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05-24-2016, 10:56 AM
I've been talking to a few people and this one just made laugh. I'm not sure where to begin.:laugh:

Was rock climbing and decided to play spiderman and fell about 20 feet. cracking my ankle. That was THE worst pain I think I ever had. And my ass is sitting there laughing. I'm like what a dumbass move. Leaping 15 feet onto a rock the size of a patio table. Brilliant. :laugh:

Then there's bench pressing 300 pounds with no one home but your 4 years old daughter. THAT worked like a charm. "Ash, take the weights off one at time". O Hell no. We had to grab the 25 pounder and watche me flip all overthe place.

I think the crap is funny. I'll make fun of me as quick as I'll make fun of any one of you. If I ain't doing something stupid I'm asleep. :laugh:

05-24-2016, 11:12 AM
Hmmm ... dumbest shit I've ever done.
Should I divide this by year or by month? :unsure:

05-24-2016, 11:15 AM
If I ain't doing something stupid I'm asleep. :laugh:

Welcome to my world (lol)

I guess the most stupid thing I've done was at the Club in Gitmo back in 73

Closing time, Cattle Car shows up and Marine says "lets go"

My response was along the lines of hell no (did I say along the lines). Marine laughs and says "easy or hard".

Long story short, wake up (or come to, your choice) in the brig. Now I get to work off my dumb-ass mistake as a deck slave (yeah, deckies would become snipe slaves when they screwed the pooch). BM1 decides that the divots created by the gun shoot require attention, so sunday was spent grinding the deck in the nice sunshine.

05-24-2016, 11:27 AM
Hmmm ... dumbest shit I've ever done.
Should I divide this by year or by month? :unsure:

Look, I got 56 years of this crap. And I can divide it by day. It's just a fun thread. I don't have a self-esteem problem. And that's probably the problem. I don't care if I screw up. No laughs at me more than me.

On a serious note, it's an effective leadership tool. Knowing your head isn't going to be ripped off over making a mistake. You screw up, you screw up. Move on. I've done some hilariously stupid sh*t. I think it's funny as Hell myself. And I can't make a list. I'd take up most of the bandwidth.

It's more a conversation about character to me. It's easy for me. I've been screwing crap up as far back as I can remember. And my long term memory is good.

I remember picking on this tomboy in the first grade. She was in 5th grade. She rubbed my nose in the sand at the playground outside Kelly AFB. That' when I learned to keep my mouth shut. :laugh:

05-24-2016, 11:33 AM
Picture this:

Bunch of guys playing horse shoes (google it if ya don't know). Smart ass thinks he'll run in and catch one, preventing the winning score. 7 stitches above the right eye.... it did not prevent a damn thing.

05-24-2016, 11:38 AM
Picture this:

Bunch of guys playing horse shoes (google it if ya don't know). Smart ass thinks he'll run in and catch one, preventing the winning score. 7 stitches above the right eye.... it did not prevent a damn thing.

Gonna catch a horseshoe huh? I'm cracking up over that one. They used to make them things out of iron. :laugh:

05-24-2016, 11:43 AM
Gonna catch a horseshoe huh? I'm cracking up over that one. They used to make them things out of iron. :laugh:

oh yeah, none of that fake plastic crap back then .... hurt like hell too. I do believe there was some brandy involved in that one.

05-24-2016, 11:49 AM
oh yeah, none of that fake plastic crap back then .... hurt like hell too. I do believe there was some brandy involved in that one.

You're busting me up, Sergeant Major. "Go out for a pass and catch THIS".

I bet you don't know any one (besides me) that can stab a paring knife through a coconut shell costing 10 stitches. :laugh: I'm like that ain't supposed to happen. I put that knife between two fingers and halfway up my hand. :laugh:

05-24-2016, 11:56 AM
You're busting me up, Sergeant Major. "Go out for a pass and catch THIS".

I bet you don't know any one (besides me) that can stab a paring knife through a coconut shell costing 10 stitches. :laugh: I'm like that ain't supposed to happen. I put that knife between two fingers and halfway up my hand. :laugh:

Close.... tried open a c-rat can (pork patties as I recall) with a bayonet.... damn near cut my thumb off..... I do believe that was Wild Turkey initiated....

