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View Full Version : Again FBI had this guy "on the radar"

06-13-2016, 10:55 AM
Just Like Boston and several other incidents.

the problem, as i've mentioned before. When they get a REAL SUSPECT they should FOCUS on them and NOT waste time feeling up grandma at the airport, filing 14 year old girls text messages into databases or scanning and cataloguing random license plates at traffic stops.

The manpower is wasted on the BROAD net surveillance rather than NARROW and intense focus on real suspects. 50 person teams 24/7 surveillance for 2 years, by that time you should know if theirs a case or not. Or if there's reason to continue.

All constitutional if there's reasonable cause.

06-13-2016, 10:57 AM
This guy was found thanks to the broad surveillance. But they fucked up from there, or thought he wasn't a danger to anyone. But I do agree they shouldn't have turned their eyes away at that point, and he WOULD have been more important to watch then grandma at the airport. :)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-13-2016, 01:36 PM
Just Like Boston and several other incidents.

the problem, as i've mentioned before. When they get a REAL SUSPECT they should FOCUS on them and NOT waste time feeling up grandma at the airport, filing 14 year old girls text messages into databases or scanning and cataloguing random license plates at traffic stops.

The manpower is wasted on the BROAD net surveillance rather than NARROW and intense focus on real suspects. 50 person teams 24/7 surveillance for 2 years, by that time you should know if theirs a case or not. Or if there's reason to continue.

All constitutional if there's reasonable cause.

When they get a REAL SUSPECT they should FOCUS on them and NOT waste time feeling up grandma at the airport, filing 14 year old girls text messages into databases or scanning and cataloguing random license plates at traffic stops.
^^^^^ Doing that accomplishes a lot--it wastes manpower and money, pretends to be addressing the issue, diverts away from the real suspects--Islamists and attacks law-abiding American citizens!! Attacks females too , which Islam so dearly hates,abuses and degrades...
And that makes the, muslim-in-hiding obama, quite happy!!!

06-13-2016, 02:04 PM
Just Like Boston and several other incidents.

the problem, as i've mentioned before. When they get a REAL SUSPECT they should FOCUS on them and NOT waste time feeling up grandma at the airport, filing 14 year old girls text messages into databases or scanning and cataloguing random license plates at traffic stops.

The manpower is wasted on the BROAD net surveillance rather than NARROW and intense focus on real suspects. 50 person teams 24/7 surveillance for 2 years, by that time you should know if theirs a case or not. Or if there's reason to continue.

All constitutional if there's reasonable cause.

Before you can get into Probable Cause which is the correct phrase,
an investigation has to determine 'Reasonable Suspicion'
that something could happen.

06-13-2016, 08:17 PM
Just Like Boston and several other incidents.

the problem, as i've mentioned before. When they get a REAL SUSPECT they should FOCUS on them and NOT waste time feeling up grandma at the airport, filing 14 year old girls text messages into databases or scanning and cataloguing random license plates at traffic stops.

The manpower is wasted on the BROAD net surveillance rather than NARROW and intense focus on real suspects. 50 person teams 24/7 surveillance for 2 years, by that time you should know if theirs a case or not. Or if there's reason to continue.

All constitutional if there's reasonable cause.

You can't blame the FBI. No one's allowed to do anything until AFTER a crime is committed in this country.

06-13-2016, 10:07 PM
How intriguing. Those on the FBI watch list can't board a plane, but they can buy an AR-15. :lame2:

06-13-2016, 10:33 PM
How intriguing. Those on the FBI watch list can't board a plane, but they can buy an AR-15. :lame2:

If you read it carefully, there was no reason to put him on a 'watch list' because there was no reasonable suspicion.

06-13-2016, 11:48 PM
How intriguing. Those on the FBI watch list can't board a plane, but they can buy an AR-15. :lame2:

What's lame is the fact you want to blame the tool, not your own stupid rules. You lefties create this kind of mess then want to blame a benign object instead the idiot holding it. Again, an AR-15 is more dangerous than any other other weapon. I can kill that many unarmed sheeple with a katana. One law-abiding citizen with a carry permit could have stopped this guy in his tracks.

