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View Full Version : If the shooter doesn't represent all muslims

06-13-2016, 01:26 PM

06-13-2016, 01:38 PM


06-13-2016, 02:21 PM
It is simple...

Blame the instrument but not the person activating it.

That is how liberals and 'gun' snatchers roll. One thing I have
not seen yet is if he was the legal owner of the AR-15 and if it
had been illegally altered to fire full auto or not.

Full auto requires a ATF (Federal) permit. It is not a NRA
issue at this point. Anything suggesting that it is,
is a red herring argument.

Update: it was found that he was the legal owner, but still no notion
as to whether or not it was altered.

06-13-2016, 03:08 PM
It's simple, they've worked this out

You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.

Rahm Emanuel

06-13-2016, 04:06 PM
It is simple...

Blame the instrument but not the person activating it.

That is how liberals and 'gun' snatchers roll. One thing I have
not seen yet is if he was the legal owner of the AR-15 and if it
had been illegally altered to fire full auto or not.

Full auto requires a ATF (Federal) permit. It is not a NRA
issue at this point. Anything suggesting that it is,
is a red herring argument.

Update: it was found that he was the legal owner, but still no notion
as to whether or not it was altered.

It's a stupid argument. I have an electrician's pouch and I consider ever tool in it a weapon, to include the pencil. Blaming firearms for the actions of men who started out beating each other with rocks and clubs is just ludicrous. If I want you dead, you're going to die. I am the weapon, not the tool.

This is a case of a coward waging war against noncombatants and the fools who refuse to accept that that is what's going on based on religious zealotry. I said the same thing about Fred Phelps. I'm equal opportunity. Cowards are cowards no matter what label they try and hide behind.

06-13-2016, 04:19 PM

Are you posting over at USMB under the name Steve_McGarrett?

06-13-2016, 04:30 PM
If you are not in the military or a registered peace officer, you don't need an AR-15. Or any similar weapon. It's as simple as that.
The second amendment does not give you the right to own an assault rifle. If you need a weapon for self-defense, a single shot handgun will do.

If you want an AR-15, you better go out and get one now. They aren't going to be sold for much longer.
There are going to be a lot of second amendment challenges come before the SCOTUS in a few years. Want to guess how they will turn out? :cool:

06-13-2016, 04:54 PM
If you are not in the military or a registered peace officer, you don't need an AR-15. Or any similar weapon. It's as simple as that.
The second amendment does not give you the right to own an assault rifle. If you need a weapon for self-defense, a single shot handgun will do.

If you want an AR-15, you better go out and get one now. They aren't going to be sold for much longer.
There are going to be a lot of second amendment challenges come before the SCOTUS in a few years. Want to guess how they will turn out? :cool:

Who are YOU to decide what people need? A legally owned AR-15 functions like any other rifle.

And I can drive downtown and get a fully-automatic AK-47 if I want to be a criminal.

06-13-2016, 04:58 PM
If you are not in the military or a registered peace officer, you don't need an AR-15. Or any similar weapon. It's as simple as that.
The second amendment does not give you the right to own an assault rifle. If you need a weapon for self-defense, a single shot handgun will do.

If you want an AR-15, you better go out and get one now. They aren't going to be sold for much longer.
There are going to be a lot of second amendment challenges come before the SCOTUS in a few years. Want to guess how they will turn out? :cool:
I was going to write a rebuttal but then realized it would be a waste of effort ...

06-13-2016, 04:58 PM
Are you posting over at USMB under the name Steve_McGarrett?

Not me! That's a dumb name. I like to go to other places and use usernames that I see from yet other places, just to confuse and piss everyone off. :) Ok, ok, I really don't do that. But if you did see me elsewhere, you would know it by my wacky name, like "I_Love_boobies" or something that wouldn't give me away too easily.

06-13-2016, 05:04 PM
How many millions and millions of guns are out there right now? And if you regulate them somehow, the criminals that own them, will they too participate? And if there is ever confiscation of any sort, will the criminals show up to give away their tools?

With that said, it doesn't matter anyway. The guns in folks houses are safe and sound right where they are, and the right to buy guns of all sorts WILL NOT be going anywhere, not in our lifetimes. This is one of the founding principles of our nation and whiny liberals aren't going to make it disappear.

