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05-04-2016, 04:25 PM
Trump has stated he wants a political person for VP and not an outsider. With that said, I think he should start nailing down friends yesterday, and start promising positions the day before that. I can see Kasich, since the 2 of them never really went head to head with one another. Christie possibly? Carson? I think the last 2 would be involved if he ever won somehow. Ohio and Florida are important. But I can't see Rubio jumping on board. Same with Cruz. I got a sneaky suspicion that Bush won't be on board either.

05-04-2016, 04:29 PM
What the hell, let's stick with the theme... Simon Cowell...

Sorry, I let my disgust get the better of me...

Of course I could have said RuPaul... Heh, that might be a better choice... Black & transgender...

Okay, okay...

How about Piyush Jindal?

Black Diamond
05-04-2016, 04:35 PM
Condoleeza Rice.

05-04-2016, 04:38 PM
What the hell, let's stick with the theme... Simon Cowell...

Sorry, I let my disgust get the better of me...

Of course I could have said RuPaul... Heh, that might be a better choice... Black & transgender...

Okay, okay...

How about Piyush Jindal?

At least you cracked me up! :lol:

05-04-2016, 04:39 PM
Condoleeza Rice.

She never would, but man, I love her and always have!! That's one brilliant woman!

05-04-2016, 05:59 PM
Condoleeza Rice.

Trump won't pick a VP stronger than he is...

05-04-2016, 06:19 PM
Here's a few ideas

VP = Marco Rubio
Sec State = Kasich
Sec Defense = Allen West
Atty Gen = Chris Christie
Health & Human Svc = Ben Carson
Homeland Sec = Rudy Giuliani
SCOTUS = Ted Cruz

05-04-2016, 06:48 PM
Trump has stated he wants a political person for VP and not an outsider. With that said, I think he should start nailing down friends yesterday, and start promising positions the day before that. I can see Kasich, since the 2 of them never really went head to head with one another. Christie possibly? Carson? I think the last 2 would be involved if he ever won somehow. Ohio and Florida are important. But I can't see Rubio jumping on board. Same with Cruz. I got a sneaky suspicion that Bush won't be on board either.

Trump's best bet is to get a Southerner a la the JFK approach with LBJ. Southerners don't like Trump. It's his best hope at a salvage operation. He's got some serious fence mending to do. And unfortunately for him, Cruz is his best bet. I just don't see them two getting along.

05-04-2016, 07:41 PM

05-04-2016, 08:34 PM
Here's a few ideas

VP = Marco Rubio
Sec State = Kasich
Sec Defense = Allen West
Atty Gen = Chris Christie
Health & Human Svc = Ben Carson
Homeland Sec = Rudy Giuliani
SCOTUS = Ted Cruz

These are good suggestions. Or you could switch Rubio and Kasich. Either way. I love the Condaleeza Rice suggestion, also. Chris Christie makes absolutely no sense as a VP - he probably doesn't even deliver New Jersey. And as much as I like Ben Carson, I don't think he helps the ticket that much. Rubio and Kasich seem like the obvious choices to me, since Rubio might bring in Florida and maybe some Hispanic votes, and Kasich might bring in Ohio. And both are experienced politicians.

Black Diamond
05-04-2016, 08:43 PM

Oh yes. And down the road... First female President.

05-04-2016, 08:43 PM
She never would, but man, I love her and always have!! That's one brilliant woman!

She would be great in any position!

05-04-2016, 09:03 PM
She would be great in any position!

I once heard her admit. Her biggest dream, or reward would be to become NFL commish.

She really is a great lady. The nation would instantly realize how we all need to be UNITED.

Abbey Marie
05-04-2016, 09:46 PM
If she were only interested, Condi would be fantastic.

Rubio= Hispanics=smart choice.

Black Diamond
05-05-2016, 02:45 AM
If she were only interested, Condi would be fantastic.

Rubio= Hispanics=smart choice.
She needs to be drafted.

Atticus Finch
05-05-2016, 04:42 AM
Trump has stated he wants a political person for VP and not an outsider. With that said, I think he should start nailing down friends yesterday, and start promising positions the day before that. I can see Kasich, since the 2 of them never really went head to head with one another. Christie possibly? Carson? I think the last 2 would be involved if he ever won somehow. Ohio and Florida are important. But I can't see Rubio jumping on board. Same with Cruz. I got a sneaky suspicion that Bush won't be on board either.I think Carson is on VP search committee

05-05-2016, 06:02 AM
I was watching something last night and a blurb ran across the bottom about someone from Trump's campaign talking about the 3 candidates in mind for VP thus far:

Nikki Haley - governor of SC
Susana Martinez - governor of New Mexico
I don't remember the 3rd :)

05-05-2016, 06:03 AM
I once heard her admit. Her biggest dream, or reward would be to become NFL commish.

She really is a great lady. The nation would instantly realize how we all need to be UNITED.

I would love football SO much more of they tossed Goodell and brought in Condi!!

05-05-2016, 07:50 AM
I was watching something last night and a blurb ran across the bottom about someone from Trump's campaign talking about the 3 candidates in mind for VP thus far:

Nikki Haley - governor of SC
Susana Martinez - governor of New Mexico
I don't remember the 3rd :)

Nikki's out

Here is her official statement:

“To the members of the press who are asking, while I am flattered to be mentioned and proud of what that says about the great things going on in South Carolina, my plate is full and I am not interested in serving as vice president.”