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06-14-2016, 10:19 AM
As someone who is NOT a Trump or Hillary fan.


here are some options for Trump's VP pick,

1. a clone of himself from his hair.
"trust me it'll be Huge!"
"Trump makes the best Clones believe me"
"if one Trump is good 2 is far better.. why because everyone loves me"
"did i mention i have the best words."

2. Jesse Ventura
(this is half serious, and might even make me consider a Trump Vote).

3. Hillary Clinton
since he's spoken so well of her in the past.

but my top pick is
RICK FLAIR "the Nature Boy" WHOOOO!


See, Flair just summed it up, they bring the same credentials to the ring ... i mean party....
both of their last names have 5 letters,
they both can talk trash about people and people love them all the more for it.
both their names are fake/changed.
both's hair looks somewhat unnatural.

And Trump will seem almost sane compared to him.

Make America GRATE Again!

06-14-2016, 10:25 AM
I believe Trump will choose Carson. It will be part of his convoluted thought process that believes he can appeal to "his African-Americans." :rolleyes:
After the selection, Trump and Carson will rent a Taco Bell and offer free food. So they can pose with "their Hispanics." :rolleyes:

06-14-2016, 10:28 AM
I believe Trump will choose Carson. It will be part of his convoluted thought process that believes he can appeal to "his African-Americans." :rolleyes:
After the selection, Trump and Carson will rent a Taco Bell and offer free food. So they can pose with "their Hispanics." :rolleyes:

We know that can't be true because the only political party that gives away free stuff is the Dems....

06-14-2016, 10:40 AM
As someone who is NOT a Trump or Hillary fan.


here are some options for Trump's VP pick,

1. a clone of himself from his hair.
"trust me it'll be Huge!"
"Trump makes the best Clones believe me"
"if one Trump is good 2 is far better.. why because everyone loves me"
"did i mention i have the best words."

2. Jesse Ventura
(this is half serious, and might even make me consider a Trump Vote).

3. Hillary Clinton
since he's spoken so well of her in the past.

but my top pick is
RICK FLAIR "the Nature Boy" WHOOOO!


See, Flair just summed it up, they bring the same credentials to the ring ... i mean party....
both of their last names have 5 letters,
they both can talk trash about people and people love them all the more for it.
both their names are fake/changed.
both's hair looks somewhat unnatural.

And Trump will seem almost sane compared to him.

Make America GRATE Again!

Reality.....he will choose an establishment type as his VP. Bank on it.

06-14-2016, 10:45 AM
Hopefully someone who pisses off his haters the absolute most. :)

I've head rumblings of Mark Cuban, and I know that would never happen, but that would be awesome! Same as Condi, that would be my favorite altogether.

I'm thinking Kasich still, or Carson.

06-14-2016, 10:50 AM
Reality.....he will choose an establishment type as his VP. Bank on it.

Mitt Romney is looking for gov't work.

06-14-2016, 10:52 AM
Hopefully someone who pisses off his haters the absolute most. :)

I've head rumblings of Mark Cuban, and I know that would never happen, but that would be awesome! Same as Condi, that would be my favorite altogether.

I'm thinking Kasich still, or Carson.

Kasich is a RINO, so yeah....could be him. Carson is someone that I have lost all respect for. So it could be him, but I tend to think Trump wants someone he not only can get along with, but someone who will bow down to his 'greatness'. And I doubt that either Kasich OR Carson would oblige re: that.

06-14-2016, 10:52 AM
Mitt Romney is looking for gov't work.

I can promise you it won't be Romney....lol.

06-14-2016, 11:45 AM
Hopefully someone who pisses off his haters the absolute most. :)

I've head rumblings of Mark Cuban, and I know that would never happen, but that would be awesome! Same as Condi, that would be my favorite altogether.

I'm thinking Kasich still, or Carson.

Condi would be great...she has proven herself already. Carson is better on the Cabinet.

06-14-2016, 12:21 PM
It's going to be Carson or some other known lackey. Trump wants a subordinate who won't threaten him or show him up.

Abbey Marie
06-14-2016, 01:05 PM
Hopefully someone who pisses off his haters the absolute most. :)

I've head rumblings of Mark Cuban, and I know that would never happen, but that would be awesome! Same as Condi, that would be my favorite altogether.

I'm thinking Kasich still, or Carson.

I just saw Cuban on Fox. He's clearly not a fan of Trump.

I'm still hoping for Rubio.

06-14-2016, 02:39 PM
If Trump really wants to help himself with a pick it needs to be someone like General Mattis. It will create credibility with those like myself who don't believe a word that comes out of his mouth. Then he will be taken seriously. His choice is going to say a lot about him.

06-15-2016, 10:45 PM
Hopefully someone who pisses off his haters the absolute most. :)

I've head rumblings of Mark Cuban, and I know that would never happen, but that would be awesome! Same as Condi, that would be my favorite altogether.

I'm thinking Kasich still, or Carson.

Mark Cuban is an idiot. I wouldn't vote for him period. For anything. Ever. I'd punch him in the mouth for free though. He's a total jerk. He's worse than Trump. And he owns the Dallas Mavericks. The hated enemy of ALL mankind.

I'd vote for Ric Flair. At least we'd be entertained.

06-15-2016, 11:12 PM
Several web sites have reported that Trump is seriously considering Newt Gingrich as his running mate. This would be the modern equivalent of John McCain choosing Sarah Palin. :laugh:

06-16-2016, 04:40 AM
Several web sites have reported that Trump is seriously considering Newt Gingrich as his running mate. This would be the modern equivalent of John McCain choosing Sarah Palin. :laugh:

Not even close. You lefties ought to be worried if that one is true.

07-08-2016, 11:27 AM
Can't Resist
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all most real...