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06-07-2016, 05:27 AM
Apparently the GOP congressional leadership doesn't know.

The truly disgusting thing about the GOP response to Dumpf's blatantly racist statements is that when asked, point blank, whether of not the Donald's statements were indeed racist...they waffled. They danced...They did everything possible to avoid answering the question. Mitch McConnell's response to Chuck Todd was typical.

CHUCK TODD: You know what he has said about this federal judge that's overseeing the Trump University lawsuit. He has called - he has essentially said he cannot be impartial because he's Hispanic. That's - is that not a racist statement?

SEN. MCCONNELL: I couldn't disagree more with a statement like that.

CHUCK TODD: Is it a racist statement?

SEN. MCCONNELL: I couldn't disagree more with what he had to say.

CHUCK TODD: Okay, but do you think it's a racist statement to say?

SEN. MCCONNELL: I don't agree with what he had to say. This is a man who was born in Indiana. All of us came here from somewhere else…

The breadth and depth of the GOP's moral bankruptcy is breath taking

06-07-2016, 05:35 AM
Except Nobody ever points to anything blatantly racist. Some people say some things mean Racism, but those people are stupid.

Welcome back, BP

06-07-2016, 09:35 AM
Apparently the GOP congressional leadership doesn't know.

The truly disgusting thing about the GOP response to Dumpf's blatantly racist statements is that when asked, point blank, whether of not the Donald's statements were indeed racist...they waffled. They danced...They did everything possible to avoid answering the question. Mitch McConnell's response to Chuck Todd was typical.


The breadth and depth of the GOP's moral bankruptcy is breath taking

Stupid and possibly bigoted but not necessarily racist.

How is the "moral bankruptcy" analysis of your should be/could be indicted candidate going?

06-07-2016, 11:38 AM
I don't see anything racist. This all started with his complaining about ILLEGAL Mexicans coming across the border. And then til this very moment, the majority of liberals believe he was speaking about ALL Mexicans, whether they believe that or are just making it up. Is he an idiot at times with what he says? Yes, just like every other politician out there.

BP - seriously, with so much lost time to make up for, what about Hillary? Or are you OK with a criminal? Does hatred for Trump make Clinton's past actions invisible? I think for the liberals, yes, it does.

06-07-2016, 01:10 PM
I'm also going to mostly agree with Fat Boy on this one.


New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie defended Donald Trump on Tuesday against allegations of racism after the presumptive GOP nominee ignited a firestorm by saying a U.S. judge of Mexican heritage shouldn’t preside over a Trump University lawsuit.

After casting his vote in New Jersey’s presidential primary, Christie said he could not comment on Judge Gonzalo Curiel or the specifics of the case. But Christie said the business mogul is no racist.

“I’ve said this before. I know Donald Trump. I’ve known him for 14 years, and Donald Trump is not a racist. So the allegations that he is are absolutely contrary to every experience that I’ve had with him over the last 14 years. We’re going to end it there,” he told reporters in Mendham Township, N.J.

Christie’s comments came shortly after House Speaker Paul Ryan condemned Trump’s attack line against Curiel as a “textbook definition of a racist comment.” Trump, citing his plan to build a massive wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, insists that Curiel’s heritage is a conflict of interest and the judge should recuse himself from the Trump University case.

Journalists asked Christie to address Ryan’s comments.

“I’m not going into that. Next. Next,” Christie replied, but the journalists kept pressing. “You know what? Congressman Ryan is entitled to his opinion.”

The governor also said he knows the media loves controversy but that the voters of New Jersey and elsewhere will not base their decisions on this “kerfuffle.”

Christie, who in February endorsed Trump shortly after suspending his own presidential campaign, admitted the real estate magnate has said things that went too far. But Christie said that’s merely an occupational hazard for honest politicians who speak their minds.


Black Diamond
06-07-2016, 01:32 PM
I'm also going to mostly agree with Fat Boy on this one.


New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie defended Donald Trump on Tuesday against allegations of racism after the presumptive GOP nominee ignited a firestorm by saying a U.S. judge of Mexican heritage shouldn’t preside over a Trump University lawsuit.

After casting his vote in New Jersey’s presidential primary, Christie said he could not comment on Judge Gonzalo Curiel or the specifics of the case. But Christie said the business mogul is no racist.

“I’ve said this before. I know Donald Trump. I’ve known him for 14 years, and Donald Trump is not a racist. So the allegations that he is are absolutely contrary to every experience that I’ve had with him over the last 14 years. We’re going to end it there,” he told reporters in Mendham Township, N.J.

Christie’s comments came shortly after House Speaker Paul Ryan condemned Trump’s attack line against Curiel as a “textbook definition of a racist comment.” Trump, citing his plan to build a massive wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, insists that Curiel’s heritage is a conflict of interest and the judge should recuse himself from the Trump University case.

Journalists asked Christie to address Ryan’s comments.

“I’m not going into that. Next. Next,” Christie replied, but the journalists kept pressing. “You know what? Congressman Ryan is entitled to his opinion.”