05-24-2016, 12:03 PM
Close.... tried open a c-rat can (pork patties as I recall) with a bayonet.... damn near cut my thumb off..... I do believe that was Wild Turkey initiated....

I've opened one with a K-Bar. I stabbed that f*cker until it was dead. :laugh: There might have been a little Wild Turkey involved in that escapade too. I was a little bastard when I was a troop. I had to scam a rat off another Marine and be all peaceful like and open it with my John Wayne.

First time I ever fast-roped I went completely upside down. I got drill instructors yelling at me and I'm looking at 30' of real estate between me and the ground. I was like sh*t, I'll never hear the end of this. :laugh:

05-24-2016, 12:05 PM
I've opened one with a K-Bar. I stabbed that f*cker until it was dead. :laugh: There might have been a little Wild Turkey involved in that escapade too. I was a little bastard when I was a troop. I had to scam a rat off another Marine and be all peaceful like and open it with my John Wayne.

First time I ever fast-roped I went completely upside down. I got drill instructors yelling at me and I'm looking at 30' of real estate between me and the ground. I was like sh*t, I'll never hear the end of this. :laugh:

Ok, that made me laugh....

05-24-2016, 12:13 PM
Dumb, stupid and embarrassing to admit. But yeah, I've made a few, just a few, perhaps a few thousand stupid things in my lifetime! But this one was very dumb, as I did drugs. I had a friend that had acid, and I honestly knew pretty much nothing about it other than the name. He showed me these itty bitty tiny pieces of paper that had itty bitty tiny pictures of Mickey Mouse on them I recall thinking what in the world can something so damn small do? So I put that stupid little piece of paper in my mouth.

(first off, reminds me off Cheech and Chong, when Cheech passed him some drugs to take to calm him down. Right after that, he told him not to take it after all, but it was too late. Then he laughed and was like "oooooo you just took the most acid I have ever seen anyone take... and was cracking up at him).

So anyway, 30 minutes later and nothing. We were all hanging in the back of McDonald's in the parking lot. My buddy and I ran across the street to 7/11 to get some drinks. Just as I was looking around in the fridges for a drink, things started moving weirdly, and feeling funny). I remember it took like 92 hours to walk back across the road back to McDonald's. Then a short time later the parking lights went off and everyone started driving off. My friend and I sat at the picnic bench and were like "Wtf?" He told me "Don't worry about it, they're just all fucking with us, they'll be back". And we sat there for like 3 hours waiting on them. The picnic table tried to eat me while I waited, and when I stared at my friend long enough I watched him turn into Willie Nelson!

05-24-2016, 12:18 PM
Ok, that made me laugh....

You know the drill Sergeant Major. "Well, recruit thought you were just going to land on your grape. Good thing that wouldn't have hurt nothing. Get your sorry ass back up there and do it again. Try to get it right this time you damned monkey."

05-24-2016, 12:19 PM
Dumb, stupid and embarrassing to admit. But yeah, I've made a few, just a few, perhaps a few thousand stupid things in my lifetime! But this one was very dumb, as I did drugs. I had a friend that had acid, and I honestly knew pretty much nothing about it other than the name. He showed me these itty bitty tiny pieces of paper that had itty bitty tiny pictures of Mickey Mouse on them I recall thinking what in the world can something so damn small do? So I put that stupid little piece of paper in my mouth.

(first off, reminds me off Cheech and Chong, when Cheech passed him some drugs to take to calm him down. Right after that, he told him not to take it after all, but it was too late. Then he laughed and was like "oooooo you just took the most acid I have ever seen anyone take... and was cracking up at him).

So anyway, 30 minutes later and nothing. We were all hanging in the back of McDonald's in the parking lot. My buddy and I ran across the street to 7/11 to get some drinks. Just as I was looking around in the fridges for a drink, things started moving weirdly, and feeling funny). I remember it took like 92 hours to walk back across the road back to McDonald's. Then a short time later the parking lights went off and everyone started driving off. My friend and I sat at the picnic bench and were like "Wtf?" He told me "Don't worry about it, they're just all fucking with us, they'll be back". And we sat there for like 3 hours waiting on them. The picnic table tried to eat me while I waited, and when I stared at my friend long enough I watched him turn into Willie Nelson!

dammit.... the last sentence made me laugh... my face isn't used to this laughing stuff.

