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05-05-2016, 10:38 AM
Don't kill the messenger. The title and picture are making their round around Facebook.


05-05-2016, 11:12 AM
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to jimnyc again.

Abbey Marie
05-05-2016, 11:28 AM
If you look back, I have been on a soap box for years about how SC appointments are THE most important issue in a Presidential election. It shouldn't be, but thanks to Marbury, it is.

And to to repeat myself and others, we may not know with certainty what kind of people Trump will nominate, but we sure as heck know what kind Hillary will.

PS I heard yesterday that Trump intends to release a short list of people he will consider nominating. That will be of great interest to me.

05-05-2016, 11:37 AM
If you look back, I have been on a soap box for years about how SC appointments are THE most important issue in a Presidential election.

That wasn't my original stance, but you'll see I started saying the same 2-3 weeks back, or whenever it was that Chelsea told an audience about the future of guns and her mother. Obviously I should have known anyway, but was caught up in everything else. But I do think it's more important this time around, if not equal at least.

And it's not just the 2nd. With a huge liberal leaning, can you imagine what other issues can be decided? Yikes. And even the liberals would have to admit that the conservative justices have ruled within the constitution, which is what the people expect. But that's not good enough for them, they want someone that will help them rewrite the COTUS.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-05-2016, 11:54 AM
Will not make a dent in the hatred that the Trump haters feed on IMHO.
I've asked a few people face to face, to site why they hate him so deeply--not a damn one could give any reason that made any damn sense for such pure hatred and revulsion..
I think many see that he will battle and are just against making waves or against fighting back!
Regardless of why and I suspect that most do not even know why they have such deep hatred, the responsibility of keeping HILARY OUT, SHOULD OVERSHADOW ANY IMAGINED, PROPAGANDIZED AND/OR HEARTFELT REVULSION OF THE MAN.

Totally illogical to ignore historic facts about her past documented actions and instead proclaim worse will come from TRUMP..


Worse than hillary???

Come on-- nothing in his past points to that judgment being true--nothing IMHO..


05-05-2016, 01:10 PM
Will not make a dent in the hatred that the Trump haters feed on IMHO.
I've asked a few people face to face, to site why they hate him so deeply--not a damn one could give any reason that made any damn sense for such pure hatred and revulsion..
I think many see that he will battle and are just against making waves or against fighting back!
Regardless of why and I suspect that most do not even know why they have such deep hatred, the responsibility of keeping HILARY OUT, SHOULD OVERSHADOW ANY IMAGINED, PROPAGANDIZED AND/OR HEARTFELT REVULSION OF THE MAN.

Totally illogical to ignore historic facts about her past documented actions and instead proclaim worse will come from TRUMP..


Worse than hillary???

Come on-- nothing in his past points to that judgment being true--nothing IMHO..


It's not about hating Trump, tyr. Not in my book anyway. I dislike the man and his personality. More importantly to me is what is best for this country. I was born and bred in it, and served it. As did my father, and his father, and his father, and his father. I'm a constitutionalist. I believe in THAT, not a political bureaucratic party. It's not about hating anyone. It's about watching our Constitution circle the bowl.

And I don't "merely think" I analyze. He is what he is. Alligator mouth with a bumblebee ass. He's out of his league. The gift of gab doesn't impress me. Heard it all before.

05-05-2016, 01:11 PM
The Dems and Libs wearing blinders do not see the inherent dangers of
what a Hillary appointed Supreme Court would create.

We may as well trash the Bill of Rights if she makes it in. She is worse
than Obama!

05-05-2016, 01:18 PM
The Dems and Libs wearing blinders do not see the inherent dangers of
what a Hillary appointed Supreme Court would create.

We may as well trash the Bill of Rights if she makes it in. She is worse
than Obama!

The left WANTS her to rewrite the COTUS. But sadly, there are some on the right that still think she's a BETTER option than Trump. :(

05-05-2016, 01:24 PM
The left WANTS her to rewrite the COTUS. But sadly, there are some on the right that still think she's a BETTER option than Trump. :(

"We" as a team, not I as in "me" have to defeat the enemy. I can't do it alone. It takes a team and it takes team players. We need the Dems out and to not have control of the Supreme Court. ANyone thinking this is about the presidency needs to get a clue. Presidents come and go. The people on the Supreme court have been around since the 80s - 90s.

We have to defend THAT at all costs. Even personal pride over selfish convictions that may or may not make any sense.

05-05-2016, 02:06 PM
"We" as a team, not I as in "me" have to defeat the enemy. I can't do it alone. It takes a team and it takes team players. We need the Dems out and to not have control of the Supreme Court. ANyone thinking this is about the presidency needs to get a clue. Presidents come and go. The people on the Supreme court have been around since the 80s - 90s.

We have to defend THAT at all costs. Even personal pride over selfish convictions that may or may not make any sense.

That's what I'm thinking right now. Whatever the feelings one has over the choices this year, that person is guaranteed to be gone in 4-8 years. I was initially worried about JUST Scalia being replaced, and the court swinging 5-4 in the other direction. But damn, imagine 7-2, or 6-3 in favor of the left? Even if one or 2 croak or whatever in 20 years, they would STILL have the court leaning left. The "damage" that can be done is astronomical.

Anyone thinking otherwise, or thinking the left places good judges out there - take a peek at the 9th circuit court of appeals. The things I've seen over the years boggles the mind. I don't follow them like I do politics, but when such courts are driven by the left, you might as well appoint monkeys.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-05-2016, 02:10 PM
It's not about hating Trump, tyr. Not in my book anyway. I dislike the man and his personality. More importantly to me is what is best for this country. I was born and bred in it, and served it. As did my father, and his father, and his father, and his father. I'm a constitutionalist. I believe in THAT, not a political bureaucratic party. It's not about hating anyone. It's about watching our Constitution circle the bowl.

And I don't "merely think" I analyze. He is what he is. Alligator mouth with a bumblebee ass. He's out of his league. The gift of gab doesn't impress me. Heard it all before.

You already stated that you'd vote for Trump against the Hildabeast or the old communist piece of shit , thus your reasons for disliking him are your business and did not impair your decision making , intelligence and survival apparatus.
I was speaking of those that it has greatly and/or even utterly destroyed those much needed attributes.-:beer: :beer:

Jeff, still has loads of tickets for the Trump train .....
Free vanilla ice cream cones for the 100 buyers......- ;)-Tyr

05-05-2016, 02:25 PM
You already stated that you'd vote for Trump against the Hildabeast or the old communist piece of shit , thus your reasons for disliking him are your business and did not impair your decision making , intelligence and survival apparatus.
I was speaking of those that it has greatly and/or even utterly destroyed those much needed attributes.-:beer: :beer:

Jeff, still has loads of tickets for the Trump train .....
Free vanilla ice cream cones for the 100 buyers......- ;)-Tyr

That f*cker Jeff is giving out free ice cream and I didn't get any? Son of a bitch. He is SO out of my club. Stingy bastard. No wonder Jim doesn't like him.

Black Diamond
05-05-2016, 02:29 PM
That f*cker Jeff is giving out free ice cream and I didn't get any? Son of a bitch. He is SO out of my club. Stingy bastard. No wonder Jim doesn't like him.

Hes selling the ice cream out of the back of his Prius.

05-05-2016, 02:47 PM
That f*cker @Jeff (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1539) is giving out free ice cream and I didn't get any? Son of a bitch. He is SO out of my club. Stingy bastard. No wonder Jim doesn't like him.