The governor also said he knows the media loves controversy but that the voters of New Jersey and elsewhere will not base their decisions on this “kerfuffle.”

Christie, who in February endorsed Trump shortly after suspending his own presidential campaign, admitted the real estate magnate has said things that went too far. But Christie said that’s merely an occupational hazard for honest politicians who speak their minds.


I don't think he is racist either. This is his way of handling his detractors or those who give m what he wants. This seems to be his most "shocking" act to date. Interesting how a poll came out saying Hillary was back to double digits and Trump says this right afterwards. We will see if it helps or hinders.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-07-2016, 02:00 PM
I'm also going to mostly agree with Fat Boy on this one.


New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie defended Donald Trump on Tuesday against allegations of racism after the presumptive GOP nominee ignited a firestorm by saying a U.S. judge of Mexican heritage shouldn’t preside over a Trump University lawsuit.

After casting his vote in New Jersey’s presidential primary, Christie said he could not comment on Judge Gonzalo Curiel or the specifics of the case. But Christie said the business mogul is no racist.

“I’ve said this before. I know Donald Trump. I’ve known him for 14 years, and Donald Trump is not a racist. So the allegations that he is are absolutely contrary to every experience that I’ve had with him over the last 14 years. We’re going to end it there,” he told reporters in Mendham Township, N.J.

Christie’s comments came shortly after House Speaker Paul Ryan condemned Trump’s attack line against Curiel as a “textbook definition of a racist comment.” Trump, citing his plan to build a massive wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, insists that Curiel’s heritage is a conflict of interest and the judge should recuse himself from the Trump University case.

Journalists asked Christie to address Ryan’s comments.

“I’m not going into that. Next. Next,” Christie replied, but the journalists kept pressing. “You know what? Congressman Ryan is entitled to his opinion.”

The governor also said he knows the media loves controversy but that the voters of New Jersey and elsewhere will not base their decisions on this “kerfuffle.”

Christie, who in February endorsed Trump shortly after suspending his own presidential campaign, admitted the real estate magnate has said things that went too far. But Christie said that’s merely an occupational hazard for honest politicians who speak their minds.


If you do not lay down, play dead and let the liberal/minority bastards walk all over you--then you are racist.
So says the media, the dems,the obama admin and the rest of the stinking morons. F-THEM..-Tyr

06-07-2016, 02:56 PM
Somebody help me here?

I never knew Hispanics were a race. So how can statements directed towards them
be considered racist? Culture does not always reflect race.

06-07-2016, 03:02 PM
Are Drumpf's statements racist?

You can always tell when fanatics lose the debate.

They descend to calling their target names.

06-07-2016, 05:30 PM
None are so blind as those who refuse to see. And y'all are about as blind as they come. It's sad, really.

06-07-2016, 05:52 PM
None are so blind as those who refuse to see. And y'all are about as blind as they come. It's sad, really.

Wassup Bully!! :laugh:

I did in fact kinda go blind in the past year, and just got new distance and reading glasses in the past month. Do you think I'll slowly become a liberal now?

06-07-2016, 06:33 PM
https://www.google.com/search?q=judge+gonzalo+curiel&rlz=1C1CHNU_enUS340&espv=2&biw=1309&bih=735&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjU8unDiZfNAhVKc1IKHQn7Dc8Q_AUICCgD#imgr c=zRVNl1yX33ICZM%3A

How can a white guy be racist against another white guy????

Hispanic is a heritage, NOT a race.

06-07-2016, 06:49 PM
https://www.google.com/search?q=judge+gonzalo+curiel&rlz=1C1CHNU_enUS340&espv=2&biw=1309&bih=735&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjU8unDiZfNAhVKc1IKHQn7Dc8Q_AUICCgD#imgr c=zRVNl1yX33ICZM%3A

How can a white guy be racist against another white guy????

Hispanic is a heritage, NOT a race.

You're half-right, ma'am. Native Americans are Mongoloids. The Spanish are caucasoid (sp.?). Hispanics are one or the other or half and half. The Caribbean islanders are mostly half Spanish - half negroid.

You are correct however in that Hispanic is NOT a race.

06-07-2016, 07:20 PM
Apparently the GOP congressional leadership doesn't know.

The truly disgusting thing about the GOP response to Dumpf's blatantly racist statements is that when asked, point blank, whether of not the Donald's statements were indeed racist...they waffled. They danced...They did everything possible to avoid answering the question. Mitch McConnell's response to Chuck Todd was typical.

CHUCK TODD: You know what he has said about this federal judge that's overseeing the Trump University lawsuit. He has called - he has essentially said he cannot be impartial because he's Hispanic. That's - is that not a racist statement?

SEN. MCCONNELL: I couldn't disagree more with a statement like that.

CHUCK TODD: Is it a racist statement?

SEN. MCCONNELL: I couldn't disagree more with what he had to say.

CHUCK TODD: Okay, but do you think it's a racist statement to say?