You're all about not profiling, letting fruitloops walk the street. YOU and your leftwing ilk make it impossible to be proactive. You're all about the rights of criminals and illegals but not the rights of citizens. Then you cry like babies when the criminals like criminals. There is absolutely ZERO logic to your argument.

There's a law against smoking pot. Tell THAT to CO. There are laws against illegal immigration. Pick which sanctuary city you want to tell that one to. Y'all are hypocrites and liars. The only people you harm with your stupid words on paper are law-abiding citizens. Your words on a piece of paper have yet to stop any REAL threat. Yet you'll just invent a threat as a deflection And you're not even smart enough to know what the threat is. It's not the tool. It's the hand that uses it. You lefties are complete dumbasses.

You want to be protecteed but he second a cop or responsible citizen does something you cry like little bitches about your Rights. Try earning the damned things instead of thinking you're entitled to them.

06-14-2016, 07:12 AM
What's lame is the fact you want to blame the tool, not your own stupid rules. You lefties create this kind of mess then want to blame a benign object instead the idiot holding it. Again, an AR-15 is more dangerous than any other other weapon. I can kill that many unarmed sheeple with a katana. One law-abiding citizen with a carry permit could have stopped this guy in his tracks.

You're all about not profiling, letting fruitloops walk the street. YOU and your leftwing ilk make it impossible to be proactive. You're all about the rights of criminals and illegals but not the rights of citizens. Then you cry like babies when the criminals like criminals. There is absolutely ZERO logic to your argument.

There's a law against smoking pot. Tell THAT to CO. There are laws against illegal immigration. Pick which sanctuary city you want to tell that one to. Y'all are hypocrites and liars. The only people you harm with your stupid words on paper are law-abiding citizens. Your words on a piece of paper have yet to stop any REAL threat. Yet you'll just invent a threat as a deflection And you're not even smart enough to know what the threat is. It's not the tool. It's the hand that uses it. You lefties are complete dumbasses.

You want to be protecteed but he second a cop or responsible citizen does something you cry like little bitches about your Rights. Try earning the damned things instead of thinking you're entitled to them.

Don't blame Gabby. She is just being the good, little, non-thinking, lemming the lefties love. Make the discussion about gun control so we never get to the crux of the matter .... don't even mention radical, extremist Islam because it's about guns, baby! Besides, I am quite certain she has discussed this with her many Islamic friends and they assure her they have NO evil intentions! She has the liberal agenda down to a science.

06-14-2016, 10:58 AM
This guy was found thanks to the broad surveillance. But they fucked up from there, or thought he wasn't a danger to anyone.
“The FBI first became aware of Mateen in 2013 when he made inflammatory comments to co-workers alleging possible terrorist ties,” said Assistant Special Agent Ronald Hopper to reporters Sunday.

not broad surveillance ...but a tip from his co-workers.
broad surveillance hasn't caught jack.

But I do agree they shouldn't have turned their eyes away at that point, and he WOULD have been more important to watch then grandma at the airport.

06-14-2016, 11:08 AM
Just Like Boston and several other incidents.

the problem, as i've mentioned before. When they get a REAL SUSPECT they should FOCUS on them and NOT waste time feeling up grandma at the airport, filing 14 year old girls text messages into databases or scanning and cataloguing random license plates at traffic stops.

The manpower is wasted on the BROAD net surveillance rather than NARROW and intense focus on real suspects. 50 person teams 24/7 surveillance for 2 years, by that time you should know if theirs a case or not. Or if there's reason to continue.

All constitutional if there's reasonable cause.

The only conclusion one can logically come to..... is that 'someone' higher up (or perhaps as high up as you can get) in government is telling these agencies and law enforcement entities to 'back off' if the perp is a Muslim. That's the only thing I can figure out....since there were warnings on all four of the last "terrorist" attacks. And yes, I'm including Nidal Hassan in that as a terrorist attack...since that's exactly what it was.

Government is failing Americans on EVERY level. And I don't see that changing any time soon....

if ever.

It's just a matter of time (when, not if) now before one or several of our cities are nuked by these radical aholes. And government will have had the perps on a watch-list and will have, again, done nothing to stop them.

