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06-14-2016, 07:45 PM

06-14-2016, 10:08 PM
In a Word....Bullshit!

PC has become the weakness of this society since Jimmy Carter:

Let the minority crybabies dictate to others how thins should be done instead
of growing, putting on their big boy / girl Huggies and ignoring what they think
is offensive to all.

06-14-2016, 10:40 PM
In a Word....Bullshit!

PC has become the weakness of this society since Jimmy Carter:

Let the minority crybabies dictate to others how thins should be done instead
of growing, putting on their big boy / girl Huggies and ignoring what they think
is offensive to all.


You DO realize saying big boy/girl Huggies is PC, right? You military people. Geez. :laugh::laugh:

06-14-2016, 11:24 PM

You DO realize saying big boy/girl Huggies is PC, right? You military people. Geez. :laugh::laugh:

PC my hiney-hole...it is a put-down to the whining cry-babies.

06-15-2016, 03:47 AM
Yeah schools are exactly like that, nailed it. :salute:

06-15-2016, 03:53 AM
You miss the forest for the trees, lad. :)

06-15-2016, 04:03 AM
You miss the forest for the trees, lad. :)

No really, we murdered people all the time when they stepped out of the PC line, leftism rawks y'know.

06-15-2016, 04:11 AM
No really, we murdered people all the time when they stepped out of the PC line, leftism rawks y'know.

Your framing of the argument - the point of this vid - is dishonest and immature.

06-15-2016, 04:17 AM
Your framing of the argument - the point of this vid - is dishonest and immature.

and the OP video is real mature, and accurate.

06-15-2016, 05:26 AM
and the OP video is real mature, and accurate.

it's a description of the KINDS OF THINGS THAT HAPPEN today. While specifically maybe not accurate, it's about-right enough to be relevant. But - truth HURTS liberals. I'm sorry you are bothered by truth in this case.

06-15-2016, 06:32 AM
it's a description of the KINDS OF THINGS THAT HAPPEN today. While specifically maybe not accurate, it's about-right enough to be relevant. But - truth HURTS liberals. I'm sorry you are bothered by truth in this case.

Oh i know it definitely happens, I've been involved in too many murders to deny that.

06-15-2016, 08:32 AM
Um the guy wasn't dead. He was ALIVe in the box as far as i can tell.

But Noir are u kidding? this is obvious dramatic hyperbole. similar to a twilight zone episode that that highlights fascism, sexism or other social ills using a creative story.

why are you taking this so literally?

the point is the PC crap has gone to far.
Even Bill Mahr is disgusted with how far some college campuses and public schools have gone in how they define "education".

a few examples

Administrators at a California high school sent five students home after they refused to remove their American flag T-shirts on Cinco de Mayo, the Mexican Day of Independence. That’s right, kids, you can’t wear your country’s flag in your country, lest it offend someone celebrating the holiday of a different country....

The Maine Human Rights Commission has proposed banning ANY gender divisions in public schools after ruling that, under the Maine Human Rights Act, a school discriminated against a 12-year-old transgender boy by denying him access to the girls’ bathroom. Think about that last part: after denying HIM access to the GIRL’S bathroom. As a result, in the near future, Maine schools may have no gender differences in sports teams, school clubs, bathrooms, or locker rooms.

...In 2008, a Carmel, Indiana, school bus driver, Betty Campbell, overheard little Rachel Zimmer saying that she couldn’t vote for presidential candidate Barak Obama because of his positions on abortion and gay marriage. That led to unsubstantiated allegations that she said that other students would go to Hell, which Zimmer strongly denies. When Campbell heard the allegations (again, unsubstantiated) she stopped the bus and delivered a politically correct sermon on tolerance to her captive audience, who probably just wanted to go home and play Xbox before their moms and dads came home. The security camera caught it all on tape, including Campbell’s conversations with another student. She probed this student for racist allegations, threatening to “eat Zimmer alive” and calling her “a stupid little bigot”. It gets worse. After dropping Zimmer at home, Campbell completed her route and then RETURNED to the Zimmer home, ordering Zimmer and her sister back into the EMPTY school bus (without parental knowledge or consent) for more browbeating. She again lectured Zimmer about her opinions on gay marriage and reduced the girl to tears....

