!!!!"" And then perhaps chat or laugh about it for a few, and then move on to whatever cool thing it was we were going to do. Same with my close friends, of which I have none! :laugh:

05-05-2016, 06:19 AM
You can phrase it as you want, but even your own quote above proves my point. A true libertarian will not try to curtail a woman's "choice", and I'm fairly sure that is unacceptable to Crin.

And don't forget current law tells us the Constitution contains that right for women. You cannot have it both ways. Support Johnson if you please, but don't try to fool people.

Depends on the Libertarian. Nevertheless you have the dichotomy backward. A true libertarian will deny government power over the individual; that's a huge step in the right direction as far as I'm concerned. And besides even overturning Roe sends the issues to the states where the decision is made there where it should correctly be made.

Choosing ANY candidate who says they're against abortion is not really an argument and still leaves the issue at the same place so I'm correct, the real issue is SCOTUS appointments.

Depends on the libertarian.


What's your definition of pro Constitutional justice? It's my body and I'll suck the parasite's brains out if choose??

A strict constructionist. The Constitution is silent on abortion, and so many other issues, so it's up to the people to tease it out. Even before Roe it was a states decision.

05-05-2016, 09:32 AM
I'm hoping to disagree with you here.

I'm still confused as to why this has to be the case. I hold zero animosity towards those who supported any candidate in this elections thus far. I hold out no separation towards anyone who may not agree with, or hates Trump, and will continue to do such. I fully understand that folks may not like every candidate, which is their business, never had an issue with that and still don't. And even if they vote differently come November, I still wouldn't let it come between good bonds.

I know you speak generally, and not of me, and me not of you - but I hate to see folks being like this. Someone liking Trump shouldn't have others thinking differently of them. Someone liking Cruz shouldn't have others thinking differently of them. And I don't think the outcome of various races should separate these things. But I agree, I've seen lots of it myself, even if I disagree with it, and coming from both sides.

For me? For example. I can go up to my brother John, or Jeff, or my sister, and ask them "Who are you voting for this year?" - and if any of them told me even "Hillary" - I would tell them "What an asshole!!!!!!!!"" And then perhaps chat or laugh about it for a few, and then move on to whatever cool thing it was we were going to do. Same with my close friends, of which I have none! :laugh:

It isn't about the candidate. My POV is it's about the perspective and lack of vision. I'm going to agree with FJ on this one. What's at stake is the Supreme Court. It has remained unchecked since who knows when. A Dem President means a Dem Supreme Court. That's just what we need. :rolleyes:

We know what I think of that loudmouth Trump. It's not about him. It's about thinking 3 moves ahead. I don't care who believes in what and have no idea who Gary Johnson is. The strategy and tactical maneuvers are to keep the Dems out. I've got lots of principles and neither party represents me. I'm just looking at the end game.

I knew they shouldn't have taught me to play chess as a kid. :laugh:

05-05-2016, 10:13 AM
It isn't about the candidate. My POV is it's about the perspective and lack of vision. I'm going to agree with FJ on this one. What's at stake is the Supreme Court. It has remained unchecked since who knows when. A Dem President means a Dem Supreme Court. That's just what we need. :rolleyes:

We know what I think of that loudmouth Trump. It's not about him. It's about thinking 3 moves ahead. I don't care who believes in what and have no idea who Gary Johnson is. The strategy and tactical maneuvers are to keep the Dems out. I've got lots of principles and neither party represents me. I'm just looking at the end game.

I knew they shouldn't have taught me to play chess as a kid. :laugh:

Even if...

If someone has a different POV, lack of vision perhaps, and even if a friend disagrees about the SC - I still don't want it to or would let it come between friends and family.

05-05-2016, 10:20 AM
Even if...

If someone has a different POV, lack of vision perhaps, and even if a friend disagrees about the SC - I still don't want it to or would let it come between friends and family.

No, goofball, I'm on the same page just for a different reason. You like Trump for whatever reason. Yea!. I want to keep the Dems out. Haggling over what a douche Trump is on a message board ain't even a blip on my radar. I'm going to do it, but it's about HIM.

But long term, the right is going to have to face the music if we want to win.

