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View Full Version : Just want to make a few Trump Points clear...

06-05-2016, 02:20 PM
I've noticed a few Trump Supporters again dismissing or making excuses for Trump.
things LIKE
He's not really this or that type of bad guy...
He has to say this or that because he's running for office...
etc etc .

Those defenses of Trump are weird to me on a lot of levels especially the "he HAS TO SAY" type defenses. Especially when supporters also claim that he DOESN'T "Pander".
And also say that one the reasons they really like him is because he's NOT PC.

there's something else going on. because very little of what Trump supporters claim about Trump's positives are true or compelling.
And the negatives... if honestly admitted too... should repel most conservatives.

here are few of the thing Trump supporters ignore and/or make excuses for.

TRUMP'S Draft Dodging


Trump speaking of Prep School
"I always felt like I was in the military. (I got) more training militarily than a lot of the guys that go into the military."

Trump's Idiotic Insensitive Military Commentary
....Donald Trump unwittingly lit the fuses of combat veterans from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq when he decided to talk IEDs during a pre-caucus rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on Monday.The controversial quote came while Trump discussed the situation for troops on the ground in the Middle East, as told to him by a friend's son. According to the young combat vet, Trump said, "the enemy has the good stuff" because when American troops attempt to give equipment to parties perceived as being U.S. allies on the ground, they instead rob U.S. forces. Trump, looking to emphasize the severity of the equipment loss, decided to praise Humvees as part of said "good stuff."
"If a bomb goes off, our wounded warriors, instead of losing their legs, their arms, worse, they're okay," Trump told the crowd. "They go for a little ride upward, and they come down. The best stuff, all gone. Taken by the enemy."...

Trump's racial Discriminator History
Trumps supporters early in the camping have beaten up, knocked down, dragged out, ripped up peoples signs and spat in the faces those they didn't like. whether they are loud protesters or sitting quietly. And Trump encouraged it to the point of saying he'd pay for legal fees and said those beaten at his rallies "deserved it". Kicking hispanic Reporters out of his press meetings and assuming they are citizens. General stereotyping of minorities and stupid race based commentary.

•Trump systematically kicking Blacks, women and other minorities out his biz because their presence somehow offends some customer and allowing that "good" customer to treat blacks badly. Shuffling blacks, women and other minority staff into to back rooms when Trumps "friends" were on the Casino or hotel floor?
..At the time, New Jersey state regulators had launched an investigation into allegations by nine employees of one of Trump’s Atlantic City casinos, the Trump Plaza, that the hotel had repeatedly removed African-Americans and women from craps tables after LiButti, one of the highest-rolling gamblers in the city’s history, loudly complained about their presence when he was playing. The probe resulted in a $200,000 fine against the Trump Plaza by the New Jersey Casino Control Commission for violating state anti-discrimination laws. Investigators found that LiButti had, on multiple occasions, berated blacks and women using what one state official described as the “vilest” language — including racist slurs and references to women in obscene terms — and that the TrumpPlaza, in order not to lose his substantial business, sought to accommodate him by keeping the employees away from his betting tables, according to commission documents recently obtained by Yahoo News under the New Jersey Open Public Records Act.
https://www.yahoo.com/politics/trump...100050602.html (https://www.yahoo.com/politics/trump-challenged-over-ties-to-mob-linked-gambler-100050602.html)

•There was a well publicized rape case in NewYork, Trump took a full page against the 5 black teens ACCUSED of the crime. they were later found NOT guilty.

"... he took out full-page newspaper ads calling for the death penalty for the African-American teenage suspects -- who were all later exonerated."


I've read elsewhere that after the 5 were found innocent Trump still wanted them in jail for some reason. Can we think any reasons he MIGHT have?

•At his Apartments

"...Trump Management settled the case, promising not to discriminate against blacks, Puerto Ricans and other minorities. As part of the agreement, Trump was required to send its list of vacancies in its 15,000 apartments to a civil-rights group, giving them first priority in providing applicants for certain apartments, according to a contemperaneous New York Times account. Trump, who emphasized that the agreement was not an admission of guilt, later crowed that he was satisfied because it did not require them to “accept persons on welfare as tenants unless as qualified as any other tenant.”