06-14-2016, 11:11 AM
You can't blame the FBI. No one's allowed to do anything until AFTER a crime is committed in this country.

Then why even bother to spend millions (billions?) of taxpayer money investigating BEFORE a crime is committed? Waste of time and money. But a typical use of taxpayer's dime.

06-14-2016, 11:13 AM
How intriguing. Those on the FBI watch list can't board a plane, but they can buy an AR-15. :lame2:

Ehh.....for the record, it wasn't an AR-15 used in the Orlando slaughter.


06-15-2016, 08:07 AM
On the radar even in the army gets ignored.
"In November 2009, US Army Psychologist Nidal Malik Hasan killed 13 people (one pregnant) by opening fire on a US Army base, all while shouting “God is Great” in Arabic (a misappropriation of Muslim prayers, but used in the 9/11 attacks). How could anything like this happen on a military base? Unbelievably, the Pentagon knew of Hasan’s emails to radical imams, and his increasingly bizarre policy recommendations for Muslims serving in the US armed forces. Many coworkers and colleagues referred to him as a “ticking time bomb.” Red flags appeared everywhere showing that Hasan was seriously conflicted about being a Muslim in the US military, but the Army’s middle management ignored these signals because they were “afraid to be accused of profiling somebody.” "

LOOk it's my position that you don't assume EVERYONE in a group is a problem but if you've got some armed Muslim saying Allah says the U.S. is the great Satan...
or some armed white guy in a confederate t-shirt saying the only good f'n' Ni---s are dead ones.
Or some armed black guy in cammy's saying F all u racist whiteys, u should all die..

Then it's NOT discriminator profiling, it's reasonable to wonder if that person is a real threat and investigate their crazy/stupid/ignorant BS.

06-15-2016, 09:07 AM
On the radar even in the army gets ignored.
"In November 2009, US Army Psychologist Nidal Malik Hasan killed 13 people (one pregnant) by opening fire on a US Army base, all while shouting “God is Great” in Arabic (a misappropriation of Muslim prayers, but used in the 9/11 attacks). How could anything like this happen on a military base? Unbelievably, the Pentagon knew of Hasan’s emails to radical imams, and his increasingly bizarre policy recommendations for Muslims serving in the US armed forces. Many coworkers and colleagues referred to him as a “ticking time bomb.” Red flags appeared everywhere showing that Hasan was seriously conflicted about being a Muslim in the US military, but the Army’s middle management ignored these signals because they were “afraid to be accused of profiling somebody.” "

LOOk it's my position that you don't assume EVERYONE in a group is a problem but if you've got some armed Muslim saying Allah says the U.S. is the great Satan...
or some armed white guy in a confederate t-shirt saying the only good f'n' Ni---s are dead ones.
Or some armed black guy in cammy's saying F all u racist whiteys, u should all die..

Then it's NOT discriminator profiling, it's reasonable to wonder if that person is a real threat and investigate their crazy/stupid/ignorant BS.

This ain't just "some group". Muslims have been trying to invade since whenever. Charles Martel kicked their butts in France in 763. Nothing but brute force has ever stopped them. They use their religion as an excuse, and we blame it on the religion. They're like ants at a picnic. Just squash their asses. But they'll keep on coming. And modern Western civilization has the attention span of a moth. Kill or be killed. That's your options.

06-15-2016, 09:10 AM
This ain't just "some group". Muslims have been trying to invade since whenever. Charles Martel kicked their butts in France in 763. Nothing but brute force has ever stopped them. They use their religion as an excuse, and we blame it on the religion. They're like ants at a picnic. Just squash their asses. But they'll keep on coming. And modern Western civilization has the attention span of a moth. Kill or be killed. That's your options.

Muslims have been fighting since the beginning of time, and usually against one another. But then they must kill any infidels that try to stop their carnage too. ISIS is not Islam, but there ARE a lot of folks out there that accept them than is being reported. Same as in areas that harsh Shariah law is in effect.