Black Diamond
05-05-2016, 10:23 AM
Even if...

If someone has a different POV, lack of vision perhaps, and even if a friend disagrees about the SC - I still don't want it to or would let it come between friends and family.

Not always easy. I mean in general.

05-05-2016, 10:36 AM
Not always easy. I mean in general.

I will not and do not discuss politics with my family. Most of them are Dems. But it has caused a rift because they're all right. :laugh:

05-05-2016, 10:46 AM
No, goofball, I'm on the same page just for a different reason. You like Trump for whatever reason. Yea!. I want to keep the Dems out. Haggling over what a douche Trump is on a message board ain't even a blip on my radar. I'm going to do it, but it's about HIM.

But long term, the right is going to have to face the music if we want to win.

Not always easy. I mean in general.

I will not and do not discuss politics with my family. Most of them are Dems. But it has caused a rift because they're all right. :laugh:

I've been arguing politics for awhile, of course. And all of you know that I can be an asshole, or passionate, about my stances. And yeap, there are times I drive down the road, see an Obama or Hillary sticker and want to push that person into a pole...

But friends, family, brothers... not a chance. Not over which candidate we prefer. I know it's not always easy - but if family, or a true friend, they wouldn't turn their back on you either. Hell, the woman and I disagree on some issues. And other than tying her up in the basement in the evening, I don't hold it against her. :laugh:

Black Diamond
05-05-2016, 10:53 AM
I've been arguing politics for awhile, of course. And all of you know that I can be an asshole, or passionate, about my stances. And yeap, there are times I drive down the road, see an Obama or Hillary sticker and want to push that person into a pole...

I'll drink to that. One asshole to another. :cool:

05-05-2016, 11:09 AM
I've been arguing politics for awhile, of course. And all of you know that I can be an asshole, or passionate, about my stances. And yeap, there are times I drive down the road, see an Obama or Hillary sticker and want to push that person into a pole...

But friends, family, brothers... not a chance. Not over which candidate we prefer. I know it's not always easy - but if family, or a true friend, they wouldn't turn their back on you either. Hell, the woman and I disagree on some issues. And other than tying her up in the basement in the evening, I don't hold it against her. :laugh:

I f you and the woman didn't disagree, I'd think you were a serial killer or something.

It ain't worth fighting for. And I'll be blunt for once. Losing a friend over a disagreement? I've lost a few over a bullet. I understand the power of words. They are what creates those bullets. But throwing them at people like it hurts and/or people acting like they actually hurt? Some of us have seen things that hurt a lot worse than a word.

And if you push, I'm going to bust out a BeeGees song. :laugh:

Abbey Marie
05-05-2016, 11:36 AM
Depends on the Libertarian. Nevertheless you have the dichotomy backward. A true libertarian will deny government power over the individual; that's a huge step in the right direction as far as I'm concerned. And besides even overturning Roe sends the issues to the states where the decision is made there where it should correctly be made.

Choosing ANY candidate who says they're against abortion is not really an argument and still leaves the issue at the same place so I'm correct, the real issue is SCOTUS appointments.


A strict constructionist. The Constitution is silent on abortion, and so many other issues, so it's up to the people to tease it out. Even before Roe it was a states decision.

No argument from me about SC appointments. But also important is how the President handles bills from Congress, (and our new unbridled executive orders). And a Libertarian prez is just not going to do anything to defund abortion clinics, for just one example. With Libertarians, it seems to always be some version of Pilate washing his hands of it.

05-05-2016, 11:44 AM
I f you and the woman didn't disagree, I'd think you were a serial killer or something.

It ain't worth fighting for. And I'll be blunt for once. Losing a friend over a disagreement? I've lost a few over a bullet. I understand the power of words. They are what creates those bullets. But throwing them at people like it hurts and/or people acting like they actually hurt? Some of us have seen things that hurt a lot worse than a word.

And if you push, I'm going to bust out a BeeGees song. :laugh:

Was cruising down the road about an hour ago or so and an "Air Supply" song came on. It was "The one that you love". And I listened to the whole thing, sadly. Now it's stuck in my head and I feel like going to Saudi Arabia and breaking a few laws so that they cut it off to get it out of my head.