Hes selling the ice cream out of the back of his Prius.

Hey, I didn't get any ice cream either. Fucker has been out of my club for awhile now!

But a Prius? LOL He's liable to want to break out his guns when he reads that one. :laugh:

05-05-2016, 02:51 PM
Hey, I didn't get any ice cream either. Fucker has been out of my club for awhile now!

But a Prius? LOL He's liable to want to break out his guns when he reads that one. :laugh:

The f*cker. What the crap? I don't care about his gay car. F*ck. I want some damned ice cream and I'm stuck with a baby.

So let's get this straight .... Jeff drives a prius? OMG. He ain't going to hear the end of THIS. :laugh:

05-05-2016, 02:55 PM
The f*cker. What the crap? I don't care about his gay car. F*ck. I want some damned ice cream and I'm stuck with a baby.

So let's get this straight .... Jeff drives a prius? OMG. He ain't going to hear the end of THIS. :laugh:

I lay 10-1 odds that Jeff don't even know what a Prius is! :laugh:

05-05-2016, 02:56 PM
Btw, you ain't stuck, I have it from good sources that even babies like some ice cream every now and again!

05-05-2016, 03:04 PM
I lay 10-1 odds that Jeff don't even know what a Prius is! :laugh:

Doesn't mean I ain't going to give him crap. Closet prius driver. Uh huh.

Abbey Marie
05-05-2016, 03:08 PM
That's what I'm thinking right now. Whatever the feelings one has over the choices this year, that person is guaranteed to be gone in 4-8 years. I was initially worried about JUST Scalia being replaced, and the court swinging 5-4 in the other direction. But damn, imagine 7-2, or 6-3 in favor of the left? Even if one or 2 croak or whatever in 20 years, they would STILL have the court leaning left. The "damage" that can be done is astronomical.

Anyone thinking otherwise, or thinking the left places good judges out there - take a peek at the 9th circuit court of appeals. The things I've seen over the years boggles the mind. I don't follow them like I do politics, but when such courts are driven by the left, you might as well appoint monkeys.

Actually, I'll take the monkeys! I don't think they believe in handouts to worthless members of their troop. :laugh2:

Abbey Marie
05-05-2016, 03:10 PM
Doesn't mean I ain't going to give him crap. Closet prius driver. Uh huh.

Prius- the car I'll do anything not to be stuck behind.

Black Diamond
05-05-2016, 03:57 PM
The left WANTS her to rewrite the COTUS. But sadly, there are some on the right that still think she's a BETTER option than Trump. :(

Some felt the same about Romney cause he's in a cult.

05-05-2016, 04:28 PM
If you look back, I have been on a soap box for years about how SC appointments are THE most important issue in a Presidential election. It shouldn't be, but thanks to Marbury, it is.

And to to repeat myself and others, we may not know with certainty what kind of people Trump will nominate, but we sure as heck know what kind Hillary will.

PS I heard yesterday that Trump intends to release a short list of people he will consider nominating. That will be of great interest to me.

This is one issue that may persuade me, but I really can't say, I'll have to see what the list looks like. Then there's the problem of how quickly he changes his mind. Lots of time between now and January.

05-05-2016, 04:30 PM
Will not make a dent in the hatred that the Trump haters feed on IMHO.
I've asked a few people face to face, to site why they hate him so deeply--not a damn one could give any reason that made any damn sense for such pure hatred and revulsion..
I think many see that he will battle and are just against making waves or against fighting back!
Regardless of why and I suspect that most do not even know why they have such deep hatred, the responsibility of keeping HILARY OUT, SHOULD OVERSHADOW ANY IMAGINED, PROPAGANDIZED AND/OR HEARTFELT REVULSION OF THE MAN.

Totally illogical to ignore historic facts about her past documented actions and instead proclaim worse will come from TRUMP..


Worse than hillary???

Come on-- nothing in his past points to that judgment being true--nothing IMHO..


Well I've given many reasons why I won't vote for him. Granted we're not 'face-to-face.' I'm not going to list them all again, those that consider things have already read them and disagree.

05-05-2016, 04:31 PM
You already stated that you'd vote for Trump against the Hildabeast or the old communist piece of shit , thus your reasons for disliking him are your business and did not impair your decision making , intelligence and survival apparatus.
I was speaking of those that it has greatly and/or even utterly destroyed those much needed attributes.-:beer: :beer:

Jeff, still has loads of tickets for the Trump train .....
Free vanilla ice cream cones for the 100 buyers......- ;)-Tyr

I buy my own ice cream, not looking for handouts. TYVM.

05-05-2016, 04:33 PM
Prius- the car I'll do anything not to be stuck behind.

I see them and pass them, wasting gas.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-05-2016, 04:35 PM
That f*cker Jeff is giving out free ice cream and I didn't get any? Son of a bitch. He is SO out of my club. Stingy bastard. No wonder Jim doesn't like him.

Yep, and free granola bars too, from his private stash, as leaked rumors have it!!r
Hurry, available only to the first 100 new customers.. --;)--Try

Black Diamond
05-05-2016, 04:35 PM
I was going to vote for Bob Barr in 2008. Then in the last week, I changed my mind and said no... Voting for McCain is more effectively Anti Obama. I got to the ballot and Bob Barr wasn't even on the ballot anyway. Interestingly, Bob Barr worked on Newt's campaign in 2012

Black Diamond
05-05-2016, 04:38 PM
I see them and pass them, wasting gas.

Atta girl. Do your part. :cool:

05-05-2016, 04:39 PM
This is one issue that may persuade me, but I really can't say, I'll have to see what the list looks like. Then there's the problem of how quickly he changes his mind. Lots of time between now and January.

I fully understand the hesitation some have with Trump, or the outright not voting for him. But with that said, talk of him running for the GOP, and then turning around and nominating a liberal judge, just doesn't add up for me in the slightest bit. Not to mention, unless something were to drastically change in the senate, a nomination as such likely wouldn't pass anyway. But I have ZERO doubt that he will nominate someone on the right, and likely a choice made by MANY involved on the right. I think some high ranking republicans will be involved in any prior discussions before anyone is nominated, just as I'm confident that Obama had some help in his choice.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-05-2016, 04:39 PM
hes selling the ice cream out of the back of his prius.

yes, but thats the good stuff, the other cheap stuff , he is giving away.
Capitalism in action, he bez looking to buy another fine harley methinks..;)-tyr

05-05-2016, 04:45 PM
I fully understand the hesitation some have with Trump, or the outright not voting for him. But with that said, talk of him running for the GOP, and then turning around and nominating a liberal judge, just doesn't add up for me in the slightest bit. Not to mention, unless something were to drastically change in the senate, a nomination as such likely wouldn't pass anyway. But I have ZERO doubt that he will nominate someone on the right, and likely a choice made by MANY involved on the right. I think some high ranking republicans will be involved in any prior discussions before anyone is nominated, just as I'm confident that Obama had some help in his choice.

Long time and philosophically conservative presidents have ended up with approval of judges that by all measures should have been 'conservatives' that ended up anything but. The Chief Justice being one case in point. With that said, I'd settle for someone who actually finds the constitution itself limiting, they could be liberal or conservative personally, but the Constitution is what their decisions should be based upon.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-05-2016, 04:48 PM
Well I've given many reasons why I won't vote for him. Granted we're not 'face-to-face.' I'm not going to list them all again, those that consider things have already read them and disagree.