05-24-2016, 12:27 PM
dammit.... the last sentence made me laugh... my face isn't used to this laughing stuff.

I've been laughing since I logged on. It hurts my abs. And my face. I just think sometimes we need some humor. The bad thing about that in case you haven't noticed is I make fun of ME. That means everything else is fair game.

When I was in HS, we were hitting about 60 on Loop 410 and I decided to switch the truck I was in. That hurt. I landed on my face. Worse, I spilled my beer.

05-24-2016, 12:44 PM
So I take the kiddo to King's Dominion, Daddy, let;s go on this ride. No. You can go. But d-a-a-a-dy I need you to come with me. F*ck. Talk about a sucker, I end up on this ride that flings me all over the pace. Ash is laughing her ass off. I'm trying to not puke. My daughter gets away with murder with me.

05-24-2016, 01:05 PM
You're busting me up, Sergeant Major. "Go out for a pass and catch THIS".

I bet you don't know any one (besides me) that can stab a paring knife through a coconut shell costing 10 stitches. :laugh: I'm like that ain't supposed to happen. I put that knife between two fingers and halfway up my hand. :laugh:

Ok, that sounds a bit like me. Went to a very nice restaurant-fresh lobster-getting engaged. It's almost like the genius knew I couldn't get through dinner safely, so asked me with a glass of champagne. Foolishly I said, 'yes.' Not the part though, oh no. Lobsters come, I pick up the tool to crack and the claw cuts my hand and wrist. Yep, stitches. I'm telling you all, I am a klutz!

05-24-2016, 01:06 PM
Close.... tried open a c-rat can (pork patties as I recall) with a bayonet.... damn near cut my thumb off..... I do believe that was Wild Turkey initiated....

I think for many health reasons, it's very good you stopped drinking! :laugh2:

05-24-2016, 01:48 PM
My list might take all day:

Doing back flips at the pool, and being uncoordinated, smacking my noggin on the concrete side;
Clearing brush with a brand new axe wearing only moccasins. 21 stitches to put my ankle back together;
Free climbing in the San Gabriel's and sliding 30 feet over a sheer drop. Corpsman laughed his ass off
while scrubbing gravel out of my hands, arms, knees, and scalp.:laugh:

05-24-2016, 02:12 PM
I've been talking to a few people and this one just made laugh. I'm not sure where to begin.:laugh:

Was rock climbing and decided to play spiderman and fell about 20 feet. cracking my ankle. That was THE worst pain I think I ever had. And my ass is sitting there laughing. I'm like what a dumbass move. Leaping 15 feet onto a rock the size of a patio table. Brilliant. :laugh:

Then there's bench pressing 300 pounds with no one home but your 4 years old daughter. THAT worked like a charm. "Ash, take the weights off one at time". O Hell no. We had to grab the 25 pounder and watche me flip all overthe place.

I think the crap is funny. I'll make fun of me as quick as I'll make fun of any one of you. If I ain't doing something stupid I'm asleep. :laugh:

Probably the dumbest thing I've done in the past (excluding relationships....a whole nother story/train wreck there)....

is to lock my keys in my trans am with the engine running, in the blazing heat of the summer. Don't know what I was thinking (with). I had gotten out of a sick bed with the flu to go pay a bill that was going to cost me a large late fee if not paid that day. Should never have gotten out of bed cause it cost me a lot more in the long run...since one of the guys that tried to help me break into the car before the engine overheated/blew managed to break the linkage in the door in the process. It cost me more to get the door fixed. Stoopid. Live and learn.

Atticus Finch
05-24-2016, 02:53 PM
I tried to saddle break an old mule once.....bad idea.

05-24-2016, 03:40 PM
Ok, that sounds a bit like me. Went to a very nice restaurant-fresh lobster-getting engaged. It's almost like the genius knew I couldn't get through dinner safely, so asked me with a glass of champagne. Foolishly I said, 'yes.' Not the part though, oh no. Lobsters come, I pick up the tool to crack and the claw cuts my hand and wrist. Yep, stitches. I'm telling you all, I am a klutz!

We ALL screw up. Doitashimashite. Think nothing of it. I find people that can't laugh at themselves weird. I screwed up. Going to sen me to Marine Corps boot camp and shave my head? I mean what can you really do to me?