SEN. MCCONNELL: I don't agree with what he had to say. This is a man who was born in Indiana. All of us came here from somewhere else…

The breadth and depth of the GOP's moral bankruptcy is breath taking

He's no more racist, and sexist than Hitlery who even accuses Bernie of being Sexist because he DARED TO RUN AGAINST A Wannabe Woman???

06-07-2016, 07:23 PM
He's no more racist, and sexist than Hitlery who even accuses Bernie of being Sexist because he DARED TO RUN AGAINST A Wannabe Woman???

Some needs to tell her this ain't 1971 and to give Maude back her pants suits. She's as big a liar and fake as O-blah-blah. But look who goose-stepped right up to the polls and put him in office.

06-07-2016, 07:27 PM
None are so blind as those who refuse to see. And y'all are about as blind as they come. It's sad, really.

Blind? No...enlightened and not narrow-minded.

06-07-2016, 07:33 PM
None are so blind as those who refuse to see. And y'all are about as blind as they come. It's sad, really.

Not really bully. The really sad thing is how you....The Blind, Trying to lead the other Blind, FAIL, or REFUSE to accept that YOU may be the Lone one, calling the Kettle Black.

06-07-2016, 07:42 PM
He's no more racist, and sexist than Hitlery who even accuses Bernie of being Sexist because he DARED TO RUN AGAINST A Wannabe Woman???

Here's the problem I see .. and I know you're old enough to remember Carter ... he was in independent As Governor who ran as a Dem for President. He never got the support of his own party. I see the deja vu all over again happening with Trump. The establishment Republicans are not going to support him.

What pisses me off is when people stay home or waste their votes. Make a damned change. Top to bottom. Sitting at home doing nothing gives you (the ubiquitous "you") NO right to bitch later. McConnell needs a Gunny Gibbs slap upside the back of his head. He's creating division when now is not the time. And the people that won't make the change are the quickest to cry.

Y'all hear me bitch about Trump, but I think establishment Republicans couldn't come up with a set of balls if they passed the plate.

Black Diamond
06-07-2016, 07:49 PM
Here's the problem I see .. and I know you're old enough to remember Carter ... he was in independent As Governor who ran as a Dem for President. He never got the support of his own party. I see the deja vu all over again happening with Trump. The establishment Republicans are not going to support him.

What pisses me off is when people stay home or waste their votes. Make a damned change. Top to bottom. Sitting at home doing nothing gives you (the ubiquitous "you") NO right to bitch later. McConnell needs a Gunny Gibbs slap upside the back of his head. He's creating division when now is not the time. And the people that won't make the change are the quickest to cry.

Y'all hear me bitch about Trump, but I think establishment Republicans couldn't come up with a set of balls if they passed the plate.

Hmmm. I bet Hillary would be worse than Carter.

06-07-2016, 08:13 PM
Hmmm. I bet Hillary would be worse than Carter.

Definitely. Carter may have not been the sharpest knife in drawer, but he is a good, honest man. I actually had the honor meeting him. And I say honor because I used to help wire up his Habitats for Humanity houses in SA. I thought he was a lousy President. Kept that to myself. :)

Hillary is a habitual liar and a criminal. I'll never run into Hillary. She does nothing for anyone that doesn't have her name on the end game. I honestly have to say I never faulted Bill for cheating on her. I'd hate to wake up to that fatass thing in the morning then wonder what dumbass stunt she had planned for the day.

06-08-2016, 08:30 AM
None are so blind as those who refuse to see. And y'all are about as blind as they come. It's sad, really.


How is the "moral bankruptcy" analysis of your should be/could be indicted candidate going?

06-09-2016, 12:37 PM
Are Drumpf's statements racist?
You can always tell when fanatics lose the debate.
They descend to calling their target names.

Well OK then, i win quite a few if that's the case.

But just to be clear, when people call Obama or others a racist then that means they've just lost the argument too right?

Stupid and possibly bigoted but not necessarily racist.

please give the definitions of and make the distinctions between bigoted and racist.
and help the people here use it consistently across races is my challenge to you sir.

Somebody help me here?
I never knew Hispanics were a race. So how can statements directed towards them
be considered racist? Culture does not always reflect race.

ookkk, so when Obama spoke of Zimmereman then that could not be racist either right? since he was a "hispanic" or "white hispanic"

OH b..b..but THAT'S DIFFERENT!!!:laugh::laugh::rolleyes:

06-09-2016, 01:26 PM
Trump's "Not REALLY" Racist statements and actions...

•“I have black guys counting my money.… I hate it. The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes all day.” (USA Today, May 20, 1991)

•“Who the fuck knows? I mean, really, who knows how much the Japs will pay for Manhattan property these days?” (TIME, January 1989)

•“Jeb Bush has to like the Mexican Illegals because of his wife.” (Retweeted and then deleted on Twitter, July 4, 2015)

•Points his finger into a crowd. 'look, look, at my Black right there.'
(I don't recall Obama saying 'look look at my white people here'... did i miss that? Ron Paul say anything like that?)

•...He can't be fair a judge he's Hispanic...
(If any Latino or Black said that about a white Judge or Cop would that be racist? Did Ron Paul say anything CLOSE to that?)