My point was directed at/about those that can not even explain why they do not support him nor why they hate him like he slapped their mothers.
I have no problem with any that made an informed and researched decision on the matter.
However, most are just going with the crowd (herd mentality), the flow and/or gobbling up the anti-Trump propaganda IMHO..
Was not asking you to again cite your reasons my friend.. -TYR

05-05-2016, 04:53 PM
My point was directed at/about those that can not even explain why they do not support him nor why they hate him like he slapped their mothers.
I have no problem with any that made an informed and researched decision on the matter.
However, most are just going with the crowd (herd mentality), the flow and/or gobbling up the anti-Trump propaganda IMHO..
Was not asking you to again cite your reasons my friend.. -TYR

I think that bottom line, those supporting Trump have a 'gut feeling' he'll do what he's said-even when he goes back and forth.

I think those that don't support him, have a 'gut feeling' that he may well do some of the things he's said-though he often walks those back.

It does come down to what 'your gut' says, as he doesn't have a consistent record on anything.

05-05-2016, 05:29 PM
...you likely will never see another conservative victory at the Supreme Court level for the rest of your life. Ever.


I don't care for Hillary, but this is a good reason to vote for her. We've had a conservative SCOTUS for too long. It's time to put some liberals on the bench.
Vote Hillary! Make the Supreme Court great again!

Atticus Finch
05-05-2016, 05:40 PM
Don't kill the messenger. The title and picture are making their round around Facebook.

http://i.imgur.com/5c8A6U5.jpgI personally believe Trump is not the answer.There are just so many angry white middle class voters left.He has managed to piss off the conservative right ,the libertarians and the left despises him ion total....it's a numbers game boys and girls...one that we can't win IMHO.

05-05-2016, 05:43 PM

I don't care for Hillary, but this is a good reason to vote for her. We've had a conservative SCOTUS for too long. It's time to put some liberals on the bench.
Vote Hillary! Make the Supreme Court great again!

And it appears the #Never_Clinton is getting rolling along...


The 'Never Clinton' Campaign

Meet the Bernie Sanders supporters who say they won’t switch allegiances, no matter what happens in the general election.

Loyal fans of Bernie Sanders have a difficult decision to make. If Hillary Clinton faces off against Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election, legions of Sanders supporters will have to decide whether to switch allegiances or stand by Bernie until the bitter end.

At least some supporters of the Vermont senator insist they won’t vote for Clinton, no matter what. Many view the former secretary of state with her deep ties to the Democratic establishment as the polar opposite of Sanders and his rallying cry of political revolution. Throwing their weight behind her White House bid would feel like a betrayal of everything they believe.

These voters express unwavering dedication to Sanders on social media, deploying hashtags like NeverClinton and NeverHillary, and circulating petitions like www.wontvotehillary.com, which asks visitors to promise “under no circumstances will I vote for Hillary Clinton.” It’s garnered more than 56,500 signatures so far. Many feel alienated by the Democratic Party. They may want unity, but not if it means a stamp of approval for a political status quo they believe is fundamentally flawed and needs to be fixed.


05-05-2016, 05:45 PM
I personally believe Trump is not the answer.There are just so many angry white middle class voters left.He has managed to piss off the conservative right ,the libertarians and the left despises him ion total....it's a numbers game boys and girls...one that we can't win IMHO.

But he's bringing in record numbers on the right, so apparently hasn't pissed off everyone on the right. And doing better than Clinton in the majority of states as well. As usual, it'll come down to the swing states. But it's not like Trump is someone everyone hates and everyone will be avoiding - as the actual vote count and turnouts speak an entirely different story. And at the same time, Clinton's numbers are also down from the last time she ran.

05-05-2016, 05:46 PM
And then there is #RepublicansforHillary and #NeverTrump


I am sure there is #AngrywhitemalesforTrump in there someplace :rolleyes:

05-05-2016, 05:51 PM
And then there is #RepublicansforHillary and #NeverTrump


I am sure there is #AngrywhitemalesforTrump in there someplace :rolleyes:

Ummm, welcome to the club, the never Trump gang has been around for quite some time now.

I'm sure we may be able to find #Democrats_for_criminals.

Fact is, you keep on vomiting out things about Trump, or the right, and lack of votes, and who won't vote. And yet time and time again the numbers have been posted, and the demographics, which prove you wrong over and over.

05-05-2016, 06:59 PM
I buy my own ice cream, not looking for handouts. TYVM.

Who needs a handout? I just want that goof @Jeff (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1539) to take me to Well's Dairy and ante up on a cone.

05-05-2016, 07:43 PM
Other than the honest facts that I am worried about the futures of Our Sons, and Our Six Grandchildren who will be forced to grow up in a much more threatening World IF...A Hillary becomes president, and the SCOTUS becomes all Liberal.

I can only selfishly admit how THANKFUL I feel....knowing my time on this Earth is growing short, and I won't be here to help MY FAMILY survive IF SUCH A DISASTER happens to the U.S.A. with the election of people who are sworn to destroy this nation.

I have asked to be cremated when I die, and to join fellow Vietnam/Gulf War veterans in ARLINGON. Yes....for those who may wonder. Because of my time on active duty (30 years). I am eligible to be in ARLINGTON. That is where all of the Americans who LOVED this nation...AS IT WAS before Hillary, and Obama took their service seriously.

All of us on this board who honestly Love America without blowing smoke up someone's butt, pretending to be true Citizens...should fear what will happen IF Hillary does win by the perpetual Hatred, and Stupidity of Uneducated, Selfish people.

05-05-2016, 07:45 PM
I have asked to be cremated when I die, and to join fellow Vietnam/Gulf War veterans in ARLINGON. Yes....for those who may wonder. Because of my time on active duty (30 years). I am eligible to be in ARLINGTON. That is where all of the Americans who LOVED this nation...


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-05-2016, 07:57 PM
I personally believe Trump is not the answer.There are just so many angry white middle class voters left.He has managed to piss off the conservative right ,the libertarians and the left despises him ion total....it's a numbers game boys and girls...one that we can't win IMHO.
Sorry, but thats been pitched ever since he first tossed his hat in the ring.
It was just as wrong back then just as it is wrong now and do not forget hillary's negatives!
Trump inspires people that want obama shit stopped, Hillary only inspires ffing idiots , morons, leftists and damn fools.
And Bernie's supporters are going to reject her .
You are welcome to believe your number theory but its flat out wrong.
Trump just kept on gaining steam, getting record votes, record turn outs, record attendance at his rallies-defeat all his oponents(including Bush) and yet you think hilary that can barely even beat Sanders is a Goliath. :confused:--Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-05-2016, 07:59 PM
Other than the honest facts that I am worried about the futures of Our Sons, and Our Six Grandchildren who will be forced to grow up in a much more threatening World IF...A Hillary becomes president, and the SCOTUS becomes all Liberal.

I can only selfishly admit how THANKFUL I feel....knowing my time on this Earth is growing short, and I won't be here to help MY FAMILY survive IF SUCH A DISASTER happens to the U.S.A. with the election of people who are sworn to destroy this nation.

I have asked to be cremated when I die, and to join fellow Vietnam/Gulf War veterans in ARLINGON. Yes....for those who may wonder. Because of my time on active duty (30 years). I am eligible to be in ARLINGTON. That is where all of the Americans who LOVED this nation...AS IT WAS before Hillary, and Obama took their service seriously.