According to a new Army manual, U.S. soldiers will now be instructed...The draft leaked to the newspaper offers a list of “taboo conversation topics” that soldiers should avoid, including “making derogatory comments about the Taliban,” “advocating women’s rights,” “any criticism of pedophilia,” “directing any criticism towards Afghans,” “mentioning homosexuality and homosexual conduct” or “anything related to Islam.”....

A Washington college said their non-discrimination policy prevents them from stopping a transgender man from exposing himself to young girls inside a women’s locker room, according to a group of concerned parents.

..display of empathetic correctness came in a recent New York Times article (http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/18/us/warning-the-literary-canon-could-make-students-squirm.html?_r=2) reporting on the number of campuses proposing that so-called “trigger warnings” be placed on syllabi in courses using texts or films containing material that might “trigger” discomfort for students. Themes seen as needing such warnings range from suicide, abuse, and rape to anti-Semitism, “misogynistic violence,” and “controlling relationships.” Astonishingly, some of the literary works advocates claim need warning labels for adult college students are often read by high school students, such as The Great Gatsby and The Merchant of Venice...
For many students, trigger traumas are daily, painful experiences … However, by creating trigger warnings for their students, professors can help to create a safe space for their students — one that fosters positive and compassionate intellectual discussion within the collegiate classroom.

He contends that “many of our students enter—and exit—our University with serious traumas, which can cause emotional or psychological distress within our own classrooms.” Thus, a similar proposal (http://dailynexus.com/2014-03-07/a-s-resolution-policy-aims-to-protect-students-from-ptsd-triggers/) under consideration at the University of California, Santa Barbara, would allow students who might be traumatized by challenging material to miss classes containing such material without a grade penalty...

....Many colleges began encouraging students to use gender neutral pronouns this year in order to avoid “awkward conversations.” Instead of referring to a girl as a “she,” or a boy as a “he,” colleges like the University of Tennessee Knoxville and Harvard (http://redalertpolitics.com/2015/09/03/harvard-university-allowing-students-choose-preferred-gender-pronoun/%20) have encouraged the use of less offensive terms like “ze,” “hirs,” and “xyr.” Despite the fact that these institutions of higher learning are practically making up words to be politically correct, many have defended their actions. In an interview with the Boston Globe (http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2015/09/02/harvard-allows-students-pick-new-gender-pronouns/C0EXpZHw09zwCzo4hVhjdJ/story.html), one school administrator applauded these efforts and insisted, “misidentifying an individual’s gender is a “microaggression,” or an unintended act of discrimination.”...

...In two unrelated incidents, the University of California Santa Barbara (http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=6451%20), and Clemson University (http://redalertpolitics.com/2015/10/12/clemson-university-apologizes-insensitive-mexican-food-night/) were forced to apologize after serving Mexican food. In the incident at UCSB, Mexican food was served at a sci-fi themed event. Some students found this offensive after relating science fiction to space aliens, and then relating space aliens to illegal aliens, and then tying it all together by insisting that the Mexican food was a symbol for illegal immigrants from Mexico. At Clemson, tacos became the center of controversy during a culture-themed night. During this “Maximum Mexican” night, people wore sombreros and ate Mexican food — a tradition of the school. But, after a few offended students complained about the event on Twitter, the school was forced to apologize to all who were offended by the guacamole and festive hat wearing.

...students at Oberlin are offended by sushi. In fact, the students are now demanding a meeting with the school’s president to sort out the evil of this ‘culturally appropriative’ food (http://redalertpolitics.com/2015/12/21/sushi-culturally-appropriative-oberlin-students/). Ironically, the reason why the new dishes were introduced to the dining hall were for “nutritional diversity.” So, while the dining hall may have actually tried to be politically correct by including culturally diverse options, they ended up being culturally appropriative when their dishes were deemed non-authentic....

....The University of New Hampshire has issued a Bias-Free Language Guide (http://www.unh.edu/inclusive/bias-free-language-guide) which identifies the word “American” as a “problematic” term which should not be used.Other “problematic” words on the taxpayer-funded school’s lengthy list include “mothering,” “fathering,” “healthy,” “homosexual,” “rich,” “poor” and “senior citizen,” notes Campus Reform (http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=6697).
The goal of the politically-correct UNH Bias-Free Language Guide is “to invite inclusive excellence” on the public campus.
The guide’s broad and extensive, 4,812-word attempt to police language includes an introductory quote by Melissa Harris-Perry (http://dailycaller.com/2013/12/31/5-dumbest-melissa-harris-perry-quotes-of-2013-video/) and covers virtually every nook and cranny of radical leftist identity politics imaginable....

