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06-05-2016, 07:38 AM
While her email issues are being discussed, it's just that - a discussion at this point. I'm not satisfied until her and her actions are indicted. She thinks she is above and better than everyone else, and she needs to finally have her fat hands slapped.


Late last week, the inspector general of the State Department completed a yearlong investigation into the use by Hillary Clinton of a private email server for all of her official government email as secretary of state. The investigation was launched when information technology officials at the State Department under Secretary of State John Kerry learned that Clinton paid an aide to migrate her public and secret State Department email streams away from their secured government venues and onto her own, non-secure server, which was stored in her home.

The migration of the secret email stream most likely constituted the crime of espionage -- the failure to secure and preserve the secrecy of confidential, secret or top-secret materials.

The inspector general interviewed Clinton’s three immediate predecessors -- Madeleine Albright, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice -- and their former aides about their email practices. He learned that none of them used emails as extensively as Clinton, none used a private server and, though Powell and Rice occasionally replied to government emails using private accounts, none used a private account when dealing with state secrets.

Clinton and her former aides declined to cooperate with the inspector general, notwithstanding her oft-stated claim that she “can’t wait” to meet with officials and clear the air about her emails.

The inspector general’s report is damning to Clinton. It refutes every defense she has offered to the allegation that she mishandled state secrets. It revealed an email that hadn't been publicly made known showing Clinton’s state of mind. And it paints a picture of a self-isolated secretary of state stubbornly refusing to comply with federal law for venal reasons; she simply did not want to be held accountable for her official behavior.

The report also makes clear that had she sought permission to use her own server as the instrument through which all of her email traffic passed, such a request would have been flatly denied.

In addition, the report rejects her argument -- already debunked by the director of the FBI -- that the FBI is merely conducting a security review of the State Department’s email storage and usage policies rather than a criminal investigation of her. The FBI does not conduct security reviews. The inspector general does. This report is the result of that review, and Clinton flunked it, as it reveals that she refused to comply with the same State Department storage and transparency regulations she was enforcing against others.

Here is what is new publicly: When her private server was down and her BlackBerry immobilized for days at a time, she refused to use a government-issued BlackBerry because of her fear of the Freedom of Information Act. She preferred to go dark, or back to the 19th-century technology of having documents read aloud to her.

This report continues the cascade of legal misery that has befallen her in the past eight months. The State Department she once headed has rejected all of her arguments. Two federal judges have ordered her aides to testify about a conspiracy in her office to evade federal laws. She now awaits an interrogation by impatient FBI agents, which will take place soon after the New Jersey and California primaries next week. Her legal status can only be described as grave or worse than grave.

We know that Clinton’s own camp finally recognizes just how dangerous this email controversy has become for her. Over the Memorial Day weekend, John Podesta, the chairman of Clinton’s campaign, sent an email to her most important donors. In it, he recognizes the need to arm the donors with talking points to address Clinton’s rapidly deteriorating support with Democratic primary voters.


06-05-2016, 09:11 AM
While her email issues are being discussed, it's just that - a discussion at this point. I'm not satisfied until her and her actions are indicted. She thinks she is above and better than everyone else, and she needs to finally have her fat hands slapped.


Late last week, the inspector general of the State Department completed a yearlong investigation into the use by Hillary Clinton of a private email server for all of her official government email as secretary of state. The investigation was launched when information technology officials at the State Department under Secretary of State John Kerry learned that Clinton paid an aide to migrate her public and secret State Department email streams away from their secured government venues and onto her own, non-secure server, which was stored in her home.

The migration of the secret email stream most likely constituted the crime of espionage -- the failure to secure and preserve the secrecy of confidential, secret or top-secret materials.

The inspector general interviewed Clinton’s three immediate predecessors -- Madeleine Albright, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice -- and their former aides about their email practices. He learned that none of them used emails as extensively as Clinton, none used a private server and, though Powell and Rice occasionally replied to government emails using private accounts, none used a private account when dealing with state secrets.

Clinton and her former aides declined to cooperate with the inspector general, notwithstanding her oft-stated claim that she “can’t wait” to meet with officials and clear the air about her emails.

The inspector general’s report is damning to Clinton. It refutes every defense she has offered to the allegation that she mishandled state secrets. It revealed an email that hadn't been publicly made known showing Clinton’s state of mind. And it paints a picture of a self-isolated secretary of state stubbornly refusing to comply with federal law for venal reasons; she simply did not want to be held accountable for her official behavior.

