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View Full Version : Trump acknowledges effects of Global Warming

05-28-2016, 10:41 PM
So what is it, Mr. Trump? Is global warming a "sham" and a "hoax," or is it a genuine global threat?
On the campaign trail, Trump has delighted his big-money supporters by slamming the "pseudo science" of global warming.
But in Ireland, Trump is asking the government to allow him to build a large wall to protect his multi-million golf club and resort. His permit request "explicitly cites global warming and its consequences — increased erosion due to rising sea levels and extreme weather this century — as a chief justification for building the structure."

As always, Trump tells his supporters what they want to hear. But when his money is on the line, he tells you what he REALLY thinks. :cool:



05-29-2016, 05:05 AM
That's pretty funny, now all that's needed is for the Irish to deny the building request, citing trumps own comments on the non-existence of climate change.

05-29-2016, 09:57 AM
You say whatever gets you support at the moment.

05-29-2016, 10:23 AM
No one denies there could be Global warming happening. What a lot of the people who are now being called: "deniers" by the GloBull warming cult disagrees with. Is that it's cause is MAN MADE and that we need all these men and women from the political class, like Obozo, Hillary, Bernie, etc and the UN to be in charge of OUR LIVES because of earth warming Naturally. As far as I know God didn't appoint these people to be in Charge of Mother earth or We the people.

05-29-2016, 10:52 AM
No one denies there could be Global warming happening. What a lot of the people who are now being called: "deniers" by the GloBull warming cult disagrees with. Is that it's cause is MAN MADE and that we need all these men and women from the political class, like Obozo, Hillary, Bernie, etc and the UN to be in charge of OUR LIVES because of earth warming Naturally. As far as I know God didn't appoint these people to be in Charge of Mother earth or We the people.

That made so no sense whatsoever but thanks for your contribution. :cool:

The thing I don't understand about global warming deniers is that their opposition is not based on science. It is based on economics.
"If we listen to science, we will have to stop the production of coal and gas. That would seriously cut down contributions to our political campaigns!"

Yes, if we stop mining coal, people will lose their jobs. But where were the political activists over the years when large factories were laying off thousands and shifting production overseas?
Burning coal directly leads to global warming. So does fossil fuels. We need to completely eliminate coal as a fuel source.

And what about Donald Trump? Does he get a pass for talking out both sides of his mouth about this?

05-29-2016, 12:24 PM
Climate change is a natural progression on this planet.

Science has documented this by researching eon's of patterns.

A few volcanic eruptions of large magnitude can equal or surpass
almost any emissions from 'man-made' sources.

I totally agree with scrubbers on stacks where coal is used.
That is a good thing to do. I remember Weirton WV during the 70's
when the steel mills put out so much crap that you needed headlights
on all day to drive through there.

But you cannot put hundreds of thousands of miners out of work!
Coal is also used in many other things than just soft rock fuel:


Liberals and Global Warming pundits do not care about the jobs and incomes
of the miners.

05-29-2016, 05:12 PM
Liberals and Global Warming pundits do not care about the jobs and incomes
of the miners.

Sorry, but I am looking for a balanced and objective view on global warming, I am not going to a web site run by a fossil fuel that is producing it.

Where were conservatives when factories were closing left and right to go overseas, leading the entire regions going bankrupt?

05-29-2016, 07:11 PM
So what is it, Mr. Trump? Is global warming a "sham" and a "hoax," or is it a genuine global threat?
On the campaign trail, Trump has delighted his big-money supporters by slamming the "pseudo science" of global warming.
But in Ireland, Trump is asking the government to allow him to build a large wall to protect his multi-million golf club and resort. His permit request "explicitly cites global warming and its consequences — increased erosion due to rising sea levels and extreme weather this century — as a chief justification for building the structure."

As always, Trump tells his supporters what they want to hear. But when his money is on the line, he tells you what he REALLY thinks. :cool:



Wrong again gabby. Trump is only pointing out the overabundance of HOT AIR coming from you, and other Democrats who are blindly following, and supporting the Hillary/Bernie advancement of Socialist idea's.