06-15-2016, 09:15 AM
This ain't just "some group". Muslims have been trying to invade since whenever. Charles Martel kicked their butts in France in 763. Nothing but brute force has ever stopped them. They use their religion as an excuse, and we blame it on the religion. They're like ants at a picnic. Just squash their asses. But they'll keep on coming. And modern Western civilization has the attention span of a moth. Kill or be killed. That's your options.

so we need to kill ALL the muslims then?

06-15-2016, 09:20 AM
so we need to kill ALL the muslims then?

I certainly wouldn't go that far, but being MUCH MORE vigilant is a good starter. And I WOULD also stop all incoming refugees. Maybe not ban all muslims, as that would be insane - but if someone is coming from Syria, or Yemen - and there is no record of them - DENIED!

06-15-2016, 09:26 AM
so we need to kill ALL the muslims then?

Did I say that? We need to do something instead of mealy-mouthing about it and avoiding the conversation. This is the 21st century right? And they've been at it since when? You can start with the 300 Spartans. Maybe somebody might want to get a clue?

And if it takes killing them, then kill them. Or do you want to wear bed linen for clothing and a doily on your head? Geez, what a bunch of wimps.

06-15-2016, 10:07 AM
Did I say that? We need to do something instead of mealy-mouthing about it and avoiding the conversation. This is the 21st century right? And they've been at it since when? You can start with the 300 Spartans. Maybe somebody might want to get a clue?

And if it takes killing them, then kill them. Or do you want to wear bed linen for clothing and a doily on your head? Geez, what a bunch of wimps.

so what exactly do you think needs to be done?
don't be mealy-mouthed.

what's your plan? you're not a wimp. who do we need to kill today gunny?
Or are you just running your mouth?

06-15-2016, 10:27 AM
so what exactly do you think needs to be done?
don't be mealy-mouthed.

what's your plan? you're not a wimp. who do we need to kill today gunny?
Or are you just running your mouth?

You're asking ME? I'm a Gunnery Sergeant in the US Marine Corps. I'm going to kill them all. I will use every resource I have to do so. I hate Arabs and I hate the Middle East. I'd blow that place off the planet.

Your sarcasm is noted; however, you need to know your audience. I'm a means to an end. I see the problem and I make it disappear. People like YOU just run your mouth. What have you ever done BUT that? You and your damned diatribes. Ever been 5 miles away from home? You got a page and a half opinion on everything, but what have YOU actually ever done?

06-15-2016, 11:31 AM
You're asking ME? I'm a Gunnery Sergeant in the US Marine Corps. I'm going to kill them all. I will use every resource I have to do so. I hate Arabs and I hate the Middle East. I'd blow that place off the planet. ..

I just wanted to be clear.
So we disagree.
I don't hate the M.E. (but as close i've been is Nigeria)
And I don't think we should kill all arabs or all the M.E. or all muslims.
seems like FAR more innocents would killed than any potential threats.
seems to me there are better and various ways to deal with potential threats there other than pretending they all are enemies and killing them all.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-15-2016, 12:21 PM
I just wanted to be clear.
So we disagree.
I don't hate the M.E. (but as close i've been is Nigeria)
And I don't think we should kill all arabs or all the M.E. or all muslims.
seems like FAR more innocents would killed than any potential threats.
seems to me there are better and various ways to deal with potential threats there other than pretending they all are enemies and killing them all.

..... seems like FAR more innocents would killed than any potential threats.
seems to me there are better and various ways to deal with potential threats there other than pretending they all are enemies and killing them all.

Every true muslim views every none muslim (infidel) as an enemy.
Its taught in their religion and not in any abstract, beat around the bush way.
For any muslim to not believe that is sacrilege.
One must remember Islam is the strictest and most intolerant religion on earth and never has been peaceful except when dominated and forced to stop its conquest.

There has been no reformation in Islam, thus it many verses citing to kill/slay infidels are in full effect when and where they can exercise them.

A reality that you and so many others deny!

Yes, the answer is to kill them until they cease--same answer that was applied to the Nazi regime and the Japs.
Problem is-- the leftists, globalists demand we placate and appease them instead... F-THAT!!!

Had we insanely tried that with the Nazi's you'd be speaking german right now if you even existed at all.

