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05-25-2016, 07:06 PM
What do you all have planned for the weekend and Memorial Day?

We will be at our church Saturday night and Sunday both services. Sunday night we are having a dozen friends over for my chili, hamburgers, my coffee, and karaoke after the evening service.

Memorial Day we will go to the Veteran's Memorial. Have to see of they will be having ceremonies this year. They guy who is usually the organizer has been in the hospital for the last 2 months.

05-25-2016, 07:22 PM
Working this weekend, no plans. I am getting ready to go visit family and friends for a week, leave Wednesday. Lots to do.

05-25-2016, 07:45 PM
A ceremony noontime at the local Vet's Memorial. Then perhaps a small bit
of libation since it's my birthday.

05-25-2016, 07:57 PM
A ceremony noontime at the local Vet's Memorial. Then perhaps a small bit
of libation since it's my birthday.

I'm thinking about just waking up. What I find ironic is we would have to parade around the grinder for a couple of weeks to prepare for a bunch of civilians to show up and make us have to stand in the sun and work half the damned day. Thanks for MY holiday. :laugh:

05-25-2016, 08:44 PM
A ceremony noontime at the local Vet's Memorial. Then perhaps a small bit
of libation since it's my birthday.

Happy Birthday in advance! LOL! Usually I'm doing belated, so thank you too!

05-25-2016, 08:55 PM
I think it important to remind all of us that Memorial Day is to honor those who've died in service to our country:


Memorial Day, an American holiday observed on the last Monday of May, honors men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971. Many Americans observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries or memorials, holding family gatherings and participating in parades. Unofficially, at least, it marks the beginning of summer.

Veterans Day on the other hand is to honor all who've served:


On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, was declared between the Allied nations and Germany in the First World War, then known as “the Great War.” Commemorated as Armistice Day beginning the following year, November 11th became a legal federal holiday in the United States in 1938. In the aftermath of World War II and the Korean War, Armistice Day became Veterans Day, a holiday dedicated to American veterans of all wars.

I'm with Gunny though, especially regarding Veterans Day. Mike Royko also agreed.


I just phoned six friends and asked them what they will be doing on Monday.

They all said the same thing: working.

Me, too.

There is something else we share. We are all military veterans.

And there is a third thing we have in common. We are not employees of the federal government, state government, county government, municipal government, the Postal Service, the courts, banks, or S & Ls, and we don’t teach school.

If we did, we would be among the many millions of people who will spend Monday goofing off.

Which is why it is about time Congress revised the ridiculous terms of Veterans Day as a national holiday.

The purpose of Veterans Day is to honor all veterans.

So how does this country honor them?

By letting the veterans, the majority of whom work in the private sector, spend the day at their jobs so they can pay taxes that permit millions of non-veterans to get paid for doing nothing.

As my friend Harry put it:

"First I went through basic training. Then infantry school. Then I got on a crowded, stinking troop ship that took 23 days to get from San Francisco to Japan. We went through a storm that had 90 percent of the guys on the ship throwing up for a week.

"Then I rode a beat-up transport plane from Japan to Korea, and it almost went down in the drink. I think the pilot was drunk.

"When I got to Korea, I was lucky. The war ended seven months after I got there, and I didn’t kill anybody and nobody killed me.

"But it was still a miserable experience. Then when my tour was over, I got on another troop ship and it took 21 stinking days to cross the Pacific.

"When I got home on leave, one of the older guys at the neighborhood bar — he was a World War II vet — told me I was a ----head because we didn’t win, we only got a tie.
"So now on Veterans Day I get up in the morning and go down to the office and work.

"You know what my nephew does? He sleeps in. That’s because he works for the state.

"And do you know what he did during the Vietnam War? He ducked the draft by getting a job teaching at an inner-city school.

"Now, is that a raw deal or what?"

Of course that’s a raw deal. So I propose that the members of Congress revise Veterans Day to provide the following:

- All veterans — and only veterans — should have the day off from work. It doesn’t matter if they were combat heroes or stateside clerk-typists.

Anybody who went through basic training and was awakened before dawn by a red-neck drill sergeant who bellowed: "Drop your whatsis and grab your socks and fall out on the road," is entitled.

- Those veterans who wish to march in parades, make speeches or listen to speeches can do so. But for those who don’t, all local gambling laws should be suspended for the day to permit vets to gather in taverns, pull a couple of tables together and spend the day playing poker, blackjack, craps, drinking and telling lewd lies about lewd experiences with lewd women. All bar prices should be rolled back to enlisted men’s club prices, Officers can pay the going rate, the stiffs.

- All anti-smoking laws will be suspended for Veterans Day. The same hold for all misdemeanor laws pertaining to disorderly conduct, non-felonious brawling, leering, gawking and any other gross and disgusting public behavior that does not harm another individual.

- It will be a treasonable offense for any spouse or live-in girlfriend (or boyfriend, if it applies) to utter the dreaded words: "What time will you be home tonight?"

- Anyone caught posing as a veteran will be required to eat a triple portion of chipped beef on toast, with Spam on the side, and spend the day watching a chaplain present a color-slide presentation on the horrors of VD.

- Regardless of how high his office, no politician who had the opportunity to serve in the military, but didn’t, will be allowed to make a patriotic speech, appear on TV, or poke his nose out of his office for the entire day.

Any politician who defies this ban will be required to spend 12 hours wearing headphones and listening to tapes of President Clinton explaining his deferments.
Now, deal the cards and pass the tequila.

- Mike Royko

05-26-2016, 12:52 AM
I'm taking the kids and pups to the Black Forest for paragliding, mountain-coaster, and castle-lookin-at.

re: Memorial day vs Veterans day and all that.

A good friend said it best on fb - silver star awardee.

Just thought I'd share some perspective to those who care. For those about to complain about people "confusing" Memorial Day with Veterans Day, I ask you to think about something. At least people in our country think about us and thank us in some way, shape or form. At least we're not treated like Vietnam veterans were. I've been to other countries where veterans and those that did not come back didn't rate high on people's "give-a-shitometer".

Regardless of how people say it, the fact that they show gratitude should be enough.

05-26-2016, 03:12 AM
I'm taking the kids and pups to the Black Forest for paragliding, mountain-coaster, and castle-lookin-at.

re: Memorial day vs Veterans day and all that.

A good friend said it best on fb - silver star awardee.