05-30-2016, 01:22 AM
That made so no sense whatsoever but thanks for your contribution. :cool:

The thing I don't understand about global warming deniers is that their opposition is not based on science. It is based on economics.
"If we listen to science, we will have to stop the production of coal and gas. That would seriously cut down contributions to our political campaigns!"

Yes, if we stop mining coal, people will lose their jobs. But where were the political activists over the years when large factories were laying off thousands and shifting production overseas?
Burning coal directly leads to global warming. So does fossil fuels. We need to completely eliminate coal as a fuel source.

And what about Donald Trump? Does he get a pass for talking out both sides of his mouth about this?

You understood evidently. and the thing with you warmers. Is you've given up believing in god and have now latched onto Scientist as your God. I was taught to always question Scientist and a scientific theory, because as we've seen time and again with (coffee, eggs, etc ) they have been known to be WRONG many times before. So if you people who are the real deniers, want to bow down and be enslaved by these Scientist to have such narrow views and question nothing so be it. and you want to bow to these no nothing political snakes claiming they can control the climate, then have at it. But how dare you call people names who won't bow to your views and these Scientist you so worship as a God.

05-30-2016, 09:32 AM
This so called: climate change that started out being called, Globull warming. (you see folks the earth wasn't warming enough for them so they went and changed the name to: climate change. How can anyone take these people serious seeing them go and fool the people starting with what they called it? Poll after Poll shows this "climate change" AKA globull warming is the furthest thing on the list that the American people are worried over.
Jobs, economy, losing our Freedoms by this Tyrant Obama and his tyrant goons he's put in every government agency. but Obama is determined to IGNORE the will of he people Again and hurt us all at the same time because of voodoo science. Now he even has the SEC putting out how we are all going DIE if we don't bow to nutjob warmers
this article sums things up nicely.

What about risks from anti-energy policies imposed in the name of stopping climate change?

SEC issues climate chaos “guidance”

http://canadafreepress.com/images/member_photos/photo_28.jpgBy Paul Driessen -- Bio and Archives (http://canadafreepress.com/members/1/PaulDriessen/28) May 29, 2016

http://canadafreepress.com/images/uploads/driessen053016.jpgPresident Obama continues to use “dangerous manmade climate change” to justify a massive regulatory onslaught that will “fundamentally transform” America’s energy, economic, business, industrial, social, legal and constitutional systems before he leaves office.

The more science batters (https://www.heartland.org/press-releases/2015/11/30/why-scientists-disagree-about-global-warming) alarmist claims, the more people realize that plant-fertilizing carbon dioxide (https://www.amazon.com/Miracle-Molecule-Carbon-Dioxide-Life-ebook/dp/B00Q3GWZTE?ie=UTF8&keywords=miracle%20molecule&qid=1464290481&ref_=sr_1_1&s=books&sr=1-1) makes life on Earth possible, the more China, India and other developing countries burn oil, gas and coal (http://instituteforenergyresearch.org/analysis/coal-is-still-integral-to-many-countries-and-regions-in-the-world/) and increase their CO2 emissions (http://www.cfact.org/2016/05/27/former-obama-energy-chief-slams-epa-climate-regs/) to lift billions out of poverty, malnutrition, disease and brutally short lives—the more the administration issues draconian climate edicts.

<ins class="adsbygoogle" style="width: 336px; height: 280px; display: none;" abp="109" data-ad-client="ca-pub-2577119061684342" data-ad-slot="3559556717"></ins>

Almost every department, agency and bureaucrat that didn’t eagerly volunteer has been dragooned to aid the campaign: from the EPA and Agriculture, Interior, Defense and State Departments, to the Overseas Private Investment (http://antigreen.blogspot.com/2014/08/climate-smart-policies-for-africa-are.html) Corporation.

The Securities and Exchange Commission is the latest agency to re-up.

