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View Full Version : Living in the Age of Outrage!!

06-03-2016, 01:23 AM

Just a few generations ago, when my grandfather was in his early 20s, he was riding in a deployment boat into Europe, Saving Private Ryan style, where he would watch most of the men he had become close to the previous year be killed within a span of a couple minutes. About 10 years before that, my great uncle, barely even 20, volunteered to work and support two of his younger siblings because his parents were struggling to raise six children in the middle of the Great Depression.

D-day. Harden the fuck up.


Today’s struggles are no different, of course. Today, 20-year-olds struggle to find “safe spaces” on campus, where they don’t have to listen to someone with an opposing viewpoint, or because somebody micro-trauma’d them by raising their hand and disagreed with them in class. Or protesting professors who dare to suggest that, you know, Halloween costumes aren’t actually offensive.

Outrage is everywhere today, on the political left and right, with old people and young people, people of all races and economic backgrounds. We may live in the first period of human history where every demographic feels that they are somehow being violated and victimized. From the wealthy billionaires who have somehow convinced themselves that their 15% tax burden is simply oppressive. To the college kids who hijack stages and scream threats at people because their political views differ from their own.

Most people believe that people are becoming more polarized. According to the data, this is actually not true. People’s political beliefs are not that different than they were a few decades ago. What is changing, the data indicates, is how we deal with the viewpoints that make us uncomfortable.1

It isn’t that our beliefs have changed, it’s that the way we feel about people we disagree with has changed.

In short, people have become less tolerant of opposing opinions. And their reactions to those opinions has become more emotional and outrageous.

More at link

This guy does a great job of breaking down the stupidity of mankind.

06-03-2016, 01:47 AM

This guy does a great job of breaking down the stupidity of mankind.

Got to spread it around. Excellent post.

06-03-2016, 03:55 AM
The sentiment of 'your life isn't as bad as it was x generations ago so stop complaining' is a poor one, and is one that could just as easily be applied to the D-day generation and so on.

06-03-2016, 04:08 AM
The sentiment of 'your life isn't as bad as it was x generations ago so stop complaining' is a poor one, and is one that could just as easily be applied to the D-day generation and so on.

The sentiment doesn't apply to 'bad life' it's meant to remind people to man-the-fuck-up (or woman) and deal with shit instead of demanding freedom from even the implication of stress.

06-03-2016, 04:27 AM
The sentiment doesn't apply to 'bad life' it's meant to remind people to man-the-fuck-up (or woman) and deal with shit instead of demanding freedom from even the implication of stress.

So as an example, do you think people should be free from the stress of abuse because of their race? Or is it 'not manly' to complain about racism?

06-03-2016, 04:33 AM
The sentiment of 'your life isn't as bad as it was x generations ago so stop complaining' is a poor one, and is one that could just as easily be applied to the D-day generation and so on.

That is one dumbass response. I completely agree with his post. I'm tougher than any wuss like you, and my grandfathers made me look like a lightweight. YOU are the one that's always whining. At least we know how to gear up and man the line. What would you do? Beg for mercy? Nothing you ever talk about is important when it comes time to man the fuck up. Afraid you'll trip on your skirt tail or what?

You want to go down this road you just bring it bubba. My grandfathers had to feed entire familes during the depression. My paternal grandfather was at D-Day. My great uncles flew fighters in the Pacific. You want to drop this rock little man, let's go. You couldn't even dream of being as tough as one of them.

06-03-2016, 05:00 AM
So as an example, do you think people should be free from the stress of abuse because of their race? Or is it 'not manly' to complain about racism?

Uh. What?

Here's the bottom-line.

Whining about racism is dumb. Whining period is dumb. Racism has never hurt anyone in a measurable way. No words ever measurably hurt anyone with a modicum of self esteem.

The message of that piece is simple: Stop being a bitch about things.

06-03-2016, 05:52 AM
Racism has never hurt anyone in a measurable way.


06-03-2016, 06:23 AM

People acting out has. But racism is a belief - not an action. All the racism in the world within somebody won't hurt anyone else until the racist decides to act.

You and your legislative morality and thought police are fascists in a way.

Abbey Marie
06-03-2016, 07:06 AM
Noir, have you studied D-day at all? If you have, there is no way you could equate the need to not be offended with that sacrifice. But I suspect you know that.

06-03-2016, 09:36 AM
People acting out has. But racism is a belief - not an action. All the racism in the world within somebody won't hurt anyone else until the racist decides to act.