You'd LOVE eating seafood with me. I tear those suckers apart with my fingers. I hate to say it but sounds like you're a klutz. :laugh2:

Atticus Finch
05-24-2016, 03:58 PM
Since we're talking dumb sh**...What's the last thing a redneck says before he dies?........"hey y'all watch this!"

05-24-2016, 04:15 PM
You know, there is an early warning sign that never fails to indicate that something dumb is about to happen...

When in two or more people gather in one place and one person is heard saying, "Here, hold my beer and watch this..." You can bet your sweet ass something stupid will follow...

05-24-2016, 04:16 PM
Since we're talking dumb sh**...What's the last thing a redneck says before he dies?........"hey y'all watch this!"

I don't get it. I can tell you the first time you go water skiing you ain't gonna ski and let go of the damned rope. Crap I don't know how far I got pulled under water before I remembered the last part. :laugh:

05-24-2016, 04:42 PM
Ummmm...tossing a cobble stone brick at an adult raccoon that knocked over my garbage can.
Me standing there with only swim shorts and sandals! That critter reared up on it's hind legs to be close
to two feet tall, hissing. I backed slowly away!:laugh:

05-24-2016, 04:50 PM
Ummmm...tossing a cobble stone brick at an adult raccoon that knocked over my garbage can.
Me standing there with only swim shorts and sandals! That critter reared up on it's hind legs to be close
to two feet tall, hissing. I backed slowly away!:laugh:

You goof. You ever seen those critters claws?

LMAO. Whne I live in Alexandria, VA of all places I'd open the back door and lay down and take a nap before I worked out. I wake up and there's a polecat in my recliner and one on the door sill. Make yourself a f-ing home. I was reaching for a ,357 magnum. :laugh:

05-24-2016, 05:10 PM
Look, I got 56 years of this crap. And I can divide it by day. It's just a fun thread. I don't have a self-esteem problem. And that's probably the problem. I don't care if I screw up. No laughs at me more than me.

Those have long been words to live by for me. This is probably why I still get along with my parents and my sister so well. We have learned to laugh at and with each other.
Once, my sister was painting a backdrop for a school production and she spilled paint AND glitter all over the place. She thought my mom was going to freak out and go ballistic. My mom came in, looked at the damage and said "stop being blonde and clean that sh*t up."

I was known for pulling dumbass pranks in high school. Like the one time a friend and I sneaked into the boys locker room during after school practice, swiped some guys underwear and replaced the with the female equivalent.
Of course, they all knew it was me. How? Because I had talked about doing it earlier. Duh... :rolleyes:

05-24-2016, 05:28 PM
You goof. You ever seen those critters claws?

LMAO. Whne I live in Alexandria, VA of all places I'd open the back door and lay down and take a nap before I worked out. I wake up and there's a polecat in my recliner and one on the door sill. Make yourself a f-ing home. I was reaching for a ,357 magnum. :laugh:

I got a real good look at them that evening! Possum's are nasty as well!x

05-24-2016, 05:37 PM
I got a real good look at them that evening! Possum's are nasty as well!x

Possums are targets. If they're breathing, I'm looking for them. They killed two pens of my rabbits one year and it's been over for their asses since. Might as well wear a swastika. I'll shoot them dead in a second. I usually run them out into the street first though so I don't have to clean up. :)

05-24-2016, 05:59 PM
I got a real good look at them that evening! Possum's are nasty as well!x

Nasty little buggers got some serious teeth!!


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-24-2016, 06:22 PM
Dumbest thing I ever done, was marrying my first two wives.
Lust is one badass powerful motivator for doing dumb shit....-Tyr

05-24-2016, 06:59 PM
for me the dumbest was during the war. we stopped at Hong Kong for R&R. its an island just below mainland China. but connected by bridges. back then it was a Brit crown colony. so one day me and and a pal (wearing unis) were taking in the sights and crossed a bridge into China without knowing it till we turn down a street with tall apartment bldg's on both sides. every damned window has a red flag with a pic of Mao Tse-tung. every damned one. stop, turn around elbows and assholes back across the bridge. scared shitless. only a lot a beers calmed us down
every dumb thing since then pales in comparison. we came that close to being POW's or shot