Most college history professors do no have the stored, historic knowledge that I have. A fact.. ---Tyr

06-15-2016, 12:55 PM
Before you can get into Probable Cause which is the correct phrase,
an investigation has to determine 'Reasonable Suspicion'
that something could happen.

But....due to the idiot left's political correctness BS, profiling Muslims is not really allowed, so any determination of a "reasonable suspicion" is now being ignored and trash-canned due to that PC. Which is probably going to get millions (not just hundreds) of Americans killed before it's over. Hell, the Obama/Iranian Nuke deal is just one method by which they will end up destroying us if that is not done away with.

06-15-2016, 04:20 PM
I just wanted to be clear.
So we disagree.
I don't hate the M.E. (but as close i've been is Nigeria)
And I don't think we should kill all arabs or all the M.E. or all muslims.
seems like FAR more innocents would killed than any potential threats.
seems to me there are better and various ways to deal with potential threats there other than pretending they all are enemies and killing them all.

They all look the same to me. And not being PC, I'm more than willing to say Islam has been a recurring problem for more than 15 centuries. The way you fix a problem is you get rid of the problem.

06-15-2016, 09:23 PM
wasted resources and unconstitutional.




...The NSA collects nearly 200 million text messages per day through a secret program called Dishfire, according to a new report in The Guardian (http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jan/16/nsa-collects-millions-text-messages-daily-untargeted-global-sweep). The agency described the collected messages as a "goldmine to exploit" for all kinds of personal data....

....Some 1,271 government organizations and 1,931 private companies work on programs related to counterterrorism, homeland security and intelligence in about 10,000 locations across the United States.* An estimated 854,000 people, nearly 1.5 times as many people as live in Washington, D.C., hold top-secret security clearances.
* In Washington and the surrounding area, 33 building complexes for top-secret intelligence work are under construction or have been built since September 2001. Together they occupy the equivalent of almost three Pentagons or 22 U.S. Capitol buildings - about 17 million square feet of space.
* Many security and intelligence agencies do the same work, creating redundancy and waste. For example, 51 federal organizations and military commands, operating in 15 U.S. cities, track the flow of money to and from terrorist networks.
* Analysts who make sense of documents and conversations obtained by foreign and domestic spying share their judgment by publishing 50,000 intelligence reports each year - a volume so large that many are routinely ignored.
Since Sept. 11, 2001, the top-secret world created to respond to the terrorist attacks has grown into an unwieldy enterprise spread over 10,000 U.S. locations.
These are not academic issues; lack of focus, not lack of resources, was at the heart of the Fort Hood shooting that left 13 dead, as well as the Christmas Day bomb attempt thwarted not by the thousands of analysts employed to find lone terrorists but by an alert airline passenger who saw smoke coming from his seat mate....


The U.S. could protect from most attacks if the resources and systems are focused on the right things and right actions. Rather than PLAYING AT "security" at airports and collecting high schoolers text messages.

06-15-2016, 09:30 PM
wasted resources and unconstitutional.


The U.S. could protect from most attacks if the resources and systems are focused on the right things and right actions. Rather than PLAYING AT "security" at airports and collecting high schoolers text messages.

Full Bullshit Rev. Unconstitutional, my ass. Read the signs when you go into an airport...they
refer to the USCFR...United States Code of Federal Regulations. THAT is The Law!

Get out on the line for once...See what it is like. Try Israel...they are even tougher.

06-15-2016, 09:31 PM
wasted resources and unconstitutional.

You're ridiculous sometimes.

06-15-2016, 09:35 PM
But....due to the idiot left's political correctness BS, profiling Muslims is not really allowed, so any determination of a "reasonable suspicion" is now being ignored and trash-canned due to that PC. Which is probably going to get millions (not just hundreds) of Americans killed before it's over. Hell, the Obama/Iranian Nuke deal is just one method by which they will end up destroying us if that is not done away with.

L.E. is bound to obey the laws and regulations...only to improvise in a situation of extremis...

06-15-2016, 10:04 PM
Full Bullshit Rev.
Get out on the line for once...See what it is like. Try Israel...they are even tougher.

so you're saying that they COULD NOT have stopped the fort hood shooter, and the underwear bomber , and maybe this Gay Shooter if they focused 50 people for one years on these people instead of feeling up grandmas?