All of us on this board who honestly Love America without blowing smoke up someone's butt, pretending to be true Citizens...should fear what will happen IF Hillary does win by the perpetual Hatred, and Stupidity of Uneducated, Selfish people.

I have asked to be cremated when I die, and to join fellow Vietnam/Gulf War veterans in ARLINGON. Yes....for those who may wonder. Because of my time on active duty (30 years). I am eligible to be in ARLINGTON. That is where all of the Americans who LOVED this nation...AS IT WAS before Hillary, and Obama took their service seriously.

And well deserved my friend.... :salute:--Tyr

05-05-2016, 10:27 PM
"We" as a team, not I as in "me" have to defeat the enemy. I can't do it alone. It takes a team and it takes team players. We need the Dems out and to not have control of the Supreme Court. ANyone thinking this is about the presidency needs to get a clue. Presidents come and go. The people on the Supreme court have been around since the 80s - 90s.

We have to defend THAT at all costs. Even personal pride over selfish convictions that may or may not make any sense.

100% Spot on!:beer: <Dr. Pepper:laugh:

05-05-2016, 11:57 PM
Will not make a dent in the hatred that the Trump haters feed on IMHO.
I've asked a few people face to face, to site why they hate him so deeply--not a damn one could give any reason that made any damn sense for such pure hatred and revulsion..
I think many see that he will battle and are just against making waves or against fighting back!
Regardless of why and I suspect that most do not even know why they have such deep hatred, the responsibility of keeping HILARY OUT, SHOULD OVERSHADOW ANY IMAGINED, PROPAGANDIZED AND/OR HEARTFELT REVULSION OF THE MAN.

Totally illogical to ignore historic facts about her past documented actions and instead proclaim worse will come from TRUMP..


Worse than hillary???

Come on-- nothing in his past points to that judgment being true--nothing IMHO..



Atticus Finch
05-06-2016, 04:41 AM
Sorry, but thats been pitched ever since he first tossed his hat in the ring.
It was just as wrong back then just as it is wrong now and do not forget hillary's negatives!
Trump inspires people that want obama shit stopped, Hillary only inspires ffing idiots , morons, leftists and damn fools.
And Bernie's supporters are going to reject her .
You are welcome to believe your number theory but its flat out wrong.
Trump just kept on gaining steam, getting record votes, record turn outs, record attendance at his rallies-defeat all his oponents(including Bush) and yet you think hilary that can barely even beat Sanders is a Goliath. :confused:--TyrI know it would make a wonderful story for you.But the reality check is coming.First, do you think Bernie's people are going to go to Trump? If you do, then there is no need to discuss it with you any further,you've not only drunk the kool-aid you've drank the whole pitcher of kook-aid.Secondly,there are more than 47% of the free shitters this time around,Obama has created another 10% since '12.Trump has alienated the colored folks vote, largely Latinos, that is a fact.That only leaves us ,those of us who work so the free shitters can have their free shit.The conservative straight anglo vote is a endangered species.

05-06-2016, 05:19 AM
I know it would make a wonderful story for you.But the reality check is coming.First, do you think Bernie's people are going to go to Trump? If you do, then there is no need to discuss it with you any further,you've not only drunk the kool-aid you've drank the whole pitcher of kook-aid.Secondly,there are more than 47% of the free shitters this time around,Obama has created another 10% since '12.Trump has alienated the colored folks vote, largely Latinos, that is a fact.That only leaves us ,those of us who work so the free shitters can have their free shit.The conservative straight anglo vote is a endangered species.

I'll agree with your assessment of the political situation. I think Trump doesn't have a chance. At the same time, I'm going to be a hypocrite here and stick my nose in. Tyr's a good ol' boy. We don't always agree. But there's no call to attack him personally. We, as a group, need to get off each other's throats over this election. It's lost unless a whole bunch of people change their minds. Hasn't happened last 2 elections so I expect it ain't happening again. The naysayers will stay home, and the people that think they're standing on some principle will vote 3rd party.

My stand on principle is protecting what's left of our Constitution. We can't lose the Supreme Court. That's what is at stake here. Screw the Presidency. There's no balance in our government as there is supposed to be and the Supreme Court has unchecked power. THAT is what is at stake here.

05-06-2016, 05:32 AM
I'll agree with your assessment of the political situation. I think Trump doesn't have a chance. At the same time, I'm going to be a hypocrite here and stick my nose in. Tyr's a good ol' boy. We don't always agree. But there's no call to attack him personally. We, as a group, need to get off each other's throats over this election. It's lost unless a whole bunch of people change their minds. Hasn't happened last 2 elections so I expect it ain't happening again. The naysayers will stay home, and the people that think they're standing on some principle will vote 3rd party.

My stand on principle is protecting what's left of our Constitution. We can't lose the Supreme Court. That's what is at stake here. Screw the Presidency. There's no balance in our government as there is supposed to be and the Supreme Court has unchecked power. THAT is what is at stake here.

and you'll vote Trump. Ok.

I don't pick friends or ditch them over politics. That doesn't mean that only the 'bigger' side gets to be condescending. ;)

Atticus Finch
05-06-2016, 05:34 AM
I'll agree with your assessment of the political situation. I think Trump doesn't have a chance. At the same time, I'm going to be a hypocrite here and stick my nose in. Tyr's a good ol' boy. We don't always agree. But there's no call to attack him personally. We, as a group, need to get off each other's throats over this election. It's lost unless a whole bunch of people change their minds. Hasn't happened last 2 elections so I expect it ain't happening again. The naysayers will stay home, and the people that think they're standing on some principle will vote 3rd party.

My stand on principle is protecting what's left of our Constitution. We can't lose the Supreme Court. That's what is at stake here. Screw the Presidency. There's no balance in our government as there is supposed to be and the Supreme Court has unchecked power. THAT is what is at stake here.
I hope it is not taken as a personal attack that is not my intent.My apologies to Tyr. I think we have lost our way from our founding and to me Cruz was going to try and restore that.But the crowd went with the money guy,that's disturbing to me all by itself.But,it's over and the majority has spoken,so Trump it is.I'll vote for him but nothing says I gotta like it.

05-06-2016, 06:06 AM
and you'll vote Trump. Ok.

I don't pick friends or ditch them over politics. That doesn't mean that only the 'bigger' side gets to be condescending. ;)

Don't take it personally. You know what I think about Trump. I wish this nightmare would go away. Trump or Hitlerly. Oh f-ing yea. :rolleyes: I've called this from Day One. And it's played out exactly as I said.

You have to do what your conscience tells you. My point is to point out what's at stake. Doesn't mean I don't like you. I had this running gun battle with Gaffer last election. I still respected the Hell out of him. Maybe I need to learn to take things personally?

I served for you to have the right to make your own choice. Doesn't mean I have to agree with your choices.

05-06-2016, 06:17 AM
Don't take it personally. You know what I think about Trump. I wish this nightmare would go away. Trump or Hitlerly. Oh f-ing yea. :rolleyes: I've called this from Day One. And it's played out exactly as I said.

You have to do what your conscience tells you. My point is to point out what's at stake. Doesn't mean I don't like you. I had this running gun battle with Gaffer last election. I still respected the Hell out of him. Maybe I need to learn to take things personally?

I served for you to have the right to make your own choice. Doesn't mean I have to agree with your choices.