05-24-2016, 07:08 PM
Dumbest thing I ever done, was marrying my first two wives.
Lust is one badass powerful motivator for doing dumb shit....-Tyr

i hear ya. i was in heat :laugh:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-24-2016, 07:18 PM
i hear ya. i was in heat :laugh:

Trust me, I paid the price--Twice!-Tyr

05-24-2016, 08:22 PM
for me the dumbest was during the war. we stopped at Hong Kong for R&R. its an island just below mainland China. but connected by bridges. back then it was a Brit crown colony. so one day me and and a pal (wearing unis) were taking in the sights and crossed a bridge into China without knowing it till we turn down a street with tall apartment bldg's on both sides. every damned window has a red flag with a pic of Mao Tse-tung. every damned one. stop, turn around elbows and assholes back across the bridge. scared shitless. only a lot a beers calmed us down
every dumb thing since then pales in comparison. we came that close to being POW's or shot

You actually crossed into mainland? You friggin' dumbass. :laugh:

Atticus Finch
05-24-2016, 08:38 PM
Trust me, I paid the price--Twice!-Tyr women are sittin' on a gold mine and know how to work it to their advantage for sure....a young man thinks with the wrong head.

05-24-2016, 09:00 PM
women are sittin' on a gold mine and know how to work it to their advantage for sure....a young man thinks with the wrong head.

yeah the one between his legs

05-24-2016, 09:01 PM
You actually crossed into mainland? You friggin' dumbass. :laugh:

no shit. we didn't have a clue

05-24-2016, 09:09 PM
Dumbest I've ever felt, took place while at Fleet Hospital Five, in the Saudi Desert during Operation Desert Storm. While laying in my hospital bed, before being transferred to the USNS Hospital Ship MERCY. Saddam decided one night to shoot a couple of his SCUDS our way.

We heard the sirens blowing as a warning of probable attack. So a Navy nurse handed me my GAS MASK (I was told to take with me from the ship when I left), and told me to put it on. I couldn't because I could only use my right arm at the time (pre-spinal surgery). I got it on, we all waited to hear the explosions....then the ALL CLEAR siren blew. She came back to take off my mask and I discovered...IT WOULDN'T HAVE DONE ME ANY GOOD..because I DIDN'T HAVE A CANISTER to protect me.

Now that IS DUMB.

05-24-2016, 09:23 PM
women are sittin' on a gold mine and know how to work it to their advantage for sure....a young man thinks with the wrong head.

One of the first things I learned about guys is that they have two heads and tend to make their most important decisions with the lower one.

Another thing I learned (but never got to take advantage of :( ) is that there are two reasons why smart women will always have control over women. They keep them hidden under their shirt until it's time to take action. :boobies:

05-24-2016, 09:24 PM
I tried to saddle break an old mule once.....bad idea.

Gunny tried this. It's why he is no longer married. :cool:

05-24-2016, 09:36 PM
Gunny tried this. It's why he is no longer married. :cool:

Nobody knew YOU were married to Gunny...gabby?:laugh:

05-24-2016, 09:42 PM
Gunny tried this. It's why he is no longer married. :cool:

Think again, When we get old you're juts damaged cargo. And totally expendable.

05-25-2016, 12:43 AM
Dumbest thing ... Spring break circa '98, my best friend and I were winding up for a week of fun and, taking advantage of the dwindling fire in the Ol' Weber kettle, I dreamt up the idea of putting a coke bottle (the curvy plastic type) into the fire...filled with gasoline.

It was a show to be sure-- twenty foot flames!

But, alas, the flames subsided.

So what to do? Another round, of course!

Well, whilst filling another bottle, (away from the fire; I'm not that dumb) I heard a sound-- PFFFSST!

Unbeknownst to me, there was a pocket of gasoline that had holed itself in the molten plastic that, finally, jetted out.
Well the next thing I see is my buddy running towards me,...with flames steaming from his back.

I'm holding the better part of five gallons of gas, I screamed, "stop drop and roll man!"

Which he did, extinguishing the flames. And with nothing more than a singed sweatshirt to show for his trouble.

So that's the stupidest thing I've ever done, but well worth the lesson: stop, drop and roll.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-25-2016, 04:51 AM
women are sittin' on a gold mine and know how to work it to their advantage for sure....a young man thinks with the wrong head.