...The phrase 'politically correct' is now a microaggression according to the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.The university’s 'Just Words' campaign aims to 'raise awareness of microaggressions and their impact.' These microaggressions include the words: 'lame,' 'thug,' 'trash,' and 'third world.'....

and people are expected to take these NEW standards as the correct moral position. And are considered "aggressive" and hateful or bigoted if you don't conform to this pod people mentality.


06-15-2016, 08:40 AM
Um the guy wasn't dead. He was ALIVe in the box as far as i can tell.

But Noir are u kidding? this is obvious dramatic hyperbole. similar to a twilight zone episode that that highlights fascism, sexism or other social ills using a creative story.

why are you taking this so literally?

the point is the PC crap has gone to far.
Even Bill Mahr is disgusted with how far some college campuses and public schools have gone in how they define "education".

a few examples

Can you EVER say something in just a couple of sentences? Geez.

06-15-2016, 08:40 AM
He shifts to take whatever perspective he needs to take to avoid the truth.

06-15-2016, 08:52 AM
But Noir are u kidding?

No I'm being deadly serious, we murdered so many non-PC anti-leftys in my glorious schooling years.

06-15-2016, 08:52 AM

A professor at Ball State University was recently banned from even mentioning the concept of intelligent design because it would supposedly “violate the academic integrity (http://onenewsnow.com//education/2013/08/12/physics-prof-a-victim-of-%E2%80%98double-standard%E2%80%99-in-academia#.UgrK3T8pgw6)” of the course that he was teaching.

The governor of California has signed a bill into law (http://dailycaller.com/2013/08/12/calif-governor-signs-transgendered-students-rights-bill/) which will allow transgendered students to use whatever bathrooms and gym facilities that they would like…

...an elementary school in North Carolina ordered a little six-year-old girl to remove the word “God” (http://radio.foxnews.com/toddstarnes/top-stories/school-orders-child-to-remove-god-from-poem.html) from a poem that she wrote to honor her two grandfathers that had served in the Vietnam War...

A high school track team was disqualified earlier this year because one of the runners “made a gesture thanking God (http://www.trunews.com/track-team-disqualified-for-thanking-god/)” once he had crossed the finish line.

Earlier this year, a Florida Atlantic University student that refused to stomp on the name of Jesus was banned from class (http://thestir.cafemom.com/in_the_news/153187/refusing_to_stomp_on_jesuss).

A student at Sonoma State University was ordered to take off a cross that she was wearing because someone “could be offended (http://dailycaller.com/2013/07/03/student-ordered-to-remove-cross-necklace-at-sonoma-state-university/)“.

A teacher in New Jersey was fired (http://townhall.com/columnists/toddstarnes/2013/06/19/school-calls-cops-on-gideons-distributing-bibles-n1622806) for giving his own Bible to a student that did not own one.

he Journal Star (http://journalstar.com/news/local/education/lps-staff-s-transgender-training-concerns-parents/article_0b37dd75-758d-50c1-9deb-16901059bc5a.html) found the Lincoln Public Schools system circulated a handout for the new year, telling teachers to use specific terms like 'purple penguins' instead.The instructional handout, entitled '12 easy steps on the way to gender inclusiveness,' listed step 2 as: 'Don't use phrases such as ”boys & girls," ”you guys,” ”ladies and gentlemen," and similarly gendered expressions to get kids’ attention.'

but yeah no ones been put in boxes or killed... yet.

06-15-2016, 08:58 AM

but yeah no ones been put in boxes or killed... yet.

we've been stacking the boxes high and wide here for years!

06-15-2016, 08:59 AM
No I'm being deadly serious, we murdered so many non-PC anti-leftys in my glorious schooling years.

Nah, That would require effort.

06-15-2016, 09:01 AM
He shifts to take whatever perspective he needs to take to avoid the truth.

hmm really?
DMP, I try to be pretty consistent.

some of the problem here on this right leaning board ...and with PC thinking... is that people think that if you're for ONE thing that you absolutely HATE another.