But the company didn’t sufficiently fulfill its promise, because three years later, the Justice Department charged Trump Management with continuing to discriminate against blacks through such tactics as telling them that apartments were not available. As part of its demands, the government asked that victims of discrimination be compensated and that Trump Management continue to report to the Justice Department on its compliance...
Donald Trump Was Once Sued By Justice Department For Not Renting To Blacks (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/04/29/donald-trump-blacks-lawsuit_n_855553.html)
Major Landlord Accused Of Antiblack Bias in City - U.S. Accuses Major Landlord of Bias Agreement With Lefrak - Front Page - NYTimes.com (http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9803E6DE1739E73ABC4E52DFB6678388 669EDE)
Trump Charged With Rental Bias - Article - NYTimes.com (http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9903E7DA1F3EE632A25754C0A9659C94 6990D6CF)
FOR STARRETT CITY, AN INTEGRATION TEST - NYTimes.com (http://www.nytimes.com/1983/10/16/realestate/for-starrett-city-an-integration-test.html?scp=4&sq=trump+discrimination&st=nyt&pagewanted=all)
How a Young Donald Trump Forced His Way From Avenue Z to Manhattan | Village Voice (http://www.villagevoice.com/news/how-a-young-donald-trump-forced-his-way-from-avenue-z-to-manhattan-7380462)


Trump's Repeated insults to woman
Does it need to be documented?

Trump's repeated ridiculous statements and reserves on them.
Does it need to be documented? "kill women who abort" " using false stats on race in tweets"

Trump's repeated Unconstitutional proposals
...Here's a question for you to puzzle over. Can you name the single most unconstitutional thing Donald Trump has proposed or endorsed so far in the 2016 presidential race?Not an easy question to answer, is it? Do you start with Trump's efforts to suppress immigration by gutting the 14th Amendment (https://reason.com/archives/2015/11/10/trump-vs-the-constitution/)? Or do you perhaps point to Trump's long war on the Fifth Amendment and its protections for property rights, as exemplified by Trump's embrace of boundless eminent domain powers for the government and Trump's own shameful record (https://reason.com/blog/2015/10/07/donald-trumps-shameful-eminent-domain-ab) of seeking to personally profit when government officials seize homes and businesses and then hand the bulldozed land over to crony capitalist real estate developers?
Either of the above could serve as an answer to my opening question. But when it comes to Trump's unconstitutional agenda, there are plenty of other noxious options to choose from...."

those are just the start

Trump's Support of Universal Health Care

And of course there's more but there's enough above that would make most Republicans question anyone with a list of "qualifications" like the above. if they weren't attached to the Film Falming campaigning style of the Trump.
I'm sure there will be a list of EXCUSES or Denails.
But the claims that "HE's Better than Hillary" are NOT compelling at all.
C'mon saying Horse Crap is better than Dog Crap isn't something to really get excited about.

Black Diamond
06-05-2016, 02:41 PM
Yeah I know the reason I'm voting for Trump is because he discriminated against niggers.

06-05-2016, 02:49 PM
Yeah I know the reason I'm voting for Trump is because he discriminated against niggers.

Spoken like a true Trump supporter.
or a true republican/conservative.
sadly it's hard to tell the difference now a days.

06-05-2016, 03:00 PM
revelarts ... once again ... a "few" points? I ain't reading all that crap. Can't you EVER be concise? If I want to read War and Peace I'll check it out from the library.

One of my biggest problems with Trump is he needs to give Elmer Fudd his hats back. I didn't even know they made those 70's high-risers anymore. :laugh:

Atticus Finch
06-05-2016, 03:05 PM
It's like this for me....It's a 2 turd race.The only difference is one is a bigger turd than he other.To me the biggest turd is Hillary.So, I've got to vote Trump,like it or not.

06-05-2016, 06:54 PM
With You, there is no such a thing as "A Few"...

I'll just pick one part of that long-winded sermon to comment on:

Draft Dodging:

When I was a freshman in college, I could not play football as expected because I had
sliced open my ankle with an axe in June of that year, 23 stitches to repair it.
Instead, to rehab it I got onto the track team, running cross-country and lifting weights
so I could get into spring football. I lettered for the college that semester.

In January of that term, I was served with a pre-induction notice to report to MEPS for
a physical. Even though I exceeded ALL minimal requirements, I was rejected due to
that ankle and flat feet! That disgusted me completely because of the pain I went through
to rehab that leg. The fact that I lettered and was even undefeated in swim sprints
(intramurals) disgusted me even more.

So you can take this "Draft Dodging" theory and blow it out your ass!

06-05-2016, 06:57 PM
@revelarts (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1760) ... once again ... a "few" points? I ain't reading all that crap. Can't you EVER be concise? If I want to read War and Peace I'll check it out from the library.