I would LOVE to go look at those old castles. I'll hold y'all's coats while you paraglide though. And the coaster. I hate them things. I don't get sick and they don't bother me, but I get nothing out of them. To each his own though. Have a blast. :)

05-26-2016, 04:05 AM
here's the coaster we'll ride


05-27-2016, 04:36 PM
off to see the Royals and White Sox play. probably fireworks after. unless this damned weather postpones another one

05-27-2016, 05:15 PM
While we hadn't planned on an outing, one of my friends and I did have a sort of holiday outing yesterday-not quite Memorial Day, but both of us are working.

We went for an hour and half hike through Clear Creek, part of the Coconino National Forest. The sandy trails were really nice, not too many rocks to fall over. (Yes, remember I AM a klutz!) The Sycamore trees were huge and so beautiful. The really nice thing is there really is a 'clear creek' that the trail we were on follows, even a few small waterfalls-something I enjoy so much now that bodies of water are scarce.


Next we headed back towards Camp Verde, which is only a 25 minute drive from where I live. We took a couple of turns looking for water access, but never found the water. (Signage in AZ leaves a bit to be desired.) We did see some wonderful homes though! Very different than the look alike housing seen in most of this area. There was grass! Lots of horses. There's a lot of tribal lands in this area and down these roads there were trailers right next to rather large homes. I've seen this in other parts of the country and it always stuns me. This

Giving up on the search for access for kayaks or canoes, we headed for Montezuma's Castle. First though we got sidetracked by Fort Verde. This actually was the type of place I like to visit on Memorial Day weekend. http://azstateparks.com/Parks/FOVE/

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/Ewl2mIhw_P4gsBvxM-7dc9zU6PMc4n8m2E2BAaqmZi5cVmhxF9NQhd4dqAglQw71u25w ZM1CkehxrTCfpR2Ft4ZGzppqaFNqwfFB65upQ1oJLrYwKG7pXK qte9yBI9S_dIt6j_UEi75F4p1k7y-KNeTRI0dgbFUc61YvHbHG5dKHnIw-vHk2cU13WHAsjDz6GfPYH2wp1_vsZE5ddQ1PeCFqcnWgjRotce GaaGAZx_dCNWswG0DK95NhTxF80-moh2tm_lnsw_c3Ltk4n6vHCH64FNR0SFTbmAxxCLaioW6ZDFvs YrlDlHLQJjizT1KRCEqe2abdp2mZJfj7zrGSES58h9FSQgN2uY IDY17vWaEgkuXB7x5qoaBuI9MsqtAkayiuSAzEhu65cmeAOtmy h_grMpRVkbf7uKa9s17hErcVLjHZY5xjdbNCnonmHZsr9NmX3Z 05w8iirJwRoUgcCpjn-kZrYaeQ0aZs7-4UMPhC9aKp_IQ9Gsxj7K9N3Op8X6L1MYnYki5_a_9eFWZsc4ia _EUhD_kp99Stfsbo1vqorD9KSP7o_0TIV8otPxDQBzabX3i-PAXx014v16y2u6Gz9worPAg=w932-h699-no

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/HmWRvgINErNC295suUSX75AFeOBCBI1Zvy6vRgyXutWCraetoT 46Po5c-lzP1vRCf--xlC7uwilL_-8ppWrBgnQzVH1gnGsvwUG84JzC3KuE3ADgS0LjzF6ozZCNyYoh f_QLzSZCVlLlsHPp6AH3Zpf27xXBXFhXtpxS0lb2hCY3dJL_US egMmRItxV-vOGcljpZSRSRqmOxObCWJz8U21HjHNUPnsi2jqyUmS7fuMi9nN DTSNnXhtvM70MRQzyrZQjOK9tDXz4JUXlPiQq69N7AIPD84bha YUTikwDh09z8KqRrKtC628dERlnIZhQTXLG5d3UdNEnVEQ9pQs EOzu4RD4nO_v8RJDwaNCOqSQtlA-9pq5FbdSdlHUJFT2jk40QF4dGyG5abUeU4u2KI81tauS-qmRgku6sEMyLjzsRtNjJhyXbcNUr9N80dv_yBmsftrgsbL3j7l J4BV9kh_rD2novOGX3XevzMN-bdRLaoK8cwsQRsqqEZ5jGQls1t4QM5KZ374I2LlhenJqWi6jVI CuxkIRuzFio9rd0ptg61AYSsbqwKwcwNBZTchXq3MD1gleyyuI 52d_RfyyHFMdp5c6hBDFw=w932-h699-noA

The we were off to Montezuma's Castle, a very cool National Monument. This is one of the sites of cave dwelling natives in AZ. I'd love to use this as a field trip teaching, kids are always interested in hunters and gatherers. It's a shame that people can't go in, but there was too much looting and wear and tear when it was allowed. Still, there was a lot to learn.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/KBlxF7jmFmBgCogBQOSsQkOPZWF4Src6aDZoWrQ7AkeMd-8NMqLBwQ5U9_5FchJZk3L26GNMaxxM4jDHCvEW2US6wi2myoZW is6Kr9_tpi5T-Ecg-e5XX9-twGIm9LbIHtiTzu8VhxwD2eT5Aj_9J3q-2ratGH0Zp62k1ayyjNG65-wiwVqN0QULtPz79RiBeEJ87PiGPhYc4tBKQLyy0MSQJ4XPRX7v ASMK8uxYgAFKoYoHNyllAGzMYYDmdluJ-v_hjr44F08A6EGhosc2PNK90pY72PlTl-rEXgnUUfsrUiIFRcJaO1nUwmsQqvlRlDO-sUGRg8jrOOxa-C--ZAk1QmZvvw0NjQ9QMUtmUI9PRl4BmyxGfY88uR_NAl1Dc8aALQ DMuaz6tG86dHQ6Nocg-ueRcXxLfYLNWq1vX7pO0BtOrXxaP6ZUQQwGO4XMftrPechVRqr 9k959nUYhsGtRvrR2UkgM2Vb0pHLgfYWV5Y-E1sCgSYpA53Qyh_nNyjC0xEuj32RgnG5DkbPM0mBS-D7sfgwwat1MET6t-vq3IpF7GFo0MIhBmE67l_ZzD17qf0RpLD6LZrbKJRx88oc99h8 Izw8=w932-h699-no