No truer words ever said.
We are "programmed" to think with that head in our youth.
Continuation of the species being paramount.
Back then the "program" and I were in full agreement......- :laugh::laugh::laugh: -Tyr

05-25-2016, 08:42 AM
No truer words ever said.
We are "programmed" to think with that head in our youth.
Continuation of the species being paramount.
Back then the "program" and I were in full agreement......- :laugh::laugh::laugh: -Tyr

Thing is they don't adjust. Once you get old and quit giving a damn they think they still got a weapon. Someone needs to dial them up to speed. I used to live for it. Now? Eh. Whatever. I got a ice cold coke in one hand and the remote in the other. :laugh:

Atticus Finch
05-25-2016, 08:47 AM
Thing is they don't adjust. Once you get old and quit giving a damn they think they still got a weapon. Someone needs to dial them up to speed. I used to live for it. Now? Eh. Whatever. I got a ice cold coke in one hand and the remote in the other. :laugh:I hear ya,reminds me of an old Eagles tune....After the Thrill is Gone

05-25-2016, 08:54 AM
I hear ya,reminds me of an old Eagles tune....After the Thrill is Gone

You're Southern so you'll get this one. Getting hung up on a rope swing over a river. It hurts REALLY bad when you hit that tree it's tied to on the way back. I don't think that tree ever recovered. :laugh:

Atticus Finch
05-25-2016, 08:57 AM
You're Southern so you'll get this one. Getting hung up on a rope swing over a river. It hurts REALLY bad when you hit that tree it's tied to on the way back. I don't think that tree ever recovered. :laugh:Yep...I 've got a good rope swing story but I'll save it for later.

05-25-2016, 09:03 AM
Think again, When we get old you're juts damaged cargo. And totally expendable.

First of all, the original comment was a joke. Learn to recognize humor. :cool:

When most people get old, they become "damaged cargo." The secret is to find a partner who views you as a rare antique instead of old junk.

When rich and famous people get old, they merely trade in their used model for a newer one with bigger headlights. This is why Donald Trump is on his third trophy wife. ;)

05-25-2016, 09:07 AM
First of all, the original comment was a joke. Learn to recognize humor. :cool:

When most people get old, they become "damaged cargo." The secret is to find a partner who views you as a rare antique instead of old junk.

When rich and famous people get old, they merely trade in their used model for a newer one with bigger headlights. This is why Donald Trump is on his third trophy wife. ;)

I DID recognize the humor. Perhaps you should learn to do so as well?

What I find interesting about this thread is not who is in it, but those that are not. "I'm afraid to admit I screwed up". Says as much about them as it does those of us that don't care.

05-25-2016, 10:33 AM
I DID recognize the humor. Perhaps you should learn to do so as well?

What I find interesting about this thread is not who is in it, but those that are not. "I'm afraid to admit I screwed up". Says as much about them as it does those of us that don't care.

Perhaps I should.
I screw up way too often to take myself seriously. If I stopped to chastise myself every time I screwed up, I would never get anything done.

As for those who are afraid to admit their fallacies, I prefer this old saying: "I stopped being perfect the day I was born. It's been all downhill ever since."

05-25-2016, 11:48 AM
Perhaps I should.
I screw up way too often to take myself seriously. If I stopped to chastise myself every time I screwed up, I would never get anything done.

As for those who are afraid to admit their fallacies, I prefer this old saying: "I stopped being perfect the day I was born. It's been all downhill ever since."

So who cares? If I took myself seriously I'd be a real psycho. :laugh:

05-25-2016, 01:37 PM
You're Southern so you'll get this one. Getting hung up on a rope swing over a river. It hurts REALLY bad when you hit that tree it's tied to on the way back. I don't think that tree ever recovered. :laugh:

Or misjudge the water depth when you release from that rope!:laugh:

05-25-2016, 01:39 PM
I DID recognize the humor. Perhaps you should learn to do so as well?

What I find interesting about this thread is not who is in it, but those that are not. "I'm afraid to admit I screwed up". Says as much about them as it does those of us that don't care.

We'd be sorry sacks of doo-doo if we could not reflect back and laugh at ourselves.