Exactly! Pulpit pounding is the same as high chair tray pounding.

Black Diamond
06-05-2016, 07:06 PM
We will find out how "conservative"trump is after he is elected President.

Black Diamond
06-05-2016, 07:08 PM
We need to elect him so we can find out what's in him. :)

Black Diamond
06-05-2016, 07:09 PM
With You, there is no such a thing as "A Few"...

I'll just pick one part of that long-winded sermon to comment on:

Draft Dodging:

When I was a freshman in college, I could not play football as expected because I had
sliced open my ankle with an axe in June of that year, 23 stitches to repair it.
Instead, to rehab it I got onto the track team, running cross-country and lifting weights
so I could get into spring football. I lettered for the college that semester.

In January of that term, I was served with a pre-induction notice to report to MEPS for
a physical. Even though I exceeded ALL minimal requirements, I was rejected due to
that ankle and flat feet! That disgusted me completely because of the pain I went through
to rehab that leg. The fact that I lettered and was even undefeated in swim sprints
(intramurals) disgusted me even more.

So you can take this "Draft Dodging" theory and blow it out your ass!

I am pretty sure Joe Namath was 4F for Vietnam. As was Mickey Mantle for Korea

06-05-2016, 07:42 PM
With You, there is no such a thing as "A Few"...

I'll just pick one part of that long-winded sermon to comment on:

Draft Dodging:

When I was a freshman in college, I could not play football as expected because I had
sliced open my ankle with an axe in June of that year, 23 stitches to repair it.
Instead, to rehab it I got onto the track team, running cross-country and lifting weights
so I could get into spring football. I lettered for the college that semester.

In January of that term, I was served with a pre-induction notice to report to MEPS for
a physical. Even though I exceeded ALL minimal requirements, I was rejected due to
that ankle and flat feet! That disgusted me completely because of the pain I went through
to rehab that leg. The fact that I lettered and was even undefeated in swim sprints
(intramurals) disgusted me even more.

So you can take this "Draft Dodging" theory and blow it out your ass!

Believe it or not, Jimmy Carter was almost rejected for flat feet. He used to sit and roll his arches on old-school Coke bottles so he could get into the Naval Academy.

06-05-2016, 07:53 PM
You could have saved us all a lot of time if you had simply said "You hate Trump!"

And, you could have just as simply admitted. You will be voting for either Hitlery, or Bernie Google, with the GOO GOO GOOGLY HAIR.

06-05-2016, 07:57 PM
Believe it or not, Jimmy Carter was almost rejected for flat feet. He used to sit and roll his arches on old-school Coke bottles so he could get into the Naval Academy.


Nice man, but a lousy CIC.

06-05-2016, 08:03 PM

Nice man, but a lousy CIC.

An extremely lousy one which surprised me. Naval Officer? I mean come on.

But I agree he is a nice man. Worked on a few of his Habitat for Humanity projects on my off-time. Reality just doesn't appear to be the world he lives in. He wants Utopia.

06-05-2016, 08:16 PM
With You, there is no such a thing as "A Few"...

I'll just pick one part of that long-winded sermon to comment on:

Draft Dodging:

When I was a freshman in college, I could not play football as expected because I had
sliced open my ankle with an axe in June of that year, 23 stitches to repair it.
Instead, to rehab it I got onto the track team, running cross-country and lifting weights
so I could get into spring football. I lettered for the college that semester.

In January of that term, I was served with a pre-induction notice to report to MEPS for
a physical. Even though I exceeded ALL minimal requirements, I was rejected due to
that ankle and flat feet! That disgusted me completely because of the pain I went through
to rehab that leg. The fact that I lettered and was even undefeated in swim sprints
(intramurals) disgusted me even more.

So you can take this "Draft Dodging" theory and blow it out your ass!

I am pretty sure Joe Namath was 4F for Vietnam. As was Mickey Mantle for Korea

Believe it or not, Jimmy Carter was almost rejected for flat feet. He used to sit and roll his arches on old-school Coke bottles so he could get into the Naval Academy.

uh sure fellas ...
"On Saturday, during a campaign stop in Iowa, Trump said he had a bone spur in his foot but couldn’t recall which one. Pressed for details, he told reporters to research his draft records. “You’ll have to look it up,” he said. Later that day, his campaign issued a statement saying he had bone spurs in both of his heels."...

