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05-05-2016, 08:36 AM
From The Associated Press 5 May 2016:
A central New York teacher has been accused of dragging a disruptive second-grader to the principal's office and throwing the boy over a counter.

article (http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_STUDENT_THROWN?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2016-05-05-06-45-16)

That's a little "over-the-top"...

We were having a discussion about unruly students a few years back on the ACLU message boards, and I posted this:
I don't believe that a teacher should be responsible for class punishments. The teachers' job is to teach. Every day the teacher is confronted by unruly students, usually not the whole class.

I believe that the school should have a disciplinarian who can be called upon by the teacher on such an occasion. The teacher can then continue his function without having to complicate the process with disciplinarian functions beyond the realm of teaching the subject at hand.

If a student becomes confrontational, unruly, or disruptive, all the teacher has to do is call the disciplinarian in to take the student from the classroom. The student can be dealt with out of the classroom and out of the sight and hearing of the other students, and the teacher can continue with his teaching.

05-06-2016, 07:59 AM
A few years back I was talking with an old friend who had landed a teaching job at a high school in a low-income area. He was teaching mathematics. He said that the first few days at the school were rather traumatic for him, not expecting students who would "mouth off" at the teacher, making the class laugh at him. He would ask a student a question concerning a lesson and rather than give a rational answer, the student would give a "smart mouth" response. Not all were like that, but some were, and it unnerved him.

After a few days he was attending a teachers meeting in the school, and the school principal introduced him as the new teach who hasn't quite adjusted to the classroom environment yet. He was puzzled by this introduction, and then realized that what he was talking about was his acceptance of the student attitude. He decided on changing this. He settled on a course of "natural reaction". Instead of asking a question of a student from the front of the classroom, he would go directly beside the student seated at his desk and ask the question. If the student answered in a proper manner, he would go on to another student and ask another question. When he reached a student that gave him a "mouthy response", he would backhand him on the side of his head and ask him again.

05-06-2016, 08:06 AM
...he would backhand him on the side of his head and ask him again.

When was this?

05-06-2016, 08:29 AM
When was this?

It certainly wasn't recently. It was back in the late 1970's...

05-06-2016, 08:36 AM
One of his classes became so disciplined in math that he gained State recognition at a competition.

05-06-2016, 08:38 AM
The problem is - the kids. They suck. They suck because parents today, by a wide margin, suck. If you're a parent and your kids has discipline issues, it's NOT because "they are tired" or 'Sick" it's because you raised them to be assholes. Your fault.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-06-2016, 08:55 AM
It certainly wasn't recently. It was back in the late 1970's...
Dont tell him when or name names.......
You can guess why....
Libs are massively fond of getting people fired and/or punished in numerous other ways ...-Tyr

05-06-2016, 09:10 AM
Dont tell him when or name names.......
You can guess why....
Libs are massively fond of getting people fired and/or punished in numerous other ways ...-Tyr

He had a bad heart, and died around 2005.

05-06-2016, 10:49 AM
The problem is - the kids. They suck. They suck because parents today, by a wide margin, suck. If you're a parent and your kids has discipline issues, it's NOT because "they are tired" or 'Sick" it's because you raised them to be assholes. Your fault.

When I went through the grades in the 60's, manners and respect
were still important. That has gone by the wayside.

The least we would get was a rap across the knuckles with a ruler
if we stepped out of line.

Next was a couple of swats across the butt if the infraction was bad.

Then would be the note sent home (with a follow-up phone call) and
Mom or Dad might add a couple of swats.

Since the 80's, kids have largely become spoiled brats because the
parents raise them that way and assume the schools will be the place
to learn manners and respect.

Abbey Marie
05-06-2016, 10:49 AM
The problem is - the kids. They suck. They suck because parents today, by a wide margin, suck. If you're a parent and your kids has discipline issues, it's NOT because "they are tired" or 'Sick" it's because you raised them to be assholes. Your fault.


05-06-2016, 11:37 AM
I remember when we were more afraid of our parents than the principal