The report also makes clear that had she sought permission to use her own server as the instrument through which all of her email traffic passed, such a request would have been flatly denied.

In addition, the report rejects her argument -- already debunked by the director of the FBI -- that the FBI is merely conducting a security review of the State Department’s email storage and usage policies rather than a criminal investigation of her. The FBI does not conduct security reviews. The inspector general does. This report is the result of that review, and Clinton flunked it, as it reveals that she refused to comply with the same State Department storage and transparency regulations she was enforcing against others.

Here is what is new publicly: When her private server was down and her BlackBerry immobilized for days at a time, she refused to use a government-issued BlackBerry because of her fear of the Freedom of Information Act. She preferred to go dark, or back to the 19th-century technology of having documents read aloud to her.

This report continues the cascade of legal misery that has befallen her in the past eight months. The State Department she once headed has rejected all of her arguments. Two federal judges have ordered her aides to testify about a conspiracy in her office to evade federal laws. She now awaits an interrogation by impatient FBI agents, which will take place soon after the New Jersey and California primaries next week. Her legal status can only be described as grave or worse than grave.

We know that Clinton’s own camp finally recognizes just how dangerous this email controversy has become for her. Over the Memorial Day weekend, John Podesta, the chairman of Clinton’s campaign, sent an email to her most important donors. In it, he recognizes the need to arm the donors with talking points to address Clinton’s rapidly deteriorating support with Democratic primary voters.


To quote the Honorable Ms. Clinton herself: "What difference does it make?" ...

Truthfully, I think she just might be a prime candidate for a very long jail term....

06-05-2016, 08:44 PM

They have broken so many laws, and Obama has violated his Oath, not to mention Ignoring the Constitution....they simply can't forget...Republican members of CONGRESS are COWARDS.

SO....nothing is going to happen until AFTER the election. When it will be too late.

Anyone remember Nixon's 18 minutes of ERASED tape?

06-06-2016, 10:27 AM
Bill, White House staff lived in fear of Hillary: Ex-Secret Service officer

Hillary Clinton has a “Jekyll and Hyde” personality that left White House staffers scared stiff of her explosive — and even physical — outbursts, an ex-Secret Service officer claims in a scathing new tell-all.

Gary Byrne, who was posted outside the Oval Office when Bill Clinton was president, portrays Hillary as too “erratic, uncontrollable and occasionally violent” to become leader of the free world, according to advance promotional materials exclusively obtained by Page Six.

The allegations from Byrne, a 29-year veteran of the military and federal law enforcement, threaten to derail her campaign days before she is expected to clinch the Democratic presidential nomination.

He describes Hillary Clinton as acting friendly one moment, then raging the next.

“What I saw in the 1990s sickened me,” he writes in the intro of the book, “Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses his Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate.”

The book claims she repeatedly screamed obscenities at her husband, Secret Service personnel and White House staffers — all of whom lived in terror of her next tirade.

Secret Service agents had discussions about the possibility that they would have to protect Bill from his wife’s physical attacks, Byrne writes, and the couple had one “violent encounter” the morning of a key presidential address to the nation.

Meanwhile, a paranoid Hillary Clinton tried to have the Secret Service banned from the White House and once tried to ditch her security detail, Byrne says.

“Hillary Clinton is now poised to become the Democratic nominee for president of the United States, but she simply lacks the integrity and temperament to serve in the office,” he writes.

“From the bottom of my soul I know this to be true. And with Hillary’s latest rise, I realize that her own leadership style — volcanic, impulsive, enabled by sycophants, and disdainful of the rules set for everyone else — hasn’t changed a bit.”


06-06-2016, 10:29 AM
Secret Service agent to release tell-all book about the Clinton White House and the culture that 'sickened' him

-Gary Byrne says he was posted outside Bill Clinton's Oval Office in 1990s
-Was one of the agents who testified to a grand jury about Monica Lewisnky
-Complained about her behavior and 'out of hours' access to the West Wing
-Releasing book so voters understand the 'real' Clinton before the election
-Reports say his expose is causing deep concern in the White House
-The release of the book comes a month before the Democratic convention
-Secret Service agents have openly discussed protecting Hillary in the past
-Investigative journalist Ron Kessler said agents detested Hillary

A Secret Service agent who protected Hillary Clinton is set to publish a tell-all book.