Also when i add caveats to my views for clarity people either ignore them, assume i'm not saying wait i really feel or that I've written TOO MUCH.

06-15-2016, 09:01 AM

but yeah no ones been put in boxes or killed... yet.

You making a point? Or just working your next Tolstoy novel?

06-15-2016, 09:04 AM
we've been stacking the boxes high and wide here for years!

do you consider
taking earned honors and awards
forcing others to conform to dress and speech codes
as some negative results of PC efforts?

or is everything OK as long as no ones been killed ?

06-15-2016, 09:05 AM
Nah, That would require effort.

Admittedly It was not easy - given our PC lefty ways meant we couldn't use guns, or carry sharp objects, or carry any object that may look like it could be sharp - that added to my thick-as-a-needlestick arms meant that it it was a lot of work to off even a single no-PCer with my rubber tennis bat, but damnit I was committed to the cause:salute:

06-15-2016, 09:07 AM
do you consider
taking earned honors and awards
forcing others to conform to dress and speech codes
as some negative results of PC efforts?

or is everything OK as long as no ones killed .

I for one would hope that commonsense would prevail on all positions. There's a difference between denying someone rights based upon race or other prejudices. Then there are the the craziness of PC preventing addressing the issues, latest incantation being seen on campuses across the land.

06-15-2016, 09:20 AM
Admittedly It was not easy - given our PC lefty ways meant we couldn't use guns, or carry sharp objects, or carry any object that may look like it could be sharp - that added to my thick-as-a-needlestick arms meant that it it was a lot of work to off even a single no-PCer with my rubber tennis bat, but damnit I was committed to the cause:salute:

You're being an idiot. Sarcasm duly noted. No one is condoning murder. I'm saying call a spade a spade. Matter of fact, had he been preempted, there wouldn't have been any murders. Right?

As far as PC goes, you can just tell I'm all about THAT. I'm about as PC as a tank. And I don't care what sniveling ass whiners think about it. I'm an American, a Texan, a Marine, and a crotchety old man. You think I give a crap about what anyone thinks of me? Try watching Gran Torino.

06-15-2016, 01:30 PM
Oh i know it definitely happens, I've been involved in too many murders to deny that.

Just how many have YOU been directly involved in?

I am hoisting the Bullshit Flag on this comment.:bsflag:

You have not got the stones to protect yourself, other than your whiny mouth,
to get into 'murders'.

Black Diamond
06-15-2016, 01:59 PM
Just how many have YOU been directly involved in?

I am hoisting the Bullshit Flag on this comment.:bsflag:

You have not got the stones to protect yourself, other than your whiny mouth,
to get into 'murders'.

He murdered a few mosquitoes.

06-15-2016, 04:37 PM
Just how many have YOU been directly involved in?

I am hoisting the Bullshit Flag on this comment.:bsflag:

You have not got the stones to protect yourself, other than your whiny mouth,
to get into 'murders'.

He thinks he's being funny. Brits have a weird sense of humor. I seriously doubt noir could do anything. He whines about us eating meat. I'd say killing a human would be off the charts for his ass. He'd be in the galley, then ship's platoon, then guard duty. Assuming he could even get through boot camp.

Black Diamond
06-15-2016, 04:52 PM
He thinks he's being funny. Brits have a weird sense of humor. I seriously doubt noir could do anything. He whines about us eating meat. I'd say killing a human would be off the charts for his ass. He'd be in the galley, then ship's platoon, then guard duty. Assuming he could even get through boot camp.

Could you have made a Marine out of him?

06-15-2016, 04:57 PM

Wow. Soo.......being gay, trans, Asian, fat, lower class, unintelligent, unattractive, having hairy nipples and stinky/sucky hygiene, being inactive, inept, and basically a complete moron gets you mega privilege points? Hell, it just sounds like your average and typical libleftie, to me. Including the part about killing their opponents, if they could get away with it.

And....I just wanted to schmack that bimbo upside the head. Still do. lol

06-15-2016, 04:57 PM
Could you have made a Marine out of him?

That's a funny question I was pondering. :laugh: They say there is no such thing as an untrainable Marine. Until they assign them to you. :laugh:

IMO, given his disposition on things, he'd quit. I wouldn't have to do anything but paperwork.