True. I do not have to agree with the herd, nor take more than what the herd is willing to take either.

I don't 'think' I'm standing on principles, I am. Now my principles aren't anyone else's, nor do I claim them to be. By the same token, the same goes in reverse.

I've said it about a million times, I hope that if Trump wins he is everything you all claim he'll be. The one who picks the 'bestest' SCOTUS judges, true constitutionalists! Why wouldn't he? *cough*

He'll vanquish all enemies when our allies pony up all the monies they should have been paying, otherwise he'll pull out of...well someplaces. Meanwhile he'll use the freed up money to restore our infrastructure, that will be beautiful, the most beautiful.

He'll get rid of all the illegals-well other than the bestest, when they go back and come back or something like that.

In the meanwhile, going to get a minimum wage hike, unclear how much, but that's only until it won't be necessary anymore-cause wages are just going to rise like they never have.

I know, I'm too idealistic hanging onto the idea of the Constitution.

05-06-2016, 06:23 AM
True. I do not have to agree with the herd, nor take more than what the herd is willing to take either.

I don't 'think' I'm standing on principles, I am. Now my principles aren't anyone else's, nor do I claim them to be. By the same token, the same goes in reverse.

I've said it about a million times, I hope that if Trump wins he is everything you all claim he'll be. The one who picks the 'bestest' SCOTUS judges, true constitutionalists! Why wouldn't he? *cough*

He'll vanquish all enemies when our allies pony up all the monies they should have been paying, otherwise he'll pull out of...well someplaces. Meanwhile he'll use the freed up money to restore our infrastructure, that will be beautiful, the most beautiful.

He'll get rid of all the illegals-well other than the bestest, when they go back and come back or something like that.

In the meanwhile, going to get a minimum wage hike, unclear how much, but that's only until it won't be necessary anymore-cause wages are just going to rise like they never have.

I know, I'm too idealistic hanging onto the idea of the Constitution.

How long have you known me? I ain't part of no herd. I'll go at anyone for any reason and you know that. I'm using common sense and looking at the end game. If Hitlery wins, we have a leftwingnut, anti-gun Support, And the way the left caves to the public, we'll probably lose our freedom of speech moreso than we already have.

I'm not willing to give up my Rights over not liking a candidate.

05-06-2016, 06:29 AM
How long have you known me? I ain't part of no herd. I'll go at anyone for any reason and you know that. I'm using common sense and looking at the end game. If Hitlery wins, we have a leftwingnut, anti-gun Support, And the way the left caves to the public, we'll probably lose our freedom of speech moreso than we already have.

I'm not willing to give up my Rights over not liking a candidate.

I'm not saying you should. Everyone has to vote for the candidate they think will most likely get them or at least try to get them as many of the things they think important. Not one candidate will cover all they think important, if they are looking for that, they should run themselves.

For some it's 'stuff.' Whether it be the case of a free phone or the case of subsidies for their industry. For others it's voting for someone that 'looks like me,' or what I'd like to look like.

For me it's leading in the direction of limited government, something that used to be a cornerstone of those that considered themselves 'Constitutionalists.' Now they are whacked out folks that won't get ice cream.

05-06-2016, 07:05 AM
and you'll vote Trump. Ok.

I don't pick friends or ditch them over politics. That doesn't mean that only the 'bigger' side gets to be condescending. ;)

https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13124673_1011373142231391_5639555318370217778_n.jp g?oh=f231a10c94ad5fe0f2db302c4e585c3f&oe=57E55BEC

05-06-2016, 07:54 AM
I know it would make a wonderful story for you.But the reality check is coming.First, do you think Bernie's people are going to go to Trump? If you do, then there is no need to discuss it with you any further,you've not only drunk the kool-aid you've drank the whole pitcher of kook-aid.

I think a shitload of Bernie's supporters will stay home or do something else, which is also great for Trump, although of course not as good as a vote for him.


The 'Never Clinton' Campaign

Loyal fans of Bernie Sanders have a difficult decision to make. If Hillary Clinton faces off against Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election, legions of Sanders supporters will have to decide whether to switch allegiances or stand by Bernie until the bitter end.

At least some supporters of the Vermont senator insist they won’t vote for Clinton, no matter what. Many view the former secretary of state with her deep ties to the Democratic establishment as the polar opposite of Sanders and his rallying cry of political revolution. Throwing their weight behind her White House bid would feel like a betrayal of everything they believe.

These voters express unwavering dedication to Sanders on social media, deploying hashtags like NeverClinton and NeverHillary, and circulating petitions like www.wontvotehillary.com, which asks visitors to promise “under no circumstances will I vote for Hillary Clinton.” It’s garnered more than 56,500 signatures so far. Many feel alienated by the Democratic Party. They may want unity, but not if it means a stamp of approval for a political status quo they believe is fundamentally flawed and needs to be fixed.

“Just pack up your revolution and go home? Really? That’s not going to happen,” said Tara Margolin, a 50-year-old Sanders supporter and self-described Democrat who lives in Los Angeles. She dismissed the idea that Sanders voters might coalesce behind Clinton. “She would cement in place everything we are fighting against. I could never in good conscience vote for Hillary Clinton.”


05-06-2016, 07:59 AM
True. I do not have to agree with the herd, nor take more than what the herd is willing to take either.

I don't 'think' I'm standing on principles, I am. Now my principles aren't anyone else's, nor do I claim them to be. By the same token, the same goes in reverse.

I've said it about a million times, I hope that if Trump wins he is everything you all claim he'll be. The one who picks the 'bestest' SCOTUS judges, true constitutionalists! Why wouldn't he? *cough*

He'll vanquish all enemies when our allies pony up all the monies they should have been paying, otherwise he'll pull out of...well someplaces. Meanwhile he'll use the freed up money to restore our infrastructure, that will be beautiful, the most beautiful.

He'll get rid of all the illegals-well other than the bestest, when they go back and come back or something like that.

In the meanwhile, going to get a minimum wage hike, unclear how much, but that's only until it won't be necessary anymore-cause wages are just going to rise like they never have.

I know, I'm too idealistic hanging onto the idea of the Constitution.

And I suppose those voting Johnson can have a good 'ol smoking and snorting party after he loses! His "nothing wrong with illegals bringing in heroin" is a great idea, especially for the kids and out future! And while high talk about all the great things that could have come from the dead babies being supported! Yeeeeeeeeehaaawww!! :laugh:

05-06-2016, 08:01 AM
How long have you known me? I ain't part of no herd. I'll go at anyone for any reason and you know that. I'm using common sense and looking at the end game. If Hitlery wins, we have a leftwingnut, anti-gun Support, And the way the left caves to the public, we'll probably lose our freedom of speech moreso than we already have.

I'm not willing to give up my Rights over not liking a candidate.

But but but but you say you're FOR the constitution. Then you say you'll close your eyes and vote for Trump. OF COURSE you must be a flaming idiot then. :slap:

05-06-2016, 08:03 AM
I'm not saying you should. Everyone has to vote for the candidate they think will most likely get them or at least try to get them as many of the things they think important. Not one candidate will cover all they think important, if they are looking for that, they should run themselves.

For some it's 'stuff.' Whether it be the case of a free phone or the case of subsidies for their industry. For others it's voting for someone that 'looks like me,' or what I'd like to look like.

For me it's leading in the direction of limited government, something that used to be a cornerstone of those that considered themselves 'Constitutionalists.' Now they are whacked out folks that won't get ice cream.