Its been posted elsewhere about NYTimes and other newspapers documenting his acts of racial discrimination at his Casinos with employees and with customers.

Of his fines, and settlements and resettlements because he CONTINUED discriminating against minorities in his Apartments even after the gov't demanded that he quit that racist BS.

Look I'm not sure what you folks consider racist. since i've been on board basically everthing's been defended as NOT racist. the only white guys on the Right I've seen called racist on this board by a few people are Ron and Rand Paul. and there's NOTHING like the list above that can be connected to either one.

But in General Whites ..as long as they are on the right... can call blacks monkeys, (but it's not really racist ) use the N word against Blacks (but it's not really racist ), discriminated in business against Blacks Latinos and Arabs (but it's not really racist ), Not Trust Latino , Blacks and Arabs on the court benches (but it's not really racist ) or in Business, (but it's not really racist ) or on the streets stoping and frisking 99% minorities etc (but it's not really racist!).

What part of life does racist apply in your minds?
It's certainly NOT constantly applied across races or politics by some here that i can see.

some time ago I asked folks on the board 'what made Obama a racist' in many of your minds.
And the answers essential were something like.. (not direct quotes here but the gist)
'the things he says' (left unspecified no quotes) and 'how upset OTHER people are nowadays about race.'
but finally it was "I Just KNOW IT."

At this point i don't suspect anyone here will see the problem with this or Trump.
I suspect more lame justification cough-excuses-cough and possibly someone calling me a few name as a defense. But I just wanted to layout AGAIN the actions and words from Trump that show me and many others that Trump DOES have some PROBLEM thinking and relating equally with races other than whites. (i think it can be documented that Trump has a problem with woman as well. but thats another thread.)

But hey, if you folks don't see ANY problems on race with Trump.
Then I have to say you see should NO problems with ANYONE else R or D in politics today either.

06-09-2016, 01:33 PM
None are so blind as those who refuse to see. And y'all are about as blind as they come. It's sad, really.

True statement. Look in the mirror lately? Perhaps you read before firing away on your keyboard you'd note that quite of few of us are NOT Trump fans. I got lists of REAL crap all over the place I don't like about him which means I don't have to make crap up.

06-09-2016, 01:44 PM
Trump's "Not REALLY" Racist statements and actions...

•“I have black guys counting my money.… I hate it. The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes all day.” (USA Today, May 20, 1991)

•“Who the fuck knows? I mean, really, who knows how much the Japs will pay for Manhattan property these days?” (TIME, January 1989)

•“Jeb Bush has to like the Mexican Illegals because of his wife.” (Retweeted and then deleted on Twitter, July 4, 2015)

•Points his finger into a crowd. 'look, look, at my Black right there.'
(I don't recall Obama saying 'look look at my white people here'... did i miss that? Ron Paul say anything like that?)

•...He can't be fair a judge he's Hispanic...
(If any Latino or Black said that about a white Judge or Cop would that be racist? Did Ron Paul say anything CLOSE to that?)

Its been posted elsewhere about NYTimes and other newspapers documenting his acts of racial discrimination at his Casinos with employees and with customers.

Of his fines, and settlements and resettlements because he CONTINUED discriminating against minorities in his Apartments even after the gov't demanded that he quit that racist BS.

Look I'm not sure what you folks consider racist. since i've been on board basically everthing's been defended as NOT racist. the only white guys on the Right I've seen called racist on this board by a few people are Ron and Rand Paul. and there's NOTHING like the list above that can be connected to either one.

But in General Whites ..as long as they are on the right... can call blacks monkeys, (but it's not really racist ) use the N word against Blacks (but it's not really racist ), discriminated in business against Blacks Latinos and Arabs (but it's not really racist ), Not Trust Latino , Blacks and Arabs on the court benches (but it's not really racist ) or in Business, (but it's not really racist ) or on the streets stoping and frisking 99% minorities etc (but it's not really racist!).

What part of life does racist apply in your minds?
It's certainly NOT constantly applied that i can see.

some time ago I asked folks on the board 'what made Obama a racist' in many of your minds.
And the answers essential were something like.. (not direct quotes here but the gist)
'the things he says' (left unspecified no quotes) and 'how upset OTHER people are nowadays about race.'
but finally it was "I Just KNOW IT."

At this point i don't suspect anyone here will see the problem with this or Trump.
I suspect more lame justification cough-excuses-cough and possibly someone calling me a few name as a defense. But I just wanted to layout AGAIN the actions and words from Trump that show me and many others that Trump DOES have some PROBLEM thinking and relating equally with races other than whites. (i think it can be documented that Trump has a problem with woman as well. but thats another thread.)

But hey, if you folks don't see ANY problems on race with Trump.
Then I have to say you see should NO problems with ANYONE else R or D in politics today either.

Mexicans call me guerro which means blond, technically. It is a derogatory, racist term. I can't even list all the things blacks have called me that are racist. But it's racist to call them Mexicans and blacks? Or illegal aliens?

