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View Full Version : Scott Brown: Clinton presidency unacceptable

05-10-2016, 08:08 AM
I know from personal experience that politics is a blood sport. This is especially true during primary season. Campaigns fall short, egos get bruised, and feelings get hurt.

However, now that most of the votes have been cast and a presumed nominee has emerged, the Republican Party faces a very clear choice: put aside any bad blood and unite for the greater good, or put another Clinton in the White House.

After all, general elections aren’t referendums on two individual candidates in a vacuum — they are a choice between two people being evaluated side-by-side. The contrasts between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton couldn’t be clearer.

Consider Clinton’s resume and the type of president she would be:

On Clinton’s watch at the State Department, the world quite literally burst into flames. Her failure to increase security at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, led to the death of four brave Americans — including Ambassador Chris Stevens, at the hands of Islamic extremists. Her callousness led to their families suffering through unimaginable lies.

From the bungled Russian reset, to the rise of ISIS in Syria, to the missed warning signs on Boko Haram in
Africa — there is literally no corner of this globe that’s better off because of Clinton.

She has used her political influence to boost her financial portfolio. Millions of dollars were funneled through her family’s “foundation” as a slush fund for her to lavishly travel around the world in private jets. Foreign governments wrote checks to the Clinton Foundation for millions of dollars while she was secretary of state, in clear and blatant attempts to trade money for influence.

After leaving the State Department, Clinton earned more than $20 million on the paid speaking circuit. She still refuses to release transcripts of the speeches she gave before Wall Street bankers.

Finally, Hillary Clinton is perceived as an exceedingly unethical candidate. In a survey last year, the words most often associated with her were “liar,” “dishonest,” “untrustworthy,” and “criminal.”

Rest here - http://www.bostonherald.com/opinion/op_ed/2016/05/scott_brown_clinton_presidency_unacceptable

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-10-2016, 09:33 AM
I know from personal experience that politics is a blood sport. This is especially true during primary season. Campaigns fall short, egos get bruised, and feelings get hurt.

However, now that most of the votes have been cast and a presumed nominee has emerged, the Republican Party faces a very clear choice: put aside any bad blood and unite for the greater good, or put another Clinton in the White House.

After all, general elections aren’t referendums on two individual candidates in a vacuum — they are a choice between two people being evaluated side-by-side. The contrasts between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton couldn’t be clearer.

Consider Clinton’s resume and the type of president she would be:

On Clinton’s watch at the State Department, the world quite literally burst into flames. Her failure to increase security at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, led to the death of four brave Americans — including Ambassador Chris Stevens, at the hands of Islamic extremists. Her callousness led to their families suffering through unimaginable lies.

From the bungled Russian reset, to the rise of ISIS in Syria, to the missed warning signs on Boko Haram in
Africa — there is literally no corner of this globe that’s better off because of Clinton.

She has used her political influence to boost her financial portfolio. Millions of dollars were funneled through her family’s “foundation” as a slush fund for her to lavishly travel around the world in private jets. Foreign governments wrote checks to the Clinton Foundation for millions of dollars while she was secretary of state, in clear and blatant attempts to trade money for influence.

After leaving the State Department, Clinton earned more than $20 million on the paid speaking circuit. She still refuses to release transcripts of the speeches she gave before Wall Street bankers.

Finally, Hillary Clinton is perceived as an exceedingly unethical candidate. In a survey last year, the words most often associated with her were “liar,” “dishonest,” “untrustworthy,” and “criminal.”

Rest here - http://www.bostonherald.com/opinion/op_ed/2016/05/scott_brown_clinton_presidency_unacceptable
Sad to have to say but that truth and information means not a damn thing to most dem voters--they've drank the cool-aid ..
They are brainwashed into thinking that Republican = evil, heartless and ignorant morons, while Dems are perfect and perfectly compassionate ..
And used deception in every form known to mankind.
Such as pretending to be conservatives on right leaning political forums in order to get in their liberal shots, cause division and , etc... etc...

05-10-2016, 10:16 AM
Sad to have to say but that truth and information means not a damn thing to most dem voters--they've drank the cool-aid ..

Most democrats have chosen to main line the 'ol Kool Aid! No point in waiting on one's stupidity when they can have it up and running in seconds. http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/sick/doctor-smiley-emoticon-1.gif