Listen to your own words, ma'am. Your idealism has nothing to do with the reality of current politics. I do not disagree with your ideals. I disagree with your plan of battle.

You telling me I can't have any ice cream? Them's fighting words. When I want ice cream, by G*d I get freakin' ice cream. :laugh:

05-06-2016, 08:06 AM
https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13124673_1011373142231391_5639555318370217778_n.jp g?oh=f231a10c94ad5fe0f2db302c4e585c3f&oe=57E55BEC

AND SC judges and the future of our country.

I'm mad that this guy may be lying about abortion, so I'm voting for the guy who openly supports abortion. :rolleyes:

While others want to condemn some for supporting Trump, who would have thunk yet others supported abortion and the other loony toony things that Johnson stands for. I was commenting about the drugs issue on a Yahoo news story this morning, and someone went a step further and said that you should be able to buy ALL drugs EVEN without a prescription. Now, even heroin with a prescription is loony talk, but just sitting on counter tops? WTF is wrong with people?

05-06-2016, 08:18 AM
Listen to your own words, ma'am. Your idealism has nothing to do with the reality of current politics. I do not disagree with your ideals. I disagree with your plan of battle.

You telling me I can't have any ice cream? Them's fighting words. When I want ice cream, by G*d I get freakin' ice cream. :laugh:

Nope, no ice cream for me. LOL! Your hope that Trump is standing for the Constitution, whether regarding SCOTUS or in practice as CIC is based upon what?

I've said that I'll certainly look over the list of nominees Abbey said that he's promised to come out with, it could change my mind. The argument that not voting for him is a vote for Hillary? Nope, it would be for country and what that used to mean as far as the system it was founded upon.

What won't change my mind are the endless jabs and posters of trite sayings. That is for the herd.

05-06-2016, 08:20 AM
AND SC judges and the future of our country.

I'm mad that this guy may be lying about abortion, so I'm voting for the guy who openly supports abortion. :rolleyes:

While others want to condemn some for supporting Trump, who would have thunk yet others supported abortion and the other loony toony things that Johnson stands for. I was commenting about the drugs issue on a Yahoo news story this morning, and someone went a step further and said that you should be able to buy ALL drugs EVEN without a prescription. Now, even heroin with a prescription is loony talk, but just sitting on counter tops? WTF is wrong with people?

Actually Johnson is the one of the three that actually has put limits on abortions-what he does stand for is more freedom for the individual-even if they are wrong.

As I said earlier, he doesn't have a chance of winning and if it's any consolation it does appear he takes more votes from Hillary than Trump.

05-06-2016, 08:22 AM
AND SC judges and the future of our country.

I'm mad that this guy may be lying about abortion, so I'm voting for the guy who openly supports abortion. :rolleyes:

While others want to condemn some for supporting Trump, who would have thunk yet others supported abortion and the other loony toony things that Johnson stands for. I was commenting about the drugs issue on a Yahoo news story this morning, and someone went a step further and said that you should be able to buy ALL drugs EVEN without a prescription. Now, even heroin with a prescription is loony talk, but just sitting on counter tops? WTF is wrong with people?

You're on a rant. I agree that if you vote 3rd party or don't vote you may as well vote for BIllary.

I also think that as long as taxpayers don't have to fund it, who cares what drugs someone takes? You can however go buy a bottle of hooch and drive around in a 1 ton weapon. The hypocrisy is rather obvious. Did you know pot was criminalized because it made black men attack white women? I mean, GMAFB. I loved watching "Reefer Madness". Dude smokes some weed and kills his GF after playing some Dracula music on his piano. Shit, I'm looking for a bag of Doritos and a Coke. If you think I'm getting off the sofa to kill your ass? Good luck. I'm going to laugh at you and eat my freakin' Doritos. :laugh:

05-06-2016, 08:27 AM
You're on a rant. I agree that if you vote 3rd party or don't vote you may as well vote for BIllary.

I also think that as long as taxpayers don't have to fund it, who cares what drugs someone takes? You can however go buy a bottle of hooch and drive around in a 1 ton weapon. The hypocrisy is rather obvious. Did you know pot was criminalized because it made black men attack white women? I mean, GMAFB. I loved watching "Reefer Madness". Dude smokes some weed and kills his GF after playing some Dracula music on his piano. Shit, I'm looking for a bag of Doritos and a Coke. If you think I'm getting off the sofa to kill your ass? Good luck. I'm going to laugh at you and eat my freakin' Doritos. :laugh:

Yeah and it was Crin that has abortion as his #1 issue, not I. Not because it's unimportant, just that for now it's at the federal level and determined by SCOTUS. Someday it might change, though not in my lifetime I'd guess.

Not one of the candidates would agree with Crin's view on abortion. That is a non-argument.

As far as legalizing heroin I wouldn't be too worried about that either, not going to see Congress or the states arguing for legalization, even CA.

05-06-2016, 08:39 AM
Yeah and it was Crin that has abortion as his #1 issue, not I. Not because it's unimportant, just that for now it's at the federal level and determined by SCOTUS. Someday it might change, though not in my lifetime I'd guess.

Not one of the candidates would agree with Crin's view on abortion. That is a non-argument.

As far as legalizing heroin I wouldn't be too worried about that either, not going to see Congress or the states arguing for legalization, even CA.

I'm personally against abortion. I consider it murder. But I don't have to answer to God for anything I'm not in control of. I have to answer for my own actions. I voted that marriage was between a man a woman and it won. Then the Supreme Court has tied it up in court.

These people that think they're smarter than God will have their reckoning.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-06-2016, 08:50 AM
AND SC judges and the future of our country.

I'm mad that this guy may be lying about abortion, so I'm voting for the guy who openly supports abortion. :rolleyes:

While others want to condemn some for supporting Trump, who would have thunk yet others supported abortion and the other loony toony things that Johnson stands for. I was commenting about the drugs issue on a Yahoo news story this morning, and someone went a step further and said that you should be able to buy ALL drugs EVEN without a prescription. Now, even heroin with a prescription is loony talk, but just sitting on counter tops? WTF is wrong with people?

What gets me is those that cry about what they think Trump, could, would or just may possibly do (the unknown), then they say hillary is better, they'll vote For her --or else just stay home -which is an action that clearly helps her win!!
And do that while reality , clear evidence, shows she is far worse than even what they only predict Trump ----may do...
To me its completely illogical thinking.
On one hand you have a known child molester and on the other hand, a guy that merely ogles pretty girls--so you say to hell with him (the guy enjoying eyeball candy) in favor of the known molester-- to me thats insanity and some kind of blind delusion IMHO..-TYR

05-06-2016, 09:07 AM
What gets me is those that cry about what they think Trump, could, would or just may possibly do (the unknown), then they say hillary is better, they'll vote For her --or else just stay home -which is an action that clearly helps her win!!
And do that while reality , clear evidence, shows she is far worse than even what they only predict Trump ----may do...
To me its completely illogical thinking.
On one hand you have a known child molester and on the other hand, a guy that merely ogles pretty girls--so you say to hell with him (the guy enjoying eyeball candy) in favor of the known molester-- to me thats insanity and some kind of blind delusion IMHO..-TYR

It's not illogical, tyr. I can completely understand people not liking ot trusting Trump.

It IS non-strategical thinking. Everyone's so busy with their likes and wants they don't get their needs. Want and need are not the same things.