Pressure from climate and environmental activist groups “persuaded” the SEC to release its initial “interpretive guidance” on climate change in January 2010.

It purported to help companies decide when they must disclose how their business might be affected by actual physical climate change, by direct impacts from laws, regulations or international agreements, or indirectly by effects on business trends.

In March 2016, the Commission told ExxonMobil and Chevron they had to let shareholders vote on whether the companies must explain how their profitability might be affected by climate change and laws to prevent it. Both resolutions were rejected, but proponents vowed to return as often as it takes to win.

On April 13, 2016, the SEC published a 341-page Concept Release (https://www.sec.gov/rules/concept/2016/33-10064.pdf) intended to “seek public comment” on ways to modernize, improve and enhance Regulation S-K business and financial disclosure requirements for registered companies’ annual and other reports. It asks whether new specific disclosure requirements should be added to ensure greater transparency and aid investors in determining whether companies are being socially responsible, properly handling diversity and inclusion concerns—and adequately addressing needs and risks associated with climate change, resource scarcity and sustainable development (https://www.heartland.org/policy-documents/three-faces-sustainability).

<ins class="adsbygoogle" style="width: 336px; height: 280px; display: none;" abp="125" data-ad-client="ca-pub-2577119061684342" data-ad-slot="6563395513"></ins>

Many people certainly view these as legitimate concerns. They certainly are on the minds of certain investors and interest groups—especially CERES, Environmental Defense, and the California State Teachers and Public Employees Retirement Systems, all of which seek to advance their narrow parochial interests on climate change, “appropriate” energy, and particularly taxpayer subsidies for their favorite causes and cronies. The issues are certainly being used to drive Obama Administration agendas.

However, prudent investors (as well as employees, consumers and voters) might want greater disclosure, transparency and honesty regarding the full panoply of risks associated with laws and regulations imposed in the name of stabilizing Earth’s always-unstable climate and weather…mandates, preferences and subsidies enacted to support “eco-friendly” wind, solar and biofuel “alternatives” to oil, natural gas and coal…and campaign contributions that keep supportive legislators and judges in office.

This climate crisis edifice owes its existence to assertions that fossil fuel emissions have replaced natural forces in climate change, and any future changes will be disastrous. As those claims are further debunked, or enough voters and legislators become disgusted about the $1.5 trillion (http://www.cfact.org/2015/08/22/climate-crisis-inc-has-become-a-1-5-trillion-industry/) spent every year on climate crisis programs, the risks won’t come from climate change. They will come from a vengeful public.

No wonder Al Gore, Mike Mann and their comrades refuse to debate, jealously guard their kingdom, and chortle as state AGs prosecute (http://townhall.com/columnists/pauldriessen/2016/04/16/rico-for-government-climate-deniers-n2149120) “climate deniers” for racketeering. Prudent investors might want to study these issues in greater depth and raise a few questions that Obama’s SEC prefers not to entertain.

* As scientist John Christy told Congress (http://www.cfact.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/John-Christy-testimony-to-Congress-Feb-2-2016.pdf?utm_source=CFACT+Updates&utm_campaign=f691a3bb1d-Dr_Christy_weighs_in2_2_2016&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_a28eaedb56-f691a3bb1d-&utm_source=CFACT+Updates&utm_) in February, the climate agenda is driven by data that have been massaged and manipulated, assertions and predictions that are contradicted by Real World data and observations, and “demonstrably deficient” computer models that predict global temperatures way above what have actually been measured, and cannot even reproduce past temperatures. Climatology remains an immature science that cannot even explain major historical climate events, much less predict the future.

Continued below...

all of it here

05-30-2016, 09:53 AM
So what is it, Mr. Trump? Is global warming a "sham" and a "hoax," or is it a genuine global threat?
On the campaign trail, Trump has delighted his big-money supporters by slamming the "pseudo science" of global warming.
But in Ireland, Trump is asking the government to allow him to build a large wall to protect his multi-million golf club and resort. His permit request "explicitly cites global warming and its consequences — increased erosion due to rising sea levels and extreme weather this century — as a chief justification for building the structure."