But PLEASE, listen to this, get it stuck in your head too. Really not a bad song!! (don't ask why the mp3 is even on my USB stick, or how I had the song to begin with, I will have to kill you).


05-05-2016, 11:47 AM
No argument from me about SC appointments. But also important is how the President handles bills from Congress, (and our new unbridled executive orders). And a Libertarian prez is just not going to do anything to defund abortion clinics, for just one example. With Libertarians, it seems to always be some version of Pilate washing his hands of it.

Someone needs to put a stop to that executive order BS. I don't care who has done it. It's unconstitutional. The supreme court s also unconstitutional, IMO. They are supposed to interpret written law, not legislate from the bench. Our government is nothing it was meant to be.

05-05-2016, 11:50 AM
Was cruising down the road about an hour ago or so and an "Air Supply" song came on. It was "The one that you love". And I listened to the whole thing, sadly. Now it's stuck in my head and I feel like going to Saudi Arabia and breaking a few laws so that they cut it off to get it out of my head.

But PLEASE, listen to this, get it stuck in your head too. Really not a bad song!! (don't ask why the mp3 is even on my USB stick, or how I had the song to begin with, I will have to kill you).


Thanks a lot you sorry a$$ MF-er. Now I know I hate you.

05-05-2016, 11:54 AM
Thanks a lot you sorry a$$ MF-er. Now I know I hate you.

ow the night has gone
Now the night has gone away...
Doesn't seem that long
We hardly had two words to say...
Hold me in your arms
For just another day
I promise this one will go slow
We have the right to know
We have the right to know

05-05-2016, 12:11 PM
ow the night has gone
Now the night has gone away...
Doesn't seem that long
We hardly had two words to say...
Hold me in your arms
For just another day
I promise this one will go slow
We have the right to know
We have the right to know

You suck and are on my shit list. I had to think up some other goofy song to override yours. Now that one's stuck in my head.

05-05-2016, 12:15 PM
You suck and are on my shit list. I had to think up some other goofy song to override yours. Now that one's stuck in my head.

Trust me, Air Supply ain't so bad, could be worse. Good thing I didn't have that OCD crap when I was in HS, would hate to have this shit stuck in the noggin. Eat them up YUM!!


05-05-2016, 12:20 PM
Trust me, Air Supply ain't so bad, could be worse. Good thing I didn't have that OCD crap when I was in HS, would hate to have this shit stuck in the noggin. Eat them up YUM!!


Nah. I'm old as dirt, remember? You have to use something I know. I had Diamonds and Rust stuck in my head for 4 days straight. My journeyman thought it was hilarious so much he drug out his cassettes and would put it on while we were on service calls. I loved that guy, but he would dick with me every chance he got. :laugh:

05-05-2016, 12:23 PM
The worst of all time? This got in my head and I repeated it for MONTHS. And I still do when I go to NJ as they find it funny and get me going.


05-05-2016, 12:40 PM
The worst of all time? This got in my head and I repeated it for MONTHS. And I still do when I go to NJ as they find it funny and get me going.


I did the electrical on one of those. Fate worse than death. I still won't eat at one of those damned places. But if you want some REAL torture just get My Sharonna stuck in your head.

05-05-2016, 12:43 PM
So it goes.

I can understand Cruz calling for unity. That's who he is. But Trump calling for unity? Ludicrous, considering how damned hard he has tried and succeeded to insult, mock, attack and divide folks on the right.

05-05-2016, 12:44 PM
I did the electrical on one of those. Fate worse than death. I still won't eat at one of those damned places. But if you want some REAL torture just get My Sharonna stuck in your head.

I've never even been to a Red Robin before, don't even know where there is one. All based on their damn commercials, and now I'm scarred. :(

My sharona will definitely get stuck, very catchy tune, but at least it's not a horrible tune.

05-05-2016, 12:44 PM
Made the right choice. And saved me from adding him to my shit list too. Not that he would care.:laugh:
Now on to defeating the wicked witch of the North. :beer: :beer: -Tyr

Rush just mentioned and vocalized the biggest fear that I and others have re: Trump. That he's running as a spoiler to destroy the GOP "from within" (but not really from within, since he's really still a Democrat).