05-06-2016, 09:26 AM
Yeah and it was Crin that has abortion as his #1 issue, not I. Not because it's unimportant, just that for now it's at the federal level and determined by SCOTUS. Someday it might change, though not in my lifetime I'd guess.

Not one of the candidates would agree with Crin's view on abortion. That is a non-argument.

As far as legalizing heroin I wouldn't be too worried about that either, not going to see Congress or the states arguing for legalization, even CA.

So the stances that a candidate has, that they more than likely won't be able to touch "personally" once in office, aren't make or break factors? I see a fair amount of issues, but not mattering either because it's left to the states, or one assumes that the president won't have anything to do with it.

Are these things also true for all of the other candidates? For example, if it's something that Trump simply won't be deciding while in office, just as above, then his stance on the issue isn't quite as important? Not that they are unimportant, mind you...

Because there are a LOT of stances of Trumps that I have seen argued and beat up on, and things that he simply won't be controlling or deciding if in office, just as above. If so, that's an awful lot of negative issues folks have had with Trump, that shouldn't matter as much then since many of them are things he won't be controlling or deciding, just as above.

05-06-2016, 09:30 AM
I also think that as long as taxpayers don't have to fund it, who cares what drugs someone takes?

I've had several close friends die of heroin overdoses, and I also had to watch the lives of their families destroyed. Moving such drugs even an inch towards legalization is just insane. There are ZERO benefits with heroin and ONLY a downside, eventually. And having folks that high in office, making it sound as if it's no big deal, sends what kind of message to folks today? Heroin isn't something to be messed with, not even one time. IMO, even discussion of it being legalized is irresponsible.

For the most part I would agree, if someone wants to ruin their life, take drugs, so be it. But it shouldn't be something held out by the government, to be promoted, to be placed in pharmacies or talk of effing prescriptions!

05-06-2016, 09:34 AM
It's not illogical, tyr. I can completely understand people not liking ot trusting Trump.

It IS non-strategical thinking. Everyone's so busy with their likes and wants they don't get their needs. Want and need are not the same things.

I think the illogical things he speaks of are some that stand firmly against abortion, condemn Trump for flip flopping on the issue, state they don't believe what comes out of his mouth today as to what his stance is - but then have zero issue then going to a guy who openly supports it. Trump is not nice to women - so let's legalize prostitution. I believe the illogical stems from what many around the internet'sphere are willing to support now, after condemning others for what they were crazy enough to support about Trump. I've been asked time and time again what happened to the "conservative" part of me, based on supporting Trump, and some of the stances he has.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-06-2016, 09:46 AM
It's not illogical, tyr. I can completely understand people not liking, not trusting Trump.

It IS non-strategical thinking. Everyone's so busy with their likes and wants they don't get their needs. Want and need are not the same things.

Not illogical if one clarifies that way but to me I think basing survival decisions(our nation's survival) upon emotion, personal dislikes and erroneous facts given in propaganda pieces is inherently illogical.
Ignorance of the seriousness of the decision does not cut it in my world.
Not when that ignorance actually does cause harm to me or my family!
They cause a civil war here and I am going to lay done some punishment on the bastards like they've ever seen before even in their wildest nightmares!
They'd be wise to be more scared of me.. A fact...
I DON'T PLAY.....-Tyr

05-06-2016, 10:07 AM
It's not illogical, tyr. I can completely understand people not liking ot trusting Trump.

It IS non-strategical thinking. Everyone's so busy with their likes and wants they don't get their needs. Want and need are not the same things.

Understand Gunny...Thing is Trump is the Last Man Standing voted for by millions of people...Those complaining can complain all they want if it makes them feel better...One thing is for sure...Trump is better than the Hillary / Obama mind-set...

...The more this country gets Diluted with Illegals and those who dont want to conform to the American ways and rule of law..soon there wont be anymore America...Never forget Illegals and their eggs are future Democrat voters...and they will weasel their way into Government and start making their own rules....Deporting these (tax-payer-money-sucking) cacaroaches and their Eggs..cutting all benefits will help...I am so tired of hearing.."we need to get the "Latino" vote or black vote....Fuck that! I just want votes from AMERICANS...Open borders and no voter regulation means Democrat votes...

I am glad Trump is the Last Man standing...he is the best man for the job when dealing with Illegal Parasites and muslim terrorist roaches...There is no half way crap with these cancers...

Abbey Marie
05-06-2016, 10:36 AM
It's not illogical, tyr. I can completely understand people not liking ot trusting Trump.

It IS non-strategical thinking. Everyone's so busy with their likes and wants they don't get their needs. Want and need are not the same things.

Sounds familiar:

"You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes, you get what you need"

Abbey Marie
05-06-2016, 10:38 AM
I've had several close friends die of heroin overdoses, and I also had to watch the lives of their families destroyed. Moving such drugs even an inch towards legalization is just insane. There are ZERO benefits with heroin and ONLY a downside, eventually. And having folks that high in office, making it sound as if it's no big deal, sends what kind of message to folks today? Heroin isn't something to be messed with, not even one time. IMO, even discussion of it being legalized is irresponsible.

For the most part I would agree, if someone wants to ruin their life, take drugs, so be it. But it shouldn't be something held out by the government, to be promoted, to be placed in pharmacies or talk of effing prescriptions!

I would add that even if drugs are legalized, desperate addicts will still commit crimes to obtain them. So those who argue that legalizing will make drug-related crime go away need to rethink.

05-06-2016, 11:08 AM
I've had several close friends die of heroin overdoses, and I also had to watch the lives of their families destroyed. Moving such drugs even an inch towards legalization is just insane. There are ZERO benefits with heroin and ONLY a downside, eventually.

The history of heroin is that it was created to treat addiction on opium!

We see how that worked out.

I saw a potential All-American wrestler wreck himself using heroin
to keep his weight down. He was a frat brother and good friend.
It took him two years to recover but he was not the same physically.

I had a friend who was about the loveliest girl I had ever seen. I asked her
why she was not into being a model instead of working as a waitress. She
told me that she had tried it briefly but saw that most of the other girls
would shoot up heroin between their toes to maintain their slender figures.
She quit being a model after that because she did not want to associate with
that kind of lifestyle.

So...legalize it? Stock it in pharmacies? MY ASS!

05-06-2016, 11:54 AM
So the stances that a candidate has, that they more than likely won't be able to touch "personally" once in office, aren't make or break factors? I see a fair amount of issues, but not mattering either because it's left to the states, or one assumes that the president won't have anything to do with it.

Are these things also true for all of the other candidates? For example, if it's something that Trump simply won't be deciding while in office, just as above, then his stance on the issue isn't quite as important? Not that they are unimportant, mind you...

Because there are a LOT of stances of Trumps that I have seen argued and beat up on, and things that he simply won't be controlling or deciding if in office, just as above. If so, that's an awful lot of negative issues folks have had with Trump, that shouldn't matter as much then since many of them are things he won't be controlling or deciding, just as above.

I personally haven't argued much on Trump's positions-something you used to get upset about. From the get go, my issues with him had to do with his behaviors and the fact that on nearly all important areas he was a liberal, until he changed his mind. Yeah, I had problems with believing a man well into his late 50's-60's suddenly went conservative.

My issues indeed were the hints as he went along that he wasn't the conservative that he claimed to be. No one seems to have an issue that within 24 hours of becoming 'presumptive nominee' he walked back on minimum wage and even his own tax plan, that you were so sold on. But I guess those are irrelevant?