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/VnOI5_3dYD5MdkTj3csz-AwFJVvHmX-e2d1_soWiM7LagOCZ3N3gXp5leycbgcyqfiibZ-WBrT_RII35gpiWNe9XtfNYRWLRQIq3ihefzKnzxsNTydbLRASS R2-0UE0NM1badSGD27fyrzoC3aJJotn6N_GFxTlvAdH6a5VlaFHJr L7G9VhzqJoomA9d8ni-QnLZuPfN2NSDsUYohQQEYiRvHebcpFOwvBbOYkbwcGuVxDLsrz QJkRgMIvm4Uj5gW1xE9jXeItT0rhYsa4-1fxGopbRqqIDXfrLccS7mhYMDS01NnQFQkKeWbm6m3woViLhc7 PZ6O5CgrR0c1dVULeuBB5Dm45Ygtet65hHosARdIXjt5uwNOiI vi0we6xW34yTBOVweOhImW6B8lVkb0lNu4E_STXkGqk988YHQa 1k0DhbiWMALyL1zbhusZdZvXcVs8bXyrKSC97VcyiSzwuOHgHJ osR6YC1rz8bp34uWEtxFak22FCFWQ0dhtvSnUskuQhn9bts1vd X48NkhsHWcbHhmZL4aKUjv90NfB9GBf4vZVT1n4CEENRFjITIN 6BASGobkq4Ci2HG5rqNi9ur7xMnvSr-M=w932-h699-no

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/tpG7010JGmBfFsnoY-7DZvI31sqg5U1jqR6ffedwOpNiD5f7ROvbZTanAAoy8Gp2yttR GvXpTvC08a1czY0jmun6u5yuEP0UsItFXTSlODYRpNMQydZc7R RPj_JNoBH3kEnFAh1Kn8SU_ydvhkfoaqJ4RwivChjBA1pmPtpH DHW5hwzdNx1B0lF04CnLBjxiq7ca8LFfIpnSq8OOHJHVCYCo_3 y5-3PYp3_-mipuOOotKcHhaS5E2dQaS6PWtNGYsk7W5XmmDZWc9k85FllhxC 9JCgAnAzwtJpZs5Ku9VKMsKxjbaAL2ij24w6O3VmD_Oi4G0LDe Vg0LMiFmUouNvzxgwCkMXnzK2pv0GawlDJrvWLJ1j9PE-Kt4zdcehlufc6PnhBr5ppotPhokU5sH-wtEVTUgHHVC4kGjw5qv_Ezpaw6BWzFTX3hftvxkOsIQMzY4XAj fub3R91oo5t67NTTcyddGuT4DigFRW12Z5S7D_Edm0nMANxKRF-X36oid0N-Kkrd1ULZyu8gkVBDNi2kGewLyXnE_iy39Os_cOBUa7B9_ocE0Q 8LWHIZrGEeS5gkTUILQjbiQgMcluo1GHKKbbsRH45k=w525-h699-no

Leaving the park, we decided to make one more stop before getting some dinner:

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/RuwZIgAjZVhPGc8XxlkemlqYf9neJpR7fdkVqSKZyWnGwXIa-k5JgsZIjaLKkBUPAmS4giuVDqk4B1692YXo0eeRFDwi1S2l2rZ RLubzy82YF4V24qyhArVs-KoH_BdSTM4pd5PK4vQduASdRHSMIrKUzQAVj8ZrXSjycXjUiaj dOgMkUx3e4be09XHAeIV3FVZlW_IRa8JyrvFDXnu6qNnYOa6WF hW9SITg0s7C3xSv7CuryTyRJ0or8etuGwEC4mOxX2ZOCu8NCoz 1VOmd562PxXPjbwCet9O4xC-iAol0PCFQCSRVZvVY76ZPKzjaPyEb3SXVVrZ9k4bJnX45-h3G19eAyuwe8wHNtyWLZNN_9Tqq-dlidABHedp6qywTkgcZrn7Mja68s_KOqku04TX_G_G6NWy9ZpB h3qGqGLWQ3h6f0k_5Yew77dY-otoPNeANlZpOoACoErKfyQswjQDimiGN_dCdf0aAIUQ4Ft_K49 Xtv1rTIIX-Xn22LTwYgQfSQ9D2Csc8RGhkRSJyO1lcMvE-QVBTEYFEcVnW_ZHLTm-Z-y8-eIaCZEojlXgF1-XLuf-4S2KpVG6eMsluqKZXh_V5TAc=w932-h699-no

I won $20 and that was put towards our dinner tab. ;)

All in all a good day.

05-27-2016, 07:13 PM
Noticed how pleasant it is to see Obama OUT OF THE COUNTRY, again, on Memorial Day Weekend? It prevents thousands of Veterans from wishing he was somewhere else, when the Wreath is placed at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers...(who probably spin when Obama is there)

05-27-2016, 11:51 PM

05-28-2016, 12:29 AM
Me and the Mrs spent the day in the mountains going to yard sales and hanging with our friends. Nice ribeye steak and eggs for dinner. It was a very nice day.

05-28-2016, 12:39 AM
Me and the Mrs spent the day in the mountains going to yard sales and hanging with our friends. Nice ribeye steak and eggs for dinner. It was a very nice day.

Ribeyes going on here. Gunny's firing up the grill.

05-28-2016, 06:49 AM
Just got off work at 3 AM... this will be the first time in a long time that we've had any time off, so we're definitely ready for it - took 2 days off so we can recharge a bit and maybe nail a few early Kings.

Got 3 boats & 5 trucks all converging at my house in about an hour and then we're hellbent for leather up to Talkeetna and up the river to the cabin we go.

Hope you all have a great weekend!


Abbey Marie
05-28-2016, 07:17 AM
Just a bbq with friends Sunday.

05-28-2016, 07:20 AM
Just a bbq with friends Sunday.

BBQ and friends sounds like a good plan to me! You making some Sangria?

Abbey Marie
05-28-2016, 07:21 AM
BBQ and friends sounds like a good plan to me! You making some Sangria?

I wasn't planning to, but that is an awesome idea! Do you have a good recipe?

05-28-2016, 07:27 AM
I wasn't planning to, but that is an awesome idea! Do you have a good recipe?

Not offhand, but here's some that seems a reliable source, :laugh2:


05-28-2016, 08:05 AM
Nothing special at all here. Just the woman, the boy and I. I have to go and refill the propane for the grill today. No visitors other than a big fat steak that has reservations to visit my big fat belly! :)

05-28-2016, 08:09 AM
I think I'll grill something on Monday, I'm off at 1:30 and my roomie is off for the day. Grilling at least feels sort of holidayee! ;)

Atticus Finch
05-28-2016, 09:05 AM
beer..lots and lots of beer....going out to the family farm and run naked through the woods howling at the moon...:rolleyes:

05-28-2016, 10:21 AM
Nothing special at all here. Just the woman, the boy and I. I have to go and refill the propane for the grill today. No visitors other than a big fat steak that has reservations to visit my big fat belly! :)

The WHAT? I got me a new bag of charcoal. Mesquite. Meat tastes awesome with oak or mesquite. The x demanded I get a gas grill so she could use it. She never touched it once. In the South, women don't do the grilling or the yard. Every redneck in the neighborhood will come kick your ass.