05-05-2016, 12:46 PM
I can understand Cruz calling for unity. That's who he is. But Trump calling for unity? Ludicrous, considering how damned hard he has tried and succeeded to insult, mock, attack and divide folks on the right.

While I'll admit he was the worst with the attacks, did you not see others doing similarly? Yes, he was the worst, but I saw insults and mocking from almost every candidate, including Hillary and Bernie. And Cruz, while I like him, took the bait and often replied with his own attacks, even if not as bad. None of them are innocent here, but all should work towards uniting, even if that begins with the worst offender.

05-05-2016, 12:47 PM
I've never even been to a Red Robin before, don't even know where there is one. All based on their damn commercials, and now I'm scarred. :(

My sharona will definitely get stuck, very catchy tune, but at least it's not a horrible tune.

Red Robin. $10 apiece for a hamburger and fries. No better than anyone else's. That's $30 for a family of 3 and the waitress expects a tip. I can eat at Red Lobster for that price tag.

05-05-2016, 12:47 PM
Rush just mentioned and vocalized the biggest fear that I and others have re: Trump. That he's running as a spoiler to destroy the GOP "from within" (but not really from within, since he's really still a Democrat).

He also said that he sees Trump winning in a landslide. I wouldn't take much of what he says for much value.

05-05-2016, 12:48 PM
Red Robin. $10 apiece for a hamburger and fries. No better than anyone else's. That's $30 for a family of 3 and the waitress expects a tip. I can eat at Red Lobster for that price tag.

No doubt, no way I pay those kinds of prices for a burger joint.

Abbey Marie
05-05-2016, 12:50 PM
Nah. I'm old as dirt, remember? You have to use something I know. I had Diamonds and Rust stuck in my head for 4 days straight. My journeyman thought it was hilarious so much he drug out his cassettes and would put it on while we were on service calls. I loved that guy, but he would dick with me every chance he got. :laugh:

As I recall, that was my fault!


05-05-2016, 01:01 PM
As I recall, that was my fault!


Honestly, I don't remember. I think it was my own fault. But if you want to take the blame ......:laugh:

05-06-2016, 02:51 PM
There are not really a lot of conservatives in the republican party these days. The republican party is not exclusive to conservatives, just as the dem party s not exclusive to communists and socialists

Great post, it really encapsulates what is fact. (There, I said it. Feel sort of Tyr-like!). The GOP isn't what it was pre-Trump. Pixie nails it. With it goes many, which more think is a very good thing.

Eventually though those 'old GOP folks' newly Independent or third party, will find candidates that do represent them. Most will not be comfortable in anyways with the liberals, which is why they left the new GOP.

Now the numbers of those disaffected and labeled 'independents' isn't small, in fact it's the largest voting bloc and growing while the two parties shrink.

05-06-2016, 03:38 PM
Great post, it really encapsulates what is fact. (There, I said it. Feel sort of Tyr-like!). The GOP isn't what it was pre-Trump. Pixie nails it. With it goes many, which more think is a very good thing.

Eventually though those 'old GOP folks' newly Independent or third party, will find candidates that do represent them. Most will not be comfortable in anyways with the liberals, which is why they left the new GOP.

Now the numbers of those disaffected and labeled 'independents' isn't small, in fact it's the largest voting bloc and growing while the two parties shrink.

I've been a registered independent since 80. You can call us small if we're a herd of cats and can't get on the same sheet of music.

I', ALL FOR a VIABLE 3rd party. When you come up with "viable" part, I'm all ears. In the meantime, I learned how to win with the assets I have long ago.

05-09-2016, 09:24 AM
No argument from me about SC appointments. But also important is how the President handles bills from Congress, (and our new unbridled executive orders). And a Libertarian prez is just not going to do anything to defund abortion clinics, for just one example. With Libertarians, it seems to always be some version of Pilate washing his hands of it.

Two point; 1. A Libertarian POTUS would not believe the Federal government should be funding PP so will quickly defund clinics.
2. How many Libertarians in office "always seem"?

Your perfect is the enemy of the good.