You and your legislative morality and thought police are fascists in a way.

That's a poor distinction. People acting on racist beliefs have harmed many.

Atticus Finch
06-03-2016, 09:55 AM
I think it's a symptom of excess in our society.We are so far removed from any kind of true desperate times such as famine, monetary depression,war in our own hemisphere etc. we have to manufacture faux crisis,such as global warming, the plight of the poor sexually depraved/confused,the continuing racial prejudice, or even the starving children in the US,which I personally call BS on.All these false alarms are manufactured on the left and propagated by the leftist media.

It may sound cruel to say but what the USA may need right now is a good ol' fashion legitimate national tragedy to shock us back to reality.You would have thought 911 was a wake up call,and it did have a uniting effect for a while but it didn't take long for us to get back to politics as usual.

06-03-2016, 10:08 AM
So as an example, do you think people should be free from the stress of abuse because of their race? Or is it 'not manly' to complain about racism?

Do you think people need quiet zones and such, at colleges and other places, to protect them from the harsh realities of a thing called "life"? THOSE shitheads need to man up, or reality while deal them a serious blow when they're done whining at school.

06-03-2016, 11:43 AM
That's a poor distinction. People acting on racist beliefs have harmed many.

And yet how many tens of millions? Have never harmed anyone despite being racists. Ideas dont hurt. Verbs hurt.

Black Diamond
06-03-2016, 11:48 AM
Do you think people need quiet zones and such, at colleges and other places, to protect them from the harsh realities of a thing called "life"? THOSE shitheads need to man up, or reality while deal them a serious blow when they're done whining at school.
Not necessarily. They can just move back in with mom and dad.

06-03-2016, 12:33 PM
And yet how many tens of millions? Have never harmed anyone despite being racists. Ideas dont hurt. Verbs hurt.

As I said, "people acting on..." But how many racists acting on their beliefs have been emboldened by racists not acting on their beliefs but providing cover/encouragement for those engaged in actions. Quite a few I'm sure.

There are plenty of racists out there and they are free to be so but they shouldn't have the opportunity to create laws that codify their beliefs.

06-03-2016, 12:43 PM
The sentiment of 'your life isn't as bad as it was x generations ago so stop complaining' is a poor one, and is one that could just as easily be applied to the D-day generation and so on.

Do you whine daily? Just who protects your skinny ass when you challenge people in public,
or is all this bravery only behind a keyboard and monitor?

06-03-2016, 12:45 PM
Not necessarily. They can just move back in with mom and dad.

Seems as more and more DON'T man up, more and more get coddled, then more and more have expectations of being coddled.

06-03-2016, 12:50 PM
So as an example, do you think people should be free from the stress of abuse because of their race? Or is it 'not manly' to complain about racism?

People stress themselves over their race if they are weak-minded and ignorant. If you cannot just look
and ignore something and walk away without whining on a keyboard, you are weaker than hell.

And again...trying to plant thoughts in others?

06-03-2016, 12:56 PM
Do you think people need quiet zones and such, at colleges and other places, to protect them from the harsh realities of a thing called "life"? THOSE shitheads need to man up, or reality while deal them a serious blow when they're done whining at school.

That is one of the stupidest concepts I have ever seen. Isolate oneself because you feel unsafe around
diverse people on campus? Might as well hide under a rock the rest of your life.

Unless there is a genuine threat demonstrated, put on your big boy / girls pants and get
on with growing up.

06-03-2016, 01:25 PM
Just to pile on ... I can't stand wimps. There is a big distinction between discrimination and racism. Every decision we make is discriminatory. Having preferences is not racist.

And I have to agree wholeheartedly with DMP -- there a peoples I don't like. I don't go around them and I don't go hunting them down. If anyone acts out their racism, it's these minority, special interest groups and Democrats that are always crying about something. Get a job.

People who have to take care of business don't have a lot of time for whining.

06-03-2016, 01:50 PM
Just to pile on ... I can't stand wimps. There is a big distinction between discrimination and racism. Every decision we make is discriminatory. Having preferences is not racist.

And I have to agree wholeheartedly with DMP -- there a peoples I don't like. I don't go around them and I don't go hunting them down. If anyone acts out their racism, it's these minority, special interest groups and Democrats that are always crying about something. Get a job.

People who have to take care of business don't have a lot of time for whining.

Great points, Gunny.

Learning anything yet Noir?