Those are definitions they ascribe to themselves. And you should hear Mexican Americans talk about "wetbacks" (illegal aliens). You're on a fishing expedition.

Black Diamond
06-09-2016, 01:54 PM
Trump's "Not REALLY" Racist statements and actions...

•“I have black guys counting my money.… I hate it. The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes all day.” (USA Today, May 20, 1991)

•“Who the fuck knows? I mean, really, who knows how much the Japs will pay for Manhattan property these days?” (TIME, January 1989)

•“Jeb Bush has to like the Mexican Illegals because of his wife.” (Retweeted and then deleted on Twitter, July 4, 2015)

•Points his finger into a crowd. 'look, look, at my Black right there.'
(I don't recall Obama saying 'look look at my white people here'... did i miss that? Ron Paul say anything like that?)

•...He can't be fair a judge he's Hispanic...
(If any Latino or Black said that about a white Judge or Cop would that be racist? Did Ron Paul say anything CLOSE to that?)

Its been posted elsewhere about NYTimes and other newspapers documenting his acts of racial discrimination at his Casinos with employees and with customers.

Of his fines, and settlements and resettlements because he CONTINUED discriminating against minorities in his Apartments even after the gov't demanded that he quit that racist BS.

Look I'm not sure what you folks consider racist. since i've been on board basically everthing's been defended as NOT racist. the only white guys on the Right I've seen called racist on this board by a few people are Ron and Rand Paul. and there's NOTHING like the list above that can be connected to either one.

But in General Whites ..as long as they are on the right... can call blacks monkeys, (but it's not really racist ) use the N word against Blacks (but it's not really racist ), discriminated in business against Blacks Latinos and Arabs (but it's not really racist ), Not Trust Latino , Blacks and Arabs on the court benches (but it's not really racist ) or in Business, (but it's not really racist ) or on the streets stoping and frisking 99% minorities etc (but it's not really racist!).

What part of life does racist apply in your minds?
It's certainly NOT constantly applied across races or politics by some here that i can see.

some time ago I asked folks on the board 'what made Obama a racist' in many of your minds.
And the answers essential were something like.. (not direct quotes here but the gist)
'the things he says' (left unspecified no quotes) and 'how upset OTHER people are nowadays about race.'
but finally it was "I Just KNOW IT."

At this point i don't suspect anyone here will see the problem with this or Trump.
I suspect more lame justification cough-excuses-cough and possibly someone calling me a few name as a defense. But I just wanted to layout AGAIN the actions and words from Trump that show me and many others that Trump DOES have some PROBLEM thinking and relating equally with races other than whites. (i think it can be documented that Trump has a problem with woman as well. but thats another thread.)

But hey, if you folks don't see ANY problems on race with Trump.
Then I have to say you see should NO problems with ANYONE else R or D in politics today either.

No one on this board ever brought up the fact Obama sat under a black bigot for 20 years and referred to him as his mentor? No one brought up the fact Obama assumes white cops are guilty every time a black dies. They said they just know he's racist with nothing to back it up but intuition. Interesting.

06-09-2016, 02:06 PM
No one on this board ever brought up the fact Obama sat under a black bigot for 20 years and referred to him as his mentor? No one brought up the fact Obama assumes white cops are guilty every time a black dies. They said they just know he's racist with nothing to back it up but intuition. Interesting.

um i've been told Obama is really a Muslim by some folks here..

06-09-2016, 02:08 PM
No one on this board ever brought up the fact Obama sat under a black bigot for 20 years and referred to him as his mentor? No one brought up the fact Obama assumes white cops are guilty every time a black dies. They said they just know he's racist with nothing to back it up but intuition. Interesting.

Should have been on USMB in 07. I had a laundry list on O-blah-blah. Unfortunately for this country, I was correct. But I was all over that board more than I am now.

And you left out Ayers. The home-grown terrorist Clinton pardoned.

But I am consistent if nothing else. There's enough crap on that idiot to sink a boat and all the knuckleheads were doing was trying to prove he wasn't a US citizen. Same goes here. I got a laundry list on Trump. Things he actually did. No need to make up crap.

06-09-2016, 02:09 PM
No one on this board ever brought up the fact Obama sat under a black bigot for 20 years and referred to him as his mentor? No one brought up the fact Obama assumes white cops are guilty every time a black dies. They said they just know he's racist with nothing to back it up but intuition. Interesting.

"everytime a white cop" seriously?

Obama Sat under a racist... therefore = a racist.

Trump's Father's racism is celebrated in song by Woody Guthrie,
and Donald himself does racist thing says racist things = NOT a racist

06-09-2016, 02:10 PM
Should have been on USMB in 07. I had a laundry list on O-blah-blah. Unfortunately for this country, I was correct. But I was all over that board more than I am now.

And you left out Ayers. The home-grown terrorist Clinton pardoned.

But I am consistent if nothing else. There's enough crap on that idiot to sink a boat and all the knuckleheads were doing was trying to prove he wasn't a US citizen. Same goes here. I got a laundry list on Trump. Things he actually did. No need to make up crap.