06-13-2016, 05:05 PM
Not me! That's a dumb name. I like to go to other places and use usernames that I see from yet other places, just to confuse and piss everyone off. :) Ok, ok, I really don't do that. But if you did see me elsewhere, you would know it by my wacky name, like "I_Love_boobies" or something that wouldn't give me away too easily.

Good. That guy's is a huuuge douche.

06-13-2016, 05:06 PM
Not me! That's a dumb name. I like to go to other places and use usernames that I see from yet other places, just to confuse and piss everyone off. :) Ok, ok, I really don't do that. But if you did see me elsewhere, you would know it by my wacky name, like "I_Love_boobies" or something that wouldn't give me away too easily.

I had to use a different ID on USMB. Apparently it would have "caused problems" if I used Gunny. Even though a certain individual made sure everyone on the board knew who I was. I thought it was ridiculous. I just did what the admin wanted.

I actually haven't been on a board besides this one in almost 2 years. I just don't want to deal with all the drama queens.

As far as the OP goes, the media is running this sh*t into the ground. It got old by lunchtime.

06-13-2016, 05:08 PM
Good. That guy's is a huuuge douche.

Well, it DOES sound like me a bit then. :)

I think you would recognize me. I can't act as someone else no matter how I tried. I would be the same douche no matter where I went. :)

06-13-2016, 05:09 PM
I had to use a different ID on USMB. Apparently it would have "caused problems" if I used Gunny. Even though a certain individual made sure everyone on the board knew who I was. I thought it was ridiculous. I just did what the admin wanted.

I actually haven't been on a board besides this one in almost 2 years. I just don't want to deal with all the drama queens.

As far as the OP goes, the media is running this sh*t into the ground. It got old by lunchtime.

Last time I logged in there was YEARS back - if you remember, I logged in - went to the lounge, then opened the members picture thread which was about 1,000 pages long. Since I was still the original creator of that thread, and no one ever changed "deleting rights", I deleted my one post, which in turn took the entire thread with it. :thumb:

06-13-2016, 05:12 PM
Well, it DOES sound like me a bit then. :)

I think you would recognize me. I can't act as someone else no matter how I tried. I would be the same douche no matter where I went. :)

I asked because he started this exact same thread over there... seemed... odd...

06-13-2016, 05:23 PM
I asked because he started this exact same thread over there... seemed... odd...

I think it was Darin, or someone else, had a thread on FB about the shooting, and this picture was in the comments. I stole it as I gladly do most pictures!

But you said he was a "huuuge" douche, so I assume he did more than just post the picture!

Truth is, there are a few places I would NEVER login to again, that being one of them, and the other being ANYWHERE that "truthmatters" posts at regularly.

06-13-2016, 05:33 PM
Last time I logged in there was YEARS back - if you remember, I logged in - went to the lounge, then opened the members picture thread which was about 1,000 pages long. Since I was still the original creator of that thread, and no one ever changed "deleting rights", I deleted my one post, which in turn took the entire thread with it. :thumb:

Honestly, I don't remember because I got to where I just didn't care. I got so tired of the drama I didn't even want to log on anymore.

Hitlery's on the tube blaming the guns. :rolleyes:

06-13-2016, 05:44 PM
I think it was Darin, or someone else, had a thread on FB about the shooting, and this picture was in the comments. I stole it as I gladly do most pictures!

But you said he was a "huuuge" douche, so I assume he did more than just post the picture!

Truth is, there are a few places I would NEVER login to again, that being one of them, and the other being ANYWHERE that "truthmatters" posts at regularly.

It's his overall track record of posts that qualifies him for huuuuge douche status. Extremely racist and bigoted post all the time. It gets tiresome.

06-13-2016, 05:58 PM
It's his overall track record of posts that qualifies him for huuuuge douche status. Extremely racist and bigoted post all the time. It gets tiresome.

When I started looking at boards again I tried to go back to that board. It's just full of idiots, IMO. The owner likes to cross advertise his boards. He's a professional board owner. I fought him tooth and nail while I was still there over that, and the result is exactly what I expected. Idiots from his gambling and sports boards who know nothing about politics have taken over and they're just plain nasty to any and everyone that disagrees with them. Everything's personal there and all the e-balls guys are out in force.

Too much drama for me. The reason I walked away for several years. And it's the reason I am here. We might have a little drama, but it's so seldom it's actually entertainment when it happens. :laugh: When every word you post causes somone to melt down, it's just not any fun, IMO.