As always, Trump tells his supporters what they want to hear. But when his money is on the line, he tells you what he REALLY thinks. :cool:



As usual, you leftwingnuts will spin anything. Global warming and cool are cyclical climate changes to the Earth. You goofs want to make it out like man has caused it. THAT is the lie. Just another dreamed up bunch of BS to take the people's eyes off what you jackasses are really doing. Which is pretty much nothing useful.

05-30-2016, 11:47 AM
Climate change is a natural progression on this planet.

Science has documented this by researching eon's of patterns.

A few volcanic eruptions of large magnitude can equal or surpass
almost any emissions from 'man-made' sources.

I totally agree with scrubbers on stacks where coal is used.
That is a good thing to do. I remember Weirton WV during the 70's
when the steel mills put out so much crap that you needed headlights
on all day to drive through there.

But you cannot put hundreds of thousands of miners out of work!
Coal is also used in many other things than just soft rock fuel:


Liberals and Global Warming pundits do not care about the jobs and incomes
of the miners.

They also don't give a damn about the sky-rocketing costs of heating your home as they destroy the coal industry. The folks up north, notoriously Democrat supporters, might want to 'rethink' their political allegiance. Of course, that thinking thing might be too painful for them, so......

05-30-2016, 12:54 PM
Sorry, but I am looking for a balanced and objective view on global warming, I am not going to a web site run by a fossil fuel that is producing it.

Where were conservatives when factories were closing left and right to go overseas, leading the entire regions going bankrupt?

If you want to fuel your ignorance, so be it.

Who forced them to close, and how would either party party stop a corporation from trying to survive?

I'll tell you what forced them to close....Liberal Democrats did. Libs did not want to have these industries
gradually adapt affordably. They wanted immediate action, and got it. THAT is what weakened our economy
and put people out of work! We and post-war Germany were the strongest steel producing nations on earth.
Now we have to get cheaper, low grade products from overseas.

05-30-2016, 12:59 PM
They also don't give a damn about the sky-rocketing costs of heating your home as they destroy the coal industry. The folks up north, notoriously Democrat supporters, might want to 'rethink' their political allegiance. Of course, that thinking thing might be too painful for them, so......

For electricity and heat, we should go nuke. France is something like 85% nuke..
But Libs block that!

Disposal of nuke waste needs to be considered...But Libs block that!

Atticus Finch
05-30-2016, 02:33 PM
IF the globe is warming, it is by design, and no amount of money, windmills,electric cars or solar panels will stop it....and that's all I 've got to say about that.

05-30-2016, 02:45 PM
IF the globe is warming, it is by design, and no amount of money, windmills,electric cars or solar panels will stop it....and that's all I 've got to say about that.

Huh? You mean to say that if a bunch of us buy some goofy electric cars for a few years, this won't fix the global warming and give the poor polar bears something to live on? :dunno:

05-30-2016, 03:39 PM
Huh? You mean to say that if a bunch of us buy some goofy electric cars for a few years, this won't fix the global warming and give the poor polar bears something to live on? :dunno:

The whole argument is a scam based on fear. The left runs on it. But no one tells them "no". The right is afraid of their shadows and being accused of something. They cry "what about our grandchildren?" What about them? There were no guarantees when I came into this world.

Here's a newsflash for you: your electric car don't run without electricity and it takes oil and/or coal to produce electricity. Those transformers don't run themselves. Whoops. There goes charging your cellphone, whining on the net, your lighting. cable TV and just about every damned thing else these yuppies do in life. Now they got something new to cry about. I'd love to see some of these idiot lefties try to exist without everything they have due to fossil fuels.

Atticus Finch
05-30-2016, 06:36 PM
Huh? You mean to say that if a bunch of us buy some goofy electric cars for a few years, this won't fix the global warming and give the poor polar bears something to live on? :dunno:Sorry to bust your bubble man...:laugh:

05-30-2016, 06:41 PM
So... if Trump talking out both sides of his mouth on this or what?