Ayers is a Racist issue with Obama?

nothing i posted is made up.
just ignored. or made excuses for.

06-09-2016, 02:17 PM
nothing i posted is made up.
just ignored. or made excuses for.

And your point is? Doesn't seem like he has any competitors. And I'm not going to reiterate all the things I've said about Trump for a year. You can find my opinion of him in quite a few threads.

However, having 4 years of journalism under my belt you're painting a one-way picture with a narrow mind. Try opening it up and looking at the big picture. He's the nominee. Hillary's the other. Anyone else is just wasted time. End of story.

I WILL repeat you're a day late and a dollar short to start crying. You're not going to change anyone's mind. The time to stand up was a year ago. Not after the smoke clears and there's only one man standing.

Black Diamond
06-09-2016, 02:22 PM
"everytime a white cop" seriously?

Obama Sat under a racist... therefore = a racist.

Trump Does racist thing says racist things = NOT a racist
If McCain had called David Duke his mentor, you wouldn't assume McCain was racist ....

Obama has said and done things that are racist but you obviously refuse to see them. So maybe you should get off your high horse about Trump supporters.

Black Diamond
06-09-2016, 02:27 PM
um i've been told Obama is really a Muslim by some folks here..

I suppose you think they are racist for believing that.

06-09-2016, 02:29 PM
And your point is? Doesn't seem like he has any competitors. And I'm not going to reiterate all the things I've said about Trump for a year. You can find my opinion of him in quite a few threads.

However, having 4 years of journalism under my belt you're painting a one-way picture with a narrow mind. Try opening it up and looking at the big picture. He's the nominee. Hillary's the other. Anyone else is just wasted time. End of story.

I WILL repeat you're a day late and a dollar short to start crying. You're not going to change anyone's mind. The time to stand up was a year ago. Not after the smoke clears and there's only one man standing.

Changing minds here, not likely. But i just didn't want perfumed BS about Trump to fly unchallenged in this case.

If that's folks choice fine, it'd just be nice if some folks would stop pretending that Trump does not have serious issues grasping and working with the idea of equally in race and gender (only 2 genders thanks) .
The fact that people have chosen to continue to defend, ignore and whitewash that negative
and chosen him over the other R candidates reflexes on them.

06-09-2016, 02:29 PM
If McCain had called David Duke his mentor, you wouldn't assume McCain was racist ....

Obama has said and done things that are racist but you obviously refuse to see them. So maybe you should get off your high horse about Trump supporters.

Obama's the worst racist in the WH since Wilson. Actually, worse from my POV. He has openly sided against the police and the military. And completely sided with BLM. At least Wilson had an excuse. He was a man of his time. Obama has NO excuse for just about anything he's done.

Black Diamond
06-09-2016, 02:30 PM
Ayers is a Racist issue with Obama?

nothing i posted is made up.
just ignored. or made excuses for.

Maybe most of what you post wouldn't be ignored if you didn't post a fucking Tolstoy novel every time.

06-09-2016, 02:34 PM
If McCain had called David Duke his mentor, you wouldn't assume McCain was racist ....

Obama has said and done things that are racist but you obviously refuse to see them. So maybe you should get off your high horse about Trump supporters.


If you can point to Obama's and TRUMPS racism then sure, we've got some place to start talking.
but if you can only see Obama's then No, I can't see Obama's either.

not by your definition of racism

06-09-2016, 02:37 PM
Maybe most of what you post wouldn't be ignored if you didn't post a fucking Tolstoy novel every time.

I think he's heard THAT ONE before. Rambling on and knowing nothing about writing. Can't imagine who would be the other person to mention it. :whistling2:

If I want to read a book the girls have a major ton of them around here.

06-09-2016, 02:42 PM
Maybe most of what you post wouldn't be ignored if you didn't post a fucking Tolstoy novel every time.

How do you point to racism that isn't there? He generalizes just like you do. You lump people into categories. Using "racism" as an excuse to criticize is lame and means you have no real argument. I can call Obama a racist because he has continuously made racist decisions. A far cry from calling a Mexican a Mexican when they're running around with the Mexican flag claiming to be Mexicans.

It ain't a one-way street.

06-09-2016, 02:46 PM
Obama's the worst racist in the WH since Wilson. Actually, worse from my POV. He has openly sided against the police ....

you are Mistaken.
Unless you think NOTHING LESS than FULL ON UNQUALLIFIED SUPPORT for LEOs is to be considered HATE and Racist.

Look i'm no Obama supporters but I'm not making anything up about him either.
It just seems to me some folks here Only see what they like In some and what they dislike in others.

I would address the rest of your post but I'd hate for you to have to read to much, so that you'd have an informed opinion on what your commenting on.

Obama: Speach to Police
“There is a specific problem that is happening in African American communities that is not happening in other communities. And that is a legitimate issue that we’ve got to address.”