BTW Israel doesn't do what we do.
Israeli Aviation Security Expert Calls TSA’s Behavioral Detection Skills ‘Worthless'

And there are 62,000+ people in the TSA elessar.
well look

So you're saying it's NOT a waste of resources?
or are you just disagreeing with me because I said it.

06-15-2016, 10:13 PM
L.E. is bound to obey the laws and regulations...only to improvise in a situation of extremis...

I don't know why these people are always crying about the consequences of their own stupid laws. They'd over-regulate boiling water but piss their Pampers when it scalds them. We can't profile. We can't suspect anyone. But it's our fault when they murder a shitload of people. GMAFB.

06-17-2016, 08:56 AM
I think CNN has the wrong emphasis on this story. The gun dealer reporting to FBI seems bigger to me than the texting between killer and wife. I've heard that the tape was recorded over, when the FBI didn't respond. I'm pretty sure much of what is 'under' can be retrieved:


06-17-2016, 09:19 AM
I think CNN has the wrong emphasis on this story. The gun dealer reporting to FBI seems bigger to me than the texting between killer and wife. I've heard that the tape was recorded over, when the FBI didn't respond. I'm pretty sure much of what is 'under' can be retrieved:


Completely agree. As usual, they're channeling Obama's refusal to admit who the criminals are. He won't blame the religion. He won't blame the criminal. He wants to blame the gun and the gun shop owner, not the idiot using it. This guy can't get out of office fast enough for me. He is just flat plain old stupid.

06-17-2016, 12:33 PM
I think CNN has the wrong emphasis on this story. The gun dealer reporting to FBI seems bigger to me than the texting between killer and wife. I've heard that the tape was recorded over, when the FBI didn't respond. I'm pretty sure much of what is 'under' can be retrieved:



And another story talks about the how he was a Guard at county gov't where he said some crazy terrorist crap. that's when his co-workers reported him to the FBI and they 1st started looking at him. says they tracked him for 10 months..whatever that means. since they didn't connect a lot.

Again it's at this point where the man power and focus should come into play.

Just look at what the media has on this guy in a few days, film of him in FLA, his bad school records, his ex wives portrayal as a violent nut, his current wife's info and concerns, his gay club visits, His gay dating apps and links, his contacts with multiple people, including fellow security guard employee that told his bosses that the Guy had said he was going to kill a bunch of people. seems the gov't should have talked to or gotten that info.

FBI/Homeland Security dropped the ball.
But Of course realistically there's no way to keep perfectly safe but when they had someone in their sights like that and they can't prevent the terror act then what should we expect they can prevent?
Do they have to have written invitation with date, location and time before they can prevent anything?

but 62000 TSA agents feeling up grandmas and checking teens emails instead makes sense people?

06-17-2016, 01:48 PM

And another story talks about the how he was a Guard at county gov't where he said some crazy terrorist crap. that's when his co-workers reported him to the FBI and they 1st started looking at him. says they tracked him for 10 months..whatever that means. since they didn't connect a lot.

Again it's at this point where the man power and focus should come into play.

Just look at what the media has on this guy in a few days, film of him in FLA, his bad school records, his ex wives portrayal as a violent nut, his current wife's info and concerns, his gay club visits, His gay dating apps and links, his contacts with multiple people, including fellow security guard employee that told his bosses that the Guy had said he was going to kill a bunch of people. seems the gov't should have talked to or gotten that info.

FBI/Homeland Security dropped the ball.
But Of course realistically there's no way to keep perfectly safe but when they had someone in their sights like that and they can't prevent the terror act then what should we expect they can prevent?
Do they have to have written invitation with date, location and time before they can prevent anything?

but 62000 TSA agents feeling up grandmas and checking teens emails instead makes sense people?

You're all over the place. As usual. The Gestapo didn't drop the ball. You want to pay for more of them? I don't. But that's how it's going to end up, IF anything is done.

The TSA is a waste of tax dollars. The airlines should be footing the bill. It's THEIR airplanes and THEIR airport. The knee-jerk reactions in this country never fail to amaze me. These guys might be religious retards but they are far from stupid. They're pretty technically and tactically proficient. You think they're actually going to try the same trick twice? We got more crap to attack.