06-13-2016, 07:12 PM
If you are not in the military or a registered peace officer, you don't need an AR-15. Or any similar weapon. It's as simple as that.
The second amendment does not give you the right to own an assault rifle. If you need a weapon for self-defense, a single shot handgun will do.

If you want an AR-15, you better go out and get one now. They aren't going to be sold for much longer.
There are going to be a lot of second amendment challenges come before the SCOTUS in a few years. Want to guess how they will turn out? :cool:

Dumb argument. It is not as simple as that. Your mindset would prohibit semi-auto pistols, rifles and shotguns.

A single shot handgun?? Like a cap and ball black powder? So one round is all you need? On a safe range environment perhaps.
I see you have never taken a judgmental pistol course. L.E. and military have and we've been taught 3 rounds out of the holster.
Why? Because at least the first might go wide, is why. These are not paper bulls-eyes at the local pistol range that do not pose
a threat to fire back.

06-14-2016, 01:00 AM
It is simple...

Blame the instrument but not the person activating it.

The instrument in this case is "Islam"

06-14-2016, 01:59 AM
The instrument in this case is "Islam"

The instrument is the person. A religion doesn't amount to anything. It's the stupid morons that think it's okay to kill in the name of it. Who actually ever wins a war? The people that make a living off of it. Otherwise we fight over nothing. We fight over contrived circumstances.

06-14-2016, 12:02 PM
It is simple...

Blame the instrument but not the person activating it.

That is how liberals and 'gun' snatchers roll. One thing I have
not seen yet is if he was the legal owner of the AR-15 and if it
had been illegally altered to fire full auto or not.

Full auto requires a ATF (Federal) permit. It is not a NRA
issue at this point. Anything suggesting that it is,
is a red herring argument.

Update: it was found that he was the legal owner, but still no notion
as to whether or not it was altered.

The media is lying, as usual. It wasn't an AR-15.


06-14-2016, 12:09 PM
The media is lying, as usual. It wasn't an AR-15.


The media doesn't have a frikkin clue ... nor do the anti-gun idiots. You could mount a scope, fore grip and bayonet on a flintlock and those folks would go out of their minds screaming about that "assault rifle". Rather than try to educate themselves, they are all busy posting stupid crap all over social media. I saw one "quote" attributed to Geo. Washington that implied the 2d Amendment only referred to muskets and not weapons that fired "13.3 rounds per second" ..... not sure when the last time anyone talked to Mr. Washington but I am fairly certain it wasn't in my life time.

06-14-2016, 02:51 PM
As far as I'm concerned he does represent every Muslim who takes Islam seriously but not ignorant nominal Muslims. The weapon used is irrelevant because those bent on harming people will find a way, just like Timothy McVeigh did. I'm opposed to mixing firearms and alcohol consumed to impairment and some guys also just turn instant jerk with alcohol. Still had there been a couple armed and trained guys in there the outcome would have been different.

Abbey Marie
06-14-2016, 03:48 PM
A local- to- me Moms group is all in a tizzy because a gun shop just opened in the major shopping district around here. They tried to say it was the large size of the sign that says "Guns" that bothered them, and what about our poor children who actually have to see it? It's obvious it's not the size of the sign that they are really on about.

Those of you who live in a more Conservative state, be thankful. We have to put up with a ton of liberal nonsense here.

06-14-2016, 04:53 PM
The media is lying, as usual. It wasn't an AR-15.


Correction: The blog is wrong. I've just been informed by someone who knows AR-15s that the perp's gun, the Sig Sauer, is indeed an AR-15 style weapon.



06-14-2016, 04:54 PM
The media doesn't have a frikkin clue ... nor do the anti-gun idiots. You could mount a scope, fore grip and bayonet on a flintlock and those folks would go out of their minds screaming about that "assault rifle". Rather than try to educate themselves, they are all busy posting stupid crap all over social media. I saw one "quote" attributed to Geo. Washington that implied the 2d Amendment only referred to muskets and not weapons that fired "13.3 rounds per second" ..... not sure when the last time anyone talked to Mr. Washington but I am fairly certain it wasn't in my life time.

A gun guru friend (ex bf) of mine just informed me that that gun IS an AR-15 style weapon. So the media wasn't lying THIS time.

06-14-2016, 04:59 PM
A gun guru friend (ex bf) of mine just informed me that that gun IS an AR-15 style weapon. So the media wasn't lying THIS time.