05-30-2016, 07:13 PM
Sorry, but I am looking for a balanced and objective view on global warming, I am not going to a web site run by a fossil fuel that is producing it.

Where were conservatives when factories were closing left and right to go overseas, leading the entire regions going bankrupt?

The conservatives you hate so much gabby, happened to be the Minority in Both Houses of Congress when they Legislated HIGHER TAXES for companies, and corporations, plus all of the ANTI-BUSINESS degradation rules that punished American businesses, then forced them to seek Overseas, smaller tax base incentives.

But people like you NEVER WANT TO HEAR, OR LEARN THE TRUTH...much less pay attention to Honest reasons for answers to your OWN dumb questions.

05-30-2016, 07:25 PM
So... if Trump talking out both sides of his mouth on this or what?

He's admitted to taking advantage of laws/regulations as a businessman to get his way and/or to save money. That makes him a jerkoff in many regards, the type of guy that poor bums like myself love to hate. I do think it makes him a hypocritical dumbass on this one, considering just how much he rightfully so mocked the global warming cuckoonutheads. I got a sneaky suspicion that going forward he won't be jumping the bandwagon on over to join the alarmists, and that this is a business decision, even if a shitty one.

05-30-2016, 08:12 PM
Sorry to bust your bubble man...:laugh:

Being from WVa, you should feel the pinch of this notion.
I remember the Coal Strikes in the 1970's, some of which crippled
the entire state during the winter. I was in Fairmont, right in the heart
of the Northern mining region.

No coal...no railroad
No coal...shut down trucking
No coal...no income for thousands, Unions be damned
No coal...businesses had to cut back employees due to lack of customers.

I lost two good jobs due to Coal Strikes; one was as an equipment
operator on the Monogahela River N of Fairmont at a tipple site;
the other at a marvelous steak and pasta restaurant near Clarksburg -
that loss forced me to quit college and plant trees on a forestry project.

05-30-2016, 09:25 PM
So... if Trump talking out both sides of his mouth on this or what?

Maybe he changed his mind? There's a thought. BIG difference between leading a nation of people and making money. If he wants to put people back to work at the expense of some dumbass notion, power to him.

05-30-2016, 09:56 PM
Maybe he changed his mind? There's a thought. BIG difference between leading a nation of people and making money. If he wants to put people back to work at the expense of some dumbass notion, power to him.

Mature adults have the ability to change their mind. People wearing blinders cannot.

Atticus Finch
05-31-2016, 04:48 AM
Being from WVa, you should feel the pinch of this notion.
I remember the Coal Strikes in the 1970's, some of which crippled
the entire state during the winter. I was in Fairmont, right in the heart
of the Northern mining region.

No coal...no railroad
No coal...shut down trucking
No coal...no income for thousands, Unions be damned
No coal...businesses had to cut back employees due to lack of customers.

I lost two good jobs due to Coal Strikes; one was as an equipment
operator on the Monogahela River N of Fairmont at a tipple site;
the other at a marvelous steak and pasta restaurant near Clarksburg -
that loss forced me to quit college and plant trees on a forestry project.I'll have to admit I'm a bit of a nature conservationist,not a tree hugging, eco warrior or anything like that but I love the natural world,because to me it is God's gift to us and we are to be stewards of it.Having said that though,MY belief is God also put natural resources here for our use but I thinkwe have to strike a balance between stewardship and using those resources.I'm in the natural gas business and it has booned because of the crack down on coal,but don't worry we're next.Coal mining has been a way of life in the southern part of the states for over a century.It is a tough,dangerous job and those willing to do it deserve every thing they get,however I detest strip mining and forrest clear cutting to me it is too extreme.

05-31-2016, 08:14 AM
So... if Trump talking out both sides of his mouth on this or what?

I love how they hijack your thread into climate change denial. They can't help themselves. Mention climate change anywhere and they freak out and forget what the original topic was actually about.