I prefer the charcoal. If Trump keeps one promise I hope it's keeping that coal coming. ;)

05-28-2016, 10:23 AM
beer..lots and lots of beer....going out to the family farm and run naked through the woods howling at the moon...:rolleyes:

I ain't allowed to do that crap anymore.

Make sure you run through a blackberry patch naked. It'll change your ideas.:laugh:

05-28-2016, 11:28 AM
Me and the Mrs just got an invite to go over to some friends house on Monday for BBQ carne asada.

I haven't done that one in a long while. The host, myself and one other guy used to sit around a little Weber Smokey Joe BBQ out on 4' x 8' balcony. We would power through a couples pounds of the carne asada each while the children played and the women folk got the rest of the food ready. Good times!

It will be more civilized this time, though. There's gonna be some older folks there.

05-28-2016, 11:55 AM
same here. mine's gonna get a workout


05-28-2016, 12:11 PM
The WHAT? I got me a new bag of charcoal. Mesquite. Meat tastes awesome with oak or mesquite. The x demanded I get a gas grill so she could use it. She never touched it once. In the South, women don't do the grilling or the yard. Every redneck in the neighborhood will come kick your ass.

I prefer the charcoal. If Trump keeps one promise I hope it's keeping that coal coming. ;)

I can't do charcoal anymore. I used to like it with my regular Weber grill years back. But now I have propane only. Regular charcoal is all I ever liked anyway. I can't stand all the various woods mucking up the flavor of my burgers and steaks!! I only eat the smoked crap if I go out somewhere where they make it the right way.

05-28-2016, 12:14 PM
beer..lots and lots of beer....going out to the family farm and run naked through the woods howling at the moon...:rolleyes:

Is your name Ozzy Osbourne? You rule man!! http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/dancing/rocking-stickman-smiley-emoticon.gif

05-28-2016, 12:17 PM
I can't do charcoal anymore. I used to like it with my regular Weber grill years back. But now I have propane only. Regular charcoal is all I ever liked anyway. I can't stand all the various woods mucking up the flavor of my burgers and steaks!! I only eat the smoked crap if I go out somewhere where they make it the right way.

We differ on that then. The charcoal/wood is what gives meat its flavor to me. When I was using propane I had to go inordinate lengths to try and get wood chips in and whatever or I could just cook on the stove. Best steak I ever had I cooked over a hickory fire in my fire pit. To each his own.

05-28-2016, 12:28 PM
We differ on that then. The charcoal/wood is what gives meat its flavor to me. When I was using propane I had to go inordinate lengths to try and get wood chips in and whatever or I could just cook on the stove. Best steak I ever had I cooked over a hickory fire in my fire pit. To each his own.

They are BOTH good, but it depends on how it's cooked, WHO is cooking it and all...

Some of the best I have ever had were simply aged steaks cooked medium rare. The place I went to when I was just in Jersey - a HUGE steak, nothing on it whatsoever, and this is what was left of it. And looks are deceiving, that sucker was like 5 inches off both sides when first served. It was 24oz. I was so stuffed that I couldn't finish my steak fries. Always eat the good steak before the fries and veggies!!


And of course I have had all kinds of great steaks that were marinated, or cooked in a smoker with various kinds of woods. It's not like I would turn any of it away unless it tasted like crap.

05-28-2016, 12:28 PM

05-28-2016, 12:34 PM
we get ours from a local chain HY-Vee inch thick or better. don't even need a knife

https://scontent-dfw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13076635_10209208705637833_3869942865182658928_n.j pg?oh=d6aeda631e700603f1cf8a6f5b78a70a&oe=57CBF514

05-28-2016, 12:36 PM
we get ours from a local chain HY-Vee inch thick or better. don't even need a knife

All of the best steaks I have ever had were similar. And maybe not always cut with a fork, but always extremely tender.

05-28-2016, 12:38 PM
BTY if you like war movies TCM is running them all weekend

05-28-2016, 12:41 PM
All of the best steaks I have ever had were similar. And maybe not always cut with a fork, but always extremely tender.

its so much cheaper to buy and grill at home. restaurants not so good anymore. and really expensive

05-28-2016, 12:47 PM
its so much cheaper to buy and grill at home. restaurants not so good anymore. and really expensive

Yeps, was $26 per steak where we went. :( And that's cheap compared to other places!!

05-28-2016, 12:51 PM
Yeps, was $26 per steak where we went. :( And that's cheap compared to other places!!

that's why we eat more at home now. except for special occasions

05-28-2016, 02:32 PM
My sister called earlier. She went by the East Los Angeles grocery where she bribes everyone to order some steaks. She is getting six ribeyes, about an inch and a half thick and weighing just over a pound each. Plus some sirloin. It will be delish. :cool:

05-28-2016, 02:36 PM
They are BOTH good, but it depends on how it's cooked, WHO is cooking it and all...

Some of the best I have ever had were simply aged steaks cooked medium rare. The place I went to when I was just in Jersey - a HUGE steak, nothing on it whatsoever, and this is what was left of it. And looks are deceiving, that sucker was like 5 inches off both sides when first served. It was 24oz. I was so stuffed that I couldn't finish my steak fries. Always eat the good steak before the fries and veggies!!


And of course I have had all kinds of great steaks that were marinated, or cooked in a smoker with various kinds of woods. It's not like I would turn any of it away unless it tasted like crap.

If it ain't medium rare it's burnt far as I'm concerned.

05-28-2016, 02:43 PM
My sister called earlier. She went by the East Los Angeles grocery where she bribes everyone to order some steaks. She is getting six ribeyes, about an inch and a half thick and weighing just over a pound each. Plus some sirloin. It will be delish. :cool:

And I wasn't even invited? 6 ribeyes and some sirloin. That's good for about 4 people. :)

If it ain't medium rare it's burnt far as I'm concerned.

No doubt, anything more and you don't taste it properly!! Hell, I've been known to slice a piece off of a steak while the sucker is still bleeding (when drunk and starved!!)

05-28-2016, 02:49 PM
And I wasn't even invited? 6 ribeyes and some sirloin. That's good for about 4 people. :)

No doubt, anything more and you don't taste it properly!! Hell, I've been known to slice a piece off of a steak while the sucker is still bleeding (when drunk and starved!!)

Just a matter of taste, I guess. I can't stand well done meat. It's always like chewing leather to me. I have to burn the crap out of it for the girls. That just means mine comes off the grill first.

05-28-2016, 02:52 PM
Just a matter of taste, I guess. I can't stand well done meat. It's always like chewing leather to me. I have to burn the crap out of it for the girls. That just means mine comes off the grill first.