...Trump’s draft board records show that he had another armed forces physical two years earlier, on Dec. 15, 1966. Although the ledger does not spell out the results, he was not granted a medical deferment at the time — indicating that he was found fit for duty.
When Trump registered for the draft at 18 in 1964, he had just graduated as a decorated cadet from the New York Military Academy in Cornwall, where he played football and basketball.
His draft registration card lists him as being 6 feet 2 inches tall, weighing 180 pounds and having birthmarks on both heels. Almost immediately, as he enrolled at Fordham, he was granted the first of his four education deferments....
...Trump’s campaign said in its Saturday statement. “Although he was not a fan of the Vietnam War, yet another disaster for our country, had his draft number been selected he would have proudly served and he is tremendously grateful to all those who did.”...
Wapo (https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/questions-linger-about-trumps-draft-deferments-during-vietnam-war/2015/07/21/257677bc-2fdd-11e5-8353-1215475949f4_story.html)
politico (http://www.politico.com/story/2015/07/donald-trump-evades-specifics-on-his-draft-deferment-120330)

Of course he would have proudly served right?
How dare anyone doubt Trump. Nothing in his past or present could make us doubt that. He SAID he WOULD have.
Just like Jimmy Carter and Mickey Mantle right?

Don't mind the facts or details if it's to much to read.

06-05-2016, 08:25 PM
uh sure fellas ...
"On Saturday, during a campaign stop in Iowa, Trump said he had a bone spur in his foot but couldn’t recall which one. Pressed for details, he told reporters to research his draft records. “You’ll have to look it up,” he said. Later that day, his campaign issued a statement saying he had bone spurs in both of his heels."...

...Trump’s draft board records show that he had another armed forces physical two years earlier, on Dec. 15, 1966. Although the ledger does not spell out the results, he was not granted a medical deferment at the time — indicating that he was found fit for duty.
When Trump registered for the draft at 18 in 1964, he had just graduated as a decorated cadet from the New York Military Academy in Cornwall, where he played football and basketball.
His draft registration card lists him as being 6 feet 2 inches tall, weighing 180 pounds and having birthmarks on both heels. Almost immediately, as he enrolled at Fordham, he was granted the first of his four education deferments....
...Trump’s campaign said in its Saturday statement. “Although he was not a fan of the Vietnam War, yet another disaster for our country, had his draft number been selected he would have proudly served and he is tremendously grateful to all those who did.”...
Wapo (https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/questions-linger-about-trumps-draft-deferments-during-vietnam-war/2015/07/21/257677bc-2fdd-11e5-8353-1215475949f4_story.html)
politico (http://www.politico.com/story/2015/07/donald-trump-evades-specifics-on-his-draft-deferment-120330)

Of course he would have proudly served right?
How dare anyone doubt Trump. Nothing in his past or present could make us doubt that. He SAID he WOULD have.
Just like Jimmy Carter and Mickey Mantle right?

Don't mind the facts or details if it's to much to read.

And so? Guys. College was a reason for deferment. If I'd had the means to go to college I would have, regardless when it was. And I'm not going to sit here and defend Trump. I'll attack YOUR argument though. People have been buying their way out since before the US actually existed. Used to be with money. Now you need an excuse. So what? I don't want some loser draftees in my damned unit. If he didn't want to be there then I'm glad he got out of it. Saved some poor Staff NCO a headache.

Black Diamond
06-05-2016, 08:30 PM
And so? Guys. College was a reason for deferment. If I'd had the means to go to college I would have, regardless when it was. And I'm not going to sit here and defend Trump. I'll attack YOUR argument though. People have been buying their way out since before the US actually existed. Used to be with money. Now you need an excuse. So what? I don't want some loser draftees in my damned unit. If he didn't want to be there then I'm glad he got out of it. Saved some poor Staff NCO a headache.
It seems deferment isn't the same as dodging? When I think of dodging, I think of people who went to prison or went to Canada to avoid prison

06-05-2016, 08:42 PM
It seems deferment isn't the same as dodging? When I think of dodging, I think of people who went to prison or went to Canada to avoid prison

Deferment is not the same as dodging. You are correct. I'm not saying people didn't take advantage of it, but deferment is a legal option. Dodging by running and hiding is an illegal option.

06-05-2016, 09:10 PM
uh sure fellas ...
" he was granted the first of his four education deferments....
...Trump’s campaign said in its Saturday statement. “Although he was not a fan of the Vietnam War, yet another disaster for our country, had his draft number been selected he would have proudly served and he is tremendously grateful to all those who did.”...
Just like Jimmy Carter and Mickey Mantle right?