It still doesn't matter, ma'am. You know as well as I do you could get an illegally modified fully-auto AK in downtown Houston or SA quicker than you could buy a legal firearm. We can't keep illegal people out. We can't keep illegal drugs out. And words on a piece of paper aren't going to stop illegal firearms from jetting through the pipeline from Central Europe and Asia.

You fight fire with fire.

06-14-2016, 05:53 PM
As far as I'm concerned he does represent every Muslim who takes Islam seriously but not ignorant nominal Muslims. The weapon used is irrelevant because those bent on harming people will find a way, just like Timothy McVeigh did. I'm opposed to mixing firearms and alcohol consumed to impairment and some guys also just turn instant jerk with alcohol. Still had there been a couple armed and trained guys in there the outcome would have been different.

A gay association, The Pink Pistols, in favor of 2nd Ammendment has suggested that there should be a law that authorizes a person who wants to carry, like a designated driver, should be able to. They agree not to imbibe and face legal penalties if they should.

06-14-2016, 07:01 PM
The media is lying, as usual. It wasn't an AR-15.


Most of the Presstitute MSM would not know an assault weapon from a paintball gun!:laugh:

06-14-2016, 07:04 PM
A local- to- me Moms group is all in a tizzy because a gun shop just opened in the major shopping district around here. They tried to say it was the large size of the sign that says "Guns" that bothered them, and what about our poor children who actually have to see it? It's obvious it's not the size of the sign that they are really on about.

Those of you who live in a more Conservative state, be thankful. We have to put up with a ton of liberal nonsense here.

I am glad I live in a more rural area. People packing or hanging rifles in
their trucks is not unusual here.

06-14-2016, 07:14 PM
A gay association, The Pink Pistols, in favor of 2nd Ammendment has suggested that there should be a law that authorizes a person who wants to carry, like a designated driver, should be able to. They agree not to imbibe and face legal penalties if they should.

That is really not a bad concept. Would they offer the same thing to all folks? I'd see no
need to identify with sexual / gender preference.

06-14-2016, 08:37 PM
That is really not a bad concept. Would they offer the same thing to all folks? I'd see no
need to identify with sexual / gender preference.

Oh yes, they weren't referencing just gay bars, but all bars.

06-14-2016, 09:43 PM
Oh yes, they weren't referencing just gay bars, but all bars.

That is really great...!

06-14-2016, 10:01 PM
Oh yes, they weren't referencing just gay bars, but all bars.

Nobody that's been drinking needs to have a gun. I don't care about gun owner's rights. As a recovering alcoholic and gun owner, I was always responsible and never touched the damned things. Doesn't look like a whole bunch of people have that much sense. Hanging your gun up in the bar was one of the first gun laws we ever had. It's just common sense.

06-14-2016, 11:49 PM
Nobody that's been drinking needs to have a gun. I don't care about gun owner's rights. As a recovering alcoholic and gun owner, I was always responsible and never touched the damned things. Doesn't look like a whole bunch of people have that much sense. Hanging your gun up in the bar was one of the first gun laws we ever had. It's just common sense.

Gunny, did you read what I wrote about? Just that. A designated carry person for a group, that agrees not to drink. Could be the same person or not as a designated driver. Obviously the position is voluntary, as is the need for one.

06-15-2016, 03:56 AM
If Mohamed Atta does not represent all Pilots, Omar Mateen is not even CLOSE to representative of law-abiding gun owners.

06-15-2016, 04:17 AM
Gunny, did you read what I wrote about? Just that. A designated carry person for a group, that agrees not to drink. Could be the same person or not as a designated driver. Obviously the position is voluntary, as is the need for one.

So I can be the designated shooter? Been there done that. I don't agree with guns in a bar. I learned this lesson the hard way. I went out with a bunch of jarheads shooting and they were slugging them down. I got where I was standing behind all of them. I didn't trust them with loaded firearms. Drunk people do some dumb stuff. I don't want to be shot over dumb.

I can also tell you from the opposite side of the coin, why do I want to be around a bunch of drunks? When I returned to SA the only people I knew were drinking buddies. I couldn't drink. They're a lot more boring sober. I just quit hanging out with them. Why do I want to hang out in a bar where I can't smoke or drink?

Call a taxi.