05-31-2016, 08:19 AM
Coal mining has been a way of life in the southern part of the states for over a century.It is a tough,dangerous job and those willing to do it deserve every thing they get

Or..... we could try to advance beyond dirty dangerous coal, but ya know, why would we want to develop a cleaner and safer fuel? Maybe we should bring back the horse and buggy. The car industry was so shit to those guys. It was their way of life for centuries.

Atticus Finch
05-31-2016, 08:29 AM
Or..... we could try to advance beyond dirty dangerous coal, but ya know, why would we want to develop a cleaner and safer fuel? Maybe we should bring back the horse and buggy. The car industry was so shit to those guys. It was their way of life for centuries.
Well natural gas is the bridge fuel...it is plentiful and cheap and has 0 environmental impact.But you f'ing progs ain't happy there either.You think the engine of society will run on rainbows and unicorn farts.....phuckin' libtards.

05-31-2016, 08:45 AM
Well natural gas is the bridge fuel...it is plentiful and cheap and has 0 environmental impact.But you f'ing progs ain't happy there either.You think the engine of society will run on rainbows and unicorn farts.....phuckin' libtards.

Sign up to have a fracking water tower in your backyard. Then you can tell me you ok with it.

Libtards? These are two lawsuits from republicans and an exxon mobile ceo against fracking near their home
http://www.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304899704579391181466603804?mg=ren o64-wsj&url=http%3A%2F%2Fonline.wsj.com%2Farticle%2FSB1000 1424052702304899704579391181466603804.html

Atticus Finch
05-31-2016, 09:41 AM
Sign up to have a fracking water tower in your backyard. Then you can tell me you ok with it.

Libtards? These are two lawsuits from republicans and an exxon mobile ceo against fracking near their home
http://www.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304899704579391181466603804?mg=ren o64-wsj&url=http%3A%2F%2Fonline.wsj.com%2Farticle%2FSB1000 1424052702304899704579391181466603804.htmlIf you are gonna make an omelet you've got to break a few eggs.....Oh,BTW we never hear about the bird kill including bald eagles because of the friendly windmills ,do we?....or the acres of wildlife habitat that solar farms take up....lawsuits are just a lawyers dream....always worried about someone else's profits,that's a true liberal trait....that's why liberal projects are always funded by the government because they cannot stand on their own...they always fail despite the hand outs anyway.

I imagine every effort to advance this country economicallyhas had it's share of lawsuits..railroads,airports...it's what the lazy and unispired do,they have nothing else to offer.

05-31-2016, 11:39 AM
I love how they hijack your thread into climate change denial. They can't help themselves. Mention climate change anywhere and they freak out and forget what the original topic was actually about.

Where's there a hijack? No one's denying there could be global warming. I want to know where mine the f*ck is. The topic is global warming. You don't want to be argued with, don't put the topic out there.

And y'all flip-flop on global warming and man-made global warming the same way you do abortion and partial-birth abortion. You try to make one argument out to be the other at the convenience of your argument. You look like landed fish on a boat deck to me with your lame arguments and flopping all over the place.

Man-made global warming is a farce. Just another ruse by the left to place blame on man and take our eyes off the BS y'all are always pulling behind our backs and make more pointless, stupid laws. Try getting our budget squared away and our borders preserved, Chicken Little. You know .. that stuff you're supposed to be working on?

05-31-2016, 11:50 AM
Where's there a hijack? No one's denying there could be global warming. I want to know where mine the f*ck is. The topic is global warming.

The topic is Trump's flip flop, not the legitimacy of climate change.

05-31-2016, 12:03 PM
The topic is Trump's flip flop, not the legitimacy of climate change.

What flip-flop? He changed his mind? I reserve the right to change mind for as long as I can hold out against the leftwingnut thought police. The legitimacy of man-made global warming is CLEARLY at state here. I usually skip over the leftwingnut accusation of flip=flopping and go straight to the REAL topic.