Education deferments? What's that got to do with anything? You open multiple whining points but never close a one.

Mickey Mantle? How did he get in to this scheme? Let's get Frank Howard or Sandy Koufax into it too.

Were you too chicken-shit to strap on a uniform when you were a younger Liberal?

Weak, Rev, really weak.

Black Diamond
06-05-2016, 09:15 PM
Education deferments? What's that got to do with anything? You open multiple whining points but never close a one.

Mickey Mantle? How did he get in to this scheme? Let's get Frank Howard or Sandy Koufax into it too.

Weak, Rev, really weak.
I brought up Mickey. He was 4F for Korea even though he played baseball at a high level. Fans screamed "draft Dodger" at him nonetheless

06-05-2016, 09:34 PM
Education deferments? What's that got to do with anything? You open multiple whining points but never close a one.

Mickey Mantle? How did he get in to this scheme? Let's get Frank Howard or Sandy Koufax into it too.

Were you too chicken-shit to strap on a uniform when you were a younger Liberal?

Weak, Rev, really weak.

You left out the Clintons and Rambo. They all ran off to college.

06-05-2016, 10:16 PM
How about you folks stay on topic rather than making up BS about me. Seems a lame defense for Trump from you folks.

it's sad really, attack the messenger. But I guess that makes you feel better at least. I mean 4 deferments and not volunteering during a war is OK for him ... but not for others who might mention it:rolleyes:. And that makes Trump bone spur stories ...that he can't really remember... completely legit, and are to be completely ignored and not even mentioned or considered as problems.

But but my long post are soooo terrible they deserve serious neg comments, and snark.

Well maybe if I ran for president, my "bone spur" stories and 4 deferments wouldn't matter either.


06-05-2016, 10:36 PM
You left out the Clintons and Rambo. They all ran off to college.

I could make a very long list, starting with a couple here.

06-05-2016, 10:45 PM
How about you folks stay on topic rather than making up BS about me. Seems a lame defense for Trump from you folks.

it's sad really, attack the messenger. But I guess that makes you feel better at least. I mean 4 deferments and not volunteering during a war is OK for him ... but not for others who might mention it:rolleyes:. And that makes Trump bone spur stories ...that he can't really remember... completely legit, and are to be completely ignored and not even mentioned or considered as problems.

But but my long post are soooo terrible they deserve serious neg comments, and snark.

Well maybe if I ran for president, my "bone spur" stories and 4 deferments wouldn't matter either.


We were on topic until you diverted to your preaching.

Mostly because you have a smug and 'Holier-Than-Thou" approach to dealing with people.

You like to preach and scroll boringly long cut's and pastes, only quoting what someone else has
said, hiding it in italics.

Try speaking in concise paragraphs and not a full page spread of quotes and Cut 'n Paste.

And you dodge the question: "Why did YOU not strap on and serve"?

You judge others constantly, yet have nothing behind behind you to back up your ridiculous rhetoric.
I could Cut 'n Paste a lot of stuff that would make your eyes bleed, and offer commentary.
Just like a narrow-minded Liberal Progressive, loving to preach but not have the maturity not listen
to others.

06-05-2016, 11:13 PM
How about you folks stay on topic rather than making up BS about me. Seems a lame defense for Trump from you folks.

it's sad really, attack the messenger. But I guess that makes you feel better at least. I mean 4 deferments and not volunteering during a war is OK for him ... but not for others who might mention it:rolleyes:. And that makes Trump bone spurs ...that he can't really remember... stories completely legit, and are to be completely ignored and not even mentioned or considered as problems.

But but my long post are soooo terrible they deserve serious neg comments, and snark.

Well maybe if I ran for president, my "bone spur" stories and 4 deferments wouldn't matter either.


No problem. Get a topic. You're a messenger of what exactly?

06-06-2016, 02:51 AM
I'm black and havent read anything to suggest trump is a racist. Plus, racism never hurt anyone. Our current POTUS is probably a racist, but that hasnt stopped him.

Black Diamond
06-06-2016, 06:21 AM
How about you folks stay on topic lol!!

Fine. I don't give a rat's ass about Trump's war deferments as long as he doesn't say " I like people who didn't get caught ".

I don't give a flying fuck if he shuffled his black employees to appease his customers.

Trump won the rental discrimination case, or maybe you think he's white and rich and therefore bought the verdict.