Gary Byrne says he was posted outside Bill Clinton's Oval Office in the 1990s and that what he saw 'sickened him'.

His expose is causing deep concern in the White House, according to Drudge Report, and its release comes as Hillary comes within touching distance of securing the Democratic nomination.

The book titled Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate is set to hit shelves on June 28.

The Democratic convention, where Hillary could be confirmed as the nominee, will take place a month later.

According to Drudge, specific details of the book are being kept under a tight embargo.

A description of the book reads: 'Posted directly outside President Clinton's Oval Office, Former Secret Service uniformed officer Gary Byrne reveals what he observed of Hillary Clinton's character and the culture inside the White House while protecting the First Family

'Now that a second Clinton administration threatens - their scheme from the very beginning -- Byrne exposes what he saw of the real Hillary Clinton.

'While serving as a Secret Service Officer, Gary Byrne protected President Bill Clinton and the First Family in the White House and outside the Oval Office.

'There, he saw the political and personal machinations of Bill and Hillary Clinton and those who were fiercely loyal to them.


06-06-2016, 10:37 AM
I'm starting to think they're dragging this out by design. Let her get nominated then bust her. Opens the door for Uncle Joe. I see him as a bigger threat than her.

06-06-2016, 10:58 AM
I'm starting to think they're dragging this out by design. Let her get nominated then bust her. Opens the door for Uncle Joe. I see him as a bigger threat than her.

That would be perfect, to drop successive hammers on her not long before the general. While I think Joe would do well, no way he can win if he's only given a very short time to campaign. That goes for others joining in last second too.

I honestly don't see him having too much of a chance anyway. While a "nice" guy, he sure is an idiot at times. His campaign slogan can be a guy eating his shoes.

06-06-2016, 04:39 PM
That would be perfect, to drop successive hammers on her not long before the general. While I think Joe would do well, no way he can win if he's only given a very short time to campaign. That goes for others joining in last second too.

I honestly don't see him having too much of a chance anyway. While a "nice" guy, he sure is an idiot at times. His campaign slogan can be a guy eating his shoes.

I disagree. He's a WAY bigger threat than Ms Baggage Train and all the lefties feel sorry for him over the loss of his son. Don't let sentiment fool you. It's a powerful tool.

06-06-2016, 06:41 PM
giving her a security clearance is like handing over the nuke codes to Putin

06-06-2016, 06:52 PM
I'm starting to think they're dragging this out by design. Let her get nominated then bust her. Opens the door for Uncle Joe. I see him as a bigger threat than her.

Biden is an idiot, plain and simple.

I salute his military son, but loathe Joe's liberal madness.


06-06-2016, 06:59 PM
Biden is an idiot, plain and simple.

I salute his military son, but loathe Joe's liberal madness.


Not saying I like him. Just saying he's a more dangerous candidate than Hitlery. Doesn't have all the legal baggage she does. If I was Obama and planning to screw her over, I'd go for an open convention, or indict her after she's nominated which leads to an open convention. That's the only way Biden can get in.

06-06-2016, 07:04 PM
Not saying I like him. Just saying he's a more dangerous candidate than Hitlery. Doesn't have all the legal baggage she does. If I was Obama and planning to screw her over, I'd go for an open convention, or indict her after she's nominated which leads to an open convention. That's the only way Biden can get in.

I just found this. Looking for answers. How late can Biden enter the race?


06-07-2016, 12:48 AM
I just found this. Looking for answers. How late can Biden enter the race?


If she becomes the nominee and is later indicted a forced to back out, it goes to an open convention. Uncle Joe can step right in. If it happens now, Sanders becomes the nominee by default. I'm not much of a conspiracy buff, just looking steps ahead. The Clintons and Obama's ain't buddies. If Joe gives Obama the green light, that is exactly how I would do it.

Clinton is getting all she can handle from a nobody that talks funny and is a commie just because she isn't supported. Her stances are antiquated. And I mean all the way back to wearing Maude's pants suits and ERA. Unless you're our age, these people don't remember that crap and don't care. And make no mistake, I wouldn't vote for him if I was Morpheus and Agent Smith was holding my arm.

I'm just saying I wouldn't be surprised.