If you want to discuss fli=flopping, where shall I begin on Hillary, Obama, Holder and Snowden? All of them have wiped their butts with the Constitution. You want to be the pot or the kettle?

And just in case you don't read, I'm not a fan of Trump's by any means. I consider him as unqualified as Obama. But THIS is a non-issue. It's called throwing sh*t against the wall to see if it sticks. At least he's not a flat-out criminal being given a pass because of money and politics.

05-31-2016, 12:07 PM
I'll have to admit I'm a bit of a nature conservationist,not a tree hugging, eco warrior or anything like that but I love the natural world,because to me it is God's gift to us and we are to be stewards of it.Having said that though,MY belief is God also put natural resources here for our use but I thinkwe have to strike a balance between stewardship and using those resources.I'm in the natural gas business and it has booned because of the crack down on coal,but don't worry we're next.Coal mining has been a way of life in the southern part of the states for over a century.It is a tough,dangerous job and those willing to do it deserve every thing they get,however I detest strip mining and forrest clear cutting to me it is too extreme.

I cannot disagree, Att! If it were not for Robert Byrd and Cecil Underwood
holding the out-of-state mining barons responsible for reclamation of the
land in the late 60's / early 70's, the state may still have been a mess.

Few people know that most all that industry was owned by out of state corporations,
Byrd and Underwood stopped that.

05-31-2016, 12:10 PM
I love how they hijack your thread into climate change denial. They can't help themselves. Mention climate change anywhere and they freak out and forget what the original topic was actually about.

What hijack, dipshit?

It is a discussion, something you very poorly engage in.

05-31-2016, 12:14 PM
The topic is Trump's flip flop, not the legitimacy of climate change.

A mature adult can change their mind given new information or stimulus.
That is something Liberals do not possess....Maturity!

You can take your 60's Peace Symbol necklaces, lava lamps, and hash pipes
and blow them up where you head is - deep inside your ass.

05-31-2016, 12:57 PM
What flip-flop? He changed his mind? I reserve the right to change mind for as long as I can hold out against the leftwingnut thought police. The legitimacy of man-made global warming is CLEARLY at state here. I usually skip over the leftwingnut accusation of flip=flopping and go straight to the REAL topic.

If you want to discuss fli=flopping, where shall I begin on Hillary, Obama, Holder and Snowden? All of them have wiped their butts with the Constitution. You want to be the pot or the kettle?

And just in case you don't read, I'm not a fan of Trump's by any means. I consider him as unqualified as Obama. But THIS is a non-issue. It's called throwing sh*t against the wall to see if it sticks. At least he's not a flat-out criminal being given a pass because of money and politics.

I don't care what you want to call it. Legitimacy of global warming is not what the thread topic is about. Read gabbys first post. The issue is about why Trump changes is mind. Is it malicious or enlightened.

05-31-2016, 12:58 PM
What hijack, dipshit?

It is a discussion, something you very poorly engage in.

The thread is about trump changing his stance, not on the legitimacy of global warming.

05-31-2016, 12:59 PM
A mature adult can change their mind given new information or stimulus.
That is something Liberals do not possess....Maturity!

You can take your 60's Peace Symbol necklaces, lava lamps, and hash pipes
and blow them up where you head is - deep inside your ass.

Exactly how is this a response to what I said? When did I say trump can't change his mind? Clearly you have trouble comprehending what the topic of discussion and a post is. Your level is discourse is low and your level of insult is high. How about you flip flop that around.

05-31-2016, 01:01 PM
The thread is about trump changing his stance, not on the legitimacy of global warming.

Quote myself, two posts above:

"A mature adult can change their mind given new information or stimulus.
That is something Liberals do not possess....Maturity!

You can take your 60's Peace Symbol necklaces, lava lamps, and hash pipes
and blow them up where you head is - deep inside your ass."

05-31-2016, 01:02 PM
Exactly how is this a response to what I said? When did I say trump can't change his mind? Clearly you have trouble comprehending what the topic of discussion and a post is. Your level is discourse is low and your level of insult is high. How about you flip flop that around.

