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05-17-2016, 08:19 AM
AZ is a bit strange, 3 or 4 votes this year. Primary done in March. Today was 2 propositions, 123 and 124. Voted for both.

One is funding schools a bit more. The other redoing pensions controlled by the state to try and get costs under control.

Abbey Marie
05-17-2016, 10:16 AM
I will be voting in a local school district referendum today, too. Pretty sure I will be voting against it. Sorry, Kath, I know you are a teacher! Our district puts social programs over academics, and I don't like it.

05-17-2016, 11:47 AM
I will be voting in a local school district referendum today, too. Pretty sure I will be voting against it. Sorry, Kath, I know you are a teacher! Our district puts social programs over academics, and I don't like it.

There is far too much of that going on these days. CA largely puts
social programs over public safety.

05-17-2016, 04:13 PM
The school district I lived in IL, spent about $18k per student. Here? Just over $7k. One too much, the other not enough-especially with the language problems with Hispanics and Native Americans.

05-17-2016, 11:46 PM
I will be voting in a local school district referendum today, too. Pretty sure I will be voting against it. Sorry, Kath, I know you are a teacher! Our district puts social programs over academics, and I don't like it.

What activities do you classify as "social programs?"
My daughter's school puts a strong emphasis on life skills. Which are electives or after school activities that give students skills that can improve their lives going forward. They have one of the strongest music departments in the state.
A lot of people denigrate athletics, but it does a lot to teach discipline and self respect. There are a lot of kids who wouldn't finish school if they weren't involved in sports.
Same with things like auto mechanics and parenting skills.

Schools in Korea and Japan focus entirely on academics and who progresses the most. Their teen suicide rate is much higher than ours.

Abbey Marie
05-18-2016, 06:42 AM
What activities do you classify as "social programs?"
My daughter's school puts a strong emphasis on life skills. Which are electives or after school activities that give students skills that can improve their lives going forward. They have one of the strongest music departments in the state.
A lot of people denigrate athletics, but it does a lot to teach discipline and self respect. There are a lot of kids who wouldn't finish school if they weren't involved in sports.
Same with things like auto mechanics and parenting skills.

Schools in Korea and Japan focus entirely on academics and who progresses the most. Their teen suicide rate is much higher than ours.

Here are just two that our District spends our tax dollars on:

1. Busing. Yes, we STILL have it. Minority kids are bused to the suburbs, and vice versa.
2. Free full time pre-school. (Even including having staff taking kids to their dentist appointments).

i have no problem with anything you've listed.