To me that goes with ALL cooked meats. My Mom, when I cooked hot dogs especially, but also with hamburgers, she didn't even want to look at it until it looked like day old charcoal. Damn hot dog would be shriveled up and half of it's original size, and she loved it. :puke3:

I shit you not, it would look like one of these:


05-28-2016, 03:45 PM
We differ on that then. The charcoal/wood is what gives meat its flavor to me. When I was using propane I had to go inordinate lengths to try and get wood chips in and whatever or I could just cook on the stove. Best steak I ever had I cooked over a hickory fire in my fire pit. To each his own.

On this we agree. While I like the convenience of propane or gas, I just don't taste any difference than if I cook it inside on grill pan.

05-28-2016, 03:54 PM
On this we agree. While I like the convenience of propane or gas, I just don't taste any difference than if I cook it inside on grill pan.

My outlook has always been this - if doing the wood or similar, you are trying to alter the original flavor. I suppose depending the cut of meat, and the mood one is in - but sometimes the better meat just wants to be cooked lightly. :)

I know restaurants don't count - but 'most' of the top steakhouses out there won't be smoked. But of course it always comes down to ones preference. The BEST I ever had was a porterhouse cooked in an 1800 degree oven, with some butter very lightly spread across. And I think the 2nd best was at Morton's, but unsure of exactly how they cook it there, but I know it was pure steak!! http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/eating/steak.gif

05-28-2016, 03:55 PM
If it ain't medium rare it's burnt far as I'm concerned.

Apparently Memorial Day weekend includes gramps, baby and swimming pool. I'm going to freeze my ass off here. :laugh:

05-28-2016, 03:56 PM
My outlook has always been this - if doing the wood or similar, you are trying to alter the original flavor. I suppose depending the cut of meat, and the mood one is in - but sometimes the better meat just wants to be cooked lightly. :)

I know restaurants don't count - but 'most' of the top steakhouses out there won't be smoked. But of course it always comes down to ones preference. The BEST I ever had was a porterhouse cooked in an 1800 degree oven, with some butter very lightly spread across. And I think the 2nd best was at Morton's, but unsure of exactly how they cook it there, but I know it was pure steak!! http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/eating/steak.gif

I agree about restaurants, I'll go anytime! LOL! I marinate steaks before cooking, adds both flavor and tenderizes. No, I don't do it with filet or ribeyes, but just about anything else. Even Strip steaks are better with a marinade.

05-28-2016, 04:03 PM
I agree about restaurants, I'll go anytime! LOL! I marinate steaks before cooking, adds both flavor and tenderizes. No, I don't do it with filet or ribeyes, but just about anything else. Even Strip steaks are better with a marinade.

Flank or sirloin, just let it marinate in italian dressing overnight, makes a great flavor!

05-28-2016, 04:11 PM
Flank or sirloin, just let it marinate in italian dressing overnight, makes a great flavor!

I've done that, especially for chicken and pasta.

For beef though, I prefer a red wine/vinegar base, a bit of garlic, olive oil, mustard, and Worcestershire Sauce.

05-28-2016, 04:41 PM
We differ on that then. The charcoal/wood is what gives meat its flavor to me. When I was using propane I had to go inordinate lengths to try and get wood chips in and whatever or I could just cook on the stove. Best steak I ever had I cooked over a hickory fire in my fire pit. To each his own.

I use propane but I have 3 stainless steel smoker boxes I set between the burners. I get a very clean smoked flavor from them. I use mesquite, maple wood and applewood in the smokers. When I'm doing skewers I take the burner covers off and place the skewers right above the burners.

05-28-2016, 04:50 PM
decided to visit my mom today cause of shitty weather tomorrow


Abbey Marie
05-28-2016, 09:44 PM
To me that goes with ALL cooked meats. My Mom, when I cooked hot dogs especially, but also with hamburgers, she didn't even want to look at it until it looked like day old charcoal. Damn hot dog would be shriveled up and half of it's original size, and she loved it. :puke3:

I shit you not, it would look like one of these:


Yup. Mama was right. The two on the left are just not done enough. Russ kids me that I will only eat my (shield your eyes: "Turkey" Dogs) if they look like Carbon dowels or charcoal sticks, lol!

05-28-2016, 10:49 PM
Flank or sirloin, just let it marinate in italian dressing overnight, makes a great flavor!

You do that with chicken or fish, goober. You don't ruin a good piece of meat with that crap.

05-28-2016, 11:19 PM
And I wasn't even invited? 6 ribeyes and some sirloin. That's good for about 4 people. :)

If they are similar to what we usually get, four ribeyes will easily feed the lot of us. They are really large.
Plus, we have to save room for the cake, since Monday is my daughter's birthday.

Side note: A couple of my daughter's close friends declined invitations to come by her birthday celebration. Apparently they are oh-so-trendy vegetarians.
I overheard my daughter talking to one of them on the phone - "you don't eat meat? That's really weird!" :laugh:

05-29-2016, 12:35 PM
If they are similar to what we usually get, four ribeyes will easily feed the lot of us. They are really large.
Plus, we have to save room for the cake, since Monday is my daughter's birthday.

Side note: A couple of my daughter's close friends declined invitations to come by her birthday celebration. Apparently they are oh-so-trendy vegetarians.
I overheard my daughter talking to one of them on the phone - "you don't eat meat? That's really weird!" :laugh:

I'll stick with steaks, thanks. I doubt I've eaten a piece of cake in 20 years. And I'll do my share of trashy food. LOVE Mexican food. I just don't eat sweets. I may eat a Hershey bar once or twice a year. Maybe a little ice cream. But just to trash out on crap constantly? Hasn't been my style since the mid 80s.

05-29-2016, 12:58 PM
Noticed how pleasant it is to see Obama OUT OF THE COUNTRY, again, on Memorial Day Weekend? It prevents thousands of Veterans from wishing he was somewhere else, when the Wreath is placed at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers...(who probably spin when Obama is there)

Obama has NO regard for Vets - Living or Dead. Anything otherwise that falls out of his mouth is a flat-out lie!
Compare his regard to that of GWB! The Clintons only provide lip service to Vets.

05-29-2016, 01:06 PM
decided to visit my mom today cause of shitty weather tomorrow

I put Flags on my Dad's and Step-Dad's graves, both WWII vets.

Bless you, namvet.

05-29-2016, 01:07 PM
Yeps, was $26 per steak where we went. :( And that's cheap compared to other places!!

You pay that much for a steak? Ho-LEE crap. I pay about maybe $10. Good thing we got lots of cows hereabouts. :)

05-29-2016, 01:09 PM
I put Flags on my Dad's and Step-Dad's graves, both WWII vets.