You can't just designate someone's beliefs away. This guy was warped. That's never addressed. These people are screwballs everyone around them knows are screwballs and because we're all PC and won't speak up, they pull this kind of crap. The left once again refuses to accept responsibility for the crap they created. We can't profile people because it's not PC but act like ducks in a baby swimming pool when then they act like ducks.

06-15-2016, 06:29 AM
So I can be the designated shooter? Been there done that. I don't agree with guns in a bar. I learned this lesson the hard way. I went out with a bunch of jarheads shooting and they were slugging them down. I got where I was standing behind all of them. I didn't trust them with loaded firearms. Drunk people do some dumb stuff. I don't want to be shot over dumb.

I can also tell you from the opposite side of the coin, why do I want to be around a bunch of drunks? When I returned to SA the only people I knew were drinking buddies. I couldn't drink. They're a lot more boring sober. I just quit hanging out with them. Why do I want to hang out in a bar where I can't smoke or drink?

Call a taxi.

You can't just designate someone's beliefs away. This guy was warped. That's never addressed. These people are screwballs everyone around them knows are screwballs and because we're all PC and won't speak up, they pull this kind of crap. The left once again refuses to accept responsibility for the crap they created. We can't profile people because it's not PC but act like ducks in a baby swimming pool when then they act like ducks.

I agree with 'no drunks or crazy people in general should have guns.' No argument. I'm not saying anyone should be forced to carry either. Nor forced to be a 'designated driver.' Not all groups would want either or both.

In all honesty, the idea of designated driver when I was in teens and drinking age was 18 wasn't considered. My kids wouldn't think of going out to 'party' without one or using alternative transportation-it's just the norm for them. They take turns being the one that does not drink. Doesn't just cover getting everyone home in one piece, has likely prevented other bad things from happening while 'celebrating' such as going home with the wrong person and fights that may have broken out. They also have over time dropped those that wouldn't take their turn or get nasty over and over again drinking. That list is still growing. Some have returned, no longer drinking.

It's a matter of experience and self-education.

06-15-2016, 06:56 AM
On some gays and gun control, many are pro-second amendment:


06-15-2016, 06:59 AM
Can you imagine if the shooter had been a "Christian" white guy?

06-15-2016, 07:07 AM
Can you imagine if the shooter had been a "Christian" white guy?

Indeed. I think there's plenty on the right that see homosexuality as offensive as many Muslims. However, they seem to be able to control themselves enough not to throw them off of buildings or shoot up gathering spaces. I may be wrong, but my guess is that they are pretty sure that the final judgement won't look more kindly on murder than on laying with the wrong others?

Look what the media did with the bakers and photographers and gay weddings. They blamed 'religious fanatics' while in this case they are blaming his being conflicted over his own sexual tendencies and excusing the religious extremism. Some deny services, even referring the potential customers to others; some deny life and laughing like a maniac to their own goal of death by law enforcement.

Total moral equivalency. :rolleyes:

06-15-2016, 07:26 AM
Am half-shocked they aren't calling him a white-arab; akin to the White-Hispanic George Zimmerman.

06-15-2016, 08:46 AM
A gun guru friend (ex bf) of mine just informed me that that gun IS an AR-15 style weapon. So the media wasn't lying THIS time.

But what they DO lie about, as well as all the liberals - is the term "assault weapon". Can you imagine what these folks would do if they DID ever truly see a fully automatic weapon? Are these turds aware that these weapons ARE already banned (more or less) and not really on the streets? The FACT is that they DO judge based on scariness, or at least what seems scary to them - because they surely aren't judging based on facts and what these guns can actually do, and what they are actually labeled as.




And a less scary rifle that can shoot similar ammo and also one pull one bullet


And our future:


06-15-2016, 09:56 AM
But what they DO lie about, as well as all the liberals - is the term "assault weapon". Can you imagine what these folks would do if they DID ever truly see a fully automatic weapon? Are these turds aware that these weapons ARE already banned (more or less) and not really on the streets? The FACT is that they DO judge based on scariness, or at least what seems scary to them - because they surely aren't judging based on facts and what these guns can actually do, and what they are actually labeled as.




And a less scary rifle that can shoot similar ammo and also one pull one bullet


And our future:


The military doesn't even have fully auto M-4s. You get a 3 round burst. And you have to game the 3 rounds because the trigger pull on each round is different. The pull gets heavier with each round fired. They quit giving us full auto weapons back in the mid 80s.