Anywho, not a problem with whom you or I or anyone supports, we will all make up our own minds. For the most part we have.

Gunny speaks of voting for 'what we need,' I do believe that is what I am doing, always have. I don't need the president of the US to be my daddy, fight the bad members of Congress, tell the media to go to hell. I can do that.

What I can't do is keep the government out of my business, confiscate more and more of our monies for their charities or causes like Title IX, or send our troops into harms way for purposes less than winning. I need him/her to do what the Constitution calls for and back away from those issues they have no business in being. Yes, that takes knowing what the hell that document says and means, every bit as much as knowing what the Bible says to those that claim to believe. I don't 'need' a president that has an 'R' or a 'D' next to their name to figure out what they are saying and know that is not what is needed to maintain a Republic.

05-06-2016, 12:35 PM
I've had several close friends die of heroin overdoses, and I also had to watch the lives of their families destroyed. Moving such drugs even an inch towards legalization is just insane. There are ZERO benefits with heroin and ONLY a downside, eventually. And having folks that high in office, making it sound as if it's no big deal, sends what kind of message to folks today? Heroin isn't something to be messed with, not even one time. IMO, even discussion of it being legalized is irresponsible.

For the most part I would agree, if someone wants to ruin their life, take drugs, so be it. But it shouldn't be something held out by the government, to be promoted, to be placed in pharmacies or talk of effing prescriptions!

I didn't say anything about legalizing them. But I've watched some dunbass sh*t over the years. For instance:

Did you know the Germans invented steroids in the 30s as a medical advancement? It was to heal burn victims. Yet, WE revile them because WE abuse them. And WE make the situation worse with dumb laws and MSM vilification and ignorance. It's just another case of normal people can't have anything nice because of the abusers and intolerant perception. Used properly, they're no worse than anything else. But say that word "steroids" and people flip because of some BS caused in the 80 by a bunch of idiots that abused them.

It ain't someone else's fault and it ain't the fault of a pill that YOU made a choice. Don't come whining to me because you want to play in traffic and get hit by a car.

05-06-2016, 01:30 PM
I personally haven't argued much on Trump's positions-something you used to get upset about. From the get go, my issues with him had to do with his behaviors and the fact that on nearly all important areas he was a liberal, until he changed his mind. Yeah, I had problems with believing a man well into his late 50's-60's suddenly went conservative.

My issues indeed were the hints as he went along that he wasn't the conservative that he claimed to be. No one seems to have an issue that within 24 hours of becoming 'presumptive nominee' he walked back on minimum wage and even his own tax plan, that you were so sold on. But I guess those are irrelevant?

Anywho, not a problem with whom you or I or anyone supports, we will all make up our own minds. For the most part we have.

Gunny speaks of voting for 'what we need,' I do believe that is what I am doing, always have. I don't need the president of the US to be my daddy, fight the bad members of Congress, tell the media to go to hell. I can do that.

What I can't do is keep the government out of my business, confiscate more and more of our monies for their charities or causes like Title IX, or send our troops into harms way for purposes less than winning. I need him/her to do what the Constitution calls for and back away from those issues they have no business in being. Yes, that takes knowing what the hell that document says and means, every bit as much as knowing what the Bible says to those that claim to believe. I don't 'need' a president that has an 'R' or a 'D' next to their name to figure out what they are saying and know that is not what is needed to maintain a Republic.

I've never gotten upset with anyone solely argued Trump's positions. I've never attacked anyone who did so, or disagreed on candidates. I've asked for proof of these things repeatedly, but whatever. I guess folks just have a difference in opinion over what upset means, or what attack means, or what proof means.

As to Trump being a liberal. Perhaps he did have liberal positions in the past. You aren't convinced that he has changed on any of them Johnson and the issues I have spoken up about ARE his stances, no bones about it.

Trump said he was willing to look into or hear people out on minimum wage. I have no issue with a slight increase, I have a serious issue with the dummies thinking they deserve a doubling of the minimum wage. As to his overall tax plan, I'll have to read the specifics of what he is changing, from what he originally submitted, to his apparent current stance. From what I have read thus far this morning, I haven't seen anything harmful. But this is still something that will ultimately go through congress, so not as much of a need to worry about Trump. :)

Worrying about the appointment of the next SC judge, and the thought of perhaps, one, two or maybe 3 more over the next 8 years (possibly), I would vote for a dead rat on the right that has the best chance of beating Hillary if that's what it took. My stance on that has not only evolved from the past, but from this election. I honestly didn't give the SC judgeS the importance it deserves. And I was only thinking singularly, and not the possibility of more over the years. In the past, I've voted for a candidate that was no longer in the running come election day. I was willing to think about 3rd or staying home at times throughout the past year, depending on how the flow of things played out. But things keep coming back to these judges, and the possibility of more than just one. The thought of Hillary putting in someone much more liberal than what Obama nominated is scary. The thought of seeing her disgusting bloated face being smug as she nominates a 3rd or 4th judge is downright scary. And I can't even imagine what that could potentially do to the country. And NO, I'm NOT trying to talk anyone out of their positions. I'm explaining how I've personally evolved on that issue. With that said, I've said from day one that I don't care if someone chooses to vote otherwise, that is absolutely their right to do so.

05-06-2016, 01:34 PM
I didn't say anything about legalizing them. But I've watched some dunbass sh*t over the years. For instance:

Did you know the Germans invented steroids in the 30s as a medical advancement? It was to heal burn victims. Yet, WE revile them because WE abuse them. And WE make the situation worse with dumb laws and MSM vilification and ignorance. It's just another case of normal people can't have anything nice because of the abusers and intolerant perception. Used properly, they're no worse than anything else. But say that word "steroids" and people flip because of some BS caused in the 80 by a bunch of idiots that abused them.

It ain't someone else's fault and it ain't the fault of a pill that YOU made a choice. Don't come whining to me because you want to play in traffic and get hit by a car.

I agree. There are quite a few drugs that are great for folks in need, but can easily be abused and then it gets a bad name. Maybe back in the day there were reasons to think about medicinal uses for heroin, but no longer. It's nothing more than the cheapest opiates known to man, with many safer alternatives one can get through legal means. People start out by getting hooked on the expensive pills, but once their doctor cuts them off, or they can't afford the prices any longer, they move over the the much cheaper heroin, which gives you a much stronger and longer lasting high. And if you play your cards right, it will kill you. :(

05-06-2016, 01:48 PM
I agree. There are quite a few drugs that are great for folks in need, but can easily be abused and then it gets a bad name. Maybe back in the day there were reasons to think about medicinal uses for heroin, but no longer. It's nothing more than the cheapest opiates known to man, with many safer alternatives one can get through legal means. People start out by getting hooked on the expensive pills, but once their doctor cuts them off, or they can't afford the prices any longer, they move over the the much cheaper heroin, which gives you a much stronger and longer lasting high. And if you play your cards right, it will kill you. :(

I'm not defending mainlining heroin. But we legally dispense opium thousands of times a day. Who is at fault? The drug? Or the people that abuse them? You know I'm quite well versed in substance abuse. Nobody twisted my arm and made me run to the liquor store. It was a choice I, no one else, made. I have no idea about heroin. I've never even seen any.

If people want to kill themselves just die on the side of the road please instead of blocking traffic.