Last I heard, it's legal to take out an ad. And I am sure you were screaming bloody murder when the current POTUS made it clear crystal clear whose side he was on in the trayvon Martin case when Zimmerman had only been ACCUSED. Which has more power? Trump taking out an ad in a New York paper about a local crime or the POTUS telling the world his view on a national story already hot as hell?

06-06-2016, 11:38 AM
We were on topic until you diverted to your preaching.

Mostly because you have a smug and 'Holier-Than-Thou" approach to dealing with people.

You like to preach and scroll boringly long cut's and pastes, only quoting what someone else has
said, hiding it in italics.

Try speaking in concise paragraphs and not a full page spread of quotes and Cut 'n Paste.

And you dodge the question: "Why did YOU not strap on and serve"?

You judge others constantly, yet have nothing behind behind you to back up your ridiculous rhetoric.
I could Cut 'n Paste a lot of stuff that would make your eyes bleed, and offer commentary.
Just like a narrow-minded Liberal Progressive, loving to preach but not have the maturity not listen to others.

Anything about Trump, his actions, his words or his policies in the above at all?
I count zero.

And just to be accurate about your 1st sentence above.
After my 1st post, THE 1st post of the thread, you and Gunny started commenting about me before i even replied to anyone.
Your 2nd post was, quote...
"Exactly! Pulpit pounding is the same as high chair tray pounding."
So that's what you consider staying on topic?

And to your last point about me. I did "listen" and then i REPLIED with content that brought into question your statements. That's what "debate" is about. But maybe to you "listening" really means agreeing with you after you have spoken.

06-06-2016, 11:51 AM
Fine. I don't give a rat's ass about Trump's war deferments as long as he doesn't say " I like people who didn't get caught ".

But He did say
" I like people who didn't get caught ".

I don't give a flying fuck if he shuffled his black employees to appease his customers.

Trump won the rental discrimination case, or maybe you think he's white and rich and therefore bought the verdict.

Last I heard, it's legal to take out an ad. And I am sure you were screaming bloody murder when the current POTUS made it clear crystal clear whose side he was on in the trayvon Martin case when Zimmerman had only been ACCUSED. Which has more power? Trump taking out an ad in a New York paper about a local crime or the POTUS telling the world his view on a national story already hot as hell?
I think Bottom line here is exactly what Trump said.
Trump: "I could 'shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters"

When Bill Clinton was running a lot of his Followers were the same, (More personally loyal than too Obama even). Itold my wife often that Clinton could shoot a baby in the face and some of his followers would say it's the baby's fault. And others would attack those who said 'it's an obvious crime' as being politically motivated irrational Clinton haters.

same song, new player.

06-06-2016, 11:54 AM
Trump can be an ass in a lot of areas, just as much as other candidates, and less than others. He is FAR less of an issue than Obama, and FAR FAR FAR less of a racist than Obama, which we don't hear much about from some folks. Also comical about his unconstitutional proposals, when there is less worry about Hillary and the man currently doing so. I'll simply compare him to the woman he will be running against, and there is no doubt that he is also better than her in that department. Your points are understood, but nothing we haven't heard before, just said differently. I'll still take Trump over any of the others, and in a NY second when against Hillary.


Black Diamond
06-06-2016, 11:57 AM
But He did say
" I like people who didn't get caught ".

I think Bottom line here is exactly what Trump said.

Trump: "I could 'shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters"

When Bill Clinton was running a lot of his Followers were the same, (More personally loyal than too Obama even). Itold my wife often that Clinton could shoot a baby in the face and some of his followers would say it's the baby's fault. And left columnist and others would attack those that reported it as a crime as being politically motivated irrational Clinton haters.

same song, new player.

I know what he said re captured and he shouldnt have said it. I don't care about his "shoot someone" comment.

06-06-2016, 04:36 PM
But He did say
" I like people who didn't get caught ".

I think Bottom line here is exactly what Trump said.
Trump: "I could 'shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters"

When Bill Clinton was running a lot of his Followers were the same, (More personally loyal than too Obama even). Itold my wife often that Clinton could shoot a baby in the face and some of his followers would say it's the baby's fault. And others would attack those who said 'it's an obvious crime' as being politically motivated irrational Clinton haters.

same song, new player.

I always screw with you. You on your period or something that makes this a different day?

06-06-2016, 07:15 PM
I always screw with you. You on your period or something that makes this a different day?

Anyone happen to notice? Whenever the rev feels others are being unfair, or speak the truth on a topic, or thread....the rev is right there to scold you for getting OFF TOPIC???

I call that a Hypocrite's method of distracting attention from the real Hypocrite.