"In you, we often see America at its best. You don’t just protect us from each other, you build a foundation so that we can trust each other and rely on each other.” He said that falling crime rates did not mean that minority concerns about the police could be brushed aside, but he said that police should not receive nearly so much blame.
“Too often, law enforcement gets scapegoated for broader failures of our society and our criminal-justice system,” he said. “You do your job with distinction no matter the challenges you face. But we can’t expect you to contain and control problems that the rest of us aren’t willing to face or do anything about‚ problems ranging from substandard education to a shortage of jobs and opportunity, an absence of drug-treatment programs, and laws that result in it being easier in too many neighborhoods for a young person to purchase a gun than a book.”

stuff like that's "racist" and betrayal of police?

but they "send rapist and killers... a few good ones" is a OK?

Black Diamond
06-09-2016, 02:56 PM
you are Mistaken.
Unless you think NOTHING LESS than FULL ON UNQUALLIFIED SUPPORT for LEOs is to considered HATE and Racist.

Look i'm no Obama supporters but I'm not making anything up about him either.
It just seems to me some folks here Only see what they like In some and what they dislike in others.

I would address the rest of your post but I'd hate for you to have to read to much.

“There is a specific problem that is happening in African American communities that is not happening in other communities. And that is a legitimate issue that we’ve got to address.”

"In you, we often see America at its best. You don’t just protect us from each other, you build a foundation so that we can trust each other and rely on each other.” He said that falling crime rates did not mean that minority concerns about the police could be brushed aside, but he said that police should not receive nearly so much blame.
“Too often, law enforcement gets scapegoated for broader failures of our society and our criminal-justice system,” he said. “You do your job with distinction no matter the challenges you face. But we can’t expect you to contain and control problems that the rest of us aren’t willing to face or do anything about‚ problems ranging from substandard education to a shortage of jobs and opportunity, an absence of drug-treatment programs, and laws that result in it being easier in too many neighborhoods for a young person to purchase a gun than a book.”

stuff like that's "racist"?

but they "send rapist and killers... a few good ones" is not?
Railing against the government of Mexico isn't racist. Castro opened his jails in the 80s and sent them here. Trump is accusing Mexico of doing the same there.

06-09-2016, 03:01 PM
you are Mistaken.
Unless you think NOTHING LESS than FULL ON UNQUALLIFIED SUPPORT for LEOs is to considered HATE and Racist.

Look i'm no Obama supporters but I'm not making anything up about him either.
It just seems to me some folks here Only see what they like In some and what they dislike in others.

I would address the rest of your post but I'd hate for you to have to read to much, so that you'd have an informed opion on what your commenting on.

“There is a specific problem that is happening in African American communities that is not happening in other communities. And that is a legitimate issue that we’ve got to address.”

"In you, we often see America at its best. You don’t just protect us from each other, you build a foundation so that we can trust each other and rely on each other.” He said that falling crime rates did not mean that minority concerns about the police could be brushed aside, but he said that police should not receive nearly so much blame.
“Too often, law enforcement gets scapegoated for broader failures of our society and our criminal-justice system,” he said. “You do your job with distinction no matter the challenges you face. But we can’t expect you to contain and control problems that the rest of us aren’t willing to face or do anything about‚ problems ranging from substandard education to a shortage of jobs and opportunity, an absence of drug-treatment programs, and laws that result in it being easier in too many neighborhoods for a young person to purchase a gun than a book.”

stuff like that's "racist"?

but they "send rapist and killers... a few good ones" is not?

I'm nowhere near mistaken. Words mean things. But they mean what they mean, not the definition people with an agenda ascribe to them. Quoting Obama is hardly going to work with me.

I'll tell you what the issue is in black communities. They think they are entitled. And they can make more money selling drugs and doing nothing than if they went out and got a real job. That's not racist. It's fact. Face the truth. Black on black crime is almost 80%. White on black crime is almost nonexistent. Cops have a job to do. If you're committing a crime it really doesn't matter what your suntan looks like.

Obama turning it into a minority issue meddling in state affairs is the crime. He can't deal with world leaders but he can join a bunch of blacks being niggers. I don't like a lot of crap but my first instinct is NOT to destroy my own neighborhood and the business that support it, nor to go to some Hillary meeting and beat the crap out of Hillary supporters.

There is no logic to Obama, nor YOUR argument.

06-09-2016, 03:38 PM
No Gunny your words on this issue are onesided, ill informed and offense. As are most others on this board on this issue.

06-09-2016, 03:49 PM
No Gunny your words on this issue are onesided, ill informed and offense. As are most others on this board on this issue.

No rev, they aren't one-sided. I just don't feel the need to invent sh*t. I dislike Trump enough on his own merit. I don't need to look for excuses to.

I can look, but let me guess off the top of my head ... zero threads from rev on Obama's racism? He's as obvious as the sun. Yet you want to whine about Trump calling Mexicans Mexicans? Newsflash: They're freaking Mexicans. Blacks are black. Calling someone what they are when they describe themselves as such is NOT racist just because a white person says it. You hear me running around crying like a little bitch because someone calls me white? No. Redneck? No. Hillbilly? No. Bald? No.

You and all of your overly-sensitive crowd that look for excuses to be offended need to change your diapers, put on your big boy pants and get a box of Kleenex.