05-25-2016, 01:45 PM
I don't think I've ever done anything too bad, yet. The First thing that comes to mind was when I'd just started a job in England, I lived in Bristol but the job was in a town called Thornberry, Anyways on my first Sunday their I noted that there was no bus service in the evening, so I'd have to ask for a lift back with someone there as most where from Bristol. Of course when it came to actually asking people I got to anxious and didn't, and somehow convinced myself it would be alright to walk back home.

Had as I of known the walk would have taken a good 5 hours, around 2 of which were in the rain, I may have reconsidered asking, but what do.

05-25-2016, 02:28 PM
We'd be sorry sacks of doo-doo if we could not reflect back and laugh at ourselves.

Bubba, I crack myself up. :laugh: You're just like WTF was I thinking? If I had a brain probably wouldn't have done it. I'm more entertainment to me than anyone else is. Let's see what this motor bike will do. Oh. Screw up your knee for life. :laugh:

So I'm on this 12' ladder that decides to collapse. I'm just glad I was the one that hung the pipe I was left hanging off of. The building would come down before that pipe would. The painter had to come save my dangling ass. :laugh:

Abbey Marie
06-01-2016, 09:39 AM
I DID recognize the humor. Perhaps you should learn to do so as well?

What I find interesting about this thread is not who is in it, but those that are not. "I'm afraid to admit I screwed up". Says as much about them as it does those of us that don't care.

Hey! I was miles out on the Atlantic without Internet!

One of my dumbest, but I'm not sure it's very funny: in college, sleeping in an off-campus apartment (this is in the Bronx- at Fordham University). It's morning, and I'm the only one still in the apartment. Just outside the bedroom window is a fire escape, on which appears a man, knocking on the window. He asks me to open the window and let him in, because he got locked out on the roof while doing work up there.

I actually tried to to open the window to let him in, (!) but thank God, it was locked and would only open about 4 inches. He actually tried to squeeze in anyway, but couldn't and gave up.

Do do I win any prize for stupidity? My only defense is I wasn't fully awake...

06-01-2016, 11:11 AM
Hey! I was miles out on the Atlantic without Internet!

One of my dumbest, but I'm not sure it's very funny: in college, sleeping in an off-campus apartment (this is in the Bronx- at Fordham University). It's morning, and I'm the only one still in the apartment. Just outside the bedroom window is a fire escape, on which appears a man, knocking on the window. He asks me to open the window and let him in, because he got locked out on the roof while doing work up there.

I actually tried to to open the window to let him in, (!) but thank God, it was locked and would only open about 4 inches. He actually tried to squeeze in anyway, but couldn't and gave up.

Do do I win any prize for stupidity? My only defense is I wasn't fully awake...

Okay. THAT is dumb. I think you might be in the lead.

06-01-2016, 02:42 PM
The dumbest thing I've ever done is to think that our Leftie Party was ever worth supporting.

Then I grew up. I watched decades of their utter destructiveness. I became wiser, and now I am their - very proud - enemy.

I want Socialism reviled the world over. That day can't come too soon for me.

06-01-2016, 02:51 PM
The dumbest thing I've ever done is to think that our Leftie Party was ever worth supporting.

Then I grew up. I watched decades of their utter destructiveness. I became wiser, and now I am their - very proud - enemy.

I want Socialism reviled the world over. That day can't come too soon for me.

No taking the fun out of the thread. I slid down a pole on a playground in Miami in the rain and guess what color those white jeans came out at the end? I was tie-dyed rust and white. :laugh:

Abbey Marie
06-01-2016, 03:51 PM
The dumbest thing I've ever done is to think that our Leftie Party was ever worth supporting.

Then I grew up. I watched decades of their utter destructiveness. I became wiser, and now I am their - very proud - enemy.

I want Socialism reviled the world over. That day can't come too soon for me.

Oh come on Drummond. Can't you make a non-political post just once?

06-01-2016, 04:11 PM
After reading all of the stories here. I actually reminded myself about when I was 10 or 11, and with the other kids in the neighborhood. We all went down to the local creek a few times a week to fish, or swim...pretending we were like Tom Sawyer. In fact, we managed to gather some broken pallets, and two short sections of old telephone poles and pushed them into the water. We nailed the boards from the pallets across the poles, and four of us had our RAFT.
We used a couple bamboo poles to push us down the creek to the river. And, the last time we did that. We were stranded at the top of a dam that crossed the river until some men saw us yelling for help. FIRST TIME We got our picture in the paper...and my parents just laughed. That wouldn't happen today.:laugh:

06-01-2016, 04:22 PM
We all went down to the local creek a few times a week to fish, or swim...

