View Full Version : The best Youtube Music/Video - in the world. Like...ever....Probably not kid safe.

05-24-2016, 06:32 AM


I'll just leave this right here.


05-24-2016, 07:38 AM
Slutty attention whores!

And I love all 3 of them :)

05-24-2016, 07:50 AM
Best damn post ....ever.... but I forget why!!!

05-24-2016, 07:56 AM
They aren't slutty....they are dancers. :D They're doing this in hopes of generating revenue...

And...those asses. wow.


It's GOOD to be a man. Honestly, I doubt any HUMAN would not get their pulse increasing after watching that. If I were a chick, i'd be a lesbian for any (or all) of them.

05-24-2016, 08:06 AM
They aren't slutty....they are dancers. :D They're doing this in hopes of generating revenue...

And...those asses. wow.


It's GOOD to be a man. Honestly, I doubt any HUMAN would not get their pulse increasing after watching that. If I were a chick, i'd be a lesbian for any (or all) of them.

hmmm...and here I was looking at the lighting....

05-24-2016, 11:09 AM
Sorry guys, but your silly, sexist videos bore me to no end.

But.. this video ... this is more like it. :banana:
It will appeal to women and men who have spent too much time in a foxhole. :hubba:


05-24-2016, 02:46 PM
I don't know which of you foolish, manhood-challenged and sexually inadequate mods moved my video to the cage, but I would like you to explain why my video is any more inappropriate than the one in this thread. Your video is a bunch of scantily clad video, my is a bunch of scantily clad men. It is, in fact, a parody of the sleaze you post here.
If any of you guys still had properly functioning nads, you might realize that.

05-24-2016, 03:00 PM
I don't know which of you foolish, manhood-challenged and sexually inadequate mods moved my video to the cage, but I would like you to explain why my video is any more inappropriate than the one in this thread. Your video is a bunch of scantily clad video, my is a bunch of scantily clad men. It is, in fact, a parody of the sleaze you post here.
If any of you guys still had properly functioning nads, you might realize that.

You know the rules by now, and this should be handled via PM if you have an issue. I shouldn't even be replying to this, not having a clue who moved it AND whether or not it was even a guy. You would likely get a more pleasant reply from me when the rules are followed.

I honestly still don't see who moved the thread to the cage. What section of the board did you post it in? I have moved it to the Music section now, out of the cage. I agree that I see no reason as to why it would be any worse than the other video, and should be handled similarly. Unless there is nudity in it? I'm not watching to find out!!

05-24-2016, 05:00 PM
Thank you, dear. I agree that a PM would have been more appropriate. But I was not thinking rationally at the time.

It had to be a guy who moved it. Women have better sense than that. :boobies:

05-24-2016, 09:16 PM
I don't know which of you foolish, manhood-challenged and sexually inadequate mods moved my video to the cage, but I would like you to explain why my video is any more inappropriate than the one in this thread. Your video is a bunch of scantily clad video, my is a bunch of scantily clad men. It is, in fact, a parody of the sleaze you post here.
If any of you guys still had properly functioning nads, you might realize that.

Poor gabby. Jealous again that nobody's paying any attention to her. Sounds like YOU..GABBY are the only one MANhood challenged, and inadequate here.

Speaking of parody, and sleaze. YOU WIN.

05-25-2016, 01:15 AM
Sorry guys, but your silly, sexist videos bore me to no end.

But.. this video ... this is more like it. :banana:
It will appeal to women and men who have spent too much time in a foxhole. :hubba:


Only an idiot like you would call a woman-produced, acted, and published video about Women "sexist"

I don't know which of you foolish, manhood-challenged and sexually inadequate mods moved my video to the cage, but I would like you to explain why my video is any more inappropriate than the one in this thread. Your video is a bunch of scantily clad video, my is a bunch of scantily clad men. It is, in fact, a parody of the sleaze you post here.
If any of you guys still had properly functioning nads, you might realize that.

You're a lying piece of crap anyway. You're not a woman. You don't live in California. You lie for attention and this is another example of it.

Back to Pretty women - like those in the video in the OP - instead of internet trolls trying to essentially catfish the forum. After this - back to the topic of the strong, independent women in the vid. :)