Bless you, namvet.

you to pal. and bless them

05-29-2016, 01:12 PM
its really great to have you know what out of the country this weekend. the black cloud over this country is gone. great to have the sun shine again

05-29-2016, 03:17 PM
Just a matter of taste, I guess. I can't stand well done meat. It's always like chewing leather to me. I have to burn the crap out of it for the girls. That just means mine comes off the grill first.

Hint: if you are cooking, hold back on cooking yours. Just throw it on a few minutes before theirs are burnt. That way you all get hot food!

05-29-2016, 03:24 PM
Hint: if you are cooking, hold back on cooking yours. Just throw it on a few minutes before theirs are burnt. That way you all get hot food!

Nah. I usually eat mine while theirs are still burning. :)

05-29-2016, 03:26 PM
Nah. I usually eat mine while theirs are still burning. :)

Ok. LOL! I always get everything off the grill before anyone sits down to eat.

05-29-2016, 09:45 PM
The boys and I will be making up care packages for my husband and the other airmen (and women) he's working with. Then we'll be going to put flags on my grandfathers' graves; one was Navy and the other Army. :salute: After that, I'm thinking of smoking some brisket or maybe some ribs with homemade BBQ sauce and all the good fat-filled sides that go with it. Mmmm, I am drooling already!

05-29-2016, 10:32 PM
The boys and I will be making up care packages for my husband and the other airmen (and women) he's working with. Then we'll be going to put flags on my grandfathers' graves; one was Navy and the other Army. :salute: After that, I'm thinking of smoking some brisket or maybe some ribs with homemade BBQ sauce and all the good fat-filled sides that go with it. Mmmm, I am drooling already!

Darn! Invite me?

05-29-2016, 10:53 PM
Darn! Invite me?

Ha! No! :laugh: No sharing with you!

05-29-2016, 11:59 PM
Darn! Invite me?

Me too dammit. I love brisket. Trying to go rogue on me, or what?

05-30-2016, 12:05 AM
Some of you guys need to learn manners! :no:
No one begins eating unless everyone is seated and all the food is on table. Reaching or grabbing will earn you a whack with a heavy utensil. And the stare of death from my mom. :eek:

05-30-2016, 12:07 AM
Ha! No! :laugh: No sharing with you!

That's kinda mean. I'm the one you'd have to worry about. I got me Buck honed to a t. I'd be having to "sample" that brisket every so often to make sure it was cooking right. :laugh2:

Besides I like elessar. I think he's funny as Hell.

05-30-2016, 01:04 AM
Some of you guys need to learn manners! :no:
No one begins eating unless everyone is seated and all the food is on table. Reaching or grabbing will earn you a whack with a heavy utensil. And the stare of death from my mom. :eek:


Kai and I have been very close friends for years! She can pick on me any time she wants.:laugh:

05-30-2016, 01:06 AM
Me too dammit. I love brisket. Trying to go rogue on me, or what?

Nope! She is a really dear friend. I brought her here and she can give out as good as she can take!


05-30-2016, 09:18 AM
Some of you guys need to learn manners! :no:
No one begins eating unless everyone is seated and all the food is on table. Reaching or grabbing will earn you a whack with a heavy utensil. And the stare of death from my mom. :eek:

Some of you need to lean that eating dinner doesn't have to be some big ordeal. Some of us just eat as we go. Especially since we have different eating habits. If I ate the garbage some of y'all eat I'd be as big as a cow.

05-30-2016, 06:37 PM
My daughter has quite a few friends over to celebrate her 15th birthday. If I can make a few more hours without having any of my neighbors complain, I will be relieved.
The food was absolutely delicious. The ribeyes were about two inches thick. They were monsters. But tender as could be.
One of my neighbors baked a large lemon cake that is being steadily devoured by rambunctious young adults. I had two pieces. :cool:


05-30-2016, 06:40 PM
I got to remember to not go to the store on Memorial Day. If I got a dollar for every "thanks for your service" I wouldn't be waiting for payday. I'm wearing the Steelers ball cap next time. I don't need to be thanked for doing my job.

05-30-2016, 07:08 PM
The ribeyes were about two inches thick. They were monsters. But tender as could be.
One of my neighbors baked a large lemon cake that is being steadily devoured by rambunctious young adults. I had two pieces. :cool:

Did you save any leftovers for us?

If not, you are a slacker!:laugh:

05-30-2016, 09:29 PM
Some of you need to lean that eating dinner doesn't have to be some big ordeal. Some of us just eat as we go. Especially since we have different eating habits. If I ate the garbage some of y'all eat I'd be as big as a cow.

Gunny, it is likely olden times here, but when I have dinner with folks, we sit and talk. It's good when the food and drinks are tasty, but being with people I like/love is about breaking bread and talking.

05-30-2016, 09:57 PM
Gunny, it is likely olden times here, but when I have dinner with folks, we sit and talk. It's good when the food and drinks are tasty, but being with people I like/love is about breaking bread and talking.

Different with me. I'm military and was raised that way. I don't talk at the table. I eat. Y'all talk with y'all's mouths full and act like dinner is a conference. I've never gotten used to it. I'm like would you STFU and eat so we can go? I don't want to sit at a damned table listening to teenage girls for a couple of hours. I just was never around that crap.

And I don't talk much anyway. The fact I am there means I care in my world. But you may as well talk Martian as teenage motormouth girl to me.

05-30-2016, 10:03 PM
Different with me. I'm military and was raised that way. I don't talk at the table. I eat. Y'all talk with y'all's mouths full and act like dinner is a conference. I've never gotten used to it. I'm like would you STFU and eat so we can go? I don't want to sit at a damned table listening to teenage girls for a couple of hours. I just was never around that crap.

And I don't talk much anyway. The fact I am there means I care in my world. But you may as well talk Martian as teenage motormouth girl to me.

LOL! Thankfully none of us stay teenagers forever. Well it probably works in your world, all of those you care about are used to it. ;)

05-30-2016, 10:15 PM
Different with me. I'm military and was raised that way. I don't talk at the table. I eat. Y'all talk with y'all's mouths full and act like dinner is a conference. I've never gotten used to it. I'm like would you STFU and eat so we can go? I don't want to sit at a damned table listening to teenage girls for a couple of hours. I just was never around that crap.

And I don't talk much anyway. The fact I am there means I care in my world. But you may as well talk Martian as teenage motormouth girl to me.

Showed this to my daughter. She wants to know why you are so miserable all the time. As for the comment "teenage motormouth girls," the reply was "it's better than sitting around listening to old people tell war stories."