SO what's YOUR freedom worth? For every extra law and stupid rule and TSA agents that have a collective IQ of 40, you give up that much freedom. We need to go kick the sh*t out of them in THEIR damned yard instead of letting them bring the battle to us.

06-17-2016, 02:53 PM
On the radar even in the army gets ignored.
"In November 2009, US Army Psychologist Nidal Malik Hasan killed 13 people (one pregnant) by opening fire on a US Army base, all while shouting “God is Great” in Arabic (a misappropriation of Muslim prayers, but used in the 9/11 attacks). How could anything like this happen on a military base? Unbelievably, the Pentagon knew of Hasan’s emails to radical imams, and his increasingly bizarre policy recommendations for Muslims serving in the US armed forces. Many coworkers and colleagues referred to him as a “ticking time bomb.” Red flags appeared everywhere showing that Hasan was seriously conflicted about being a Muslim in the US military, but the Army’s middle management ignored these signals because they were “afraid to be accused of profiling somebody.” "

LOOk it's my position that you don't assume EVERYONE in a group is a problem but if you've got some armed Muslim saying Allah says the U.S. is the great Satan...
or some armed white guy in a confederate t-shirt saying the only good f'n' Ni---s are dead ones.
Or some armed black guy in cammy's saying F all u racist whiteys, u should all die..

Then it's NOT discriminator profiling, it's reasonable to wonder if that person is a real threat and investigate their crazy/stupid/ignorant BS.

Don't you ever read instead of preach?

Here was my initial response that you ignored:

"Before you can get into Probable Cause which is the correct phrase,
an investigation has to determine 'Reasonable Suspicion'
that something could happen."

06-17-2016, 02:59 PM
so you're saying that they COULD NOT have stopped the fort hood shooter, and the underwear bomber , and maybe this Gay Shooter if they focused 50 people for one years on these people instead of feeling up grandmas?

BTW Israel doesn't do what we do.
Israeli Aviation Security Expert Calls TSA’s Behavioral Detection Skills ‘Worthless'

And there are 62,000+ people in the TSA elessar.
well look

So you're saying it's NOT a waste of resources?
or are you just disagreeing with me because I said it.

Don't tell me what I am saying, putting words into my mouth, Idiot!
You liberals handcuff the Feds with your screaming and protesting whines.

06-17-2016, 03:03 PM

And another story talks about the how he was a Guard at county gov't where he said some crazy terrorist crap. that's when his co-workers reported him to the FBI and they 1st started looking at him. says they tracked him for 10 months..whatever that means. since they didn't connect a lot.

Again it's at this point where the man power and focus should come into play.

Just look at what the media has on this guy in a few days, film of him in FLA, his bad school records, his ex wives portrayal as a violent nut, his current wife's info and concerns, his gay club visits, His gay dating apps and links, his contacts with multiple people, including fellow security guard employee that told his bosses that the Guy had said he was going to kill a bunch of people. seems the gov't should have talked to or gotten that info.

FBI/Homeland Security dropped the ball.
But Of course realistically there's no way to keep perfectly safe but when they had someone in their sights like that and they can't prevent the terror act then what should we expect they can prevent?
Do they have to have written invitation with date, location and time before they can prevent anything?

but 62000 TSA agents feeling up grandmas and checking teens emails instead makes sense people?

If you have a real solution to your whines, RUN FOR OFFICE and implement it. Your crying gets old.

06-17-2016, 03:09 PM
You're all over the place. As usual. The Gestapo didn't drop the ball. You want to pay for more of them? I don't. But that's how it's going to end up, IF anything is done.

your not reading what i wrote.
or you're reading into it what you THINK i really mean..

The TSA is a waste of tax dollars.
I've said that from the day they were proposed.

And Now there are far better ways for airports to check UNOBTRUSIVELY to detect metals and explosives.
If they really wanted to do that.
But airport security has always been a bit of a joke.
the, airport personnel, flight crews and baggage handers are the weak links they have free access to everything not the passengers.

But yeah, the TSA is a joke.

