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View Full Version : Logic- lefty style

Abbey Marie
06-15-2016, 01:41 PM
Lefty argument #1: We must ban "assault" weapons, but don't worry, we will definitely stop there. No possibility that we will continue banning more and more types of guns.

Lefty argument #2: We can't ban partial birth abortion, or require parental consent to a minor's abortion, or require a waiting period, because you righties won't stop there. Eventually, you will ban all abortions. You will probably even ban birth control.

(Btw, which do you think has killed more people in the United States in recent times, guns or abortion?)

06-15-2016, 02:20 PM
Lefty argument #1: We must ban "assault" weapons, but don't worry, we will definitely stop there. No possibility that we will continue banning more and more types of guns.

Lefty argumant #2: We can't ban partial birth abortion, or require parental consent to a minor's abortion, or require a waiting period, because you righties won't stop there. Eventually, you will ban all abortions. You will probably even ban birth control.

In a simple phrase...Bullshit! Give them an inch and they will take a mile. Unless someone (many)
has not paid attention, assault weapons are already 'banned/controlled' by ATF regulation. You have
to pass a screening to get a permit, and most all persons with those permits are either collectors
or target / recreational shooters.

#2...I do not believe in abortion unless is for the health of the mother, in cases of rape or child molestation,
or in the likelihood orf the child not surviving. It is a mixed bag that usually only a doctor can determine, not
some 'feel-good' law.

If some woman does not want the child, take it to an approved drop-off point. In CA, all firehouses will
take them - no questions asked. Not sure of other states, but it is better than the little one being
tossed into a dumpster.

06-15-2016, 05:21 PM
In a simple phrase...Bullshit! Give them an inch and they will take a mile. Unless someone (many)
has not paid attention, assault weapons are already 'banned/controlled' by ATF regulation. You have
to pass a screening to get a permit, and most all persons with those permits are either collectors
or target / recreational shooters.

#2...I do not believe in abortion unless is for the health of the mother, in cases of rape or child molestation,
or in the likelihood orf the child not surviving. It is a mixed bag that usually only a doctor can determine, not
some 'feel-good' law.

If some woman does not want the child, take it to an approved drop-off point. In CA, all firehouses will
take them - no questions asked. Not sure of other states, but it is better than the little one being
tossed into a dumpster.

You mean like they stopped with their gay BS? Don't pay attention to the transvestite behind the curtain trying to get into the ladies room. :rolleyes:

06-17-2016, 05:43 AM