When I was growing up, my mom required us to be at dinner during the school week. It was the one time when the family was together. You ate when all the food was on the table and left when everyone was finished.
My mom grew up in a very proper German family. Children never spoke unless they were spoken to. Back talk or dissent was often met with a slap to the head (that would go over REAL well these days). My maternal grandfather was the only person I have ever known who could be very intimidating and very loving and caring at the same time.

05-30-2016, 10:24 PM
Showed this to my daughter. She wants to know why you are so miserable all the time. As for the comment "teenage motormouth girls," the reply was "it's better than sitting around listening to old people tell war stories."

When I was growing up, my mom required us to be at dinner during the school week. It was the one time when the family was together. You ate when all the food was on the table and left when everyone was finished.
My mom grew up in a very proper German family. Children never spoke unless they were spoken to. Back talk or dissent was often met with a slap to the head (that would go over REAL well these days). My maternal grandfather was the only person I have ever known who could be very intimidating and very loving and caring at the same time.

That was the same at our house, no head slapping or silence though. Very Irish and very much talking. Dinners were for sitting down, weekends it was breakfast and dinner. In high school dinner rule relaxed when sports or working kept my brother or I out too late, but otherwise it was a rule. I did the same with my kids. Yep, they're doing the same with theirs. I have to laugh, both son and daughter who now have kids: "No TV, no cell phones!" That's to their spouses, the kids are too little. I wish I'd have a video of today to play back 10 years ago!

05-30-2016, 10:38 PM
My parents did not allow my sister or I to work during the school year. They wanted us to concentrate on our school work and take part in school activities. We were required to work in the summer after we turned 16. And they got our pay! (to put in the bank, of course).

My mom never hit either of us. She didn't have to. Her pointed lectures and withering "stare of death" were enough to deter us. My aunt says my mom can still scare her with that stare, which she says came from their mom.

My paternal grandfather could lecture us without raising his voice. He would sit us down, look us right in the eye and tell us how we had "disappointed" him. That always caused us to cry because we know how serious our transgressions must have been to earn that lecture.

05-30-2016, 11:33 PM
Showed this to my daughter. She wants to know why you are so miserable all the time. As for the comment "teenage motormouth girls," the reply was "it's better than sitting around listening to old people tell war stories."

When I was growing up, my mom required us to be at dinner during the school week. It was the one time when the family was together. You ate when all the food was on the table and left when everyone was finished.
My mom grew up in a very proper German family. Children never spoke unless they were spoken to. Back talk or dissent was often met with a slap to the head (that would go over REAL well these days). My maternal grandfather was the only person I have ever known who could be very intimidating and very loving and caring at the same time.

My grandfather was a CSM stationed in Germany. My father was his child. There was no talking at the table. And if you didn't mind your manners, it was over.

05-31-2016, 12:16 AM
We ended up with about 20 people at my house last night. Chili, burgers, coffee and Karaoke until 1am. Oh, and smores for dessert.

My neighbors probably wondered what happened to our nice quiet neighborhood last night. I live in a Hispanic neighborhood where my neighbors usually have the karaoke mariachi going not us. LOL, I probably violated some unwritten rule.

We were laughing so loud they probably heard us half a block away. It was a great group.

05-31-2016, 01:38 AM
Couple pics from my weekend -



05-31-2016, 01:43 AM
Showed this to my daughter. She wants to know why you are so miserable all the time. As for the comment "teenage motormouth girls," the reply was "it's better than sitting around listening to old people tell war stories."

When I was growing up, my mom required us to be at dinner during the school week. It was the one time when the family was together. You ate when all the food was on the table and left when everyone was finished.
My mom grew up in a very proper German family. Children never spoke unless they were spoken to. Back talk or dissent was often met with a slap to the head (that would go over REAL well these days). My maternal grandfather was the only person I have ever known who could be very intimidating and very loving and caring at the same time.

I'm not miserable. I'm just not from your world gabosaurus. I missed THAT comment. Different doesn't make me wrong nor miserable. It means different. My world ain't the pampered one you grew up in. My daughter would probably whack yours upside the head. She's a Marine's daughter and an Army vet. Now she teaches school. I couldn't be prouder of her.

I'm a hardass. I'll admit that. But I'm probably the most optimistic person you know. How the Hell do you think you can lead a squad/platoon into combat and not be?

I also was taught etiquette. Something you lefties couldn't figure out with a field manual. I had 20 minutes to eat if I was lucky. I ain't getting into some dumbass convo during that 20 minutes. I'm packing down chow. Ask any vet on this board. You get in and you get out and you stuff as much crap in your face as you can. I ain't got time to talk.

Why do you think I'm miserable because of YOUR inefficiency? I can eat stuff cold out of a can. I don't need 5 pots n pans and 20 dishes to make dinner for 4. I don't have to wash dishes. You do. Nothing miserable about that. It's called being smart.

You want to talk to me? Pick some of your facebook time to do it.

05-31-2016, 05:23 AM
I'm not miserable. I'm just not from your world @gabosaurus (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=111). I missed THAT comment. Different doesn't make me wrong nor miserable. It means different. My world ain't the pampered one you grew up in. My daughter would probably whack yours upside the head. She's a Marine's daughter and an Army vet. Now she teaches school. I couldn't be prouder of her.

I'm a hardass. I'll admit that. But I'm probably the most optimistic person you know. How the Hell do you think you can lead a squad/platoon into combat and not be?

I also was taught etiquette. Something you lefties couldn't figure out with a field manual. I had 20 minutes to eat if I was lucky. I ain't getting into some dumbass convo during that 20 minutes. I'm packing down chow. Ask any vet on this board. You get in and you get out and you stuff as much crap in your face as you can. I ain't got time to talk.

Why do you think I'm miserable because of YOUR inefficiency? I can eat stuff cold out of a can. I don't need 5 pots n pans and 20 dishes to make dinner for 4. I don't have to wash dishes. You do. Nothing miserable about that. It's called being smart.

You want to talk to me? Pick some of your facebook time to do it.

Gunny, I do respect you're right to eat and not talk. I respect differences. I do know lots of vets though that are happy to sit and have dinner and talk. They manage to talk, without doing so with mouthfuls of food. It was both my parents that set the rules in our home, my dad being a WWII vet.

05-31-2016, 11:09 AM
Gunny, I do respect you're right to eat and not talk. I respect differences. I do know lots of vets though that are happy to sit and have dinner and talk. They manage to talk, without doing so with mouthfuls of food. It was both my parents that set the rules in our home, my dad being a WWII vet.