06-09-2016, 06:37 PM
you are Mistaken.
Unless you think NOTHING LESS than FULL ON UNQUALLIFIED SUPPORT for LEOs is to be considered HATE and Racist.

Look i'm no Obama supporters but I'm not making anything up about him either.
It just seems to me some folks here Only see what they like In some and what they dislike in others.

I would address the rest of your post but I'd hate for you to have to read to much, so that you'd have an informed opinion on what your commenting on.

Obama: Speach to Police
“There is a specific problem that is happening in African American communities that is not happening in other communities. And that is a legitimate issue that we’ve got to address.”

"In you, we often see America at its best. You don’t just protect us from each other, you build a foundation so that we can trust each other and rely on each other.” He said that falling crime rates did not mean that minority concerns about the police could be brushed aside, but he said that police should not receive nearly so much blame.

“Too often, law enforcement gets scapegoated for broader failures of our society and our criminal-justice system,” he said. “You do your job with distinction no matter the challenges you face. But we can’t expect you to contain and control problems that the rest of us aren’t willing to face or do anything about‚ problems ranging from substandard education to a shortage of jobs and opportunity, an absence of drug-treatment programs, and laws that result in it being easier in too many neighborhoods for a young person to purchase a gun than a book.”

stuff like that's "racist" and betrayal of police?

but they "send rapist and killers... a few good ones" is a OK?

Rev, I hate to say this but I trust what Obama says just about as much as Trump and his 'SCOTUS list' and Hillary about anything. With Obama, unlike Trump, we have plenty of actions-not just words-whether written or spoken. He loathes the police and for one, I don't think he feels much differently about the military members either.

First off, there are bad cops, no disagreement. My experience though is that they are a small % of all cops and in most areas they are not supported by their brethren officers. That doesn't mean there aren't whole departments that are mostly 'bad,' I'm sure there are, with 'good cops' being the exceptions. That of course would take a certain type of citizenry to put up with that, no?

Obama has shown his contempt since the brouhaha early on with the officer, the professor, and the 'beer summit.' What a racist play he made of that.

Then there was, 'He could have been my son,' again racism card.

Ferguson, Baltimore, etc. A leader could have brought together the police and the community, he never tried. Now Baltimore is facing very tough times with the trials, not guilties, and now a big problem with prosecutorial misbehavior. Trump will play right into this, thus the racists from the right and left can equally keep throwing their hate around.

Obama could have played a real role in stopping this, instead whenever the opportunity presents itself, he's made it worse.

06-09-2016, 07:10 PM
Rev, I hate to say this but I trust what Obama says just about as much as Trump and his 'SCOTUS list' and Hillary about anything. With Obama, unlike Trump, we have plenty of actions-not just words-whether written or spoken. He loathes the police and for one, I don't think he feels much differently about the military members either.

First off, there are bad cops, no disagreement. My experience though is that they are a small % of all cops and in most areas they are not supported by their brethren officers. That doesn't mean there aren't whole departments that are mostly 'bad,' I'm sure there are, with 'good cops' being the exceptions. That of course would take a certain type of citizenry to put up with that, no?

Obama has shown his contempt since the brouhaha early on with the officer, the professor, and the 'beer summit.' What a racist play he made of that.

Then there was, 'He could have been my son,' again racism card.

Ferguson, Baltimore, etc. A leader could have brought together the police and the community, he never tried. Now Baltimore is facing very tough times with the trials, not guilties, and now a big problem with prosecutorial misbehavior. Trump will play right into this, thus the racists from the right and left can equally keep throwing their hate around.

Obama could have played a real role in stopping this, instead whenever the opportunity presents itself, he's made it worse.

After seven and one half years of Obama lies. Most of us know...when he says such things. He obviously has his FINGERS CROSSED, to avoid insulting, or offending the people of BALTIMORE, or FERGUSON, and Even CHICAGO...where Black, on Black Crimes are a celebration to be IGNORED.

06-10-2016, 09:08 AM
please give the definitions of and make the distinctions between bigoted and racist.
and help the people here use it consistently across races is my challenge to you sir.

I've been losing that battle for quite some time now. :(

racism: the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

bigotry: intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

06-10-2016, 02:42 PM
No more racist then any of you liberal/lefties and your elected racist snakes

06-10-2016, 03:50 PM
I've been losing that battle for quite some time now. :(

racism: the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

bigotry: intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

You are always going to lose when people misuse words. I'm highly offended that the fascists on the left usurped the world "liberal" from it's true meaning. I'm a liberal. If you notice, I NEVER call the fascists "libs". I always use the term left. The left wouldn't know liberal if it was an incoming train and they were standing on the tracks.

Racism and bigotry are words used to deflect due almost always to ignorance on issues from what I have seen over the years. Face it. The left are a bunch of uneducated, political sheep. They don't want to work and they don't want to think for themselves. They just throw out stupid labels. And yes, I am quite aware there plenty on the right too. It just seems to me the right cares. The left belongs in the movie Metropolis.