A bunch of boys went down to the creek one early spring day to catch baby water snakes. The water was still cold
and they did not squirm much when we turned the rocks over and pulled them from the nests.
So we collected buckets full of them and dumped them into a wash tug in Greg's back yard.

A local cop came along, watched us, and came into the yard asking what were were doing,and we showed him.
He took a willow branch and showed us about 1 in 10 of those things was a baby Copperhead! He dumped
the washtub back along the creek.:laugh:

My Dad near kicked my butt for that!

06-01-2016, 04:47 PM
After reading all of the stories here. I actually reminded myself about when I was 10 or 11, and with the other kids in the neighborhood. We all went down to the local creek a few times a week to fish, or swim...pretending we were like Tom Sawyer. In fact, we managed to gather some broken pallets, and two short sections of old telephone poles and pushed them into the water. We nailed the boards from the pallets across the poles, and four of us had our RAFT.
We used a couple bamboo poles to push us down the creek to the river. And, the last time we did that. We were stranded at the top of a dam that crossed the river until some men saw us yelling for help. FIRST TIME We got our picture in the paper...and my parents just laughed. That wouldn't happen today.:laugh:

This one cracked me up. Back in the late 60's when Huckleberry Finn came out me and my brother proceeded to build this excellent raft. One "minor" glitch. We were miles from any damned water and had zero means of getting that raft out of the back yard. At least you had water. :laugh:

I wouldn't give that stuff up for a minute. So a bunch of dried out South Texas dirt became the Mississippi. Couldn't beat my Davy Crockett rifle which was a limb off a salt cedar tree. I'd rather be me than kids now. All they want to do is nothing. Play on their phones. We invented stuff to play with and I was NEVER inside if I didn't have to be.

And you are right. Wouldn't happen today.

06-02-2016, 06:46 AM
Oh come on Drummond. Can't you make a non-political post just once?

... steady on there, Abbey .... :rolleyes:

06-02-2016, 09:39 AM
So I decided back in the day I'm going bench press 315. No one home but my 4 years old daughter. Sheer f-ing brilliance. So I'm trying to talk her through taking the weights off one at a time. Nope. She grabs a handful on one side and pulls them off. Which threw the weights and me directly left. I couldn't bench press for a week. But the trick worked I guess. Laying under that weight as long as I did made it easy to lift next time I tried.

But I can guarantee you I never tried to set another record without a spotter and at the gym. :laugh2:

06-02-2016, 09:47 AM
So I decided back in the day I'm going bench press 315. No one home but my 4 years old daughter. Sheer f-ing brilliance. So I'm trying to talk her through taking the weights off one at a time. Nope. She grabs a handful on one side and pulls them off. Which threw the weights and me directly left. I couldn't bench press for a week. But the trick worked I guess. Laying under that weight as long as I did made it easy to lift next time I tried.

But I can guarantee you I never tried to set another record without a spotter and at the gym. :laugh2:

Yeah, broke my foot trying to do squats with 275 lbs .... 62 year old man trying to keep up with his 30 year old sons .... on top of that, I knew my foot was broken but tried to run 5 miles with the boys immediately after I broke it ... even dumber I waited 3 days to get treatment .... what I thought of as stamina was just stupid in so many ways!

06-02-2016, 09:59 AM
Yeah, broke my foot trying to do squats with 275 lbs .... 62 year old man trying to keep up with his 30 year old sons .... on top of that, I knew my foot was broken but tried to run 5 miles with the boys immediately after I broke it ... even dumber I waited 3 days to get treatment .... what I thought of as stamina was just stupid in so many ways!

I hear ya, Sergeant Major. I get this "I used to could that" brainstorm all the time. :laugh: I haven't adjusted well to getting old. I get this, "I used to could do this" mentality and it's on. Or over. I DO still lift weights but I've had to cut back. :rolleyes: Which annoys the f- out of me.

It's all good. I had a freakin' blast while it lasted.