You're not the first person to say anything to me about it. My answer is always the same: I'm eating. And it has as much to do with being raised by a vet who is the son of a vet as it is me being a vet. We didn't talk at the table. We ate. Boot camp was actually easy for me. Try living with my father. He was worse than any drill instructor I ever ran into. Except maybe me. :)

I'm NOT going shopping for 6 damned hours. I get a plan, get what I want and get out. Same with eating. I enjoy my meal, but food is fuel to me. I may have dessert once or twice a year. I take no pleasure in eating. I sure as Hell don't want it dragged out. And if I don't join in the convo with 2 teenagers talking in Martian about people and things I never heard of, don't blame ME. In case you haven't noticed, I generally stick to things I know about on the board. In RL I hardly talk at all to begin with. I'm very standoffish. Always have been. I just watch.

People here are weird. They worship food and can't shut the Hell up. There's a BIGTIME culture clash with me and ABQ. However, I mean no offense by my comments. Just an observation. I don't want to sit at the table and talk.

05-31-2016, 12:16 PM
I'm not miserable. I'm just not from your world gabosaurus. I missed THAT comment. Different doesn't make me wrong nor miserable. It means different. My world ain't the pampered one you grew up in. My daughter would probably whack yours upside the head. She's a Marine's daughter and an Army vet. Now she teaches school. I couldn't be prouder of her.

I'm a hardass. I'll admit that. But I'm probably the most optimistic person you know. How the Hell do you think you can lead a squad/platoon into combat and not be?

I also was taught etiquette. Something you lefties couldn't figure out with a field manual. I had 20 minutes to eat if I was lucky. I ain't getting into some dumbass convo during that 20 minutes. I'm packing down chow. Ask any vet on this board. You get in and you get out and you stuff as much crap in your face as you can. I ain't got time to talk.

Why do you think I'm miserable because of YOUR inefficiency? I can eat stuff cold out of a can. I don't need 5 pots n pans and 20 dishes to make dinner for 4. I don't have to wash dishes. You do. Nothing miserable about that. It's called being smart.

You want to talk to me? Pick some of your facebook time to do it.

I ended up the same way for the most part from working construction. Eat as much as possible as quickly as possible to make it through until the next opportunity to eat. I am only just beginning to enjoy food after 13 years away from construction. I only ate out of necessity, never enjoyment.

05-31-2016, 12:21 PM
I ended up the same way for the most part from working construction. Eat as much as possible as quickly as possible to make it through until the next opportunity to eat. I am only just beginning to enjoy food after 13 years away from construction. I only ate out of necessity, never enjoyment.

I hear ya, bro. After I retired from the Marines I was a commercial electrician. You got 30 minutes. You might get slid some extra time on payday. I usually bagged my lunch. Ten minutes to the fast food joint and ten mintes back don't leave a lot of time to eat. And I HAVE been known to be on top of an 6 footer with a sandwich hanging out of my mouth.

05-31-2016, 12:21 PM
People here are weird. They worship food and can't shut the Hell up. There's a BIGTIME culture clash with me and ABQ. However, I mean no offense by my comments. Just an observation. I don't want to sit at the table and talk.

I am totally OK with this. Everyone has the right to live in their own shoes and observe their own culture. Everyone is a product of their environment.
My parents and my husband's parents held traditional American 8-to-5 jobs. My dad was very committed to spending time with his kids. Which is why he had a job when he would be home every night and weekend. My parents still live in the same house where I was raised. Same with my in-laws. They wanted to provide a stable environment.
Dinner was when my parents caught up with the everyday activities of my sister and I (or however much we decided to tell them :rolleyes:). We were not marched in formation to the chow hall and given 20 minutes to eat. You sat there until you were dismissed.

My daughter lives in happy, positive world. Which is, ideally, where every 15-year-old girl should be. Everyone she meets is her friend until they prove otherwise.
At the same time, she respects her elders, refers to everyone as "ma'am" or "sir" and appreciates that everyone makes a different contribution to society.
Best of all, she knows that she is free to choose her own calling. If she wants to be a musician, she knows her parents will support her ambitions. She is not predestined (and thus obligated) to become a physician, lawyer, police officer or member of the military.

Some kids are given choices. Others are not. Neither path is wrong.

05-31-2016, 12:30 PM
I am totally OK with this. Everyone has the right to live in their own shoes and observe their own culture. Everyone is a product of their environment.
My parents and my husband's parents held traditional American 8-to-5 jobs. My dad was very committed to spending time with his kids. Which is why he had a job when he would be home every night and weekend. My parents still live in the same house where I was raised. Same with my in-laws. They wanted to provide a stable environment.
Dinner was when my parents caught up with the everyday activities of my sister and I (or however much we decided to tell them :rolleyes:). We were not marched in formation to the chow hall and given 20 minutes to eat. You sat there until you were dismissed.

My daughter lives in happy, positive world. Which is, ideally, where every 15-year-old girl should be. Everyone she meets is her friend until they prove otherwise.
At the same time, she respects her elders, refers to everyone as "ma'am" or "sir" and appreciates that everyone makes a different contribution to society.
Best of all, she knows that she is free to choose her own calling. If she wants to be a musician, she knows her parents will support her ambitions. She is not predestined (and thus obligated) to become a physician, lawyer, police officer or member of the military.

Some kids are given choices. Others are not. Neither path is wrong.

I wasn't predestined. I had a scholarship to the University of Miami as a journalist provided I worked nights on the Miami Herald. I chose my own path.

But, we are ALL predestined to certain things based on our upbringing. You just can't help it. When my daughter told me she was joining the Army I freaked out. I did not push her into that at all. We had good order and discipline but I never once told her what she could or could not be. I let people make their own decisions. I may point out to them the consequences, but I let them make them. I learned THAT from my grandfather not my parents.

05-31-2016, 03:56 PM
I wasn't predestined. I had a scholarship to the University of Miami as a journalist provided I worked nights on the Miami Herald. I chose my own path.

Your writing ability reflects that talent.

05-31-2016, 05:33 PM
Your writing ability reflects that talent.

I couldn't stand the lies. You can call me an a-hole, mean, hardass or whatever, but I do NOT lie, cheat nor steal. In case you haven't noticed, I'm the in your face type. And I'm telling it like it is. Me and some editors, to include my senior year teacher, the Vice Principals and the Principal didn't get along real well. They wanted us to paint this happy world picture and we wanted to tell it like it was. They weren't into that because it exposed a lot of BS on their parts.

So when the opportunity came up, I just said no. My integrity is worth more to me than a job. People can and have called me stupid for choosing the Corps over a free ride at UM, but I'm completely cool with that decision. I'm not going to be a lackey for liars.