06-17-2016, 03:25 PM
If you have a real solution to your whines, RUN FOR OFFICE and implement it. Your crying gets old.

Aren't you, Gunny and others whining about Obama and his action? (daily) And suggesting other actions.
Why aren't you telling them to stop whining and RUN FOR OFFICE Elessar?

Look, you don't have to agree with me but don't pretend that I'm the only one that thinks things ought to be done differently.

As far as i can tell we're ALL here to whine about what don't like in politics and society and try to see these problems more clearly.

But you seem to want to whine about me for some reason.
how about you staying on topic. if you've got BETTER Ideas or some rational criticism of what i'm saying I'd love to read it. and we can all send our Ideas to our congress critters and CICs.

but if you just don't like my whining put me on ignore, I'm tired of your lil' nagging fits they're past old.

06-17-2016, 03:41 PM
your not reading what i wrote.
or you're reading into it what you THINK i really mean..

I've said that from the day they were proposed.

And Now there are far better ways for airports to check UNOBTRUSIVELY to detect metals and explosives.
If they really wanted to do that.
But airport security has always been a bit of a joke.
the, airport personnel, flight crews and baggage handers are the weak links they have free access to everything not the passengers.

But yeah, the TSA is a joke.

I read just fine. You need to learn to write. You can't even agree to agree with me on something. You're too busy on your soapbox. FTR, I've been against the TSA from Day One. It doesn't make it go away.

Your problem is you want to blame the people that carry out policy for the policy itself. Try blaming the idiots that create the policy.

06-17-2016, 03:49 PM
....So you're saying it's NOT a waste of resources?
Don't tell me what I am saying, putting words into my mouth, Idiot!
You liberals handcuff the Feds with your screaming and protesting whines.nag Pitch & moan
Look Elessar, notice there's a QUESTION MARK at the end of my sentence?
that means I'm asking you a question.
do you understand that?
A question is asking for clarification, giving you an opportunity to explain what you meant.
but I guess that's to much to ask.

So now you say the "liberal whiners" handcuff the feds.
Somehow I thought it was the constitution that was supposed to handcuff/chain the Feds.
"In questions of powers, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution." — Thomas Jefferson

is that a problem for you?

so you think the FED Doesn't have ENOUGH authority or power to do their jobs?
that they need MORE authority to... to do what exactly?
go to into homes without warrants?
enhanced interogations?
warrantless spying on phones computers?

notice the question marks?

you said the feds are "HANDCUFFED"

06-17-2016, 03:56 PM
I read just fine. You need to learn to write. You can't even agree to agree with me on something. You're too busy on your soapbox. FTR, I've been against the TSA from Day One. It doesn't make it go away.

Your problem is you want to blame the people that carry out policy for the policy itself. Try blaming the idiots that create the policy.

Yes W Bush and the 2002 congress created that problem.
they Created the patriot act (Actually it was already drafted years earlier waiting for the right crisis). They create the TSA, and dept of Homeland Security and had them checking grandmas panties and teenagers cellphones. wasting time.

so yeah Bush the 2002 congress and all the following that Re-up the new system over and over. and all the people that cheer for it as if it was going to help when it was only FAUX security... and an unconstitutional invasion of 300 millions people privacy with Zero impact on domestic terrorism.

But you know whenever i bring up W Bush here some people want to remind me that he's not in office.
and that I'm a "liberal" . lol!
rather than address the problem now OR how it got started.

06-17-2016, 06:29 PM
but if you just don't like my whining put me on ignore, I'm tired of your lil' nagging fits they're past old.

Not fits, Buster...shoving your overbearing bloviation right back at you. You are so much 'Holier Than Thou"!

I do not put people on ignore. That is a cowards way out and a weakling tactic.

You've been given options to listen, but you'd rather snip and paste half an damn page of quotes and graphs
very, very few will read.

06-17-2016, 06:32 PM
I read just fine. You need to learn to write. You can't even agree to agree with me on something. You're too busy on your soapbox. FTR, I've been against the TSA from Day One. It doesn't make it go away.

Your problem is you want to blame the people that carry out policy for the policy itself. Try blaming the idiots that create the policy.

Bingo! Give that Jarhead a cigar!