You are hopeless, and many here recognize it.:laugh:

05-31-2016, 01:04 PM
Quote myself, two posts above:

"A mature adult can change their mind given new information or stimulus.
That is something Liberals do not possess....Maturity!

Great... is this a response to me? Because I am not and haven't opposed it. I'm fairly confused why you are hostile to me.

05-31-2016, 01:05 PM
You are hopeless, and many here recognize it.:laugh:

Clearly you have some brain damage. I am sad for that.

05-31-2016, 03:26 PM
Clearly you have some brain damage. I am sad for that.

You are a dipshit hardly worth dealing with. You do NOT listen to others and ignore
common conversation. All you do is disrupt and be contrary.

No wonder your Friend's List is scant. Few even respect you. Some of my friends here
are Liberals also, but at least we can hook and jab at each other and smile at the end.

You do not have that capacity. I do not use the cowardly function/option of an 'Ignore'
button. You open your pie hole, you had better be ready for feedback.

Atticus Finch
05-31-2016, 03:56 PM
is Trump flip flopping..most assuredly.But let's put this all in context.Politicians are politicians.Hillary Clinton has flipped on so many issues she ought to try out for the US gymnastics team.

05-31-2016, 03:59 PM
You are a dipshit hardly worth dealing with. You do NOT listen to others and ignore
common conversation. All you do is disrupt and be contrary.

No wonder your Friend's List is scant. Few even respect you. Some of my friends here
are Liberals also, but at least we can hook and jab at each other and smile at the end.

You do not have that capacity. I do not use the cowardly function/option of an 'Ignore'
button. You open your pie hole, you had better be ready for feedback.

I come to to learn and debate polar opposite views from mine. You guys just hole up here and circle jerk each other. Now who's the coward?

Atticus Finch
05-31-2016, 04:03 PM
I come to to learn and debate polar opposite views from mine. You guys just hole up here and circle jerk each other. Now who's the coward?Ah,c'mon pete311 we'll let you get a stroke in every now and then...:rolleyes:

05-31-2016, 04:14 PM
is Trump flip flopping..most assuredly.But let's put this all in context.Politicians are politicians.Hillary Clinton has flipped on so many issues she ought to try out for the US gymnastics team.

But he's a straight-talking son-of-a-gun. :confused:

Black Diamond
05-31-2016, 04:24 PM
But he's a straight-talking son-of-a-gun. :confused:

He's trying to get elected.

05-31-2016, 04:28 PM
I don't care what you want to call it. Legitimacy of global warming is not what the thread topic is about. Read gabbys first post. The issue is about why Trump changes is mind. Is it malicious or enlightened.

The thread is about trump changing his stance, not on the legitimacy of global warming.

And I don't care what YOU want to call it. I don't see symptoms. I look past them to what caused them -- the disease. The disease in this case is faux man-made global warming. The other disease is the left will accuse anyone on the right for flip-flopping just for changing their positions. Y'all started using that term with Bush II and haven't shut up yet. But you won't prosecute criminals for obvious violations of the law. Clean your own house before trying to clean mine.

I change my mind on topics all the time based on new data. The flip flops are on my feet. Leftwingnuts are all hypocrites so you got some nerve even using the word.

And what elessar says is correct in that you don't know how to have an argument. You get offended if someone disagrees with you from the word go. Gabby and I jab the Hell out of each other, but we're cool with each other too. He and Gabby get along as well. I can't stand Trump, but I get along with his supporters. I state my position and move along. I doubt anyone's been much harder than me on Trump. You want to turn everything into a pissing contest.

As far as thread progression goes? That's a lame-ass excuse to deflect and quite selective on your part. I could start a thread on nuclear fision and it would end up talking about Bozo the Clown. Does it really matter?

Lighten up.

05-31-2016, 04:42 PM
He's trying to get elected.

But, but he's beholden to no one, he doesn't mince words, he tells it like it is... Right is left... Up is down...